Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 19, 1901, Image 4

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    ( Ho ,
t'nbllMiul oTcry Thursday nt the Comity Bent.
1) . M. AMSBtiltllY. Editor
* 3-0 < nco In C'tiflur IJlotk. fourth ATO.-II
KnU-reJ nt tlio v Btoincu/it llrokeii How , Neb
BB sccoiuUolMn mutter fur trantmUMon tti
thoU. H , Mulls.
On VoftrIn advance Jl.OO
AU V KimsiNO H/VTttS /
One colnmn , jicr month , J7.00. Ono-lmlf col
umn , tier month , SI ( M i nnrlcr column , fi-r
month , J'.W ) UIPN limn tiuint < 'r column , fi'J
cents per Inch ) > er nmnth.
Cfttan ail llri > t Jiat-u , l > 0 cunln per Inch , | ior
month , , .
Locul mlvcrtlMiiK f > cisntB per linn each liiter-
tlon. , ,
Notlcu of church ( Mrs , potlnlilos nnil ciiiBrlnln-
int'titn when ) money In clniwil , oui'.liiuf ruti-n.
.soolct > notices nnil ri'i"-nillon , oiie-lmlf rnios.
\\Vd.lliiuMitlivn tri'c. lull prlre ( or pulilMilnB
lint of prt-PotiU. ;
Dualli milieus fri'fl. hull ptlc- for | iiiltlplilii ) | *
obllimrynotlcc'R , MM ! cam * of in ink *
Logul notlcjA nt rnlin provimii iij IHIIICR uf
Ncbrnska ,
"THURSDAY , SKIT I ! . , luui
The public will not lnrgi-t thai
while tlio pop county Iniaid wart in
power tboy It-vied : i ; : -iii ral tax ,
ranging from lifluon to cighlo'-o
millc to int'ot the ourn-ut. rjcpeiiiii'/t
o the county , nolwiihstandini ; tlu
ropublicatiH loft thorn crndin or de
linquent taxefl equal to tlm indebt
edness of the county. Hut : IH soon
as tboy Haw the election had i > on
against them last fall ihoy ifduoiul
the low of 14 mills liii'V inndn in
Juno to 7 millH. ,1 si half llio
amount they bad oalunl i > d on for
tbo current expunseK.had tluiy boon
retained in power. Tlu-ir objuut van
to create a Hhortageund t .ha iirit
ytar of a republican boardthat they
mighl HHO It lor political buncoino
and rcHtoro themselves to power.
Are men who will practice such
dishonest motion Hafo to trust with
the affairs of the county ?
"Had the populist party boon sue-
ccBHful in 1802.0 or 1000 , the failure
of the Farmers Bank hero wouldn't
J ave affected it singb
Judging from Uio hislory of the
douui-pop administration from 1803
to 1807 , wo are inclined to concede
that the Beacon ban for once stum
bled onto the truth. Had wo boon
compelled to submit to another four
year * of democratic administration
In ihf four yearH preooding the
prenent administration there would
bavo been no depositors in the
Farmers Bank herr , or in very
many ether banl < H. Hud Bryan and-
bin 10 to 1 theory triumphed in
1801) ) , there would not haye boon
COO or 000 farmerfl with money in
the Farmers Bank to loose. In-
Btcad t.hoy would bavo boon boi row
ers or thrown upon tbo charily of
the public an wan the oaao with
miltionn of laborers under your pro.
vionH free trade adminitUralion.
Wo regret , as much an anyone , that
NO many comparatively poor people
have lost their money , but it in a
consolation to know that tbo condi
tions of the timoH are Much that HO
many can have a surplus of money
to deposit in tbo bankflif they do-
tiiro. It in an evidence of prnspor-
ity that all should bo thankful for.
"Why did tbo republican conven
tion bind their candidates by resolution -
tion to Bttbmit the maltor of soloot-
ing doputioH and other otliooR held to
the central committee. " Chief.
Simply becauHo it in tbo only just
method to porsuo by any political
party. The nominees are selected
by their convention nnd the central
committee IB elootod by the conven
tion to superintend the campaign
for their party. It IB to the victor
tbat belongs the spoils and the
faithful and efficient memberH of
the patty who Hoouro the victory for
the party arc entitled to a voice in
the management of the party and in
, who should bo honored by the
parly. Wbeu the matter of deputies
is Hubmilled to the central commitleo
it removes tbo ombarasHraont in
, which a candidate is placed when bo
is charged , aa is tbo case of Homo of
the populist nomineeswith having
promised from three to a half dozen
one deputy ship.
The central uommitloo of county
and fiUlo should in all instances
bavo the rosponsibilty of
appointments. This would often
prevent unworthy and incompetent
parties from imposing upon eandi-
dates as has frequently been tbo
oaao in all parties. The resolution
is not only good politics but is just
and right. Wo are not surprised
that populists take exception to us as
wo understand their mode of pro-
oueduro is to secure workers by
making promises to as many as they
can , with no hope of fulUilliug
them. The KKPUIILIOAN insist tbat
honesty in politics will pay as well
as in all other lines of business.
"It IB Uod's Way. Gods Will Bo Done. "
The assassination of President
MoKinley by an anarchist , from a
hunmn point of view can bo regard
ed only as a great national calamity.
As a citizouH and statesman and
chief ozeoutivo combined , our nation
has not had his superior.
Yet we are compelled to endorse
the sentiment expressed by him in
bis last words when ho said it is
"God's way. Gods will bo done. "
We bulievo in. Iho doctrine that
"the powers that be aru ordained of
God. ' While His ways are above
our ways and many tf I'lis ' dealings'
with individual arid nations are be-
jond our oomprohntih on we believe
lhat in il all Ho h.i come wine and
grand purposo. Prefidont MoKln-
li-y for more than a quarter of a
century ban hud a prominent part in
nalionul iiffiiiM. His record In cou-
griHH siand oiil as a inaunilioiunt
nioniiiuent to his maHtor mind.
His record since bu was promoled
to the position of chief executive of
this nation Las been rennrkably
siioeufisful and gcnorully natu-faolory
lo the whole people , lie has had
t < i tlra' ' wiib " ' " ' ' of thi ) most in-
triut o i i.-cii on mil qutHlions llial
my prc'i-m ut ha had to meet. Un-
di r Ills > * iM -lit * > ! lion , < ur houndricH
liave buiin'X ' "nicd. Cubans , Porto
| { .i.nnr < ati'i i'- [ -'ilipinos have bad
ill. ' yoke ! ' r | ( ii.'BHion and bondage
lilttd Irom the.r necks. Our nation
Irin bnrn pln i- . | in the foremost
ranks in li'.nin1" ' 'Mid militiry inilu-
once. Wo Nliii.d second lo no nalion
in the eyes of the world in diplomacy.
Our fl g in ri'Mji'Vod us never bo
I'oio. His I'w a id cirneat , plea in
ji lice to Cniiii hosavv ralilied by
the povverw b.-lcrc he was stricken
No man has Mood higher in the
ttNliinilion of h > n country Ho hid
the confid' > nt < t and esteem of all
oiaHMut'iji ; in r.illy njioaking.
And ub\lu' s.iould . bo so ruth-
lensly cut down in his prime aud
the moridiui of bis earthly glory ,
if thcro is a God who taken cogniz
ance of individuals and nations is
beyond ihe comprehension of man
Yet it is true. MoKinley is dead
"God reigns and tuo government at
Washington still lives" What
God's purpose may bo , may only be
a matter of speculation , yet wo have
the biHtory of Ibo pasl , the light of
Iho proso'at and can judge the
Sin no doubt is the cause. It was
not the sin of tbo blind man nor 1m
| ) arontsOhriHt said that caused the
man toybo blind whoso eyes ho so
miraculously opened. Nor was il
because of Sloven's sin thai God
permitted'him stoned to dualh , nor
was il because .Irbn the Baplist wns
a sinner that Ilorod was permitted
to have bis bead brought to him in
a charger. In each case it was Ibo
result of the wicked heartH tbat por-
protraded tbo deeds , but. ocoh in.
Htanoo God overruled their wioked-
nesa for the good of humanity.
I lad-they been men of less note the
same end would not bavo been ac
complished nor attracted the wide
spread attention. Christ's death
* nH the remit of sin , for which ho
was in no wise responsible , yet in
bis death millions bavo boon blessed
The sacrifice was great and tbo good
that has aud will resell from it can *
nol bo computed. At Ibo prcsc-nt
lime there is a great evil that has
taken root in our nation and every
mviliy.od nation of oirlh is cursed in
a greater or lusa dogreo. Neither
tbo republican parly nor William
MoKinloy caused it. It is a senli-
mont that is being promulgated
againsl organi/.ed govornmonl. All
forms of government is denounced
by its advocates. Organi/.itions
throughout Europe and Ibis country
are formed for ihe solo purpose of
destroying all governments.
They acknowledge no allegiance
to the laws of God or man.
They seek to exterminate govern
ments by the asHination of their
chief exccutivch. ) n some of the
foreign countries they have become
HO numerous lhat-no ruler is srcure
and a strong guard is required con
tinually to prolccl him from them.
In Ibis country tbo organization is
growing each year.
With our present lews under the
guarantee of freu ppeech and free
proHH the most damablo and villian.
OUH doctrines arc promulgated , with
out restraint. Under the guise of
politics , religion or reformdesigning
persons denounce every thinij ; that
does not moot their misconceived
ideas in the most virulenh
mat ] nor of which they are
capable , whether it bo against
HtPto , nation or individuals. The
very laws and government lo which
tboy appeal for protection , when in
trouble , tboy denounce most bitter
ly when given their liberty.
AH long as they commit no overt
act their infamous pratiugs go un-
noliood and the seed continues to
germinate in now and vicious
minds. The disease cannot bo said
to bo confined alone to foreigners
or their immediate deoondente. It
breaks out frequently in its most
virulent form in American politic
ians and demogoguos under the
license of free speech or free press.
It first had its origin in countries
where kings and emperors reigned
for lifo , The burden of their gong
was "Kill the tyrants. " Tbat is
still their pica , but it is only a pre
tense. Although CzoluoBz may
have hoard som political fanatic do-
olaro that President MeKinloy
would proclaim himself emperor in
ease of his re-election and declare
the United States an empire , lie
nnd his clique know , if they had a
thimble ( tall of brainp , that such
HtalnmonlH wore the utterances of
political dcmogogucp , whono solo
aim was to poison the minds of the
public agaiiift the republican party
for the sordid and Hellish desire to
gain political preferment. But
with Buch doctrines , hewn broad-
uH.-t , it gave them I'rounds for pre-
tciiao nnd the thus took refuge and
proceed lo carry out their diaboli
cal plans to destroy all govern
ment , by nssinating the head of the
bt'St form of government under
Nothing short of so dastardly an
aol or HO villianous a crime , dot'bt-
less would have made our nation to
telalizc the magnitude of llio viper
it has been mirtung in its bossom.
The ussassinalion of 0113 in the
uommo.i walks of life would bavo
only atlraottMl criticism in the im
mediate vicinity whore the crime
was committed
Nothing nhorl of tbu assassination
of thu one , of all mosi highly
roHpiuilcd and adored would have
been auilicient to arouse tbo public
lo the requirement ! ) necessary to
destroy and for cvca banish irom
our boasted Christian land the red
banded and black hearted anarchist.
No traitor nor anarchist whether ho
belongs to a clique , society , party
or stands alone mi an individual who
raises his voice or band against the
government or 5tn chosen represen
tative , ( oxcopl for dier-oloot of
dut } ) should bo allowed to re
main on our sacred soil a single day.
Such people are a disgrace to the
htinnn race and a cruse to civilizi-
tiju , just and patriotic ollizonship.
Our laws should bo so amended , seas
as to make advocates of such doct
rine punishable by life imprisonment
or banishment to seme isle of the
soaiBholatod from tbo bonetits and
beauties of Christian civilization and
If the tragic and untimely death
of our great and beloved President
Win. McKinlcy results in the enact
ment of laws that will rid our
country of tbo red banded nnarcbisl
wo can ihen see the hand of Provid
ence in it. Not only will it prove
a great blessing to this nation , but
doubtless all Europe will join wilb
uH in providing a St. Helena where
not only ours , but where their an-
atchist , can bo lunishod for life and
whore they and all tboir sympathis
ers shall bo compelled to remain
without government or protection ,
from internal contentions , murder
and strife.
With such a law on our statutes
we can see in President Roosevelt
ngaint tbo hand of Providonoo.
Of all the governors , of the em
pire stale none wore so vigorous
and fearless in tbo prosecution of
wrong in high places , or moro ; ox-
auling in rigbeousneHS in oilioo Ihan
ho was up lo Ihe limo ho was called
to tbo vice presidency against his
Tbo bore who led Iho rough riders
through shellwire fences and up
the mountain steep at San Jiitin hill
at humanilys call can bo used by Iho
Great Captain Jehovah , as was
David of old to drive tbo Phalistians
\\itb their idols from our fair land.
Should this be done wo could all
Hooas we now see tbo death of
, lisuetbat ! it was "God's Way" and
with one accord proclaim Gods will
bo done.
President William McKinley Dead
The IlcniMViKMl ( Mti/.en Soldier And
Statesman Yields To The Asslim
Itullel After Seven Days
Or Suffering.
The ( Jroat Hopes Of His Itccovcry Slid *
( Icnly Clumped To Mourning.
At L : 1C Saturday morning Sept.
Mlh 1901 , the death of president
MeKinloy occurod at llio Milburn
residence in Buffalo N. Y. where ho
had boon since the aesasins bullet
pierced his body on Friday Ihe
week previous. The wound lhat
was intituled in Iho abdoman was
inoro crilical ihan tbo physicians
had been able lo discern and thoii
favorable prediction for tbo presidents
dents speedy recovering was made
in ignorance of the real situation.
The autopsy revealed thai ihe bullel
winch passed through both walls of
Iho stomach had also passed through
and lore off the uonor end of the
kidney. This portion of the bullet
track wns gangrenous. Death ro
suited from the gangeno which af
fected the stomach around the bullet
wounds as well as tbo tissues around
the further course of Iho bullol ,
which made death unavoidable.
It is boloivod by some of the
phypiuiaus that the ballot had boon
poisoned which was one of the load ,
ing causes ot the gangrenous condi
Until Friday morning prior to his
death only favorable news of the
condition of the president had boon
given out and when the official bul *
lotin was received hero early Friday
that the presidents condition was
critical Iho public was wholy un
prepared for it , ns all were built up
with the hope that his absolute re
covery was assured. Frequent
bulletins through the day from the
nnsociatcd press wrro received and
promptly bulletined at tbo Kisrun-
I.IOAN oflioo , which kept the public
advincd of the finrious changes taking
place. It was about 10 p. tu. when
llio lasl bulletin received gave ihe
last and farewell meeting of Iho
president and Mrs. Molvinley thai
prepared the mind of tlm public for
the final nuHsago announcing bis
death at 'Jlf : a. m. Saturday morn
ing. The news reached thin city at
2:30 : a. m. and the public wns ap
prised of the sad event by the tolling
of the council bell at 2-l5 : by nigbl
watchman , Grant Drake. In further
evidences of sympathy and esteem
ihe tiily il ig was placed at halfmaKt ,
Wilhou & Drake draped their ( lag
in mourning and all portraits of the
Iito president that were owned in
tlu city were appropriately draped
and placed in conspicuous positions
One of them adorned the window of
the Republican oilice also one at.
Haerble's drug store and A. . W.
Drakes Beyond band storo. the court
house , and Humphrey's ollico.
Never before in Ibo history of the
nation has ihe death of one of its
citizens been HO universally mourned
as William MeKinloy. Both Pre-
HidoiiU ) Lincoln and Gartiold
wore hold in high esteem by a very
largo per cent of the people , bill
owing to strong political differences
Ix.Uveen the north and south the
sympathy was not so universal. Un
der President MoKinloy's adminis
tration all Hocttonal feeling has
bien obliterated and his conservative
and successful manner in dealing
with both national and inter nation
al queslions endeared him to
the common people as no other pie-
sideu ever was.
While some have criticised his
policies very few bavo questioned
his inlegrity and all , a few fanatics
and anarchists exccplrd regard his
death as a national calamity.
Friday night when tbo president
realized that his end was near h'o
called his wife to his bed side anc
bid her an affectionate farwoll and
bid all good-bye. Aflor chanting
tbo hymn Near My God to Thee , ho
said it is ' 'God's way The will of
God be Done. " Realizing that bis
life was being prolonged by the use
of oxygen and Htimu'onts ' bo request-
Ins physicians to let him die. Tie
tbbn passed into unconsciousness
in which state ho remained to ibo
Thursday September 19 , has been
proclaimed bj bin successor , Pros !
dent Roopovolt ao a day of mournir.g
and prayer throughout tbo Unitei
StaloF. All people are earnestly
urged lo meet on lhat day in tlicrr
respeclivo places of worship in sub.
mission to the will of God and pay
their homage of love lor ihoono who
has been taken from ue. Arrangements
monts are being made in this oil ;
for union services on that day 1 >
the oily council and the sovcra
Roosevelt Sworn In.
Saturday afternoon at 3:30 Vic
President liohevolt in Iho .present !
of several of McKinleyn cabinet
took the oath of office and entered
upon bis duties as president. On
being formally notified by Secretary
Root lhat the cabinet requested that
bo should lake the constitutional
President Rosovelt responded by
saying :
"I shall take the oath at once in
accordance with your request and in
this hour of deep and terrible na
tional bereavement I wish to state
that it shall bo ray aim to conlinuo
absolutely unbroken the policy of
President MoKinley for Iho peace
and prosporily and honor of our be
loved oounlry. "
The president stopped forward in
to the bay window and Judge Hazel ,
taking up the constitutional oath of
office which had boon prepared on
parchment , asked tbo president to
raise his right hand and repeat it
after him. There was a hush like
death in the room as the judge road
a few words at a time aud the pre
sident in a htrong voice and without
a tremor and with his raised hand as
steady as if carved from marble , re
peated it after him. "And thus I
swear , " ho ended it. The band
dropped by tbesido , the chin for an
instant rested on the breast and tbo
silence remained unbroken for a
couple of minutes as though the
now president of the United States
was offering silent prayer. Judge
tlazol broke it by saying : "Mr.
President , please attach your signa
ture. "
And the president turning to a
small table near by wrote "Theodore
Roosevelt at tbo bottom of tbo
document in a u'rm hand.
Immediately following the dis
persing of the spectators after tak
ing the oath the president requested
the members of the cabinet to con
tinue in their several offices , which
they agreed to do at least until congress -
gress convenes.
Aa it will bo loss than three
months before the regular session of
- -
SEPTEMBER 25 , 26 , 27 , 1901 ,
WEDNESDAY , September 25.
THURSDAY , September 26.
in cash will bo given for the largest delegation of any Sunday School
< ir urbanized society or lodge. Delegations must bo counted
just outside the gate.
10 A. M. ftmg spearing contest. 1st prize fine saddle , 2nd prize bridle ,
3rd prixo pair spurs. Entrance fee 2. Five entries required.
11 A. M. Bicycle nice half milo open * 3 00 $2 00 § 1 00 50
Bicycle race two mile handicap , 5 00 2 50 1 50 1 00
Bioyole race one mile handicap , 5 00 2 50 1 50 1 00
1 o'clock sharp Equistrmnship exhibition in front of amphitheater.
2 year old trot and pace ( Cnstor county horses ) 2 in 3 half mile heats.$50
3 minute trot and pace 2 in 3 75
Running half mile and repeat 00
Running half uulo dat > h sad.lle horsesCuater county ) 30
Running quarter milo nnd repeat _ 50
TIIK BALLOON ABOKNSION takes plaec during the afternoon.
Don't forget the Piif.-t Fair at night.
FRIDAY , September 27.
10 A. M. Grand Merchants Display Parade , headed by Live Stock Show.
' tJu.OO for best Float , 2.50 for second beat , 81.50 for third , and
§ 1.00 for fourth.
11 A. M. Live strict : exhibition at grounds , and award of premiums.
One o'cloc-k sharp. Snoo'ial ' liioyc.ln Race , one milo open :
1. .1 Columbia li'r ? > yclp.$25 } 2d Columbia Bicycle , $15 ; 3d Pair M.
& W. tirus , * S ; 4.'t1i1U01 ' Solar lamp , $4 ; 5tb Wbe'eler special
tMildle. ? 2 40 ; ( jtbr Veoder cyclometer , & 1. These prizes given
U 1' K llYKnsruv. Entrance fee § 2.00.
Exhibition of Dnviug liomus.
Pie Eatiug.contostr in front of Amphitheater. 1st , $1 ; 2d , 50c ; 3d & 4tb , 25c
Throe-year-old , trot and pace , Ouster county , 2 in 3 $ 50
2:30 : Trot and pace , 3 in 5 100
.Running , half mile dash _ . ' . 40
Running , five-eights mile and repeat 75
Running , miloNovelty ; $15 at quarter , 820 at half. $35 at throe-quarters
Tin' AuToMOiiiLH RACE.
THE BALLOON ASCENSION Takes place during the afternoon.
Don't forgot the Street Fair at night.
HOUSK RACKS. Ten percent of purso. Money In all harness races to ho divided
HO , 25,15 , and 10 percent. Money in all running races to lie divided 50 , 30 and SO per-
cunt. Five entries and three startcr& required. Should races bo allowed to go with
less thnn live entries , the purse will be reduced onn-llfth for each entry not tilled. The
Association rosorvcs the right to sandwich any race , and albo to postpone from day to
day or declare oil any of thn races ,
HIOYCLK HACKS. Ten percent of purse will bo charged In all bicycle races , except -
copt the Special Unco on Friday , which Is otherwise specified. Five entries required.
FOOT HACKS. Ton percent will bo charged on all foot races , whuelborrow ,
potato aud other slinlliar races \Vcdiiosdays pioraiii. (
congress convenes it is not probable
an extra session will be called , unices
something unlorseen requires il.
OINTMENT is not a panacea , but
is recommended for blind , blooding
or protruding'pileH , audit will euro
the most obstinate oases. Price , 50
it ) bottles. Tubes , 75 cents. Ed.
McOomas , * Broken Bow and Alerna.
A liig Show.
Tbo papers combine in praising
the parade and tbo performance of
Soils & Gray's United Shows. It
should be a guarantee to citizens of
this city and county that the show
is unusually oxcellnl. In fact no
bettor , cleaner more refined or-moro
intorrsling performance was over
given than is to bo soon beneath tbo
vast white tents of Sells < & Gray' *
shows. Every performer is an
artist , from tbo six marvolus Eddys ,
whose aorobatio feats have never
boon equaled for grace and- daring
through the onliro program , whie
includes Miss Edna , IboEerl Sisters
the' Tybolla and ether performers.
Startling acts are introduced in the
throe .hours' performance. There le
something to please young and old
something to amaze and someth
ing to 11 mtiso. Oomical clown with
original aongs aud jokes furnish the
fun , aud accomplished with now
and thrilling acts nrouso introst and
The dale of this show is Septem
ber , 21 , on which day two perform
ances and a grand street parade will
bo givon. An immonau crowd is
expected in town.
FUGE is essentially tbo child's
tonic It improves the digestion
anil assimilation of food , strength
ening tbo nervous system and restoring -
storing them to bpalth , vigor and
elasticity of spirits natural to child *
hood. Price , 25 eouts. Ed. Mo
Comas Broken Bow add Merna.
An iMKeitioiiN Treatment II y
\Vlilcli OrunlcnrclH lire
Cured Dally 111
o ( '
No NoxiniiH J > OHUH. NoVeaUen -
. . il'tlte IWerveH , A. I'lc-iiH-
mit a cl > osttivu Cure
l-'or tlte
It ia now generally known and under
stood tune Drunkenness IBU dcfenao aud
not woakncBP. A body tilled with poison
and nerves oumplotely shatiortd by
periodical or conetaat uo of intoxicating
llquord , requires an antidote capable of
nuutralizin and eradicating this poison
and destroying the craving ( or Intox
icants. Suffers may now cure theiii-
eolvcb at home wituouc publicity or lees
of time irom bUBlnesa by this wonderful
'llomo Gold Cure" which hits been per.
( octcd after many years of olosB study
and treatment o ! inebriates. The faith
ful UBO according to the directions of
this wonderful dleeovory Is positively
giiamntuud to euro tlio most obstinate
oaoo , no matter how hard R drinker.
Our records BUOW the mttrvolous transformation - A
formation of thouennds of Drunkards
Into sober , luduatrioua and uprigut men.
Wives Cure Your Huabandj. Child
ren Oure Your Fathera. This remedy Is
In no soneo a nostrum but ia a specific
for this disease only , and is BO skillfully
devised and prepared that it is thoroughly -
ly soluble and pleasant to tbo tahto so
Mint if nnnn ( riirii
oi tea or
colleo without th Knowledge of the per
son taking it. Thoueanda of Drunkards
Have cured themselves with tills prlceleHs
remedy , aud as many more have been
curi'd nnd made temperate men by
having the " ( Jure" administered by lov
ing friends and relatives without their
knowledge In coffee or tea , nnd believe
to-day that they dlacontlued drinking of
their own free will. Do Not Wait. Do
not be deluded by apparent and mislead
ing "improvement. " Drive out
dlfleneo at once nnd for all time. The
5IIoino Gold Oure" ia sold at the
extrnmely low price of One Dollar , thus
placing within reach
of everybody a
treatment more effectual tnan others
coating S25 to $50. Full directions
accompany each pnekago. Special
advice by skilled phj-HlclanH when re
quested without extra charge. Sent
prepaid to any part of the world on
rftcept of One Dollar. Address Dent B
aud 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia.
All correspondence etriotly contldetlal.