Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1901, Image 2

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Tom Kiueol was a llrokon Bow visitor
Monday *
School opened Monday wild fifty two
pupilo in nttoiulinod.
JJji Judpo of ( ho 'L'ierney ranch was
on our struots Tin s lay.
KI-Y. H warty. preached to a
nudienre bunday nlgnt.
liugluia ntul .JcBaie Scott havu been
qulio ( ink but ate convalescing
U. K. AtKlenon wont to Hnki-n Uow
Saturday returning Sunday mKlit.
Mr. and Mm. John Keas wont to
Culluwny Saturday u'turmiig Monday.
The A. 0. U. W. and I ) , of ll,1odfo ?
will bold u pic-nicln Lindloy'a Rrova
It is nunounc c < that u wedding in to
take pliico next wick. Got your tin
pans , boys ,
It ia the fuphion now to o up on tiiu
Diumnl fishing and pluming. Don't
IM to follow tlio fashion.
Tlie crowd that went fuming up to the
Dismal Bdirtcd out happy mui marry as
Jarks , but their return home after n
w-'ok'j ' stay was very different. Tlu-y
canio homo 0110 by one and a mjio woe
begone bet would bo hard to ilnd.
Tiity don't want to Huh any nnro this
year. "Ilia against the law any way. "
Weather cool and pleasant since bat-
urday noon.
G. A Grifllth shipped a oar of cattle
to Omaha jofltordity.
There has b inn a Urge amount of
hay made arid the end is not yet.
Hay V. McCail , Jesaio Doimol and
Frank K. GrlflUh entered the Business
Collcgs at Broken How yesterday.
Mies Maud tluntor of Broken Bow
will teach a throe months term of school
lit No. 218 and Miea Wright will toaoh a
three month term at Ml.
Our efficient mail carrier W. A.
JaukBon Irna left the route succeeded by
Sexton Illlhnun.Mall carrying must boa
profitable business as it taken a man
only a abort time to make money enough
to r- tire to private life.
J. U. Smith , J. W. Prottyman and L ,
M. Pickott have bought corn binders
and Ticket baa also bought a Bhmlder ,
T , D. Shuman had bought a binder
last fall , all are buwy cutting there large
acreage tia the fodder ia In line con
ttiiuUe It itn.
Hay making ia about over.
Mr. Uoorjfo Lore moved his family
to Broken Uow last week.
Everybody reports a good time at the
dance atSkinnora Fridry night.
Quito a number of the young peoplt
from hero arc going to attend thi
Broken Bow Dusinoda and No mm'
Oollogo this year , some of whom atari
ed Monday , others expect to atari BOOH
started Monday , Goo. Gordot
of Morua , aa teacher. This is the third
term for Mr , .Gordon in tills place.
Surely the patrons and board of the
dialriot regards him us being a h'rat class
Wo are Informed that tlio new church
which W B organized last winter wan
taken Into the Ouster Anaocintion hold
at firat Kudell. May it bo one of
urowtu in numbers and spirituality la
the aim and prayer of its few members.
Crucu ,
Mlav Gertie Lanteman Is attending
BOhool at Broken Uow ,
Wo had a nlca rain on Saturday.
Now Is a good time to put in rye.
Miss Kuunoliiio I lay ward commenced
a course at the Broken Bow business
college Monday.
Mrs. W . S. Turnbull ia spending thi >
week at Lincoln visiting her t'other who
has been In very poor health for some
Mr. E. J. Pittaway spent part of last
week tunonc tia recrutlm ; students for
the Brokcd Bow Uiulnotf * Oollege. lie
ecems to have bee * eminently success
ful and the future Ash Creek will keep
his aeeoUutH on the double entry plan.
Owing to the prevalence of hay fever
the pUtuerinx bee waa not largely at
tended UH had been expected , but thoee
who camt ) worked so valiantly that the
work waa accomplished. The supper
will bo one week from Fiiiiav , the 10th
of September. Every one io invited. A
oumll e m to coyer expenses will bo
charged to those who did not attend
the bee.
The Ouster Baptist Association.
The eighteenth annual mooting
ot tlio Guator Baptist Association
waa hold Friday , Saturday and Sun
day , of last week , with the First
Eudell oh u roh , near Cumro. All
but two of Ihu olmrohoH in the aaao.
oiation , vise : Burwoll and Taylor ,
were represented. The attendance
of delogatcH and visiting inomborH
waa the largnst for years. In addi
tion to the delegates and ministers ,
within the boundaries of tno asHeci-
ation , that were proaout , were Rev
M. L. Goff , district missionary >
llev. E , A lluaaoll , Sunday sohoo |
miBsionary , Hov , Mitohel , the eel
porter with his Qoapol Wagon
No. 18.
The seBsions were all very inter
_ f * -
outing , and a profitable time MUB
oitjojtid by tliono prcsi'iit.
Tim KQiierouH hospitality < > xUmd-
cd tlio dcltgalOH and visiting mom.
born by the oominunify was highly
appreciated by nil. Mr. nnd MIH.
N" Ooorgr and Mr. and Mrs. Jlco
MaHon especially are entitled to
much credit for the Miuccsuful way
in which they provided for the un
Tha association will moot next
year at Arnold.
Tliu oilicjorH elected for the ensu
ing year woro.
D. M. Arnaberry , moderator ;
Mrs. ,1. 11. Kurr , of Antiloy , clerk ;
No Qeorg" , of Cuinro , treasurer.
Tlio missionary ooinniittoo are Biv.
J.K. Woods , MowdampH Hall and
Hartlot , of M.IHOII City. ' Oi n now
cburoh was admitted to thoafnooia-
South African Situation.
London , Aug. 28 The editorial in
the Tlnitm today on the South African
situation rollocts the cold'lit which has
followed the optimlHtic : hopes ns to
the effect of Lord Kltcliunor'H procla
mation. Commenting on the monger
nowB from the front , tlio TlmoH unyH :
"i In rinltolour that If wo want an
end of the war we nniHt atrlko hard
and oftrn. Proclamations and block-1
liouaos are all very well and may lie
useful , but the experience of the Span-
lards IIIIB shown that .tho moat sonorous
ous proclamation IB without.llttlo good ,
without plenty of men and.borses. "
Whitecappcrs tb UC Kreseciitca.
Liberty , Mo. , Aug. 8. White-cap-
pcrs , who , on Friday night last ,
ilraggcd Mrs. Etta Flsko from her
lonso and ordered her to leave town ,
are to bo prosocntod. Morrlnian Sbcl-
ton , a hlacksmlth , has boon arrested
on a state warrant , charging him with
complicity In the affair. Mrs. FlsUo
ms Identified him as the alleged leader
of the gang , anil her father is aiding
icr In the prosecution of the other
members. Mrs. Flsko , who Is a widow ,
had loft her second husband , and It
was for this that the whltccaps at
tacked her. '
Sidewalk Gives Way , Score Hurt.
Chicago , Aug. 28. Uy the collapse
of a sidewalk crowded with men , wom
en and children , who were watching
a ilro In Erlo struct , last night about
a score of people were bruised and
trampled upon in a wild scramble to
get out of danger. The flro destroyed
the warehouse of Sauor , Dwycr & Co. ,
manufacturers of furniture , causing a
loss of $70,000. Fully 20 persons tell
when the sldowalk gave way , most of
them striking on a pllo of bricks and
stones. The distance was over 20 feet.
To Build Fourteen Branch Lines.
Qnthrlo , O. T. , Aug. 28. The Santa
Fo Railroad company secured a char
ter yesterday to build 1-1 separate lines
of railroad , with a total length of 815
miles , to be operated as the eastern
Oklahoma lines.
Southwest Again Sizzling.
Ardmoro , I. T. , Aug. 28. The heat
yesterday was rccora-brealdng. the
government thermometer registering
110 In the simile at 2 o'clock.
Chief O'Neill Tolls of Confession of
Accused Detectives.
Chicago , Aug. 28. The connection
of Sergeant Cramer , Detective Tracy
and Lieutenant Joyce with the bogus
expense account which baa enveloped
In scandal the d6tcctlvo bureau and
Its chief , Captain Colloran , wits told
yesterday by Chief of Police O'Neill ,
who took the stand during the after
noon session of the civil scrvtco com
mission , sitting as the trial board to
Investigate the matter. The denoue
ment created a sensation when Chief
O'Neill told of the confession of hlu
subordinates. The chief'also told how
Captain Colicran and Lieutenant
Joyce , as ho alleges , received their
share of the spoils. The only thing
not revealed -was the source of Information
mation that led to the unearthing of
the scandal. Attorney Gash , ropro
Bcntiug Lieutenant Joyce , made many
attempts to confuse the evidence of
the chief of polico. Gash charged
that the chief was making false state
ments and said that the witness was
actuated by nn unfriendly fooling to
ward Lieutenant Joyce , all of which
Chief O'Neill denied indignantly.
Petsr Gallagher Drowned In Attempt
to Control Beaumont Geyser.
Beaumont , Tex. , Aug. 28. The Pal
estine-Beaumont oil well is still throw
ing a stream of petroleum 70 feet
high and it has added the death of an
other to the two it caused yesterday.
Peter Gallagher and two companions
about 2 o'clock wont into the spray
of gas and oil and Gallagher was
drowned. P.V. . Chase , an export sub
marine diver , came In from Galvcston
yesterday morning. Ho found no dltll-
culty In staying in the spray wUilo
encased in his diving suit , but he had
to work Blowly. At 7 p. m. the pipe
had been raised sufficiently to permit
the unscrewing of a Joint. This will
bo done today and it Is believed that
the well then will bo closed with llt
tlo dinicultv.
Abrams Removed From Office.
Des Mollies , Aug. 28. II. 11. Abrama ,
etato superintendent of the Iowa Anti-
Saloon league , was dismissed from of
fice by the league at Its state conven
tion in Dos Mollies yesterday because
be bad publicly announced that bo
would for A , B. Cummins of Dos
Molnea for governor. Rev. II. 0. Mar
shall of Sioux City was elected to suc
ceed Mr. Abrama. The convention In
dorsed tba Prohibition ticket.
Walter Lccsc of Lincoln Elect
ed President of League.
Delegates to State Convention Gather
at Lincoln Choice for Supreme
Judge Open to the Field Ernst
Lcadc for Regent of State University.
Lincoln , Aug. 28. The annual meetIng -
Ing of the Nebraska League of Repub
lican clubs was held tit thoilVudltorlum
yesterday afternoon , with the largest
attendance In Its history. The ad-
dretis of the retiring president , B. M.
Pollard , was a summary of the work
of the league In the past campaign ,
which ho declared was a potent factor
In wresting the state from Populist
control. The report of the committee
on resolutions was brief , congratulat
ing the party on Its victory and com
mending the national and state admin
Walter A. LCCHO of Lincoln was elect
ed prusldunt. Last night the league
mouthers weio addressed by Governor
Shaw of Iowa , who Bald In part :
"By the application' of Republican
pollclcn wo have won mercantile inde
pendence and are well started toward
the conqnunt of the commercial world.
TIIO 8,111110 purpose must actuate Repub
lican ! ) In the futuic. American labor
must have employment and to that end
American capital must find avenues of
profitable Investments. But American
markets are no longer sufllclent. The
time Is on us when wo must secure
new outlets. In 50 years our agricul
tural products.have multiplied by foUr ,
whrTw otir manufactures have multi
plied by 11. Wo are consuming an
ever-Increasing proportion of the prod
ucts of our farms and exporting an
ever-increasing proportion of the prod
ucts of our factories. The demand for
now markets now Is but a whisper
rouipnrcd to the cry of coming years.
The best that can bo done for our In
dustrial Interests Is to open the ways
and broaden the channel of trado. How
can this bo done ? I answer , In many
ways and all ways. Reclaim the arid
portions of the states bordering on
the Rocky mountains and If no moro
feasible plan bo presented charge the
expense to the lands benefited , en
courage a merchant marine , construct
an Isthmian canal , continue to Improve
our consular service , and atiovo all , se
cure convention rights In the ports
of Europe and an open door throughout
Asia. The principle of reciprocity
must bo put In operation or It will
never again require the declaration
of a party platform to convince the
American people that the whole theory
of roclprocjty when It comes to actual
practice is a failure. The future of
reciprocity must not depend upon the
ratification of any particular treaty ;
but reciprocity as a policy , If not al
ready , will soon bo on trial , and on
trial for Us life. It must bo either ap
plied or , abandoned. > I do not say that
commercialism and statesmanship are
synonymous terms. But If legislating
for the nrotoctlon of our own markets
and the acquisition of others Is com
mercialism , then commercialism Is by
no means nn unimportant element In
American statesmanship. "
No Change In' Cuban Tariff.
Washington , Aug. 28. It Is probable
that there will bo no change In the
Cuban tariff. The commission which
has been revising the present tariff
lias not yet reported. It was stated at
the war department yesterday , that
such good progress is being made on
the formation of a Cuban government
that the revision of the tariff for Cuba
probably will await action by that gov
Supreme Court of Foresters.
Baltimore , Aug. 28. The seventh
biennial meeting of Ufa supreme court
or the Foresters of America convened
in this city yesterday. Nearly 200 delegates -
gates from 20 different states are in
attendance and the business sessions
of the mooting will occupy their time
for two days. The balance of the week
will ho spent In sightseeing and en
Chinese Ready to Sign.
London , Aug. 28. "Lt Hung Chang
has notified the ministers of the pow
era that the Chinese plenipotentiaries
are now authorized to sign the pro
tocol , " says a dispatch to the Times
from Peking , dated yesterday , "and
1ms requested them to fix a date for
the signing. "
Trouble In Salvador.
San Francisco , Aug. 28. The steam
er San Jose , from Central America ,
reports that nt Acajutla it was said
another revolution for the purpose of
overthrowing the government of Salva
dor was Imminent , though an outbreak
bad not yet taken place.
Heiress Kidnaped In Chicago.
Chicago , Aug. 28. Margaret Lyler ,
7 years old , and reputed to be heiress
to $100,000 , was kidnaped yesterday
from the homo of Mrs. M. E. Green , at
234G Magnolia avenue , where the child
had been cared for since her mother
died , a week ago. Her captor , driv
ing at breakneck speed , was pursued
by policemen in a patrol wagon to Ra-
veuswood , a distance of two miles ,
where the officers' horses were dis
tanced and all trace of the kidnaper
Shot by Jealous Husband.
Frankfort , Ind. , Aug. 28. Al Kemp
was fatally shot last night by George
Matthews. Matthews , ft Is said , was
jealous of Kemp and when ho found
the latter in company with his wife ,
bo pursued Kemp through the streets ,
firing six shots at him , live taking ef
fect. Kemp will die. Matthews Is
under arreoU
I'ree Complexion Ilemittlflcr. f
Wo want every lady rundur of the'
MCAH to try D wight's Com-
pltxion BeauUiior , the nioM exqui-
iilo toilet preparation. It i pure
and harmU'HHmaki'H the faooflinoolh I
an velvet and fair an ahlnstor To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a phort limn only HOIK ! Kuutr a full
size , Kifty cunt box to every lady
who will HOIK ! us her pout ollioc ad-
silver dime to pay for parkiiip
and pOHtago. Only ono KKKB box to
each nddrepR but ladies may owlor
for their friends. Each box mailed
separately. Send this notioo ard
your order at ONCK to t ) . W. CUPTKII
. , Hunlington W. Va.
Cliiiiiilicrlaln'H COIIKII Ktciuutly u
( irwut 1'atorltc
ThoaoQthliiu and healing propcitiuft
of tliiri lenicdy , its plonHiint tuste niui
piompt nnd permanent CHIYH huve
madii It n ignmt favorite with people
every wlioro. Jt ia especially prized by
mothers of small ctiildien lor cokh ,
croup at ( I whooping cough , ns ittiluays
uflords iille | } | relief , and BH it contains
no iipiuin orother haiinftildrnu ; , It may
beg'tven na confidently to a btby as to
n adult. For Hide by'J. ( ! . Ilaolmrlo ,
Have you u HOIIBO of I'nIhu'H in ( he
region of your stonuoli after eating ?
if so you will bo buncflttd by lining
( MiumljL'rlain'fl Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. 'f hey alfo cure belching nnd sour
Htoinaoh. 'Jhoy regulate tne howets
too. Pi ice , 25 cents. Sold by J. G.
uuu I.IN < ; XOX
National llncaiiipniuiit O. A. R.
Only $28 40 , Broken Bow , Neb.
to Cleveland , O. , and reluiu , Sop
teinbor 7 , 8 , 0 and 10
Splendid opportunity to visit the
Buffalo Exposition and Niagara
Keturn limit , September , 15.
Extension until October 8 can bo
arranged at Cleveland , if desired.
General Passenger Agent ,
8-20 2t Omaha , Neb.
When you want n plesant physio try
the new romodv , fJhamh rlain's
Stomach and Liyor Tablets. They are
easy to tnko and plescmt in offettt.
Price , 25 contP. Fnmpli'B free nt . ( . G.
Hacberle's drug Btore.
U. 0. Kmt.neia . I , . S. Bmplleld ,
Sacccieors to 0. n. Smith ,
Dealora In
Hardware ,
Harness ,
Stoves and Furniture
Undertaking Goods ,
Ansolnio , Nebraska ,
It Itiii't the material
that ifoeH into vour
repaired watch Unit
lit a perfect
{ oh , It la the
that does the business , any bungler
can buy the fine kinds ot material
that 1 U9o In repairing ; but skill
ia the most vnltmulo materinl that
; MI be uaod in watch repairing ;
and the bungler can't buy It. 1
sell my skill for what it IB worth
and It will coat you less than
bungling nt lower prices.
P.V. . HAYJiS ,
Jeweler and Optician ,
West aide of square.
"ttoiuelliliiu : New Under Tl > e Kim. '
All Dootora have tried to cure
CATAHUU by the IIHO ot powders , acid
Kaeca , iuhalora and drugs In paeteform
Tuelt powders dry up tbe uiutumua
membr&nea causing them to crack open
and bleed. The powerful acida iidud in
the inhalers have entirely oilen nway
tbe same membranes Hint their mnkoie
have nimod to cure , while paetoa and
> intmenta cannot reach the diriOAMo. An
ild and experienced practitioner who
tma tor many yeara intuit * A close study
and specialty of the treatment of
OATAHUH. has ut last perfected a
treatment which when faithfully need ,
not only relieved nt once , but permim-
entlycuiCB CArAltRII , by removing
the cause , stopping the discharges , and
curing all iniUmatlon. It IB the only
remedy known to science- that actual ) } '
reaches the aflllcted parts. This won
derful remedy is known as "SNUFFLES
( JURE" and is sold at the extremely
low price of Ono Dollar , each package
containing Internal and external medi
cine suillciout tor a full month's trent-
ment and everything necessary to Its
perfect use.
"SNUFFLKS" la the only perfect
OATAUHU CURE every made and Is
now reooRUlzed aa the only safe and
positive cure for that annoying and dla-
glinting disease. It cures nil Inllama-
lion quickly and permanently and is also
wonderfully quick to relieve IIAV
CATAURII when neglected often leads
to CONSUMPTION "Snuffles" will
save you If you use it at once. It Is no
ordinary remedy , but n complete treat *
inont which is positively guaranteed to
cure Catarrh in any form or stage if
used according to the directions which
accompany each package. Don't delay
but send tor it at once , and write full
particulars as to your condition , and you
will receive special advice from the dis
coverer of this winderul ! remedy regardIng -
Ing your case without coat to YOU be
yond tbe regular price of' Snuffles" tbe
"Guaranteed Catarth Cure. "
Sent prepaid to any addrcis in the
United States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Addreas Dnpt. R 177 ,
and 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia.
: - - . ,
Some Special Prices For a. Few Days Only. ;
1001 Solar LnmpH , worth $3,7/5 for $ a 00 .
1H01 Ever hit Ijainpn , worth 42.00 for * 1 60
1)01 ! ) The Gem Inmpri , worth fa.00 lor * 1 fiO
1001 Ligl t Weiuht Lamps , worth $ $ l 50 for $1.00
Kr-nnu 'i-'g ' wheel and ruin , i-l.-nn and pack in voBolene $3.00
Kl'hpdkil'g ' vvhfcl 7fi
Triiinj ; ono w heel 50
Truing two wheels 00
Two now conn ) to lit any wheels 1)0 )
Two punctures 35
Lubricating chain and oiling wheH 10
Double tube tire cement , three tubes for 25
Hells , the. boat from 25u to 1.00
C'omn and get the beuufit of those priced while they last.
Now Homo , Wheeler it Wilson Sewing Machines , Columbia Byoi-
ok'8 , Uomington Typewriters.
to Stauk & Ilolooinl- ,
Wont Side Square , Broken Bow. Nebraska.
Steel Horse Collars
lloncll's AdjuRiahle Sled Horse
Oollnis arc tlu > most tconomiral , au 'I
well as the most hum.inu collar you
can buy , Doing adjustable in & ! / - < nt
both top and bottom , it can be made j
to fit any iiorse. No hameaare used ,
the tugs faBietiiiii ! direct to collnr ,
thus saving tlio HBO of huniee. They
are positively guaranteed to cure
galls or sores on any horse's shoulder
and are tbe most comfortable collar V
that can bn put on a horse for any
season of the yoar. ' ,1'hoy save one-
half the work of harnesses and un
harnessing at tney go together at the bottom with an adjustable clasp.
They have been pold and reccommonded in every state in tlio union. If
you five them ! 1 ( ) d ays trial you will have no other , and remember that
W. A. COSLOR , Sole Agent for Custer County ,
I ' West Union , Nebraska.
P. C. WOHNALL , President. J. A. 1UKDIS , Cnehler.
A. J. ROBEUTSON. Vice-Pros. W. D. DL.ACKWELL , Asa't Cashlor
Farmers Bank of Custer County ,
Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
} t'f--\ ' . l"v-\.H wxtff w-e"f. > }
'Jr.\\L \ iKs. . ' ix&i&r.i. ! .fc't. . < V&ir.&ii\t.ifi
( t All parlies indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested fcft *
y l : }
? to call an/1 settle their account by cash at onoa. I must have ; . : ?
S& '
ki *
* ; * money to ? pay bills , I cannot do business on wind. n
'ifA Yours truly ,
1 W. S. SWAN v ? LC *
$8 . ,
li Proprietor. %
10 Bars of Soap for 25c , § j
xM § 3 ! $ $ f $
A \ / rr
as just received Uaviland China , Vases , Cups and Saucers , etc. , for the
holiday trade. Fine frames and mouldings. School supplies in stock.
Why pay Exhorbitanl Prices for Couches that the springs will give
out in a year whoa you can buy the new construction guaranteed 5 years
for the same price or less ,
Tables , Lamps , Tumblers , Silverware , Cutlery , and a Complete Line
of House Furnishing Goods at prices that are right.
Call and lot mo show you now Goodn , Mirrors , etc.
West Side Square Broken Bow. Nebiaska.
A oar loal of old wheat flour. { EgHEvory sack
And are prepared to sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.
Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city , Give us a trial.