il . ir * > < fi . . .A 44 ft will See AT li ' { ' J ? At BROKEN BOW , SEPT. 25-6-7 , 19Q1. f't - THE RAGE PROGRAflTt t > " splendid events with f'f Comprises wune | " good purses. Many horses have for weeks f been1 training1 lor the fair , an'd a good mftny " from a distance have signified ' * 'their intention of coming here. The fact - that many fairs over the state have been - - declared off on account of the short crops - will make the racing feature of the Custea County Fair better than it has been in . .many "years. The 'big racing days will be on Thursday and Friday. , THE BflbbOOISi ASCENSION. * " * ! ' ' The managers of the fair desire to * personally guarantee the baleen ascension , as the greatest attraction of its kind in this .entjre country. ' It is the most expensive "affair the agriculture society has ever se cured and it will consequently be the best. The' ' aeronaut contrated with is Prof.W. A. | ; Ward , acknowledged by management of -parks , summer resorts and state fairs all over the land to be one of the very best " ' ballootiists the county has to-day. Tn 1893 . Prof Ward gave a baleen ascension on the on the fair grounds at Broken Bow and we tell you the truth when we say that of - the many so culled balloon ascensions in " years past this' is the only successful one .UuU.C.uster county has ever had. Those who attended the fair eight years ago will bear out-this statement. Prof. Ward has .followed the balloon business ever since , in ' fact he has done nothing- else for 20 years a'iid , he has added many new features. He has the reputation of going higher before . making his parachute leap than any other aeronaut in'America. Tn fact he .always reaches the clouds before he jumps to the earlh. . In nxaking the asceiit he Takes up "chickens , pigs and dogs and drops them in . - little parachutes * This attraction is genii- 1 ine and if you attend the fair on Thursday " "and Friday you will se it. i , ' r r * . . . is positively the newest attraction - ' tion in the west and we believe it is the first automobile race in the state. The best part of it is that-we do not have togo out of Custer county for this attraction. The exhibition and race will be between the au tomobiles'owned by Dr. Pennington and Mrs. F. H.Young , both of this county. The au tomobiles are of different makes and are brand new and just from the factory. They are powerful vehicles , having a high speed'h'\Vill be manned-by'automobile ex perts. . Both of these vehicles can be seen on the streets of Broken Bow every day and they have attracted wide spread attention. T.he . companies who manufacture these ma chines . are . interested . in this contest and the j i * i distance of the race has not been fixed. Tt , . . } i ( -1 i * i is expected that the race will be either half a mile or a mile. The exhibition will take - pla.ce on Thursday and Friday. t'iister Uiipttsi Association. > 'Jtfho following program will bu rundur- edut the First Eutlell Bapteet Church August ; iO.3J nnd September 1 . 1901. F1UUAY ATTEKNOON , AUGUST SO. 2:00 Devotional Service , led by IJ. L , , ' ' 'Niobolaa , of 2nd Eudoll Ohnrch. 2:30 : Annual Sermon , by Itov. J. U. Wood , appointed by the Associa tion. 3:00 Calling of the Association to Order nnd Enrollment. , ' -3:1(0 ( 11011 Gall of Ohurchou aud HeepnnHO , by Delegates Present with Scripture Text. 4:00 : Election of OHicere. Heading the Order of linmnoBH by the A / . ' ' iCleik. Extending Umial In vita tion to Visiting Members. . ' -4:45 : Reading of Church Utter Prom : Fim Eudell Chuich. t - * i t | Adjournment. 8:00 : Devotional Servkue , I > ed by _ t 3)inictby ) ) jaxon , of Arnold. Ap pointing comiuittL'es on Itesolu- tionn , Aduiindion ? , Obltuuriew , Time and J'lucu of Next Moating. 8:80 : Sei moil , Uev. 6.V. . Hicburdu. HTAUJUUY , AUOUbT 81. 0OOT-Devotionnl : Bervicea , led by At U Cornish , of Lodi. 00 : Bnnday tjchoo ! Convention. 10:00 : AnnuHl AddroKB by liro. Uort Hall , of Maeon Oity. 10JO-rapor ; , by Sister Maud Louden , of Candy. Subjtct , "JIow la > . , i We Induce Sunday School Stu dents to Prepare their Lentous * . ' y- ' Prior to Coming to the Olaus. " and EXHIBITS. \Ve call attention to the liberal prem iums which the society offers this year. While our people should be public spirited enough to bring in good exhibits without regard to how muck money they can get out of it , yet the premiums are better in Custer than in almost any other count } ' in the state. In horses we offer S200 , and in cattle $200 while in farm products $200 are put up for you to compete for. In the department of farm products we especially call your atteu- to the premiums of $20 , $15 , $ LO and $5 for the best collection. The party making a collective exhibit can also enter all articles for individual premiums. The ladies will iind a long list of premiums in needle and fancy work' , culinary and fine arts. The children will find good premiums in school work. The poultry department is good this year. Tn fact 3rou can find inducements to exhibit anything you have from your pretty baby to your well kept driving team. Jf you have fine horses , cattle or pigs to sell put them on exhibition at the fair. That's what the fair is for. AmUSECnEl4TS and SPORTS. In addition to the big program of horse racing to take place on Thursday and Friday a very complete program of other amusements is arranged , comprising bicycle races , foot races of all kinds , ring spearing , tug of war and a long list of amusing consests. Admissions , Single admission to the fair is 25 cents. Family tickets good for the fair for man , wife and children under 15 years $1.50. No charge is made for teams or saddle icrses to enter grounds. Where can 3rou more for your money ? STREET pRin AT On Thursday and Friday nights a street fair up town will commence at the close of the program on the grounds. This will be a warm proposition and it will be as free as the air you breathe. The streets will be illuminated for the occasion. Open air shows , tent shows and other shows will be in progress. A bowery dance wiil be touched off , merry will go round , the battle of Contetti will be on and the grandest dis play of fire works seen since 1776 will be sent up. - > rwrf VVS rv > VV * The officers of the fair are : J. O. Taylor , . President Thos. Finlen . Vice-President Tfl. -Parcel ! . Secretary W. D. Blackwcll . Treasurer F. W. Hayes . Supt. of Speed Geo. Palmer . ' . . . . Starter A. 33. I-Ianna . . . - . . General Supt For further information address ID. "R. Purccll , Secretary , Broken Bow. Dihcuasion led ) > y Siptur . Eloo. .1:00 : Addreaa by Dpucon Cures ? , of Gundy. Subject , How May Wo Induce Parents to Auuompiuiy their Children to Munbny School In Plttce of Sundlng them Alone , orYith Xomc-ono else. Discussion led by No George , of Cnniro. SATUltUAY AVriCHNOyN , AUGUST 31. U:00 : Prniso Service , led by G.V. . - Itunyan , of I\luson \ Oity. 2:10 : Letters From Churches. 3:00Vom : na Home Mission ? , by Mrs. Nc Ucorgu , of KfrBt l udell Church. 8:20 : WomniiB Foreign Missions , Mra. A. It Cornish , Associntionnl Sec retary. 8:10-Sermon : , Hev. b. 0. Cadwell , of Ixxli. 4:10 : Report of Committees , und Unfinished Hubluoea. Adjournment. - KVEN1NO SKSaiON. 7:45 Praisariorvice , led by Jus. Itobiu- son , of Lomtix. 8:00 : Annual Addreua on H. V. P. U. , led by Herbert Hall , of Mason City , Appointed by the Associa tion. 8:20-UoportB Vrom nil the U. Y. P. U'H of the Association. 8 30-Election of U. Y. P. U. OflicerH. 84D ; Sermon , Hev. E , A , Jlussell , Stntu Sunday Mchoul Mishionury , of Ord. Adjournment. ' SfKBAY , eiCrTHlllJKU 1. 10:10 PruUtt bervice , led by Deacon J. E. Hartford , of Hnnvell. 11:00 : Sermon , Uev. L. M. Goff , District Missionary. Adjoin nment. 8UNUA.Y AFTKUNOON , BHPTEMDUU 1. 2:00 What Should the Harvest be in Custor ARBOfiiation for 1801 and ' 02 and How May Wo Secure it , Uov. O. A. Huzzell. 2:30 : Christian Education , Hr. George Sutherland , L'roahioiU of the Grand Island College. Adjournment. I.O\V 81A.T TO 1.01TIHVI 1.1,1- : . Hl'ICOl.U. TKA1N MM KNIQ11TH TKMP- LAIl VIA TUB IIUKUNGTON. AuguHt 2'J to 20 ; only $27.82 , to LoniHvillo , Ky. , und return , for Triennial Uonolavo , KniglitH Tem plar. Uatoti open to the public. Spouial train for the acuomodati- on of KnightH Templar , their lamiloH and friondH will lonvo Burl ington Station , Omaha at 5.00 p. m. Salur-Jay , Auguflt , 24 ; arriving nt Louisville , 0.30 p. m , August 25. ItoquoHtH for roHorvution of borthfl on thiH train ahould bo in ado early. Write for KnightH Tornplar fold er just iHHiiod by the Uurlingtou. Dutailod information about rates routs , tickets ot eotorn , on applica tion to nearest agent , Burlington Route , cr by add reusing J Francis , General PanHonger Agent , Burling ton Houto , Omaha , Neb. 8-8 3t i : HILLS. llouso roll r > 5 , by J-'owler - , excusing the cnndldateH for to\vnshlp , precinct or Hchool dlHtrk't olllcen from tiling primary und i-lccllon oxpensu nccotmlH. House roll I ) , by Ihithorn , provld- Ing punishment for Ilk-gal voting In nny precinct , Bchool district , village or ward. Imprisonment In the county jnll not more than three months and : i line not to exceed ? 100 nor less than $125 inny be the Judgment oC the court for ouch oft'enee. TIio emurgciu-.v clausu Is attached. The bill reads as follows : "Any person \vho shall vote In any precinct , school district , village or In any ward of a city In this state In which ho has not actually resided ton (10) ( ) days or such length or time as required by law next preceding the election , or Into which he shall have come for temporary purposes merely , shall on conviction thereof be fined In nny sum not oxcedlng one hun dred ( ? 100) ) dollars nor loss than twenty-live ( ? ' _ ' , " ) dollars , and be Im prisoned In the Jail of the proper county not more than three months. "Whciwis , an emergency exists , there fore this act shall take effect and be enforced from aud after Its pas1 sage. " llouse roll 1110 , by Wenvsl , empower Ing the governor to transfer the title of a quarter of a section of land In Pawnee county to Frederick Ulrlcli. Emergency clause attached. House roll 51 , by Mend , making It a crime to threaten to accuse any per son of a crime or offense or to do InJury - Jury to tin ; person or property of an other with the Intent to extort money or pecuniary advantage , or to compel the person threatened to do any act against his will , and providing punish ment for the olfen o. It provides that uny person who shall by printed , writ ten or verbal communication , threaten to accuse another of an oll'euse or to do any Injury to his person or prop erty , with intent to o.vtort money or pecuniary advantage , either lor his benefit or for the benefit oC another , or to compel the person so threatened to do an act against his will , Is guilty of. blackmail , and be imprisoned In tlie penitentiary not more than three years nor less than oue year , or lined not less than $ i00 ! nor more than ยง 300. Ap proved March 20. roll M , by Crockett , providing that all damages caused by the laying out , altering , opening or discontinuing any county road may be paid by war except arf provided by section 4510 , chapter 78 , of the statutes. Approved "Throuirb the months of Juno find July our Imby wna teething and took n running off of the bnwelo and sickness of the stomach , " nays O ( \ M. Holllday , of Demimr , Jnd . ' Ills bowels would inovn from live to Hgbt times ft day. I bad a bottle of Chauiborlnin's Colic. cholera and Dlarrhoun Remedy in the house and jjavo him four drops In n toa- epnonfull of water and no got bettor at onca. " Sold by J' < 1. llfteborle. GONE HOME. Carroll Emma , daughter of John and Sarah Carroll , living live mllea east of his city parsed uwny on Aug. 12 , 1901 , ( Co 21yrB , Irno. nnd 28 days. Her ic- malns wore laid to rest on Aug. loth , 190) ) , in ttio Clear Creek cemetery. Her death though not unexpected waa a moat sad one to the community In which Bhe llvts. The deceased wus 3lck several months prior to her dentil with consumption , yet ehe bore all her sicknuea with patience and cheerfulness. She was of un amiable disposition and A \YORTHY SUCCESSOR. All Doctors Imvo tried to cure CAI'AIIRII by the UKO c-l powders , acid Kaeea , inlialurii aud drugs In paPtoform I'ooli powdtra dry up the muiuuins1 metnbr&neB causing them to crnck open andtjlecd. The puwertul ncido lucd in the inhalers have entirely enten away ( bo same mimibranuH that their mnbeis have aimed to euro , whllo prxptoa and nmlmeuta cannot reach HIM dMunto. An old and experienced prnctltlonur who has for many yeara matlo n close atudv anil specially of the treatment o"f CATAHliH. has at perfected treatment which when faithfully used not only relieves at once , but porman entlycuit-s CAl'AlUtll , by removing the ciuiBo , Etopping the discharges , find cnrini ; * ll IntUmatlon. It IH the only r niedy known to ccltiiicn that actually reauliCH the allhcti'd parm. Thin \von- dotful remedy la known us "SNUFKLKH tlio OUAUANTKKD CATAHRH CUUE" and ta rold at the extremely low price of One Dollar , each puokftgo containing internal md ( internal modi- clnu Hiilllclunt fora lull month's tront- niuiit and evurylhlu ; ; nt'cuxaary to Its perfect line. "SNUPKLKS" IH the only perf.-ct OATAKHII CUIIK ov.ry made and Is now recognized ntt ilio only safe and positive euro for tliat annoying and ilia- Kustlni ; Oisoaso. It cures all Inllama- tlou quickly and permanently and Is al o wonuerfullv quick to relieve IIA V FEVER or COLD In tun DEAD. CATAIUtll when neglected often loads to CONSUMPTION "Snnflles" will save you If yon use it at oneo. It ID no ordinary remedy , but u complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to euro Catarrh in any form or otago if used according to the dlrectlotm which accompany each package. Don't delay butsund for it at once , and write full ptirtloulars as to your condition , and you will roculvo special hdvlou from the dis coverer of this windorlul remedy rog rd- Ing your case without coat to vou hi- yond tbo regular price -ymiffing" tlic "Guaranteed Catarth Cure. " Sent prepaid to uny addrein in thr United States or Canada on receipt ot One Dollar. Addroan Dnpt. 1C 177 , EDWIN U. GILES & COMPANY , 2330 and 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia , waa loved by all who know her. Although strioktn down In the prime of u most promlpltig life , yet the great God who rules over all known best and 'thy will , not ours bo done. " "The Lord givolh and ( ho Lord Inkuth away. JMenscd bo Iho name of the Lord. " "I' Is hard to brink Ilio tourer cord , Wlivn love tins lioniul tliu heart. 'Tin linrd HO Imid to nppjk tliu word , Must nu foicvur jmrl ? Denrost luunmc Imvo laid line , In tliu pcnc < fill nrRvn'H oinbraro , Hut tliy inciiiorr will bi > clictlslieil , Till we HUI tliy lionvcttly Into. Call not iinck II in 1 1 our iloii Aiiilinri'd 8-ife wlirru Mm inn lire c'or , On din Itonlpr land we Inftthcin , Bonn In mcotnnd pu t no inure , Far linjnud tlilt worlM cit rlmiiKC' ) , Vi\r bnj nnd thin world l cure , Wn fhnll nnr inipglnj ; lovcil nno. In diir Fnlliti'H nmnslon fair. Oiio by ntiockrlh'n tlim nro Inokru Ann Bucour lovotlocnj ; And HID liojipe BU fondly clivrltlicil llrlczliten lint to iiasx u ay. Ono liy one our hnpue ( { row Lrlglitor At wo ueiirlliu HhlnliiK thoru , I'or wo know ncoaa the river Wnlt the lorsd ones fjonc Licforu Jopua , wlillo our hourls nrc lilccilliiK ' O'ttr Uiu itiollg that deuth Ins won , Wo would at thin milmnn imrting Cnlmly Biy , "Thy will boloiin " Tliniish cast down , vro'ru HOI foraakoii Tlioiich iinilcti'd , not nlonp. Thou dhUt ulvc and , Tluni hunt tnki-u , lllusied l.ord , "Thy111 lie ilone. " -M.A. II. Lot us repair your old organ so pen can try Homo of our now musio. & WATTS , P-Oi Store. 5 tf LJUIIK extracts at J. 0. Uowen'u. The liiws of health require that the bowels uiovo oneo t > nch < lay inu oue of I ho pt'linltlos for violating this Inw la plica. Ivi'i-p your bowels regular by Inktue ft do i ! nl Chamberlain'.i Stomach uiul l.tvi-r Tablets when necessary and you will m vwrhavo tlwt eevom punish ment Infili'ti'd ' upon you. l'ric'0 , 26 eontfl. Fur mile by ,1. 0. llncbcrli1. II lHi 'l the iiiaturlai Hint uot'M Into vonr rupulrudvateti Hint I" i > rlect \\o\u \ that does I lu buaitU'CH , any bungler can buy the tine kinds < > ( material tlnit I tn In repairing ; but skill U tha nuif-t valuable matornil Hint inn bu iHed In watch repairing : neil th hutiL'ler cnn't buy it. I oull my t'tili for wlmt It Is worth and ll will ooat , you Ies3 than bungling fit lovvor prlcOa. P.W.IIA.YKS , .lovveler and Optlcimi. NVoat pido of square. * $ + l * * ' l JXr * ' ' > Tri Steel Horse Collars 1 WEAR FOREVER. Unwell' * Adjiisinblo Steel Horse ( j ate tlu > most , tconomioil , us I in the most hnmtinn collar you can Imy. Hein luljuH'nbloin fiiz * at bot'i ' top nnd bottom , it can be iniulo f to fi * any horse. No huini'tuiru used , tue tun * fastonini. direct , to collar , thus Hitviiic ; tlin n < i > of lunu'S. They sin * pouilivuly guaiaiitcc-d to cans uajls or B'irtH ' on any horsp's flionlder 1 ami are the moat Comfortable collar I tlmt can b ) put on u hon o foi1 any BL-ason of the ymir. They save vono- hilf : the work of hunn-sBinn and un- as they go together at the bolt mi with an adinstablo clasp. They h.ivo been weld and rercommunded 111 every state in the union. If you give them UOdixi's trial yon will have no other , and remember that ONCI ; isoiicsiiT'riiCY I.A 'V W. A. COSLOR , Sole Agent for Custer County , West Union , Nebraska. V. O. WOHNA1.L , President. J. A. 1IMIRIS , Cft hler A. J. UOBEUTSON. Vluu-1'rna \V. D. ULi.CK\VHLL , Acp't Cashier Farmers Bank of Custer County , BKOKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts a General Banking BusinooB. County Claims and Wnrrantrt Bought. . . . . > : . .v l * * l ; l' * l : f " * v " J fc v ; rt " ' - v ; ; " * 1 y l " ' * ! " &Si $ ; . $2fe T m All partioM indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requeued ? r" "i ? to call aud nettle their account by caBh at onca. I must have J.- , money to pay bills , I cannot do buBiopaa on wind. tV.'i Yours truly. ' . [ ; " : Proprietor , jfl 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , ! ys : vrM ai : i * Mt\ fe : . . ! * % , t\- : . . .ittr.i'r.iMv.M' : ' iaft jiiHt received a Crate of Muakin White Granite gooda. Call the incc HoilH thorn. Why pay Exhorbitant 1'riooH for CouohcH that the springs will give > ut in a year whei you can buy the new coiiHtruution guaranteed 5-years 'or the Name price or less. Tables , LurnpH , Tiunblerp , Silverware , Cutlery , aud a Complete Line jf HOUHO Ftirnirihiini Goods at pricen that are right. Call and let me HIO\V ! yon new Goodn , Mirrorn , utc. \V 'Ht Side Square Broken Buw. Nobiaska. 'S Aoarloal of old wheat Hour. "Every sack warranted. STOCK of And are prepared to.Holl as G11KA11 AS THE CHEAPEST. iT , OVH nuiH MIIII ciiiitY IN Butter and l s taken in Kxchange. Goodn delivered to any part of the oity. Give us n trial. A. A. COLLOM.