Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 19, 1901, Image 1
I. VOL , XX , BROKEN BOW , DUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES. NO , 14 , A Good Watch ] Should last u lifetime. Therefore care should be exercised - ercised in purchasing one. 2 If you buy one of uie you receive - 1 ceive a full statement of just ( what it is , backed by a guar antee for which I aim respon- sible.e You can depend ou getting- reliable time piece when you buy of me , not be cause I sell it , for that is no reason why it is the best , but because it is best is the rea son I sell it. mailHnto of ChfcRco Optlinlmlo CoMogc. School Books , Tablets AND School Supplies , J. G. Haeberle'sl Attractions Booked . . . .Fortkc. . . OPJKItA HOUSE. Six nights , Sept. 23rd to 28th , tlto Lenuon Stool : Comprtny. Ono night , October 18th , the Wkicu is Who1 Company. One night , October Slit , Wood and WJtrd , in their Jolly Singling Farce , " 1'ho Merry Tnunpa. " Ono nicht , January 23rd , "Maloney'B Wedding Drty. " Just One Girl Ia Getting Old , Hut There Are Others. If wo haven't the Songs you want , wo order them for you with no additional ohaigea Ryerson & Walts P. O. Store School Books And Supplies Are thing's the school child ren need. We have the moat com plete line of school supplies in Western Nebraska. We sell them at Bottom Prices. Come and let us fig-ure on your school supplies. Come in and Examine - OUR Ed McGomas , jj Broken Bew and Merna. n Cutw mill lirulHCM QuIcUljr Healed Chauil'orHiln's t ? < tin Btlm applied t a cat. bruise , bur * , scald cr likoimjury will instantly ally tba pain and wiJ heal the pnrta In lxa tltne than any other treatmentUnlean tbe Injury I very severe it will not leave a scar Fain Halm also cures rheumatism / eprahiB , swellings aid lameness. - * sale py J. G. JIaeberle. Samuel YYadington of Ortello was a city viaitor Saturday. C 11 Krenz of Dilo was a li'y vitiitc r SiUtmUy. Sec W. D. Ulaokwoll at Farmeie LJank fur Kire , Cyulouu and Turnn do iiiHiiranco. 7.11 if Monov loaned ou improved farms JAMKS LUDWIOH , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nobr Boadera wanted at private resi dence by Mrs Eva Martiu , on ) look south east of public squar ? . J 0. Wilson , of Anielmo , was a Viendly caller at thin offoo laai Friday. Well improved ranch of 1020 acres in dialer county for sale ior $11,340 * WIITUB CAWWKLL. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huddurd par- uia of Mrs. Goo. Willing have ra- urned from an extended visit in llinoia. W. E. Bender of Eudtio Nebraska wan a friendly caller at thia office ilonday. Mr. Bender ia looking or a new location. x A oaae occupied the lima of tht oouuty court Monday in hearing n case from tbe vicinity of Rest , in vvhiuh To in oud Andrew Forai and 00 Rosa wer * charged with an assault on Tom and John Teahou. A. F. Norton of Berwyn ban sa- cared a position aa bookkeeper and cashier with tbe J. J. Case Manf. Jo. , at Lincoln. His father Frank Merion hat ) ordered { 'tie Kepubl'otin ent to his addreaa at Lincoln which will keep him ponted on the local lews of thia vicinity. If you are troubled with onodor- oua breath heart bum , flatulency , teadacb , aoidty , paiiia after eating , oaa of appitite , persistent melanu- loly , of low HpiritH. You need a onic , few doaea of HEKBINE will jiye you the recuperative force to remove these iin rdera. Price , 50 centa. Ed. MoComaa Broken Bew and Merna. Fred Klnuo ia again located in buaiaeaa in Broken Bow aotlr his old Htand. lie bought , out C. N. VVatboa who a few montha ago started a roatuiant in the building 'ormerly occupied by Stack Br s. first door north of Haeberle'a drug store. Mr. Kinne has muck better quarters for hia business than he ormerly occupied and ia prepared to furnish a stake second to pone , to a'l ' Ins old customers aa well as all new oiiei that may call. li. U. Andrews of Anaelmo was n the city Monday in council with other parties who hope to reorganize the Farmers Bank or mart another Ltauk in its atoad on some basin that will enable the depositors to realize out of their claims against the bank. Some think that the Hecurities , if properly handled will pay tke de positor seventy-five cents or more on the dollar. It ia to be hoped that such a deal may be conaurnated. Some of the heavier depositors in the Farmers Bank are said to be In terested in the deal. Thursday of lost week the county oourt had under investigation a ease of salt and battery , m which two Arabians of Castor canyon were the principles. Joe Obde had been worsted in the acrap and had his faoi nearly covered with bandagea. Chae. Enohores was charged with inflicting the wounds. The trouble was over certain hay land. Uhas. iiolcomb appeared aa prosecutor , in the absence of Kirpatriuk and J. B. Smith and R. A. Moore appeared for the defendant. The defendant succeeded in convincing the oourt that the other fellow was the ag gressor , notwithstanding he got the worst of it- Son editorial sage preaches a forcible sermon to the boya in the following terao paragraph : "The boy who baa the freedom of tbu street after nightfall without buai ness or permission is cultivating a dangerous habit. Any place where a boy has no business ia a dangerous place for him , ho it on the street , in the etore , or elsewhere. A boy that \B all right perfors hia home , friends books or newspapers to tbe jlasa found on the streets. Business men look upon the boy loatera aa t he "dead boatu" of the future. Boys , if you adopt the right habits while boys you will in manhood be URof l to the world , will be a source of comfort to your parents ani friends and then you will have tbe satisfaction of looking upon a wel Hpeut Hfo. " Bill Blair wont to Morna on13 Saturday. L. II. Jowott wont to Dunning Saturday on 43. Harry Day wont to Kearney on 42 Sunday on a abort visit. Mrs. Ennuurson will snrvo din ner in her dinning Uall just nortli of Ih'iR olHoe Saturdpy. H. f J. Lange of Call-way iund this oflioe R friendly call Saturdai evening in company with hi > brother Warren of Wont Table. Money to loan on Old Line Life Insurance Pohcios. Or polioicn bought outright. CADWKLL. Warren and Horraoo Lang lofl hero Saturday night for Lonox lown whore they went to attend the gold en wedding of their father and mother , Don't forgot to ooruo to town on September aj. Sells & Gray' n United Shows will give a da//.oling street parade that day and two per formanoos under' the big tent. Thousands Buffer with torpid liver , producing great depressing of spirits , indignation , constipation , headache , etc HERBINE will sti mulate the liver , keep the bowel * regular , and restore a healthful juoyanoe of spirits. Price , CO cents. Ed MoComas , Broken Bow and Morna. Billy Blair ban resigned hia posi tion aa jaiitor of the oourt house , n joaitiou whioh ho han hold for the 3 Ht ton years A. H. Vnnlnndingham a filliig the place temporarily until .be board meets on the 24. Doubt- eas there will bn several applicant for the place , yet. wo know of un one yet who aspires to the position. Mra. A. G. Bowmen of the north west part of the oity died Sunday fiom a cancerous tumor of the bow els. She hod been &iok mncn last Febauary , She leaves a hus band , 8 sons and 3 dauphtorn to mouru her death. Shu was 74 yoarp old. The funeral services were conducted by Rov. E. D. Eubank. Her remains were taken to Gates for bural Monday. Custer county will be well re. presented in the Htato uaivoriity again the ensuing year. Wo fire in formed that Ed and Arthur MyorH of Georgetown , Ray Armour , iioacon Baldwin , Libbio Bronizor and Fanny Drake of this city and Frank Barks of Ansley will go to Lincoln this week for the pur pose of attending the Htato univer sity. All but Barks are graduates of the Broken Bow High School Ed and Arthur Myers and HOHOO Baldwin and Frank Barks attended the university last year. A Great many first-olass perform ances have been seen in this cicy but none have ever given such BI > promo tcitisfaatiou as the Soils & Qray's United Shows that pitched their tents here tbia week. The horses are a show in tliemsolveH , while the animals , gathered from all quarters of the globe , are u source of amusement and informa tion. The main tout both afternoon and evening was filled to overflow ing and tb deafening response wan proof positive of appreciation. Louisville Courier-Journal. This show will bo in Broken Bow on Saturday , September 21. J. C. Robinson , formerly proprie tor of the hotel at Arnold lias leased the Globe Hotel of this city , and moved to Broken Bow Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are , highly respected citizens and it ia with pleasure the RKPUBUOAN extends a welcome to them in be half of tbo people of our city. They are experienced in the hotel business and we predict ior them a liberal 8bare of tbe public patronage Mr. Great , who has so successfully con. ducted the Globe the past two yean- will either buy or rent a residence and uivo bis time to private busine whieh does not require bo much work and worry , John McGuire , a well known ranchman who has lived south of bore for a number of yoaro , com. mitted suicide in the Star Livery Barn office about noon Friday. Ilo used a twelve-gapue Winchester ehot gun , the muzzle of which he placed under bis chin and pushed the trigger off with a file. He was lying on the bed covered up , PO that the report waa drowned. Uo baa been siak for some time and worried considerable. Ho was a member of Mullen Camp No. 0270. Woodmen , under whoso autpioos tbn funeral will very likely be hold. Hooker C . Tribune. It is reported horn , that the deaeasevJ was indebted to the Farmera Bank of thia eity to about (3000 , which is scoured by a mortgage on 490 head of cattle. C. 10. Ford wont mt yenterday morn in IT. J.IH Ltndly of Anaolmo was a oily visitor yeatorday. D , W. Thorn peon went to Grand Island yesterday morning. Hov. Myers of U. B. Church will lU'hvnr the funeral oration at Mason City to day. / Kd. McClure wont to Omaha Monday night to attend a mooting , of the Foresters. Kil. and Arthor Myers loft for Lincoln yesterday morning to at tend the State University. Kev. S. W. RiolmrdH of thr Itaptist uliuroh will deliver the futioral oration at Morna to day. Clnir Cox has scoured the possi- tion of day operator at the depot in tho'ploon ' of Mr. Fadloy resigned. The first front , of the Heaflon visited - od tins locality Monday. It was followed Tuesday night by another heavy one. W. B. Easthnm , , T. J. Wilson , R. A. Moore and Glen Johnson went to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the democratic State convention. Ray Armour and ROROOO Bald win wont to Lincoln thin morning to attend the State University. Miss Libbio Brouiwr and Fannie Drake cxpnot to go Saturday morn ing Alien Fadloy who for aomo time has been day tolegrnph operator at the depot at thin place has resigned his position with the view of Romp into the mcroanlilo hucinesa with a brother ah Denvr. Wo and his wife loft for Denver Monday night. Everybody i looking forward to the coming of Soils & Qray's Unit ed Shown September , 81 , with an tiflipationR of great pleasure and there H Hiiro to bo a congested condition in tbo wtroola with the inflowing mitlitudos from the county. Tnlco lifn as it comns. and make tbo most of all ciromuNtanoos , but for a bad uoutzh or cold , take BAL- LARD'S HORKHOUND SYRUP , the host knnwn remedy for quick ro- liofandmtra euro. Price 25 and Sa ooD'tti. Ed. MeComaa Broken Bow , -ilif : Morua. Ed. Dacjgett ban boneht MoCora- as's and Ryoraon fc Watta nowfi- paper business , tlius oonaolidatiig tbo two intorostH. His bond ijuart- ers will bo at the pnpt oflloo. Mr. D.iggoht iti prepared to supply you with the latest nowa at the quickest possible moMiont. Arthcr Atboy had ono of his lop sovorloy out in a corn sloci Tuoadar aftorroon while catting corn. Wliilo the out ia deep in the muHolo of the lower part of hifl limb and will lay him up foi some time the Dr. thinks ho will got along , unless HOIUO unforacon com- plica tion sets in. J. C. Maulick of Seneca Kan sas arrived in the city. Monday on a visit Mr. Maulick informs us that his son J. G. found the notes of the J. I. Case Mfg. Co. that were stolen from him at Louisville Ills , and reported in the state papers ten days ago. They had lQcn taken from the grip in which they were carried off and taken to another town fifty miles away. What Christmas and the Fourth of July am to the pmall boy , Solla it Gray'a United Shows were to everybody here yesterday It oarm to thia city with the boat of recom mends. and surely fulfilled every promise and more The famous Eddya parh.ipN came in for aa much praiao aa any other part of the per * formanoe , although the entire pro- if ram was of a very high order. Denver Nows. This fnmoiiH show will be hero on Saturday September , 21 Cliurcli Hurvl UM. IUI > TI8T , CIIUIUJI. Preaohing service both morning and evening by Rov. Riuharda , at , 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. The pub- iu is cordially invite d. M.U.OMUBOII. Sunday morning at tbo morning Hprvioo the paator will receive into full connection those who have been on probation for tko last six months. In the evening a MoKin- ley memoml aervice will bo hold. Tbo sermon will ho preached by Rev. E. A. Maetin of Kearney MIIHIC will ho furnhhod by the ladiea quartette. Oolebration of the Lorda Supper wiil follow the even ing Horvico. E. A Kwight.Paator. Funcrul Services. In oompliancu with the proclama tion of President Roosevelt and Gov. Savage the ohurohea and city coun cil appointed uomnnU"pH to for a joint funeral servioo to bit hold , thin , Thursday afternoon. The committed mot Tuusilaj afternoon in W. B. Eustlmm's olliut > and organized by electing Jaa. Lod- wiuh ohairman and D. M. Amsborry secretary. On motion it wan dr- culod to hold the services in th Opera HOUHO at 2 o'clock , AH both llov's. Richards , \nd Myors bad accepted invilatioiiB to deliver addresses otitaido of town , only Rav. Knight of the M. E. Church and Rov. Doggott of the Episcopal ohuroh remained. Rov. Doggott waa Holcotod to deliver the addroaa , aasiatcd by Rov. Knight McadauicH , Quttoraoii and Stuokoy woroiolocued committee on mania It was ordered to have the church bolls and eity council ball tolled bo- gining at 1 : 0 p. m. at intervals of every 5)0 ) Hoconda. The usliors Reloetod are Harra Oaborno , Thoordoro Purooll , Frank Rubloo , Paul IJttmphroy , John Bon jaraine and Dou Wilson. Oommit- toi < on ilocoration Dr. Hakns , E d'Sohwind , Jaa. II. Coaner , W. T Schorr , C. M King , . W. Iloutx. and L. E. Colo. The mayor and oity council iss ued a proclamation rpqutHting all plaoci of bnsinoes oloacd from 1 to 4 o'clock p. m. The school board had the school closed in the afternoon. Corn-hnskeiH' sprained wrinta , parbcd-wiro uute and sprains , or cuts from any other ease , are quick ly healed when BALLAKD'S SNOW LINTMENT ia promptly applied , Priuo , 2n and 60 contfl. Ed. MoCotuaa Brokou Bow and Morna. Notice. Taken up by the subaoribor on his cnclosod lands iu Custor county Nobraaka , on August 10 , 1001 a red cow with white face , supposed to bo seven or eight years old , Slid cow in branded bar O an right hiu II F on loft sholdor and O on loft jaw.Also Also 1 aucking calf about ton days old. A. G. HOFFMAN , September 14 , 1001. 0-19 4t Are lot Coiiii TO FAIR sojtmiir 25-6-7.1901 , At Broken Bow , TWENTY-SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL Friday and Saturday , September 21 and 22 Wo becln thu fnH semen with thu flnuit diaplny of Fall nnd Winter Milliuory that our lonj ? oxporlnni'o In biiBlneea and money would onnblo MS U'lmy , and r.t prluna wliisli will SAVE YOU DOLLARS. Our trimmer , Mm. Hull line visited a number ot ! ICnstorn Cities , oeluothiK thu very latest , tiptolnto patterna , whith will Ijo on oxtiibitlon for your inspec tion. Wo have ndddl a Btill larpor line of Lttdleu KurnlBliiii Qooda. aiioh as Clonk's uml Juckot ? , nleo for and Children's wour. Ladles Silk Shirt , Skirts and aults of ovcrv dosurlptlon. A fim Ifcnwot LndlPR * amd CbMdren'a underwuar , cbvca , hos iery , oto. TbelarguBt line of draen trimmUgH iu tku city. Wo glv 5 Per dent Off For Cash n every article in oiir atoro. Flrat and Koconil Door'North of PoDtOfllcp , lirokeu LJow , Nobrnuku , li E. PREDMORE. k.V . | V I/ IK JAMES C. ROBINSON , Prop. In nflauininp the mana omont of the Globe Hotel , wo undertake no now business to UH. Fr m our cxpori * once wo fool uomputont to enter to the wants of the public and afford the boHt of aocomodations. Wo shall do our bout to maintain the excellent reputation that the house ban boruo in the past , and keep iu touch with the requirements of the Union. Rates Htriotly $1.00 per day. The patronage * f the public ia solicited. FOSTER & SMITH LUMBER CO Alwaya liavo the heat quality of Lumber and other building ma- torialu at the Lowest Pnoeu. 'Phono No. 70. W. L. RULE , Manager. Ker a First Class Smolcc Try the Martial and i Corona Grande' 1 Cigars. MANUFACTURED BY E , H. OALBEY , I . . ' x/.i Broken Bow , Nebraska.