Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 22, 1901, Image 1

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    SUto lilst Librarian Society
J. '
T h ' - [ y e Of a N e c cl I e
V 'I i , ii'-i \vi. r > f din 2 vi y i
lii- ' in DM i ii' OH 'h- . i .
liUr i M .1 til HUH H i < Irt.'l ( ' ,
I" iliti IHIHV , liiiinul hoiiM-tt f.1 ,
\v fi jr-eimr forri ) tiimiill t , .
tnlk ( if nil the Opliciaiis in a I
CJirii > t.inii'li > in Let nio iel. < vo
tfii' , 'in1 ' ' , htiHuifd , o\er tto : !
ml , m mm * IMFIW yo , r
norvo'i < CM. r-y , mid take you
buck to tti" il i\- \\1 , < n jon never
knu.v you li. > t i JOB.
t.i.'uhmte of Chlrnirn Oillinlniii' | Collccc.
School Hooks ,
- ANl > r
'Schbol Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's ;
Attractions Booked
Six nighta , Pcpl. 'J.'ircl lo 28 < li , the
Lennon Stock Oompany.
Ono niclit , October ISib , the Which
is Who1 Company.
One night , Outober 31at , Wooil nnil
Ward , in their Juliy Jiii lint ; Farce ,
A " I he Merry Tramps. "
s Ono nit-lit , Jnnunry 23rd , "Mnionoy's
Day. "
Pickling vinegars at J. C.
Bowi H.
Low rates to Lincoln. iNelirasKti State
. .September U lo Ii , the Burlington
Route will sell round trip tiokils lo
Lincoln at half rates , pins 00 cents
for admission to Stale Fair.
ThU will bo "slip big hboiv. "
§ 18,000 has been spout thin year hi
permanent improvt mnnte on the
fair grounds. 130,000 in cash prem
iums , All entriest-xoopt speed froo.
Ask noanst agent Burlington
Route , for further information.
To TUB DKAP A'rush laily , cured
or i i Dualnt'Hs and NoiKOri in the
llt-ad by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
Knr DriiuiH , gave 8'2ri,000 to his In
stitute , so that deaf people unable
lo procure the Ear Drums , may have
them fr 'i > , Address No. D Hit ,
The Nicholson Institute , VSO ,
Eight AvunuO , New York , janil ly
I School Books And I
Supplies g
Arc tilings the school child
ren need.
We have .the most com
plete line of school supplies
in Western Nebraska. We
sell them at Bottom Prices.
Come and let us figure on
your school supplies.
Come in and Examine
Ed McOomas ,
Kj Broken Bow and Merna. $
nj 19 ]
A New Line of
Buggies , ' Surreys ,
Spring "Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons.
. ' G.W.Apple.
Local h
j Mention.
JdXclctj rir-J.r' . r' . HH'
Col. V. 0. Tnlbol of llalsuy wan
n city visitor yesterday.
N.T. G.idd inatlo a businoHS trip
to Thodford last Saturday.
Nellie Amsborry of Mason Oily
\S \ visiting in tbo city willi relatives.
11 K. Atkisson and llotiry Kelley
wore donrn from Anselmo yester
day ,
Cflllnway and Broken Bow ball
club will play in tbia city Friday
Hoc \V. D. Blackwoll at Farmers
Bank for Fire , Cyclone and Torna-
d > insurance. V-H tf
Alrn. I. A. Harris and children
nro visiting in Indiana with rela
Simon Cameron in back from a
visit of several weeks in Chicago
with a brother.
Money loaned on improved farms.
7 is tf Broken Bow , Nubr.
S D. Bulolirr informs us that ho
baH bought tbo Christian church
parsonage ami has * moved to the
city. '
J. K. Adamson and wife rolnrued
from Shi'ridon Fiidny of laHt week ,
where they spoiif several days re
\V. 13. Poor's father and mother ,
who have boon visiting with him
the past month , returned to Grand
Inland Tuesday.
Attorney J. B. Smith made a
nirfincHH visit lo Mason City lhu-
irHt of 'ho week. Ho was accomp
anied by hiri son Carl
Mrs. Adalino M. Hall loft Satnr-
lay for Chicago where she will buy
i flock of milliner goods for Mri.
Jredmore'rt fall trado.
II. B Drake of the firm of Wil-
* on & Drake left the first of the
week for the eait to purohaso a tall
stock of goods for bin firm.
C. E Gaudy came in from Jlast-
nus I'ucsday night , for a few dayp
visit. Ho Ins employment witli tiie
Mctripolitan Hotel : t Ilaelings.
P. 11. Munk has severed his con-
icction with John & Kncrr and will
run an auction store in the building
on the corner south of the Grand
Central Hotel.
Prof John G. Lewis returned the
irst of the wok from Taylor , Loup
county where h held to weeks
reaolu-rs institute , llifl brother
Garland assisted him.
Will L Rule the managerof Fost
er & Smith Lumber Co. announces
the death of P. D. Smith senior
inctnlicr of his linn lie was bur
ied at Lincoln Aug. 21 , UiOl.
The Omaha D.fily Nuwa states
that P.inl . , the 10 jcar old son of
Kov. C.V. . Brinstrtd of Umulm war.
seriously and pprhapHJJialallyinjured
Tuesday morning. 'J'ho boy wax
helping his mother move a heavy
book ease when it toppled over and
he was cauuht underneath it , His
collar bono was broken and he was
internally injured.
Something over a hundred went
to Alliance to witnesa the ball
games hot ween llavelook and Alh-
anoo and the Broken Bow nine and
Alliance. Alliance was the victors
in both instance * the was 5 lo
10 ovar llavolock and 11 to 29 ovot
Broken Bow. The outcome was
neither profitable ) or glorious an fai
a our homo team was cone mod ,
but thofio who made the I rip report
a good time which they count worlli
all they were out.
While at Lincoln the 1st of thoweek
wo visited the Nebraska Printing
Co'ti. place ol bushiccs. It baa very
'much ' the appearance of ft Broken
Bow institution , as eeveral former
Broken Bow oitiz.'iirt are conneotcd
with it. 11 E. Wright formerly of
Broken Bow is otio of tlio ownwre.
II. L. Frazirr has oharyo of thu
1 make up , " Herman Wergeris fore
man of the pruss room and Ernie
Worger is one of the pressmen.
They all were formerly citiz MIS of
Broken Bow. The inbtltution is
doing a thriving business and has
twenty-oiio hands connected with
the institution including thn two
proprietors. They krnp four job
presses running all the time. Ol
the emyloyop , nine ate girls. The
bulk of the company's business is
getting out counter tablets , but is
not confined to that exclusively.
They Invo on hand one order for
15,000 book covers and another or
der for ,20,000 illustrated circulars
G. O. .loymer and wife , of Merna.
wt-ro city visitors Monday.
Will U.ivis returned from the
Black Ilill's country Sunday morn
Mrs. C. M. Forsoyth was sovorly
kickeil , by a how Tuosdny and as
a result hho is yet conlined to her
Bent Osborn of West Liberty ,
Iowa > arrived in the oily Tuesday
nighl on a visit with hi * parents
and friends.
Mine host , C ! ! Kennedy of
the Commercial hotel has scarcely
hern able to navigate the past week ,
owing ( o a crippled too.
Attorney D. B. Jonkfl left Tuea-
Iny morning on a business trip to
Wisconsin Ho expects to be ab
sent for eight or ton days.
Look out for Munk'rt Auction
Store , September 1st , northeast
iornor public hquare , south ol
Grand. Central Hotel. 822 tf
llov. Charles Kilmer , of the
Church of God , will preach at the
lortli side opera bourn1 , Sunday ,
August 25 , at 11 a. m All nro
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kimbcrling
are the proud parents of a girl biby
that was born to thorn 'list ' Friday.
Mother and child reported getting
along nicely.
Dr. Witberu , Omaha painless den
tist will be at Globe hotel , August
0 , and ; tl. See him for up to date
lental work tit Omaha prices. 22
years experience.
Snyder Broc. and Will Penn ,
in a few days will move into the
loublo room rrcently vacated ,
; > y Thompson , RuUlc & Slovene , to
jettor accommodate their increas
ing stoolt and trade.
J.J. Snyder and wife returned
Friday night from their trip to the
131ack Hills. After leaving Dome
Lake two xvooks ago they spent
their time al- Hot Springs South
Dakota ajid vicinity.
The Calholio church of Djle will
lold their annual picnic at Dale ,
nxt Wednesday the 28 In the
orenoon will bo a literary and
nusical , in the afternoon a ball
ramo and a dance at night.
Claud Kem arrived in the city
riioBdjty night on a vacation from
Washington , w hero ho has a position
n the census department. AH ho
tad not written his pistore he was
joming they wore taken by surprise
on his arrival.
Our attention has been called to
ho fact that the name ol W. S.
Joyse , the republican nominee for
city assessor was omtnited from our
> nblished report of the
lominoes , Wo also observe
that WP left oil' the name of J. M.
[ vimberling the nominee for town
ship trasurc. Since the name of I
L ) . Glaze has been , addid s city
lust c of which no 'ormer ' motion
lias been made.
Prof. H. H. lliiUt who has been
ippointo'l to tnko jfiargo of the
i'lucalional ' inlerest of the island of
aiiam. in'oniH us that bo will
eave in a few days to embark on
the transport Sheridan , which is
listed to Icavi San Frrnoifco Sep
tember 1st. Mr. Hiatt has boon a
resident of this oounly for several
years. Ho is exceptionally well
equipped and qualified for the work
in the which ho IB about to engage ,
llu is a graduate ol the Iowa State
University , in which ho took clas
sical and normal courses Ho wan
for years engaged in University
Preparatory work and wan afterward
omplovod us pnnoipln of public
schools in Iowa and Nebraska in
which capacity his Illness and quali
fications as an educator were fully
demonstrated. For two yearp ho
had charge of the Broken Bow
schools and while tilling this posi
tion was elected Superintendent of
Public Instruction of the county , a
position ho tilled for a period of six
years. Last year ho had charge of
the Sargent schools and had been
re-employed at the lime of his
appointment. His wife , who will
accompany himis also a graduate eli
i ho Iowa Stato. University. An
exporiencpd teacher , fhe * will bo
able to materially assist him in his
IIMW liled of labor. In the depar
ture of Mr. Hiatt our county lot-sos
one of its foronioftt educators ,
U. A11. .
The old soldiers of Samuel Rico
Post 'JflO of Merna Neb , hid u
surprise for Mrs , -11. P , Stanford
on last Saturday afternoon August
10th. Shortly after Podl mooting
they repaired to the residence of
Mr. ano Mis. L M. Lew Hi whore
the G , A. K. ladies had previously
invited Mrs Stanford to enjoy n
social and partake of ice cream and
cake. When they gathered around
the table and nil was apparently
ready to servo icu cream , Com-
ndo J. M. Fcdgo informed Mis.
Stanford ihnt com ratio Towlo had
something to say to her. Comrad
I'owlo informed her that the moin-
beis oftho post had desired tofurtjior
formmally express their kind re
gards for the ininy services she had
rendered in f mulshing music on
memorial days and they desired to
express their thanks by presenting
her with a line album In rerponco
she thankud them Very much for the
gift , but more for their myny kind
regards. Icu cream and cake was
served and all had an enjoyable
time. Those present wore Mr. and
MISS W. Losvis comrads Brown ,
Kilfoil , Towlo , Graham , Brook and
commander J. M. Fodge. Ladies
pri'si ' nt worn Mrs J. A. Colcman ,
Broi-k , Hong , Mon/iry , Cory , Stan
ford , M SPS Iris Towlo , Ella Graham
and Josie Cory.
u.vs uusiMiss
Prof. C. W. Kotish , has the low
er rooms of the Business College
building nearly ready for occupancy.
We went through the buildinn Mon
day evening , in with Prof. Roush.
He has his furniture in readiness
for the openning Sept * 2. 0. 11.
Conrado who had the contract for
making twenty live largo tables , for
the study looms-has them complo
ed and they an being stained and
varnished atd put in plaoo.
' From present piospcEts the
school will open with a large attend
ance Prof. Rounh Ins secured an
able corps of teacheis to associate
with him , who ospooially qualified
for their roapectivo departments
The insiruolors unployed are , E.
P. Cool of Hiuon , Ohio , S. S. Hay
man of Grand Island , Miss Nellie L
liccd of Council Bluil's , and Mies.
Olive Joss up , of Iowa. Prof. Hay-
man hm had twentj five years
experience as teacher and has the
reputation nf being one of the best
instructors in peusmanvhip the
country affords.
The buinccs and shorthand dc-
partnenls will be first cla s , while
Lho other departments will not bo
Ln'hind them.
The building will bo one of iho
just and most covenioutly arranged
jusiness colleges in Iho state.
Epuorlli League Limn social ,
- The Epworth League of the M.
E church will give a Lwn Social
it the home of Mr. and Mrs Com aden
on next Wednesday evening August
28 , 1001.
Como and hoar the Grand Now
Musical Instrument. "Tho Gtilo-
[ ) hono.
The following program will be
Music Orchestra
fvec Lula Lowe
Pantomime The Engagement
Muaio Orchestra
Solo Hov. Knight
Music Galophono
Music Orchestra
I'OlltMt AllirilH Hulls
Abbesa Lad. a year old. Pre
mium calf of TrnnK-MissisBippi Ex
position Omaha I two year old ,
2 one year olds. Price $100 per
head. Thceo arc the best hulls that
I had.
8 22 2t Mason City , Nebr.
Hancst Home
The l'2th annual picnic of the
Dougla Grove and Lee Park farm
er's Clubs , will bo hold in Win.
Murray's grove on Thursday , Aug
ust , 29.
Program of the day commencing
at two o'clock in the arternoon is as
Music Orchestra
Welcome W. G. Eastman Pros.
Lee Park Club.
RoHponeo M. E. Vandcnbetg.
Music Wescott Club.
IJeclamation Bertha Shorbcck.
Address , . . . "Some of the social and
Financial Aspects of Furm
Life" II. F. Molntosh , odilor
Neb. Furtuor.
Music , Orchestra
Address , "Tho part Womoii play in
History" . Prof. Scott ,
Broken Bow.
M usio , Wc-BOott Club.
Declamation , Dora Moon
Music , . . . , Orchestra.
E very-body como early and lot us
have such an enjoyable time that it
will bo reft-rod to as the happiest of
our lives , Basket Dinner.
lining Sale
Commencing August I ) , 1001 , at
10 Discount
Dry Goods ,
Boots and Shoes ,
Gents Furnishing Goods ,
Hats and Caps ,
Queensware , and
Stone Ware.
Now wo uood money nnd wo have u larger stock than we want
to carry over , and wo hnvn decided to take iho next thirty days to >
reduce our stock. 3-r'So take advantage of the
and buy while Goods are Cheat ) . Bring m your Batter , Eggs >
Potatoes and all other Country Produce and get the Top Prices for
it , and the Bottom Prices on Goods.
Whore is this
Big Store , East End Realty Block , Broken Bow , Nebraska.
S5 oo Itcwartl.
I will puy five dollars for the
arrest and conviction ol the party
or parties that took the oases with
empty pop bottles from the depot
last week. E. WKiSHNnicnicu.
8 If. 41
roit in-isv.
Two rooms , suitable f r Hludonlfl
or light house keeping. Enquire at
this oflico. tf.
fliiirltcl iteport for Today.
WJumt g .17
llarluy So
Outs j .au
Corn .61)
Kyu 40
llutlor 10
KK B ' , OH
rotntooa , per bugliol 1.85
Ontoiic. per Imsliol 1.60
lloiiH , ] inr pouiul , , .05
.SiiriiiL-Clilckenn , iior do/on 3.00
110K 5.00
COWH > a.76 < a 3.00
stiois , jxro a i.oo
TurLoya , pur nound . . .15
hlr w , iicruwt .10
liny , Nuw , | ) ( ! r ton , , 5.0U
Oponu Nlontlny , September 2 , IOOI.
Prepare to be with us. Our departments are complete. We
can g-ive you a thoroug-h business education , also our Shorthaud
Department is complete and up-to-date. " ( Pitman System. ) " If you
desire to teach , attend our Normal Department.
Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught.
Write , or call and bee us.
us.G. . W. ROTJSH , Pres.
Always have the bout quality of
Lumber and other building ma
terials at the Lowest Paces.
'Phono No. 70 ;
W. L. RULE , Manager ,
W T' W W W W W
For a First Class Smoke Try the
Martial and
1 1 Corona Grande'
, . ,
&v Broken Bow , Nebraska.