UUDUt LllitMUnBooUlF * rt + 9Y I , XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1901-EIGHT PAGES , NO , 13 , 11 ? YOUR EYES COULD TALK What n etqry of suffering , abuse und neglee't would .nany tell. How they cry for help as you turn thu pnie8 of. some interesting book , near thu midnight hour. How they bln.L md uink ns thu bright uunltglit traveling ten fertifom the ulnirlng pave ment , or Us 05 000,000 miles thro' wpaco , hurls Its rnye upon n deli cate and over-worked retina , If j'O'ir eyes cou'd ' talk they would load you to our doors , nnd later thnuk you for Hie rnlici'nnd comfort , and < nsy risiful visions iny KtnpR.cs afford. In 1 ou of words thev cry and cho , thus hint nnd warn , will you take the warning ? dradnatc of Chtcnco OyUmlmic College. School Hooks , Tablets AND School Supplies , AT J. G. Haeberle's : Attractions looked . . Forlliu . OP52IRA 3TOUS3E. Six nights , Sept. 23rd to 28th , the Leniiou Stock Company. One nJRht , October ISth , the Which is Who * Company. One night , October 31at , Wood and Ward , in their Joiiy Jingling Farce , "The Merry Tramps. " ' One nifht , January 23rd , "Maionoy'e Wedding Day. " Just One Girl la Getting Old , But There Are Others. If we haven't the Songs you want , we order them for you with no additional charges P. O. Store. School Books And Supplies Are thing's the school child ren need. We have the most com plete line of school supplies in Western Nebraska. We sell them at Bottom Prices. Come and let us figure on your school supplies. Come in and Examine - O UK MOTS. - Ed McCoinas , Broken Bow and Merna. Extra good seed rye for sale ; also old corn ua ear , A few iramun malopiga. Local Mention. Reduced railroad rates will bo in effect during the County Fair. P. G. Green ol Green Po. wtH a friendly callcrat this oflico Monday. Seo.W. D. Ulaokwell at Farmers Bunk for Fire , Cyclone and Torna do insurance. 7-11 tf J. W Oonloy of Wood River to suit hip was a city visitor the first of the week. Money loaned on improved farms. JAMAHS LKDWICH , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nebr. ISoaders wanted at private resi dence by Mrs Eva Martin , one block south cast of public square. Col. V. C. Talbot oamo down from llalaoy Monday to accompany Co. M. to the state encampment at Omaha. D. C. Konklo of Woissert re- povis by telephone two inches of rain in his vicinity Tuesday after noon. C. T. Wtight six miles southeast of the city reports three inches of rain fall in his locality Tuesday nigbt. Company M. loft hero Tuesday morning for Omaha where their regiment will go into camp for a week or ten days. The attention of our readers is ailed to the program of the County "air which we publish. It is a do idcdly strong program. At the city caucus the democrats nominated P J. Richardson for justice of the peace. J. G. Lemning ity assessor and Ed. Molloy con- table. II. P. Savage was m the city Mondaj and Tuesday. He was eputized ad special constable by ustico Austin to bring Ernest firwiu to jail. * * * ' Edgar. Phillips , editor of the only newspaper in MuHeti wasaoity visitor Saturday , flo was making inal proof on a quarter section of Government land. Mcsdames II. T. Coffman , G. W. lunyan and Mary Kelley of Mason City were visiting in the city the irst of the week. They returned some Wednesday. Fred Rinno returned Wednesday rom California where ho has beeu pvoral weeks with the view of lo cating Ilo finally decided that California was not equal to Broken 3ow and expects to bo in business u the town in a few dayp. Wd are led to beloieve that a number of persons in county will receive within the next few days a julletin from the University of tfobraeka School of Agriculture. Wo earnestly urge all such persons to give this bulletin a careful read ing and advise those whose names are not on the University mailinc list to write for the bulle tin. An old settlers Picnic and reunion will bo held in John Welsh's grove ono half mile north of Westorvillo on Saturday Sept. 14th the com mittees are preparing a good pro gram aud have secured the beat musical talent in this part of Ne- Lniskaamong ; them are Mr. Myers , Mr. Gorsagp , Mesdames Cordy Johnson , Elsie Savillo and othorp. Senator Curne has promised to be liero and speak ; other prominent public speakers are expected ; a good Lime is anticipated. There is ample shade for all. General invitation is extended to old and young all over iho county. With other amusements there will bo one or more ball gamei Come with your dinner baskets well tilled. A rutn'or has gained circulation lhat owing to the Agricultural So ceity having funds on deposit in the Farmers Bank at Broken Bow which foiled last week , no fairwoult bo held this year. Wo are glad testate state the management announces that the fair will under no oiroum stances bo called off. As a matter of fact the prospects of the fair arose so good that this could not ba e-veu thought of and without doubt t much larger crowd than usual wil attend. These are several reasons for this. The program a stronger tlmn usual , the balloon asceneiot and automobile race are drawing cards , and the premiums have been increased rather than diminished The farmers this year have thei work further along and are betto able to leave it than in several year past. Elmer Baas of Ansolmo is visit- ng in the city today. Miss Florence Riohaids returned Tuesday night from a visit of sever al weeks at Terry , S. D. "Well improved ranch of 1020 aorta in Ouster county for sale ior 111,340' WILLIB OAWVICU- . John S. Swanpon of Dry Valley , vas a friendly caller at this oflion Monday. It is rumored that the owner of a ast horse will challenge the winner of t'ho automobile race at the fair nd offers to put up $50 on the aoe. aoe.Tho The balloon man , who makes the scent at fair time states that ho will take anyone up with him who wants to go. As yet uo applications lave come in. Cards are out announcing the narriago of 0. Leo. Pickott and Miss Male Coolidge at the homo of ho bride's parents , on the 18th inst. Central City Democrat. R. L. Motcalf , who for several ears has been on the editorial staff f the World Ilerald has reigned ud accepted a position on the Coin- louor with \V. J. Bryan at Liu- oln. We are compelled this week to eave out the communications from ur correspondents for lack of oem , which is occupied by adver- isiug space. Wo will use them ext week. We are in receipt of a letter from Vincent J. Overhalt from Wash- ngton Iowa , in which ho says oropc hero are "almost a failure and 1 liinlc wo will all bo back to No- > raska in the spring. " TABLET'S BUCCErE PILE OINTMENT is not a panacea , but s recommended for blind , blooding r protruding piles , audit will cure ho most obstinate oases. Prioe , 50 D bottles. Tubes , 75 cents. James Led wick and his two sons , Arthur and Deraaino were east ) ound pa&Rongcrn Saturday morning , The boys were on their way to DOB ilonines Iowa to attend school Ur. Ledwich accompanied thorn as ar at < Council Bluffs. Several rains have visited this oca-lily in the past week. Tuesday tternoon and Tuesday night and again Wednesday afternoon rain ell in considerable quantities horoughly soaking the ground a uflioient depth to put it in fine bapo for fall plowing. Thousands suffer with torpid iver , producing great depressing of pirits , indigestion , constipation , leadaoho , etc HERBINE will sti mulate the liver , keep the bowels egular , aud restore a healthful moyanco of spirits. Price , 50 cents. Ed McCoinas , Broken Bow ind Morua. Ras Anderson and J. C. Moore lave purchased I. A. Itonean's iu- erest in his real estate and abntract- ng business. Neither of those gou- Inmnn am utrtiminru t n the rnnflnrfl of the RIU-UHLICAN. Mr. Anderson ias boon a rosidovt of the county or fifteen or twenty years and for some time past has been associated with Mr. Ronoau in the business and is thoroughly acquainted with he realestale department , Mr Moore is no stranger. His connec. tion with the county ofHoes n book Deeper and deputy treasurer for several years has given him & wide acquaintance. Ho has been on caged in abstrajting for a number ot years and is recognized as a care ful and trustworthy business man. Wo bespeak for the new firm a liberal share of business in their line. To The Patrons Of I. A. I'cnciui uiul llrokcii How Abstract. After a period ot ten years in which I have been natively engaged in the abstracting and Real Estate business in Guster uounty. I have decided to rot-ire from this line of work aud have disposed of my entire - tire interests in the Broken Bow Abstract company and also the real estate department , The purchasers Rasmus Ander son and J. C. Moore. ( Firm name Anderson & Moore ) are well and favorably known ip the county and both are fully competent men for the business and I cheerfully recommend the new firm to the public. In retiring I desire to thank my friends and patrons assuring them of my ernest efforts for their busi ness welfare at all times , For my enemies IB a business capacity or otherwise I have noappologies. Respectfully , I. A. Ronoau , Special Italicin. ! Buffalo , N. Y , September , 12 , 0 n. m. President feeling bettor than since wounded. Ilo partook of solid food this morning. Prospects for his complete recovery very en- ootiraging. A Pleasant Surprise. A number our friends aud rela tives entered into a league with our bettor half recently to got possession of our home , which they successful did on thu night of Tuesday Sept. 10th. But wo can astnuo you that it was acuomplishod withitut our knowledge or consent. They worked a ruse upon us , by which wo wore detained up town until late aud when we got home we found that thu peace and quiet oi ! our homo had been invaded and that we were at the mercy of a crowded house. Comprehending the situation at a glance wo surrendered ored aud gracefully submitted to the inevitable. Finally when oaoli had finished relating the part he or she hud played in the accomplish incut of the radollov. Richards and Willis Cad well made their appear ance I rom a .sidoroom bearing the trophies of our guests which they had provided for thu occasion. Rev. Richardn , who assumed the role of spokesman fur our friendly guests informed us that we had reached our fiftieth birthday which markeT the event of starting on the HGooud half of a oontury of our earthly existan-n1. Ilo continued Inn nun ark i's by making several complimentary statements of us tvhioh wo had not merited and en couragements for the future. In conclusion ho presented us with a tine upholstorcd rocker which our butter half and our children had contributed for our declining yoarp , an index Bible with ilexiblo cover aud other small mementos of friend ship which our guests had brought with them as evidences of their friendship. As it was the first time wo had been so uncermoniously.yot , pleas antly surprised in a uooial way , we wore not at our bout aud could say but little in expressing our inmost felings of gratiludofor the plcaaanfc visit' and their kind regards for our welfare. Refreshments wore serv ed and a pleasant time was enjoyed by us all. The oeoasion is one. that will always bo romombarod by us as one of the many happy events of our life. Corn-buskers' sprained wrists , parbed-wiro cuts and sprains , or cuts from any other case , are quick * ly healed when BALLARD'S SNOW LINTMENT is promptly applied , Price , 26 and 60 cents. Ed. MoComaB Broken Bow and Merna. Cliurcli HervIccH. KIHSCOPA.L ciiuitoa. Sunday after Trinity. September 15. Morning service with Hormon 11 a. m. Sunday school 3.30 p. m. Vesper service , with address 8 p. in , UAPTIST OIIUUC1I. Preaching service both morning and evening by Rev. Richards , at , 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pub lic is cordially invited , it. K. CHURCH. The special meetings at the Met ) - odist church were closed on Wed nesday evening owning to the con tinued unfavorable weather , no that the meetings for next Sunday will be called off. The usual services lowovor will bo conducted by the pastor , Subject of the morning Hormon ' Christ's Sanotilioalion and Our's. " Evening subject : ' 'The Kate of the Man With Two Faces. " All arc cordially invited to those services. EKNKBT A. KNIGHT , Pastor. Tnlco life as it comes , and make ilie most of all circumstances , but for a bad cough or cold , take BAL- LARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP , the best known remedy for quick re lief and Hiiro cure. Price 25 and 5c cents. Ed. McComas Broken Bow and Merna. A California Opportunity. September 10th to 27th , both dates inclusive , any Burlington Route ticket agent will sell you a round trip ticket to San Francisco at less than the regular ono way rate. rate.The The occasion is the General Con vention of the Episcopal churchand the rate is open to the general public as well as to delegates to the con vention. No moro delightful suting can bo imagined , the trip is made at a time of year when traveling is a pleasure and the olimatn of California at its best. best.Tho The return limit November 16 , 1001 , is an unusually long ono tor tickets sold at so low a rate. Stop-ovors are allowed at pleasure , both going and returning , at and west of iho first Colorado , Wyoming or Montana point en route. . All in all , thu opporunity is ono which no man or woman who contemplates n visit to California can afford to ovorlopk. Folder giving dctAild mailed on * " " " request , Burlington"tioket agents are in a position to give any further information that may bo desired , J , Francis , G. P. A. Omaha , Nob. If you are troubled with onodor- ous breath heart burn , flatulency , hoadaoh , aoidty , pains after eating , loss of appititc , persistent melanc holy , or low spirits. You need a tonic , few doses of IIERBINE will giyo you Iho recuperative force to remove those disorders. Price , 50 cents. Ed. MoComaa Broken Bow aud Mcftia. SELLS & GRAY'S. I'lPiity of ( Joed Features UuilcV Canvas. Number of Cel ebrated 1'eiToniiers. Ortgonian , July 2U. Sells & Gray's utrcua has como nnd gone. Crowded houses witnessed - ' nessod both the afternoon and even ing performances. The small boy ban boon July tempted to leave his happy homo and win immortal fame under the canvas. The small girl kas held her breath , while larger and considerably older girls have performed daring feats on the trapeze or swung high in the air with only a strap clenched in their tooth for support. It was a great day for Young America ; likewise for older America , or at least for a goodly portion thereof. Sells & Gray's show is worth the price. There are > somu mighty clover things in U. The plane of honor must go to the Eddy amily , all-round aurobats aud tumblers. The family consists of mon , women and a olevor child , 7 yoara of age. This * pracocious youngster was brought on the stage in a basket of flowere , and ho can tumble to boat the band. The kid hae a native about him , and his face dimples with pleasure as ho goes through his Are You Coii TO FAIR At Broken ! not. ToNiim it in not buainoas , but pleasure. The Ifiddy family does not appear in tights , On tlio contrary , the men do their not in dross suits , nnd tlno wotuon in long skirts. They nro thu oriainntoro of thia kind of work , and they do it well , Tumb ling in n parlor drees ia not uaby. A detailed doHoription of their not oinuot bo given here , but it ia scientific tumbling , and pleased the audiences. To Min Kdna Marietta , the bnro- buuk ruler , should bo given the second place of honor. Slio it ) a wonder. She sits lightly on the bnok of a beautiful milkwhuto horsu wliilo that animal cantors around the ring , nnd performs wonderful foals. A streamer is raised over the horse's back , and Miss Edna first jumps over this streamer aa the horse pasflos under it , and on the next round she turna a somersault over it and lights on her foot. It was thia poiTormanoo that caused the afidionoo to hold its broath. Ono of the features of the alio.w is known as "tho woman with the iron jaw. " She JH ono ot the Tyholl fllstors. Wrapped in the American Hag , she clasps a strap which ia riv/Hod to the end of a rope , and is ht/ilfd to the ceiling. With only the strength of her jaws to prevent her from falling to the ground , she swings round and round , gradually increasing her momentum until she looks like n red , white and blue spinning top whirling in midair. When she comes down she is ao dizzy she reels , and has to bo led off the stage by her sister , who al so has a jaw that is no slouch. The Earl sisters , Maud and llazol , also perform aerial feats that are hair-raising. They leap from trapeze to trapeze with startling agility , and add much to the good part of the show. And wo musn't forgot the Bovo lapus. Chained in the main en trance tent , thin remarkable produot of the jungle attracted wide atten tion. It in probably the ugliest specimen of animal creation that over uanio over the piko. Quo thing that can bo said for Sells tt Gray's circus is that tilings happen when they ought to , Every * thing moves like olookwork. Tharo was no disorder and no accidents. * A New "Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons , and Farm Wagons. Go W. Apple. Market Ucport lor Today. Wheat 5 .firt .SO OlltS . : u Cora. At Jtyo ,4U Mutter .10 .10 I'olatoi'8 , | icr liimlicl 1 'J-k Onlonf. jior Imsliol. . . I.W Ilmix , | inr pound , . .01 b | > rli ) { ; CklckcnB , pur dozen ,1.00 UORH , a.co ( own 'J,75 ( i : ioo ShO.H S3ij ! I I ( . > TurJ.uys , per nomir ! ,15 Htraw. nor cwt , .11) 11 n- , New , par ton G.W extracts at J. 0. Bowon's. FOSTER & SMITH LUMBER CO , Always have the best quality of Lumber and other building ma terials at the Lowest Prices. 'Phono No , 70 , W. L. RULE , Manager. For a First Class Smoke Try the Martial and I Corona Grande MANUFACTURED BY- B syn w E-LiEIi | $ , . . . V Brolwu Bew , Nebraska. & 8KgyK #