Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 29, 1901, Image 1

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ThoEyftof a Noecllo.
'I ha ' < will li' fa bill ; riy f I.1 t
fir-1 i t mo itiiinlen tj t1 111 .1
lilnPI i i.l linn a th i.irt I i > .1
In It M , Lurried | HHII\\II <
with I.T < IItor foici' linn nil tl"-
talk i > l nil tliu opticians in ill
Clint ! ) union ) . Id mo id \ tit
it i M- moo , friinined , rvonu > ik" . | ,
in rv us ry H ; > "iir nur\i ii
enurp/imd tj ) ! . " y ni ' itok to t ! o
1 iya \\IIHII . > uni r know you
had eye
( riuliiiti' of i liunirii Opllmltnlr
School Hooks ,
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
Attractions Booked
. I For i lie
Six iihjhu , Sept. U.'inl to 28' li , the
Lemma htocic Company.
Ono nnrht , October 18th , tin ) Which
IBVlio" Company.
One nulit ; , October 81st , Wood nutl
Waul , in them1 Jclsy Jiti 'int ' ; l'\\rco ,
"Iho Merry Train pa. "
One nil-lit , Jjinimry 23rd , "MiuoncyV.
Wedding Day. "
pURIC Pickling vuicgars at J. 0.
Linv rates to Lincoln. Nebraska State
September 2 to ( i , the Burlington
Route will soil round trip tickets to
Lincoln at half rates , plus 50 cents
for admission to State Fair.
ThU will ho "ino big nhow. "
& 18,000 has hem Hpcnt thin year in
permannnt improvements on tlie
fair ground ? . $30,000 in oush prein-
Vii All entriesexcept cpoed frno.
uoanst 'agout Burlington
Route , for further information.
"I'lironuh HID monllH n ( .luuo and
July our luiby w/m teuililn und took n
running off of llic bnwuln und flickIK-HB of
ihu Htoiniioli , " naya O ' . M. llollldav ,
of Oomlnir , luil "Ills bo-voN woiilil
iiiovfl Iroin five to t'l tit limes n dy.
1 had H heitllu of Oliitiiliuriniii'H Colic ,
ctioliim and IVauhoca llumcely in the
hoiiao anil jjnvo lihn lonr drops In n lev
upiioutiil ! of \ \ nter I'.ni ! UP pit belter at
ono..1' S il.l liy.l- < l. lliiftiorlo.
! School Books And I
Are tilings tlie school child
ren need.
We have tlie most coin-
p\ete \ line of school supplies
in Western Nebraska. We
sell them at Bottom Prices.
Come and let us figure on
your school supplies.
Come in and Examine
Ed McComas ,
Broken Bow and Merna. | j
A New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring1 Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons.
G. W. Apple.
I ct fi 'r&rtilsZcld
Jake Johnson wont to Oi"
tulle Sunday to visit a sigjc aunt.
A. II. Copney \Wstervillo , wa
n welcome cullet at this ollico Alnn-
Patrick Kelley of Now Helena ,
wan a friendly caller Saturday at
thin oilico. i
This locality wan made to rejoice
by receiving a men oooliuy shower
of rain Tuendiy evr ning.
W. 11. Jones of Dunning was n
ity visitor Tuesday. Thin olliee
acknowledge ! * fiiemlly call.
See W. D. Blaokwoll at Farmer *
i > .iuk for Kire , ( Cyclone rind Torna
do IIHU ranee. 7-11 tl
J. J. Joyner of Men.a , was a
welcome caller at this olltce the
latter part of IfUt v.'et'k.
Chin. I'hillips of Mullin , was a
cily VIH'HOI IVlondny. This otlico
I L'M a fiieiuily o ill.
loaned on improved farms
JAMKS Liunvion ,
7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
J. K. Cavoneo of Geoigotown ,
was a Iriendly callei Monday. Hi-
reports half inch of rain at his place
Sunday evening.
A. R Humphrey and his son Paul
left , Tuesday morning to attend the
meeting of the republican league
and state convention.
The ball gimo between Calhway
ind Broken Bow last Friday played
in this city was wone Intho visit-
The Hcoro stood 11 to 8.
out for Munk's Auction
Store , September 1st , norlheaat
corner public square , south ol
Grand Control Hotel. 8 22 tf
Pat Kilfoil and Con Floshman ,
of Dilo were down Monday after
the G A R. Tonl for their picnic
which was held there yesterday.
Ladies tocioty of the Presbyortan
huroh will have a sale of cake ,
jroail , salads and meals at J. David-
niUMio btoie , Saturday August
Peter Beck and J. F. Bryson of
Upton , worn friendly ca'lers ' at this
) th'co Mondaj. They report an
null of rain at their places Sunday
Dr. Withora , Omaha painloRS den-
: ist will be * at Globe hotel , August
> 0 , and 31. See him for up to ( tale
dental work at Omaha prices. 22
yrar s experience.
Milt Whitney of Mertia wan a
velcomo caller ycaterdav. Ho in
forms us Unit his brother Joe ha > <
trnved with his ( AC. ily from Mis.
lomi and has located in Custer
Prof. H. H. Iliatt , wife daughter
Alma aiiu his two boys boarded the
tiaiu at thiB place Sunday
mouiing for A ama ot ilio Ishnd
ofGuim. They will siil from San
Fransirioo Sy'tunlay August 31 ,
Rev. 'tX'ag rdon of Ansloy was
friendly caller u ! this ollico Tues
day. Ho has resigned the pastoral
charge ( tf the ( Jlnistian church at
Ausloy with the view of engaging
HOIUO secular business for the bone-
lit of his health. Ho may conclude
to go on a r.inch in Colorado with
his brother.
B C. Fmptiold of Ansolmo made
this olli-to a friendly call Friday.
Mr. Kmbtiohl and his brother L. S.
have seoontly bouiiht C II. Smith's
stock of hardware at Aiibolmo
The RKI-UHUOAN bcfipeiks lor them
a liberil frharo of the public patron
age. See thr-ir advertisement in
another columu.
This oflk-u acknowledges the ro.
oeipt of a copy of the Beaumont
Daily Enterprise , sent us by the
Beaumont Trust Co of Texae , for
which we express our thanks. Its
pages are filled with news regarding
the several oil companies that have
been organized there within the pant
four months. Some of them have
struck it rich , while others are still
NeV. Hartley who lives eight
nuloH west of this city loft at jhe
office Saturday morning a sample
of iifty live aures of corn John
Ivi'iisel has raised on Judges Reese's
farm in Inn locality. The
stalks moasino4 thuuu > n feet and
ihey have two well formed eara OB
each stalk. Mr. Hartley fliys the
corn is as cjoar of weeds as a lloor.
He also brought along n sample of
the blue stem in that vicinity that
measures six and half feet and he
Hayn there are tons of it in his lo
N J , Butler of Gates was a friend
ly caller at thin otlioe yesterday.
Fnph oandleH and fret.h oyatein
at Mike Scaulcn'u UctUnrant.
8-'J ! ) H
This ollijo a-knowlcdgPH the
woliiomo o.ill of Frank Stewart ol
WuBtervillo yesterday.
Mrs. Lik/.in ilenningM of Gibson
City , Ills , is in the city visiting her
Hirttor Mrs.V. . J. SVa'ntx.
K J. Powell called 'yesterday rn *
unwed his subscription and h-.d his
laddrcws ohanged to Paraohu'o.GIol'or
ado wheio ho will leave for
Air. and Mrs. ilauob Johnson wan
called to Ortfillo Sunday by the Her
iiiiis illneis of Mrs. .lohnsor'ti aunt ,
Mrs. Iflabollo Stalls , who died on
tllo Humn day.
Mrs. Divid Finoh of JJtwlon ,
Iowa. inaitethiH olliuo a friendly
call today and dcpos'U'd : i dollar
for the coutinaunet * of the Ucpnhl- ;
can. Mrs. Fincyli iii'vihitmg with
former noighborri in Kound Valley.
J. F. Breoblbul of Ansplmo , ha
been ron'ominated for member
of the board of Supervisoro 'lor
District No.-I. Mr.Broohbnul has
made a good Supervisors the past
two years and we hope to neo him
The ( Jhuroh of God at Weissoit
was burned Tuesday night. Only
a few seats weie sayed. The build
Ing was sot on lire by lightning. No
UKbUianoi' . The building was n
frame structure and had only been
built four or five years.
L. J. Gaudy is back from El llano
Oklahoma whore ho has boon for
the past three months , lie sayH
that Karl Douglas lias a position as
ni ! > ht clerk in a hotel. None of the
parties that went there from this
county were fortunate enough to
seuurd land in the drawing.
This ollice acknowledges the receipt
coipt oil Several JDpin.i of tuo Desert.
Evening News and the Shit Inkn
Herald of Salt Like Utahfor which
J. Spence , fonucily of this city has
our Uiiuikb. In onu of ( bo papers
we notiueaiul addrehH on uiormon-
n by Kov Goo. Bailey delivered
at a lUHiv't-ntioii.
11. W. George of Georgetown WIH
a business call at this otlico yester
day. Mr. George had mistaken
T hursdrty for August 2b , and had
ooino up to go to Lincoln to attend
tin republican stale convention to
which he was a delegate , but ho
mk he will bo back in tune to go
to Cleveland next week to attend
the G , A. K. national encampment
Wo understand the oirds are out
announcing the marriage of Oliver
Moody ol Wehtervillo and Mies
Gr.ico Hull ort ol Arcadia next Sun
day. Both parties are well known
tn this locality and both are nuin-
bpredamong | Custorcenntv 's MIOOOSS-
fill teachers. The republican ex
tends congratulations in advance ,
hopin > : that nothing may happen
to delay the unnouncrd event.
At the republican supervisor's
convention of the. eixth district held
tit Oi-onto lait Saturday H. > F. E'J-
ingtjn was nominated lor aupei-
visor. Tlie coin ontion was organ
ised by electini ! J. F. Fovworlhy
chairman and F. E. VanAntwerp
secretary. The informal vole
stood 21 for H J. Edinglon and
10 for Win. Wairen ot 'Irininpti.
It was on motion of Mr. Watre i
that Mr. Islington's nomiiintion
wa * mailo unanimous. The eon-
vention mauc a wise choice as Mr.
Edington is one of the progressive
farmers and and stock ifli-ors in
Ouster comity and sucnc-sl'iil busi
ness map. Ho is well qualified and
if elected will make a valuable
member of the county hoard.
Cluircli H ; r > lct : .
There will bo soivices in the
Prehbytenan church Sunday at 11
a. tn. , and 8 p. in. Preaching by
llov. Neil A. Gilohriyi.
Ki'isooi'Ai , cnuuou.
There will be regular services
at the Episcopal church Sunday
10:45 : A. M , and 8 P. M.
Regular services will bo resumed
at the method ml , church next Sun
day botk nu rning and evening. The
Pastor will propeh at both hours.
Beginning with Sept. ftth , a ton
days series of Evangelistic meetings
will bo hold under the direction of
Ruv. W. U , Williams , "The Drum-
iner Kvamolint , " of Soranton Pa.
Tim people of the town without re
gard to party to creed are invited
tn participate in these motUnu'.H
is it is our desiic to help all. He
member the date , Thursday Sept ,
Mil , I ho meetiuus will begin.
EUN.ST A. KNWIIT , Paslor.
u.n ciiuucn.
Rev. H. E. Myers , pastor of tin
U. B. Church will begin the use of
the illusttated sermon again next
Sun evening. The Subject for the
mouth will by the Life of Jacob.
Jacob was a verj tthrmvd hnVmn
man but his experiences \ < \ life worn
very checkered and ho had to reap
whit ho bowed. The topic next
Sunday morning an education.
nl topic will ho used , "Opening the
Uuiniurslaiiding' ' being ilio Hiihjoct.
Teaclu'rs students and pupils en
penally invited. Special music
A cordial weleomo to all.
Attrition L'ompaii } M.
Eoonmpment is ordered at Fort
Omalm , troin Kepteinber 10th to
0tb , 1001.
Every member will report for
drill on Saturday night , August
3Nt , at S p in ami Saturday , Sep
tember 7th , at UUO : p. in.
Ritleh and nil ( quipmonta must
be in good condition. 4
By order of
H. F. KKNNUDY , Capt.
N.T. GAUD , 1st Sorg't.
.Indyc&iiilKuIck uf York , for iMiirniiiu | Juilo. ( {
II K. OoolU of OgnlUlIu for ItOKont.
( ' . J , 1'rnet of Mucnln , for Kc out.
The Republicflu state convention
at Lincoln yesterday nominated
Judge Sudwiok of York , was nom
inated for the Supronie court and
II. F.rj Goolu and C. J. Ernst
for university regents.
Judge Sedgwick is a member of
the supreme court commiasious and
Mr. Goold is one of the -present
In compliance with a resolution
passed by the convention , Governor
Savage had J. S. Bartley returned
to the po nitentiary yeeterday evon-
GONL mm ] ] .
Hinkley , daughter of John
unit Sarah 1'linkley , near Benvyn ,
passed awny Augiiht 21.
Her romuiiiH were laid ( o rest in
the Borwyn cemetery , Her death ,
though not unexpected , was a sad
one to the community , in which she
The deceased was sick several
weekt , yel sLe bore her sickness
wiih patience. She leaves a bright
evidence that she is saved.
The Lord giveth and the Lord
laketh away. Blessed be the name
of the Lord.
A prnlnuH ouu from 114 Imi gonu ,
A voice \u > loTud in clllk'd ;
A jilncu IH vacant In our IKIIIIU ,
Wlilcli nc-vcrcin b lllleil.
God in his wisdom has recalled
the boon , His love has given and
though her body moulders here , her
isaavc in heaven , praise God
lor all.
Farwell services were preaahod
by her grand fttber , Bro. Stark.
Sunday , August 2.r. , nt her
IDIUQ in Ortollo villoy Mrs
Isabidlo Slants , ago HO years aneJ 2 t
The dei'oaned was married Miruh
17 , I87fjlo J. R. StiiBth in Illinois
Some fourteen yeais ago they
moved to Nobrawk'v and louoated in
Orlello valley. The decesed hid
no obiidron of her ownjwastho aunt
and foster mother of Mrs. Jacob
Johnson of this city , who made her
homo with her aunt front the time
she was two years old until Hhe was
married. Funeral services wore
conducted Tuesday by Rev Bradley
of Mernn , and her remains laid to
'rest in the Ortello cemetry. The
RKPUUI.IIJAN In behalf of friends
extend sympathoy to the bereaved
relatives. ,
1)1 F.I ) .
BUY AN Auguht 10 at the family
residence 0 miles west of Broken
Bow , Molinda Ellen Bryan , aged 1
year 8 month and 18 da s. Little
Liinlrt , loving little iliightcr of
Richard and Ello Bryan , entered
the jlia.itr : in bark and passed sweet
ly away over to tl'o other h'nlo to
rest in peace evermore. Oue little
sliKir is vacant ono loving voice IH
stilled upon this earth , but only to
sing glad praises on the other side ,
Papa and mama and biothersLinda
oan never oomo to yon again in this
world , but yon may all by the graoe
of God moot her in that beautiful
City whore tlioro are no sad partings
pain or death. It is only ono mrro
link in the golden chain calling
your hearts to the ' homo above.
Look beyond the grave to thr nmiir
rootion morn.
Such n little hrvnk In Ilio soil ,
So tiny to 1 10 n Ktavo ,
I low run 1 rrnilor no IUOD to ( loj ,
Tie Iii-Hiitlfiil gift Hint llogaro.
MuU I put YOU a\M > y my | iolf
.M ) Ijoimtiful liinl nuMouinoil ;
\Vitli ol uinrnln ) ; ujmn you ) el ,
Atul > our btori Din nl' unsliuun.
Oli , Imliy tujr lioxrl U or ,
1'or II i u lore Hint MSH to he ;
Tor Iho nnttk'il iliuum of llfo Is oru ,
Hi twicii tluo , my riitli ) , niul iur
lisriilnnl i\ro lt < tliornt aiul lmnu < ,
Anil the onlr pntliHlui Iroil ,
WHM tliHt lilch led from indtlur'N arm * ,
Ijitn tlie arum of ( loil
-MlNNIB Kn.t.V.
Groenborry R Street was born in
Rush county Jnd. December 2-1 ,
1828 and died in Custur county
Nob. August M , l ( ) l , aged 72
y ears 7 mouth and 20 days , llo re
sided in the state of his nativity
until 1883 when lie moved
to Ouster county Nebraska which
has been his homo since. Mr.
Street was married to Mary Jane
Rush in Jannry 1851. To them
wore borne eight child ren , six boys
and two girls , five of whom sur
vive their father , John R , P.
Grten berry , Charles M. and Ulipftes
G. reside in this oonnty and are all
well known and highly respect
ed men , Mrs. Maggie Gregg lives at
North Platt.
Mr. Street WBH a line singir and
oamposnd a great deal oi inspiring
and beautiful music as vvoll as some
excellent vorse. Some of his finest
poicos are , "Tho Resoreotiou" , "Tho
Beautiful Gate , " "The Land Above"
and "Somo Sweet Dayj'"Many of his
poiocs were published in the "Star
Crown. " Mr.Street WJIH a consistent
ohnstian for nearly fifty ycar , his
membership being in the U. li.
church most of the time He pos
sessed thoflo sterling qualities of
character which stand for purity ,
justice and right. He feared not
to miiot liifl God for his trust was in
Jesus Christ. The funeral was
iiold in the Custer C'onler ohurch
and the body was laid to rest in the
cemetery near by.
Jjtnton E , Manuel , of West
Union , was horn in Seneca , Kansas -
sas , Juno tfo , 1876 , and died ) U
Milburii , Nebraska , August 26 ,
11)01. ) Ago 20 years , ono mocth
and 20 days.
The deceased was married ths
27th of last January , to Mias Mabel
Dean , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.
'W. Doan , of West Union.
The deceased was a young tnaa
of morn than ordinary intelligence ,
highly respected by all who know
him , and had ever prospect of a
bright future. His father , lamea
H. Manuel , who had formerly re
sided in Senocu , Kansas , was iu
Ogloaby , lud , T. , at the tune of hju
dbath , and could not bo prrstuit at
the funeral His mother had died a
year and a half ago. His death
was accidental. He , with others , bathing in the Middle Loup
liver Sunday attornoon. Mr. Man
uel dove from the river bank into
the water , and as the water was uot
as deep ns ho had anticipated , hia
bend struck on the sand. His back
was broken dt the coupling and be
tween the shoulders. When be
cam 3 to the surface of the water he
was taken out by bin associates.
He only spoke a few words at in
tervals , and died between ton and
twenty minutes after ho reached
land , The funeral services were
held Monday afternoon , at the resi
dence of T. W. Dean's , and the re
mains wore laiJ to rest in the West
Union ooiuptory , The Borvioea
wore conducted by the local minis
ter of West Union , llin young
widow has the sincere sympathy of
all in her great bereavement.
S3 oo xtuvrnrU.
I will pay five dollars for the
arrest and conviction oi the party
or parties that took the cases with
empty pop'botlles from the depot
lust week. E. WKIHBNKRDKR' ,
8 15 4t
Ucport for Today ,
Wheat $ .17
Hurley , . . . , .SO
Oats .30
Corn , , MJ
11)0 40
Mutter 10
I'ntntiici , per bneliol l. A
Onlonp. pur liiisliol 1.60
Iluiin , | > nr pound , , .Oft
hlcUcDB , per Atten 3.IX )
'OWH ( "H.J5 tfft 3,00
SlioiH l,0) ) CE 'I.Oil
TurLojH , porpouuit . . .IB
itruw.tior cwt .10
liny , New , pur ton , 6.CU
PURF extracts at J. 0. Boweu's.
Opona Monday , September 2 , IOOI ,
Prepare lo be with us. Our departments are complete. We
can yive you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand
Department iscoinplete and up-to-date. " ( Pitman Syatem , ) " If you
Icsirc to teach , attend our Normal Department.
Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught. '
Write , or call and see. us.
G. W. ROTJSH , Pres.
Always have the boat ( juality of
umber and other building ma
terials at the Lowest P.ioeB.
'Phono No. 70.
W. L. RULE , Manager.
For a First Class Smoke Try the
1 Martial and
1 Corona Grande'
, . ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
& 3w