Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 22, 1901, Image 5

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    f ] J. O , Shedtl mnrkntod a loud ofORB \ \
nt C.ulrtwfty todny
Mlsa Eva Wnilil npt m of Orlello , ie
spending the week with her HMtur Hire.
C. G. Empfield.
Mr. .InnifH Wnddiiijtlon , of 'B-rry ,
Montana , nccninpttuiod by hia brother
\\illlnin , of Clif , IH vielthip among
friunda in Unetor.
Fine uontht'r for tanking hay , but a
ppnkiiu > ii > would bo bunuficinl for
corn whh'h tla-ro is a much bettor crop
tluuivaa nntii'ijmti'il.
II. o , Donnt'1 II-M ir.vrs' " 1 in ono
liui'lii-1 urn ! lifiy ' i-t I npKCHt
tl'nt , > < ( < li H I'u' ' tiiH ir- I t > r their
b1 > tttnr may x ve bun tin j.iu I mi" .
Si-vtril ditvi Miii'n . MiUU-r 'wnrd '
Mi-fail wnti j-iHt'd from n bail ' Nay ,
dHnuiUnj * bis K'U urni at tbo I ow
nn.l brpakiii * Mo < "in l 'Ut"i Mu
I'lho'A JUT \viict. 1 . ) . Tullwr p'lii/lit-
IHM | ( Hit tli liink'i ' and ICli'ic wib bo
all iit'll ! t.liortlv.
( Omitted from Inn wee ! ; . )
B n 1C npfii'ld'rt two yo'ir o'd ' ' ifor
droppid twin cnlvo.n f-'rtttird.ay.
All Inw liixyinir , of which tboro 11 the
bast crop vw1 > itiu % hn 1 for many ye rs.
Tbo Ami ) nni1 mrri iv silently folded
their tontu tind tripped away nmlV. . A.
JackHon baa contracted to dolivur our
Mrs. J. H. t'enn infornid ui tbat
Cull it SlinuKflford and Ucusio I'ittnwny
of l.rokon How , visited there last week ,
nnii Mint's Gertrude and Virrcl Luntur-
nian epuiit Ftidny at tlin hostelry. .
Wo bave been favored with over an
inch of lain in the luat to i days n.viv-
int ; vgottttion. improved tbo
corn that ! H evidnnt , but bow much
none ate able to iletormmo. Some
claim they will have a full crop , but the
nioht coiucrvativi" put it from nothing
to llftcen bushels per acrp , and not "till
it in husked \vill\\e bo able to jet cor
rect timm-s , but there is an inunoiibo
crop o ( fodder which I au oal shouUl
be cut for winter feed.
Mis3 IvftUl ownutn is in town lor ft
fe\v dnvH.
Mr. Kd. Scott and daughterttladys
went lo Itroken Iio\v Monday.
Hurl EinpfiuUl IB about to buy the
hnidwarc Block of U. II. Smith. The
change will ho ininlo next \\oek.
AVe omitted to mention that Chailie
Jioilson uiul family aio now lesiilento of
Anselnn. They are living in the Kelly
iMr. and MIH. II. iv. Atk'myon nnd
Llisii Mliinehe went to Mernit Kruliiy lo
attend a furowoll reception at that plauo
givun in honor of Mr , and Mrs , I ? . J > .
Silver UiiHt plnycd center tield in the
matched j atno3of ball , and his ] > h\yini ;
w.tb eo Hlroir tlmt OtiicagotntH him
now. Hoas cairied up town on the
shoulders of the victorious nine. Ho
h in the eetond nine of Antelmo and ia
only fifteen yearH old.
Mrs. 1- . D.llkisaon and children ,
Mitres Ann Focte and Gertie Hidenonr
nnd Jlr. llollu Gordunnllof Meinncamo
up Monday cveniny and took the Tues
day morning llyer for California. MrH.
AtLitBi n i-oe. " tontay , F. D. will follow
later. The n"-t of the party are nnde-
cidcd how loiij ; llinir visit will bo.
.Several of tlio Aneelmo boya went , to
West Union and K.ugunt to oncngo in a
gnmu of IIUFU bill with the niuea of
those towns. The si-oru at West Union
wan nix to twelve in favor of Ansclmo ,
and at Sirgent , four to five in favor of
AnHflmo. Also a jjiinio between Ansel-
mo and Alinirn played at Sappont was
Jotir to live in favor of Aiiselmo.
( Omitted from Inxlrnk )
Mr. Ed. Hcott took a car load of cattle
to Oaialm Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Atkissnn went to Merna
S nudity to visit with relatives.
The inilroivl gradera uiinptsd in town
over Sunday going \\ay Wednesday ,
lr. Gatee , of Gates , shipped t\\o car-
loiulb of cnltlo from tbio point , Moii'lay. '
Bbvernl of our citizens w mt to Uroktn
15ow Sittnrtlsiy to at' nnd tl.o Uepnblicin
, | k j Mr. Hainard of O.illa way is now the
jl i city llaibor having rented tboiubop
formoly ot'cupied by ( Jeno Stuitli.
Miss Mury ISndwoll loft Wednesday
morning for \Valworth where Hho will
Btty Bomutimo visiting relatives.
MIBB Klfie RnlbiiiBoii , aneico of Mr.
Ed. Uruvoi came in from Misaouii
Tuesday to stay n few neeka with her
uncle and fr.mily.
MiB9 Janie Cooper of Itroken I5o\v over from 8 irgent Monday remain
ing over TueaJay to visit friends here
before homo. ,
Wo urn glnd to eeo it cooler though no
(1 ( doubt we will wi = b for Bema July
* v.'orttber this winter when Iho inecury
I ia trying to got down collar.
'L'he weather dry and hot r t tliia wril-
S , K. llfdnmn mnrketel hogs at An-
f selino on Tuo ! tjy.
* Oramlma (1 wards is very little , if
, | ' any bettor , and seems to bo growing
1 i Beaker daily.
Messrs. Qkillman and RJV. Gilohriflt
of liroken Bow , were on our streets one
dny this week ,
Mrs G.O. Joynor is spending a fen
days ia lliolu-n How this week.
Mr. f'hal ' UmptioUl and wifespentlaat
Snnd.iysitli ho father and mother Mr.
and Mrs Wnddlngton.
J. 0. Baker baa ordered more black
smith tools and will do tbat kind of
work rather than board with a steel
M. 1 < \ jSlanuenshipliad the misfortune
to loom ) ono of bin work hordes on Sun
day. This iu quite a loss as it le.ivcn
him with only ono horeb.
Mr. Hill ntul J. M. Fodgoattended th < -
supervisor eonnvention at An elmo on
Monday and helped to nominate J. F.
Urcchbuhl for another term in District
No. 4 ,
( .Omitted from lait week )
Miss Anne Whittle i < j at her home ,
Mr. J. J. Joynor marketed forty flvo
hogs last week.
Miss Ittdenour of Meinn , is sewing for
Mrs. G. O. .Joyner.
, J. Trention Davis is at work north of
Ansclmo , on a ranch ,
A party of Broken Bow pooplc were
in the valley , .Sunday. >
Mr , nnd Mrs. S. PJ. Baker diovo
to Borwyn Friday , returning on
Mr. and Mrs. K. I ) . Hunt , spout last
Sunday at H. W. Kellenbargers.
Georpo llngbos who worked with the
steal gang at Mernit had .to quit on
account of sickness.
Mrs Fodga spent several days at
Urokon Iow ? last week. Her mother ,
Mrs 15oyeo , is quite sick.
Grandma is again very sick
with a slight chance for recovery. She
waa taken worse on Thursday.
J. 0. Hakor returned from the Bow ,
Saturday content , to stay at homo and
chance living through the winter.
A number of Ortello's young people
attended church and Sunday school
at Maple Grove , Sunday afternoon.
U. F. Edwards lias gene to South
Dakota , to look about the ehanches for
threshing , with a view of shipping ; his
machine then * .
Mr. Waddington baa a brother from
Montana visiting him , whom ho has not
seen for a good many yeaia. Ho came
on. last Saturday.
The social at Mr. Fodge'n last Wednes
day evening was prouonrod a POCIO !
success. About forty people were there ,
A short program WHS rendered and
rcfersbments nerved.
Hiiiilcv Ittlii.
\Veatber fine.
Hay making the order of the day.
Ada Heaps spent Saturday and Sun
day at Ouster Canter.
Ollio Heaps who is working on the
steel sang was at homa Sunday.
Som of tbo farmers have a little
ornall grain they expect to thresh soon.
Gail Holcnmb left Saturday night for
Wyoming where ho expect H to find
Mis. A. G. Hockhac er and eluildren
of liroken low are vipiting hero this
lure , Jas Bnulbnrn loat a fine horEo
by being cut in the wire and blood poio-
on set in.
J. 0. Beniyor of Broken Uow was at
his is ranch onClear creek last Sudd-ay ,
be wad accompanied by bis brother , 0.
G. Bronizor
.1. M Loyd attended the Hosier re
union held at .T. Langs grove 8 miles
from Lit , hlield Although Mr. Loyd
loft Hoosier in 187H and t-amo to Neb-
r.iaka ho still realipes.ho is a Hootier.
( Omitted from laat week. )
Memo cprn looking fine.
Most every one mnking hay.
Wo have been bleEgo i with plenty o
r.iin the last weclc
Walter Loyd bad a fine mare liull >
cut in the wire Saturday night.
r.thol Wright of raster ( 'enter visited
friends bore a few days last week.
K.'V. H. A. Knight , of Broken Bow
proicheil at tbo school house Sunday.
Ollio Speaks who is working on the
Bteel g.xn near Borwyn KuiulayeJ at
Uov. J. K. Woods of Mason City
preached at tbo huhool house Thursdaj
e\ening. Mia daughter Katie , had beoi
viniling hero a few days and accompami
ed him home.
instate fair , 11)01. )
For thirty-two years patU , good
crops or poor oropH , tl'o Nebraska
Stuto Board of Agriculture , MHO to
ita duty , haw annually presented to
the pnbllo , at UH FairH the prodnotB ,
roHGtiroes and portabilities of this
wonderful young State , the llowor
of Now Wont , a region of country
known a few years ago comparative
ly aw a birren wasto. Those pto-
diuith hav. boon found , on adual
examination , without Hti eriorn any
where , both as lo quality nd yit'ldH.
ThiH v ar oorn and vogotnbloH , have
boon bully scorched , in floinu pnrtH
of the Is true. And yet , in
man } ' other parts , they are good.
Sinill grain never was hotter.
The Fair Management ia
riylil along with the Fair aa tifnal ,
lhH * ear , September a to 0. Have
jjronlly imtcoved the O'tl ' F ir
Grounde , tutjointnt ; Lhu-olti , lately
itiri'hnHpd by the State. A now
woven wire fence has buon plaeoif
the \\bolo nil thu
itoiin-i \ \ groiuiiit- ;
old btiildiugH have been repaired ,
nintod and put in the best onndi.
ion. Nineteen now , lar u and
'qminodioufl Llarim for HvuRlouk
lave boon uotiHtrtitttod. Wntor
rom Ctty Water Works in all partH
of tbo groudp. Kail Koatlp , both
) assi nyar and freight run into the
rotimlH. Kedttaed Rail Uoad pas
onger rat en from all btntiotiN in the
Stale , The Scurotary announoeH
hat tbo outlook for exlnbta word
icvor better. Lot tlin people all
ittond thiH great Fnir , and with
heir fnmilien Hpend a few days
eureation profitably and plcaHontly.
Letter I.IMI.
Tbo followiiifi in the dead letter
ist for thu woik ending Auj. . Ii5.
001 :
nlr. Tom Huntinc , Mieslurtrmlo
Craig , I\lrh. \ Albert Elliott , Mr.
lurry Kraticin , Lynn Ford , Mrs
lilla ll-irrw. Mr. S. K. Hanker , 'T
C. Meredith , Mrn. Luo Miller , Ed-
I.UIP , John M. D. Homo , Dr. John
time , Mr. Hurt Troyer , Gaorge
Vannicc , MIHH Minnie Vara , Llr .
Ashburti , Gertrude Voai , Blrs
jaurindo Sutton. *
Parties calling for tbo above will
) leaeo say advortined.
L. II. JKWBTT , 1 . M.
JUUE extraotn at J. C. IJowcn's
'M < ; < > < fl\Vortt.
" 1 had a nevero nttnek of lillloiiB oilie ,
jot , n bof.lo ot Oliamlierl'ivln'fl ColiQ ,
" "holern and Dmtrhoea Kemecly. Uok
, wo doHos nnd was entirely cured , " sayo
lev. A. A. J'ower , ot Kmporla , ICan.
'My neightiour ucrops the ptrret WUH
tck for over a week , bad two hollies of
icdlelno from the doutor. Ho uued ( hum
or three or tour dayj without relief , ao
iscbnrjred him. I went OVPT to sen him
ho next miming. Ho aaid bin bowels ,
were in n turriblo llx. that tbey hmJ been
minim ; off so long tint ( t WHS almost
I'oodv ' flux. I naked him IT bo liiul tried
Jhnmberlutn's Colio Cholera nnd
" > iarrhoaa Ilemody mid he said , 'No *
went homo nr.d btonght him nij bottle
nd gave htm ono do e ; toltl liitn tutnbe
tiotlu'r doart In llfteen or twunty nJii-
ets If ho did not Ibid rellof. but ne took
10 more nnd wan entirely enred. " For
ale by J. G. Huuborlo.
U. S. Land Office.
All nd'iirtNcinciitH uniU-i thl'i lic'idI1I he
Imrgi'il lor nt lui'iil rntiH , viSI.'W ' JIT h < | u ro
or lirnt kii'ertlon. and Sue jior tijutini ( r cucli
uljjfjuu ( t Insertion
A "Miunro" IH ii-n linen nr friictUin tlicuof.
UnltodStctiis l.ond iMUco. I
Lincoln. Ncli..Inly ai. 111. |
A eiillicleiit ndlilax It lm\ni | , ' noon lllcd In tills
Illcv liy WlI.l.lAM MOOItH. uoiitCMIUi.t , i.itliHl
Imljcr rultuti'untry No 7IS7 , ninilo Uclntiur ' - " . ) .
hS' ) . for NViJ e U nml S'i Ni' ' . furtun
lili | It ! , N. rnni'u JOv . liy Duiilul hinder , ton-
tfiei * , Inlilvh It IH HlloKt-il that ronti-bteu ImJ
iilltilto liruiik , jilnw or cultivate or filmit to
rt-i'H , HiCiln or ( nttlnf'H mi ) nf t.alil tnict for or
InrliiK tlin ypnrH of Ih'.i.t , 'HI. 'v"till ' ! ) T ' ' .H. "M
'M nnd hu" abiuuloiiutl snUl trnct. Tlmt no
nou of uny Mini are croulnjr upon cnld tract
nil thnt no i-lfort been made liy rontcsti-u or
my niio for Mm or In III ? Ini-rURt to procnron
growth "f tri'CB upoiiHfihl tract for lint piist u\y\\l \ \ \
ji'iir ? , tjilil pnrtlrrt arc livrcby nnilllcd to appi'iir ,
n-uioiiil unit olfi-r e\liK > nto tulichliiK nald allfLM-
IDII nt ten o'clock a in on August tlh , 11" I.
liuloro thtlii'Kiitrr ntul liocclvur ut thu tinted
Status Liui'l Oil oo in Lincoln , Ni'lirn lu.
Tliu KUld contcBt-int Imvin ? , In u iiropur iitUdn-
- II , llli-il July -M. UK)1 ) , Bft fortli facts which show
hat nftcr ilno diligence pt > t.trIro of HUH
otli-o i-fiiinot bo inniliIt Is In ri-fov onlurcil unit
lln < ( ted Unit Biirli notko liu ih en dun nml prop-
> r ntitillcatlon , ,1. W. .IOIINNON , Iti-Rl tur.
" -501 T. 1' . KhNNAUD , Ult'tlvCr
n the District ( Join I of Tusttr tounty , Nchraslin
V. Y. Whltmore , 1'liilntiII 1
v * . i
ilnK. MrLttiitlilin , nliol
.is forinorly IduU llurk , |
widow of Andruw J. Hnrk , {
Icucnecil. \ \ illiam llnrU , !
John Hurl ; , Jnck Hurl : , I
IlridKct M. Hnrk , liuirt > of I
Andrew j. itmk , ito. I
n-asctl. lpfunilint . J
To Jucl. IVurk , John llurk nnd Wlllmm Hurl. , anil
ilio unUnoiMi lu-lrs of Andrew J llurk ,
rcHt-Lil , non re fill ills
Yon , and uorli of ynn , will tiil.c notlnf tint on
thu L'Uth duy of Annual , I'Ul , | inliillll | Illul lus
petition In thu Diatrict ( ' ( vtirt ot C'u tur Comity.
Nebraska , iir ( ! uet Ida K Mrljiucliliii , Wliov 8
fiinnuly lila lllntk \ , wlch.w of ni'rcw J llurl : ,
iliceiiscil. William llurlc , J-diu llnrx , Jack UtirK
IIIHI lirldij'Ct M. IliirU nnd the unkMowu heirs of
Antln w J Hurl. , iluiseiiMd , thu ohj.ct anil i rajtr
of which nru to forodon ) a curtiiin inoriK K
i X'HUtPil by Andmw J Hu k ( now itccrnru im il
Ida U. ISnrK , to the plalntiir upon the following
di'Hi"lbml iireniifBt-H , vi/ . 1 h S. K M of Vottion
. 'lowni-hlplK , Ninth , of lmi u JJcnl of the
Oth , r. M lo secure1 ttn < payint-iit "f one protniH-
Rfiry not , listed April M , 1HU7 , for tliu HUIII i f
41.Y , 00 to ttlitr with Intuiust thereon at lOpir
( "lit anil duu and paid > lu on the llrut day of Ma >
It'll ' ) .
That then is now duo upon said note ami
inorlguKu , the HUIII of SITt ( H ) and plnintlff pruja
tkut r-uld pri-inUuti mnjr 'jo decreed tu bu fold to
futl'fy HID uniount duo thuru m
You ondc-aeh of jou uro inpilreil to nnt-wcr
mid i utltlon on or before Scptemlcr .lUth , 1UU1
bi. It HOICOMII HHOH , AtlH. for I'lalntilt.
In the Dinttlct ( 'mm of funtcr C'tmnty ,
tuel C. Jtumery , IVilntill , 1
MephenS Loy , 'willlnm I
Kuiinlniore , U Mcliityre ,
Hret lull nuino unlnnu n , I Notlcn to
rrunk II. Young. ,1. H ! NoireiIdpi
Kiuerson. Hrel full name i l > cfiwd ntH
unknown , iiml'MM. J 8. j
Kim mm , wife ot J H.
Kmernon , Ilrrt full nunm
l.oyvillinni 'Yimlmori- . H. lEm-
tlrst full immu iiniiUimvn , unit Mrr > . J. Sea
< oavlfcinl J. H. KmiTfon , flrnl full inunu
nnknoun , lu.n-ri'sideiit dcfi-ndmuti , will take not
leu th t on ( hi ) . ' 0 [ | > , din ot Ailgui' , 1'JOl , Kxcl C
Itnnary , [ dilntill liTolu llled HIM pctlMnn lii tin *
disJrlc.t cotiit or Ounter countyNubrii'kUiiluulniil
eahl ilefinduuta tbv object nnd prayer nt uhlch
are lo furt-i'liiiiu n curtain inoitKtiu ! t-xcoulul by
flcfoiidiint Hu-pbi-n b hay to tbd pliilDtitf nion
tbo ii'irtli-cmt qiinitcr Ci ) ot fee Ion No tueutv
o , e 'SI ) InlovMidhlp No. Hlxtrt'ii (111) ( ) north , of
range Nu tlhi Uiiht , to Bouiiri ) the | ) jm nt"inu (
crriain i roinlHory note duteil lunu I'lth , IKH.for
tliieum of filVU ) , due nnd paable June l'i ,
ISii'J ' 11ml thtro lo now due upon sitld note nnd
e tbo IMIIH nf J.iin 71 fnr uhkli sum with
fron tbu < lute plalntltl prays for n do.
cit'n tint defendant bn ri'ijul'iid tu par tbe "iiino ,
crtuat said pri tnlseit nmy bo po'd to eutisfy tbu
uniuHiit found duo.
Your are iniulrfd to answer Mtld petition on or
bvforu the 30 diy ot Su.itumbur 1WJI ,
IHtkKlAuiju t UUtti , 19 1
8 ! U tiUKL C. UUMBUT , I'luliitllf ,
United Statei Lmnt Offloo. I
t.lucoln.Nru. , AiiRiitt 13. 1POI. (
Notice U licroby glrrn that tlio followlni'-
tiAlnoil ( wttlor 1ms iKcd notice of bio Intontbn tu
innkK flnil proof In Mippoft f file claim , ntul
tlmt wild proof \ \ 111 bo nmilo bofoni .1 A. Armour
conuty jmlito nl liroken How , Wolir Vn. on
Snturdny. Rcptcmbt-r 1 , 1001. vlr : UKUU ( K
I'AIMNKAU , fi-r the NwV < NwJl , upcllon 31 ,
io\Misiti | | Id. north , rntiRe JO , wc t , tioiiicstcml
i-niry Mo irs\s
MII ntinm tln > followlmltnecfe * to jirovo hi *
u tliiuoim rcatdinicu upon nml cultivation of
* . i t Innil , viz : ThomaK TorRi-ruon , of llrokon
I'ow , NubrnBknt \ no N. Mnrcun , of llrokt-n
lli'W. Nebrnikn ; Hurry Mntcn" . of liroken How.
N'cbnifU , Donplni Miircim of llrokon HiiW ,
Ncbratkn 8-1MH ,1. W. JollNi-o.N , I
TinHlito of .Nt'lnasU ,
( . 'inter County.
In county rourt , before J A.rmour , Jmtun ,
In ilit ) mutter of the i < * tntiuif William 11. Full-
hiri , iiucoircil.
To l ho m'dltnr * lii-lrf , ami to nil who nmy
I'o Interested In the t-Mutu of WIIII.Mii 11.
I'lllUmM , iti-i-nni > cil
1'nkinotice , ( lint II , K Atklnenn , sdinlnlMrn-
tor of the nforoiiiilit eatiitp , Ima lllcil n report of
hlii doi | > ji fs such , nml n kn tint tlio uninu hu np.
pro * wl , nml ( hit tin hu itlsetmrfiCd from further
oullKnlloi s therein , nnd Hint the County Jinlm-
innKo Hiich order m to tbo dlpttllmilon ot the
nvHf-lK l i-loiiRlntj t' > until i-clatoMH nmy n-om just
niul cqnltnlilr , nnd In Hselqu tbu danur of tliu
\\iilnn lu-ri-lii doflKtmto I lit-lin s entitled to u
Hiuro In Hiild cPtutc , niul to Krnnt mich other rc-
Hi'f ftf mny ue dcoiM-d nucos'-nry In HID final lottle-
montof eiildcstuto. You will tnMilnrllivriintliv
thutllio ilepu ! < lllnns of Mnr urct Iliifllmu will l > n
t-il.rn before the 1'roimto Juilgunf HiintliiKtim
ronntj , in tbuhtnloot Indliinn , tit the olllro ot
f i d Jinline , ui tlin rotiiity Houliif nnld county , on
tinalli dny ot Sept , UHI ) , nt 10 o'clock n m
And Hint tboilt-puBltloimofJobn 11 iShlilcler niul
Im f-bide'nr will bo taken before thu nrobitc
jinlitof licpul'llr county , lu tbo ftntiof K < II A < .
lit Ilieotllcu uf Bild jmlgt * . nt tlio roiiHtv vrnt of
rnliiL'iuniv. on tbo 'uli ilny of fruptunihar , ISK11
ni 10 o dock u. m , in d tlmt nil iepo ! ltlont < will
rrfi-r to nn > And all mnller lospcttlui ; niild set-
llcni\iit , nml i-snu'clully to who the ludrs of eiilil
\\illininll Viillhiirl ririMind to whom distribu
tion of tlio na.-cts of HI Id CHlnlo cbould bo mtiilo.
i-ii d jtirtKei mo hi-iiiby coininlfSloiH'd to tnl < i !
> ! iul ncpo'llloris nml uro nntluirli'.cd to roullune
tin- inking of said ilcpoHltlons from ilny to day
until coir ploti-ii ( Ili-twi-i-n Jtlio Irtnirn of 10
o'c ock n m. nml (1 o'clock p. in ) Tlin lu-arlnj ;
on kind i/etliluii for lltiiil Ri-ttk-mimt ami deposi *
tlona bus lie-on fo for lirnilii ) ; on the oOth daj of
ft-pt. 1DOI , at 10 o'clock n. m , in the county
court room , In UioUon Uou , Nebrnnkn , ntwhkh
time nml pliico all pnrtlnH ! nton"Uid mny nppenr
nnd be Uoanl concernlnt ; thu mine
Dali-ilthh tilth ilny or Augunt , U > 01.
b - - ' 31 lfKAl.1 .1. A. AiiMotln , Comity Judge.
In the DUIrlct Court of Cuoter County Ncb-inslm
C .M.0bcrliol)7oi. )
1'lalntlir ,
vs Notice to Nou-r < > f < ldcntei
1) II. Wlllhme.elHl. ,
Dofoiuhintp ,
The defcndanlH 1) . It. Williams Mr * I ) . It.
\VIHIani8 , ble wlfn , It. O. WHIiiiniH Klkn Nny
WIlllaniH , K. U Davln , T. 0 Cannon , VV
Soars. W. I ) . Williams , and tbo He'lnncu ' Trimt
Company , will tnko n > ilcn that on the 9th dav of
AuKtifl , ID 1. thu plalntiir. O. iM. OborhollKur ,
flloil hln petition In the district uiilrt of Uuater
county , NetirtiDkii , nn lnet yon , and o cli of you ,
an the object and pmycr of uhich aru to forvcloic
i certain tux certlllcate tuned by tbu treasurer
if mill Cuttter comity , on tin L'UKi day of Juno ,
IbOil , of which thu phihillu i ? now thu owner and
loldor thereof , for thu ptini of SB'&ri and covvr *
ing thofollottliiKdcstrihcil preuloeH : Lotn 11 ,
! 2 , and lit , in li ock us of thu railroad addition to
llroKUi loNobrnsla ! , n 'd comity , nnd iijion
whlth ln.rt been tald "Hiilmi'iiuent' l-ix uifoIlowBi
On Iho''Hthdny nt , lnne , 1b9'J ' , for tlnyuarlfUH ,
tlinmim orS-7.00 On tbo I5lh day of .Hllv ,
I'JUt , for the > onr 1MK ) , the Hum of $33.10. On the
tnth dav of only , luui. for the yo'ir ' HKIO , the entn
> f JI , ' ! .r ) ; each of which anunuits draw 20 per
cent. Interest from their rcppcctivo datt-8 , all of
whh h ti d < i mid unpaid
t'lnlntitl jirays a decree of fsttc.loenro of anhl
certlliciit" and roculptt * and salu ot cnld pmnlfoH.
Yon am required to nnswer sulil petition on or
hcforu Monday , the. ! Mrd < < ay of September 1UOI
1'iUCil at DroUcli Uow , Nolirnek-i. thin llth day
of August , 1001. U. M OIMUMOLT/KI : : ,
lly AMMIA JIonoxN , llli Attorney B.I5 tt
Oottntv Court , Ctuter romitr , Nebraska.
To the belts nml next of kin of Joshun Krecliiun ,
llCCCIiacil ,
You tro boroby notlflrd < li > t K O. Htmrifor , it
creditor ot laid deceased , hm tiled liU petition In
enld court , nnklnK that llonry Kalley may b ap.
pointed iulinliilflrntnr ot the oM.itu of Joatmii
rrceinnii , docnmoil. 8 ld inatlor ban been tt
for lu-iuliiL' for Ht'iitcmtier lull. HOI , nt 10 o'cloo'
n m. , nt tin-county court room , In llrokon How ,
Ntbrackn , when all Inltrcs od pnrtlc * mny op-
penr nnd be benrd.
Tills notice It oriloted puldlftlird for Himcon -
BCCtillviwcnkn In the Cinlor Cnunty ItupiibllcAii ,
n wcoklv neuppnpcr , ptiblldicd ntul of Kcncrni
clrculntloii In i-ixld county
Dnted tlioMi \ dny of Aiiguot , I'.Hll.
8-iaU : J. A. AitMuuu , County Judio.
All | > cn > ona are hereby nollrtod not to dopoMt
any mannru or any olber instruction in or on any
public ruad In llrokou How Ummdilp under pen.
nlty of tliu liuv ais provided by nttuli ! . A line of
rut Ifi" than tbruu ( dollnrs \ nor more than ton
(10) ) dollnts mid thruo ( II ) dollars addltloual line
for eacb SI hours the ohitruotlon IB alloue.d to
Any person violating ( be aborolll bo prote.
lly order rf townshlii board.
S-l : u J , J , SNYDKII/JOVMI Clerk pro tern ,
In County Court , within and for Cuntor coutity ,
NebrnHka ,
In ( hu matter ot tbu estate of Unao Crablu ,
To the credltirn of nald eetato :
You are hereliy neil led , tliat I will * ll at tbu
cniintv court loom , In Drokon How , In * idd
count ) , on the Dili day of October. 1001 j on the
Uth day of Dpci-mbor , ll'DI ' ; on thu Dili day of
Keliruar ) , 11KC ; each at 10 o'clock a , m nf ench
day , to reeulvuiind cxamlni ) ah claims ngulnst
M\ld estate , \Nltli u view to thulr adjilttment and
The tlnnt Unilted for the preveiitatlun of claims
atnliiKt ; raid eituto U BX inoirhn from thu Dili
dny of Aiiai ) > t , MHll , and the time limited for tbu
p-iymuut of dnbtit U oneuar from cald I'111 ' duy
of Auyiint , 1SH11.
WltnepH my hand and tbo ei-al of gald county
court , this let day of AuguM , IW)1. )
J. A. AiiMoitu , Otiunty iludgo ,
88 4t
'onn i > eiiillntf n xUelrli mid description m.iv
rjnlckly n rortidii our opinion freu wlu-tly-r in-
tnvimllon M probnbly pati-iilnblK. ( oiiiiufinlcn-
( loinstricth-eoniuti ) llal. llmidbno'um t'litenta
oi-iit froi > . Olitoit npimry fortn'riiiin , t-ulnnlii.
I'lilmilii taken Mnnn CD. loci-lvr
n'fflrtl notlcf , whbont ilinnte , lutbo
A liandtnmvly IHii'trntnd wef-'dr. 1 nrttfi t elr
Filiation nf auv helviilltln Jinirnal. 'IVni'h , ? I , i
jrinr ! four niuntliH , f 1 , told liyull imw'ili'ilor' '
Job Printing.
Wbnt most people wnnt in .soinothliip ;
mild and eontlo , wlinn In need of n pliy >
Hio ( Jliruiiborliaii'd Stouuieli and Liver
TnblotH till the bill to n dot. They are
easy to tnke and pluixBiuiL In effect. For
Halo Iny J. 0. llaeburlo.
I'roprle nrn of
West Hldo iiuiri : ) , llroknn llotv
Nehri ; k > > . Ki-ntu Clnrkeon
l.tni'tiln I.iiundry.
I. A. lleneaii. Kusimis Anderson.
Rencau &
for Kent nml Halo. All
cluBsc ? of realty handled for rni < t-
era Invi torH. Tuxes paid for
Offloo , Main St. , Between < 1-th & Eth Avenues ,
lirokon Bow , Custor County , Nobrauka.
t. K. M. IIOGAN ,
Onlcu over \V H. Swnii'a ( liocory
HroKcn How , Nobrnnla.
\V. K. llAIJUK.I'rop.
For u Bochil I'nmo of pool. North
liroken How ,
titacu it Unlearnt ) ,
- I'or -
Columbia Byclcloo ,
Wlicolcr iV- Wilson , and
New llomu frtuini ;
llrokun How , Nurruaka.
o. " CONKAD ,
Dealer In . . . .
PuinpH , Wind Mills ,
Tankn , Kitting ! ? , ( aaso-
line Enginof , ute , , oto.
liroken How , N
r > yearc expt-rlenco.
Terms reas imble
Tolnphonu No. I-"J
Hruken Uou , Ntbrauka.
n\'H AMI >
CuimuollorH-iii-l.n > v.
H and 11 , Itealty llloclc.
Ilrol en Mow , Nctirawka.
Anyone \vleblnt , ' a now watch
luovoinenl lu an old cn u , cull on
Ili < | ialrri' of thu city. Located Int
itnor Miiilti poHtolllrn.
T D. ULAZlfl ,
Dealer lu
Uranllu , Korck'u tiud / lueilcsu
Ornamental Work a
Secialty. | )
llrnkrn Itow , N
All Un.U . nf Work Done.
Sutindicllon ( liuranteed ,
Crayon Work
lirnkun How , Nebraska ,
H.O HUTTOM Hiourlctor.
1 Flr lclnuorlc. . Hear Hooui
i of Hroki-n How HtUe Hani ; .
Ilroten How , Nubraikn.
jBitiiitf i ! fioute [ { TIME TABLE.
Lincoln , Donror ,
Dmarm , Helena ,
Chicago , Unite ,
St. Jononh , Portland ,
Kfinsnn City , Salt Lake City ,
tit. Ijouts , unit nil ban Kranclaco ,
polnti ciut mill nontti , nd All polnta we .
No. 49 VoMilmlcd oxprci * dally. Lincoln. On -
ha , Si. .Io ein , IUn s UJty , tit. Lonli , Chi
cnjjo anil All polnln unfit mm south,11 44 JI.BJ.
No. 44 Local oiprcsa it-ilty , Lincoln. Omaha ,
HI. Jorcjili , lumen ( Mtv , st , Ixjule , CldcoKO
nml nil points cast and south 0 li'J am
No. 40-Frelghl dully , lU\ennn , Uruml Inbiud ,
Aurora , Howard ami Lincoln 6 03 am
No.18 Frolglit , dally except Sunday , llaveun *
anil mtermullito point * , 1 t'&pm
No. 41 Vi-Btlbulutl cxprcps dally , Uolona , Beat-
tic , lluttu , Portland and ml 1'acltU Coatt
point * . . . ,4Dtfam
No.13iLocal oxprera dally , Alllaucu ana
InUirmeillnto point * l'J40tm
No , 4V ! Frelslit ilnlly.Mops only Anieltno Seneca ,
Whitman nnd Alliance 1068 urn
No. 17 Freight , dally except Huuday , Since *
nnd Intcrmeillnta points liS&pra
Sleeping , dli.IiiK nnd reclining ohalrcari ( scats
Irco ) on through tralnfl. Tlckcs eold and bag *
gaKu chocked to nuy point lu Hit United Statei
iiul Canada.
No. 48 h-ft mercliandlso care Tuosdayi , Than-
ilnyo HiulWaturdayn.
No , 4(1 ( will carry pasnor ncri" ( or Havvunt
Driind lelaml , Seward and Lincoln.
Information , imipHi Ilinu tnblca anil ticket
call on or wrltu to 11. L. Ormsby , agent , or J
, U. 1' . A , , Omntiv. Nobraaka.
H. L , Unufiur , Aront.
I'oUdi for west \vlll clo o at 8 p. m. , except
Suiulnyvliuu It will cloco atOM5 p m ,
I'oiu'li , east ( or train No. U iiloKnt at 8 a m
and fur No. 41 cloxOH nt , O..H ) n.m. Mall for AnnloY
and polntH east of Urand lelund carried on train
No. 14.
Ucnnto Tin of llyno ar l Tuckorvllle , dally ox-
cupt Suiidftclones. . A ( 7 a m : returning name day
Ciillnwny vlu , Mc'ICInloy dully except Sunday
cluu < < nl7 a tiii returning eaniu day.
Itontid Vnlk'T vlu tlrcou and Klton cloic atT a
m'ru ) dny , Tliuriday and rinlnrdajs , rctnraluK
BUIUU day.
Snnincr ylii Ournsoy , Georgetown and Upton
arrrlvo nt 1I..10 , Tuoiiilay Tltnredar ami Satur
day , roturnliiK limtco nt 1 ,30 porno day.
OiUoj liotirs from H.OO n in to 8.00 t > m. San-
days f mm f > : 15 p. in. to 0Mb p. m. Lobby nuou
ueek days from T a , m. to U 11. in. Bundava 8l : tf
u. in. to Hit. m. ( lenural dom-ory not open San-
day morning ax heretofore. L. U.JKWcrr , I'.ll-
Complexion ilcaiittlilcr.
Wo want every lady reader of the
llici'Uixr.iOAN to try Dwipbt's Com
plexion Uoautifior , the moat oxqui-
tiun toilut preparation. It is pure
and harmlttminakufl ! the faooflmooth
an vulvot nnd fair an alabaator. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a nbort time only Bond FJUCE a full
Hisr.o , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will HOIK ! UB her post ollioo ad-
dreHH Hilvor dime to pay for packing
and pOBtago. Only ono FUICU box to
eaoh addrcBH but ladioH may order
for their friendu. Eaoh box mailed
separately. Send thifl notioo aud
your order at ONOK to D. W. CUSTKR
&Co. , HuritiiiKlon W. Vn.
_ I
. . ,
Sooretnrv-TroftHiircr and
M bHxpotlenco aul iirnti-Bt
55 woik
A H. lIUAIl'lIKlfly ,
llrokun How , Ncbr.
lit ) . MAM.OV , 1'rop
All klndo of neil drl I < H. Heat
brand of clUHrt < . Firnl bnllilliiK
east of Kurinem Ilaifk.
Broken IJow , Neb.
Snd SUIrway Irnmvu < t eml In
lloalty lllnok ; runlilcncn , 3rd west
M. K. ehnruli , on humu fildu of
lliokcn How , Nebraska.
; jf riuiiH anil CBtlinateo on tbort
llrokon How , Nebraska
The Bent and only
Good Pl.iun in town tenet
net Your Byoiole Work
Byoiulo Sundrit'u , Etc.
Hroken How , N'ubrubVa.
T ,1. SNYDElt ,
Aity-at-Law ,
Notary Public ,
nnd .Iiutlco of the IViico Special
HllMil'nn Klven to colli-flloiH
rcpi > ! > lllim taUn , jii'iinlou vniicti.
i-ro neatly executed ami all Limit
of legrtl pupcr- written Olllcu In
tin rrur of Hunk of i o in mercu.
Broknn How , Nob.
I'ructlcu lu till Coiirtu.
Hrukoii Uow , .Ncbraatu
r lTY MILL ,
K.V. MCI.UH , Prop.
liyo Flour , Buck wheat ,
Gratinin , Food , oto.
M. DOlUtIS ,
tA , .
All klnilH of work In our linu done
nromptly and In tint-class order.
Itoil Hhop on thu corner woatoi
thu boso bouse.
HroVcn How , Neb.
EO. W. I10NTS ,
\Vo ilon't ImiiR wall piper for
15c , nor paint your houee wltU
any old iltltf ; but bunt material
nml workmanship timranteed. ;
! ' , . \V. MONTH ,
llrokon tlow , Nebraska ,
I'ronrli-tor of
Hi-staurunt& I.uncli Counter.
ImrKo anrortmunt of ( 'otifoctlou-
uMen , OlK rc anil Tobarcoj.
North bldi ) of Public ijuara ,
Hroktin Don , Ncbraula.
S. U. 0. A W. K.TAM10T
12 ?
Oilloo over lIuuberle'H I ) rug Store.
liroken How , Nubraika.
Oilier lu rear of tlio Ilmik of Com-
mercu. ldldencu Uth home west
of thu HitptUt Churcti.
Urokon Uow , Nub.
I Stenographer and
Notary Public.
Job Work a Specialty.
Oftlce tth Jftiiie * J-eawlcU.