Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 22, 1901, Image 4
k. . .I , rr > * ' gu01ct ( So * Vnbllelicd otcry Thntmtfty nt tlie Conuty Host 1) ) . M. AMSltr.UKV. . . _ J ta-OHlco In OuMor Ulock , Konrth Arc. ' Entered nt thn iKTCtntilco nt llrokrn How , Null , ni Bucoml-olOKn nmlU'r for Irnncmlprluti tliroiiK' UioU. S.MnllH. SOU8C1U1T10N 1'UlUli : Ono Y. onr , In R'lvmicu . ? ! * AM'KHTIHNU KAT1W Oiivrolninti , tier inoiiili , $7 oil. ( inc-lmlf c < il- umn , per month , 31 fti Oiinrur mlmnii , | ipr mnnth , SI ! WM \ * limn < | iiint"r ruliintu , 6U cents per lucli ( icr iiiuntli. Cttds on tlrel paKO , CO ci'iits pif Inolii t'Of ' ranntlt. , , bocalnUortlilii5 | c lii ! < ] > ? r Hue eiicli Inecr- Nollcoof clinrch fnlrf , nn.mi Ui > nml ditortaln- muiits nlicto money In cniitniil niii-.lmlf jnlcn . inlloiiK oiiu-lmlJ fJiti < . Soclct ) nollcua Einl nc. Wuihllngi otlo-8 rri'e. liaK i > tlntor i list of incfoiili ! . DcatlumttooA fr o , lialf prl for obitiKirynotlMB , nnd r irili "f UittiiUB. ptuvliltd liy s'utiltus of Legal iiottod't al ran THURSDAY , AUGUST 22 , 15)01 ) REPUBLICAN TltKHT. Comity. For Conniy JuJ c J. A. ALlMOUll For County Treastirur W. A. UlCORUli. For County Clerk G. W. DEWEY. For Itcgldtcr of Oecdf C. O. LIND. For County Supcrlntonilcnt J. a. W- LEWIS , For Hhctlfl 11. D. SULMVAN. For Couuty Surveyor F. is. VANANTWERP. For County Coroner A. E. ROBEUTSON. Townnltlp Ticket. 1'or Jiistico ot tlio I'oucu J.,1. SNVDER. For OlcrK OlcrKJOHN KENNOVTEH. For Trcnsiiror j. M. KIM'BEUMNG. For Aeseasor AeseasorW. . M. VANNICE. For Comlallu WM. KENNEDY. ForKoad Ororecor , District No. 1 L. CUSIliMAN. For Koad Oxiraccr , District No - F. A. BERTRAND. For Itond Ovcreocr , District No. ! 1- L. McCANDI.ESS. For lloail Overfcir , District No. I JOHN HOYSE. For Komi Omacor , Dlfltilct No.6 FRED ARTHUR. Tor Itoad U\crreor ( UUlrlct No. C HENRY UEEDER. For Head Ovcrtunr , Ulntrlot Mo. T- J.N. WEST. City Ticket. For Jaetlcu of tliu I'CACU K. G'SOHWIND. I. D. GLAZE. For Oonelnulcs L. E. UOLE. P. M. TOW3LEY. A convention of the republican leagues is to bo hold in Lincoln August 27 W. A. George , the republican candidate for county , troaBiiror , waf a oily visitor Monday. The republican tiokot is mooting , with favorable comment by the voters of Custor county. Hall county has voted § 100,001 bond for a now court house. Tin court house is badly needed. Gov. Savage has issued a proola mation calling upon all oiti/.miH t > observe Monday , September (2ud , a labor day. The Republican has no desire or inclination to make a personal campaign against the populist , nom inees for ( ho county otlices , nor is it necoseary. Wo will fool absolutely secure when wo have fully informed the voters of Ouster county of the good qualities of the republican can didates and instructed tin people on the principle that aotuaten and maintains tl.o party and pro. motes the prosperity of to ! country The name Sullivan is to the Boa. con an a red flag is to a mad bull \Vhilo II. M , Sullivan was a ropub. liorvn , the Beacon lot no opportunity pass to roast him. Since the Judg < baa become a pop and holds tin 'best ollico in the district the Boaoor looks down Us HOBO and sayn noth ing. But now the Beacon's oppor tunity has oorno- The Judge has t brother that is a republican and hit name 5 R , D. Ho has boon nom inated by the republican party foi sheriff , and ho can expoot to have tc boar the brunt of the Beacon's edi. torialH through this campaign ai the name Sullivan to the Beacon it as bitter as gauL Last week wai roast No. l. "Tlioro IH n strong sentiment iiunitiBt third iorniH. It in nil intel ligent nuntiniGiit anil IH stionji ( . tough to any cnndidalii tllHt pllOCltB till ) BiMIBlbllUieH Of tilt people by ; itlomptiti ( to be elected to HII oflicu the third titno.Boa - con. Art ) wo to in fur from the above lliat tlio Beacon in not nupporiing ,1. K Drnn , tinpop nominro for judge. Ho is llio Only man on llio pop ticket that linti hold two torniH cif olh'uo in tlio county that now woks a tlnnl term. It ban not boon iiiiny yours union the Beacon mip. ported II U. llimt , with all the vigor at itn command , for a third term , and ho was elected Hololy up- DItho Beacon's Htpporf. Hut whether I lie Beacon intendB to tuip- port Mr. Uoan fora tliird tonn 01 not , tlio ahovo quotation wan not intended for Mr. Dean. Wo infer it was intended for Judge Armour , Lho puopluH choice for county judge ind who was unanimously endorsed by the ropubliunn county convcn. Lion. Had the republican convon- Lion believed'that Judge Armour was not tlio choice of the mnjorit.v > f tlio people for that portion ho would not liavo hopii chosen. The republicans of Cusiur county reek Lo servo the boHt interests of the public in all of its transactions , Wlien they liave a man eminently inaliliod for a position and his nomination in demanded by the public , they do not allow si few ringleaders loaders of the party , dictate to the jontraiy. as wan done in the uom- inattion of the populiat ticket. The republiuan party is the author of civil service reform and instead of turning down om for perform ing his duties faithfully and honor ably they piwtit" the opposite. No merchant , iai lor or banker , turuH off their trusted employon simply bucuuHo they have been loyal and faithful ono , two or ton years , for a now nnd untried man in bin place. Judge Armour has been faithful and true to the tnifet confided to him and for that reason liiri rcmonination wan de manded by republicans , populists and democrats and they will HOO to it that ho IB re-elocted with an in- oreaHod majority. But the pop nominee for judge has no grounds to crow over Judge Armour on the third term twaddle. Doth have nerved the county two terms. The opposition paperti hope to prejudice the voters of CuHter county anainst the republican nom inee , J. G. Lowifi , for county superintendent - intondont , by insinuating that ho is a "non.resident. " The grounds for the insinuation is that \\hilu ho at tended college at Grand Island for four years , and last year when ho taught at Miller , ho was not resid ing in Cutter county. Neither Mas Congressman Neville in North IMatto while ho wan residing in Washington , nor wan Church llowo residing in Nebraska the four years ho has boon counsel at Sholliold , England , but their oiti/.onship re mained where they formerly resid ad. Evoiy year , with ono excep tion , Mr. Lewis lias voted in Bro ken Bow and his vacations have beun spunl in Ciihtor county , either teaching or other work. Ho lias always rogarilod Ciialcr county his home , since ho , with his parents , located on their homestead in this township twenty years ago. If ho was a resident of Custcr county when ho came homo to vote , ho certainly is eligible to hold oflieo. Out shonldho have lost his residence by his forced temporary absence , as is claimed by the opposition , ho has loon a resident of the county long enough sinso ho oamo to BroUon Bow the 1st of Juno , to have re gained U. The law only requires 40 dayn residence in the county to establish a residence. More than that time had elapsed sinor ho oamo biok to CiiHtor county after ho closed his school at Miller. Again , the law provides that the intention oi the party determines his eligibil ity. As ho had not been absunt from choice , but for the sole pur pose of gaining a collegiate eduoa. tion and afterwards touching where he could gel a position , it cannot bo claimed ho had lost his residence uiilohs ho had HO elected. This hu did not do. His competitor not I only attended school outside of the county , but , also taught outaido of the ooiinty as his Mr. Lewis. Mr. Murray may or may not have tax able property in thn county. But that docs not bettor qualify him for the position of county superintend ent. No doubt there are hundreds of men in CiiHter county who have more taxable property than Mr Murray , yet are not qualified for the ollico of county Hiiporiiitondont What wo claim for Mr. Lewis is that he is eminently qualified for the olh'uo for which ho has been nominated. That bin qualifications * have been toetod for the past three years 'as instructor in Custfr county's Bummer schools or itiBti- tutcH. ' 1 hat ho IH a young man de serving of recognition bocauoo of his iioblo character and splendid ability. That ho is a resident of the county ami had been forty days prior tn the date he was nominated and that he is eligible to fill the ofh'i'e for which ho has boon nom inated. With thine qualification * in his favor no intelligent voter will bo influenced to vote against him on the groundless intinuationu of the opposition. Let us see. " "Let us pee. They have pardon ed Bartloy and Bolin. They have burned up the penitentialy and lot several convicts escape. " Beacon. The above would sound very well if true. "Let in BOO" how much truth is in the statement when appli ed to the republican administration. Bartly has not been pardoned and the chances at the present is ho never will bo. lie was paroled for sixty days by Gov. Savage , on cer tain representations of which the public will know in detail soon. The terms of the parole are such that will when made public meet the approval of every fair minded man in Nebraska regard less of his politics unless his political preju dice over ballances his judgment. If thoao conditions are not complied with , least in part , Gov. Savage is the man who will BOO that Mr. Bart loy ia remanded back to the pen on the expiration of bin parole to remain their , while ho occupies the oxeautivo chair 'Iho charge "they have burned up Lhu penitentiary" is too silly to require notice. Kvoiyono knows that there could bo no reahon from a political or financial stand point that such a conclusion could bo held. Further the author of the above squib knows , as does every other ono who reads the newspapers that the burning of the penitentiary was acoidently caused from adefic- tivo wire constructed and used by the fusion administration. The Bea con from the same hypothesis would say that J. B. Usbourn , the populist county clerk burned Ike Uonoau's house on the reservoir hill last winter. Does the Beacon HO charge the counly clerk , when it caught from a doveotivo flue. "And let several convicts escape. " From this wo are led to infer that republi can guards at the penitentiary have boon oaioloBS and failed to porforn their duty , The facts are that the guardi from whom the convicts escapee were "hold over" fusionifltB , who had hot been discharged by the republican administration. Those escapes wore employed in the bakery ory department of the penitentiary and wore under Tom Slattory , the guard on duty at the time of thei eBC'ipe. This man Slatlory was a hold over pop. Ho had strict orders dors not to give them any oppor tunily to osoapo. Wbilo ho wa eating his meals ho was instruoto < to have those under his charge Hi on the opposite side of the table that ho might continually have then under his eye while they were 01 duty. Yet ho lot them canape. This being true , popH , who are re sponsible for Slattery'B appoint ment to the position of guard are guilty , au.l not the republicans. Their escape may have boon an acci dent or it may Imvo been intention al , but in either case the republican party is not the guilty ono. We arc inclined to the ohairtablo view and do not obargo Mr. Slattory with a premeditated crime. Yet ifa crime was committed the fusion party and not the republican party ib guilty , AH for Holin , the Omaha city treaa- ' ; ' < . ij ii' YV l * ! l "ti.w > r v. / * * ' VV * ' * ' ? .1 ( . 'H' > vtf" . V. ' l yc vjif < . ' * . 'V , v < ' .I l-'f , ' . * ' < ? COM GOES TO A BUT s Co Down Wo are going to Close Out Our Hats and ( Japs , Boots and Shoes , And DIOBB Goods. Sale starts Monday , and will continue aa long as there is a pair of pants left. Come early and got a good thing for a \ . Broken Bow , Nebraska. ircr , who was pardoned by Gov. 3otrioh , wo know nothing of ho extenuating circumstance ? . lo was a city ofh'ohl and it was ipon the petition of the citizens of Omaha , who knew the case person ally that influenced the governor to exorcise his executive clemency. Wo are informed that the petition was not a political ono , and was igned by representatives of all tolitical parties. OFMCIAL CALL , 'liainiuui LlmUiiy Calls Itcnuhlicnn Contention. Lincoln , Neb , July 19 , 1901. -'ho republicans of the state of Ne- H'.iHka arc hereby called to moot in onvention at the auditorium in the ity of Lincoln , Neb , on Wodnes- lay , August 28 , 1901 , at 2 o'clock n the afternoon , for the purpose of > lacing in nomination candidates cr the following olh'orB to bo voted or at the next general election to > n held in the state of Nebraska , on November 5 , 1901 : Ono judge of the supreme court ; wo regents of the university of the tate of Nebraska ; and for the ransaction of auoh other business as may regularly come before said convention. The basis of representation of the heveral counties in said conven tion shall bo the vote cast for lion. John F. Nesbitfor presidential elector at the regular election hold OP November 0 , 1900 , giving ono delegate for each 100 VOIOH or maj or fraction thereof , so cast for said John F. Nesbit , and ono delegate at large for each county. Said ap portionment entitles the several counties to the following represen tation in said convention : It is rooomomdod that no proxies bo allowed in said convention , but that the delegates present thereat from each county bo permitted to cast the full vote of the county roproBontod by them , Notice is hereby given that oaoh of the even numhori-d senatorial districts in the state is to select a member of the state committee to servo for a term of two years. ( Signed ) II. C. LINDHAY , Chairman Republican State Com. mitloe. JOUN T. MALLALIUU , Secretary. Low rates lo Mm-ola. IU'lmii.K'a Slate rah- September U to t > , the Burlington Route , will sell round trip ticktta to Lincoln at half rates , plus 50 cents for admission to Slate Fair. This will bo "tlui big bhow. " § 18,000 has been spent this year in permanent imdrovemonta on the fair grounds. $30,000 in cash prem iums , All entriesexcept speed froo. Ask nearest agent. Burlington Route , for further informatio-u. I,0\V StA/r i TO 1.0UISVII.I.I2. BPKCUL TRAIN YOU KNIGHTS TUMI1- l.AR VIA. THK HUKL1NGTON. August L1 to 20 ; only ! ji27 82 , to Louisville , Ky. , and return , for Triennial Conclave , Knights Tem plar. Rates open to the public. Special train for the acoomodnU- on of KnightH Templar , their familes and frioi'ds will leave Burl ington Station , Omaha at 5.00 p. m. Suturlay , August , 21 ; arriving at Louisville , p. m , August 25. Requests for reservation of berths on this train should bo mad * early. Write for Knights Templar fold er just issued by the Burlington. Detailed information about rates routs , tickets ct cetera , on applica tion to nearest agent , Burlington Lloute , or by addressing J Francis , General Passenger Agent , Burling ton Route , Omahn , Nob. 8-8 3t Lot tiB repair your old organ so you can try eomo of our new music. & WATTS , P-O. "tore. b.15 tf THE HOME GOLD CURE An IiiKfCiiiouH Treatment Hy WlilcU ikriiultiirclM are IleliiK Cured j > nli > lit Spite > < TlieniHel\uH. No NuxlotiH I OHM. . MU iVeiilceii- ItiKTOftlie rSertes. A 1'lean- iit mill F'oSUIve Cure Kor llie J.njuor Maim. It IB now Kunurally Known and under stood thru iJnmUonncsp la a dueoiiHo and not wotikm'ef. A body Illled with poison niul tii'rvea uomple > ly fltiHttertd l > y periodical or oonatunt use of iiitoxienlini ; linuori ) , rciiuiroa uu itiiudott ) canable ol nt-utrali m aud eradicating tlilu poison and doatrn > it'n tin * craving lor mto\- icimia. Hulfera may now euro tlum- nelveH at nome without publicity or lots o ! tlini ) ; rom biibiniBfl ly this wondoifid 'IIonie Gold Cure" whU-ti line been per U'cUd utter iiwny jearo of olosa study and treiitment ot inehrntcs. The fuUli- iul UPft nccurilniK to the dircctio-JH of thlH wondoilul illecovoty Is positively KiiMtintuud to euro tlio mnot obatinnte cube , ni ) matter how bnnl a drlnkor. Our ri'oords btiow tins umrvt-UiH traiiP- ferniiillon ul tliotirtnuila or luiiiiktirilH Into Bobnr , tiuliiatrious und upright men. Wlveu Cure Your IliHbnmh. Ctilld- rou OHIO Your Fathers. Thin remedy IB In no HuiiHn ii lio-tiuin hut ia a bpeeille for this dlhi'HBO only , mid ID so skillfully dovlBtd and prupnved tlmt it IB thorouKh- ly Holublo and pleasunt to the tRhto so that It cnn bo given m a cup of left or oolloo without thii tsnnwludge of the per- uoii tnkinc it. Tlioiionuds of Drunkards htivocimd thoineflvus " .Ith thtsprleeloes rotni'dy , aud us many more have boon cur'I and inudu totnpor.iti ) mun by Imving tlio " ( Jure" admlniHterul by lov ing Irienda Mid relutivtM without thulr knowledge la colleo or tin , nnil behuvo lo-day Unit they dltcontitii'd drinking of tlioir own free will. Do Not Wait. Dp not be deluded by iippnruut and mislead ing "improvement. " Drlvo out dtpeuBO at oitcn nnd for all time , The "Jlomo Gold Ouir" \ * weld nt the oxtrMinoly low price of Ono Dollar , tints placing within reach of oviirybody a tioatiaunt mor t'lTcclu-il tnan othiTH coating $25 to ? r > 0. Kull iitroctlonH accompany t'tvch paekago. apoolal advice by F killed pliyNluiann when ro- qui'BUd without extra eliargo. Sent piupald to any purt of thu world on r i' | ) t of Ono Dollar. A < ldn * DHD M m.EPWlN II. GilesitOOMPANY " 330 and 2WJ : Market Street , Philadelphia. Alloorreanuudouco fctriotly eoulidotlal. IJusiness Pointers. WALL paper at J. C. Bowen's. Job printing at this oflice. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilknib' drug store. PURE breakfast foods at J. C. Bo wen's. NOWH Galore ; RYKUSON& WATTS. 8-15 tf If yon intend to build call at Diorks Lumber Co. and got prices PURE spices f-jr pickling at J. C. Bowon'fl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pepsin Gum , two packages lor a nickel at WILKINB' PIIABMAOV. Dierku Lumber Co. has in stock a car load of fine cedar posts for the trade. Dr. T. W. Bats , dentist , eflice northwest corner of lioalty block. 8.1 tf FOB SAUC ou TnAuit Town lota and a few tivo aera lots in this city , for cattle , horsca or farm land. feb28 tf ALLAN UKVNKII. ALL KINDS of Nut and Fruit Candies at Walteis Candy Kitoh- en , U doors north of pOBtoflico. G-2Q tf. _ If you have ranches , farms or city property vou want to sell or rent , list them with J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , Nob. 4-1 Mf Farms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to not a farm cheap. as the cheap farms are all going , and prices are advancing rapidly. J. tt. The old and reliable firm of Diorks Lumber Co. is the place to go for lumber or coal. A good supply aud grades to moot the wants of their customers are always in Htock. 321tf You can save money by ordering your reading matter through the llici'tTiiucAN. Wo can furniHli you nc-iny all the papers and magazine lor leas tlmu publishers prices. MiUIT jar lid and rubbers at J. C. BOWCU'H. "My buby was tt-rnbly oick with the dlarrhoi'H , " Hays J. U. Dimk , of Wil liams , Oregon.Vu wore unable to eure htm with doctor's assistance. , and as a last resort WH tried oliaaiberlaln'a Oolie , and Diarrhoea Ueiuwly. 1 urn happy to my it gnvn iiiimediato relief mill n complete cure. " For oalii by J. ti , Haebuilo. -if To TIIIC DKAV A rich lady , cured oi i i DoaftioHH Noised in the I load by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial 15-ir Drums , gave 825,000 to his In stitute , no that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums , may have them free , Address No. D 148 , The Nicholson Institute , 780 , Eight Avenue , Now York. jan3 ly "Throuiih the montha of Juno hnd July oar buby wau teething and took a runnlni ! off of thu bnWe.lB r.nd sickness of thuHt miioUl BiiyBO. . ' . M. llollldiiy , of DHiaiag , rml. "Ilia bovela would movi from live to cignt timoa a day. 1 mid a bottln of Chainborlain'a Oollo , olmlinaand Dlanhooa Itutnedy in the houao and gave him four drops m u toa- Bpoontuil of water and no got btttor at onoo. " Sold by Ji. . Haobarle. ) A New Line of Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons , and Farm Wagons. G , W. Apple.