Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1901, Image 1

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gUte HUl
What u etqry of buffering , abuse
und neylec't would .uany tell.
How they cry for help as you
turn the pa f B of some interesting
book , near the midnight hour.
How they bln.U nnd "ink ns
the bright amiliglit traveling'
ton fect rom tltfl ulnirlng pave
ment , or its 05 000,000 milea thro'
space , burls Its rays upon a dell-
eato and over-worked ictina ,
If your cyps con'd ' talk they
would lead you to our doorh , nnd
later thank you for the rulM and
comfort , and insy netful visions
my Rinses afford.
In 1 ou of words Ibov cry nnd
Ncho , thus hint nnd warn , will
you tnko the warning ?
Graduate of flilcairo Optlmlralo College.
School Hooks ,
School Supplies ,
G. Haeberle's :
Attractions Booked
For Uio
Six nights , Sept. 23rd to 28th , the
Lennou Stock Company.
One night , October ISth , the Which
is Who' Company.
One night , October Slat , Wood nnd
Ward , in their Jolly Jingling Farce ,
"The Men y Tramps. "
One nipht , January 23rd , "Mnlonoy'e
Weddim ; Day. "
Just One Girl
Is Getting Old , But
There Are Others.
It we haven't the Songs
you wnnt , we order them for
you with no additional charges
P. O. Store.
School Books And
Are things the school child
ren need.
We have the most com
plete line of school supplies
in Western Nebraska. We
sell them at Bottom Prices.
Come and let us figure on
your school supplies.
Come in and Examine
- ® ros MOTE. -
Ed McComas ,
Broken Bow und Merna
Extra good seed rye for Bale ; also
old corn in ear. A few immune
male pigs , J on KAY.
Reduced railroad rates will bo in
effect during the County Fair.
I * . G. Green ot Grocn Po. wr B a
friendly oallerat this oftico Monday.
See.W. D. Blaokwoll at Farmers
Bank for Fire , Cyolono and Torna
do insurance. 7-11 tf
J. W Conluy of Wood River
tOHiibbip was a city visitor tbo first
of the week.
Money loaned on improved farms.
7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nobr.
Boader.9 wanted at private resi
dence by Mrs Eva Martin , ou ?
block south east of public square.
Col. V. C. Talbot oamo down
from ilaldoy Monday to accompany
Co. M. to the state encampment at
D. C. Konklo of Woisaert re-
povis by telephone two inches of
rain in his vicinity Tuesday after
C. T. Wiight six miles southeast
pf the city reports three inched of
rain fall in his locality Tuesday
Company M. loft herb Tuesday
morning for Omaha where their
regiment will go into camp for a
week or ten days.
The attention of our readers is
called to the program of the County
' "air wbioh wo publish. It is a decidedly
cidedly strong program.
At the city caucus the democrats
nominated P J. Richardson for
ustico of the peace. J. G. Lomning
city assessor and Ed. Molloy con
H. P. Savage was m the city
Vloudaj and Tuesday. Ho was
leputized ad special constable by
luslieo Austin to bring Ernest
Lrwin to jail.
- *
Edgar Phillips , editor of the
only newspaper in MuHen was a oily
vinitor Saturday. Ho wai making
inal proof on a quarter section of
Government land.
McsdameB II. T. Coffman , G. W.
tuny an and Mary Kelley of Mason
ity were visiting in thu city the
irst of the week. They returned
home Wednesday.
Fred Rinno returned Wednesday
* rom California where bo has beeu
spvoral weeks with the view of lo.
eating Ho finally decided that
California was not equal to Broken
3ow and expects to bo in business
n the town in a few dayp.
Wo are led to beloievo that a
number of persons in county will
receive within the next few days a
julletin from the University of
Nobraeka School of Agriculture.
Wo earnestly urge all such persons
to give this bulletin a careful read
ing and advise those whose
names are not on the University
mailing list to write for the bulle
An old settlers Picnic and reunion
will bo held in John Welsh's grove
one half milo north of Westervillo
on Saturday Sept. 1-lth the com
mittees are preparing a good pro
gram and have secured the boat
musical talent in this part of Ne-
braskajamong them are Mr. Myers ,
Mr. Gorsagp , Mesdames Cordy
Johnson , Elsie Savillo and others.
Senator Currie has promised to be
here and speak ; other prominent
public speakers are expected ; a good
time is antioipatod. There is ample
shade for all. General invitation is
extended to old and young all over
the county. With other amusements
there will bo one or more ball games
Como with your dinner baskets well
A rutn'or has gained circulation
lhat owing to the Agricultural So-
ceity having funds on deposit in the
Farmers Bank at Broken Bow ,
which foiled last wonk , no fair would
bo held this year. Wo are glad testate
state the management announces
that the fair will under no oiroura
stances bo palled off. As a matter
of fact the prospects of the fair arose
so good that this could not ba oven
thought of and without dotrbt a
much larger crowd than usual will
attend. These are several reasons
for thip. The program > s stronger
than usual , the balloon asoeneion
and automobile race are drawing
cards , and the premiums have boon
increased rather than diminished
The farmers this year have their
work further along and are bettor
able to leave it than in several yoara
Elmer Baaa of Ausolmo is visit
ing in tbo city today.
Miss Flcronco Richards returned
Tuesday night from a visit of sever
al weeks at Tony , S. D.
"Well improved ranch of 1020
acn'fl in Cuator county for sale lor
811,540' } WILLIS OADWRI.L.
John S. Swansou of Dry Valley ,
was a friendly caller at this oflico
It is rumored that the owner of n
fast horse will challenge the winner
of t'bo automobile ruco at the fair
and offers to put up 50 on the
The balloon man , who makes the
ascent at fair time stains that ho
will take anyone up with him who
wants to go. As yet i o applications
have como in.
Cards are out announcing the
marriage of C. Leo. Pickett and
Miss Male Coolidge at the homo of
the bride's parents , on the 18th inst.
Central City Democrat.
R. L. Motcalf , who for several
years has been on the editorial stall
of the World Herald has resigned
and aoeopted a position on the Com
moner with W. J. Bryan p.t Lin
We are compelled this week to
leave out the communications from
our correspondents for lauk of
room , which is occupied by adver
tising spaco. Wo will use them
next week.
Wt > are in receipt of a letter from
Vincent J. Ovcrbalt from Wash
ington Iowa , in which bo says crops
there are "almost a failure and 1
think wo will all bo back to Ne
braska in the spring. "
OINTMENT is not a panacea , but
is recommended for blind , bleeding
or protruding piles , audit will cure
the most obstinate cases. Price , CO
, io bottles. Tuboe , 75 cents.
James Ledwiok and his two sons ,
Arthur and Domaino wore east
bound pa&fiongorM Saturday morning.
The boys were on their way to Doe
Conines Iowa to attend school
\lr. Ledwich accvmpauiud thorn ad
'ar as Council fluffs.
Several rains have visited this
oca-lily in the past week. Tuesday
afternoon and Tuesday night and
again Wednesday afternoon rain
"ell in considerable quantities
horoughly toaking the ground a
uflioient depth to put it in iine
bapo for fall plowing.
Thousands suffer with torpid
iver , producing great depreesing of
ipirits , indigestion , constipation ,
leadaohe , otc HERBINE will sti
mulate the liver , keep the bowel *
regular , and restore a healthful
) uoyanco of spirits. Price , 50
cents. Ed McCoinas , Broken Bow
and Memo.
Ras Anderson and J. C. Moore
iavo purchased I. A. Ronean's iu-
erest in his real estate and abstract-
ng business. Neither of thoHo gon-
, lemen are strangers to the readers
of the RnriiHLiOAN. Mr. Anderson
las boon a residoit of the county
'or fifteen or twenty years and for
some time past has beeu associated
with Mr. Ronoau in the business
and is thoroughly acquainted with
the rnalostato department. Mr
Moore is no stranger. liia connoc.
, ion with the county olh'oos flH book
ceeper and deputy treasurer for
several years has given him & wide
acquaintance. Ho has been on
caged in abstracting for a number
ot years and is recognized as a care-
[ ul and trustworthy business man.
We bespeak for the new firm a
liberal share of bubineBH in their
To The I'atrons Of I. A. Itciicau and
lirokcn How Abstract.
After a period ot ten yehra in
which I have been actively engaged
in the abstracting and Real Estate
business in Guster uounty. I have
decided to rot-ire from this line of
work and have disposed of my en
tire interests in the Broken Bow
Abstract company and also the real
estate department.
The purchasers Rasmus Ander-
Bon and J. C. Moore. ( Firm name
Anderson & Moore ) are well and
favorably known ip the county and
both are fully competent men for the
business and I cheerfully recommend
the now firm to the public.
In retiring I desire to thank my
friends and patrons assuring them
of my orneat efforts for their busi
ness welfare at all times. For my
enemies in a business capacity or
otherwise I buve noappologics.
Respectfully ,
I. A. Ronoau ,
Special Itullcllu.
Buffalo , N. Y.
ISoptombor , 12 , 0 a. m.
President feeling bettor than
siuco wounded. Ho partook of
Holid food this morning. Prospects
for his complete recovery very on-
A Pleasant Surprise.
A number our friends and rela
tives entered into aloaguo with our
bettor half recently to got possession
of our home , which they suuceHsful
did on thu night of Ttnmlny Sopt.
] 0th. But wo can aeauio you that
it was accomplished without our
knowledge or consent.
They worked a niHO upon UH , by
wbioh wo were detained up town
until Lite aud when wo got homo
wo found that the peace and quiet
ul1 our homo had boon invaded and
that wc > were at the mercy of a
crowded housp. Comprehending
the situation at a glance wo surrendered
ored aud gracefully submitted to
tbo inevitable. Finally when oaoh
had finished relating the part ho or
she had played in the accomplish
mout of the ratioKov. Riokardn and
Willis Cad well madu their appearance -
anco from a sidoroom bearing the
trophies of our guests which they
hail provided for the occasion.
Rev. Ricbardn , who assumed the
role of spolcesnnn fur our friendly
guests informed HH lhat wo had
reached our iiftipth birthday which
marked tiui event of starting on the
second half of a onnlury of our
earthly cxistau"i > . IJo continued
hit * ronurkes by making several
complimentary statements of us
svhich wo had not merited and en
couragements for the future. In
conclusion ho presented us with a
line upholstered rocker which our
bettor half and our children had
contributed for our declining year ? ,
an index Bible with lloxiblo cover
and other small momoutos of friend
ship which our guests had brought
with them as evidences of their
As it was the first time wo had
been so uncermoniously.yot pleas
antly Hurprittod in a social way , we
wore not at our beat and could say
but little in ex-pronging our inmost
felings of gratitudefor the pleasant
visit and their kind regards for our
welfare. Refreshments were serv
ed and a pleasant time wan enjoyed
by us all. The occasion is one
that will always bo romombarod by
UH as one of the many happy events
of our life.
Corn-buskers' wrists
- sprained ,
parbcd-wiro outs and sprains , or
outs Irom any other case , are quick
ly healed when BALLARD'S
SNOW LINTMENT is promptly
applied , Price , 25 and bo cents.
Ed. McComab Broken Bow and
Cliurcli UcrvlccH.
Sunday after Trinity. Septombei
15. Morning aorvico with qormon
11 a. m. Sunday school 3.30 p. m.
Vesper service , with address 8 p. m ,
Preaching service both morning
and evening by Rev. Richards , at ,
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pub
lic is cordially invited ,
The special meetings at the Met ! -
odist ohiijroli wore closed on Wed
nesday evening owning to the con
tinued unfavorable weather , so that
the meetings for next Sunday will
bo called off. The usual services
' however will bo conducted by the
pastor , Subject of the morning
Mormon ' Christ's Sanotiiicatiou and
Our's. " Evening subject : "Tho
Fate of the Man With Two Faces. "
All are cordially invited to tboBO
services. EHNKST A. KNIGHT ,
Tnko lifo as it COIUUH , and make
ihe most of all circumstances , but
for a bad cough or cold , take BAL.
the bust known remedy for quick ro.
lief and Hiiro cure. Price 25 and 5o
cents. Ed. McComaa Broken Bow
and Merna.
A Calllurulii Opportunity.
September 10th to 27th. both
dates inclusive , any Burlington
Route ticket agent will sell you a
round trip ticket to San Francisco
at less than the regular one way
The occasion is the General Con
vention of the Episcopal oburohand
the rate is open to the general public
aa well as to delegates to the con
No more delightful outing can bo
imagined , the trip ia m-ado at a time
of year when traveling is a pleasure
and the alimatn of California at its
The return limit November 10 ,
1001 , is an unusually long one lor
tiokots sold at so low a rate.
Stop-ov.ors are allowed at pleasure ,
botti going and returning , at and
west of thfc ( irst Colorado , Wyoming
or Montana point tn route. . All in
all , thu opporunity is one which no
man or woman who contemplates n
visit to California can afford to
ovorlopk ,
Folder giving details mailed on
request , Burlingtotr * < tSokot agents
are in a position to give any further
information that may bo desired ,
J. Francis , G. P , A. Omaha , Nub.
If you are troubled with onodor-
ous breath heart burn , llntulunay ,
boadauh , acidly , pains after eating ,
loss of appitito , persistent melanc
holy , or low spirits. You need a
tonic , few doses of HERBINE will
g yo you the recuperative force to
remove those disorders. Price , 50
cents. Ed. MoComas Broken Bow
aud Moriia.
i'lpiitr of Hood Features
UnilcV Canvas. Number or Cel
ebrated Per runners.
Orfcgoniau , July 2iJ.
Sells & Gray's circus lias como
and gone. Crowded houses witnessed - '
nessod both the afternoon and evening -
ing porformancos. The small boy
baa been July tempted to leave IDS
happy homo and win immortal fame
under the canvas. The Hiuall girl
ban hold hoc breath , while larger
and cousidorably older girls have
performed daring feats on the
trapc/.Q or swung high in the air
with only a strap clenched in their
tooth for support. It was a great
day for Young America ; likewise
for older America , or at least for a
'goodly ' portion thereof.
Sells & Gray's show is worth the
price. There are somu mighty
clover things in U. The place of
honor must go to the Eddy family ,
all-round acrobats and tumblers.
The family consists of man , women
and a olovor child , 7 yoara of age.
This' pracocious youngster was
brought on the staga in a basket of
flowers , and ho can tumble to boat
the band. The kid hat ! n native
about him , and his faoo dimples
with pleasure as ho goes through his
Are You Goii TO
25-6-1,1901 ,
At Broken Bow ,
act. To" him it is not business , bat
The JbJddy family docs not appear
in lights. On the contrary , the
men do their not in drois suits , nnd
the women in long skirts. They
are the originators of tbia kind of
work , and they do it well. Tumb
ling in a parlor dross is not us by.
A detailed description of their act
oiniiot bo given hero , but it is
scientific tumbling , and pleased the
To Minn Edna Marietta , the bareback -
back rider , should bo given the
second phco of honor. She ia a
wondo ? . She sits lightly on the
back of a beautiful milkwhUo horse
while that animal cantors around
thu ring , and performs wonderful
foats. A streamer is raised ever
the horse's back , and Miss Edna
first jumps ever this streamer as the
horao passes under it , and on the
next round she turna a somersault
over it nnd lights on her foot. U
was this performance that caused
the audience to hold its breath.
Ouo of the features of the Bbo.w
IH known as "tho woman with the
iron jaw. " She is one ot the Tyboll
sisters. Wjrappod in the American
Hag , she olasps a strap which is
riv/ntod to the orid of a rope , and is
hr/uled / to the ceiling. With only
the strength of her jaws to prevent
bor from falling to the ground , she
swings round and round , gradually
increasing her momentum until aho
looks like a red , wblto and blue
spinning top whirling iu midair.
When she coraos down she is so
dizzy flic reels , and has to bo led
off the stage by her sister , who al
so has a jaw that is no slouch.
The Earl sisters , Maud aud Hazel ,
also perform aerial feats that are
hair-raising. They leap from
trapeze to trapeze with startling
agility , and add much to the gbo'd
part of the show.
And wo munn't forgot the Bovo *
lapus. Chained in the main en
trance tent , this remarkable product
of the jungle attracted wide atten
tion. It is probably the ug4iest
specimen of animal creation that
over came ever the piko.
Ouo thing that can bo said for
Sells ifc Gray's cirous is that things
happen when they ought to. Every
thing moves like clockwork. There
was no disorder and no accidents.
A New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring- Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons.
Go W. Apple.
niitrlttit Iteport lor Toclny.
Wliput s .6t
llnrluy , .30
Oats . .T !
Cora. Ai
Kyo . < 0
liutlor , . . .10
I'otntncH , PIT
OnloiiH. imr luialiol J.OO
IIoiiK , pnr pound , Ot
Sjirlni ; Cklckens. per du/.cn S.U >
( 'own .K2.75 ® : i,00
Tiirl.cjH , per uouml. . . . ,16
Htrnw. porcwt. . . . . .11)
liny , New , per ton 6.10
PURK exlraotH at J. 0. Bo wen's.
Always bavu the best quality of
w'-Hflf \ Lumber and other building materials -
terials at tbo Lowest Prices.
'Phono No. 70.
W. L. RULE , Manager.
For a First Class Smoke Try the
i i Martial and
I Corona Grande'