Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 14, 1901, Image 1

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    .I. II .V
. . . . .
and you count the weeks
I left for Christmas selecting-
II and Five buying- that's . all , and. here J
let us give you a reason for
each Week , why you should
I II buy your Christmas presents
here.We give you goods which !
II always please.
We engrave all goods free
I of charge.
We exchange'goods be
fore or after presentation.
We give you a guarantee
I We sell only the latest
and best in design and work Ii
manship , at prices never
more than elsewhere. i
I Oradnato of Chlcairo Otithalmlc College. J
"Moved to Realty
School hooks ,
Tablets .
MarUet iteport fur Today.
Wheat , .5 , K >
llarley , 'M
Outs ,3'J
Corn .45
Ityo .40
ttbtter 15
Potatoes , per bushel 110 *
Outour. per liusliel 1.00
Chicken * , par pound , .IU
Hogs , .
Wow * 2.00 < ' '
. . ,
Suu.B J3.G ) < 4'nu
Tuikeye , i > nr round . (5 (
Straw , per cwt .10
Uuy , Ne\v. 1'or ton i 50
School books and Hiipplics at Ed
Moved to Realty
A. E. Anderson.
For all fresh otitrt or wounds
fciiher on the human Hubjoot or 01
animals , BALLARD'S SNOW
LINIMENT is excellent ; while fo
oorc-huiikcjH , sprained wriftn , barb
ed-wire cuts and sores on working
horses , it cannot be to highly com
mended. Price , 25 and 50 cents
Ed. tloComas , Broken Bow am
Morna ,
1000 Personal Tax.
Kindly pay them , I do not wan
to issue distress warrants , but tin
tax must be paid by December 1
1001. M E. ScniNERlNQBB ,
11 14 2t County Treasurrr
"I have used Chamberlain's Cello
Cliolfra and DinrrtiocQ Remedy and flnc
it to bo a great medicintt , " says Mr. K
S , Phlpus , of Potenu , Ark. "Jt rure
mo of bloody flux. I cannot speak t
highly of It , " This remedy alwaya win
the t.0od opinion , t ( not pralso o < thee
who tiao it The quick cures which i
X effects even In the most sevure caao
make it a favorite everywhere. Fo
by J. O , Haoftberto ,
Fancy Gift Books at Ed Mc-
Busts at Bowen'n. They are
oauties. v
For Kodaks supplies and Kodaks
o to Ed. McComas's.
W , P. Honman , of Aah Creek
was a city visitor Saturday.
Al Bookhockor spent several dayi
t home with his family laat wcok.
Moved to Realty Block.
Joliu Myern of Upton , was a
riendly caller at this ofiloo Satur-
John Mnlvany , of Mason City
wan among the oity visitors Satur-
David MoGugin and Jas , Dare ,
f Walworth were friendly callers
VV. J. Rico and II , H. My res , of
Cliff took in the ratification Tuns
ay night.
Will eell my feed or take one
mndred head of oattlo to winter ,
1-14 2t Jsss GANDI- .
Money loaned on improved farms ,
18 tf Broken Bow , Nobr.
N. B. Predmore of Weal Union
van in the oity Saturday. " tie made
his office a friendly uall.
FOR RKNT A new 4 room house
with one acre of laud , 4 dollars per
month. One halfe mile from
quaro. G. N. RA.WBOU.
MARRIED at Broken Bow No
vember 7 , 1001. Judge Armour
cflioiatmg. Mr. Charley Tullis to
Miss Lottie Foster both of Ooonto
MAUKIBD at the Baptist paraon *
ago November 14 , 1001 , by Rev. 8.
W.-Richards , Mr. Charles W. Gas *
on of Milburn , Nab. and Mias Ellie
A. Bridges , of Mi ft urn , Neb. . " .
The church social given at the
idme of Mr. and Mrs. G , W. Apple
ast Friday night was'a very pleas
ant affair. The attendance was
argo and a good time wan enjoyed ,
Remember tha date of the Guild
Fair Is the llth and 12th of Do-
oerabor. Aprons for young and
old are being made , also there will
jo on sale useful and fancy articles
'or Xraaa present.
G. Ei Richards of Havelook as
sumes the management of Foster &
Smith lumber yard. W , L. Rule
goes to Lincoln Neb , to take charge
) f a wholesale oflioo for a large
lumber and cedar post linn.
M. F. Gilbert , of Berwyn town
ship was a friendly caller Saturday.
He is one ot the many of his dis
trict that are sorely disappointed as
well as surprised that Jules Ilau-
mont was not elected supervisor.
S. Edwards of Arnold was a
welcome caller Friday. Ho left
Saturday for Colorado where he
goes to look after his intrests in
that locality. He is 78 years old
and is at spry as most men are at
' VEKMl-
FUGlf removes the unhealthy tissue
upon which worms thrive ; it brings
and quickly , a healthy condition of
bed v whore worms cannot exist.
Price 25 cents. Ed. McComas
Broken Bow and Merna.
Charley Collins surprised hi ?
Ansley friends by quietly dropping
in on them Monday. It was re
ported several weeks ago that ho
had been killed and at. first some of
the superstitious thought it
was his ghost walking around on
the streets and kept rather shy of
him Ansley Citizen.
Frank Norton is one of the pops
who takes a logical view of the
political land elide. He says he has
taken a back seat now. Instead of
coming to town Saturday in his
buggy and fine clothes he says Le
puts on hie old cap and hitches on
to the lumber wagon and drives to
town. He thinks republicans are
entitled to the front seat ? .
There is probably no dis
ease more distressing and
annoying than piles. TAB-
MENT is daily curing oases of
years , standing and itching and
bleeding piles. The cure begins on
the first application , a little per
severance makes the cure complete ,
Price , CO cents in bottles , Tubes ,
75 cents. Ed , MoComas , Broken
Bow and Merna ,
Eastman's Kodaks at Ed. Mo-1
WANTED Improved farms for
aale. WiLtis CADWJCLU
Room for 3 more college studoati
at Mrs. Eva Martin's one block
southeast of public rquaro ,
Rev. S. W. Richards has accept
ed an urgnnt invitation to deliver
the pddrea at Morna on Thanksgiv
ing day ,
Dave Sim * of Arnold , adcoiu *
panied by a brother from Iowa ,
were over last night to visit their
brother-in-law , Wru , Herbert , who
is very low ,
MARUIEU Jonte Wickham : at
the brides homo ID this oity , Mr ,
George L. Jonte and Miss Myrtle
Wiokh&m , November 3 at 2 p. m.
Rev. H. E. Myers oftioating.
Never try to coax a cold or oough
use the remedy that unfailingly
conquers both. BALLAKD'S
specific tor alf throat and lungtrou-
b'es. ' Price , 35 and CO oontu , Ed ,
&IoComas , Broken Bow and Morna.
The attention of our readers is call
ed to our flpeoial offer of tbo life of
William MoKioley , by Murat
Haleted , and other prominent men ,
and thn RBPUULIOA.M for $1.50. We
furnish both for the retail price of
the book , Send in your order jit
The Mullen Representative is the
name of a now paper started at
Mullen by Edgar Phillips ! who re.
oently sold the Tribune of that
place. The Representative is re
publican in politics , neat and noway
and every respect worthy the aup
port of the people of Hooker
W. E. Swingle and Alviu Daily
ot Milburn wore business callers at
this office yesterday. They are the
promoters of a telephone line' from
Milbnrn to Aoselrao. The line la
complete to Anselmo and are ex
tending the line from New Helena
to Morns , They expect to make
other extensions before spring.
The offices * of the company are C ,
A. Snyder , president , W. E.
Swingle secretary and Alvin Daily
treasurer. The Republican will
print their certificates of member
ship ,
Dr. Banna of Ansloy , was among
jho loyal republicans in attendance
at the republican rally ,
Dr. Robertson , coroner elect , and
Jan. Fairfield of Mniou City , wore
among the rejoioors Tuesday night.
S , L. Cannon and wife , of West-
etvnlo , came up to Attend the re
publican jollification mooting Tues
day night.
Mrs. John Campbell and Miss
Pnrdy Allen of Woissert , attended
the republican jollification meeting
Tuesday night ,
W. C. George and wife , JOB
Pigman and wife , and 11.W. George
were up from Georgetown Tuesday
to attend the jollification.
Wm Montgomery , of West
Union , wat > over Tuesday night to
attend the republican ratification.
His wife accompanied MID.
II , C. Htuokoy of Lexingtonoamo
up to jellify with the republicans
Tuesday night. Mr , Stuokoy was
for a long time a resident of Cuater
county , and six years ago was de
feated for treasurer.
D , V. Joynor is said to bo book *
ed for deputy treasurer under Walt
George. Mr. Joynor wan for n
time deputy under treasurer Bed-
well , Hi ? experience , aa well ns
he being an excellent accountant ,
well qualifies him for the position ,
Walt George had his best set of
harness stolen off his ranch Tnos-
diy night. A party of movers who
camp a near the house are suspect
ed of being tbo guilty parties.
Sheriff Armstrong in in pursuit at
this writing.
W. L. Rule , who for the past two
or three years has boon in ounrgo of
the Foster & Smith lumber yard at
this place has accepted a more
lucrative position with the same
firm at Lincoln , Ho want to Lin ,
coin last night to assume his now
duties. Mr. Rnle baa made a host
of friends while hero who regret
very tnnoh to BOO hjrn leave , Mr
Rule is a thorou gh business man
and has bad long experience in the
lumber business. The Republican
wishes him success in hit new loo'a
tion. His family will not more for
several weeks.
: 8 < &S882K8 $ K
Kigbt ,
the most beautiful and talented actress that ever visited
Broken Bowsupported by a very able company of fifteen will
produce that most excellent mellow drama , East Lynne , on
It will be worth going1 one hundred miles to see.
HEROINE sweetens the breath ,
brightens the eyes and dears the
complexion without the slightest ill
efieots whatever , and ensures the
natural bloom of health. Price , 50
cents. Ed. MoCoraaa , Broken Bow
and Merna.
The ladies society of the Presby-
teran church will hold a Thanks
giving market at J. Davidton's
store on Tuesday November , 20 at
2 o'clock , The following articles
will be on sale : mince pie , Iruit
cake , suet pudding , baked bonus ,
brown and white bread and cakes
of different kinds. 11-14 id
Theo. Schumacher mot with
quite a serious accident while on
his way to Broke a Bow Friday.
He we was riding a bicycle
down the hill near tht , King hohool ,
the front fork broke , throwing him
to the ground with tuoh force as to
render him unconscious for several
hours , He was found lyiqg in the
road unconscious by two farmers
who put-him in their wagon and
took him to the Bow where hii
wounds wore dressoll' He' was
quite severely bruised about the
head and face. Several deep
gashes were out in his face abou t
the chin. AnaUy Citizen.
Jas Chitliok of Etna is favorable
for the position of deputy register
of deeds , Mr. Chittiok is one
of the faithful men who has never
[ altered in his political work and Is
said to bo well qualified lor the
Chal Maupin , family , mother and
sister left for Omaha last night.
Mr. Maupin has secured a position
with a wholesale grocery tinn. Ilia
father T. D. Maupin expects to go
in about ouo week , The Maupius
are good oitizins and it is with re
gret we uote their removal from
our midst.
Geo. W. Doweyclerk elect has
( elected Joe Pigwan , of Loup town
ship for his deputy , Mr , Pigman
has been an active worker for the
party and was a candidate for the
legislature last fall and was defeat-
td by J. D. Ream by only H9 votes ,
He is a school teacher by oooupa-
tion and is well qualified for the
An Open Letter to My Old frloudg ami
the Public In General.
I want to bring to your notice
that I have opened a general store
at Hargent , Neb. and will sell dry
goois , hardware and implements ,
n season. I have put up a good
) uiding. ] I have a nice room and a
lean stock of goods. My goods are
> ougbt in the eastern markets for
ash and I intend to sell them for
aahor its euqual. I will buy your
mttor , eggs , hides and anything
vou have to trade. I will pay casher
or your poultry or give you trade.
am selling the Aurora Hour no
> otter tlour can bo found in Neb.
I am no stranger to you as I have
boon in business for over 15 years
Thu sheila bought my old busi-
IPSH and took it at his own figures
and left mo nothing , But thanks to
my friends : I hustled a now start
and now I am happy and contended ,
All my troubles are now ended.
tingman and Squires combine
ould not keep the dutohman down ,
Yours for business ,
t Q , \ \ . WitDK.
CUnrcli tfcrvlcc * .
Preaching service both morning
nd evening by Rev , Richards , at ,
1 a. m. and 7:30 : p , in , The pub-
c is cordially invited.
U.B , oiiunoii.
Seventh Day Advontisin , its doc *
rines work and influence will bo
examined at the U. B. church by
ho pastor tbo next throe Sunday
Mornings. While it is not our
> raotioo to be contentious , yet those
loctrines have beenpushed into the
face of of the people of Broken
Sow in a manner that wo believe it
s our duty to present the truth on
these subjects. Next Sunday the
picture ! will be used and "Joseph
and His Brothorn , " or "Sad and
Glad Faces" will bo the subject ,
The Ryerson Male Quartette will
sing. A cordial welcome to all.
24th Sunday after Trinity , November
vembor 17.
11 a.rn. mprning service , Ser
mon on the results nn the Genera
Convention of the Episcopal Ohurol
held in San Francisco in October
; i p. m , Sunday School. 7-30
Christian Endeavor Service , Sub
j at-Tbe Missionary Spirit-doing
for others.
A ooridal invitation iu extondoc
to all ,
U.B. oilmen.
Preaching service in the M. E
church Sunday at 11 a m and 7.30
p. m. Morning subject "God
Human Agents , " text : Isa 0:8 :
Evening , "The Coinage of Sin. '
TextProv. . 5 : 22-2n.
GKO. P. TJUTKH , Pastor.
A Union Thanksgiving Servio
will bo hold in the Episcopal ohurcl
on Thanksgiving d y , Novoinbo
28th at 7,30 p , in. The sermon
will be preached by Rev , Gee , V
Trites , pastor of the Method is
An Ordination
Last Monday afternoon a oonnoil ,
onstRting of delegates from several
f the baptist churches of CnsU-r
Association mot at Arnold to ordain
lav. J. F , Judkins to the ministry
of the Gospel. Dr.Get.Sutherland
of Grand Island waa elected Moder.
aud Rev. Jordan Secy. The exam *
nation was completed iu the alter *
noon and the ordination had in the
evening. The sermon WAS preached ]
> y Dr , Sutherland , the charge to (
the candidate and ordination prayer ,
was maao by Rev. Jordan and tha
charge to the church , by.Rov. S. C.
Cadwoli of Lodi. A pleasant antl
> rofitablo mooting wai enjoyed by
all present , \ .
Miscellaneous Booko nt Ed
" 'Uout Christmas Time.
We'll li v * line ,
'llout ChttitniM tlcuo ,
That'll call forth lood ,
Anil pocket hoeki.
We'll have tame toyi ,
For girls and boy * ,
And booki Kftl
Or even more.
With ilolll tU t L _
Anjt dolln Ui t RitaeM N
And funny cr pb < ,
Thnt iluge nud laujj
And Maiidollni ,
Oft Mllort tlnRft
Uamos , cum u < l topi ,
Air gun * nnilpopi.
HrtaB In the boy ,
To all with Jnjr ,
With Uilnu * ho ftpOU ,
At Kyerinu & W tu-08t ! OOtoe Store.
llutchcr is Coming ,
S. D. Butcher will visit all .th "
subscribers to his Ptonotir lliatory
of Cuater County between this and
the Holidays All are requested
to bo ready to take their book ,
When you ( eel that UIo U hwJIy
worth the candle tuko a dose of Cham-
botlain'a Htomaoh and Liver Tablets.
They will cleanBo your Btoumch , tone
up your liver and regulate your bowulu ,
making yo ( eel like a now man. Her
sale by J. G. Hnoberlo.
_ BE1S
. W. D. Blaclcwell ,
If You Need
None but the Boat Companies
Alt KlndH of notary Woric ,
School Orders Bought.
Houses to Rout.
And Collections Promptly
Attended too.
Office over N Gloira's Tailor
Shop , Broken Bow , Neb.
Always have the best quality of
Lumber and other building rua-
terials at the Lowest Pnoes.
. .
'Phone No. 70.
W. L. RULE , Manager.
For a First Class Smoke Try the Jjr
Martial and
I Corona Grande' I
Nebraska ,