fyr\f * r SfflM LxZlruzjteA ] * - - . . M - NHiV T < c ( soii from tlic Drought. Wherever the farmers come togeth er , the trend of conversation naturally turns toward the condition of thu corn crop In the various nel > 'hhorlioods. All mention the clover Held plnule.l to corn as holiig their best prospect. In many cases where barnyard manure had been applied In the spring , the corn Is very seriously damaged. New ground planted to corn has been noticeably af fected by drought , and in many cases practically no grain will be secured from such fields. Such conditions , so plain to us now , should direct us to different plans for raising au'othr crop. We all kuow that a good clover Held will give a sat isfactory account of Itself when condi tions are favorable , and If it shows that it Is better able than other ( lelds to pass through dry weather , surely the farmer should plan to have more clo ver sod to turn under for corn. In many cases the manure has done dam age by causing the corn to dry up. It lias not rotted in the soil. The coarse stray has not allowed the laud to re tain its normal amount of moisture. Really the manure has not been on the ground long enough to become thor oughly Incorporated in the soil , and H acts as a foreign body , cutting off the supply of moisture. Had the manure been applied to the growing clover , the plover growth would have been much " "greater and the unwed manure would have been converted into rich'earth by the time the field had been planted to corn. Where the clover lias been ma nured the soil will hold even more than the normal amount of moisture when It Is broken up and planted to corn. I It Is little trouble to raise peed crops when the seasons are especially favor able. Then every farmer has grain to sell , or fat stock to place on the mar ket , and prices are likely to be very low. The unfavorable year selects out the Intelligent , thinking farmer and gives him paying yields. He Is pre pared to take stock not fat ted at a low figure and Bell them In the market at very high prices. To the intelligent , thinking farmer the off year in crops Is not so disastrous after all. Indianap olis News. Ioni IIT Files. At the Wisconsin Station they divid ed fourteen cows Into two lots , as near ly equal In condition as they could make them , and one-half wore sent to pasture according to the usual custom of farm ers , though In a small field with plenty of shade during the day. The others were kept during the day In a comfort able stable with screen doors and windows dews , but allowed to feed In the pas ture during night and the early morn ing. It was found that these produced 20 per cent more butler than those in the pasture during the day , as the lat ter were kept moving all of the time by the flies. On an Iowa dairy farm they obtained more milk from cows kept in a dark stable without screens during the day and let out to graze at night , than they did from'thoso in pasture all day and in stable at night. Similar re sults have been obtained by the sprayIng - Ing of cattle with something to repel the tiles , but most of these rupellants have an odor that fills the air In the stable and may injure the milk or but ter , If not very carefully used. There's nothing better tliau a sponge or damp cloth Just inadi' moist with kerosene , and wiped lightly over the top of the head , along the back and over the legs , using It everv morning just after milk- Ing. The odor evaporates before the next milking , If not used too freely. Exchange. The Fnrincr'i HOB. The farmer's hog should be of me dium length , deep body , broad bai-k , etralght sides and short legs , also to stand well up on feet , said .1. C. Wright before the Io\vtr Swine Breed ers' Association. He should have a quiet disposition and be Inclined to be a little la/.y , so after being fed he will lie down and get the good of his corn. He should also have a neat head , well net on the body , so that when fat and butchered there will be as little waste us possible. In producing such a hog It Is very necessary to pay particular attention to the parent stock. In the first place , the sows should bo well bred and a little lengthy , with good , well-de veloped bodies , good feet' and limbs mid should also bo good sticklers. The farmer wants a hog that will mature early , say at sis , eight or ten months , and average In weight from -00 to 350 pounds. The Corn Crop. It Is claimed that tlu > United States produces about four-fifths of the corn crop In the world , or In 1000 It produced 2,106,102,610 bushels out of the total In the entire corn-growing countries , which was only 2,031,378,145 bushels. If there Is any undcr-estlmate In the amount It Is more likely to be In the United States , where also more corn IH consumed In feeding to animals than ia Uie otlitr countries , and where the - > * Q'- * * - census onumi'rator says that the re ports of the amounts grown and used upon thu farms will scarcely account for the meats that are reported and sold. Austria Hungary reports only 142.000,000 bushels and Mexico but 111,704 , ! > :18 : buMiels , while the seven other countries reporting vary from SO.- 000,000 down to 20,000,000 bushels , and only aggregate 202,0 < X,000 bushels. All of them do not produce as much corn as the Static of Illinois and Iowa. Austria Hungary , though .second in thu list of the producing countries , pro duced less In MM ) than the State of In diana , and U'issia less than .Michigan. And the capabilities of these States have not been reached yet , but we can add another billion or two of bushels to our yearly crop If It is needed to fur nish broad or fatten moat for the people ple of the earth.-Massachusetts rioiighnian. -t Cure of Horses. A few horses do not get as much feed as they need to enable them to do their work properly , but there are more , at least , In this part of the country that are overfed , especially where fvcdlug Is Intrusted to tliobe who do not have to pay for the food given. In their desire to have the animals look plump and sleek they give more than can be well dlgesttMl. and sometimes defeat their own Intentions by causing such indiges tion that the horse grows lean , If he' is not wise enough to refuse to eat all that Is placed Ix-fore him. Nor are the owners always guiltless In this matter. Farmers especially are apt to feed too much hay to the horse , giving thirty to forty pounds In twenty-four hours , when from twelve to twenty pounds Is enough for horses of almost any weight when there Is enough of grain given. And many will not reduce either hay or grain rations when there Is a week or two of idleness. This is a mistake , but not as bad as that of largely Increasing the grain feed when there Is an extra amount of work to lie done , or a long drive to bo made. The veterinary sur geons say that most of the cases they are called upon to prescribe for are the results of ovtrfeedlng , or feeding after hard work. American Cultivator. Hcnnvittiiitr the Hot ) . That humus Is necessary in the soil and thaf the plowing under of non-ni trogenous plant growth Is valuable will not be questioned , but the farmers who have been successful with this plan are warned against the Itlen which Is becoming somewhat general that tnli course will make manuring of any kind unnecessary. It U true that there may be conditions where the use of fertiliz ers seems unnecessary In addition to the plan of renovation referred to , but such conditions are not general. The fanner who attempts to grow the usu al rotation of crops and relies wholly upon the fertility lie Is able to get from the soil solely by the use of nitrogen ous plants or by the use of humus making plants , will tlnd his crops growing smaller and smaller as th years go by. liattlliic vritli Vermin. Fowls are on the range most of tin time , but this does not prevent then from being bothered with vermin a night and during the time they are oc ciipying the nest boxes. This vermin once on the fowls , stays there , and makes the bird miserable during th < day , even when on the range. White wash Is. of course , desirable , but there is more ellicacy in kerosene oil liber ally applied to floor , walls and roosts Tim nest boxes should be llborixllj sprinkled with some good Insect pow der , and a considerable quantity ol wood ashes bo placed In the dustlm : boxes as well as in the favorite dustIng - Ing places of the fowls out-of-doors. Tlie Feventeeii-Veiir I , < icu ti. The seventPen-year locusts are again due. In their last visit they did con slderable damage. Those who luivi young trees In the sections likely to h < visited by the pc.st shoukl watch their carefully , and any trees that uro cspe dully valuable should , If possible. IH protected with coverings. It is nut usual for this pest to work any scrlom damage except where they appear It large numbers , bin It i.s best to tak < precautions. Shredded Corn Fodder. The \Yesterit fanner.- , who have be gun to use shredded corn fodder art now declaring that a ton of It Is worth more than a ton of hay for milch cows Notc-H AliiMit Fruit. The Italian prune crop of Onignn promises to be the largest in the Staiu's record. For apple scab use bordeaux mixture every three weeks up to thu middle ol July or 1st of August. In general , especially in small vineyards - yards , a thousand vines are pruned tou llttli ! for one that Is pruned too much. Komi dust , air slaked Um or wood ashes dusted over small che-rry tret-s Ian I- an ellectlve remedy for the cherry slug. Currant worms that appear when the fruit IK half grown should be treated with pyrethrum , a tttblespoonful to a gallon of water. Tomato plants grown from cuttlngn from plants which had fruited are said to have piodticed orer thirty per cent more fruit than tliotie grown from Heed , It seems tliat tl\e \ pecan tree hus itu insect pent * } as well as the other trees , It IB said that the borer , u dirty white , grubllke creature , Is one of the worst SOLDIERS' STOJllES. ENTERTAINING REMINICENCES OF THE WAR. Graphic Account of Stlrrlnc Scctici WitiiCKHCtl on the Itnttlcfleld anil In Cnnip VcterniiH of the Rebellion He ctic KxiicrlciiccH of Thrilling Nature. Is forty years since the shedding nT thu Ilrsi blood on hostile soil in Ihe Civil War. The victim was Kl- mer H. Ellsworth , Colonel commanding the Kli'Vi'nth New York Volunteers , known as the Fire Xouavcs. Colonel Ellsworth was killed by James Jackson , proprietor of the Marshall House , ut Alexandria , Vu. Jnekson , In turn , was killed by Frank H. Hrownell , a corporal , who had assisted Ellsworth in lowering a Confederate Hag , which had been hoisted above the hotel. IJrownell rose to the rank of captain. On his retirement he went to St. Louis and lived there several years. Hu was the only intin who knew the truth about the killing of Colonel Ellsworth. Dur ing his life ho would never tell the story. Shortly before his death In Washington , 1) . 0. , on March Ifi , JS)1 ! , he wrote an account of the tragedy. This paper he left as a legacy to his brother , V. I * . Hrownell , now a promi nent citizen of St. Louis , through whose courtesy It Is now published. In sub stance It reads thus : On May 3 , 1801 , Ellsworth ascer tained that the Colonels of the different regiments .stationed about \Vashlugtou had received orders to hold their com mands to move at midnight. Ellsworth , not having received any such order , went to thu President and appealed to him that he might take part In the movement , and through his personal In fluence with the President he was told he might go on one condition , namely , that If any breach of discipline or mis behavior occurred by his regiment It would be mustered out of the service. Up to the day before the regiment left for Alexandria It had never received anything from the general government except rations and camp equipage. New arms , overcoats , etc. , promised by the authorities before the regiment left New York never came , all of which caused Ellsworth to be extremely anx ious as to the conduct of his regiment , upon which his future so largely de pended. The arms with which we were equipped were not received until the day before we occupied Alexandria , the Sharp rifles having been exchanged for Harper's Ferry rifled muskets , with the exception of Company A , to which I be longed , which received Harper's Ferry rifles with saber bayonet but without bayonet scabbards. I shall n wer forget the remarks made by him to the men the night before the movement and his death. .The regi ment was formed in column of divisions massed. He said : "Hoys , yesterday I understood that a movement was to be madu against Al exandria. I went to see Ceiieriil Mans field and told him 1 would consider It a personal affront If we were not al lowed the right of the line , as It is our due as the first regiment of volunteers sworn in for the war. All I can say Is , prepare yourselves for a nice little sail , and at the end perhaps a skirmish. " ( Jo to your tents and lie down until 2 o'clock , when the boats will come for us , and we will go forward to victory or death. When we reach the place of des tination act like men ; do pothlng to shame the regiment. Show the enemy that you are men as well as soldiers , and that you will treat them with kind ness , and , no matter what may happen , not a shot must be , tired without or ders. Now go to your tents and do as I tell you. " So far as I know these orders were not violated except In the single In stance following his death. The regiment embarked about 2 o'clock and arrived at Alexandria be tween 4 and 5 o'clock in the morn ing. ing.The The troops moved against Alexandria in three columns by thu aqueduct un der command of General Sanford , by the long bridge under command of Colonel Wilcox and by steamer under command of Colonel Ellsworth. Ells worth was to approach by the river front and Wllcox by the Washington pike. They were to cut oil' telegraphic and railroad connection with the In terior. Ellsworth landed his regiment with great rapidity. The regiment was formed on the wharf when Ellsworth came by the right of the line , .starting uptown. There were with him Mr. Win- ser , of the New York Times , Mr. House , of the New York Tribune , and Chaplain Dodge. As they passed the right line someone of them suggest ed that a guard be taken. Ellsworth turned and said : "First squad , follow me. " The squad , consisting of Sergeant I Marshall , two corporals , of which I was one. and two privates , fell In behind , [ and in that order we went up Cameron street on the double quick. We went three blocks up Cameron street. I thought , and still think Ells- Mnrlli was on the way to the tele graph olllci1 to M'liil word he hud land- t ed. Here we iiirned. south on Itoyal j street. One square brought us to King si reel , and as we turned the corner to go west wo came In sight of the Mar shall house. Just a square ahead , with the Confederate Hag tlylng. Ellsworth turned abruptly to thu Ser geant and said : "Marshall , go back and tell Captain Co.v le to bring his com pany up hero HH MIOII as possible. This wtiH the only thing Ellsworth said to show that he had noticed the ( lag. lag.He He Kept up King street and did not turn noivsa when ho ouitia opposite the .Marshall house. 1 supposed ho was go- ' , lug to let Captain Coyle tale euro of the Hag. Ellsworth jumped over the ! gutter to cross the street ill .re the ho tel , \\hcii he suddenly halted. lie said nothing , but looked back at the ling , ) IVrlwp-j It occurred to him that the , sight of that flag might enrage the men and lead to the very thins ; he had prom- Isetl to prevent. A Her a moment's thought he went across the street and entered the olllco of Ilu > hotel. We followed , nothing be ing sild. There was a man at the counter. Ellsworth nvked If he wan the proprietor , lie said "no. " EHorth went upstairs without an other word. We followed him up two illgh.s and then up a third Might to thu atlli. The stairs turned and had u Iniiillng midway of each flight. In thu uttiiwe found the , halyards to the flag- stall1 , and Ellsworth pulled down the Hag. The only thing that was said at the time was by Ellsworth. Some one started to cut oft" a piece , and Ellsworth Bald : "Stop ; don't do that. This goes to New York. " Hlght here let me say that 1 firmly believe Ellsworth went up to get that flag in the Interest of peace and good order. He was moved , 1 believe , by the thought that If seen by his men It might he taken as a provocation to do lawless acts. It was not bravado that Inspired him : the act was prompted by his earnest desire to bu prudent and avoid trouble. His action In sending eSrgcant Mar shall back for , Captain Coyle and Com pany A always seemed to me convinc ing proof that he did not leave thu regiment for the purpose of taking the Hag , as has often been asserted by some , for if that was his Intention why did he Immediately upon coming In sight of It send for aid ? Why did he not go in the most direct line to the house instead of doing as he dldV We started down the stairs from the attic to thu third floor. I was leading. Ellsworth was just behind , In the act of rolling up the flag Into a small bundle. As I came upon the first landIng - Ing , which turned with half a dozen steps before leading to the floor , there stood a man with a double-barreled gun resting on the banisters nnd thu muz zle point ing at my breast. VM to this time everything had been so quiet we were not anticipating trouble. Hy the instinct of sulf-prcscr- ration more than anything else I jumped , and as I did so 1 threw down the barrel of my gun on his , and both guns slid down the banister until they reached the turn and then fell apart. My Jump cleared the steps from the lauding to the floor , but before 1 could gain my equilibrium the man had thrown up his gun Into position , and just as Ellsworth came Into view on the landing he fired. Then he whirled and leveled at me. As lie did so I llred and sprang forward with my bayonet. That motion saved my life , for the heavy charge of buckshot went just over my 'head and through the door behind me. The nnizKlu of the gun was within three or four fecit of Ellsworth's breast. The charge of buckshot struck him Just above the heart. With the single ex clamation , "My God ! " he fell forward from the landing to the floor. Jackson , who killed Ellsworth , was shot In the corner of his left eye through the btaln. The bayonet pierced his heart. He fell backward to the land ing midway between the second and third floors. From the beginning to the end he never spoke. I can only Account for my escape by the supposition that when I came Into view on the landing Jackson wavered for a moment. That gave me a chance to leap to the floor and saved my life. I do not think he knew who had gone up to take down the flag. He had been celebrating the pasbtigc of the ordinance of secession and had gone to bad drunk at 2 o'clock In the morning. There had been throats by citizens to take down the Hag , and Jackson had sworn to defend It. lie had been awak ened hurriedly by somebody and told that we had gone up to get the flag. Without waiting to dress , for ho wore only his shirt and pantaloons , he nul/.ed his gun and took his place on the land- Ing. Ing.A A strange Incident happened at the moment of Ellsworth's death. Upon the breast of his vent he wore the badge of the Haltlmore City Guards , which had been given him while In that city In ISl'iO. It bore the loiers H. 0. G. in German te.M In the center of a blue garter , In which was the Latin motto , "Non solemn nobls se pro patrln. " "Not for ourselves alone , but for our coun try. " It was an Inch In diameter. The charge from Jackson's gun carried this badge Into his breast , and parts of It were found mingled with the buckshot In his spine. Concealing his death from the com mand for fear of terrible vengeance on the whole city , the body was borne back to the navy yard at Washing ton. I shall never forget a scene that took place in the euglne house whore the body had been taken for the purpose of embalming. Feeling great pain In inj head , I had lain down in the quar ters of the Seventy-first New York , wlii'u a messenger came and told ine the President wished to see me. I went with him to the engiiie house and there found the undertaker , Cap tain Fox. the Assistant Secretary of the Navy , and the President , who , when I entered , was pacing up and down the floor , the picture of anguish and grief , and as he passed the body he would raise t-he sheet from the face and with tears running down Ills cheeks , ex claim : "My boy , my boy , was It necessary that IhU sacrifice should bo madeV" Dou't uo strong-doomed flower * for table decorations. GIVES PE-RU- CJUANT , OF INIHANAI'OUS. -W \ "VH yXV > . * -\j- \y- > --X. NX A. ( Initit , nf ImllaiiaimlU , Iml. , writes the following loiter ! Inilliiiiiipollfi , Indiana , ) N. I'cnnsyh'unlii Street. ) I'crunn Medicine Co. , Columhiiy , O. : Gentlemen "I have been using I'c- runn for catarrh unit can cheerfully rec ommend your remedy to anyone who wants a good medicine.A. . Grant. Prominent miMiilicrni ( if tinclcrtty nro ! > ' liiK 1'ortinn ttielr niiiiiiiillllitl ciiilor uiiiciil. Thitte men flml 1'crmin cspi'i'lully mliiptcil U > | irv i'rvt > them from cntiirrh nf lluuoivl orjcain , which IHIH nlwnjn liri-n the limn1 of public spcnki-rs , and ( 'i-nonil rutnrrlml ilc- blllt > Incident U the .stili'iiturjr life of the clorcyiuiui. Among tin- recent nttenini-eB of noted clergy men on the curative Urines of 1'erurtA IH the above one. from lllshop Urnnt. OO'o COIIN Husband "You arc as gloomy us tin owl. Sulking because I can't get , you that , new bonnet , 1 suppose. " Wife "No , 1 was only going over seine old letters , that's all. It's noth ing of Importance. Only a lit of the blues. " "What letters ? ' "Love letters. " "Some you wrote ? " "Some I received. " "Oh , mine , eh ? " "No , some I received before J met you. It's of no consequence. None at all. How is your cold ? " A Itimy Surllu * . First Reporter ( big dally paper ) "What's the matter ? " Second Reporter "I worked for two mortal hours over that lost child , and spent about two dollars for candy and toys , trying to coax him to tell what his name was , so 3 could take him to his parents and write It up. Thought I'd get about a column of affecting scones out of It. " "Didn't you succeed ? " "Yes , he told , finally. " "Then what are you grumbling about ? " , "lie's my own son. " CoiiNoIatloii nnd Com Tort. Who is it that does not wish to be out In the open air or alive In some Held of sport , whether It be with the bat , rod or gun : whether wo go coasting over the hills and vales on the wheel or sail ing over rough waves or Into serene coves , It Is all sport , and the springing muscles seem to need It. It Is bound to happen that some mishap will octnir Thus It is that we have sprains In abundance. Light sprains , sprains thai cripple , sprains that give great pain , sprains that rob us of sleep , but sports men of all kinds have come to know that thr-re Is nothing better than the old , reliable St. .Jacobs Oil. Have it with you for use ; you may rely on Its cure of the worst sprain and restoration to the comforts of life. A Dear Krli-nil. Morgue Keeper "Looking for any one ? " Visitor "Ol'in lookiti' fur me dear friend , Molk Mooliglmn , who's tnys teriously disappeared. J t ml break me heart to folnd him dead. Ol loved that mon like a brother. " "lias he any marks by which you could Identify him ? " "Yls ; he do have a big scar on his foichead where Ol hit Mm wid a brick. " Sow seeds of Itunllwortli ivy or llnaria in pots containing palms , They cover the surface and drape the pot prettily. We refund IGe for every pnekage of PUTNAM FADELESS DVB that falls to give satis/action. Monroe Drug Co. , UnlonvlUe , Mo. Sold by druggists. I'hiuly of Com puny , Mrs. Suburb "What is your objec tion to the country ? " Domestic " ] am afraid I will bo lonely. " Mrs. Suburb "Impossible. There are sixteen In the family. " GOOD IKMIHKKICKI'KKS I'se the be-if. Tliut'H why they buy Ketl Cross Hull lilno. At leading grocer * , 5 cents A Ooocl .School. Surface " ! see that nearly all tin ricli men of today began their careers by teaching school. " Deepuu "Yes , a man who succeeds in getting along \vlth an average lotoi school directors can make his w ; y anywhere. " yr. PISO'S CURE FOR C.OTM S U M P TIO Nf N.N.U , NO.683-37. YORK , NEB. i Writes His RecoimnendatioDi . For the famous Catarrh Remedy , Pe-ru-na , - ( The tlnj1 was when men of prominence llite < l to i > lvi' their testimonial ! ) to proprt * * ( ary ui'illi'lm-M tor piilillcntUm. Tills r - malliR true to-ilny of most proprietary rocdJ- elnei , Hut I'crnnu hns become M > juatlp famoiiK , It * inerltK nre known to no in nay people of liluli iiml low Htiitlon tlmt none heo- Itntes to Mec lil.s inline In print rucomuivud- IIIK I'eruim , The following letters from paHtors who n I'ermm | ii'iil ; for tliemxolvox : Itev. K ( } , Smith , piutor of the I'roftbj t'l'tliui rinirrli , ut Ureeiifltmro. On. , wrltesi "My little liuj lunl hecn suffering for om r time with rauiiTh of the louer liowel.i. O lit er rciueillet Inul falleil , hut after taking twt liottlcH of I'eriiini the trouble almost entirely ill < nppeariMl. Kor tills jpeelal muhnly t coin Miler It well nlKh a spcolllc.-Itev. .1C. Ou Smith. Itov. A. S. VaiiKhn , Kurekn Sprlncs , ArkJ way * : "I hail been prostrated by i-nnsestiv * ' clilIK Hint WAN almost dead ; as HOOII a < < able * to bu about , I commenei'il the use of I'eruoaJ I took live bottles ; my strength returned rnp-l Idly and 1 am now enjoying my uauali health , " Itov. A. 8. Vtiuitun. , ' If you do not derive prompt nmi sntlsfnc- tory results from the use of I'erunn , writ * nt oiu-e to Dr. Ilartman. glvInK ft full utatc- inenl of your cnse and tie will be pleaitO to Klve you Ills valuable advlee Krutls. Address Dr. llnrtinnn , I'reiddctit of Tti * H.irtiiuui Sanitarium , ColumbiiK.Ohlo. "lie's at I ? ' * " an adept golf , presume "Oh indeed ! " , yes , ( "By the way , what constitutes act ulcpt , if I may ask ? " "Well , an adept at golf Is a mixo ivho can swear In correct Scotch and ; 'Ct as much relief as if he swears In ( Vmcrlcan , " Detroit Free Press. , LIBBY'S In our mammoth kitchen we employ a chef 11 who is nn expert In making - ' ' , . ing mince p'les. He lias charge of making nil of Llhby's Mince Meat. lie uics Hie very choicest ma terials. Heistoldtomaku W * * " the best Mince Meat ever is sold and he does. Get a package nt your grocer's ; _ enough for two large pies. You'll navcr use another kind again. l.ibby's Atlas of the World , with 32 j * new maps , slic 8xli inches , sent any- T where tar 10 cts. In stamps. Our Uook- X let , "How to Make Good Things to v Eat , " mailed free. Libby , Mclielll & Libby , CHICAGO. ASTHMA-HAY FEVER CURED BY -SEND FOR FREE TRIAL BOTTLE , ADDRISS DR.TAFT.79 E.I301TST..N.YCITY. SCALE AUCTI BIDS BY MAIL. YOUR OWN PRICIT. . Jonrn. lie Pnji the Freight. Dlncltaintoit. M I. . YOUR SADDLE : THE ORIGINAL SL.ICKI&RJ BLACK UUlL bV I PROTECTS DOTH , RIDER AHDH5ADDLEj H ARDE5TSTORM CATALOGUES PRCB | 3HOWWG PULL LINE OP GARMENTS AN 1 HAT.X A.J.TOWER CO. . BOSTON. NSS. > . 3 Grand Island Route Double Daily Service FREE RECLINING CHA'R ' CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS , ftr Infoimitlon or Ritu , cill upon u i8m Burnt Aint , or S. M. ADSIT , a. P. A. , ST. JOSEPH , mo. !