Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 17, 1901, Image 7

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    UoutiU Valley HCIIIH *
( Too Itto for last w eek. )
Alfred Larson la no.v ru lihiR nrcutnl
buying calves and lii'iU'fB.
Ole E. Oleson Bhipp d n carlo ul if
flhoop to Omaha , last wu-k.
The JouoBon hoys arc now thrcahl g
in the valley. They are ruatlorp.
Adolph Laito.i l.itoly mId i lil > two
year old Btoora lor flO.OO per head.
Win. Sargent eold nome very nice
vearllug steers tor 22 dollars per head.
N. K Lee hns uwt down a now hy-
raull" well for 0car Kng lspj0rd Ifp
had 00(1 HtioccB" .
.In IUH O 'enritoa to hie fa lior Hint
after he hail imulo a vifit to his ol- <
horue in MlnnlHoU ho wol ho I C5I
pounds \V nurUot the h-HH hero 'r
Nuhr * ka wliun they reach tlur.
A Mt-plH'W < f Mn1 KiiRPlffrj nPd arr v-
el last Acuk ( ram HllnoK His imut i-
Heuiy O. Andt rdou. lie will rtu1 \ \ \ < \ \
Oa ar this c iiilnR winter , wli'l' Dmii-
makes a v'alt to his old hoii e .n Nor-
The ball gams ami shoiting m itch
between tub Valley boju und Uohon uud
Victory boys wan won by the valley boys
as the other team lacked some of their
beat players. They had a nice sport
lor the tuna they kept on.
Joe McCaBlln and Etllo Barns of this
vicinity were the principles in a come-
what romatic wedding that took place
Monday September 80th in the fore
noon. It was an olopmont , well plan *
nod and well carried out. Uov. Clinton
performed the cerraony which united
their lives in the middle of the public
road by George Myers' house in Swiss
Valley. May IUOK and happiness
always follow them so bright and suc
cessful as it did in this event all will
be well.
Iteatern Kew * .
( Too late for last week. )
Mis. bpeece is visiting iu Kansas at
thin writing.
JOB , Chlttick was iu this vicinity ono
day this week.
Mrs. William tiain is having a siege
with rheumatism.
Meetings are still in progress at Beebo
chapel with good results.
Joe Miles repaired wells for Vf , II.
Latin nud 0. E. Young thin week.
The Greenfield school has had three
holidays rccentiyon account of funerals
in the district.
A. P. Cox took his son W. L. to his
chool last Sunday , and D. E. Young
made a like trip with his eon Artie.
Mrs. John Clark and Miss Anna Wil
liams are peddling groceries , and may
be seen making thu rounds , every few
George , the youngest eon ot Trum
Campau , was thrown of ! a horse ono
day this week , injuring him quite
The populists of this township held
their caucus ono evening last week , and
nominated candidates for precinct
Mrs. Joseph Gilmore , with two of her
children , left Wednesday for Omaha ,
whore she goes to the Methodist hoa *
pital for treatment for her eyes. Dur
ing her absonce" Mr. Gilmore will keep
house. N
Cameron , the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Uowe died Wednesday ,
October 8th , at the homo of Mr. and
MM. Wm. Greenfield , Mrs. Lowe'u
parents. Cholera infnntum was the
cause of his death , which was very 0nd-
den. The funeral was held Thursday ,
and the remains buried in the Lodl
eemotery. We extend to the bereaved
relatives the diucero sympathy of the
entire community ,
DIED AV her homo on lledfern Table
I'.uireday Oct < iuor4th 1801. Mrs. Earn
est -huiudur. . ThlH wm a very sadden
death as Mt.s. Schneider was in usual
li"iilth unlit ilio ihy of her death , when
ho was stricken with appoloxy which
resulted fatally in n few hours. She
VB boMnd n hiielmid and nix small
children thrro bofa and three girls , to
uourn her doMli. A short service was
icld at the house Monday , October < tn ,
after which the remains were removed
o the Catholic church in Ocontowhorn
services werri conducted by the priest ,
And the remains wen * laid to rest in the
athollc cemetery , The relatives h&vo
the sympathy of the entire community.
Ortullo News.
F , D. Atkiason's sale was quite well
attended by our noighbars last week.
School begnn Monday , with an en
rollment ot 2 Miss Ashbangh teacher ,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. linker went to
broken Bow Saturday , returning Sun-
Wo fully realize that winter is almost
lore it has been so cold the last few
This community was pained to learn
of the death of Charley Ivellenbargor
ast Friday.
Mrs. Thouiau Edwards and two child
ren , of Hugo , Colorado , are visiting
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs , K. D. Day are rejoicing
over the arrival of a baby girl , of rogu-
atlon weight , last Friday , October 11.
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Joyner rotiirnod
Sunday from u eix weeks sojourn in
Now York State. They spent a few days
seeing the sights at the Pan-American
exposition , and the remainder of the
time were visiting with relatives at
ortlandTaylor and Cinchmatus. Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Joynor , who wont with
them , have not yet returned.
. . . - -
Weather cold and dlsagroablo since
last writing , pro monition of ftn early
and severe winter ,
Died nt Ryno. Frank the jrrey horse ,
aged about twenty years , a better never
bad a line drawn on him.
M. Conley , II. 0. Donnel and several
others marketed ho s last week they
were fortunate as the bottom has drop *
pod out of the market.
Four of the Peterson fatuaily are down
with Typhoid fever. They now have
good medical nttendance and a good
nurse and hopes are Entertained that
they will recover.
J. II. Smith informoa us that ho re
ceived notit'o by the phone of of a fright
from the cattlemen iu lirnken Uow who
have cattle in his pasture that two -had
died of Tuberculoa nud a number uiora
sick.tbis was news to Smith as ho in
formed us yesterday that the cattle aio
all healthy and in line condition.
'Hunters are notified that the law will
be strictly enforced against those who
IresspaHS in the Ryno neighbourhood
roaming over the fields endangering the
life of men , beast and children on the
way by paths to and from schooland to
stockmen looking after their cattle , all
are exposed to their reckless shootinp ,
killing little birds as a thing did "can't
call him a man" near Ilyno crippled a
turttle dove then threw on the rood to
die in its misery ; a word to the wise
should ho sufllcieut.
AHli CreeU.
Come out to the ball game Saturday
D. L. Uorrick marketed a load of hogs
in Oconto Tuesday.
Homo have commenced husking corn
report from 10 to 25 buabela pOT acre.
W. A HayWard Is having quite a
ii h time riding tlni goat It fcotna for
lie in so mro footed ho can hardly run
Tl'o Ash crook debating club Is called
[ o meet Saturday evening October 29.
fho question for debate la "Uoolvotl
that 'AoiiU'ti fhouM have the I'U'ht. of
mifforngti" the Hponrkerf ) nro for the
ntlirmativo , 0. G. Huff , Mrs. Gco.
Pclkoy , A. Powora and D. H. Sullivan.
For the Negative , E. E. Winner , Mrs.
L. M. llutf , Win , Robinson and Mrs.
Hay ward.
His Life and Work ,
lly Gen. Charles H. Urosvcnor.
President's lilo long friend , com
rade in war and colleague in oon-
Was ticar his HHO with
other great men wlion hip oyoa were
closed in cloath. Followed the bier
to the National Capitol and to
Uantoii.l life Gouoral requires a
share of the proceeds of his book to
ho devoted to a Molunluy Morni-
mont Fund , Thus every subscri
ber becomes a contributor to this
fund. Millions of copies will be
sold. Everybody will buy it. Or-
tiers for the asking. Nobody will
refuse. Elegant Photogravure For-
trait of President McKinley's last
picture takuu at the White House.
You can easily aud quickly clear
$1,000 taking orders. Order outfit
quick. Chance to provo success ,
secure yearly contract and become-
manager. Send twelve 2 cent
stamps for elegant prospectus.
Taking 10 to 50 orders daily. 50-
000 oopiea will be sold mthih vioin
ity. Address ,
Corcoran Bldg , , Opp. U. S , Treas
ury , Washington , D. C.
The editor ot Una paper strongly
endorses the action of General
Charles U. Qroavenor , in requiring
a certain share of the proceeds from
the sale of his book to bo set asidr
for a McKinley Monument Fund.
Our readers will see an advertise
ment of this book in another col
umn of tbis paper.t' v
< t' '
Miscellaneous Books at Ed
Broken Vow Forluuato.
At last Broken Bow is to have
another real Brst-olass nhow visit
us. Something wo have not had
for some years. On Thursday ,
October 31st , Wood & Ward's big
company will present at the opera
house their successful comedy "Tho
Two Merry .Tramps. 'This oomp-
anj plays only live towns iu No
break ou route to Butte , Montana.
They appear at BoyJ's theatre ,
Omaha , October 20 , with Lincoln ,
Hastings , Grand Island , Broken
Bow aud Alliance to follow. The
company numbers 20 people , and
oarry all their ovrn scenery , etc. ,
and as tbe reserved seats will bo on
ly 50 cents , our theatre goois will
get more than the worth of their
Our Prices Co Down.
Wo are going to Close. Out Our
Clothing ,
Hata and Caps , /
Boots and Shoes , I
And Dress Goods ,
Sain starts Monday , and will continue aa long as there is a pair 1
of pants left.
Corao early and get a good thing for a
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
Trentiiiviit liy
UrimknrilH arc iluliiK
Cured iialiy in Hpltu
U ( TIlUtllHUlVCH.
No NuxlniiH noHUH. No
liiKofUic MvrtcN. A
ut and I'oBltlvu Oitru
1/0 r tltc i.lciuur
It i ( > n w ( , ( tu rally knosvn ntul In ( ( or
Htootl ihnt Drunkunm'.iM IB n th'foiiHti and
not wuitkuuBifi. A body IMed uttli polmm
nntl iiorvca oomnloti'ly eUnttort'il by
perlodicnl or constant UBO ot ttitoxicntlnu
requiroa nu antiduto capable ut
zinK und unulIorttluK tbla poison
destroying tbo cnivlut ; tor lutox-
i twits. Suffers may now cure them
Bolvue ut homo without iniblluity or Iocs
ot tlmo from business by this wonderful
'llomo Gold Cure" which hns been per
tcctud nttor mnny years of oloso study
ntul treatment ot inebriates. The fnllh *
lul use nccordlng to the directions of
tbla wondetful dUcovory la positively
Kuntantocd to euro the mout obstinate
PSBO , no mutter how hard a drinker.
Our records show tbo marvelous tmna-
formnllou of thouannde of bninkurdp
IntoBobor , tndnatrioua anil upright men.
Wives Cure Your Huabandj. Child
reu Oure Tour Fathers. This remedy la
In no BtuiBo a nostrutn but ia a a pool Ho
lor tbis dlscaeo only , and is eo skillfully
devised nud prepared that it is thoroughly -
ly soluble and pleasant to the taate HO
that it cnn bo given in a cup of tea or
colloo without the Knowledge ot the per.
eon taking it. Thouoands ot Druukurda
have oured thomeelvea with this priceless
remedy , and as ninny more have boon
cured and made tompornto men by
having the " ( Jure" administered by lov
ing friends and relatives without their
knowledge In coffee or ten , and believe
lo-duy that they dlscontlued drinking of
Hiolr own free will. Do Not Wnit. Dp
not bo deluded by apparent and mislead.
Ing "improftmont. " Drive out
disease nt once and for nil tlmo. The
"llomo Gold Ouro" Is sold at the
oxtrmuoly low price of One Dollar , thue
placing within roach of everybody n
treatment more effectual than others
coating $25 to $50. Full directions
accompany each paoUngo. Special
advice by ( killed physicians when re
quested without extrn charge. Sent
prepaid to nny part of Hie world on
recept of One Dollar. Andreas Dw > f E
and 2332 Market Street. Philadelphia.
AH correspondence ttrictly conlldetinl.
A 'stioh in time aaves nino" and
arioso of BALLAKD'S I1ORE-
HOUND SYRU Pat the beginning
of a cold will save you many weary
hours and eve days of distressing
and harassing cou jgb. Price 25 and
50 cents. Ed. MoComas Broken
Bow aud Merna.
and read what I Hay. For ton days
to niafco room for my fail order ol
couches. I will make a reduction
of 25 per cent on all Karpou Stco
Construction oouohos.
West Side Square.
A new remedy i'or biliousness is now
OH HHO ! at Ilnobnrlo 's drug Btetro. It IB
called Chnmlierliiin's Stomach nnd Liv
er ; Tablets. It gives quick relief nnd
will prevent the attack If given as soon
HS the first Indication of the disease nj-
peara. Frlco , 25 cents per box. Sam
ples free.
'P r throe daya and nights I Biifforwl
gotiy untold from attack of cholera
niorbus broRht on by eating cuuuniboiB1'
ays M. E. Lowthor , clerk of the die-
'riot court , Contorvllio Iowa. "I
bought I ehould surely die , nnd tried
i dozen different modluinn I nt all to no
nirposo. i pent for u boltlo nf CtiRtn *
erlnln'e ( Jollc , Oholcru nnd Dlnrrhoon
tomcdy nnd three doers roloivcrl tno
onllrloy. " This remedy is for sale by
I. G lingerie.
A New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons ,
W. Apple.
To TIIK DKAP- rich lady , cured
ot a r Deafness and Noieon in the
loaa by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
Ear Drums , gave $25,000 to bit ) In-
etitute , so that deaf people unable
o procure the Ear Drums , may have
hem free , Addrova No. D 148 ,
The Nicholson Institute , 780 ,
ight Avenue , Now York. jau3 ly
Complexion lluiiuttlllur.
Wo want every lady reudcr of thu
Rui'UUMOAN to try Dwight'a Com
plexion Bcautitior , the most uxquU
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmlos8ruakca the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only Bond Fnuic a full
size , Fifty cent box to svory lady
who will vend us her post olHoc ad
dress silver dime to pay for packing
and pOHtago. Only ono KUBK box to
each address but Indies may order
for their friends. Each boo : mailed
separately. Send this notion and
your order at e-NOK to D. W. OU TJCR
Huntington W. Va.
When you cnnnol sleep for coughing
it is hardly necospnry tluxt nny ono
Bhould tell you that you need K few
doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to ally tbo Irritation of thu throat ,
and make sleep possible. It is iood. ;
Try it. For ealo by .T , O , Hacborle.
U. S. Land Office.
K.n. YOUNO UocelTCt
All 'ndrortlscmoita under Hiln lioad will be
nrued for lit let'nl riitCH,1 Tlz : 1,10 per giinnrt
for flrnt InfOrtUn , niul ( Uc per ( cinnro for encli
aubecqaoat lucortlon ,
A "equaro" U turn linen or fraction thereof.
In county court , within and for Cnster comity
In tlio matter n ( tlia cttato of Joibua Ftconmn
To the orrdttors ot snVl estate :
Yea ftro'heroby notified , that 1 will clt at tb
' cynvty court room. In lirukon How , In mh
'tminty. on Iho S'lh dny of Novomlicr. IUUI ; o
the 37th day ot January , 1002 ; utid an the -7t
dnyof Marcn , lUCJ ; each nt 10 o'clock n. in. o
u.'ich day , to receive nnd oxnmlne nil clnlin
ngalnut pnld ustatu , with a view to tlielr ndjust
munt and ullowunco , The tlnio limited for tli
presentation of claims aealiiBt Bald crtitu ID i > l
monthi from the j7lh day of September , 1001
nnd the time limited for the payment of debts I
olio year from mild " 7th dny of September , I1KH ,
Wltnms my band and tbe Ken ) dt paid count
Court , thlo S4tli day of September , ! D01 :
IHKAL ] l-04t ) ! ! J. A , Autioun , Comity Judffo ,
' >
\u' ' ,
United Qtntos Land Offlco ,
Broken How , Nob. , September l , 1WU v
Notice In hereby Rlren tbjt tha fpllowln *
iicil oottUr Jmd'hlednotloe of b s/lntcnlloM to
m Uo fliml proof In support of bin , claim. a
MM iil < l proof will l > n mmlo before Rtakler an4
trc iTCr at Hrnkon < > ty N"J' * "ka JAttli * , ? '
ctoberSM. 1001 , Tl * ! JOHN T. THOMPSON ,
n ltl T ( I. No. 7181 , for ih 8 . Motion 15 ,
townflilp 18 , nortb r n o 17 , west Otu F. M.
Ho nnmcs the following wltnoBSos to prove nl
oiillmion * reililonc * upon nud culllTatlon el
Mil ItinU via ; Jorrv Howl , of Snnimorford ,
NosrwUo. Kmory 1J. Moore , of nontid V llay
Ncurnnkn ; toiml * Tliorapson , of. Jllton , No-
'n kn , IM-vAtd Smlih , of KHon , Ncbrn-ki
Iliflt JA > IK WiuwiKim , HcfilMier.
_ -
ttallcil HUtcu L nil OHCO I
llrokon ow , Nob. Sept. 17 , 101 * . f
Notice In hereby given thnt the following
meil settler him fllodtiotlce of Ul Intention to
uko llnnl jiroof In § up port of bin claim , and that
nkl proof will bo mulobororo Uoolsler nnd no-
olvor. atllrokon IJow , Nob. , on Monddf , Novem
> oi ! , IKOI.vir. : llohert M Jtfitloy , of Broken
low , Nob. ou hit ( I. K. No. 1825 , for fc' { nc , tH
nw. oc. 8 , T. VO , n , II. 20v. . Otb p m ,
llo unmc * tbo following witno. § c to prove lilt
nntinnnnA rsulclenco upon niitl cuUlVnllOU Of sst.l
nnd , vU :
Immc A. Kunean. of Ur ken Uow , Nebraika ;
Vltl Avi'lo , of Broken How. Nebraska : Jobn Vf .
lc td , of Gates , Nebraska , Jack Oolomnn , of
1ntn , Mibraikn. Jamo * SVnltobcad , Itcgleter.
UnltAd Htaton Land Olllco , I
lfou Bow , Neb. , Scptombor 7,1001 , J
Notice it bernby given tint the followlnc
mined tuUlor bna filed nntlca of bU Intention to
unUt ) llnnl proof In support of MB claim , and
Iml ntlil proof \vrtl bo tnado before Ilcglster and
KecoWcr at llnikcn How , Nebraska , on flfttnr-
inv. OrtoUr 11) ) , 1901 , vlisj 1'LKAHANT U.
BTKKKT , utio of tliu belra and for helra of
3n.'oiibflrrr M. Street , deceased , nt llooflcr , No.
brndliB , for tlm So > 4 , upctluti 39 , lownrtilp 80 ,
north , rniign'j : ! , west , ntb p. m.
lie HQinoi tbo fnllovvlut ; ultni'snce to provo hit
conllniiotiR residence upon and cultivation of
aid land , vizi
Wllllnnt M. Ilsrroll. of llooeler , VobrniKa ;
Dnnlol W. Corey , of Mornn , Ncbrnskn ; Jolm'S.
Harroll , of Woodier , Nebraska1 Samuel Adkliw , t
Atmolma , Nebraska
, Realtor.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Iloloua ,
riilcnfto , lintte ,
tit. JoBOiil ) . Porting ,
KniiBA * City , Halt Lnko City ,
Kt. Ijonls , nntl nil Han Krnnclfco ,
cast aid south. and all points woat ,
No. 49 VoHllbulcil ux | > ro 8 dally. Lincoln , Om -
liu , at. Josciin. itntuiD City , tit , Louli , Obi
cngo anil nil points oiiBt nmleonth. . . . ! ! Jl p.m.
So. 44 Locfll uxprota il.iily , Lincoln , Omnlia ,
tit. Joseph , Kniisoa City , St. Louis , Chicago
Biitl nil points oMt mitl nth . ( I " 'Jan
No. 40 Freight dally , Kuvcnnn , Oranil I Und ,
Aurora , Suunrduiul Ijlntoln . . . . 003 am
No. 48 Krolglit , dylly uzcopt Sunday , Havcnni
nnd intnriULdlito point ? , . , . . . . . . 1 1)6 ) pin
No. 41 VY'Btlbtileil oxprona itaHy , lloloim. Boat-
llo , lliittu , 1'ortlaTul und nil 1'aclfle C'osjt
poliU | . . . 40Unm
No , 43 J ocal oxpr B J Ily , Alllaurii nd
liitcnnctllato polnU. . . , . l)40mn !
No. ir > freight dally , ntupi only Anivtmo Houoct ,
Whilnuu and Alliance . , . 1068 Bin
No. .17 KrolKljt. dally except Bnnday , Hitieca
nnd IntormiMlAto polnU . liSApm
Bleoplnt' , dlkliiR and reclining clinlrcara ( Boats
Iruo ) on tkroUKh trnlun. Tlclcua sold and bag-
O chocknd to any point Iu tin United tjtato *
No. 48 Imfl murohsndlao cars Tnoadayi , Tlinri-
days andtiatnrdayi.
No. 4(1 ( will carry paatorKurM ( or Kavonni
Orand lalaml , Seward and Lincoln.
Information , ninpj , llin.u tiibloi anil ticket
rail on or wrlto to U. L. Orm&by , a ont , or J
Ifjincli , Q. I1. A. , CWnnhD. Nobratkn.
II. L. OnNMor , Asont.
I' ucU for west will cUeo at H p. m , , except
Sunday wliun It , will cloao at ( It 15 p ra ,
1'onoh , east tfir train No. 4J cloHOB nt 8 a m
and ( oi No. 41 alofon nt , Mall for Audoy
and polnte ) oust of Uraud lalund carried on tralu
No. 41.
OcontQvln of Hyno arjl TucUarvllle , dally or-
cupt Sunday clonufi , at 7 a ra : ruturnliiR Haniu day
Cullnway vlu , Mc'KltAey dally except tiunday
CO ! CH nt" in , returnlnifniitnu dtiy.
Kound Valley via Urovu and Klton cloio nt7a
ni.Tuu9day , Thursday aud Saturdays , roturnlug
laiso duy.
Hiinincr via Ournsoy , Goorcctown and Upton
arrrlvai ut 11.30 , Tuesday Thuraday aud aatiir-
duy returning loavei nt r.,30 anmo duy.
Ollloi honrH from 8.00 n into H.K ) p m. Knu-
dnyn frumril5 : p. ui , toOil ! ) p. in. Lobby open
\veckdoynfroui7n.m.to8 p.m. Sumliue a'M :
a. in to C a. in. Ucnerul delivery not open Sun *
day morning as heretofore. L. U.JKWBTT , I'.M'
and Professional
Proprlolor * of
WoatHldo Equaro , llrokonUow
Nebrarka. AKentri Olntkeon
Lincoln Laundry.
Rasmus Anderson , J. C. Moore
Real EsUtc. Abstractor ,
Lands for nalo and rent in Castor and adjoin
ing counties. Equities and mortgages bought and
sold. 'Abstracts promptly and neatly made.
Off loo. Main St. , Between 4th & 6th Avonuoo ,
Broken Bow. Custer County , Nebraska.
W. K. BAKEU. 1'rop.
For a BOcIiil iramo of pool. Worth
Ot ItU'DULlOAN : Olllco.
Itroken Dow , Nobraskn.
Haccetsoc to
HucK ilofcomb ,
Columbia Bycloles ,
Wheeler & Wllnon , and
New llouio Sewmc
lirokeu How , Nobrseka.
Dealer In
Pumps , Wind Mills ,
Tankn , Fittings , Gaeo-
line Eugiuob , eto , , etc.
'Broken now , Nebraska.
IS y ara experience.
I Tenni reatopnblo.
, Telephone Xo. isa.
Broke * Uow , Nebraska.
Anyone ! wishing a now watch
movement In an old case , enll on
Loading Hboemakcr tb Watch
Hopalivr of the city. Located Ut
door Fouth poftolllco.
Dealer In
Granite , Foreign nnd American
, Marble * .
Ornament ? ! Work a
Hrokbfi How , Ntl :
All Linda of Work Done.
SatUfitctlon Guaranteed.
Crayon Work
lin larked ;
Urokea JW , Nebraska.
X-M'CV UAUIIKK 81101' .
H.O.HUTTON , Proprliitor.
KJret-olft's work , Hoar Itootn
ot llrokeu llow vale Uauk.
lirokeu How , Nebraska.
SlltoriteiJ alfmu
llroken How , Ncbr.
2nd Stalrwny from wo t end In
Hoalty Hlook ; residence , 3rd went
H. E. clurch | , on same uldo of
i tree t.
t.llrolton llow , Ncbraakn.
3Sr-Puns ) and catlmatcB on sboi
lirokun Dow , Nebraska ,
Ifoomi 8 and I ) , He ally Illock.
llrokcn How , Nebraska.
Atty-at-Law ,
Notary Public ,
and Juetlco of ( bo 1'enro. Special
atirntlcii elTou to collectioiiH
l.'cppi-lllon * taken , pcnutun vouch.
ur neatly cxucutod and all liindj
of Icgul paperA written oalua In
thu n-ur of Hank of Commerce ) .
Broken Bow , Nob.
Practice In all Courts.
Uroken llow , Nebraska.
K. F. iIcCtuii , 1'rop.
Rye Flour , Buckwheat ,
Graham , Food , oto.
All kinds of world u our line done
promptly and In flriUclaas order ,
llod Shop on the corner west in
thu hone IIOUBO. '
< iVIv Di A TIIIAI , .
lirokcn Bow , Nab.
Proprietor of
RcatauruutA ; Lunch Counter.
LnrKO aeFurtmunt ot Confo tlon
urlca , Clunro und Tobaccos.
Nortb blilo ot Public Square ,
HroU-on Uow , Ncbraelut.
118. K. 0.V. . K.TAL1JOT
$ sa
OUlcu over Ilaeburlu'u Drujj Store ,
llroktn llow , Kobraeka.
Offlao In rear of tbo Hank of Com'
ruerco. Kreldcuco Uth house \\t8t
of the liaptlst caurcli.
Hrokon How , Nob.
ID D.P10KETT , .
Stenographer and
'Notary Public.
, lob Work a Spouialty.
Oftlco with Jauies Ledwlcb.