Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 22, 1901, Image 2

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Custcr County Republican
Bk H AMHUKIlttT , K.tUor n > \ r WU in
Borne of the world \\orst
c t vaughl o t In the rain.
The fftvttrtttt s
nmivy of the other prfe * io s. Is
Women are sttld to lx plmuiinit s bll-
Uon ollnr mlulnp tr M U is under-
tiHHl the Rh\r\ ! will IH > nwk.M dawn
to W.
Th XPW Yorfe * an who h s "Wed
Sap * for $ i.\VtVX > ouuUt to \ > *
l ltUM If he re ! l.v extwls to
Ct nnr of It.
Ciar NtcM < has p r l > nHl ) a lot of
atudcnts. If the new lb.v hsd IKVU
a Iwy he roltht even ha\e turwwl a few
There * re t\\v dlft'erwit Wwds of me .
Give i > r plr < * of n pi > nd he will
hang hlrn lf ; jlvt < a ! Mtlr plwe to
tlie other and he will fw > a cordage
tns t.
After A maw PHS ahpad o the extent
of a million or two h < throw s away the
jxvkrtpliva he parrM for luck and
claims he won through sheer ability
and iH > r > evtrawce. !
The man wh > gl\es away a million
dalLim has CM > ! to be a wonder In
this country , but w b 4levo that Kits-
ell & \gv o > W still ctiKito a P.HM ! deal
cf excitement by striking out on that
ltd A.
A nmn In Tenm > s-oe pv t four conls
of wtvhl. tkreo cnllims of honey and
fire eons fr\Mn a single tree. "Take
care of : he fortwus If you want to get
rich. " comments the local paper which
announces the man's gtunl luck.
Ttiere are three times In a bashful
asan's life when he feels that there Is
rcry little for him to stand on when he
aiJts the girl , when he goes to see her
pa. and when he U s to tell his friend *
t&at the mother ami child are doing as
well a * could be expected.
Condensed Into their smallest possible
tl\ace , Mr , Rockefeller's notions of how
to pet rich amount to the sayli'R tha *
7 n must live well within your Income
ami Invest your saving's In something
that Ss certain to pay. Without going
farther Into details , we take occasion
to add that thousands of Americans
are trying their level best to do exactly
what the millionaire counsel * , but not
aH of them manage to succeed.
Kaljw Is martial even In meta
phor. He wants his subjects to seek
aew places In the world where they
* * nsay knock in nails on which Ger
many's armor can l o hung up , " Hut
tfee Kaiser's subjects , more concerned
about material thlncs than metaphors ,
arc content to seek , delighted to get and
ahrcwd In keejiing new markets.
Growth of German foreign trade con-
ttaor * to astound .commercial Interests
K&d to alarm Great Britain.
fanner's boy who drift * to the
tty dnds. In niae cases out of ten. Ir-
work , a dingy little room in a
street , food that he would have dl -
In his country home and irresls-
ifcte tetnptatioa to spend every dollar
which he can get hold of. The city Iwy
reaching the country finds just as ban !
and loog-er hours , but work in the
air and sunshine , with comfort
able scnwitxllngs , pxni food and all
tbe social stathilng of which bis char
acter makes him worthy.
Jin old zaaids * insurance company has
ben cc-ganUwl In Denmark which , for
* certain prernlua advanced annually
xettl tbe insured ? irt IsW year * od.
Itself to pay her a peastoa the
cf her life if sie remains nnmar-
at tbe cJ < of the perforL Any
who fears for ber futare will thus
fee laser * * ! apaiast neglect on the part
{ din. Wbea it coaes to dealiag with
tbe beet * , bowerc-r. HKi t woai o kaow
tboe Utti arts sia : reader be ? fully
Trade relitions < 2 aei xlway * pre-
f , bet latera&tioaal oamwerce
r t iv-i dawn th- war
Tbe apprefcafV ( that it i b t-
ter to trade with pr-opi * of aa ta K-
eocstry tboas t Eht tbess secessarily
far i a < v. It wQ WK stxad
tic f. p ! ir fnry that rlts
frees real * r c fme I lajoritw. but It
tW iaSicti a of ; och in-
lb - croTTT
fell * ilSIl * * * Uliap * JO it *
< oa > u Bj. > ? Yof * OtT
ja s amittw lai
r awe lj Abstiwy It la
xataa < ( CtirtfT # Tay , b j Jfctie 2
4L Biatr 4rt rs ow. It fee-
.tawt tfce buisriaVii H r M-
< ttttvina Q JILT-
TflSWt | * ttai la si * Is
-4i' :
wllhJiU'h nt
rv | rtwl , IN miui \ tiiiti' | of tlolny In In-
\tMitum. A rv yonr after tlu luwHiitf
of tt)0 IMIgrliUH , Mr. Jolin WIIUM , wlio
ftftt'Muml married slstor of Ollvoi'
I'numvoU , pultllslitMl a work In which
in * * l Itns \n \ f > tll > h > ( o nwfcp n "tly-
ins . 'Iwrlot Invhl -h nuut nitty sit. nrnl
Kt\r such n motion onto It as slmll coney
\oy him tlinnipli the nlr. Anil this" . i < cr-
\\n\K \ \ , mlfclit Ito nimlp Inrpo cnnncli to
i curry divers men nt I ho snmc tlmo. to
jrrthtT with footl for tlirlr vlntlcum. and
wiumoiUtUm for trwtllo. " The MIKM'-
lion of trmle sltlo to air tnm'l points
to tlitt remote | w Htlllt.v of a tlylni-
innuhlno oomhlnntlon which \\lll con-
trvl the "nIMIncs" of the future. At
iwrojsont tlmro Is no reason to lu >
nlnrmed. The lmine. | > s onportnnltlcs
of the region ovorlumtl are still o ou
to all.
eooklnc tuul oed nnrxlnc Imve
raved auw lives than medicine. Kiv-
eent dlsimiches from Uerlln state that
In Germany reeking schools have boon
cMnhllstitHl when * the up to-date doctor
m y jw back to the peed old fashion
of icnrnlnt ; the culinary art. Medical
npcris tell us that medicines cannot
mve the l < esl results when a patient
ucks proper attention niul care. The
fnmlly doctor may proscribe a diet , but
\lrnt use Is his prescription If It Is not
iroporly pre | ared7 An Important thliiR
lint the general public , ami often pro-
fe > Monnl nurses , don't seem to pay
Mtoujrh of attention to. Is the stomach.
Vhat orj n Is the chief source of sick-
> e , < - < . The Inttewlny physician flnda
nit what the patient had been eathiR
before he arrives In the sick home , nml
elnuipes the diet. Nature cures with
he doctor's aid. The man of medicine
ms studied nature nml knows where It
ins been aluned. He sujwsts remedies
which. If carried out to the letter , are
bonetlclal. If properly cooked food la
Hvossary for the recovery of people ,
\viiu , miiiiv ; mi ? ii\\s v
forvtxl to sick beds It should be given
hem. and the physician should see that
they pet It a < ordered. If cooking help *
a medical man to cure his patients It Is
professional to understand cooking *
There would seem to be about ns
many different prescriptions for win
nhis Miross as there are recipes for cur
ing a cold. Although the speakers who
have been addresslnc young men nt
ehool or college commencements agree
on one or two cardinal points , almost
all have different rules to offer. Very
few agree as to which factor In n
young man's character or conduct 13
uuv-t necessary to Insure to him a sue-
ivx-ful enreor The reason for the di
vergence of views Is easily explained.
The inau who has attained success In a
certain way naturally believes that his
way Is the best : Just ns a person who
has boon restored to health has more
confidence In the remedies he used than
In any others that could be suggested.
One man has had a college education ,
and believes that It was that which en
abled him to make use of his opportune
ties. Another man has had but llttla
schooling of any kind , and submits that
his success Is due to the fact that ha
started Into business as a mere boy.
One man has made a hobby of punctu
ality , and another has made the prac
Uee of frugality the foundation of hU
code of conduct.Vlth so much good
advice to consider , the young man who I
may be plannlnc a career has rather an
embarrassment of riches , but he will at
least be < afe In accepting the obviously
wise lesions offered him. and for the
rest keeping in mind that the problem
of career-making Is never twice alike.
Opportunities differ In every case , and
the differences In temperaments , tal
ents , bent of ndnd and Individual
diameter are even greater. It is true
that Industry , perseverance and ear
nestness will accomplish much , yet
there are Instances In which all have
been employed without success. On the
other hand , there have been cases
where success has been won with only
a modicum of thee fiualltle * . A < a
general rule. It may be set down that
a certain high native energy which
some men have and which others have
not is the compellins factor , and
whether this quality of force can be
cultivated where It Is not Inherent Is a
HO tkKu Tbov * who have tbU quality
and arv aWe to keep up the enthusi
asm tor tfceir cb& * n work do not ned
; hunt for secct-s upon any civ ? n
ml * .
What Ailed Tommy.
The IBS awl outt of Thomas Mc-
Oresot' * . * arv Urn * st forth by rise
dereiaml Plain Lk-alt-r. He bad Dot
at reboot for several days , aad at
tfc * i&tcber * ld :
-i mo any one jrfl tat wfcj- Tommy
cUrrto.- § aWmr *
A 1SU1riri rkLd fcer toad.
-\\Vll. Mary , you aay spak.M
-Ptva * . tua'ato.Mid ifaryit's
* K * Iw' * roiu * * > 4.-5 InsM * . * "
TVNu e of Mary's iateoaatioa
UMr m M l She aad r * l
card that was
< A Toanny' %
A Baity Work.
new worJc TrilJ fe * In
itmr twhuaw *
? Tk * ta U / * H & us
u flua : a
it * j b mcYou
it Uj
la li *
lut <
This is a sample of our Furniture prices. Here is a couch which the
factory sells to your dealer at about $8.00. Your dealer's price to you
is not less than $10.00 or $12.00 for a couch of equal grade.
Oitr Price
to Yon is
OnsVr M. A1//-
Pc ice , $7.25
V. > / / roA'r fftlitifrrferrti ! I J' * stiffly Dark Green. Dark Red , Dark Itltie or
tinrxn. JMti Grrtn is most fefuiar and will ti sent unless cthinvist ordtrtd.
An tmnsn.illy large , luxurious couch , made o { selected oak , or , if pre The frame is massive and substantial , the workmanship first-class , the
ferred , in mahogany finish , handsomely carved throughout , and supported appearance neat and artistic ; a peed , serviceable couch at the lowest price
by massive carved claw feet. It has six rows of deep hand-made tufts , ever offered. Sire 80 inches wide , 78 inches long. Weight , 100 pounds.
fastened with the celebrated steel tufting buttons which cannot pull off or We do not care to ship goods unless freight charges are guaranteed.
pull through the cover. If you do _ not wish to icnd the full amount , $7.'J5 , send us 81.00 to show
It is well filled and contains the best grade of steel springs turned from good faith , and we will do the rest. If you really think that you ought not
snccial high-carbon wire , over which is placed heavy duck canvas instead to take even this risk , write us and say that you prefer to have the couch
ot the burlap commonly used , the best grade of figured velour plush in all sent C. O. D. and that you will pay the full amount upon arrival and exam
the staple colors icing used for upholstering. ination.We
From a sanitary point of view the open bottom presents a snccial We want to be reasonable from every point of view. It may be returned
feature. It allows good ventilation and a tree circulation of air , winch is at our expense if not satisfactory. Send us your order now ; do not wait.
disastrous to moths and germs. Order Number Rii3 >
Our large Furniture Catalogue , illustrating and describing eighteen different styles of couches : w\vell as four hundred other
articles of furniture , will be sent on request , absolutely free. The above is only a specimen of the marvclously low prices
quoted in this book. Your local dealer cannot buy the goods at lower figures than our prices to you.
Our General Catalogue lists over 70,000 articles which we sell direct to customers at wholesale prices , including nearly
everything that you use , wear or cat. It contains over 1,000 pages , 17,000 pictures , and 70,000 of the lowest prices ever
quoted. It weighs almost four pounds , and the postage alone costs 80 cents. We will send you this catalogue by mail" or
express prepaid on receipt of 15 cents. It will save an ordinary family at least $100 per year , and may save that on one pur
chase , if you are not satisfied with it we will return your 15 cents.
Ours is the largest mail order house in the world. Established 1872. We have 52 acres of floor space covered with
merchandise ; 2,000 employes , and two million customers. We quote lower prices , for values given , than any other house in
WARD & CO. Michigan Avenue
. , ( El Madison Street ,
3Ian hn TtlRht to Spit.
The laws and rules against expecto
rating In public plr s as street cars ,
ferry boats , waiting rooms , etc. , are
becoming more and more widespread.
But a New York judge has made a rule
which will either send the anti-splt-
tlne ordinances into"irnocuousrtseue-
tude" or create an unprecedented de
mand for cuspidors. The judge re
ferred to discharged three men haled
before him on the charge of spitting
on the floor of a ferry boat. lie said
to the ofllcer who made the arrest :
"What's the use of arresting these
men ? You know that we will have to
discharge them whenever there is no
accommodation such as a cuspidor.
Men have to spit , and If cuspidors are
not provided , they have to spit else
where. "
Xobod r . " * *
The latest. Invention in fire escapes
for residences is being put into one of
the houses building in Fifth avenue ,
New York. The casual observer
knows nothingabout it , for it is in the
middle of the house , A contractor
thus describes it : "We are building a
sheet-iron shaft in the center ot the
house from the top floor to the base
ment. The walls are half an Inch
thick , anu so are the dcors which open
r.n each floor. There Is a spiral stair
way of iron , which can be reached
from any floor , and the Invention is
Ui'lnc to take where the builders have
plenty of money and do not want to
hpoll the outer appearance of the
bouse. "
Wabatha Hears Good N > WH.
Wabasha , Minn. . Aug. 19. Ocorge
fluber of this town suffered from Kid
ny Trouble and iiackacbe. He was
V TV bail. Dodd's Kidney I'HI * . a new
re.ueJy. has cureJ him completely He
I * B.JW fjuhe well and able to work.
Me > ays Dudd's Kklney I'ilLs are wonL
tbrfr weight In gokL
New * couv-s io band alaxmvery
day of wonderful curts by Iodd s Kul-
nils. whch. although but r uniiy
iKd ! o thU country , ha ? alr ty
au.ny warm fri od by iup. . < 'u-
d.d rtulij > in tbe mon * fJou * casi uf
Kbeamailatn and
> toiLal Contain- IrUn < J ,
A ciuln numbsr of peivints in the
-ildr aad reoioter district of Ira-
taod Atlll wear v > m thlQ3 like z na-
ik ml oustuioe AVjut Ltuh 3faBk
pleoly of tbe La. % * * are to b * sn in
pfceturewiu * rd p uk u that sr-
UMA lu-erj u briojf luin ibr !
deputes oi Irtsto llf . A sprinkling of
; iwr old bl b iau ay be * ; tht
aod other * vrtarthw/t ,
sttett an-
udty tk + A itMitwxri : Ircck.
% in.Tkorn Scarce In Mnnlln.
According to one of the officers'
wives who has returned for a home
visit from Manila , there are now two
hundred American women in Manila
for whom there is only one dressmak
er. He is a Chinese. Recently he was
arrested for smuggling , whereupon
the two hundred women began to in
tercede. If Sang were put in jail
wherewithal could they be clothed ?
Fortunately Sang proved himself not
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly
spoken of as a cough cure. J. W.
O'Hrien , 322 Third avenue , N. Min
neapolis , Minn. , Jan. 5,1DCO.
Motioned too Much.
Citizen ( angrily ) "Why didn't you
sto'p tne car for me ? "
Conductor "IIow was I ter know
you wanted ter git on ? "
"Didn't you see me swinging my
arms and jumping up and down and
waving ray umbrella ? "
"Of course. Couldn't any one help
seein1 ye. The hull street was lookin'
at ye. "
" Then why didn't you stop ? "
"I thought you had the jim-jams. "
Do Yonr Feet Acne and flnrn ?
Shflk * Into TOUT gboes , Allen' * Foot-
Ease , a powiler for the feet. It tnakei
tight orew Shoes f < vl Easy. Cure
Corns , Bunion * . Swollen. Hot and
Sweating Kent. At all Drocsistg aad
Shoe Stores. 2T c. Sample Rent FKEH
Address Allen S. Ohnntrd. LeKor , N. Y ,
MnLliii ; tlie ] ! < - < < t of it.
Mrs. Do Fashion "Mydaughter has
fainting spells , and our doctor is un
abie tnstop them , so I have come to
cnu-a-je your services. "
Professor .Shasaal ( dancing master )
Vat you vish off me , madam ? "
Mrs. De Fashion "I thought you
mizht perhaps teach her to faint more
gracefully. "
II N . w KJ Ctoti B H Blot. U will
tb tc blve i iDovr 2 or.
Good < u llrai.
Englishman "Hov you brawss bed
steads ? "
Hotel Clerk "N-o , the bedsteads
are made of foil wood , but you'll flud
U ) ioaUrc H nice ami hard. "
HTMOP lot MMrva
tr4t + > bii vtiux
OJd TrteiKl ( just returned ) "Your
with M * A Prettie U off ,
Old KrlwJ "Why , yw , fih : Just
. ami vaictly dtlgn J jwi a
BUlt n-"OH , thttt'i 11 ? W aru
A Sanitary Garment.
Customer "Tills overcoat you sold
me last fall Is worn so thin I can al
most sec through it. "
Dealer "Yaw. Dot ees our patent
sanitary overgoat. Ven you leave it
off in der spring , you von't catch
cold. "
Tie Won Sorry.
Housekeeper ' -This is the twen
tieth time today that I've hart to
come to the door to tell peddlers tnat
I did not want anything. "
Peddler "Very sorry , mum ! "
Housekeeper "it's
some comfort
to know that you are sorry , anyhow. "
Peddler "Ves , mum. I'm very
sorry you don't wantanythlng , mum.1
is taken internally. Price , 75 cents.
Worth a Dollar.
Mrs. Hayseed "Did ye send a dollar
lar to that man that advertised a sure
and easy way to make money ? "
Mr. Hayseed "I did. "
"Wot does he say ? "
"He rites , 'rent a lot of rooms In a
new hotel near the Pan-American Ex
position , cash In advance , and don't
build the hotel. "
TO cum : A COL ii IN ONE DAY
Take laxative Bronio Quinine Tablet * . All
drti gistsrelnnd tne money tin fails to pure.
E. W. Grove's oigniUureUoDeaui oor. 'I'ta ,
Mrs. Crltnsonbeak "It seams
strange to me , if matches arc made in
heave , that there should be so many
unhappy marriages "
Mr. Crimsonbeak "Oh , you forget ;
it is tbe matches that are made there
not the misfits. " Yonkere States
Clear white clothe * nits a ( lgn that ( he houto-
' ! He-J Cri/n Itall lllue. I- re 2 or
lln DMn't Complain.
Young Wife "This talk about men
being M impatient when a woman IB
getting ready to go anywhere id all
nonwnce. "
Friend "Do n't your husband
complain at all ? "
Young Wife"No , Indeed. Why ,
last evening I couldn't find my gloves ,
arid had : i Iori' < hunt for half a dozen
other things : and yet , when I finally
drewed , and went down htalrh to rny
huhbcirid , there h was by th fire ,
reading and Hrnolclng an calmly a If I
wasn't half an lumr la.ii : . "
Friend " Well , I dwlare : Whcro
were you trolfig ? "
Wlfe-"To prayer
'Hie French ollve-growcrw have t/ >
ck/jn rwufc awl wore with the ajrn-
| petition of th ollvtrowtrii of Tunrx ,
A rnliitul Sulject.
Mr. : Sliortcash ' I shall feel greatly *
honored if you will accompany me to T
the theatre this evening. "
Miss Beauty "With pleasure. Wha&
is the bill for tonight ? "
Mr. Shortcash ( absently ) "About
ten dollars. "
CITO renn n ntlTCarpiJ. JfofltaornerroamcMtftsj-
rl I u tint dA/'n uwi of Dr. Kllnn'i ( treat f-iTTi , lt -
utorer. fend for r'KICK * a.(1C-Hal bo : and irratLw.
DR. K. H. KLINE. Ltd..Ml. rciSt. . I'hlbulilphl * ! .
I.I.i'or More Than nyuurtorof aContnrr
The reputation of W. L. Douglas $3.00
and 83.50 shoes for style , comtort and
wenr has excelled nil other makes sold a !
these prices. This excellent reputation hat
been won by merit alono.V. . JL. Douclw
shoes have to give better satisfaction than
other $3.00 and 33.60 shoes because hit
reputation for the best S3.00 and $3.50
shoes must bo maintained. The standard
has always been placed so high that the
wearer receives more value for his manes
in the \V. L. Douglas 83.00 and § 3.50
shoes than ho can get elsewhere.
"W.L. Douglas sells more $3.00 and $3.56
shoes than any other two manufacturers.
W. L Douglas 94.00 Gilt Edge Lira
cannot be equalled at any price.
* Vi
'fit _ " - - * * * i nfcrvx ( ujfjmur.rtt
/ftnf-Douo/af0 * ? ' 0 and < S.7.atf
. hoe arcnato of fa amo A/oft
l/rnt/o loatherm uaotl In $5 and Sit
chops and are /uut aa good.
BOIU by tne bent shoe dealers e vcrjr\vhere.
Ini.Ut upon ) mt ivy. i , . I. IouBlas nioe
vrlth name unit prltu .tumped on bottom.
foot M ihown on inixltl ; t ij
uvialljr worn ,
mm or llgl
A tit guaranteed
M.H.U , HO 681-31 YORK HfB ,