Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 07, 1901, Image 2

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    Jbe &oetor' $ Dilemma
By Heabo Stretton
4" "H"H rM"H"l"H"H"H"HM -
XlV.-JContiuued. )
" 1 ain * lioHpllnutoiii , " I Hiild. ton. . lilng
Jicr hand again. "No , we will n t go
bsck to thu fdioii ) Tunllf Klndl niw us
to the cnvoN , nml 1 will tnlce you I"1"
Oiem , ami then wu two will return "lo
the cllffii. Would jon like Hint , muni
"Very imii'li , " li a tin we rod. the mnlle
tltl plnylng nbmit hnr fnre. It was
brown nnil freckled wltli oxposurn to tin-
* un. but so full of health nml life MM to ,
"bo doubly honiitlful to me. whu snw so >
iony wan nml sickly fnccs. |
"Doctor , " snld Tnrillf's tle.-p. . grim1 1
Tolce behind mo , "your mother , In * lw i
bettor ? "
It wan Illcc the sharp prick of 1'ou-
lard , which presently you knnw luust
pUrce your henrt.
The one moinent of rnpturn hnd lied.
The Pnrndi.lithnt hnd IH-CII nhonl mo fern
n Itmtnnt , with no hint of pnln , f led
out of my night. Hui Ollvln rcnuiiiipd ,
and her fnce grew mid , mid her voice low
and norrowftd , ns ilin IOMIIPI ! forward to
pcnk to me.
"I hnvo licoii no Krlovod for you , " she
a ld. "Your mother cnino to nuc me once ,
nd promised to ho my friend. "
We unld no moro for seine mltmlci , and
the iplnsli of Hit ) ours In lint wntiir wni
the only i.nind. Ollvln'a iilr eonllnned
ad , nnd her eyonv r downcnnt , HH If
ohe shrank from looklm ; me In tlu < fnci- .
"I'ardon mo. doetpr , " mild Tardlf In our ,
wn dlalcot , which Ollvln could not im-
derstnnd , " 1 havu nmdc you sorry whenl
jroit were having a lilllo glndnem. I * I
your mutlu-r very 111 ? " j
"Thero IN no hope. Tardlf , " I mmworcd ,
looking round at his honest and hand-
ooma face , full of concern for me.
"May 1 sponk to you an an old friend ? "
ha naked. "You love iiiiun'/plh' , and you
* re como to tell her HO ? "
"WhntmnUpsjon think , Hint ? " I nhl.
"I Heo It In your tnce , " ho aiiMwenul ,
lowering his voice , though he know Olivia
could not loll what wu were Niiylm ; .
"Your mnrilnio with iliadoiiiolHelle jijur
cousin wnlirokrn off why ? Do you
* uppo e I did not KUUBH ? 1 know It from
the Urst week you Htnyed with UM. No
body could * oe mnni'rplln an we son her
without loving hor. "
"Tho Hark folka nay you nro In Iq\e
with her yourself , Tunllf , " I mild , almost
ognlnat my will.
Ills lips conlrncted and Ids faeu Had-
dcnod , but ho mot myye frankly.
"It In true , " ho answered , "hut what
then ? If It hnd only pleased ( ! od to
make mt * llku you , or that she should liu
of my class , I would liavo done my lit-
mo t tu win hor. Hut that i * linposHlule'
SoI mn nothing else than a servant In
her eyes. 1 do not know how to bo nj-
thing else , ami I am content. Siie in im
fur above my roach as one of the whitu
clouds up yonder. To think of myself Us
Anything but her Aervant would he Irro-
ligioUH. "
"You nvo a Rood fellow , Tardlf , " I ex
claimed. ,
"tiod la the judge of that. " ho nalil
with a nigh. "Mam'zpllc thinks iot mo
nly us her servant. 'My good Tarilif , do
* hU , or do that. ' I like It. I do not
know any happier moment than when I
hold her Halo hoots in my | iand and
brunh them. You sue fhe IH an
and tumler n * my littlt ) wlfo was ; but
ho IB very much higher than my poor
Uttlo wife. Yen , I love her us I love the
blue Bky , and the white clouds , and thn
x etnrs shining In the night. But Itwill
be quilo dilt'eront het\\oen her and you. "
"I hope BO , " I thought to my.solf.
"You do not feel Ilk'e a servant , " he
ontlnui-d , his oars dipping a little too
deeply and setting the bout a-rocking.
"By-and-by , whoti you uro mnrile < l , HIO
will look up to you and obey you. 1 do
cot understand altogether why the good
< 3od ban made this dlfl'eronco between us
two : but 1 .MOP It and feel it. It would
be flttlnt ; for you to bo hpr husband ; it
would bo n chaiuo to her to becomu my
wife. "
"Are you grieved aboijt it , Tardlf ? " 1
"No , no , " he answered ; "wo have al
ways been good frk-nds , you and I , doc
tor. No , you Mhall marry her , and I will
bo happy. I will come to visit you BOIIIP-
times , and nho } vil ! > call mu her good Tur-
dif. That U enough for mo. "
At last we gained ono of the entrances
to the 'cavta , but wo could not' pull the
boat qnltO up "to the str.ind. A few pnees
of. shallow water , clear as glass with
nbblna sparkling llk.i KOIIIK lienoiitb It ,
lay between us rtnd the eaten.
"Tardlf , " I said , "jou need not wait
Jtor us. We will return by the cliffs. "
"You know the caveo as wu41 ai I do ? "
ti replied , though in u doubtful tone.
"All right ! " I sDld , as I swung over the
ido of the boat Into the water , when I
found myself knee-deep. Olivia looked
trom mo to Tnrdlf with u flushed fin-c
an augury that made my pulse * leap.
"Why Bhould bur face never change when
&e carried her In his arms ? Why should
ahe shrink from me ? '
"Arc yon ns strong as TardlfV" she
anlied , lingering , and htisltatlnc bofora
ho would tniRt herself to me.
"Almotti If not altogether , " I answer-
d gaily. "I'm strong enough to under
take to carry you without wetting the
olei of yolir feut. Come , it is not more
tii mi half a dozen yards. "
She was ittandlug on the bench I had
Just left , looking down at mo with tha
sum vivid tliiih upou her checks and
forehead , nn < l with un uneasy esprossion
in her oyt'H. Bofpre HIO could speak
aK ln I put my arfris.'Yound her , and lift
ed her down. , ifa'
"You are quite a * light as a feather. "
I Bald , laughing , I carried her to the
trip of moist and humid atrand under
Abe archway In the rocks. As I put her
dorwn L looked back to Tardlf , and * aw
klna regarding us with crave aud narrow-
"Adieu ! " he cried ; "I am going to look
after my lobster pots. God bless yoc
He spoke the last words heartily ; and
we stood watchlnsr him an loug as hu waa
to' sfciit. Thea > r went on Into " th
had known th < carea well when I
boy , bat it WM many yam lnc
I had been thrre Now \j \ jirag nlonr In
thorn with Ollvln. no other niiinsn bplng
In sight or iomvi of u , 1 hsd ncnrrcly
eyes for any niyht but ( h t of her face ,
whir-h hnd gtitwn sliy nnd < Jownc t , and
was gcni r ily tinned away from me1. She
would IIP frlRhtoncd. I ( hnnght. if I pokp
to lii r in ( hut Un HOIIIP plarc , I would
wait ( III wo wcrp on the cliff . In the
open P.JO of d y.
Shu left my side for OIK' moinprit whtl t
I WHS poking under a stonp for n younv ;
pieuvrp , which darkened the little
pool or water xxmd It with It * inky fluid.
I heard her uttM an exclaim lion of dc-
llsht , and t guro up my pursuit inxtanl-
ly to learn what was clving her plcasuro.
She wnw Ntoophu down to look beneath a
low arch , not more than two foci high ,
.mil I knplt beside her. Heyond lay a
shMlffht , narrow channel of transparent
water , bliip from n faint roflPi'ted light ,
with smooth sculptured walls of lock/
clear from molhuca , rising on each * ! d < J
of it. I.pvol llnp of mimic wares lip-
plod nioiiotnnoucly upnn it , n * If it was
stirred by some soft wind mhHi we could
not feel. You could harp peopled It with
tiny boats Hitting aciot ii , or skimming
lightly down it. Tears hone in Olivia's
"It remind * me sn of a cnnsl In Ven
ice , " she Hiiid , in , i tiemulous voice.
"Do you know Venice ? " I ankcri , anil
1ho recollection of her portrait taken In
Florence came to my iiviid.
"Ob , yes ! " she answered ; "I spnnt
tin co months there OIICP. and this place
is Ilkf ! l. "
"Was it.a happy time ? " I Imjulrod ,
jealous of those tears.
"It was a hateful lime , " she said re-
liomently. "Don't let IKS talk of It. " i
"You have traveled a great deal , then ? "
I pursued , wishing her to talk about herself -
self , for I could scarcely trust my reso
lution to wait till wotwerp out of thp
cavos. "I love you with all my hpart and
soul" was on my tongue'i end.
"Wo traveled nearly nil ovpr lOuropp "
she replied. '
"I wondered whom shu meant by "we. "
She had novnr used the plural pronoun
before , and I thought of that odious
woman in Onernney-an unpleasant rec
jHul there wm thw pause of the tin's ,
when fhe waves rushed out again in
whltr floods , leaving the water compara
tively shallow ? . Thcrp were still six or
eight yards to travrrse bpfrtfe we could
reach an archway In the Jllffs , rchlch
would land ns In safety In the. outer
caves. There was some peril , but w
hsd no alternative. I lifted Olivia n lit
tle higher against my shoulder , for her
long Jerjte dross wrapped dangerously
around us both ; and then waiting for the
patue In thp throbbing of the tide , 1
dashed hastily aero s.
Ono swirl of thn water celled about us ,
wishing up nearly to my throat , and
giving me almost a choking donation of
dread ; but before a second could owoop
down upon us I had stascorM ht'f-hllnd- '
ed to the arch , snd put down Ollxia m
the small , xrcuio rave n-Ithln It. Sn
ha 1 not spoken once. Hhe did not si ew
ablu to p alc now llor large , terrified
eyes looked up at me dumbly , and her
f ie wax white to the lips. I clsiped her
in my arms once more , and kUveil her
forehead and lips again and sgnln , in s
paroxysm of passionate love and glad-
"Olivln ! " I cried. "I wish you to he-
come my wlfp. ' , ' (
"You- wish that ! " she gr.spcd , recoil
ing. "Oh ! no , nn I am already mar
ried ! "
Olivia's answer Htruck mo like as es.'c- '
trie shock. For some moments I va
simply stunned , ind knew neither what
she had said , nor whorn w were.
"Olivia ! " I cried , stretching out mj
artnn towards her , as thuiuh slip would
flutter back to them and lay her h"ad
again rrlu-re it hnd been resting noon my
shoulder , with hpr face against my cock.
Rut she did not sen my gesture , and th
next moment I knpw that slip co'ild never
let me. hold her in my arms again. I
dart-d not oren takp one step nearer t
"Ollria , " I said airaln. after another
minntu or two of tioubled silence
"Olivia. It It true ? "
' She bowed her head still lower upon
her hands , In speechless confirmation. A
stricken , helpless , cowering child h
seemed to me , standing there in her
drenched clothing "An unutterable ten-
dorupss , altogcth j different from th ,
feverish love of 11 rpw mlnutPs ago , filUrt
my heart as 1 hm > ud .it hpr.
"Chmr , " I sali' as qalmly as I couM
speak , "I am at .uiy rate your doctor ,
and I am bound to take care of yon. "You
must not stay hero wet and cold Let ns
make haste back to Tardlf's , Olivia. "
1 drew her hand down from her face
snd through my arm , for we had Mill to
rp-pntcr the outer cave , and to return
through a higher snllery , before wp could
reach the cliffs above. I did not glance
at her The road was very rough , strewn
with hngp bouldpis. and she was compel- !
; < 5svSj\ ; .
a - - - - j - - - * * * r x i
IH l&H
f"3 -t . - ' > = ! rfs * - * J I
WP had wandered back to the opening
where Tardlf had left us. The rapid cur
rent between us and llrpckhoii was run
ning in swift eddies. Olivia stood near
mo ; but a sort of chilly dilUdeiu-e had
crept over mo , and I could not liavo ven
tured to press too closely to her , or to
touch her with my hand.
"How have you been content to live
here ? " I at > ked.
"This year in Hark hns saved me , " she
answered softly.
"Whut has it saved you from ? " I In
quired , with intense engorness. She turn
ed her fa co full upon me , with a world
of reproach In her grey eyes.
"Dr. Martin , " she said , "why will you
persist In asking mo about my former
llfo ? Tardlf never does. lie never Im
plies by u word or look that ho wisbcR to
know more than 1 choose to tell , 1 can
not tell you anything about it. "
Just then my ear caught for the first
time a law boom-boom , which had proba
bly been sounding through thp caves for
some minutes.
"Hood heavens ! " I ejaculated.
Yet u moment's thought convinced me
that , though there might he n little risk ,
them was uo paralyzing danger. I hail
forgotten the narrowness of the gnllcy
through which alonp wo could gain the
cliffs. From the open span of beach
where wo wcru now standing , there was
no ehaneo of leaving this caves except ns
we had come to thorn , by a boat ; for on
each side a crag ran like a spur Into
the water. There was not n moment to
loso. Without word , I snatched up
Olivia in my arms , and ran back into
the caves , making as rapidly as I could
for the long , straight passage.
Neither did Olivia speak a word or
utter a cry. We found ourselves in n
low tunnel , where the water * was be
ginning to How in pretty strongly. I set
her down for an instant , and toro oft my
coat and Avuistcoat. Then I caught her
up again , and strode along over the slip
pery , slimy masseu of rack which lay
under my foct. covered with seaweed.
"Olivia , " I said , " 1 must have my right
bund fruo to steady myself with , Put
both your nrma round my nock and cling
to me o Don't touch my arms or thonl-
dcru. "
Yet the cllnglnc of her arms about my
neck , UM I her 'cheek close to mine , al
most cuncrvod me , I held her fast with
my luft arm , aud steadied myself with
my right. W gained In a minute or
tvro the mouth of the runnel. Th drift
was pourinc into it with a force almost
too ir at for me , burde d * I wras.
cd to receive my help. Hut we did not
speak again till we nero on the cliffs
in the eyp of day , with our faces and our
stops turned towards Tardif's farm.
"Sorry that I love yon ? " t asked , feeling -
ing that my love was groivlng every mo
ment In * plto of myself. The nun shone
on her face , which was just below my
eye . There was an expression of sad
perplexity and quostionini : upon It , which
kept away every othei sign of emotion.
"YpH , " she answered : "it is such a mis
erable , unfortunate thing for you. But
how could I have helped it ? "
"You could not help It , " 1 said.
"I did not moan to deceive yon , " she
continued "neither you nor any onp.
When I flpd away from my husband t
had no plan of any kind. I was jut like
a lonf driven about by thn wind , and it
to st-d mo herp. 1 did not think I ought
to tell any one I was married. I wist
I could hnvo foreseen 'this. "
"Ar you surprised that 1 love your *
I aokpd.
Now I saw a subtle Hush steal across
her fS.OP , and hpr ej es fpll to the ground.
"I never thought of it till this afternoon -
noon , " she murmured. " 1 know you wer
going to marry your cousin Julia , and I
know I was married , and that there could
bt > no release from thnt. All my life Is
ruined , but you and Tardlf made it moro
bearable. I did not think you loved me
till I saw your face this afternoon. "
" 1 shall always love you , " I cried pas
sionately , looking down on the shining ,
drooping head beside me , and the sad
face and listless arms hanging down In
an attitude of dejection.
"Ko , " she answered in liar calm , sorrowful
rowful voice. "When you see clearly
that it is an evil thing yon will conquer
it. There will be no hope whatever in
your love for me , and It will pass away.
Not soon , perhaps ; I can scarcely wish
you to forget me soon. Yet it would be
wrong for you to love me now. Why
was I driven to marry him ko long ago ? "
"Your husband must have treated you
very badly , before you would take such
a desperate step as this , " I said again ,
after a long silence , scarcely knowing
what I said.
"He treated me so 111 , " said Ollrlt ,
with the aamo hard tone in her voice ,
"that when I had s chanc to cscapo It
seemed as ? it heaven itself opened tha
door for we. lie treated ma so ill that
If I thought there waa any faar of him
flnnlnt me out her * , I wontd rather a
thotnaad times yon hid left M t < )
In. tfie CITML"
Knights of Labor factions are fishi
ng In the courts again.
Ltbor'n ; rentrp.t onctnleu are the
methods employed in the sweatshops.
he watering of slock , the abuse of the
njunetlon , and the employment of in
: ompotrnts.
The nirmtnghnm convention of the
tnteniiitlonal Typographic Ifnlmi re
fused to abolish thu law subjecting a
ucinbcr to expulsion who publishes r
falsehood about another member.
A new national labor organization in
tended to brlnp together all classes of
nei'lianlcK , hclpeiK nnd laborers In the
navy yards and ursonsils throughout the
country ban been organized at Wash-
ngton. D , C.
Frank Duffy , of Now York , ban been
> laced In the position formerly held by
Sec-rotary I' . .7. McQnlre , of the Broth-
U'hnorl of Carpenters and Joiners of
America. Mr. McOuIro was deposed
from office for "Insubordination"Jiy the
Executive Hoard of the organization.
The Austrian fJovernment passed a
law on May 24 , 11)01 ) , for the limitation
> f thu hours of labor of coal miners to
nine a day. Thus the memorable strike
of Insj , year of the Austrian miners has
: uul its beneficial results , In spite of the
bitter antagonism of the mine owners.
In' ten years the membership of the
International Typographical Union In
creased from 2M r. In 1S01 to n-M)0 (
n 15)01. Dining the decade the receipt- ,
were $1,200,01 r > , and expenditures $ ! ,
23Sf > Or. . The latter Includes $32.VJ.'MI
contributed to the Union Printers'
Home at Colorado Springs , Col ,
M. 1-2. ingalls , president of the Hlg
Kour Railroad system , says : " .My ob
servation In the last twenty-live years
ha.s been thai labor Imh steadily won
ind capital lost In the struggle which
always exists more or less. " Mr. In-
galls Is undoubtedly correct. For what
ever the temporary reverses may be ,
organized labor usually emerges strong
er than before.
The Brotherhood of Railway Track
men Is strengthening Its union , having
absorbed the Independent Canadian
union , thus'bringing the membership
up to 107.000. The boolworkcrs have
also leaehed across the border , a nil
gained four unions in Montreal , with
t.OOO members , two Inrsto unions In St.
Ilynelnthe , nnd in Quebec and Threr
Rivers the same result Is expected.
A bonus system has been Inaugurat
ed by the Westlnghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Company at Its plant
In ICnst I'lttsburg. The bonus Is bused
on the net earnings of Hie company ,
and its distribution Is among the as
sistant sub-foremen , and is paid quar
terly. In addition to their salaries. If
the system Is n success It will be ex
tended by the company to take in all
skilled workmen of the plant.
A labor wnl' may be Inaugurated between
twoon the union men who make , cigar- :
and ( lie firms that deal in the product
of the weed from Porto Rico. The duty
Is expected to result In a ; 'rcat reduc
tion in wages among tobacco workers ,
It is possible that several firms ! wlll re-
niove to the Island , where cheap labor
abounds. To combat this It Is said that
the unions are preparing to unionize
the tobacco workers on the Island.
Anil She Cnrrlcil'n K r/or : , u Dirk anil
Other Innocent Cutlcrr.
"This must be gentle 'Annie , " re
marked Recorder Itroylcs at ye.ster
day's police matinee , says the Atlanta
Constitution , when Annie Rogers was
ushered forward and the ollleer told
how he had found her with a razor , a
dirk and a knife In her stockings.
"I found Annie at the Hying Jlnnle , "
stated the otllcer , "njid 'Sho was just
aching for trouble. "
"You mean those turntables with
wooden horses V" asked the recorder.
"Uat's rite , .ledgo llrllcs , " Annie
"They used to call them merry-go-
round * when I WHS a kid , " mused the
recorder. "They always niade me sea-
clck. "
"Dat's whut WHS dc matter wid me , "
exclaimed Annie.
"I suess you rlxed your whirligig , "
ihe recorder said , "with liquor. A
rotary motion and liquor won't even
exchange compliments of the season.
What were you doing with the razor ,
the dirk and the knife , Annie ? "
"Dcy wus leant tor me , " replied the
prisoner , "by 1)111 ) llux , who Bed he wus
gwlnc tor er crap sworree and wus
nfecrd he mout git murder on hla
ban's ef do dices wus loaded. "
"You can't act as a walking arsenal
for Bill Hux , " the recorder Informed
hor. "You must be our gentle Annie
for the next thirty days unless you can
pay a tine of 515.75. It's not a merry-
go-round at the stockade , and tha whirl
igig of tlmo doesn't rotate very fast
The circle of your acquaintance will bo
large If not select"
" 1'sc got er mln' tor kill dat Bill
mix , " muttered Annie , as the court
bailiff led her away.
"Just Invite him to one of your rty.
tus-Jlnnie soirees , " said the recorder.
i | po Line In Use.
The longest pipe line In the United
Btatea Is to be built from Wyoming to
Bait Lake City.
Rule for making husbands observe
politcnewi , and cat their meals whea
tnera IB company without rcasoTme
their coats : Let to ! * * actfimatat * !
tfcslr Hbtrtn.
1'lcntnnt Incident * Occnrrlnir the
World Orer-BaA lnc that Are Cheer *
fill to Old or Yoiinc Kiiiinj Selec-
tioiiu tliat Uverybody Will Enjoy ,
"I don't want to see Lydla when
she comes back from that summer
school. "
"Why not ? "
"Oh , Hlie will lie bnrstliifc with knowl
edge while tlio rest of us have boon sit
ting arntind her In thrheiit forgetting
what little we know. "
T'lnuiiclnl FormnMehTtle.
Mllkninn Sny , yon paid inn In coun
terfeit money.
Citizen Well , .Ton've been bringing
us counterfeit mIk' | .
He Known.
Kings-For heaven's lake throw that
piece of rope away.
.Ilnps Now. look here. I don't often
give a iuirter | for a cigar , hut when I
Rings You trot l0 ! cents change.
Not lii-fiYe ICtirmirli
"A French scientist , who hns been
studying the antiquity of the human
race , dcelnres that man id l8t)0t ! ! ) ) 3 ears
old , " remarked Cinnso.
"lie would never dare say Hint of
wonipn , " added Cawkor.
Since the Women Po the Work.
"AVficre arc yon going , my pretty maid ? "
"To look for n job , kind sir , " -die said.
"Will yonovnrk for me , my pretty maid ? "
"Oil. this i < . o sudden , kind sir , " she s.iid.
Chicago Record-Herald.
O le Mud.
"Pv. . " said T intu jr , trho ITM lookIng -
Ing nl the Household Ulnta In th week
ly puper , "Wlut to * ' oclety cam- !
wiehV" 1
" andvrlch " Mr/ '
"A sod ty , replied
Tucker. not at all certain of his ground , i
but unwilling to exhibit tils Ignorance
before the youthful seeker after kuowl- I
edge , "Is A helplcfli young man tittlug
between two lively girls * t a swell par
ly.- Chicago Trlbnne.
Oiiicht to lie rr T.
"Hlarkwootl hsx bitten the dint , " mid
"Well , he always did n t the earth , "
commented Fosdlck.
he riippjr.
Urban Why , old rnnu , thoi e chluk-
en * of your are regular game cot-tan.
Whnt makes them such tight era ?
Suburban--I'm surn I don't know , n-
lc * it comes from feeding them scraps.
Wliv HP Con rntr- ' .
"Keeter says his wife Is doing k r ) '
own cooking now. "
"That accounts for It. He finally 1st
me write him up a life Insurance pt > H y
this morning , " Philadelphia PL-CM. .
* the I'mul 'It-lit.
"The new nelghbori ! don't rem to be
rery popular. "
"Xo , the. women around here aee-ui
co mistrust them. You see. they mored
in after dnrk , so nobody saw their f r-
nlture.-l > hlladclphla Bulletin.
Forsit to A k.
She The jeweler snys the dlnmoad In
my ring Is not genuine.
He Um er he told me the rins was
real gold. I forgot to ask him about
the stone. New York Weekly.
'I IIP ' 'ncletr Mo'i trii ltr-
"Those folks In the next flat are aw
fully pretentious. " J-
"Are they ? "
"Yes , She sends her visiting card
over two middle names on 11--when
she wants to borrow butter. " Puck.
The Sttno Jtoat.
The proud girl scorned my suit ; she
wan rich , I was poor.
Rut the next day her father lost all. -
"We are In the s.une boat , now ! " said
I , jeorlngly , but politely.
"Yes. but of course there are Hrut
and second cabins ! " said she , shivering ,
however , aa If she something mis
Cholly Give me a kiss , sweetheart.
Marie Tin afraid to ; the parrot Is looking.
The Parrot Oh ! go ahead and kiss her ; I'll turn my bend.
An All-PerTaitine I.lon.
Mrp. Wiggles Does your husband
hnvt ! a "den ? "
MrK. Waggles No , he roars all over
the hou5 > e.
Wl linn to Obiter-
"What nice things yon said about
that man In his obituary notice ! Don't
suppose you'd say such nice things of
ni ( V" said the citizen.
"Oh , yes , I would , with pleasure , " replied -
plied the pollto newspaper man. Yonkers -
kers Statesman.
"Yas , Miss Cutting , that's a line dog.
Would it aw surprise you aw if. I
told you that dog knows as much 'as I
do ? " / %
"Not at all. "
Kept In r ,
" 1 suppose you have nothing to do
since your wife went away , " said
"Haven't I ? " " '
replied Cawkor. "I'm
kept busy shipping things that she for
got to pack in her trunks , and that she
u rites for by every mall. "
Impnnnnt to Know.
Sht- The fortune teller says I shall
marry money.
He Good ! Did she * y heir I wu
to make it ? Smart S t
Pependi oil the Wo MB a.
"She'h going to marry him , I gu aa , "
Miggestod the wise gossip ax th couplt
went by.
"He doesn't rxp ct It , " returned the
casual acquaintance.
"Oh , that's quite Immaterial u key
ns Bhis dom" anrfrtred tat WM * * dp ,
, JTnn'n Ingratitrifle.
Tramp I'm not an Idler , mum ; I'm
Housekeeper Huh 1
Did you ever
work for. a living ?
Tramp-Yes , mum. I used to be a
salesman for Dr. Wing's Gold Medal
Hair Restorer , mum ; an' I worked so
hard and faithful for him , mum , that
he discharged me.
Housekeeper Nonsense. Why should
1 he ?
i Tramp You see , mum , the worry an'
! overwork trylu' to do a big business for
, him , made me premature bald , mum.
New York Weekly.
A DUqulptlii" : Question ,
Flowery Fields-Willie , hev you no-
tieed any signs uv mental decay about
me lately ?
Weary WHHo-No , no , comrade ! fur
frum It.
Flowery Fk-Ids-Well. den , I wonder
wet dat lady dere
over could h r meant
by askln' me w'y I didn't work fer a
Uvin'V-I.eslIe's Weekly.
, A l-owr.
Popper-Tawklotz may be a great Un-
KiHM. but I'll bet he doeen't know what
"Uss bolter" means.
Hopper-Well , what does It meiuil V
Popper Ice water.
Hopper In what language ?
. I'opper-Our baby's. _ Philadelphia
Prens. x
NotUlnsr ! !
Jlrntny-Wo used to CUVy Builtj ,
Short 'cause hU father was a bnse-ball1
Mlcky-Dou't yer envy him now ?
Jimmy-Well , I guess nlr. Wo , ivr
his mother spanking him with one of
bib father's spiked shoes.
An Uncrmputhetlc Oin.
"Cnn I confide to you
secret sorrow -
row , Arabella7'
"Tee , Arthur If it's
, a new oneif if *
that sam old one , I haven't time ! "
N t HI. Vecetablr.
"No , lr , " ald Mr. Backbay , Jn repiy
to a query , "the shortage in the potato
crop doca not trouble me In the least I
hare lived In Boston all my life , "
Her hpeclnltr.
llw. Wooph-If you don't atop
plaining bocanae It takea mo so l
draw I Intend to get a dlyortt and
aa th * stage ,
Mr. TVoopb-WbAt ? A