Custer County Republican , fr. M. AMI HU lilt i , Killtor nd 1'nblUJiel Boir , ' Tfo mnii over gained u reputation by working uiil pufcftlos. Xleut. Penry nmy ho stnylng up near Iho north pole to umpire the Baldwin ixpcdltlon. Ltcutcnnnt Peary linn hccn found Igaln. He IB near enough to the pole to warrant another lecture tour. HapplncRH comes to UH hy dcgrcca. Vfe have to blto through the foreud before - fore Wo reach the chicken In the sand- I' Mx bLUJ b A call la being made on Massachu- totts to graft the lobster on to the gipsy noth to save the former from extertul- atlon. . i , , , Wo men are Blowly getting out1 own h fights. A New York woman h. . < l-een lent to Blackwell's Island for whipping icr husband. The world Is wide , bui it - narrow when compared with the .Im.-i-cneu of pinion exiting between ilu > average nan and IIH ! wife's mother One great gun , "the biggest thing on larth , " will carry Hliot over .Ml. IHanc with Tike's Peak piled on top of It. The fact Is It will shoot olean out ot light 'The cigarette furnishes the smoke of battle now that smokeless powder IH In rogue. One American linn shipped 100,000,000 of the little cylinders to South Africa last year. The use of the sword will be abolish- id lu the British army. Kngtund's ex- lerlence lu South Africa has clearly lemonstrated that the typewriter Is nlghtler than the sword In the hands If an Englishman. It has been Bald that In true friend- jhip nothing that IK wrong may hu inked , nothing that IH wrong may hu jrautcd. A rule of life for nations , as : / For IndlvIdualH , which would save nils- BnderatandlngH and uontroverwleH with- lut number. It has been hinted that Miss Anna Morgan , daughter of J. Piurpont , re- tcutly demonstrated on a camping ex- luwllHnn ( lint dint I'liimnt r'dnl : It Is . _ - _ J. T lonsense to expect her to possess this accomplishment. Thu only ( jnestlou with a young woman of her prospects la as to whether shu ean successfully lay down thu law t < > the hired girl. Happily , the iiimrehlst la not an American product. He coinus to us troui other lands and a Htrlet scrutiny Mt all ImmlgrantH , their antecedents ind Intentions , und a turning back of rery one who cunnot nlvo a good ac count of himself and produce u state- nent from thu olllclals of thu place from which he comes that he Is a de- tirable citizen will he helpful In the work'of freeing the country of this horrible rible menace. Any step that will rid ' . . n of them Is Justlllahle. The wholu Question Is ! What Is that step ? a 'ti = f 1 Altogether there Is union to ho said 1 for the theory that white doni'lnatlon * of the world may ho merely a chapter of the long hunnin story , with other and very dlu'cront conditions to follow , but there IB little In the conditions of the past , so far as they are known teA A us , rind nothing In the facts of the pros- * " , tat to overthrow thu position of these , who believe that unhrokeii troplcnl . heat , especially heat with moisture , Is if- tlmost , If not quite , an Insurmountable ' ' ebstaclc to the development iiid ) inuln- , tonancc of un advanced clvlll/.atlou , iT - - fr if -n f . The statistician of the Department of Agriculture has lately returned from A trip to Europe undertaken for I he- purpose of arranging with the Euro pean governments for an jknU-rchauga of crop reports with thu United States. The , negotiations were successful , and It Is expected that thu plan will lie In .operation next autumn. Thu step Is a vary Important onu. Heretofore this country has had to depend upon private sources for Information of foreign crops , which was always Incomplete and sometimes Inaccurate. Thu value ij of such reports to the American fanner Is considerable , since the prices of ! . American farm products ate largely Influenced - fluenced by foreign crops , * * - George Quarrle , of Brooklyn , says that , he discovered In 1SSS what olee trldtyAvas , nut that ho iMnH.jjoIuj : to ' .tell. * lie does say , however * that all human troubles conu necatiHo we do not take our ehoes off | "go barefoot" and our currents. U Is not I-'reneh litera ture , thu inelo'driiina , rum aud | iot bis cuit , that are doin us up , but our fa to ts due to the fac't that we are too ten der or too proud to get our feet on" Mother Knrth and ground our cur rents. . Mr. Qnarrle thinks the feet ought to Ijfoatho and he claims that they I'linnot dq It properly In leather any more than the society 4 > ello can In Mays. There Is doubtless something In ilr. Quarrlo's contention. One of the old Indian writings n Vedlc hymn or u ullti of slime kind--states that "tho man of God breathes In his heels. " Hut -u-hllo y hey-continue to put down as- jil-ali [ 'lavements , hot In summer and . hilly * In- winter , most people will con- to take their lives lu their hands nhoee. P ' A prominent educator calls attention j > . -to the fact that the school savings bank has gradually come to occupy n mofrt prominent and Important place In th.s country's public educational.Hyotcm. In California the system 1ms been catnb- llshcd In n largo number of places , ' aiid there arc Indications that the practical teaching of thrift will become general In the very near future , an everyone scorns to bo moat enthusiastic In the support of the Idea. It IB stated that there are now no loss than aR88 hchool banks lu thu United States , and that have an army of IW.507 depositors. TJio amount deposited In tliuso banks since their beginning Is placed at $807- 000 , but the writer snys these figures must be far from qomplete as the school bunks In the one county of Montgom ery , In Philadelphia , have received $17fj,800 from children , and have no less than -1,010 depositors. In" Atlantic Olty the deposits In the school banks there last year reached a total of $0,870 , , and the youngest are showing great Interest In the Idctu Now , Instead of spending their pennies and nickels for useless trlnketa , they put their money Into the bank and take great pride lu showing their little deposit books. The only objection against the movement Is'that It Increases the work of the school teacher , but those who have tried It do not llnd fault. Once or twice a week the teacher calls for deposits aud the pupils then bring forward whatever they have , from one cent up. They are given due credit on the bank books , and the teacher then deposits the amount lit some reliable banking Institution. The system lias long been In vogue In France and Holglum and Is a great suc cess there. Thu young American can be taught to take care of his money af none ton early an age. An ( .mazing amount of educational sense and wise , gracious mniihel are crowded Into an article In tin- Inde pendent on college education fur girls by Helolse Edwiua Ilcrsey , a graduate of Vassar and formerly a teacher In Hmlth College. Thu writer disposes at once of the question as to whoth'er a girl should go to college or not by de claring that "there Is no doubt that It Is becoming an obstacle to women who must enter the wage-earning world not to have what Is called a liberal educa tion. " With her there Is no room for controversy upon this point. The pro fession of teaching Is slowly being closed to all those who have not the requisite college degree , and Miss Her- sey believes that other professions will follow suit. If a woman expects to occupy a position of responsibility and prollt she must prepare for It by going to college. While the highest and no blest sphere of womau Is the "home , It Is very plain that every girl , under pres ent conditions , must face the contin gency of being called upon to earn her own living. Among the gains of the college life Miss lluiwy places llrst "the trained mind. " She demolishes the old-time notion that college educa tion means nun-fly an accumulation of knowledge. Klllclency Is the all-Im portant thing. What a graduate can do Is of far more Importance than what she knows. When a woman lias been out of college live years there IH little probability that she would bu ahlo to pass the examination for the Freshman year. The most Important element ac quired Is "the general knowledge gf the sweep and trend of the world's history which the classics and the literatures of our own language and of other lan guages may give us. " Among other advantages enumerated by the writer are thu executive experience gained n the miniature life of the col- ego , the great privilege of friendship ml the noble gift of loyalty and tie- otlon to the alma mater with which he college Imbues the student. Ol uoursu it follows that so keen a stu lent of education does not belluve In co-educational Institution * , because hey Interfere with the cultivation of hose friendships which she extols In college life. If a girl selects a eo educational college , however , she should choose one where the Idea til wonianllui'ss dominates the edncatlou of wonujn. The Clerk Spuko The ambitious attempts of the forelgi tradesman to hpcitk Kngllsh to hh American customers have been described scribed by Mrs. ( Slllosple- "A Hoot of Upinembrance" as part of hummus Ing experiences In Herlln. Supplies of luiuu were to he bought and we went again to- the shop wher we1 had essayed to speak ( Serinim an the shopman answered UR with effort 1 English. NVu found him affable as before , an although we told him In Cernmn th : we wanted to look at towels , hubrougl out some and said : "I have found It very dilllcnlt to become come such a towel as this. " We agreed with him , and then askts for some other articles , which hea < obliged to look for In some dlstam < var of the store ; he bowed and said : "Execute me In an Instant. " My companion , I/oull , buiight tweht do/.en children' napkins , and ( he yomi ) man said : ( "Have you , then , so many young sis ters and brothers'/ " A Curious Duett. A curious deed Is on tile In Northum berlnnd ( Bounty. Pennsylvania , accord Ing to the Sunbury llepublleiin. it bean ditto of October 1 > . L71W. In a series o xvhereases It tracon the ownership o. the land conveyed from the Creator o1 thu earth , who "by parole and llvere ; of seizin did eufcolY the parents of man kind , to wit , Adam and Kve , of all tha curtain tract of land called nnd knowi In the planetary nystom us the earth , ' down through the ages to the maker o ' thu deed. Wlum a boy knows what Is In hi mother'sparlor , It f 'evd ! ut that h htt no" sisters , or they wouldn't let hlr go In there. -it Tnif-to llnaketn. TUCHO are not new , but they are pleasing to the eye and gfve a sense of coolness and freshness. Select the smooth , round , dark red tomato and argo enough to hold half a cup of tili ng. Scald , ftecl , cut n good slice from lu- stem end ; scoop out the Inside ; turn the tomatoes upside down to drain and set In the refrigerator until need' ed. These can be tilled with mayon- aalse of Rhrlmp , crab meat , or any vege- able salad mixture. A Clip Of Chocolate. All cooking teachers recommend the 'rothlng of chocolate. It should be beaten with a patent egg-beater before Mending to the table , whether whipped cream Is to be served with It or not. An English chocolate pot lu sure to be irovlded with Its lohg paddle , wliosc handle goes through the lid of the pot. As each cupful Is served , the paddle Is .timed briskly two or three times be fore the chocolate Is poured off. the process being know n us " muddling. " ToitmtnA . Scald , peul , slice and cqre a pe < k of ipe tomatoes. Use the bright-red lo mntoes. Place In u porcelain kettle , and cook until tender , and then strain i'ii this quantity of tomatoes add three ar e onions chopped very tine , oue tabu-spoonful of cayenne pepper. Illivc tablet > pionfuls of ground mustard und i 'ublesitoouful each of ground blac'.J > eppur. ground cloves and celery seed In a bag. Shumcr about six hours. X I'lurtlth. i-rte ' . Split a well-cleaned - bluetlsh throu n the back , cut each half Into three pieces , sijftsou with oue tablespoonfu ) of yeasoulu salt , letting lie oue Half hour ; then roll the thsh In Hour ; melt ouu tablespoouful of lard or fat in a frying pan ; try light brown on both sides ; when nl < are fried arrange them on a hot dish and serve with FrenHi fried potatoes and mustard snucc , or without any sauce. Hluetlsli fried -D larding poilc Is excellent. Cocnattiit lllanc Miiuirr. Scald one pint of rich milk , and thlcki'n with four tablespoon * of cornstarch - starch wet with cold milk. Heat the whites of four eggs'very stiff , nnd stir in. Add one cup of grated coeoauut , two-thirds of : i cup of granulated sugar , and a pinch of salt. Stir well and let cook live or ten minutes. Flavor to taste with either vanilla or almond , and pour into molds to harden. I'otted Kind. Pick tq pieces cold cooked tlsh ; sea son with salt , pepper and a very little mace. Then put it into a jar ; tie tight ly with a piece of muslin ; then cover this with a paste mafic from Hour and water. Stand the jar In a pan of water und bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Stand aside till cool , then pound the llsh to a paste ; pack It back Into the jar and cover with melted butter , reach Son fit- . J Put a quart of sweetened yellow > each pulp Into a glash dish that has icon tempered to the heat of oven , 'over with a rich egg custard to the lepth of two Inches ; then with th < vhlte of the eggs left from the en's ard. beaten to a stlfl' froth , piling It ip roughly ; ditst with powdered sugar tnd place In a Mow oven until the egg whiles are a delicate brown. Hliiiple DlMliifcctnut. A simple disinfectant to use In a Mck oem or'lii any room where n iTnse , misty or sewer smell Is noticed , is to int some ground coffee on a shovel , a tit of camphor gum In the middle of it. Light the gum , which Is nonex- plotdve. and easily Ignited , with a match , and allow the coflVc to burn with the gum , A refreshing aiul sani tary perfume Is the result. Veiil I'nttle * . Have about two pounds of lean veal and two ounces of bacon and chop these until they are very fine. Mix with tht ; minced meat , salt and pepper .ind two well beaten eggs. Mould Into Mnall ovals and lay In a buttered bak ing pan. Sprinkle bread crumbs over them and set In the over. Haste with a Illtlf melted biTtter ami white stock oc casionally until cooked. Cucumber CutMip. P.ire large , ripe encumbers , remove thu seeds ; grate tine and measuie. Place the pulp In a colander ami drain well. To > > very quart of the pulp allow a half ti'dhpoonful of cayenne pepper , one teaspoonful - spoonful of salt , two lalile-poonfuls of grated horseradish and a pint of good elder vinegar. Mix thoroughly ; do not cook ; bottle and seal. Try this will tlsh ami game. I'iueuptiln I'rc L-rvp" . Cut some large pineapples Into slices , peel them , remove the eyt > ; t-nt thu fruit Into cubes and \\i-igh It. For six pounds of fruit place four pounds of sugar and onu quart of w.ater over thu lire , ( toll a few minutes. Addthuplnu- npples .mil boll slowly forty-live min utes , keeping the kettle covered. Airlcot Mnriiiitlnilc. lU-move the skin of the apricots , Cut them In pieces and weigh them. Place the fruit In a preserving kettle , boll thirty minute * ; then add for sjx pounds > f apricots four pountU of sugar. Stir tnd cook nvc minuter , and pour1 Into | ur * , which tdiould be sealed as di rected. An A gown for evening or hotel dinner ( rear is of rosc-tlntcd crcpo dc chlno lor the tucked skirt and under , bodice ice , with trlmmlngfc and coat of lace finished with bows of black crepe dc solo nnd waist belt of velvet. The hat Is pink chip with white chiffon draperies round the crown and u long white ostrich feather curling round the brim from behind a rosette of black ribbon velvet. A fashion has sprung tip at the French watering places for shoes of sucdc to mutch the gown , finished with n bow of black ribbon behind u paste buckle. AN HONEST NAME. An llllnnl * Btntcmnnii Tell * n OriO'l Story -Knew 111 * Father' * KorTWonltl Not Jlc. The Honorable Alva Merrill of Chilli- cothc , member for the Twenty-fourth District State of Illinois House of Hep- resentatlvcs , tells an Interesting story : Some two years ngo Mf. Merrill gave a testimonial slntlhir that Dodd's Kid ney Pills cured his rheumatism. This with Mr. Merrill's portrait were pub lished lu thousands of papers all over the United States. On the train returning home from Springfield one day last winter were the Honorable Mr. Merrill and several other members. After a time one of them aaid : "Merrill , what time 'do you get to Ohllllcothe ? " This attracted the attention of nn old man who had been apparently awaiting some Identification of Mr. Merrill , and as soon as he heard the name he rushed up to his seat aud ex tending his hand , snlfl : "You are Alva Merrill and you saved my life. I was most dead with Lum bago aud In an advertisement I saw your picture and your recommendation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 knew your father nnd I knew his son would not lie , aud therefore I decided to try the Pllla. "I am satisfied that Dodd's Kidney Pills und nothing , else have , saved uiy life and 1 have been waiting this oppor tunity to thank you personally , for had I not seen your recommendation I might never have been led to use this remedy , but thanks to God. through your honest name and the honest medi cine which you so heartily recommend ed , I am still alive. "I have been watching jrou since you got on the train at Springfield and thought I recognized your face as the one I had seen In the advertisement , and as soon as this gentleman called you by name , I knew you were the tnau I had to thank. " While alpaca uf lu e quality is o. - rellent for petticoats ( if the imu-h frilled Variety. The material laun ders well and makes an acceptable change from silk and niusllii. If You Ih > Unll HIii ' , ( let Hetl Cross Hull JHue , tlu > Newt Hull Hhie. Litrgu a ox. pai-kiigu nly ft cfjit * . The strongest annuals exist entirely on vegetable food. Ants have been burrowing under the brick pavement of Council UlulTs , Iowa , and removing the sand. One streetfor a distance of several blocks I has thus been rendered unfit for travel. J Thirty minutes Is all the time re quired to dye with PUTNAM FADELESS - LESS DYES. Soldby'druggista. _ An Indiana man has been fined for kissing ; t bride. Let us suspend Judg ment until we can see a photograph of the man or the bride. Corduroy Is to be popular'thls ' win ter , and many blouses of the inu-1 torial nro to bo seen. The corduroy conies In all colors , . I PIso's Cure for Consumption cured m of n tennrions nnd persistent cough. \Vtn. II. Harrison , 227 W. 121st etrect , New York , Mnrch 25 , 1001. Alrenily Them. rhilndclphla Pi ess : Towne Do you really think the automobile will ever llgurc In a war ? Browne Ever will ? Gracious , my man , have you never heard si contro versy between two chauffeurs as to the merits of their respective ma chines ? * BI/Y'S CUKAM HALM la prepared for the particular benefit of sufferers from nnsnl catarrh who are used to an atomizer In spraying the diseased rjein- brnnt-a. ' All the healing and soothing properties of Cream Balm are retained In the new preparation. It does not dry up the secretions. Price , Including sprayIng - Ing tube , 73 cents. At druggists' or Iflly Hrothord , CO Warren street , New York , u-lll mull it. II niul Iho Spirit or It , / "Ah , " she said , after It was all over , wasn't It heavenly ? T couldn't help noticing the thoughtful expres sion you wore all through It. I could read wonder in your look. How for tunate one is to be able to thus enter into the spirit of such a perform ance. " "Yes , " he replied , "I couldn't h lp wondering all the time why they called It a musical. " Chicago Bec- ord-IIerald. \ FOIIHULA forth * licit Kid Olor ? Clonner made for 35 cent ! llrtr. M. O. Supply Co. , El'iorMence , U. I. , Sf-7th St. NO MOUE llnttjr FUt Irani ! our new cleaner Is needed by orcry luljri | iObti lil 1.1 cents. Tin Mall Order Supply Co. , Itf ) Holds , lilt , WANTKl ) , a man In erery county to act as my r p- rrientatUe H&totiO a week easily nmile. Write at onco. J. D. Cammarn , Oslan , Ind. SIX I'LATKI ) Teatpoons guaranteed for ID jrivrs ml b > vlfl' Home Mugtijlnc ona yeai 2 > cents , Al bany Specialty Co. , Hoi 170 Albany , K. Y. ATTLXT1OX AOKNTS , Clianc * of a lifetime , three latent luonvy.makliiK necreti sent out for Mo ( liver , A.C. UoKurn , Syrmuso , N. V. , 10311olden St. , Uept , A. Tr.ANSVAHENT I'LAYIXO CAUDS Just wliat you Mant to liven up a guineuf tard : J6S In 1'nck , rensa- tlunaland rich : It.00 poitpald. Oern Jiff. Co. , 1017 1-1 1'lneSt. , St. Louis , Ho. LIDIKS WANTED to wear and canrass for the Unlay Ventilated Collar ) tlz 12 to 17 Inches ; 1 3-1 , 2 1-S liiclin hlifhi postpaid Si cents , new plan. U. E , Lewd , 1'ortsniouth , N II. A KOHTUNK for one dollar ) make artificial honcyi throe way * to make wlil < key without distillation ) SO trillions good He-T made from Malt for 4 cvntaptrgal. Imi artificial older. J. Harris J : Co , box 7 J M. L mis , Mo. I I 5J A Boon To J Humanity 5 Is what everybody says who has used StJacobs For It cures tha most diffi cult cases of Rheumatism- after every other form ol treatment has failed. St. Jacobs Oil never falls. : It Conquers Pain j Price , 350 nnd goc. HOLD BT ALL DEALEU3 IN MEDICINE Nasal CATARRH In U Us et se there should be cleanllueis. Ely's Cream Balm eleanfcs , eoothcs and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives way a cold la the bead quickly. Crontn Balm Is placed Into the nostrils , spreads over the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief IB hn- tnedlato and ft euro follows. It Is not drying doe * not produce sneezing. Largo Size , CO cents at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mall. ELY BUOTUERS , SO Warren Street , New York. The use of a fountain pen has noth ing to do with the water mark lu your writing paper. " Not even the most careful rehear sals will cause a wedding to come off without a hitch. ' * < Clothes Are Unsightly. Keep them white with Kcd Cross Ball Dluc. All grocers aell largo 2 oz. package- 6 cents. _ Oliver Cromwell had a monstrous nose , so red and covered with 'car buncles , that it originated several nick names. ts PEFR PEFRPLEASANTLY AND GENTLY. PERMANENTLY a With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome one , and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product , which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the most eminent physicians aud to the intelligent appreciation of all who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect freedom from any unpleasant after effects. lu the process of manufacturing , figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but the medicinally laxative principles of the combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene ficially on the system. To ( Set iis beneficial effects * * b\JV ilHe t&&r\\ iirvM > t"v\J1f f1H Louisville. Ky. Frarxc.iaco.Cal. Yorlv-NM FOR -BALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS : -UNION-MADE- - .l yT . jEiftHJL 2 sS'2fe < W. lu Ionsln < i 81.00 Theitanil&r Ollt Kilra I.luo Cnnnot Bo been pUcril no ! JiqunleU At Any 1'rtco. Tor Kor Tkaa a Qurttr ca , Otalirr tli * rcputatlou of W. lu Doujlai s < no aud $ * .60 ho s ( or itTla. comfurt nd wear h i ex < c llod all otliti ni k ยง ijj at them prloji. TUla cxeclUut reputation liM b n oa l > r merit alonn. W. L. UouilM ah < hay ; tout better aat- lifacilun than other ts a ) aud $ t CO < 't3-a ) auoua\ri } ssl.fnoerd.ui8b . - o muainremcoti W. XNI ilaaelM 83.00 nna 93JM ilioni ni itat * mjode- ot are w de of tit * lame blcli-Ermda leath Hrud : lioauJiildUi er * u < xl In KA.OO und bO.00 sboci nail utuallrxunii vlala are Jo t tun rood lu CTBTT traf urraptou : hearj- . tnt Uuw or llilit VoUs. I dli rt rhmi fkrun u nunr it i pro < Uaut i JY-.I ! , porror 11 jp