Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 15, 1901, Image 8

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    No Better Ticket Could Have
Been Nominated.
Comnetant , Representatives and Popular Men Selected Iw the
Tray The Largest Republican County Convention
Held in tiic County For Several Years.
The republican oounty oonvcu.
lion hold in this nity Saturday wan
one of the larguHt that has been
held tu this county. Every town
Hhip was represented but ono and
thuro wore but few delegates iibHcnt.
It WasaslinM a body of representative
men as ever assembled in Ouster
county on any politiiwl ocoaHHion.
The convention was called to
order by Chairman Morgan.
I'rayer was oll'ered by , ltev.
E. A Knight ,
The pcoretary of the county con
trol i.ominitlcb road the call , after
which a temporary organization was
effected by electing J. D. IlaHlcoll
of Atnold , chairman ; II. K. Atkis-
BOM , secretary ; and Walt Geortje ,
ascistajit Houretary.
For temporary c-lnirman , A. It
| . ! nd .1 D. llankull wire
LI rainatud. Mr. Huhkcll having
received iho majority of votes on
tbo informal ballot , on motion of
Mr. Humphrey was declared the
nhoiue of the convention by aoola
m-itioii. / v
Tom Wright'A. II. Uarke , Wai-
tur Cos and W. A. George wore
iK.minatcd for assistant secretary.
JVir. George was elected on first
ball-it. -
Oa motion , the chair was atitori/-
ed t ) appoint the usual oonnnitteoa.
Hu uppni ii'd on resolutionn : J.
G JJronizur , Gto. ; Mair , A. Moore ,
J. E. Mjsrsuud J. O. Taylor.
On or-ler of business. S. 0.
Waldion , IJ. P. Savage , Jas. Ohit-
tiuk , C. M. Fornyth and Frunoin
W.rsh. '
. On permanent orgftnization C.
L .Gulterson , J.XE. Uavonee , A.
Foijdo , O. C. Gardner , .lulca Llati-
mont. '
On Uredentials T. J. Wood ,
JiiH. Lindloy , . ) as. Robinson , Horace
luuntidy , 1. A. Colcmati.
While the chairman was making
up the committees Prof. J. M. Scott
entertained the convention with a
speech. The Prof , is always at
homo when brought before an
audianco and this time was no
exception to thu rulr.
On the announcement of the
committees the convention adjourn
ed to 1:30 : p. ni.
It wag ii o'clock before the ohair.
man called the meeting to ardor.
For the commiilao on permanent
organization C. h. Gultorson re
ported in favor of making tbo
temporary organization permanent.
Report adopted.
LE T , J. Wood reported that his
committee found no contests , and
on finding the crodenti&ls regular
reported in favor ot siatjng the
several delegations in accordance
, with the cortiliuates from each of
the townships. The report was
Goo. B. Mair , in behalf of the
aommittco on.resolutions , made rc-
11 / *
port , the resolutions being adopted
as read.
S. O. Waldron , chairman of the
oommitteo on order of business , reported -
ported iho following order :
1. Register of doeds.
2. Treasurer.
a. Clerk.
4. Judge.
f > . Shoriil. ' .
0. Superintendent.
7 , Suryejor.
8. Coroner.
0. Delegates to fltato convention.
10. County central committee.
The report was accepted ,
On motion the convention pro.
oeodtii to the informal ballot on
Register of deeds ,
{ The informal ballot brought/ out
t the uamos of 0 , 0 , Lintl , of Wayuo ;
, Jud Kuy , of Broken Bow and
Storliug StevonH , of ComtHook.
rniSr HA.I.I.OT.
C , 0. I.ind , 91 ; Jucl Kay , 71 ;
Sterling Slovens , 7(5. (
Li ml , Orr , Kay , 77 ; Stevens , 00.
Tiuun IIAI.I.OT.
I.ind , 118i ; Kay , 7-1 ; Stevens ,
Sargent delegates iihnnged its 14
votes from Stevens to Lind giving
him a total oIU2.J votes
On motion , the nomination of C.
O. 1/md was declared the unani- '
tnous choice of the convention.
For treasurer , thu informal ballet
brought out the names of Cpn
Gibson , of Ansloy ; ' John Cavorioo
of Loup ; J. B. Klump , of Clilt' ;
W A. George , ofi Loup and J. D.
Hawkell , of Arnold.
Uavonee , 82.J ; Gibson , OOi ;
Klump , 05 ; George , 128 ; Haskoll , 2.
MofHre. Cavoueo ; llaskoll and
George declined to bo a candidate
Gibson , 48 ; Cavenee , 15 ; Klump ,
yi ) ; Geonie , 58 ; Reese , 1 ; llaekoll ,
Gibson , 47 ; Klump , 87 ; George ,
Mr. lilump withdrew his name
in favor of George , and on motion
the inles were suspended and W.
A. Gcorgo was nominated by accla
Informal ballot on county clerk
brought out Iho names of Goo. W.
Dcwoy , Jap. Foxworthy , John Ben
jamin , I. T , Wood , as candidates.
Wood , O-i ; Dewey , 101 ; Fox-
wortbyf)7 ; iTenjamin , iaStevonn , 2
Foxworthv , 37 ; V/ood , 50
Dewey , 141 ; Benjamin , 10.
Mr. Dewey was declared the
nominee for olerlcr
The next office in the order of
busmofls was oounty judge. '
On motion of C. Ij Guttcrson ,
the rules of the convention wore
suspended , and Judge J. A. Armour
was nominated by acclamation to
bo his own successor.
For sheriff , there wan brought
out the names of R. D. Sullivan , o
Ouster J. W. Craig , of WoBtorvillc ;
John , of Lillian , and Mr.
StevonH , of Di.light.
I'lUST 11A1.1.0T.
Craig , 70 ; StevenH , 76 ; Sullivan ,
70 ; McGraw , III.
i Craig , 49 , Stoventy73 ; Sullivan ,
112 ; McGraw , 4.
On , the announcement of the second
end ballot , Mr. Crqig , in a neat
Bpoecl' , withdrew from the contest ,
thanking the convention for their
support , and promised bib loyal
Htippjorl to the nominee.
Sullivan , Ifili ; Stevens , 08 ; Mo-
Graw , 0.
R. D. Sullivan was declared the
For county superintendent on
the informal ballot were Prof.
Zihn , of Ansloy ; Miss Lillie flonno ,
of Morna ; Prof. J. M. Scott , W.
W. Waters , J. G. W. Lewu , Mr.
ThompEon and O. E. Piokott.
% ihn , 49 ; Honnn , 40 ; Soott , 24 ;
Waters , 40 ; Lewis , 34 ; Redman , 8 ;
Piokott , ll ) ; Thompson , 14.
Zahn , 31 ; Honho , 43 ; Scott , 13 ;
Waters , 41) : Lewis , 07 ; Redman , 2 ;
Pickott , 4 ; Thompson , 20 , A. T.
Soybolt , 0.
Zihn , 57 ; Honne , 4 ; Sootl , 18' ;
Waters , 05 ; Lowin , 00.
Zrihn 3'J Wati-rs 50 Lowifl
, ; , ; , 134.
On motion of Mr. Zihn : .Prof.
J. O W. Low is was declared the
unanimous choice of the conven
On motion the ruk'H were sus
pended and F. E. VanAntworp of
Lodi , declared thu nominuo for
furveyor. J\lr \ , VanAutwort protested -
od that ho was not a candidate , but
as the convention wail deaf to his
plea it made him ono of its standard
The names of Dr. Wide , of
Oconto , and Dr. Robertson , of
MDSOIJ City , wcro nominated for
Tba informt ! ballot resulted for
Llobinson , 122 ; Wade , 108 ; Dr.
Patter , 0.
On motion , the informal ballot
wan mad i ) formal and. Dr. Roberl-
HOII was declared the , nominee.
On motion eauh suporyisor dis
trict wa authorized to elect time
delegates to the utato convention ,
and thut ouo delegate bo elected at
On motion of A. R. Humphrey
J D. Haskoll , of Arnold , was clout
ed tiTo delegate at large.
The other dologatej elected wore ;
C. L. GutterHon , John Kennoyor ,
and Leonard llershof Broken Bow.
John Reesi-jCf Custor , Dr. Wade
of Ouonlo.
H. W. George , of Loup.
Francis Marsh , of Myrtle.
A. II. Barks , of Ansley.
J. A Hagorty , of Sargent.
II. W. Alberts , of Douglas Grove.
A. II. Copsoy , of Westerville.
John Pr'idmoro , of West Union ,
Jas. May , ot Elim , Walter Cox ,
of Grant , C. O. Lind , of Wayne , II.
K. Atkif-son , of Victoria , Jacob
Klump , of Cliff , I. A. Ooloman , of
Morna , T. J. Wood , of Algernon ,
J , O. Taylor and II. S. Waturbory ,
of Borwyn.
Tbo following members were
reported as members of the central
committee and they were onclorscd
by tno convention :
Loup W. A.'Gcorgo. '
Victoria H. K. Atkibson.
Kilfoil A. Somers. :
Lillian G. W. Duwoy.
Delight Geo. B. Mair
Arnold Ira P.Millu.
Algernon Jas. Fairtiold.
Wood River A. Fonda.
Garliold Jiles Hanmont.
Cuator ll. J. Eddinglon.
Broken Bow Alpha Morgan.
Sargent C. C. Gardner.
Douglas Grove II. B. Glover.
Borwyn J , O. Taylor.
Ansley John Comstook.
Elim S. C. Waldron.
Grant J. B. Gilmoro.
Triumph William Warren.
West Union J. C. Prodmoro ,
Elk Cn-ok J. L Smith.
Hayoc J. E. Graves.
Wayne Jas. Chittiok
WcHtorvillo D. M. Savillo.
Myrllo F. Maiah. ,
Cliff J. W. Rice.
The committee met and organic ,
ed by electing Alpha Morganchair-
in an ; D. M. Amaberry , secretary ;
and J. O Taylor , treasurer.
C. C. Gardner , S. C. Waldron ,
Jas. Fairtiold , and the chairman
and secretary.
On motion the oounty central
committee was authorized to fill
any vacanies that might ooourr on
thotickot. .
Each of the successful candidates
ivoro called out for a speech when
lominated. They thanked the
jonvuntion and pledged their heprty
support of the entire ticket.
The committee on resolutions
reporltd iho following , which wore
adopted :
We , the republicans , of Ouster
county , in convention assembled ,
ilo hereby reiturato our faith in the
principles ol tbo republican party
enunciated in itf , national plat
form and carried out by the admin
istration of President McKinloy.
Wo demand the election ot hou-
ust and capable men for county
ollioors. and an houutit Mid eco
nomic administration of county
affairs ,
Wo condemn the actions of the
last fusion board of supervisors in
cutting down tbo tax levy fiom 14
mills to 7 mills in order to hamper
iho incoming republican adminie.
tratinn , and to make political cap
ittvl for future use , and wd favor the
levying of such a tax as will moot
the current expenses of thu oounty ,
economically administered ,
Wi'roooinmoiil thatcounty otlloere
who make a selection of doputiea
or assistant)1 ) , submit the names of
such proposed deputies or assist
ants lo Iho ' . 'ounty oi-nlral committee
for approval J. G. BiiitNigui : ,
\ A. Mooitti , .
.1. O. TAYLOK ,
Ouo , B. MAIK
J. E Mvuiw.
Plio fo MoAing nddilional tcsohu
lion was road by the woorotary and
adopted :
Whereas , a majority of thediU'ur-
l townships at their rcnpeotivc
township priminos havu declared
in favor of thu election of Iho com-
inittueini-n elected thin year , hold
their tor ills'of ollico .until allrr
election in I'.IO'J.
And uhcroan , said primaries have
dcclare > l by their votes the HIU-UUH
HOTH to Haid committoeinon bo elect
ed at the 11)02 ) primaries and their
terms of ollico commonci ! at the
close of the general election in 1002.
Therefore bo it llesolvod , by the
KopubMoan voters of Ctistor county ,
Nebraska , in the delojjatu conven
tion assembled , that it is the tonn
of this .convention , that the commit
tcnmon elected at the rceent prim-
artet" , hold their respective titlio
until the oloso of elootion 1002 , and
their succcRsors bo elected and their
terms ] of ollico oommonco immedi
ately at the close of said oloction.
Communicated Law Jlreakcrs.
FwDlToit : I very much regret the
necessity of having to confess to
the world , that any citizen of our
community would do any act direct
ly against his own best interest as a
sensible man and a larmermnuh loss
in open violation of tbo laws of our
state , commit offences which would
subject them to punishment , if
action is brought against them , yet
such is the case day after day now
that young prairie chickens arc gett
ing largo enough to fly. The game
law is in our judgement for the best
internal of the farming claes and
especially , \ this so , now that our
crops are being eaten up by grass-
hopers and chinch bugs , as they arc
Then how any ono
ihus alllioted , can no with gun , and
follow and exterminate n ilock of
chickens , were it no crime , is more
than I can conceive. These men
would not go into my stable and
steal a horse or break into your
IOUBO and rob , yet with impunity
they are shooting chickens contrary
to law. Nor do they eoniinu them
selves to thin lawlensnchs on week
daybut desecrate the "LonVij day , "
thus violating another law which IB
for their good. As a sworn olliccr
of the law , I cannot shut my eyes to
this flagrant and open violation of
the law and if these offences are1
repeated , I shall call upon the
county attorney and "game warden'
of the state to prosecute to the full
eat extent.
A word to the wise is sulliciont I
trust. 'Respectfully ,
J , M. FOPGK , J..P.
All Dootora tmvo tried to euro
CA 1'AHUll by the use of , nuhl
inhalurd and drugs In ntittu form
powdfTH dry up the IIIUCUOIIB
ranes causing thorn to crnck open
und bleed. The pjwertnl ncids iucd In J
ihu inlialerH have untlroiy onton nwiiy
the Hanio membrnucB tlmt .their mnkuia
iavo nimed to cure , while puntca nnd
nntinuntB cannot reach tin * dlaiin o. An
Id and experienced practitioner who
WR ( or muuy yenra inrulo n iihujii study
and apeoinlly of the troatmunt o (
OATAillUl. has at Innt por/ecled / a
rcatmont wbtch when faithfully uued
not only relluven nc oncu , but puriimn
ontly cures CAl'ARIMI , by r < moving
thu cause , stopping tbo discharged , nnd
curing all Inllitnatlon. It In HID only
remedy known to science that notuuliy
'unnhea the Bllllcted puriH. Thla won-
lortul remedy IB known aa' 'SNUFKLKS
OUHK" and is Hold at the 'Cilroiiioly
ow price of Ono Dollar , imcli pituktuo
containing intonml ard uxtornnl motll-
clno suUlelent fora full month's tm l-
munt and overythln necuxsary to bs
[ lorfi'ct iiao.
"SNUPFhKS" IH the only perfect
OATAUIUl OUR 13 every made and Is
now recognized na iho only eut'n nnd
positive euro for tlmt annoying nnd din-
gusllrur ( iiseaeo. It cures all InlUnm-
tlon quickly nnd pcrmnncntly nnd IH HHO !
wnnuerlullv quick to relieve IIA V
CATAHHII when neglected otton loads
to CONSUMIT10N "Snufilea" will
pave you if you ueo it nt onen. It IR no
ordinary remedy , but eomploto tnmt <
meut which is positively guaranteed to
euro Catarrh in nny form or otaK" if
iiBcd according to the directions \vhlch
Rccompany JDnch paekngo. Don't dolity
but feoud for it at once , anil wrlto ful !
piirtlcnlura na to your condition , and you
will rocolvo special ndvlco trotA the
coverer of this M'ndorlul rommly regardIng -
Ing your cnso without eoBt , to von bu-
yoiiu the rcynliir price ot ' SnuffleH"
"Uuarnntpcd Catnrth Curo. "
Sent propuUl to uny nddrciA In the
United StRtos or 'J.itindn on recnlpt o
One Dollnr. Addrosn Dnpt. 10 177 ,
and 2332 Market Btrout , P
Lot us repair your old organ so
yon can try HOIIIO of our now music.
RYKIMON & WATIH , P-O. "tore ,
. ! ? > tf
I'll l { A I * W A'VltH IMMMl II1IO-
UI'.N 1IO > V.
ONI ! KAIIK 1'H'H ' 12.00 FOH TIIK
TUIIN UH'IIL OCT. 31 , 1001.
nth to mat , looi , to
Hot Burlng * , a. J ) , Ht. I'anl , Minn.
Deailwooil 8. I ) . Mlntiropnllv , Minn ,
U'Mil City , S. U. Dullith , Minn.
Donvcr. Colo. Kttsnta , .Minn.
I'olnnulo Hiirii g , Cole Mnnliitto , Minn.
I'miblo , Colo. .Miiicrlor | , WU.
( Menu ooil HprlimP , Colo. Wi-ot Hiliicilnr
Ogduiiruinlir Hnlt'Ukc , Utnli.
ON ic I'Ainc ri.UR $ 'J 00 von Tin :
HOUNJ ) TUIl' < UOI ) 1'OU 111C-
On Aug. 20Sept. 3 , and 17 , 1001 ,
to all points in
Indian Territory , California ,
Oklahoma , Texan ,
and lo many poinls in
Aikansas , British Coluvibia ,
Arizona , Idaho ,
Louisiana , Montana ,
New Mexico , Oregon ,
Washington. 8-8 2t
To THIS DISAK A rich lady , cured
or .1 i DeafneHH a. d NO'IHOH in tbo
Head by Dr. Nicholson'H Artilioial
Ear Drums , gave $25,000 to his In
stitute , BO that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Druiun , may have
them free , Addrcsy No. D 143 ,
The Nicholson Institute , -780 ,
Eight A venue , New Vork. jan3 ly
Aug. 19IH Hot lor all day drill and
as encampment , will usHcinblu with
us a few weeks , it is neorssory for
all to attend.
Every Saturday night the comp
any meets at armory and all who
can should attune ! those weekly
All must attend the day drill.
Wo can enlist a few good men under
new orbera.
.IJin. Him . -m r nr i ntri I - - . m - - ) - - - .
. . . .
- I
- - - - -
AiltftiHt 24 in ' 20 ; OiLy ) * 27 82 , Ate
to LouiNvillp , Ky , HIM ! ' return , fur
Triennial ( Joiii'lavc , Knights Tem
plar. ICfitos opi-n to the p-iblie. -
Sppc.ial train for the aooomodati-
< > n of KmgbtH 'IVmplar , their
lamilos and friends will leuvo Bur- )
nglon Station , Omaha at 5 00 p. in.
Saturday , August , 24 ; arriving nt
Louisville , 0.30 p. m , August 20.
Itrcjuestfl for reservation of berths
) lliiw train should ho mndn oarly.
Write for KniohtH Templar fold
er jnu iHHiii'd btin ) ) ! | ( .
Detailed information about ratCH
routi" , ticket A ot iH-tora , on applioa-
lion to ncarrHt ngent , Burlington
Rout > , or by addressing J Fianois ,
General Passenger Agent , Burling
ton Route , Omaln , Nob. 8-8 3t
Jl 1-8 'THOU ItHOJJJ ! Jnp u $
JOIIIUIIIH } IttrlA\ | |
PUKE rxtrao'tN t J. C. Boweu's ,
Dr. T.V. . B'VHS , dei. list , oflice
northwest cornor.of Realty block. ' *
8-1 tf / ' I ,
- . IL.
PUllIf extracts at , J. C. ! 5o\vcn'H. 'V
The liuvn uf lii > iiltli n'miiru tlmt llm
bowels tnnvo oiictt each ilny and one of
tin ; pennltii' * { ! vinihUni ; this law la
pilei. Kucp your bowels regular by
tiiKlnt : it doPe of OhiiinticrlMn's Stomach
and Liver Tnblutn when nocvaanry aid
you will nnverhhvotuat auvore punish
ment Infileti-d upon you. Puce , 25
cents. For ealo by . . G. llnebcrlc.
It isn't tlit : material
Hint Into v > nr
\vutcli Hint
lit iv perfect
I , , ; ! JJsJi' * ' . l rpou ; HOUJ
tlmt ilous thuhU9lnuns , tiny bungler
can buy the line kinds of material
that I use In repairing ; but ekill
U the most valuable mutcrinl that
: an bis need In watch repairing ;
and the bunder cnn't buy it. 1
Bell my skill for what It IB wortb
and it will coat you U'ns than
bunding n < " lowpr prices.
Jeweler and Optician ,
West aide of square.
P. C. WOHNALL President. J. A. IIMIHIS CftPhler
. . , . . . ,
A. J. IIOUKKTSON , Vlco-I'res W. 1 > . lll.ACKWKU. , ABB' ! C
Farmers Bank ofaCuster County-
Transacto a Uonoral Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought
. . .
llAi < o'.vv \ ; : : . / ' ' . . : . V ; ; wpfpizttiO'.vi/i J * V'l'iV V : ' > ' .y / < . : \ ' " 'jj : ' ' 4' . -i.i.j ; ; : l ' > " . /et.v < i1 . / ; 5./t.y.t.J : o4.-.vJ0'5 : ' . . .vJJ/ ? ! : ' . ; v <
[ { All parties indebted to the Eagle Grocery , arc requested $ [ , ! ;
s $ to call and 'settlo their account by cash at onco. I rmisl have "J. !
ty ' "
> >
money to pay bills , I cannot do business on wind. ' 3j
? ' ' . . i' ;
Yours truly ,
. ' .
* .V
: ' .
: ' :
Proprietor. $
10 Bars of Soap for 25c ,
! . . . _ r..r :
M t t-li-i
! ? iSi ; : ? E
las just roooiyod a Crate of Meakin White Qranito goods. Call the
price sells them.
Why pay Kichorbitant Prices for Couches that the springs will give
autin a year whoi : you can buy the new construction guaranteed 5 years
for thu same price or lenft.
Tables , Liunpn , TiimblorH , Hilvtrwaro , Cutlery , and a Complete Line
uf MOUHO Furnishing Uoods at prices that ar < ; right.
Call and lot mo show you now Cioods , Mirrors , etc.
Wfst Side Square Broken Bow. Nebiaska.
A oar loa 1 of old wheat Hour , 8auk
( T STOCK of
tf And arc prepared to soil as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. [
Hunter ami F.o-fts taken in Exchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city , Give us a trial.