Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 03, 1901, Image 8

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MBMDUIlt Of THE 1101)11) ,
H.I1 Bavngo DUt. No
Joint C'ooiiuy , , . . . . . . . . .Dlst. No 1
a. n. Tiiotio | , Hint. NO :
.1. V llruolihutd Dlit. N"
U. O. 1/liicl Dint. An d
Jfinn W. UonU > y 1HU. No i
Q. lllsot I'M ' N 7
Tuesday , Sept. 21 , 11)01. )
Pursuant to adjournment tliu Coun
ty Board of Snporvisros Custor coun
ty , Nebraska , met at the court house
in IJrokou How , this Tuesday morn
ing at { ) o'clock and was called to
order by the chairman.
Roll was called and the following
members responded to tl ir mimes :
13rechbuhl , Cojnny , 1'milny , Suvngo
and Lind.
Tno minutes of the . 'iil ' 10th sen-
niou were road and appi > vc'd.
The matter of the Iluemaii and
Donnel erroneous tax cliiim was pro-
seuted to the board b\ i-ininly. utter
noy. Tlio mutter wni fiKnn up un
der consideration and ihoroiighly in
vestigated by the board.
Adjourned until 1:110 p in
The honrd roconvond nt 1 : ! H ) p.
m. , with all preaont.
Coonoy offered the follow ing rose
lutioii relative to the nrroncous tav
claim of llooman and l ) nnoll :
Uo It resolved , that whi'i'i'iis llicii' Is a
.Stilt pending In Huffa ! " coiintv , Ni-br ,
against Hecmam anJ Donni'll In which
the county of Ouster plalnlilf In leomer
certain pcraonal tax claimed to ho due and
owing from said lineman and Dounoll to
CiiHter county , and
WIIKIIKAH , It Is deemed wise to settle
said suit and end t > ald litigation , and
wheicas , said llcmuan and Domioll have
paid the lb')7 ) tax In Wood River township ,
and the IbO'J ' tax In Wood River township
In full and lm\e paid the Ib'JS tax In
Arnold township under molest , and have
paid $43 25 of the IH'.is ' Wood River town
ship lax under piotest , and have paid the
remainder of said tax In Wood River
township direct without prntest , and ,
WIIKIIKAB , said lleeman ami Donnell
have agreed to pay the costs In said liti
gation. Now , therefore bo It
RKUOLVKD , thai the sum of $201.55 lining
the tax In Arnold township and ? : )25 )
of tbo tax lor Ib'.W ' In Wood River to'vn-
ship , bo and hoioby Is declined enoneons
and the County Treasurer Is ordeied to
refund said sums to Homnan and Donnell.
Moved by Thorp an seconded by
Conloy that the resolutions be adopt
ed. The question was carried and
the chairman declared it ordered as
provided in resolution.
Claims committee reported as fol
lows :
J. B. Osbourn for extending tax
OIlfT $02 10 Delight. . . $12140
Myrtle iK1. (10 ( Hllm 0010
Garfiulu 4r oo lOlfoll . . . .100 oo
Loup 08 02 Grant 51 (18 (
Borwyn ( W 00 Vlctoilu . . Olioi
Triumph 15 oo Aiiiley. . . 7120
Wayne 53 55 Hayes. . . . 2(1 ( 05
U H Mnlllns. 05 00 P L Mutualt 0 20
O 11 Tonstei- W K Sweugul 11 5
mucher MD 20 00 Flora
Beat Bros. . . . 500 Raymond. 12 00
J B Qptniuin. 1 CO Wm Blair. . 117 15
Peal Cash Or. 5 50 Delia
Grunt twp Henjamln. 25 50
claim $ .22.05 G Carlson. . 21 50
allowed. . . . 1(1 00 WOMary. . . . 000
Moved and curried to accept and
adopt report and claims allowed.
Adjourned until 0 a. in. tomorrow.
Wednesday , Sept. 25,1901.
Board mot at 0 a. m with all mem
bers present.
Minutes were read and approved.
The matter of a petition from Cliff
township for aid in constructing road
and bridges came up far hearing the
petition being as follows :
mi inu 'tow n unnrii inJiin
townshli ) woulit retiiei-tfnlly iihlt an tin
pronrlatlon ttoiu the county trimmuiory
to aid In 110 couhtruetluii for uertaln cul
verts and bridges on roml number 115
running through our township , from west
to east and situate on seuilun unit between
sections 1 and HO , town 18 noith , range iil
west , the expense of onimlng this line of
road would be more than can be raised
In one year by the oidinary road levy.
Wo then-tore ask of your honorable ) bed )
aid to tbo amount of $200. Your petition
ers would respectfully a < U the KIanting of
the above leqncsi.
1 , Mlllard Hill , Township Clerk certify
that , by motion of this board , Iuly 1st , UKl ,
J. M. Fodtio was duly atithorUed to lay
this petition botoro yon. In Conformity
to section -IIJUJ of revised statutes.
Mlllard Ulll , Township Clerk.
Moved and seconded that request
ho granted.
Vote as follows :
Voting aye : Breohbuhl , Hoieor ,
Savage Thorp , Lind.
Voting nay : Coonoy , Conley.
Chairman declared the motion
Adjourned to 1:30 : p. m ,
Board reoonvieud at 10 : ! ! with all
members present.
Moved and carried the county
clerk ho and hereby is ordered to
draw a warrant against the road fund
of Ouster county for $200 in favor
town treasurer of dill' townstip , the
suid sum being the appropriation
made by the board to 'assist said
township to construct and repair
road 110 in said towtship , work to be
under the btiporvison of J. F. Broch-
buhl , supervisor Dist. No. 4.
Wo , your special committee do
hereby certify that the following
itatoment of M. E , Sohneringer
county treasurer of Ouster county , in
a complete and aourate summary of
all his collections and disbursements
from Jan Od , 1001 to June 30th 1001
and that each collection has been
correctly entered and properly ac
counted for and that ranches and
, f * <
other items oi credits were in paper
form and correctly entered and that
the statement of bidaucos agrooi in
o\rry patiolilnr with said accounlH in
Hiiid county troiisuro'B general lodger.
Finance Committee.
Dr. to Iliilanci-forward f 71,1107 10
Coiintv winlants on bund. lo,5D500
School Distill wnrtants
on hand 3.0I3H8
Iirlgatlon District Imnd
coupons mid oi dors on
band 1,200. IN
Taxes collected foryeur 180 l.)5 )
ISS7 ! i)5 ( )
18S ! ) ' "lift
1S1K ) 202 55
18W l.lWlilT
KS'JI 1,1)78.01 )
ism -j.8ii.'J8 :
lbM5 ! : ) , U7M !
1S1I7 .1,1117 l
ib'.is u > : < I il
181)11 ) 10,7,17 Ii8
SfhiHil land : t,02l07
MlBi'"lliinnoiM 1,0(12 ( 10
Fines 5'.i50
I'Yi's iis per fi i ) book l,778.f > 0
Salt' Ctf. fi i'i. on ledcomcd
coiintv s > , ile ccrlllliwtcs. . 210 ( X )
lllh'Ir-U nil li'lll Ollh tl COIIII-
l y xalct cei I lllc'iite * 1145 M
liilfieM nn sinking funds . 1,071 < > < !
lt'ill'lllltlltis | received . . . . ll.5J7fl3a
y lain iiiioi | | tiDtiinent rec'd. 7iiri : ( 50
Total ( 2a > , ll ! ) 18
r.lij Sitito'lr ii'i.'ipts $ lior 3I'd
School Ilst'reus. ( receipts I2,0VI30
Suliiuil hoinl Hid coupons pel 2,101 M5
School jiiiluinunls. , 1,271 M
Tup. hen" iccelpts l.fibOOO
Tu p bond * .mil coupons pil 'Jii7.lifl : :
Vllliisn Ti. iccolpts 2,0(7.1)0 ( )
VllliiKu imniH coupons pd. 315 00
Couniv claims on tu\ n:1i.ti : :
I'cflllldl'll Illl 151.Sl
Koail ii'ci'lpls nikit50 ( . ici'Hpt.s 2IIU8
Conntj Wls lodeomed.Kcn. I0fi)7.77 )
brldtjo 7370
" " " iniul .20
" " "
relief nooon
Spue load InndH paid out . 331 ! IS
1'ctttiiKO 14 00
.Salaries and clerk biro. . . . liS03.ri (
litigation Hist Tr icei'lpts. a.silHl ! )
School Dlst Wtson band. . 2,01071 !
lirluutlon coupons and 01-
clersnn liaiui 1-I8G 13
Villain warrants on bniid. 2.100
Sidewalk voucher on band 18.00
Tax smlo Ctfs ledeumed. . . . 0,238 00
County warrants on band . 15,787.05
Balance In olllco and banks Sr > ,500.3 ; )
Total ! i05,51H.4S
Accepted and adopted.
Wo your committee recommend
to allow the following claims :
A O'llrlun 5 2.72
G Hulsnr 50 O.r
West Union Milling Co 0000
II P SaviiKii -12.00
W C Shoemaker 15.10
Hangs and Kiillm GOO
Albert Llndqulst 17.50
,1 11 Mark 7.50
Dlc i ka Lumber & Coal Co 2.50
II P Siivitt ' , ! ) 30.7.1
Savage Kins 300
II P Savage 11 40
U \V Ueadloy 4.75
J W Con'oy '
I ) A Vansant 270-10
Moved and carried to accept and
adopt report of committee , to grunt
petition and allow olaima and that
the clerk bo ordered to notify Stand
ard Bridge Co. at ouco to construct
the bridge asked for in said pHtition
Savage prossontod the following
which on motion regularly unttlo and
Bocondod waa ordered by the board :
WuiniiCAR , tbo bonds of Subool District
numliur 135 bavu been paid In lull , and
WnniiKAS , tbero Is certain inonoy now
In tbo bands of tbo County tieaamor a
icHldtic of Ibu levy. Tberofoio bo It
UISOIVID. that tbo county trensmer be
and Is hereby ordered to trauslur bald
luudn to the credit of said school dlstilct
number 1H5. ,
The following requisition' ' from
Judge Armour was on motion grant
ed by the board :
Wuuiir.AH , at the last meeting of youi
board the committee roKiirdliiK tbo clerks
of tbo vai Ions olllcos of tbo county , was
discharged without my knowledge , and
for that reason no application was at that
Hum made by mo for tbo necessary clotk
biro. Ithoiofnre usk that 1 bu allowed
the necessary clerk him for the olllco to
nn ( nun uuii 111 uiu iiios in inu onieo , at not
to exceed f 1.50 per day , and that tbo or.lor
allowing tbo biunu rolalo back to the or
der of said board ilUcluuKliiR said com
mltteo. J. A. Armour Co.
Coonoy road a comminiioation from
Logan county us follows :
Motion made and can led , to allow Cns-
toreouiity. Xebraska. not to o\ceed fr0
pur linear fool ; one-half of the cost of tbo
cost of the building of two bildes | on a
county line road between Lngan and Uns-
ter cnnntluM , which H to run as follows :
Commouelni } at noitluust corner of
ueitboastipiaitprof M-ptlon 12 , township
17 , UUIK02I ) , and running inlh alnnir line
bciiwuun Lo an and Ouster counties to
southeast coiner of hectlou 24 , township 17
raniro 20. The amount to b pnld to ( Jus-
ter county l > y l.nauii County to bosaino as
eoutiactcil for thibulldlii ( ? of said luidues
by CuMi-r county , not to o\ceed $ r..oo pur
llno.vr foot lor cu-h brUIKo nn said line
pt desiiilbed load. And \\e hoioby author-
ZD said Oustur comity to have said bridtres
built and when the same are completed
wo hoioby aKrou to pay aald Ouster county
olio-half the cent of the bridges so built
iilouR said line of mad as above described
Attest | ' ' .ow. \Vimniii8. Co. Ol.-ik . ,
) M. b. MuMlllen , Chin. Co. Hoard
Moved and carried that proposi
tion submitted by Logan county be
Court house and
jail supply com
mittee reported aa follows :
Wo recommend to allow the claims
of the Broken How Tolonhnmn R
change and Goo. Buttorfiold-
Accepted and adopted.
Adjourned to 9 a. m. tomorrow.
Thursday , Sept 20th , 1001 ,
Hoard reeonviouod at 0 o'clock
with all members present.
Minutes read and approved.
Coonoy reported on rip rap put in
Middle Loup river at south side of
West Union bridge UB follows :
1 respectfully report that I have
examined work done at West Union
bridge by .Butcher & Dewey and
found same according to contract. J'
therefore recommend that said rip
rap work bo accepted.
Moved and carried to adopt report
and accept work.
Ileistr reported on bond of Butch
er & Dewey , recommending to al'o.v
bond. ,
Committee also recommend that
the claim of Hutofior & Dewey for
$200 for rip rap work bo allowed.
Accepted and adopted and calaitn
Butcher & Dewey presented the
following proposition to pt in wing
dam at Sargent bridge :
Wo hereby olTer to construct tip rap
work embankment or wl it dnm. com-
menuliiK at a point about i > < )0 or 700 ffot
west of the north end of theSargent
hrldKo across tbo Middle Lonp river In
SatKcnl township. In said Ouster county ,
thence riinnlni ; diagonally In a .south
easterly direction , said dam to be suffici
ent to ditto said channel to a width of
about 140 Teot , said work to bo done for
g500 nml to ho maintained and kept In ro-
nali for a period of two years , contarct to
bo drawn and bond given to bo approved
by ccivuty board. Ab. Butcher.
Ueo. Dubery.
Moved and seconded to accept the
proposition and award Butcher &
Dewey the contract.
Vote as follows :
Aye : Brechhuhl , Coonoy , Savage ,
Thorp , lliser , Liud.
Nay : Con ley.
Chairman declared motion carried.
Moved and carried that county at
torney be and hereby is instructed to
procure an iudeminty bond for sheriff
of Filuioro county in matter of spelde
tax collections.
Adjourned to 0 a. m. tomorrow.
Friday , Sept. 27th , 1901.
Board met a 9 o'clock with all
members present.
Minutes road and approved.
Cooney offered the following reso
lution :
WlIKRKAB , the Wjtf HWV of .1 , lllld W %
mv ot 8. all In township 17 , north range
10 west , itth p. m. , was taxed for years
mvibSG-1887 and 1888 , and that said land
was government laud at said time and not
subject to taxation. Therefore be It
Rnsot.vKD , that ihe county treasurer be
and hereby Is ordered and directed to
strike said tux fiom the records and bo ) ks
of said county , and the county clerk Is
huieby directed to certify this resolution
to the county treasurer.
Accepted and adopted.
Moved and carried that Savage is
authorized and instructed to notify
Fred Burbuker to provide for and
support his mother.
Itoad and road claims committee
reported recommending that the fol
lowing claims be allowed , bonds
approved and petitions granted :
West Union twp Walter Phillips
Dlst 1 Custor * Ell Cov
UstU Lillian S A McAllister
Dlst4 Arnold DP Hopkins
Dlstl Wdodlllver Wm Gllmore
Dlst 1 Douglas Grove Wllber M Spur
nistfi Victoria Cbas B Fessendeu
DM 1 CHIT J P Bnkor
.Tiia McAllister , et al
, las Cunningham ot al
( Jeo WSnollutal
T .1 Woods ot al
It P Moore et al
,1 M Savage ? 1.50
N K Armstiong 5.2.1
(1 Helser 31.00
K V Kobson 4.QO
HaiHO Petersen 2.00
.Inn How-oil 2.00
SMOhaso 4.00
M Ij Lamb 5.00
Ueo W Snoll 2.00
LI' ] Keen 87.00
, los It Keen Q.OO
( ! co Denis 1.00
II 1'Savago 31.70
KobtJInks 2.00
Jno F Loostrom 1.00
.1 WCouloy 3-375
Nlcholl Peterson 2.00
Adjourned to 1:80 p. m.
Board rooonviened at 1:30 : with all
members present.
Claims committee reported as fol
lows :
.1 H Osbourn tax list. . : t 24.00
J C WiuloMD 71.00
K A llunna 50.00
K I ) Atklsson 25,02
W 11 Pounlngton 13.50
N.lOttum 7.00
Ceo Mary 4.75
U K Potter M D 30.00
( ! II Thorpe
L 15 llelsby 11.00
.1.1 Tooloy 413.03
Wm Pfiebm 21.25
CTOrr 3.00
.InsOHvui 12.25
Snydei Bros 5.05
Kd MaComas 5.20
PK Wlntber 0.00
Accepted and adopted.
Judiciary committee reported as
follows :
Jaiuns Oleson : ? 8.00
O K Hutes 8.00
Oeoandllll Melntosh 9.00
JnoS Smith 2.45
.1 llDimn il.OO
.leiiulo Plerco 7.2
N K Armstrong
Mollle Ultter 1.5
.1 S Austin' 3,00
.1 A Armour 11.2
II Hitter 1.50
K and II V Savage 20.9
N li Armstrong 07.00
Al Govler 1.00
Ed and J iilos llauinont 7.2
UOTalbotMD 8.00
Jns Oliver 0.5
Cbas Hooth , Sr 1.60
Jno Williams 1.50
Peter Pleico 7.60
A H Shoemaker 1.50
Laura Splcor 1.50
Laid over claims.
M Obdo $1.50 Abel Obdo $1.50
All claims in following inia de-
menor cases :
Stuto vs Arthur Sweonoy
State vs Lowls Simmons
State vs L U Camonsou
State vs Chas Ward
State vs Otto Rich
State vs Ambrosu Koran ot al
Accepted and adopted.
Savage presented the following
resolution relating to H. Moody'a
admission to Soldiera Home at
Grand Island :
WHHHIAH , wo have made linmliy Into
be condition of William II. Alootly , an
X'snldliT of tbol'nlon ainiy , and
WIIK.AKAM , we llnd that he 'Is ' nimble by'
oasouof dlsHblllty and old ago to support'
ilmself , and Is dependent upon ) irl\alc
barlU for III" support and malntalnaui-o ,
beiefore bo It : , that we HmUlmt , he Is a pro-
> ei subject for admission In llm N'obra-ka
Soldier s and Halloi's Home , and that ( be
lork and cbalrman bo beieby Instriii'led
n cortjfy this ie nlutlon to the Icunlly
iiitborlzvd board of said home.
Breohbuhl offered the following
osolution :
KAM , certain claims have been al-
owed agalnxt various road districts foi
oad damages , and no levies have been
nmlo therefoi , therefore be It
KKXOI.VKI ) . that there bu levied upon all
bo taxable pi npeity of the vailous road
llsti lets hereinafter named , tbo amount
ierelnafter&ot nut opposite the names of
aid various dlstilcts ;
District No. 2 Lonp twp . 1 mills
1 Hayes . H . - "
" ' 4 WoodUlver twp . 2 "
" iTiInmph twp . a "
" ' " 1 "
2 Triumph .
" ' 3 Triumph " . 5 "
' 4 Olllt twp . 5 "
' IDollght twp . 5 "
nd that the county cletk bo oideied and
llrectcd to extend such levies upon the
ax books ot said county.
Moved and carried to adopt roso-
ution and order us therein provided.
Road committee reported on the
3oumont petition :
1 recommend that the petition be grant-
d from the north line ot A P Leach north
f station 27 , bouth to the south line of
ectlon34. J. W. Conley.
Wo recommend to allow ' /be petition
ind order the HIII veyor to make changes
n the load on the lands of Thompson and
Ole.son ay dliccted by the toad committee.
II. P. Savage.
G. Helser.
Moved and seconded that the
uinority report be accepted.
Vote as follows :
Aye : Brechbtihl , Coonoy CouJey.
Nay : Savage , Thorp , Hoisor , Lind.
Chairman declared motion lost.
Moved and seconded that the ma-
ority report be oxcepted.
Vote as follows :
Aye ; Savage , Heiser.
Nay : Brechbuhl , Cooney Conley ,
? horp.
Chairman declared motion lost.
Savage offered the following resoltt-
ion :
WHICIUIAS , on tbo Itnh day of July , 1001 ,
n order was entoicd requiting tbo Cblca-
; o , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad , Co. ,
essoe of the Lincoln & Hlaclc Hills rail-
'Oad Co , to appear before this board on
bo 24th day of September , UKH , and show
auso why the giado and ilcbt-of-way of
be Lincoln & Hlack Hills Railroad Co. ,
icglng 4 % miles In length In Sargent
ownsnlp In said county should not bu as-
ofescd for taxation for the year 1001 , and
WIIKIIKAH , notice , of said order wasglvcn
o and said order was Served upon said
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad
Co , lessee and In possession of bald pro-
> erty on July 19. 1001 , ami
WHEUHAS , no cause has been shown why
aid grade and rlght-ot-way should not
)0 assessed. Therefore bo It
RKSOLVED. that said grade and light of-
vay In said Sarnont townthlp bu and
lercby is assessed and valued for taxation
or said year 1001 , and that It bo and licre-
jy Is valued for taxation and assessed for
jurposesiof taxation for said year at S IOC
jcr inllo , or a total of $1700 and that said
iroperty be entered upon tbo tax book * ol
said Sargejit township by the county
c.Inik of suul Cn.stitr coiintv ns tint Lincoln
t Black IWIs Railroad Co. , ami the Chi-
ccigo , Lturllngton & Qnlnuy Ralhoad Co. ,
ebsee , and bo taxed tor bald yoai 1001 , In
said Sargent township at said sum of
' 400 per mlle , or u total of 61700 tor mild
propel ty.
Moved and seconded to adopt res
Vole as follows :
Aye : Breohbuhl , Conley , Cooney
lliser , Savage , Thorp , Liud.
Nay : None.
Chairman declared mortion carriet
Mcw tin tier Tlie Hit it. '
All Dontora have tried to cure
CATARRQ by the use ol powders , acid
gases , inualora and drugs In paste form
Tnelt powdera dry up the tuiuc.uoud
membranes causing them to ornclc open
and bleed. The powerful acida used in
thi ) inhalers have entirely oaten away
the same meinbrnnos thnt their nmkeis
havi nimcd to euro , while paptcu and
oinlruonta cannot reach tlm disease. An
old and experienced practitioner who
has ( or many yearn mivdo n close study
and specialty of the treatment ol
OATAKllU. bna at last perfected u
treatment which when fnlthlully need
not only relieved nt once , but pormnn
ently cuios CATARRH , by removing
the CMiae , stopping the discharges , and
curing all IntUtniitlon. II IB the only
remedy known to science that actually
rciiGbcB the nlUietqd purlH. This won
derful remedy is known as "SNUFFLES
CURE" and la cold at the extremely
low price of One Dollar , each package
containing internal and external modl-
olno BUlllolont fora full month's treat
ment and everything nt'oossary to lis
purfect UBO.
* SNUPPL.rcS" Is the only perfect
OAvrAURlI CUItE every made and Is
now recognized as tbo only safe and
positive euro for that annoying and dls-
Ktistlne ( iiseaeo. It euros all intlaina-
tlon quickly and permanently and la aluo
wonaerfullv quick to relieve II A V
CATARHII when neglected often leads
to CONSUMPTION "Snufllcs" will
save you K you USB it at once. It Is no
ordinary remedy , but B complete treat
ment wulch IB positively guaranteed to
euro Catarrh in auy form or etago if
used according to the directions which
accompany each package.Don't delay
but Bond for it at once , and write ( nil
particulars ns to your condition , and you
will receive special ndvloa from the din-
coverer of thla wvidorlul remedy regardIng -
Ing your case without coat , to vou be
yond the regular price of ' 'Snuff loa" the
"Guaranteed Cntnrru Cure. "
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canndn on receipt of
One Dollnr. Addrpsn Dapt. * K 177 ,
and 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia.
ancl that it be ordered as provided in
resolution , ,
Thorp presented the following :
\ \ III.IIKAK , there Is a lurue uinaunt of
nntmlil ta\eH upon vaifons lots , blocks
ami tuu-H of land within elllen and vlllu-
KC-OII suid county , and
Win m v , It Is ihoiiKht advUlable to
collect -.aid ti\e ! , thereinto bo It
\ \ vnvn \ > ( but tbo county atlorhey of
suid county be , and beieby Is ordered ,
Iliocteil mul Instructed tn iiroceed In the
laiiiu of the County of Cniter to collect
aid lnnnd Is aiitlmrl/i'd inidainpowcreil
the lion foi
o coinnience nlt to foreclose
taxes upon said. lots , blocks anil tracts and
nivo tbo saiifo sold for the tuxes duo
Moved and seconded to adopt the
Vote as follows :
Ay : Brcohbuh ) , Conley , Coouoy ,
iloin'or , Thorp , Lind , Savago.
Na ) : None.
Chairman declared motion carried.
Moved and carried that the county
ittornoy bo allowed a clerk in his
) ( h't'o nl a salary not to oxceodo $40
ier month to assist in the matter of
jollonting delinquent real estate tax
Thorp presented the following.
WIIIMUIAS , In viiiions school districts In
sulii Ouster county , there remains In the
ii.nuls of the sum county tieasnrer ot
said county certain monies In the bond
funds of- wild dlstilei after paying .said
district bonds. Therefoi u be it
Hnsoi.viiii that tbo county tieuMiiet be
instiuc'ted to ti.insliT the bond funds ie-
nmlnlim In Ills IntiiilH uflor the p.iynu > nt
in full of said hmiiN nnd interest In school
llstilcts ininilieied IJ-lS.lh-.ll-'li-fiSl-M-bO
n-ioMii- L'li-'JttT-iKi 'jui-inri to the
general funds ol the lospiytlvo dKtrlcts.
Accepted and adopted.
Bridge eonimittoe teporled :
Diorks Liunbur A : Co $ h7 !
Chas. llooiner II " 0
lohn Cooney 'i.UO
Accepted and adopted.
Road UiiininitK'o lecommod to lay
over all petitions in hands of com
nitteo not acted on at tnU meeting.
Poor farm couimitlon recommend
ed to allow ( he chim > .f John Pirnie
tor S275.
Accoplod end .idopt d
ErroneoiH and de.linipn'tit tax
claims recommended to reject East-
liam ohiiiiH and to refund JJroga
claims § ' . ) l "j.
Accepted nnd adoptod. >
Fiiiaiii'O rommilteo reported as fol
We ) our oommitUut rncoiiiiiHMid a
transfer < > f iT > ( )0 ) of road ftiud of pro-
vioun yoaiu lo tbo UIOl roiul fund
and $1001) of in. it'at to the general
funn of 1901.
Moved and carried to accept report
and order transfer.
Claims committee reported.
.1 B Osbourn $11.55
All VanlaiidliiKhaiii ann
( I II Thorpe . ' 15.00
DM Amsborry 70 ! > 0
CO Llnd iiSfm
ci HI-IMT snv )
.1 .1V Conley S4 75
.1 K llrcchbuhl 17'JO
.John Cooney .M 50
, . . . . . .
1' ' . - .i / -ii * * . . ' ' " L.a - . ' , /
i. . . . .
. . . . . * .A. a f . jifc i . . * -fi. . . . * f
Accepted and adopted.
Moved and onrriod ( lie county
clerk be mul hereby is instructed tote
to draw warrants ngiiinst the proper
funds for all claims allowed at thii
Moved and carried that the board
nn\v adjourn until December 10th ,
lUOI.ntO.a. m.
Ittirllitittoii Itoiilo.
Soplombfr 1 > , J2tai ! d HO mid Ocf bi > r 7.
Great I'reduced rates to mints in
Oldo and Jmliini. Koliirn limit , thirty
ihiyt , Nearmt nirentj Jiuilinirton Hou'o ,
v.lll ho ; to yivo you mhlitionul information -
formation , or bell you n ticket.
General I'aisntujer Agent ,
Utnnlm , Neb.
Money to loan on Old Line 1/ifo
InHiirnnoo Policies. Or polioiea
bought outright.
II. 0. Ktn'i.lU'lil L. S. Kmiiflelil ,
Succeteora to 0. IT. Smith ,
lcnlera In
Hardware ,
Harness ,
Stoves and Furniture.
Under taking Goods.
AnHplmo. Nebraska
It iHn'l tlte miiturln :
tlmt HIM.'H into \'mir
repaired w tuli tlmt
In a perfect
| ojt.Ui8lIie
that does t IKS buqiniitfs , any , bungler
c.iu buy the IIno kinds of niateilnl
thai I IHO In lepairUi ; but fkill
H the mod valuable tnalerinl that
jr.n bo used In watch repairing ;
untl the bunjrler ciin't buy it. 1
pell my nkili for what It IB wortli
and It will coat yon less than
bundling nt lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
West aide of square.
PURE extraetfl at J. C. Bowen's.
Iii county court , wlttiio unit for Castor county ,
In tliu nnltor of tlie c > tiitu * t .loOitin ] 'rrcmn > i ,
To tlic uri'dttora ot said estate'
Ytui anlnrebv imtlfioil , tli it I ulll tit nt Ilio
cyinily court room. In Itrukmi How , In etM
county cm Hut ' 'Till clay nf No\cmbur 1001. on
the ' 'Till day of Jnnmrj , 1004 , mid on till ! 27th
iliiy of Mnrch , I KIM ; cncli ut 10 o'clock n. m of
o.irli ill ) , to rccU\t ! find c\atulne nil flMms
n 'HlriHt Hiilil entail * , with ftlnw tu tliulr uiljii t-
incut ni l allowance , 'MiU tlinu limited lor tilt
lirofliMitntloii of clinns ngftlnst hild if late lt < clx
inoitli8 from tlm S i\t \ day ol Soptrinlicr , 1001 ,
imd Iliu tluip llnilliMl for thw jnymintt rtclils Is
( ino > IMF rtoin Mild'J7 li day ofhupti inlit-i , 111)1. )
Witness \ hnnil r.tid the cent of nnlil county
court. ( lil- lili iliy of .Sopleinlirr , | OUI :
IBI\L : ] 'J"tIt J , A. AKMOUII , I'onnty Jmlgo.
" \f.
$ _ _ _ h *
/ jj All parties indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested ' $ '
& . . to call and nettle their account by cash at onoa. I must have *
"f'j money to pay bills , I cannot do business on wind. ? ' # ;
Yours truly , : ' , '
W ,
w * * vem | * jj -
Proprietor. jVl
m 10 Bars of Soap for 25c.
ts.T r , . ? ,
i ? -i iH : : * iCH ; ; * i ?
iias just , received flaviland China , VaneB , Cups and SauoorH , etc. , for the
holiday trade. Fine frnmoH and moulding , School supplies in Ktoek.
Why pay Exhorbitunt 1'ricoH for CouoliPH that the Brings will f ivo
out in a year when you oan buy the new cormtruction guaranteed 5 years
for the Rfuno price or IOHH.
Tables , Lamps , Tumblers , Silvtrwaro , Cutlery , and a Complete Line
of Ilouno FurniBhinu tioodH at prices that are right.
Call and lot mo dhow you now Goods , Mirrors , etc.
VVoRt Side Square Broken How. Nobiaska.
A oar loa 1 of old wheat Hour. QS Every sack
'WFVwr R"POf 'K ? of * mt f\f-f'ftTTrd
JJtKr YV w > 4 V * . .FVJA. . VCtCv\F\L.Jl \
And are prepared to sell aa CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.
Butter and Uggs taken in Exchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city. Give us a trial.
! $ !