Pops Ndt What They Profess. For ycara populiBiH bavu boon . able to olcot tlio bh .Tiff of tlio oounty through n gounral under standing that a pop Riioriil would protoot the farmer with a raortyapo agninHt tlto inortR.iRco when nn attempt at iuruuUmUru WUH luiule.b ) having the lauti ttpprniflcd so high " that U would not HO ) ! , While the - pruotioo was not logitmato and worko.l a hardship on many inno- oout purchase of rt-al enUte inort- gageH , the o-nditiotisi w > ri finch that in cine a larmor ti'iuil on hit > land and was honootly ondoavoruiR to ineot his ohligatiottH it uaf regarded as juatifiublo. It IB nut a fact that n populist * huri < T wouU prolcut a per man ano honc-ft m.n any quicker than a r'p"l lioau would have done under lid > uon- ( * ditjonfljbut nH tlu < popnero in if po'wor when the 01 millions made it in aotno cawca justifiable they hiiooe- ed in making the average voters bo Hove that their only hope from be ing sold out of hoiiMO and home depended ponded in the election of a pop sheriff. An evidence of the fallacy - ol their claims have been demonstrat ed in more ways than one. AB an instance wo reuall the fact with which all arc familiar of the firm i and unyielding stand of Judge liamor when judge of this district. There has not boon a Judge since , yet they have all boon populist that did moro to protoot the resident farmer in holding his farm than did Judge Manior. In all these years of pop sheriffs and pop district judges a good business has been furnished the sheriff and tbo pop ulist newspapers m foreclosing real estate mortgagcu. There have been oases where the farmer has boon protected but they have not always boon the most deserving. But that the business is yet quite a lucrative business is plain to bo seen in the fact that the sheriff ealo no * tioes furnished the two pop papers of the county amount to § 800 or $900 a year. The Callawny Courier reports & case in which the present incum bent of the sheriffs oflico or one of his deputies did not make any special effort to save the homo of a . widow near Callaway. The , Courier this week will say that : "A ease in point oan bo cited in the vicinity of Callaway , and which happened just after the present sheriff entered upon the duties of his oilier. In the issues of this paper dsttjd April 0 , 1000 , wad published a statement of the high handed proceedings of one of Arm- strong's doputioa in appraising the iiitid uf ilrd. U. Ilitokur , wliote farm is located three miles northwest - west ofrCallaway aud which arous ed much indignation oven among the populists of that neighborhood. The faota of this oaBe'brioflj stated arc as follows : The deputy called at the residence of Mr * Ira MjCon- nell , about nine o'clock in the even ing and wanted Mr. McConnell who was one of the appraisers to go with him to the Kicker farm that night to appraise the land. Mr. McConnell said ho did not think the deputy oould do a fair job of appraising a place with which ho was not familiar after dark. The doptity very grrflly replied - plied that ho could do it after dark as well as in daylight ; but Mr. Mcr Connell refused to go until morn ing. Early the next day a mes senger oauio to take Mr. McConnell and Mr. 8. G. Payton , the apprais ers , over to the lilckor place where the deputy was awaiting them , hav ing stationed himself at the poorest corner of the farm. The apprais ers put down their figures on sepa rate pieces of paper and when the deputy compared thorn ho said "Your to high ; the laud would not sell for that. " The appraisement dually settled upon was barrly aufli oient to cover two-thirda of the amount of the loan on the land and it was very evident that the deputy was anxious only tLatso low a price should bo put on the laud that it * would sell and fall into the hands of the loan company regardless of , the intrests of the poor widow , who being the weaker party , should have had her intrests protected by this pop officer of the law. This , however ia but one of many similar instances of Eli's guardian ship over the homes of the poor people in this part of the oounty. Mis unfair appraisement of land hoe caused several worthy citizens of Stop Table to lese their farms and as a consequence aorno ot the most prominent populists of Elim town ship are out openly after his scalp on election day. His high-handed and arbitrary proceedings in the appraisement of land are on a par with his imperialistic attitude to- wards populist newspapers and mi'lillc-jf-the-road populait who have too much regard for principle to knuckle down to ihu impudent demands of the fusion crowd with which Eli trainn. TH K COURT RING'DESPERATE. Becoming ilnruiml With the Situation , They ItcBort to Deception and Kn- a Few Disgruntled,8o L'all- cd Democrats to llolp Them. C. II. TIIOnPBON't * liXPOBK. A meeting of the pop candidates , the pop central oommmittoo aud a few so-called democrats , whoso main object acorns to bo to defeat thq will of the democratic conven tion mot in J. J. Tooloy's ofllco in the couit houao last Wednesday night after ono , William Jennings Bryan had visited Biokou Bow in the afternoon and proceeded to take such stops aa they deemed necessary to induoo as many of the demo cratic nominees aa possible to with draw from tbo democratic ticket As a result of that meotinp the Chief announced last weak that C. LI. Holoomb , Josh Woods , and C. B. Thompson , had frledgnotioea of their withdrawals from the demo- oratio ticket. Just what pressure the court house ring and their allies brought to bear on the several can didates to induoo them to withdraw wo have no knowledge at the present time. But that there was a determined effort upon the part of the court house ring to defeat the will of the democratic convention which placed a ticket in nomination is evident. It ia fur ther matter of evidence , established by the communication of C. B. Thompson , the candidate for clerk , which appears in this issue of the Republican , that the riugstors and their few followers , who assumed to carry the vote of the democratic party in their vest pocket , had be come very desperate and determin ed to secure a withdrawal of the democratic nominees at all hazzards aad by any methods that would succeed , May it bo said to the honor of W. B Eaatliam , C. D. Dewey , W. C. Rusmiael and'K. J. Boblits that they were not owned body and soul by the court bouse click , but remained loyal to the party of their choioe and are today standing firm for the nmntananoe of the principles of jderoooraoy. Chcanoy Thompson , in his com * Professional Directory , \X7 ILLIS CADWELL W MIL & FKEED , Troprlotora of PALACK RARUBK SHOP , \Vc6t8lileSquare , DrokonUow Nefcrupkft. Agcnta ClurkeoB Lincoln Lunndry. Ratmua Anderson , J. C. Moore Real Estate. Abstractor. Lands for aalo and rent iu Custor and ndjoin ing counties. EquitioH and mortgagee bought aud sold. Abstracts promptly and neatly mado. Office , Main St. , Between 4th & 5th Ajyenuos , Uroken Cow , Cuatur County , Nbbraaktx. I AKEIl'S POOI , HALL , B W II. BAKBIl , Prop. For a social caino of pool Worth of lUi'Unr.ioAN Ollluo. Urokcn Ilow , NnbraHka. D K. RYKKSON , BucccfflOr to HueK * llolconit ) , for Columbia Byololos , Wheeler & Wilson , and New Houin yeiwinc Machines REPAIUINQOF ALL KINDS , llroken Dow , Nutranka. U. CONRAD , O.U. Dealer In. * Pumps , Wind Milla , Tanke , Pit'tinge , Gaso L line Enginot1 , otu. , etc. V t Broken Bow , Nebraska. II. OOSNER , rANTEH & PAPKRUANQER , IK years experience. Terms rt'aionabe. ) Telephone No. I-J Broken Bow , Nebraska. Anyone wishing a now watch movement In an eld case , call on T M SIMONS9N , J.ondlng Hhocmaker & W itch l(0mlierof ( | the city. Located 1st door tuuth poftolllco. T D. GLAZE , " .a Dealer In Grnnltc , Forelcu and / mcrlran AlarMes. Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty. lirokcn Ilow , Nebraska , B ANGS STUDIO. All kinds of Work Done. Satlafuctlou Quawuteed. , Crayon Work Enlarged , llrokcn Bow , Nebraska , /-MTY BARBER S1101' . n.OJIUTl'ON. ProprUtor. Flrst-cla s worU. Rear Itocna of Broken Bow Btata llank. DroUn Vow , Nebraska. A It. 11UMPHREY , Attorney attain Broken Bow , Nebr , TTVR , C. L. MULLENS Physician - And Surgeon. 2nd SUIrway from e t end In Realty Dlock ; rosldence , 3rd weit U. li. church , on same sldo bf " " " "lirokon How , Nebraska. TXT A. THOMPSON , CONTKAUTOK & B01LDKU. yPlMia and estimates on short notice. Broken Ilow , Nebraska AM E RON & REESE AND ConiiccllorH-nt-l.o. > v. Rooms 8 and U , Realty Block. Broken Bow , Nebraska. , T J. SNYDEK , Atty-at-Law , Notary Public , and Justice o ( the Peace. Special attention glveu to collodions Ocpoidtloni takru , penslou vouch , er ncatly executed aud all kluij of legal papers written. Olllce In thu rear of flank ot Commerce. Broken Bow , Neb. B. SMITU , J.B. Attornoy-at-Lnw. Pru tt e In all Courts. Broken Bow , Nebraika. rITY MILL , K. F. McCLUin , Prop. Rye Flour , Buckwheat , Graham , Feed , etc. 0 M . DORRIS , All kinds of workln our linudqne promptly and in flrst-clnsa order. Red Shop on the corner west ox the hose house. OIVK Ut * X TRIAL , . Brokeu Bow , Neb. M IKE SCANLON , Proprietor of RestauruutA Lunch Counter. Large assortment of Confection- arles , Cigars and Tobaccoi. North bldo of Pnbltc Sijuara , llroken Dow , Nebraeka. T lt8. R. 0. & W.'K.TALBOT | PHYSICIANS f RGEONS. ! i it t Omee over Qaeberle'a Drug Store. > Broken Ilow , Nehraika. CLINTON DAY , Physician and Surgeon. Office In rear of tbe Huik of Com merce. Kfisldencu Oth home weit ut the Baptist cburcti. Broken Bow , Nob. O D.PIOKETT , Ste4iograplier and ! Notary Public. } Job Work a Specialty. Ofllce with James Ledwlch. V" TJIJTTUTJTJTJTJTJTJIJT i" . ? CORN GOES TO A i BUT- Our Prices Co Down Wo are going to Oloao Out Our Clothing , Hnta and Caps , Boots and Shoes , And Drcaa Qooda. Sale atarta Monday , aud will continue aa long aa there is a pair of panta loft. Corao early and got a good thing for a HARRY DAY & CO. , Broken Bow , Nebraska. munioation , shows the courage of his conyiotionb and tolls the decep tion used to secure his resignation. Whether Mr. Thompson will bo aHowed by those who wore instru mental in doooiving Irm , to go on the ticket we do not know , but' should ho bo able to compoll thorn to return to him his resignation and put his name on the ballot ho ( should receive the hearty support of every democrat who regards honesty above deception. Surely no honest populist or loyal democrat or true republican , will , in the light of the deceptive prac tice inaugerated by the pop otlioo seekers and their democratic allies , vote for a single ono of the pop candidates connected with the deal. When a person will resort to deception to impose himself upon the public every true oitkou regardless of their political affllia tione , should uao their influence and votes to relegate thorn fco pri vate lifo. Thompson's Withdrawal Obtained By Misrepresentations of Fiiileu liregu , 1'rcteiideU Democrats. C. B. Thompson being first duly sworn , deposes and says : That on September 10th , 1901 , at the Dem ocratic County Convention , held in Analey , Nebraska , ho was nomin ated for the office of county clerk ; that on October 23rd , 1001 , about eleven o'clock at n'ljht ' , one , Thomas Finlon and llf E Brega , came to my house and represented and informed mo that all the can didates nominated on the Demo cratic ticket had resigned and with drawn but W. B. Eaalbam , candi date for coroner and he would withdraw as aoon fa he returned from Antdoy. Believing these statements wore true , I withdrew from said ticket for that reason and no othor. I make this statement in iny own behalf and for the success of tbo Democratic ticket , as I have since learned that Mr. Fiulen and Broga tniHropreaontod tbo facts to me. C. B. THOMPSON. Subscribed in my presence , aud sworn to before me this 20th day of October , 1001. W. B. EASTAAJI , [ SKAL ] Notary Public. - . . . - For all kinds of school books go to Ed. MoComas's. It IlMppencrt in a urntr Store. "O e day laat winter a lady cttrne to my drug store aud asked I'or a brand of cough medicine that 1 did not have in Block , " gays Mr. 0. II. Grandin , the popular druggist of Ontario , N. Y. "Bhe WUH disappointed ami wanted to know what cough preparation i could recommend. I imitl to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough 'Remedy uud that she could taku a , bottle of the remedy und after giving It a fair trlul if eho did not Hod U worth the money to brinn back the bottle ant 1 would rotund the price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady ciime back in company with a frlond in need o ( a cough taodicino and advised her to buy B bottle of Ohamberlaln'B Cough Remedy. I consider that n very goot recommendation for the remedy. " It is for sale by J. G. Ha < juerl . A "stioh in time saves nine" and a dose of BALLAKD'S ilORE- lOUNDSYKUl'at the beginning of a cold will fiayo you many weary lours and even days of distressing and harassing cough. Price 25 and > 0 cents. Ed. MoComras Broken 3ow and Mcrna. 9 * Free Coiuqilcocioti iicnuttlller. Wo want every lady roadcr of the REPUBLICAN to try Dwight'a Com- ) lexion Boautiiior , the most exqui site toilet preparation. It is pure Mid harmlosBmakos the faootmiooth as velvet and fair as alabaster. To uduoo a fair trial of it wo will for a short time only Bond Fmcu a full size , Fifty cone box to every lady who will pond us her post office ad dress silver dime to pay for packing and postage. Only one I'Ritii box to each address but ladies may order for their friends. Each box mailed separately. Send thin notioo and your order at ONCR to D. W. CUBTMII &Co. , HJuntington W. Va. 'For tHceo days and nJRhtfl I suffered agony initolil from attack ot ch lorn morbiis broght on by outing cucumbers" says N. IS. Lowtlior , clo k of the dis trict c urt , Qentorvlllo. Town. " 1 thought I should surely die , and tried a d6/.en dill'orunt medicine J > ut all to no lurpose. I Bent for n bottle of Chnui- jorlaln's Colic , Oholowi and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doaus rolelved mo eutlrley. " This remedy Is for mile fty 1. G. lluoborlu. U. S. Land Office. JA.MU3 WIIIT1CHKAO lle0IM IT , II. YOUNG UocolTiTr LKQAL AUVKUTI815MKNT3. All udrortUeinmits under tbl * Uuml will be charged for at lovnl men , vlr : S1X ( ) per eijimru or 11 rut kinortlon , ami cue i > or tqwtru for enuii lobacquoot Insertion. A "biiuare" ii ion linen or fraction tlmrcof. United Htatcs r.aml Ollluo , I llrokon How ; , Neb. . October 'M , 1601. f Notlco Is horuliy elyeii that llio followtuR nnmod icttlor liai filed notice of his IntunUon to make Uunl proof In Hupport of Ills claim , and fliat e ld proof will bo made before lU.-t.'Utor and Ko- celver. at lirokon How , Nun. , on Frldny , Docem jur th. 1901. yiz : UAM'll TAYJ.OH , Mlllnn. NnUrimka , onblall. U. No. UiOO , for tlio KVi Mi , SK NK. auction 1 , townilili IB , uurtli , runge Jl. west Dili p. in. llu iikuics tlio following wltuedBoii to i > ruvo tils continuum leetdeuco upon add cultivation cf said l&nd , riz : Qeorgo M. WortUiiKton , JUarous f. Hcrltemli'r , flcorxu Templar , ail of hllllsn , Nebraska ; Uoor u L. Warrlog. of llrokuu iow , NubrnaUa , JAMES WUITEHKAD , ini ct llcglster , United States Land once , I Ilroken How. Nul > . \ October IM. 1001 , ( Notlco IH Uureby glren that tlio followlug named settler baa died notlco of her intention tc ratiko Dnnl proof In snmiort of bcr claim , and that ald proof will be nuifo bcforo Regliter and Itc- celver , at Broken How , Ncbraeka * on Friday , December 0 , 1001. rj ? ; : HKUyN AHII , foruiorly lleleu POIKO , of llroken How. Nebruakii , ob II. K No. 1605 , for the So Hw , S'Be , Bcctinn 10 , townHhlp IH , north , ran u U , wi'St , Oth I' . M. She Lumen the following witnesses to proro LT coullnuouB rnaldenco upon and cjiltlvuUi mill lurid. viz : Bert UentherauM , Jam on l.iuH. gelt , Luwls Cueliuian , Alon/o B , Ash , all of Urokou Bow , Nebraakn , 10-91 Ot JAMEH WHITKUEAD , Regliter. Unltod Statert l.ood Office , I Drokeu Uow , Neb. , October S , 1001. V > otlc Is burehy clveu that thu followini ; named Bottler has filed notice of bis intention tc mnUo final proof In Mlpport of his claim , am that B td proof will be m do before Rcglitcr aiu Itecelrvr , it HroUen How. Nolmitka , on Hntur day December 7th , 11)01. ) vie : WP.SLCY It U10HAKOSON , ofAnflolmo , Nebraska , on his II K.Nn. 1007 , for the N'So , Nu Sw , section 3i , Nw bw , section 30 , township 'JO. north , raogo . wert , Uth P. M. lie names tbo following * ItnoKCi to prove bin continuous rouldoooo upon mill cultiTatlon o said leud , viz : Hamnol Adklnn , John Adklim Wesley M. Koger , Nouh KoKor , ull ot Auiclmo Nebrrska. JAULH WIIITKIIKAD , 10 10t NOTIOKTO NON-RESIDENT UEl'KNIMNTS In tba Juitlco lurt ofK. Q'Schwlnd , Justice o the I'eace , Wlibln and forCuster county , Nub Itlchard 1'rJco , Plalntltl , ) J . I John O. lllrcock , L'cfd't. ) Johu O. Uircock will taku notlco tlmt nn the 14th day of Octolwr , 1001 , K. G'ScbwJnd , a Justice of the puaco within nid for Ouster county , Ne- brnika , Issued au order of attachment sguins TOII for the nun of $171 ! 3d , In an uctlou pendli ) before him wherein lUchard Price IK pUlutilf and John O Uircock. defeadnut ; tlmt Hannah 1) lllrcock was Karnuheu In said actUu uud ehu ha auiueredilUclooliiK that she Is administratrix o the estate of William lllrcock , ilcceaxed , and ha moneys and credits In her poaeesiilounnd unde her control holoiKloc to said defendant , John Hlrsook ; and eald catne W * coutlincd to the CTthday of November , 191 , at 10 a'clack a. in. wb a jou are rtiiulred to appear atd answer nal ( petition or Judgement wfll bo reodervd agalns you for tbe full amount claimed due , toetbo ; Wltb * 0etl Of lUlt. 1IICI1AUU PlIICB , 1'UUUItl. By Auai. MOUUIN , IWs Attorney. 10-31 I Unltod Stated Land OfQre , I , Urokcn How , Nob. , Oct. 21 , 1M1. I Notlco Is horeliT elven thnt the following named settler his fllcu notice of hla Intention lo make final proof In support of his cltlm , and hat iald prnul will bu made before Ilvglitor aud tocotrerat lln > kou How , Nob. , on Saturday. ToremberUO.lVOl.vIe : GKOHUK EY.RU , ct Itomid Tallny , Nnbraiika , on hi * hotnonoad entry No , BflO. for the UwU , lection D , townihlp 18 , N. , itiiRulR , west , Uth p. m. lie names tbo for owing nltnoiitvt to prove his continuous ruildouce upon aud cnltlritlon of aldUuil , Tlzt Kdward Olacu , of Hound Vnlley , Nebraik * ! Krlir.Ullmnti , of Konnd Valley , Nibraaka ; Rrnesi ( Iclib , of KoKud Valley. Ncbraika ; Johu ICIobb , of llrokon H.w , Nnbraska. 0-CI Gt JAM KM WuiTKinui ) , United ijtafca Land Office. I llrokon How. Neb , Sept. 17 , 1001. f Natlcu U hccaby ulren thnt the following nuttier has filed notice of his Intention to nako llual proof In lupport ofIlls olalm , and that siild proof will bo inndolioforo IteirUtor and Ho- culver , atllrakon Dow , Nob. , on MontUy , Norom- boi I , IWM.vlr. : Itobert M. Mnliuy , of Oroknn Dow , Nob. on bis U. U. No. 1835 , for k > { ne , iK nw , sec. D , T. sa , u , U , SO w. ( Hli p m , , Ho tmiDOa the followluu witncasos to prove nil continuous residence upon and saturation of still nni , vlr.t fitanc A. itvuean.af llrokou Ilow , Nebraska ; Will Apple , of Hnken How , Nobranka : John W. Heard , ot ( Intei , Ndbrookn ; Jack Ooleman , ot Qatos , obraaka. James \Vbltohuad , Hegtaur. TUItABUIlY DKl'AnTMBNT. OPFICK 0V COMPTHOLUKU OB1 TUK OUR- HlfNOYWaahkiglon , IX D. , October IB. 1KOI. W1IKHKAH , Viyoatlsfactory otldonib prsient- od to tbo uudcrajged , it uai bcou tnndo to am > ar Mtnt tie Ouster National Hank of Utokuu Uow. IM thoUlt tf Urok n Dow. In tiie Oouutir of Ouster , and Hlnto f nobraika , hat coicrplloil with all the i > rovliton ot tbo titatutos of tbo JntUd States , required to bo compiled with keforo An nsi-nclatlon taall bu uthomed to corumsnco tha hnslnesi of Dnnklnit ; NOW TDKRIiKOHK , I. Thomai P. Kane , deputy mid acting Oomntmller ot the Currouoy , dn hereby certify that The ( Justcr Notional Jlank of lirokon Ilow. In tbo City of Urokou llow , In the County of Ouster , and tJtutu of Nebraska , Js iiuthorlzei ) to commence the buulncss ot Hacking ai provided lu tjcutton Fifty ouo hundred and Hlxty nine of the Ilovlsod Btalntoi ) of the United States. IN TKSTIMOvy WlllCnUOl' , wlUieistuy Imnd and Seal of thu Comptroller's ofllco , this cUb < tcentb day of October , 1IXJI , ( HBA1 , ) T P. KANB , Deputy and ActlaKCouinlrcller of tbo Currency. No. RW5 , 10-Sl t TIME TABLE. BROKKN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , Hejeua , Chicago , Dntte , Ht. Jonon > , PortlsiiJ , Kansas Otty , Halt Lake City , at. Loul , and all Han FrancUco , polnti enit uud south. and allpolnta West. No. 4'J Vesllbulcil express dally , Lincoln , Oma < ha , St. JoBupu. Kaunas City , St. Louts , C61 cage and all polati east aud south.11 41 p.m. No. 44 Loenl oxprcna dally , Lincoln , Omaha , Ht. Joseph , KniiBOB City , 8t , Ix > nU , ChlcoKO aud all points east aud south . .8X9 am No. 46 Freight dally , Uavenna , Grand Island , Aurora , Scwardaud Lincoln OoUam No. 48 Krolgbt , uany except Sunday , Kavonnt and intermidlito points , No. Vcetlbulod express dally , Helena , Heat' tic. uuttc , Portland and all PsclSc Coast polut . . .r 409am No. 43 Local oxprers dally , Allltncu and Intermediate t-oluti UMOam Nn , 4B Freight dailyslope only Anialmo Boneca , Whitman and Alliance 10681. in No. 47 Freight , dally cxsopt Sunday , Sinoca and Intermediate points lS5pm Sleeping , dluliiK and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tlckea cold and bag- gaKO checked to any point In thi United tJUtos and Canada. No. 48 hu merouancaeo cars Tnosdayi , Thun- dayit and Saturdays. No , 46 will carry pasiecgers for Ravenns Drand Ulaud , Seward and Lincoln. Information , maps , tliuu tablet and tlckot call on or write to II. L. Ormsby , agent , or J Franelt , O. P. A. , Omuuv. Nebraska. II. L. Oim ur , AKent. SCHEDULE OF UROKEN OOW MAIL8. Pouch for west will close at H p. in. , except Hunday when It will cloiio at6S : p m. Pouch , uaat for train No. 4K closes' at tj a m and foi Xo. 41 closes at , B.30 a.m. Mall for Amlcy and polnta cust of Uraud Island carried on tr la No. 44 , Uconto Tla of liyno anl TuckervlIU , dally ux- cuiit Sundny clones , at 7 u m : returning same day Callaway via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday closes at 7 a in , returning name dny. Itound Valley via Urevu and Elton cloio at 7 a > m.Tuesday , Thursday aud Saturdays , rvtornlog aaicu duy. aiunnor Tla QuriiHey , Qeorgetowu aud „ . rrrlvosnt 11.30. Tnurday Thursday aud Hat' dny loturulug loaves nt'13,30 same day. OlUajhourn from tJ.OOn m to 8.00 p ui. buu- ayn frmu f\M5 p m , toO:4b p , in. Lobby otian ueekdayn from 7 a , ui. to p.m. Buudatl 8:80 : a.m too a. in. General doilvtry not open Sand - d y moriilng'as heretofore , L. U.jBwarr , P.M- A New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons , and Farm Wagons. G. W. Apple.