Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1901, Image 10

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y-r !
Will Exhibit
Attraction *
Manificent From the
Jungles of
Parade , Read What The Papers Say , sal-
Pueblo people like oiroussoH , ried perform ,
and turned out ten thousand ers in the
Never before Ktrong yesterday to Soils & < nown world ;
have von hud Gray's nhows. A big up-to-date lothing too
the opportunity momgorio was somewhat of a liiHuuU for
ol' beeiiiK Hitch all and unquctuion
display surprise to , them to per-
norgoouj play nrd.roval \bly the best circus hero in years 'orm ,
splendor. Avail delighted thorn. Pueblo ( Cole )
yourself of it. Chieftain , Wednesday , Juno 18 ,
1001. The
Sells & Gray's United Shows
MISS showed hero yesterday to fully
fifteen thousand upootatoiH , after
noon and night ; hus the distinc I
tive quality of allowing the upeo M
tatots to sec all that is going on ;
a clean program from beginning are a whole
to end. Monageno big and good circus in them
Has startled Circus great and up-to-date. selves , so go
Portland ( Oregon ) 'lolegram prepared to
the world. July 28 , 1901. laugh.
E , J , SELLS & J , L ,
Two Bullets Fired Into His Hotly hy the
\Voiill-le Assassin at DuU'alo.
President Wiliiam AloKiuloy vtas
shot twice last Friday afternoon ,
while holding a public reception in
the Temple of Music at the Pan-
American Exposition , Buffalo Now
York by Loon Czolgoex , an anarch
ist , lie claims to have boon born
in Detroit but for several years past
has boon a resident of Cleveland.
The would bo assassin lired two
shots. The first bullet struck thu
Btornum' in the President's cheat ,
deflected to the right , and traveled
beneath the skin to u point directly
m f below the right nipple. The second
bullet penetrated the adomon.
Only a superficial wound wan
caused by Iho first bullet , and with
in five minutes after the physicians
reached the Pro Bid out it had boon
removed. The second bullet was
not found. An operation was per
formed on the President at the
emergency hospital on the expo
sition gfBulldn at G o'oluok by Dr.
Matthew , D. Maun , Dr. John Par-
mentor , and Dr. Herman Myntor
The President's stomach wasoponed ,
but the bullet was not found
Drainage tubes were inserted , tlu1
inouiou wat sewed up , and at 7:45 :
o'clock the President was removed
to the homo of Jorne G. Milburn , at
Delaware avenue and Ferry street
The doctors stated after the
operation that they were hopeful ,
and that while the wound caused by
the second shot was serious , it wan
not necessarily fatal.
It is estimated that three thousand
people wore in the temple at the
time and U ,000 more waiting on.
the out side to BOO the piesidont
Czolgopy. had his right hand band
a 'cd with a handkerchief under
which ho concealed the pistol and
approached the president suppocodly
to shako hands when ho perpetrated
the dastcrly deed.
Ho was overpowered at once and
taken off to jail where ho is now
awaits the result of the attempted
assassination. The President was
not knocked down by the wounds
but remained cool and without as
sistance sat down in a chair near at
At last report the President was
resting easy and his condition IB re
garded favorable for a speedy re
covery. The news was received m
Broken Bow about G o'clock Friday
evening , first by telephone by the
way ol Kearney to the effect that
the President had been shot and
killed The same report was short
ly confirmed by telegram from
Later in the evening a press
bulontin was rojoived by wire givt-
iug the facts as above stated , that
the president had been t > hot twice
but was alive , with hopes of
rooo very.
This is the third attompcd assin-
ntion of the president of the United
States in the past thirty-six years ;
the first two proving 'fatal. April
14 1895 John Wilks Booth shot
President Lincoln in the head , from
which ho never regained conscious
ness and from which he died next
President James Garfield while
waiting for the train at the depot at
"Washington was on July 2 , 1881 ,
ohot and wounded by Charles
Gitoati from which ho died eighty
days later.
For the attempt on President Me
"Kinloy's life on last Friday there
was no provocation and can bo ao
counted for only upon the infamous
anarchistic doctrine that should not
bo tolerated in this country.
- Old Settlers Picnic.
September 31,1001 , is the date
fc t for the old Bottlers picnic , at
Miller , Nob. All propositions have
been completed for a good time.
Jlon. Moaos U. Bydonham , oldest
living settler of Buffalo county ,
will address the gathering , and
many other early sottlcis will re
late experiences. It is the intention
to make a permanent organization
on this date of the old settlers of
the counties of Bullalo , Dawson
and Custor , and have annual gather
ings in the future.
The grounds selected are a nicely
located grove with plenty of fine
water and room. Ho sure and
attondi J , P , NOHCUOSS ,
Temp. Chairman ,
Temp. Secretary ,
Have you a sense of fullncs in the
region of your .stomach after outing ?
it so you will bo benefited by usliiK
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tub-
lets , They also euro belching and sour
stomach. They regulate the uowcas
too. rilco,25conta. Sold by J , Q ,
Democratic County Convention.
A Hnrtl right Was Made for ! the Endorse-
niriif of I ho Pop Ticket , lint Fallfd.
A Strong1 Tlokot Nominated By A
Big Majority.
The democrats of Custor , counly
hold ono of the largest delegate
convontioDH last Tuesday in Ansloy
over held in this county. Ever
ainoo the populist oonvontion which
passed resolution against fusing
with the democrats , winch has UBGII
the custom formerly thoio has beiu
a quoHtion of the pnbablu nttitiu'd
of the dcmoorntB when they meet in
convention and as a result two fau
lions wore formed.
The leaders of one i'ajtion felt
that them wits hut one honorable
course to follow and lliat wasteful
up u Htruight democratic ticket and
develop the strength of the parly
In other words since tht pops in
convention has said they would not
iHo with them tint 'lioy would ae
otpt the uhnlli ngo and make an opet ;
light for Hiippremecy. Other prom
inent domouritswho : wuro appirent-
ly interested more in thu ( ? UO"UHH
of ct'itnin pop nominees then they
were in thu demouratio party in
siated that no nominations should bo
made by the democrats , except for
ono minor oilioe and the rest of
the ticket should bo loft blank. J.
, f. Wilson and Tom Finlon of this
city chunpioned tlfo latter plan ,
while MoWarrmgton , of Mason ruul
W. 13. Easthan ot Broken Bow opposed -
posed it. After assembling at Ans
Hley an orgsm/.ition vas effected by
electing Uobt Farloy of Milburn
uhairman and John Ilanoy of Merna
Secretary. The usual committees
were appointed and their reports
acceptedwithjho exception of the
report on order of business which
provided for the nomination of a
full ticket. The motion to adopt
the report ot tno committee was
substituted by a motion to uominato
a candidate fcr register of deeds
and leave the ballanco of the ticket
The tnibslitution was lost by a
vote of 83 to 47 ,
The motion .on the original mo
tion was also defeated.
A motion was made to nominate
a candidate for register of deeds
and the motion prevailed ,
At this juncture the Sargent del
egation and and others of the
county withdrew.
On call of township Wm , RUF-
missel of Mason Oily having ri-
ooived a majority of all voles east
vvnR declared the nominee.
Nomination for oaoh the other
ofliees was made in the same way
until the ontirn ticket WB I'Omiuat-
ed. The recult was the nomination
of the following ticket.
For Register , Wm. Rusmiesoi of
Mason Oily ; County clerk Chosney
Thompson of Biokon Bow ; county
judge , 0. II. lloloumb ; sheriff 0. D
Dewy , Anslcy ; treasurer , Josh
Woods , Goorgetownjaurvoyer E. J.
Boblitts , Tnokemllo , county Supt.
Mrs. J. J. Tooloy of Broken Bow ,
serener W. B. Eostham.
J. J. Wilson was elected chair
man of the county central commit
tee and Johu Hanoy , secretary.
Harry Cox committoomau for
Broken Bow township.
The following delegates wore
elected to the state convention.
W. 0. Warringtoo , John Haney ,
R. A. Moore , 0. E. Tirnoy , 0.
Maokey , H. M. Leo , Robt. Farloy ,
Diah Woodruff , R J. Kelley , Jas.
Decker , B. J. Tiernoy , Robt.
Fleming Gee Willirns of Ansolmo ,
A. 11 , Turpin. Joe Skelton , Thomas
Edward of Ortollo , Bill Anderson
Glen Johnson , W.B.Eastham , Goo.
Williams of Loup , Ohas. Nioholi ,
A J. Robertson.
Old Settlers or South-east Quarter.
The old settlers of tho- southeast
quarter held their first annual re
union Thursday of last week at
Mason City. The rain the night
previous made it impractical to
hold the exorcises in the grove as
had buou contemplated and it was
thought in the morning that it
would bo nooeesary to postpone it
for a couple of weeks owing to the
condition of the roads and the By noon several hundred
people had gathered and the feel
ing was so strong for going ahead
with it that tl'o town hall was secured -
cured and the oxoroiscs carried out
there in the afternoon. Had it not
boon that a steam swing was in
town , the hall would have been too
small. It was the first swing of
the kind that over had boon in the
town and all the young people as
well as not a few of the older ones
wcro attracted by it.
T. J. Wood presided at the moot
ing. Most of tlio program was
rendered as published , bosido'a wcro
speeches made by a number of the
old settlors. The occasion was
very much enjoyed by all present
A Shooting Kcnvyp At Sargent ,
Thursday ol last Veek Ernest
Erwin , near Sargont , it is claimed
shot at Frank Moycr , a boy about
ten years oldwhom lit caught in his
melon patch. Erwin was arrested i
on complaint , of J. B. Meyer , father
of the boy and given a preliminary
trial before Justice Austin , Friday. (
The court found probable caupo and
in the absence of bondsmen made
out the nooeesary papers to have
him committed to jail to wait the
convening of the district court. II
P. and E. Savage were deputized to
escort tbo prisoner to Broken Mow
and to see that the order of the
court was excutod
Parlies who wcro willing to go on
the prisoners bond nocompaniotl him.
On reaching here Monday the pro
per application was made to the
county court and thp prisoner wan
put un-lcr bond of $500 , for his ap
pearance at the district court. The
party that IP accused of doing the
shooting is only sixteen years old ,
Complexion ileaiittlfler.
Wo want every lady render of tht
D . ' Complexion
AN to try .vight's
plexion Hoautlfior , the most exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and liarmlcHU , makes the faoofiinooth
as velvet and fair aa alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only send Fituu a full
size , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will pond us her post ollico ad
dress silver dime to pay for packing
and pontage. Only ono KUKK box to
each address but ladies may order
for their friends. Each box mailed
separately. Bond this notice ard
your order at ONOB to D. W. CUSTKII
. , Huntington W. Va.
When yon vantu pleannt physic try
the new rcinedv , OhatribTlain's
Stomach nud Liver Tablets. They are
easy to tnko nn < l plesnnt in effect.
Price25 cents. SnmpltS iieo t J. G.
Ilneberlo's drug store.
H. C. Empllcld L S. KuipIlelJ ,
Succcpflora to 0. II. Sraltb ,
DCnera ] IT
Hardware ,
Harness ,
Stoves and Furniture.
Uadertaking- Goods ,
Anselmo , Nebraska.
CutM n mi itrtilhUH QulcUIy Healed
Chaml'orlitln'B 'ain Balm applied tea
a cut. bruise , burn , tcald or like injury
will instantly ally the pain and will
henl the parts in IPRB time than any
other treatment. Unles the Injury is
veiy eevero it will not leave u near.
Pain Halm also cures rhe < nnaUsm
BpininB , swellings and lameness. E < r
solo py J. G. llnoberle.
It iHtt't tlic material
tliat tf OCH Into Your
repaired -watcli tliat
reHiiltH in a perfect
that does the business , any bungler
can buy the line kinds of material
that I ueo In repairing ; but skill
ia the moet valuable material that
; an bo used In watch repairing ;
and the bunirler can't buy it. 1
sell my skill ( or what it IB worth
and It will cost you less than
bungling nt lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
West eido of square.
"HonietlilnyrJSe-vv Under Xlietliiii. "
All Dootora have tried to cure
GATAIIRQ by the UBO ot powders , acid
cases , inbalerd and drugs In oaetoform
Tlielt powdera dry up the mucuoua
uietubr&nea causing them to crack open
and blued. The powerful nculs used in
the inhalers have entirely eaten awuy
the eaino membranes that their uinkerp
have aimed to euro , while pactca and
ointraentB cannot renclbthe diaoase , An
old ttnd uxpuriunctd practitioner whc
Ima ( or ninny years made R close otudy
nud epectaltv of the treatment ql
GATAitliU. IIBB at Inst perfected a
treatment which when fMthlully used
not only relieves nt once , but perman
ently cures CATARHII , by removing
the cause , stopping the discharges , and
curing all Inlltinmtlon. It Is the only
remedy known to science that actually
reaches the allllcted par's. ' This won'-
dorlul remedy is known ns "SNUFFLES
CURE" imd is eold at the extremely
low price of Ono Dollar , each package
containing internal and external inuJl-
cine suulclont fora full month's treat
ment tuul everything necessary to Itf
perfect UBO.
"SNUFFLTCS" ia the only perfecl
OATAKRII CURE every made and IE
now recognised as the only safe ant
positive euro tor tlint annoj ing and dis
gusting disease. It cines nil Inllamft
tlon quickly and permanently and la alec
wonderfully quick to relieve IIA\
CATARRH when neglected often Icadf
to CONSUMPTION "Snuflles11 wil
save you If you uee it nt once. It Is iu
ordinary remedy , but n complete treat
uieut which is positively guaranteed U
euro Catarrh in nny form or stage il
need according/to the directions whlcl
necompany each package. Don't doluj
buteoud for it nt once , nud write fni
pirtculara : ! as to your condition , and yet
will receive special ndvlc * from the ( ! !
coverer of this winderlul remedy regardIng -
Ing your case without coat to YOU be
yond the regular prlco of "Snuffles" tht
"Guaranteed Catarrh Curo. "
Sent preprld to nny address In the
United States or Canada on receipt o !
Ono Dollar. Address Dopt. R 177 ,
and 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia.
Farms for Halo and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as the ohoap farms are all going ,
and pncoa are advancing rapidly.
v J. G.
The old and rohablo firm of
Diorks Lumber (1o. is the plaon to
go for lumber or coal. A good
ripply and grades to moot the wants
of their customers are always in
stock. 821tf
Lot UB repair your old organ ao i
you can try sonic of our now music.
RYKIISON & WATTS , P 0. Store ,
3 15 tf
PURE Pickling vinegars at J. C.
To Ro Given By
For particulars , call at
Byciclo Shop , on West
S'de Square , or BPO program.
Steel Horse Collars
Novell's Adjustable Stool Jlorse
are the most economical , ae
well a < s the most humane collar you
can buy , Ueing ndja8 > nble in eizj at
both top and bottom , it can bo made
to fit nny horeo. No hntneanreuaed ,
too tut'1' faotenini : direct to collar ,
thue BA\ing the use of liaines. Tlioy
are positively guarnnteed to cure * j
galls or Bores on nny horse's shoulder \
and are the most comfortable collar < j
that con bo put on a horeo for any < *
Beneon of the year , They save one-
half the work of harnessing and un-
harnosaing na they go together at the bottom with an adjustable clasp.
They have been Bold and reccommended in every state in the union. If
fc you civo them 'JO diWRjrial yon will hnvn no other , and remember that
W. A. COSIOR Sole for Custer
. . , Agent County , \
West Union , Nebraska.
' / / " i'SffWiWf ' # fc ° vKf'gfc' . ? ' ' . ' - ! ' ' & ? ' ? & ' HVi i" * 1 ? "
LO."f ; . . * . * " . ' * . ? * , { .ft * ft * * * & f * & * : / . n . * . * * 4) Vt.e'Kft . ; . , . .OL-f * . . . . CC"f ; . . . XXtfJ . . . C . . ; . * .OU- : ? . * . * . . , ! *
* i
S i
All parties indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested
to call and settle their account by cash at once. I must have
money to pay bills , I cannot do business on wind.
Yours truly ,
fe | Proprietor. &
j 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , ! x |
jp.t. . . , . , , . . . . , . . . , . . , . . , . p.'fj
JT va AiiV&V H : ? ; : *
has just received llaviland China , Vases , Cups and Saucers , etc. , for the
holiday trade. Fine frames and mouldings , School supplies in ctook.
Why pay Exhorbitant Prices for Couches that the springs will give
out in a year when you can buy the new construction guaranteed 5 years
for the same prioo or less.
Tables , Lamps , Tumblers , Silverware , Cutlery , and a Complete Line
of Ilouao Furnishing Goods at prices that are right.
Call and lot mo show you now Goodn , Mirrors , etc.
West Side Square Broken Bow. Nebraska.
A oar load of old wheat flour , sack
And are prepared to soil as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST
Butter and Uggs taken in Exchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city. Give us a trial