Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1901, Image 6

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    ( fluster ( So , Republican
VoMUhcil orcry Thntgauy nt Uio Comity Boat.
3 > .Oflleo In Cnetor lllock , Konrth Ate.-s
Entered ut Uio voatomco nt Ilrokon llnw , Nul ) . ,
BI feccomUela8 ninUorforlnmi < mpeloiuliruiitli | !
thoU. 8. Malls.
ilHBOItn'TIOM i'UIOfi :
One Your , In advnnco . $1.00
Ono column , tier month , $7.00. One-li lf column -
. umn , t > ur month , gl U ) ( imrtcr tnliinin , per
month , S'J.MI U H Hutu qamlcr culiirnii , M
cents JILT Inch | ior niunth.
Ctnls on llrwt imgo , CO conl | > r Inoli , l > or
l.ocjilmlvertlMnK 5 centu per line each Inter-
> tlnn.
Notice of cluircli fatrd , HOC Inlilrx and i ntortnln-
tneiitu wlicro money Is clmrnul , oim.lmlf ruti'H.
Hoclotj notices anil rcKoliilluni" , uuo-tiMf run * .
Wedding i otlccB free. Imlf | ulte for publltnliiK
Hat of mtboiiln. , ,
Dentil notice * fri'O , Imlt ptlm for iiubllililiiK
obituary notices , nnil ranln of tlmnkr.
Legal nollCdH nt rnuit provided by s'ltlutos of
Htntc Ticket.
I'or JudgoHuproimi Court
a. 11. SEUGWIOK ,
Of York.
11. ff. GOOLD ,
, OfOgnlliiln.
U. , T. EKNKST ,
Of Lincoln.
" > Comity.
| Vat County Jiuleo
i . .1. A. AltMOUU ,
KorConnty TrtiiBiircr
For County Clerk
For llegletcr nf Ieciln
< J. O UNO.
i For County Huporliitondiiiit
} ,1. G. VV. LEWIS.
For Sliorlll-
For County Hurvuyor
i For County Coroner
Tovt'llHllIp TlCllUt.
' For Juetlco of tlio 1'onco
For Clcru
For Treasurer
] For Anscssor
For Constable
j Wit KENNEDY' .
Forltond Ovoreccr , District No. 1
! For Ilonil OveiHeur , District No , 'J
For Uond Ovurrorr , District No. : i-
For Itond Ovcrfoor. District No. I
For Kond Ovuucor , District No. fi
For head Ovcrsoor , District No. ti
For llcnd Ovorwer. District No. 1
City TlcUet.
For City Assessor
AssessorW. . S. BOYSE.
For Jnstlcu of tli Peace -
For Oonstnblui
L , E. COLE.
A barqain to deliver the goods
does not mean a euro delivery , even
in the domooratiu party in Cuutor
Tom Finlon thinkH if it liad not
boon for W , B. Easthaui a partial
fusion might have boon effoatod
with the pops. Murray , Armstrong
and Doan ho would have eavod.
With all his oloquouoo J. J. Wilson -
son , the ohampion of the fusion
oauflo at Ausloy could not induce
the democrat dolcgatoH to loud their
influence to Have the sinking ship.
Brewer , and Williams of Sargent
imraodiatoly withdrew from the
domooratio convention after the
vote on nominating a regiHtor of
deeds waa carried by a vote of 83 to
47 ,
The oars of WanU'Jaok are short
when oomparod with Eli's and JooV
faces since they hoard the result of
the domooratio convention.
Neither Doan or Evans have boon
in sight of this oiliuo HIMOO.
The eighty delegates from the
country districts were too many lor
the Broken Bow delegation , who ,
it was claimed , had Hold and deliv
ered the democratic vote to iho pop
ringsterg ot the court house.
In aolcotiug Billy ItiiBinistiol of
Mason City , as candidate for regis
ter of deeds the democrats
made a strong nomination. Mr.
KuamisBol is a farmer and gram
dealer and h ono of the moat popu
lar democrats in his locality.
Everything , it seems , ia going
against the Ouster county popu this
year. Instead of a total failure
there will bo lots of corn , and to
make matters still worse for thorn
a good rain foil last week , which
will make la to pasture away above
the average , Apparently there in
no consolation in sight Courier.
The democrats put up the strong
CHI ticket at Anslcy Tuesday that
the party over named in thib
Several of the pops now say they
Jid not moan it when they passed
that resolution ngiinut fusing with
the democrats. They did not ox-
peel that the democrats had the
courage to rrflPttt it.
W. B. EiiBtham und Unolo Joe
Skolton are two of the delegates to
the democratic convention from
Broken Bow that st < ori by their
principles and opposed fusion to a
Mr , Bryan sayo "irnpoarialiem is
still Iho great imuo between thu two
political parties. " Most of the
loading Demooiats say it is a dead
isHuo. Arid there your , Rochester
"Democrat and Chronicle "
To strike at the head of the re
public is to strike at the republic's
aolf , In the angry contemplation
of Hitch a blow creeds and parties
are forgotten. The arm which
deals it affronts and monanocH 70- ,
000OOOA morican oitizuns , Worla-
W. J. Bryan insists that Mark
llanna should bo nominated for the
Presidency by the Republican pally
n 1904. This ho regards as his
best joke , but it is far from being
as good a ono as the presumption
on his part that ho is capable of giv
ing political advice. Chicago
"Intor-oooau ,
F. E. VauAntworp , republican
candidate for county surveyor , who
has served the county in tha'
capacity before , and has located a
good many hidden corners , is com
pelled to acknowledge that ho can
not looato anything that looks like
a ' -populist corner" in old Ouster
this fall. Courier.
An exchange wants to know what
is to bo done with the surplus ol
money in the United States Treas
ury. Turn the Democrats to it.
liioy never fail to use the surplus.
In 1892 they found a full treasury
and in IOSH than throe years it was
empty and they issued 1202,000,000
u bonds. Sparta ( N. C.Nowe. . "
The pop board that out the tax
levy down to loss than halj' what
they had boon levying for the past
ton yearn , after their defeat at the
pollsin order to cmbaratjs the ropnb.
licau board , reckoned without their
hosts when they thought Ktich work
would fool the intelligent voters of
Custor county. The voters of Cus-
tor county are not all idiots by a
long ways.
That there is "many a slip be
tween the cup and lip" was again
demonstrated at Antdoy Tuesday.
The pops had scoured a majority of
the Broken Bow delegation to the
convention for fusion for sheriff ,
judge , clerk , etc. , and they felt
jubilant over their chances. How
their countenances did change when
the news reached the city that the
convention defeated fusion 83 to < 17 ,
The certificates in last week's Republican <
publican , given by the county Irons
urtr , and showing that Prof. Lewis
haa paid several dollars tax money
into the treasury , knocks the poor
old Beacon's argument into
cooked hat. The Beacon's future is
not so very bright , a tut in the blear
of its oycs it grasped at what it
thought was a straw , but its last
hope has now vanished , Callaway
Loon Czolgo/ his written con
fession , says in part that "In Clove-
laud I road books on socialism and
met a great many socialists in the
west. " "During the last live yearn
I have had as friends anarchists in
Chicago , Cleveland , Detroit and
other western cities and I suppose
I became more or less bitter. "
"But what slurtod the craze to kill
was a looturo a little time ago by
Emma Goldman. She was in
Cleveland and I and other anarchists
wont to hear her. She sot mo on
lire Her doctrine that all rulers
should bo exterminated was that
act me to thinking. " From
Czolgoez'u method of reasoning
Hooialium \ the firm Btcp that loads
lo anarchy and anarchy loads to an
unuontrolablo desire to murder.
While it does not follow that all
eooialintH will become anarchists , it
shoWri the result in his caHc , There
in but ono safu rule and that is to
adhere strictly to the teaching of
Chribt in which wo are admonished
to bo submieHivo to the nowors that
bo. Any individual or organization
that nolH hnnsolf up against the
government or has for its object
the destruction of the government
and the death of its rulers should bo
treated as traitors and the penalty
life imprisonment , without possi.
bility of pardon.
The Beacon filled a half column
of upaoe last wick in a vain endeav
or lo crawfish on its former state-
mentjtliat John Lewis was not a
tax payer , inbtoad of frankly ac
knowledging its error. The tax
certificates copied in the Rui'unu-
OAN two weeks ago was a
knock out for which the "poor old
Beacon was not prepared. For
the further information of the
Beacon" wo will state that wo are
prepared to show tlut the land tax
paid by John W. G. Lewis , although
the reoordH may show it in his
father's namebelongs to him and
was his prior to the date the treas
urers certificates iihowH ho paid the
taxes on It ,
It is reported that Janon Evans
wan the only pop candidate that at
tended the democratic convention
and that the delegates from his
homo precinct withdrew from the
convention immediately after the
convention voted to nominate a
candidate for register of deeds. Of
course Evans was not a delegate ,
but you can draw your own con
While wo had a populist board
in charge of affaire in Custor county
the tax levy was from 14 to 18
mills for general purposoBpftcr then
defeat last fall they out it down to
seven mills in order to reduce the
revenue below the actual riming ox
peusosthat they might charged up
a shortage to the republican admin
O '
Should Mrs. J. J. Tooloy accept
the nomination tendered her Tues
day for co\mty \ superintendent by
the democrats , there is no question
but the race will bo between her
and John Lewis. No stronger
nomination could have boon raado
by that party.
m '
The nomination of Josh Woods
of Loup township by the democrats
is i strong ono. Ho is ono of thu
eldest stockmen in Ouster county.
Ho was hero when the writer came
twenty-three years ago and was
then a ranchmen on the South Loup.
_ _
A party that will endorse the ac
tion of its ollicora in violating their
sworn duty for political offoot is
not worthy of the confidence of the
public and should bo relegated to
Hope For ( ho How.
Broken Bow has n rumor that the
Burlington's freight divisions at
Seneca and Rayonna are to bo abolished
ished and a new division establish
ed at the Bow. This would make
a division 192 miles long from
Lincoln to Broken Bow , and an
other 190 miles from Broken Bow
to Alliance. The rumor was not
denied at Burlington headquarters
this morning but nothing definite
could bo learned Boo.
Another Issue spoiled.
Nebraska democracy ib to bo piti
ed. Free silver is deader than a
smilt ; antioxpaueion has collapsed ;
free-trade has boon knocked into a
cooked hat by treasury Btaotiatioe ;
the sultan of Sula can't bo kept
on the stage ; Merle llanna tefuscs
to grow horns or split his hoofs ;
the price of farm products remains
high ; McKinley will not doolaro
himself emperor and there has boon
no oonscriptou of the young men of
the country to fill up the ranks of
the standing army to oppress the
people , and especially to rivet the
yoke on the nocks of the poor.
There was much rejoicing and chat
tering when Bartloy was p\roled :
and the democratic heart , which
had boon feebly pulsating in demo
cratic boot. " , suddenly began a
livelier boating. Hero was eonic-
thinc { to Htir Iho blood. Hut before
the Htato convention , disavowed any
ondorsmont of iho policy upon
which the fusion issue hunters
would base their-fi ht.
Foxes have holes , the biida of
the air have nests , orphans Imvo
asylums , but the rattled and discot-
ftiiiouists have nowharo to lay their
aching heads. Fremont Tribune.
Ju > Note Of Despair.
One fact in connection with the
recent drought mupt have Htrtiek
oven the most casual observer of
passing events , In all the accounts
that have come from thocst of
crops burned up and expectations
disappointed there has boon no note
of depiir ,
No fact indicates the great ad
vance the country has made dining
the past five years more than this
does. Lot any ono imagine , if ho
can , the r suit of such a drought as
that just ended coming in IS DC.
The country was then laboring
under the disasters brought on by
Grover Cleveland's low Tariff policy.
The production of manufacttucs
had been cut down in every direc
tion and in some instances it had
ceased entirely. If a long continued
and widespread drought had oc
curred in the summer of 1805 the
lees and suffering entailed would
have boon almost incalculable. It
would have needed yoais to recover
from it.
Now , thanks to live years of
Protection , the countrv is rich. It
has a largo reserve force which it
can draw upon in casu of need.
Consequently the loss in crops by
the recent drought will not moan a
reduction to poverty as it would
have dene in 1895 , but only a re.
duotion of the expected deposit in
the savings bank by the farmer and
Iho workingmau. This can be
berne without complaint. And
that is why there is no noto'of defi-
pair iti Western comment on the
drought Philadelphia "Press. "
- - -
Dealing With ISMICS-
Ono great characteristic of the re
publican party is that it takes
either ono side or the other of any
issue which it happens to encounter
and carries on the war for the prin
ciple it beliovoa to be right regard
less of what the public thinks of it.
As en example the revenue measure
known as the McKmley bill was
unpopular ; but the republican party ,
behoving it to bo right , stood by its
position , and the result was the de
feat of MoKtnloy for the governor ,
ship of Ohio. But the republican
party swerved not an inch from ita
position , and the outcome proved it
to bo in the nght. The MoKinley
tariff was vindicated and the repub
lican principle of protection slio\\n
to the high statesmanship by tbo
unparalleled growth and develop
ment of American manufacturing
industries. On Iho either hand tbo
democratic party nlways takes tha
aide of an issue which appeals to
the uneducated masses , regardless
of right or wrong , simply us a vote
catcher. The republican party deals
with issues that are alive and it deal
with thorn fearlessly and iutollo
gently but the democratic party is
afraid of a live issue , and invariably
manufactures some issue of straw
calculated to draw the votes of the
unthinking at every recurring clue
An example in point may bo founc
in the present campaign in this
county. For ton yoaru the county
has boon under the absolute confro
of the populiHt-doniooratio-fusiou
combine. During all that time the
utmost limit of taxtation has beet
levied , and in some cases the lira ;
has been overreached. A year ago
the election showed that on Jnuuar ;
1 , 1901 , a republican board of sup
ervisors would assemble to atlmin
ister the affairs of the county. The
fusiouists aaw that they would need
an issue for use in the oominq elec
tion , and at the last mooting of the
outgoing fusion board the tax levy
for 1901 was out dowti from ' the
maximum limit which had been
used to the last dollar during the
past ten years of "reform , " to seven
mills. Thus the republican party
found itself with the affairs of the
county on its hands and but half ol
the rovouue that had boon used by
SEPTEMBER 25 , 26 , 27 , 1901 ,
WEDNESDAY , . September 25.
-v- * * J
ONK O < 'LOOK ' } ' . M.
race „ - , . . „ . „ . . . fH 00 ,00 $1 00
Fat Man's race (250 ( Ibs und over ) 30 'jftM ? * . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 9 ( X ) it 00 00
Sack race , 50 yards . . . . . . „ . , , * . . . . . . . 8 00 a oo 00
Three legged race . . , , \ * . . „ > . ' . . „ , . , . 8 00 2 00 1 00
Wheelbarrow race . . . . , . . . . i.u.i. . . U 00 a oo 1 00
Potato race. . . . . „ „ . . . . . , „ * . . . * . M 00 2 00 00
Men's foot race , 100 yards , four. pcifii . , . , $8 00 " " ' . " 4 00 a oo 00
Boy's race , half mile , M yeitis find nnder , n ( ) ( ) ' ' 2 ,00 1 00 50
Half milo handicap * L * i..8 00' fc-00 100 50
Quarter mile open . ; J 00 ' 2 00 1 00 50
Pony race i „ . . . . * Porge 20 00
Slow mule race . . . - . . , . . . . .Purse 5 00
. . , .
i - f.- -
THURSPAY , September 28 v J
in cnehill ho jriv n fir I'm largest delts ation of uny Sundny School
or Ht'/LTHiu/.i-d / aucruty tor Idcl o , Doiegaliona nuut bo coun'ted
just otitsidu the jnto. .
LO A. M , inj apenrinjf ounfcst. 1st pri/n fine saddle , &nd priae bridle ,
Srd prixe pair fcpiim. JOntrance ffO bS. l'ivo ' onlrioH required.
11 A. M. Bioyclu.race half mrttt'open. . . . . . . 00 $200 $1.00 50
Bicycle rnce two mite handicap , 5 00 ' 2 50 . 1 50 1 00
Bioj-ol rno oncinilf > hniid oHp , 3 00 2 501 50 1 00
1 o'clock sharp KqniaMfiiiiBuip nxhibittpn in front of amphitheater.
2 year old trot'and pace ( Vnatw i-nimtylioi'seS ) 2 in B half milo heats $30
B ininiilu trot ami pacn 2 in it . " < * , . . . . . . . ' . . „ . 75
Running half milo and repent . . .ft. . _ ' . . . . - 00
Running half milu iUsh SHU ! 1 hor8B8CtiatercoiiuyM ( ( ) ; 'JO
Kunninpr quurtor mile and repeat „ . „ „ - . ! HT. ! 50
Tun BALLOON ASCWNSIOX lakes pliioc during the flornoon :
Don't forget the Street Fair nt ni ht. '
FRIDAY , September 27 , . .
10 A. jr. Grand Merchants Dinplity Parade , headed by Live Stock Show
$5.00 for beat Float , i.60 ! for second best , $1.50 for third , and
81.00 for fourth.
11 A. M. Live stock exhibition nt grounds'and award of premiums.
Ono o'clock sharp. Special Bicyolo Kitoe , one niile open :
1st Columbia Bicycle , $25 : 'Jd Columbia Bicycle , $15 ; 5Jd Pair M.
& W. tires , $8fth ; 1901 Sola * lump , $4 ; 5th Wheeler special
saddle , $2.40 ; ( Jth Vendor cyclometer , II. Those prizes given
by P. E. KYKUSO.Y. Entrance fao $ Si.OO.
Exhibition of Driving Horses.
Pie Euting contest , in front of Amphitheater. lil , $1 ; 2cl , 50o ; 3d & 4th , 25c
Three-year-old , trot and pace , ( Justor oountj , 2 in 8. . . . . . S 50
2:30 : Trot and pace , 3 in 5 , v..v..J. 100
Running , half milo dash. , , . . . . . ' . „ , . . _ . ' . - 40
Running , five-eights milo and repeal 75
Running , ' milw Novelty ; $15 at quarter , $20 ut'half.t > 35 at three-quarters
TriK BALLOON A.SCISNSION Talcns plnco during th'o afternoon.
Don't forget the Street Fair at night.
IIor.sK HACKS. Ten iiiTcont of puiho. Money in nil harness races to 1m divided
> 0 , 'J. " > , 15. and 10 ppiccnt. MUIU-J in nil itiunlnt ; ratios to bo divided 60 , no und 20 per
cent. Klvo ontrlps and throe starters required. Mliould races lie allowed to iiu with
li'hs than live oiitrlos , thu DUIMIvill ln > ivdm-etl rujo-IHfch for onch entry not tilled. Thu
Asiociatiou rosorvcs the right to ttuitdwluli : vuy rtu-p , it ml ulso 10 postpone from day to
day or declare oil1 any of the races ,
liic'vcu : UAUKS. Ten poicent of purse will ln eharcod In nil bicycle races , ex
cept the Special Race on Frlda > , whii-h otliorw IMspecified. . Five entries required.
Foot : HACKS. Ton percent will ho charged im.ull footraces , wheolbonow ,
potato and other sinilliar races on Wednesdays proirnuii.
the pops to do business with. At
its Isto county convention "tho re
publican party took thn dilemma by
the hours raid "rosoluled" that it
favored the levy of n tax ouOioicnt
to pay the nocesBary oxp'onseri of
the county. The committee which
drafted this resolution know at the
time that this won id bo mp.du a
oompaigu howl by Ui popB , but the
resolution is right and the party in
tends to stand by it. . It has madu
an 'i88uo" for the pops , and that is
all they care about. Thny sjaisa
that had the popH remained in power ,
the lavy of seven mills wonld have
boon suilioiont to meet all coluity
expenses. Tho'y know and every
body clan knows , that uad n popu
list board of supe/Visors been elect
ed a year ago , the ley wouid never
have been reduced. They would
have fixed the Ic-vy at Jifteon mil IB
as they did for ten years previous ,
and they would have used up every
oout of it ,
The move was a uhoap , llunay ,
dishonest and despicable piece of
lowdown political ohioanory , fcnd
ought to consign the parly which
indulged in it to everlasting perdi
i > ' - -
' VElttll-
FUGE is essentially thu ohUd'n
Ionic It improves thu digeation
anil assimilation of food , Btrunylh-
ouing the nervous system and re
storing them to health , vigor And
ohnticity of HpiritH natural to child-
hood. Price , 2f oentfl ; Kil. Mo-
Comas Broken Bow add Merua.
Look out for Munk'a Auction
Store , September 1st , nortUeim
corner public square , noutb ol
Grand Central Hotel. 8 22tf
AnWiitclt ' rriititif.ii t BTy
Wiitclt nurciiuiiiK :
Cureil tu S | ltu
Xo : o * < " - . lift V
N . * r H , A
l < Ut ftllfl oSUiVC C
Jfc i now goncnilly known and umlor-
stootl ( JiM iJruuiitwm'sn ma diteniu' anil
nut u-buknoe ? . A body tilled with polbcn
ftu < i iujrv'Ob O'jruptt'.tt ! y stmtton d by
periodical or eonnuuit usu ot ir > ti initiiu :
tin arsudote enpablu ot
und uradlu&ting ; Mi In ii.nt.n
tlio crnvinjf tor mio\ .
icunte. .suitors may now cuu > tli m-
B lv" tit tiorntiVithout publicity or ICMM
of time ir..iii uiirta- by this wundoiful
'llonie Oold Curo" which hnn lienn pi-r-
lei-ted nftur io.i\y years ot UOBO ! mdy
and ireniiiiont ut inebriatts. Tiio ( ailli-
fnl u H 'ordju > ; to th dirt'ccuvn i.f
tul ducov rya \ poMtivcly
t > > euro ilio m at obbtitiMo
rtae , no miitte.1 how tiaul n drlnkur.
Our rpcorJ ilif > w tu ! < tutrvi'icm tians-
fcrmall o ot thom nds of Imink-irda
into 8'iber , industrious and oprjgnt men.
Wivee CiirBTfoor HnsbiiiiiJ. Child
rca ( ; ure Your FailicrH. Thia reniody id
in no t.i-u e a noetruiu k < ut ia K spoJitlu
tor tLm liioPiiBP only , aud in PO fclnlUully
( lovlgcd und prepared that ilia tlu > ruiif > h-
ly Ronbl ! nnd pleaaiuit to tlm tttnto s- >
that u oan be givtm in H nip of tea or
oultoo without ih unoivlt'dgo o ( the per-
aim Ukluj ; it. Tnoniiauds ut Drunkurdu
t ve riut'd tlmrowelves v.ith UinprluIos
remedy , Hiitl HH mutiy ujory liuvo btt > u
furnl Hud madf tuporat nnin l > v
hirtinjj ; the " ( Jure" adnjitiwurod by levi -
i K frmnds Mid H'lntiws without tluMf
knowledge in coff or ti-ji. and bi'htu.
lo-d.iy timt they dlsooiuiuml drliiklut : of
tliMir own fwu will. Do Not iVuit. lc
not U' deluded by
uppwut and inlsKul-
InjC "luiprovemtv > t " . Urlvo out
dlguKRo ul otic * * cd lor nil time. The
"Homo Qoid onra'1 u sold nt , tin *
. low i > riis of Oue Dollar , ttnn
within rt * ch of wnryboJy u
more 'B olUil tumi oth ru
* 'J5 to 4SO. Full dlrnitions
. , nvfch pM'knjjn. Special
( lvic by " | > .ioiinB when re-
( jtitvud Ithfmi extra oliHr8e. ; Seat
t. niiy ) i rt of the world ou
. , .
tad SS82 M rk > et Blmet , PhllHdelphin.
Allujrre < nouUeuoa etnctly ooutldatial.