Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 15, 1901, Image 5

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rrouso roll las , "liyTovnus , for pt-oti-c-
tloa of Hull , tfiinu' and Inseetlvcrouft
birds. Tlu tfovornor Is nmdt > tin-
game tuitl n h coininlwloiipr , nnd is
imtliorlv.od ( o iippolnl Iwo tk-piity coin-
inlsHioiK rs. OIKIK nitlcd tla1 clilof
deputy nnd fdmll iwidi. jn J.lnpoin ; tin-
other Hlinll bu sklllud In the sclimt-p
of flsli cidtiiiv nnd linvc conlrol nnd
iimniiKcini'ntr'or nil llsh lifin-liorlps in
the slntc. Kych < o rcrulvt- snlary ol'
$1'JOU IIPnnnilin. ) . 'Flu1 trovornor is
also nntliirizeil | 0 appoint , ! . : . . ( . . nioi-o
dfnntlps nl -nhir.v or air. . , month ,
dni'lint MIC tln.o nrtiiiill.v < 'iiin. . \ 'd tin-
dnr dlft'cilon op * HH > ! i'i.ii ' , .
They nre lo he nllowi'd .fin : ! ( jiri i'l.
for Irnvpllftr cxpons 's , nnd i , . imv
' ( ijlli-fs nt llu > caiiltol. 'l'o , -
* aioliiT nnd hN donitlo tinnini ! , - dll ;
clnls of ( ho j-uup with nil thp pi.n-pr
of 'SlirrJITs mid eoi.-taliloN , Mlii- ! ; i < t
Iny within the line of their nfi ; inl .Ui .
lies , io nmKi' arresl.s. to servo nil \ > r.ts
- mill proip pq. chil and i-rl.i , i..i ! In
tlio onfrr i noiit ol' tills at-l. : , -.d to
charge therefor mid celled fees ni
. lowed by law. H is made tlio duly ol'
; -V \ tlio commissioner nnd his deputies.
* ; - with or without a warrant , to arrest all
$ * ; ; parties h niiiv deem guilty of viola-
* _ tiona of this act. And with or without
* '
\ warrant , to open and examine any
* box , barn , oar or oilier place wlipro ho
believes game killed in violation of the
act to IIP concealed. When entering
u dwelling house a warrant is noces-
t stiry. Xo person shall shoot on or html
' ' from a public highway at any game.
* : . , ? ' $ S $ ' * Insectivorous or other bird , or' fish , or
r' " - . ; hunt { 'nnic on any land not public hind.
' " ! , , without oonsont of the owner , nor llsh
or hunt In any private park , or lake
without consent of the proprietor.
\l . ' -L1"0 tlso or.dynainlto or other e.xjilo-
5,3 * live In killing l < h Is forbidden. Kill-
' ) > 4'r Ing ; of the following named birds Is
$ | . ; ' lorblddon at any and all times of the
K-- , y < mr : Uobln.lark. thurshbine bird , king
* ' _ . , ' ' , bird , wren , jay , swidlow,1 oriole , wood-
vC , , " . . * pecker , yellow haiiinior , cuckoo , yel
; ' ? Y'"f low 1/lrcl / , bobolink , or other birds' of
K . , * , ' ' , like iiature that pron'iote agriculture
$ & ' or hoi'tlcultnre by feeding on noxious
* ' * & ' worms or insects. it is provided ,
" W ; / . .however , that hawlcs nnd owls may be
iV killed on one's own promises ; schools
l.-r ; V % ' or colleges , when authorized by the
( . " \ > t.commUisioner . , may talco or kill for
' ( scientific purpose * , twenty-live of each
„ - > ' ; ' - -of the forbidden species. ' Any per-
' , V H , son violating any of the provisions
\ / ? > ? r- of the above section Is Jlablo to a
Vf < - tine of live dollars for each bird
i1- , ' killed. The open season for door nnd
i'jk anteloie | having horns shall begin Aug.
- jr ? 35 , and end Xov. 15. Wolves , coyotes ,
-T-s , ' . , / foxes , skunks , wildcats and rabbits ,
' * } ; _ / may be killed during any time of the' '
: ' * * 'year. The ojieti season for prairie
jrVfX "chickens , sago elilckens. and grouse.
i begins Oct. 1 and ends Xov. ISO ; for
f' ' . quails from Xov. t to Xov. .80. and it
; Is made unlawful to kill , trap , or
* - harm any quail at any season of the
year prior to Xov. 1 , ino.'i ; for wild
* ducks , swans , cranes , geese , etc. , shall
begin Sept. 1 and end April I. ; for
„ jack sullies , AVilson snipes and yellow
legs from Sept. 1 to April 1-5 ; for wild
ri- pigeons , doves , plover , April 1. to Oct.
V 30. The open season - for trout not
less than eight inches In length shall
begin .tune 1 and end Oct. . " .1 ; for nil
other lish April 1 to Oct. 'H. Taking
of game in any one day iv limited to
the following amounts for one person :
\ Ten wild goose or brants , li. > game
birds of any other variety , ' _ ' , " > fish. Xo
person may kill more than one deer
and one antelope In one year. Or he
may substitute two of ono Kind for one
of each kind. No one pcr < on may have
In possession at any time niore than
10 wild geoM' or brants , 50 ducks , and
50 other birds , nor more than HO fish.
Xo game or llsh shall bo hold In pos
session by any poyson for more than
live days after expiration of the season
for killing. ( Jame may not bo pursued
Inthe night tfine , nor with other than
an ordinary shoulder gun or pistol.
Fish may be caught only by hooks ,
halted with natural ur artificial bait ,
and the number oC hooks on any 9111 ;
line must not exceed live ; nor shall
liny ll&h be caught within 200 t'ent of
any ilwh way. Violation of the provls
Ion restricting the number of birds
and llsh , and the provision relating lo
time and motliod of hunting is made
punishable by a fine of not less .than
iIn ? nor more than $100 or lc.ipvl > on
menl In the connly jail not hvs than
(50 days. A line of not less than Slot :
nor more Hum .yi'.tio or Imprisonment
in the eonnlv jail not to exceed 5)0 )
days , or bo Ml , 'is provide , d for killing
door , niili'lope or ell ; out of season , 01
In greater numbers than Is pormUtoi
by law. Tlio killing of birds out of
P" season , or possession of birds out ol
season Is made punishable by a line elf
? f for each blnl or lisli unlawfully
killed , taken or wounded , or Imprls
eminent in the county jail not mort.
til1 ! ! ! ! I'.I I lluvu
To TIIK DKAI' A rinh larty , ourcf
of n i | ) i'fifnt'f H HSU ! Noidcfi in tlio
Heart liy Dr. Nioholson'ri Artificial
Er r DriimH , gave 825,000 to liiH In-
Blitnte , KO that tlcnf ponjilo unable
to proouro tbo F/ir DnniiH , may hnvp
tliem free , AcldrrsH No. D 14j : ,
The NiohnlHon Inntitntp , 780 ,
Kig'lit AVPIIUP , N"v York. jan3 IT
PoniilV Court , rnsler CoilntvchrankH. .
To the heirj nnd next of Uu of Ji Lua Fireman ,
Von rn hercliv nntlll. < \ 'hat U O. Snorircr , n
iri-diloi of paid ! runm-il li > i tlu-d ( its rulllinn In
HiM rniir' . a l.'ni' tli"l Henry K llly may h < np-
polnleil n'lminl' ' iriiliir i.f HieUlo of Joslum
Kncmitn , il < ' ( r i ' 'il Said iuati r Im In en - > t
fur hrnrlni for' ! i-i -mln r Oil ) 1'n"1 " ! Ul oYU.i' <
a in , H ! t > > 'oiinl ) rifuri rnom in Itinknn How ,
fichra ) > n. hen nil lnteron < i > d pnrlliR mjp
tifhr and hfl hard , , , , . .
TliU notice ordertvl piililithnd for thr i > cnn
tccntlve week. In the Cn ler Counlv KepuhllcDn.
a wfeklr.'iounpapi'r , puhlliihed uuu of general
circulation In ' < ! county
Dated thi I'Jtli ilny of Augost , 1901.
8-15'Jt J. A. AIIMOUUCounty Jud e.
U. S. Land Office.
All mhprtlrt-nit-liU. under thin head will tic
clmrgid for nt Ici-nl iutf > , vi SI.WP'T qum
for IlisLlii-crilon , nml Mr tier nnmro Tor each
i-uli-cquo t Incrrtlon.
A ' 'Miuare" IP len llnon or fraction thereof.
United 8t n Uml nrnCr , I
Lincoln. Nrh..In'y ' 'It. IPOI. f
\ sulllclcntntUdnvIt having ncun Illoa In this
alllct liy Wllil lA M MOuHF , uaulentanl , njulii i
tlmhcr rnllnio unl'y No iisr , made October W ,
1W.I. for Kts Sc M inl S'4 > e'4 , suctlciii .10ton if
f til | ) 111 , N , run no J.0 , w. . t > y Daniel Snxder , cent -
t > # lav. In wlilcli It IH alleged that contenleo tmj
fallftl lo hronk , plow or cultivate or ( limit lo
Irei-o , in pels or niltlniiR nny of n ld Intel for or
( Ilirlui ! Iho yi'iiiB o ! IA , " . . 'JiS. 'HO ' 1C 'IM. 'Hit
iC ! * ( ) anil h < > l > .iniloiHMl snhl truct. Thut iio
in CD of nny kli.M ate crowing 11511111 Mtld trnct
ami llmt no I'llort | MB lican mnilo hy contoteo ur
liny ouo for him or In hln In vrcsl lo jirocnre a
gruutli or Iron UHinpaltl ) tmtt for Ihu pan ul 'iil
) onri' . Mild puillci iiru horchy nollllcil to nnncnr ,
n-fiioiid anil oiler t\ldi > mu ti nchluR cBlil ullruu-
Lion HI ti'nn'o.ook a m on Angiut .I'lli ' , ll' , .l. Iho IlcKlHtur nud liocclvor * the Untied
Hiatus I.tuir ) Oirco In Uncolu , Nuhmrkii.
Thi > pnlJ contcstHiit having , In proper Hindu-
vll , Illiul .inly i3. 1901 , nvt forlh fuels which uliow
Ihntnftor ( Incilllll encn nerfoiml scrvlcu of thlc
i otluu cunnot ho minle , It la hi ruhy ordered ami
llrottod that such notice be ulven duo nml prop-
ir mihllc-itlnn. J.V. . JOHNSON , UeRl tur.
r Sfi t T. 1' . KBMNAMU , uuvelvcr
Uultud StBlcH Land Ontco , I
Lincoln , Null , , Auitunt IS , If 01. f
tlculH hcrchv given Hint the foltouliit- ;
.ninoit nuttier tins filed nntli ; of hln Inlunthn to
muki ) H n a I prnof hi j-npport of Ills claim , ami
thai mid ) > tooflll Im mnde lufoti ! . I A. Armour
coiiuty jnilun lit How , Nebraska , on
! -niurd y. 8citvmlirr | S3 , 1001 , vlx. : UKOKOK
I'Al'lNKAU. for tlio Nw' Nw'i. FccUon 51.
mvii lilii 10. norlh , rniifjc ' . ' 0 , ue 't , lininustnul
ii i aim'tt Ilio lollowlnt' lreei'8 | lotac \ | IH
( ( iMlniioiiirMik'Hco ii | on imd iinlliT.i'ldn of
H.ilil land. vizi. Thomnx TorKfri > nn , of Drokcn
lo > v , Mihriifhu ; Ituun N. MarniH. cflrol.t < ii
Dow. Nuliiaika ; llnrry Slnrcus/of Jlrokun Don.
Ncbnifka , L > oii'lni | Marrut > of llrokon How ,
Nibntiii. b-lR Ot J. \ \ . .loilNsoS ,
In the District Cotirl of Ouster County N
0 .M.Obcrr.oll/er. i
I'lulntllT , I
vs VNotIeto Non-rei.ientt | | <
I ) . Jl. WIllliuiiR , etnl. . . I i
Dofnnilimtf , j
TlibdefcmlanlH f ) . II. Williams , Mrs 1) . H
WIlllaniB , lilii wlli , II. \\llllaniH. . Kllen May
\MlllutUH , K H Davis , T. C. Cannon , l < \ W.
{ ears. W. H. WilMumn , nnd the Jfellnncu Tumi
, wil taUo n Jill n Hint m tliuUth d * > of
.11) ) 1 , tlipIMntlir , C. M. Obeiholucr ,
his reilllon In f'o ' ( il-trlct court of Cunler
connly , NcbniHkii , nRiiliii-t yon , nml each of you ,
ui lliu obji'd nnd pmytr of ulilch urn lo foreclose
n ceilnin certlllciilo lulled liy ( he lieanurer
of > nlil Unnei eoiinty , on tlmJtli Uny of June ,
1 ' . )9 ) , nf which Ihu plaintiff lr < nouthu o\\ner nnd
Imlili-r tl'i-reof ' , for Iho i < uiii nl OT.nri and oover-
IIIR the followliiK ileicrl > i ( I pn-mlHeH : lota 11 ,
I' ' , und lit , in li'irl ' < Od of ttia inllrosd lldillllon to
llrohen llou , Ncliraskii , Balil eoiinty , and upon
wlilcli lir.n liuen i tild "i-ulisciiueiit1 I'll ttHlollous :
On the ! ! 9lli IHJ ! ol . .lllntISKy , for tl o yenr IS9S ,
ih hum of Sir.tiU Oh Iho 15th day of Jnlv ,
I'.IOI. for tlm year IWJ , IhiiHlim of jat.lO. : On'he
l.'ilh day of only. 1VOI , lor tin * jetr IWO , ttui cum
ofjf'JI : ! 5 ; eneli of whlrh umiruuu draw -U per
cent. Interest fiom their u'H | > cctiVL' diiteei , all of
ulikli Ii due am ) unpaid.
I'lnlntilf prays a docrre of foreclosure of nall
' 'ortlllKut" Hud roct'lpU nml sule of suld prumlHw.
Von ain required to r.nsuvr t > uld petition on or
licfoto Jlondav , Ihe2.ini ray of Si'plombpr 1001
Dated at llrohcL How , Ntlinuki. tlilH till ) day
01 August , IDtU. O. SI. ,
liy AI.VIIA MCKUAN , Illr , Attorney H.15 41
All pcrfom are hereby notlueil not In ilejiosl
H < > y nmimre < jr any oilier oiifitruellnii in or on nny
] ilille roul In llriiken How touiiBhlp under pun-
ally of tno lnw ah provided liy Hl'itule. A line of
pollec-i thtu.t'irt'e (3) ilolbirs nor more thun tun
(10) ( ) doll.ltsnml tlireo ( . ! ) ddllaru uildltlo. , ; . ! line
for eucli.vl hoiirn the obctiuetlon la Uiloued to
Any perfon vlolatlii1 ' the above \\lll ho prune-
Hy order rf to\vnslili | bosrd.
-lilt , J. J. SNIDKII. Town Clerk pro torn.
To whom It may ojineern : /
Tlm coiinlj bo'iiTI'liiiVL' ordered tlio nil . .
lin pobnit alterations und vairtllou of a mad „
tommeneinj ! at ' 1m northwest o rner of roiuli-
C-t if of Petition H 1.VI7 , running "oiahuwl U
ormlnu > links t a pulnt - eh.-ilos ir linLt , wcM
of ceniiT of ro'id. thunuu boiiilnvifl IS chains Ii *
ci'iitcr of loud r'limiii } ; north nnil HOIII ! ) and Ihu
vacation of roiul beUMen abu\e disrilbeii paints ,
All oliji'CthniH iliernlo , or clalma for damn ep ,
innal In-n cd In llm county clerk's olllce MI wr
lieforo noon of tinifiih iliy of Koplembir , liui , or
Mieli mail lll l e altered and vacated without
ruletenco tlierelo.
\\ltnf8i whereof , 1 liM'i- hereunto et nny
hand and suit ) nf ell hi coau. y Ibis -'lul liny ot
July , wr : . J , II. OsnouiiN ,
ISIAL | 7'J.'i II TountyOlerk.
, ,
KOAI ) NOTh , ,
To whom It mny concern :
Tlio to.nmlssi HIT ai'polnted ' to view a tend
petlllom-d fur I y 1'n d Mmillrs , etui , eimimnnc-
Ins ni Aiklfcon i tic'et of the rlty c > f llrokvii How ,
Ni-li , ' i a tolnt on HII : ! meet ut the norlheafl
corner uf hlock number fixty-livonf Ihu Itnllroad
Addition lo thu or'glnlnl ' town of Itrokon How ,
Nobriukti. rLonlni ; ihenun directly bouth alone ;
nnd upon Martin street of raid town nf HroUen
How , Neb , to IJroadway Hlreet of Hind clly of
llroken How , ami Imor-eciiiiv , ' will ) said Htreet
hub reportoil In favor of the ostahllehment ihtTiv
of , nnd nil objectlouit Ihereto , or ehilmri fur ilntn-
di vf , must be Hied in tlio county tlm U'u ollli'i ; on
r before noon of thu 'Mtti ilnv of beptcmber ,
HUH , or fnrh roul ; will be e-tubllrhcd vMthoni
iefi.renco ihorclo.
Inilnes3 wheieof. 1 lu.vo hereunto fct my
hiiml mol of Buhl eoiinty , thin L'lrd : , | uy of
, Inly , ll'UI. J. II. O'noUiiN ,
[ bEAi. | - " ' < H Cminlv OlcrU.
Toholn It mnj coiaern : Tlio
iippoinlul to vluw u road petitioned for hy K I' .
Moore et nl. commenci'iy HI SuuUni NoI of
loiimyroid No HI and termliinlim ; at Htsilon No
„ ' . ) of mid count ) n > iii | NuH und to vaculo lliu
loud as at present locutiid la the SWI.'i i > nc0 nnd
; ' 4 jsir ! il-17'17 , Imn it-ported in favor of thu
ublifllmiL'nt und vacation an petitioned for und
all iiLjiictimin ihi-ulo or clalmi for diim.ife , < ,
must be llled lu the county clerU'rt olMco on or
bcfoio noon of thu Sfltli duy of Ancn l H.HI1 or
R'leli road Mill he vscalcd without lufeirnce ,
In wltn'fs wl'criuf I L'uvo heicnnto i < ut my
hniiil nml rent ot i-aul coiinly thin "litb May of June
ll'Ol. '
J.-JI. Dsnoi'uN ,
County Ulerk.
In I'onnty ( Jotirt , within HIU ! for Cnntor c
\'ibr > t Ui ,
In Ihu mutter of Hitcilate of bmi
To the cifdltir * nf Paid chhitn :
Vc a arc iicithr notltlud , I will alt at thu
c miiy Knur , room , In Hmkcn Itow , In U !
enut.ty , < m llu ; Utll ilay of October , 1WI ; on Ihu
DIh day of ncivmber , l.'lll ; un the 1Mb i'ay ' of
hVhruary , 11KS ; each at 111 n'clucl. a in ol cud
day , to rircivitnnd Linmlnii all dtlim
r-aiil CBtatelth \lewtotbeir aojiutroont um
nlluwai ci1.
Thu time limited for thu prebonlalion of clalma
paid 1'itittn U U mun Us from lh O'l
daj of AIIKDM , 'Crtll , and HID lime limited fur the
payment ufdclitD IH one jt-ir from ( aid 9th duj
uf Miguel , 1U01
Wllnep m > hand Mid Iho seal of Klid count )
couit , this lei ou > of August , I'JOI.
I BKAI.l J . A. AllilOUU , C'UllUty JlldgO
8-8 4t
i-iiJLi.'i ;
n. numipunit i > niu-irniiii ci.i > - i TT-I , -
dilution "f nny n u Midi ' , i 'i ' ! , < .1
yearfmir nni dm , | | , b , 1.1 iyull KM,1. ilci
Uraucli tliHi- . Ul V \\'ttsJ.iu.toa. . It.
: na ii 51 w iroto .11
rrm ill a 5'.1W anf w luoio : .11rj
rom 3J S W f > W I'lVl to rjWJ
rmu : ! .i 8 ; i5 w boa to WJu
rom HIS xMV O.Mlo 'l. ) nt tec. linn
! Siw i'ii
HIT ro-etli
ma It-nortrd In fn\ornf Ihu lorHllon tlinrout , nnd
h ul'J ellcins llii'ruio , or claluit for dHinn ux ,
nisV bo II led lu tin ; uiunty clurl.'n ulUco on 01 liu
ere noun ul UmMh day u , Sitntemhjr , HUl.or
ucli load will hu located wllhullt rufurl-ucu
In witness wborrof , 1 have horiutilo fCt my
iflnd ami Bual nl rultl ( uuuty , tide ' . ' : ) d day of
illy , 11UI. ,1 , U. IXuoUUN ,
SEAL. ) T.'JS-U I'onnly Ulcrk.
To whom U may cuuctrni
Tlio coinmlxrloiibr niipolntud to view H road
U'llllouud for lu V , S. Alorrl , utul. , foumiimc-
i'g nl Htittkm No. 3 ot l ) . ( ! . . ( lardULiraud ,
K'llCl !
Strttlon Station
No. IH-K. Mill. Vt. .No.
rom S II K Kill lo
rom J S M W I'll tu
um L' S Jb K inn to
rom a s a ( .1) i : lull to
rom i * sy 111 740 to
rom 5 S a. 25 0 lo
f Ht crutor
rom ( ! S 37 SO K S'.Ti toMS 7 < line eiu. l IU.
rom 7 fl 18v 80 MS to
rom S III It'll ) tl )
mm ! i S MO 110(0
rom 111 M ID LM m1 ! ) to
lorn II S i- ' IS Ml to
oiu Ii S au ,11 ! Ml ) lo
south Hue
rom 1:1 : s 40 . (5 ( 10,1 to
ss feetlnn IU ,
rom s to 15 bO. . to U
rum 11 S I' . ' Ki io ir >
lorn If. S ii : o I'M ) lo Ili
rom 10 S 17u 5 TOO to 15
nun 17 S ; u 5 BUI tu
ruin IS S it ) J"iO to
rom IU S lil HKJI ) lo
l cm 'M H 15 -50 to Jl
(8 ( line see.
rein 31 S : i -ir W W ) to S 16 , ' , u 11 K ,
Jot Jjvcor. .
rom S ir. liSO tea
iom ! ii a in a D io it
rom jt ; s r.r. l.MU 10 J\ \
rom 1 8 m
( ut k ( corner
rom S5 H II l.'i K > 0 . on eapl slilo
| ' iJO I
rom i : 'S > 0 to 'J7 ou BOC. line.
rom \v III ) ll ) L's
rom M h u K vv : uu tu
r < n y. < n m 10 \v : IHO in
rmn so s ; u 1C IHO to
rom : n M i : ir > o t
Join : K s i ; IHO to
mm : u s w o < > lu ill ut pec. Hup.
' i on Hfo. line
torn : u s u no lo JIT * } rjii JL N. of
irom as a MI r o K rjiiio : )
fiom MS at W nr > io : tr nt
fiom : ir s nto K rn in .M
frtmi ; irf K u anv di ! > t < > : i'j
lium JW Slii Ito K alutu lunt per Hue.
on roc. line
from ID S 11 'ID I ! U
IHM rtl'urtod In fmor of thu locatlnn'llieieof , Hint
II ol'j"UlloiiH lliuteln , or rlnlmn lor damaiii < ,
im < l liu lllcil In tlio Tounly OlerUV olHio un or
irforu noon of lliti'.Tith iluy of beUu'Mdi.T | , lUill.
r such road \\ldln : located \vlliunl rffeicuoo
In wltmm whernof , I hit'v hereiiMto net mv
anil and seal uf mid county , Ihlx ' . ' , ' ) rd day Of
nlv , 1UOI. J. 11 ( NuouitN ,
HKAl , . ) 7" . " It CoHiity Cltuk.
Tohnm et may conciiin : ' 1'ho Cuminlanlonur
| iiotntd | lo vieu u road-i'tll.inrd | ) fur liy I onU
[ uunmnl Lt ll. comimtncluir in ijiiurlor nirucir
flu 1:0u Hi lllidMl-HI-l' , > IlieniO
Slallon Station
No. dei ; . mln. Ft. .So.i
i IS'iO fl N of
rom 0 S 11 K to i Si : eur uf
. < 4-18 1 ! ) .
rom 1 y U 40V Htt ) to 'J
rom M Iito U 1IU ) to 8
rom 380 IW W 710 to I
rum ! b 00 III ) K MW to fi
W dcK10 m
iK NEcor 10-
18 IU
I2H ) to C
rom c a t.i : n EKKI to 7
rom 7 H 70 10 i : till ! to b
rom tl S 39 I.r > K f > blto / ( I
rom I' S 'JUIII ! } OHil lo 1,1
( N sldo S7-18-
from ' , ' 1 H 4 iOV B7J to < 11) 507 ttlil i ;
( ol M eornur ,
DIG tu
from ti 8 20 15 W Ml ) tri
IOOI H ! t > K are tu
rom s aa an W HIM ! to
i oio 8 yj K vro tu
'rom ' S 3(1 ( 10 K l'J7t ) to ' . ' 7
ro.ii b ID 0 K ti5'J Ki M
'rom - M a ao K UM2 lu \ ) > 4 cor W side
'J7-IK-IU lli'Mice Huilth thruU' b conlre of tecUou
31 'i mile lo Inlil out mud ,
IIHH lenorled In fnvur uf cHtiiblldliioont thoruot
und uli oi'Jei.'itiiUbttieiu'.o , ur claims for ilttiun uj ,
Ufl bo tiled In thu Connly clcik'r * olhce ou ur
.forliliiiun ot tla30lh iluy ot AllKDat II'OI , or
hucliroul will nu eBltihlMiud wlttiuui retuiencu
In ultnecs whennf 1 liavo fipreunlo cot my
liand and suil of < ; uld county tnln Mill day ot
.lunu IU > I.
I'nuitty OlerU.
Road Notice.
To whom It limy concern i Tl.o Coinmlaftlogoi
anpolntid lo vluw u road iioillloiiBil for by Thorn
xe I'ariel ul ulcommuncing at quarter corner
on wi ! l fide J4-14-21
Station ' Station
dog. mln I't. Nu.
'rom 0 NVO K 2610 io I I centre of
0I Ill-ll-a
from I N Kl E 170 ! ) io u
from N Ul K Mm io ute
from S W ) K 1400 to 4
fiom N f > l K 7J5 10 Q
from 5 N lil 15 1015 lo I lo It hank
1 S Lout. K
left imiik
1143 to i
12 > l.onp It
lilO tu fi
from N * 7 JOll ti > 7
from N 10 aw to U
from N IB niu lo II
from H tu 10
from 10 N C3 JJJ R iiU'O to \ n $ $ * v
! Ii < lt hunu of
ami to
I > . \Bh ( Jrnet
'Jiau to ll
hie reiinttrd In favor nf Ihu e > tihlli < hiiienl thereof
and nil olijiitloiiH Ilienito , or claims lor dniii'iea ,
miut bo tiled In Ibu coonly clerU'i * olll-u on or he
fore noon of llu SOth ilur ot An u l 1W1 , or 1,111 h
road will hu edtublUhud wllhoui rrforuneo there ,
lo ,
IH ssliness wherrof I kavo lieroiinto vet my
hand and teal Ot tald county tUa 20lh dny of
1 County UUirk.
Tolin \ It tnnr concern :
I'lio couniy h-nrd IIITC ordcrrd Hdvoitltod the
following roftil nnd vacntlon of old roml com-
mdiclnj ; nt tlyi soiilliooit corner j t pcctlon .1(1- (
l-Vli , thriicr running wcat on section llnu ono
and one-iiinrler | inllc.H. ( tiencc running louth on
14' roil Una ono-lmlf mlle lu Intcn-ect with vtin\ \ >
I'Hud nmil In Kcctton V-lf-17 , and lu vfirntn xrc
lion line roml running norlli nml couth holwcen
fi'rlloo l tind 2 ton n 1) ) , tiinKo 17 , the rninn hu-
Intt an Imiirnctllilu rjoad nml ban not hccn opi-ym1
for troTnl nml no imbllc monciy or Inhor him user
I M ,0,11 xiomled | on inld toad , nnd on vamii cause
to vacate roml between xrctlon II , nml IU , town
II , ratiKi ) IT , hi : ropnrtpil In favor of tin ! ORtn.i
IMnmint thereof , and all otijecllonit thorclo , ol
clnlmi forilamiiROA , imitt hu filed In thu count f
clcrli'n olllrc on or licfoto mum of In ' .1Uh day of
Sopttmher. IHOI.ortnch roml will hu fHlahli licd
\Mlhout loforencii tlirnlo.
In whuo'K whereof , I liaru liorciwito get my
Imnd mid i ral of said county , ttiljHtd nay of
July. IWl J. II.OTiilliriiN ,
IH ; AI.I 7 It Comity Clerk.
To whom It ma ) uoncarn :
'I'lm cnmuil < i : oner iippulnU'd lo vlu\\ ro d
liftlllonod lor hy Uco.V. . Hiii'll , otnl , , connncnc-
iiKHt * point from station 7 of rend No. "H" ,
noilli 811 dcjiroes ill ) nilnulcx u 9t li',0 feet lo Un
ion No. I , ihonoo norlh l > ! i desroei cast MX ) feet ,
lioncu nrirth ? H dOK'rce.,1 Id mlimtef > ciut 1,00 feet ,
tlionre ninth SO degrofc cunt 1200 feel , Ihenci !
iiirlh M dCKri-et * II ) mliiiitee east 000 ( rut , thuncu
south 71 ik'Kreus l."i minute * end UOO fed , thutico
ionth Ki dcgrmK i ; > mlmitvK o t 1100 feet , tlu-i co
norlli h | dcurecH mlnnten vnttCtX ) foot , tlienco
oulh 7'l dctiruer 10 mlnuteB caul INK ) fuel , tliunco
eouiji Hi ) lU-srfli'B l.S mlnnti'H enst 700 fcot , tliunco
ciilli 7 , ' ilcxrrcc > 'm t IIX ) feet to eolith rhlo of
sroilou : ! ii. twii SO , r ti'i ( ( 23. tlienrn nontli VJ de-
greu < ( . l 11110 feel lo ftullull II lit flosslliK cf II ,
nd M. rnlliend IHB rcjioiti'd lu favor ofthoe.t > .
tiibllflmieut tlieieof , nnd nil objulitlono thereto.
ur rminiN for imtDHKea. UIIIHI. Iio lileil In the
oiintv eleik'd olllco nu or huforo noon of tliu 2Hh (
, da > , f Si'plomhi'r , I1HJI , ur Piicli roinl will IIOOP-
t t > ilrlicitltlionl rufnroncu thereto.
In Itiuii-rt whereof , I hsvi' hrrunntii cot mv
ninl and seal of s.dd comity , thin L'llr.l day nt
J'"v ' , iom. j , | l. Dsmuin.N ,
t " i. I 7-SS II i.ounty OJerk.
UOA1) NOriOlJ.
lo n horn It nny concern :
The .fOtmnltHiaier appointed to vlaw H road
itiiiloncd for liy I'liniiniH Coudxn , utiil. . coui-
nt'iie'iiK nt Ni ) conicuI'MS-UI , thence
SUUon Million
.No. Octr. .Mil ) . T't , No.
rom I ) \ 67 10 R 'iiO t > 1u
rom I .V 13 10 K UK ) to u
ftoln ' . ' N M fl K KXMo 8
iom 'i N U ) r , , ' , K 1 lout i 4
iom I N 81 10 1C lll.'ilto 4r.
rom 5 N 'M io i ; 131 in
turn ll 31 d H 1MXI tu
rmn 7 8 HI do K I'M ) ID 8
roni a N' 71 ai Ii100 to 8tl
rmn ll .S 70 ID i : -I o in 10
um In N 7il M K (170 ( in II
rom II N W 'ill U 8.11 io 18
iom 12 N SI 40 K 12TO lo 13
Nw p. eec.
rum 18 N II i ) w 3I , > lu . 18.
aa ,
nn 13 N II iiO U ! rXI ( to II
rom II .S 8.1U 50 1C UUi ) ID ir.
rt m lii N 8.1Hfi HJ K IHki ui in
rom III .S Hfi ' 30 K 17,0 to 17
rum 17 N 5) 'JO N 770 toW IK
I Nw 'pornur. '
ram IS N a W 487 to ( sue 3 , twp.
( lii , range 3
torn IS N 7S 15 K Itlli ) to in
rom 111 N 78 U ISM iu 20
nun VO N 60 ii Mi lo ail
iom at N 10 0.11) I ( i l
from' W N 10M K UM ) to 23
ftoin I' . ' ! N HJ 4- . i ; DUO to SI
( at Nw cor.
from a I S 8 | 12 .HI7to 35 < ( " 'C 'J , IWM
I IS.rniiKiiaa
rom * K i n auoo ti ) an on acc. lliui ,
rum Jl ! N fir 30 K DM ) to
rum SH ll ) K 10011 tu 'M
rom 't N Ki tiO i : luou to an
trom ay N 13 1C 17010 : iO at sen. linn.
\ I on w , hide
from VI N ' , ' . ' K tOO to 3K H 3d , IU , 2.1 ,
(7ISftll ( Htt 1 !
m repmled In ffivnr of tholucntion theronf , nnd
ill nhjeoihins thereto , or elulins fur ilamuger1 ,
nud Iio Hied In the county clOrkV ollice on or
ii fine noon of thc''iilhilay of Heplfinbur , JDOI ,
ir MICI road will hu luealoil wlllionl reference
In wltni'i'iH wlmr of , I liv hereunto put my
mild nndiml of i < aia rounly , this 'ilrd day of
HEAL.I 7-2311 founty Llcrk.
of HPC. 10 ,
twp 80 , H17.J
from : n a 7 W COO to 31 on tco. Hue.
Irom 31 S JC IHHUu HTi
from 'Ci S fi 1C 8JO to SiJ
from Hi ) 8 111 40 W 370 lo 3T
from S7 8 IM 111 W UM to la
from SO 8 27 13 \ \ ' 4011 to S' )
Irom : w 8 It fV KM ) io 40
tiom 40 s i ys w iiwoto u
flOIII 41 H in . ' 10 U' l < Vit 4i
from 12 8 111 ,1k ! H tM ) to 43
frum 13 8 ' & 'M K llH0 ; in 41
rom 41 S Sii 25 K ISOOti ) > &
from ( , > s ii 30 vr nix ) in 4u
from 4(1 ( M il M K 7011 to 47
frum 47 8 8 4&V 7WI toId
rom 48 8 1 bo W 800 to 4i >
from 4'J a M W H30 to M )
from 50 S W aooiu hi
from MS 4 10 W 270 lo d'J
from T.2 8 12'J 10 K 3W ) ( u d'JH
from A3 8 'J II ) 170 to ( H
nt Hcr.tlon
Him . ulde
nee. Sf
from 65 8 B5 f.SV CM in
from 51) N 03 6 W > U lo 67
( \V line M
from 67 S 69 SO W 2KI to JiU , IDOft. n
( of } { corner
from V iO 3(1V ( Uin to WUtlon with
( Inldont rend
mo iciiorted In favor of the lurnllon thereof , ami
til objeeiliinn tlioreti ) , or ulnlniA for ifunin itii ,
oni-t no illod lu lliu county cioik'a olllce on or he-
oti ! noon of thu MBi d y of Supt , , I1HI1 , or Mich
roml will hu eptnlilhdicd without reference
In wltntSH whereof , I huvo horennlo let my
mnd und huul of flUil coir.ity , ihU 23td diy of
July. HIM. J , II. OuuOUitN ,
. 1 7-2.,4i County Clerk.
Job Printing.
\Vtitit uioHt ptioplu want IH
mild and ucutlu , vvlu'ii In IUUM ! of H
Hlo Chnuibtirliun'rt Stoiuiicli nml Liver
U'HblotB till tlin bill to a ilot. They < HO
easy to tnkp ami jtlonpunt lu effect. For
miki by J. U , Hm-'berlo.
Lincoln , -IJenvfir ,
Ouinhs , iloloua.
Chicago , Unite ,
Ht. JOHOpb , 1'ortlsnd ,
Kansas CUT , BBlt Lake City ,
St. Ijontg , nnd all San Kranoljco ,
polnti cast anil eonth. and all points
No , 4a Veillltilcil oxprcni dally. Lincoln , Oma
ha , St. .loaonn , Knims City , bt. Lontt , Chi
( ingo and all points cant nml couth..11 41 p.m.
No. 44 Looal cipress dally , Lincoln , ( linaun ,
Ht. Joseph , Kinixot Cltv , Ml , I < enl , CnlcaRO
anil all points oust mid noulh tJS'Jarn '
No , 40 Froliht.dally , lUvcann , Grind Islind ,
Aurorn , Scword nml Llntoln . . . . . . . . , . .0(1.1 n
No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , limenua
And intermtdUto poInU , 115 pm
No , 41 Vffillbuleil exprefs dally , Helena , Seat
tle. Unite , Portland nnU till Pacific Coast
points 40V ) ana
No. 43 Local rsprcea dally , Alllaneu and
Intcrmrilltito volnt * liHOnm
No , r > Krclght it llyMop8 only Anielmo Seneca ,
\Vhllman and Alliance , I0f > 3nm
No. 47 Freight , dally except Bandar , Sineca
und Intermediate polnU. , . , . . , , . . . . . . . , ltsr > pm
Hlonplnit , dlLliiu * nd reclining chair car * ( seats
free ) on through tralnp. Tlclip * told and bti { >
gajjo chocked to nny point In ( hi United Stntci
and Canada ,
No. 48 ban mrrohandlso rar Tncsdayi , Than *
duyn audtjaturdays.
No. 4tl will carry paBiortt'M for liavenni
Brand Inland , Suwad and Lincoln.
lofuriuatlon , mapfli lime tnblea and ticket
call on or write to U. L. Ormsby , axent. ur J
Pruned , 0 , 1' . A. , Oniubn. Nobraika.
H. 1 , . OnMsnr , Agent.
1'onch for \vc t will clonu ut H p. ui. , except
Sunday when ll will eloi-u Ht ttl5 p m.
I'ouoh , on t tor train No. 4i closes at 8 a u
audfot Ko. Jl cloeei at , S.I10 a.m. Stall for Angler
and potntA east of drain ! Island Oaftlci ou train
Oi'onto rln of Kyno ai t Tuckervllle. dally ex-
cnpt Sunday cloven , nt 7 n m : rulurnluK lame day
Cnllawny via , Mc'Klnley dally except tinndar
close * nt 7 K in , returning nuinu dny.
Itpiind Vallej vk Qretin nnd Ulton oloso at 7 a
n\'rue day , Thursday and tisturilaju , rotcruinu
Halcu day.
Hnmnor via ( InrnHoy , Georgetown und Upton
arrrlvoi nt 11.80. Tuesday huradny uud ijatur-
dixy , iclurulnt ; veintlC',3 lauio day *
OlllCi hours from H.OO u m to 8.00 p in , Suu >
frouifi4& p. in. to i:4. : > p. m , Lobby opou
wvuU dayo from 7 it. in , to H p.m. Snodftx e'.SO
n. in , to u a.m. ( Jeneral doilv ry not open Udn *
dny morning at herelofuro , L. H.JKWBTT , PM-
\Vo want every lady reader of the
to try Dwight'u Coin ,
plexioii Uonutiiior , tlm nio t exqui-
Hito toilut proparntion. It in pure
and h ; rmlcHHinakoH tlio faoo smooth
as vclvol and fnir as nlabaator. , To
indtiuu a fuir trial of it wo will for
a Hliort timu only nund FURU a full
Hi/o , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will cond us her pout ollioo ad-
druoH Hilvor diino to pay for packing
and pontage. Only ono VHKE box to
oauh addrcna but ludioH may order
for tlioir frtcudti. Each box mailed
separately. Scsud thin notiou and
your ordur at ONOB to D. W. CUBTKB
4/Uo. , Iluntingtou W. Va.
w AIJL & FKlfiKD ,
I'roprlc ori of
\Vnst8ldo fiiiiirti | , llroken How
Nehrtipk * . AKcntf UhirKeun
Lincoln laundry.
I IlltOKICM UO\V AHSTIIACT 13O. , 1. A. Henean , lUsniim Andcrmm.
: Ilondi'd.
Kencau &
I. A.4tRNliAU
. . ,
Soorotarv-TrniiHiirp.r and .
AliHtrnotpr. Karim for Kent und Snlo. All
clause * of realty Ifandled for east-
l/oiHet-t urn liivextorn. Tnxon paid for
/ ; - Kxpntlonco and ncuti'Bl
OffIce , Main St. , Rotwoon 4th & 5th Av nuos ,
Urokon Bow , CusLor County , Nubrnska.
T\R. E. M. HOG AN ,
! "U I
Ufflce over \V 8. Swau'u ( irncery '
filoio. i
HroKon How ,
\V. C. HAKER.I'rop.
For n corlnl name ot pool. Worth !
of lit ,
liow , N |
HnececHor to
t.Uaci ; > V llolcpmu ,
| cor
Columbia Byclclos ,
Wheeli-r < fc Wllnon , and
w llim >
Hrokuu How , Narraako.
. " ' CONRAD ,
Dealer in
Pumps , Wind Millti ,
Tankn , Kittuigf , Gasoline -
line Enginop , otu , , etc.
Hrokou Bow , Nebraska.
15 yenre ( ixperliinro.
Teliiphono No.
llroken liow , Nehunka.
Iiooin'ii ' nnd U , Heftlty Ulocl : .
Itroki'ii How , Nuhrauka.
Anyone wishing a now watch
movement In at ) eld cute , cull on
Lending Hhoeinaker & Witch
Itt'palier of th city. Located li > l
door ruutn pualofllco.
Uc&ler la
Gratllu , KoroWn aad / icerlcati
Ornament ? ! Work a
llnik-en How , Neliruaka.
All Unit * of Work Dpue ,
Satlefuulou ( juarauiced ,
Crayon Work
Enlarged. .
llrnkou Ilo\V , Nehr ska ,
11.0 lIUn'ON , Proprietor.
rirnt-clu-a uorl ; , Hear ItObin
of Hroki'ii Ho rtiatb Hunk.
HtuVen How , Ncbrnftn.
A K , I1UMP11UEY ,
llroken How , Ncbr.
lin. MALI.OY , t'rop
All UlinlH of noft drill k . licet
hrnml of 'ClKurD. Klrel
eiiBt nt I'urnieru llanli.
ii Bow , Nnbi
2nd MUlrway from wu < t und In
Heblty Illock ; tosliloncu , 3rd we t
M. K I'hnruh , on atinm shin ot
llrolien lliuv ,
eutlumtea on otiurt
HrnUen How , Kuhrusku
Tlio Best and only
Good Plaou in town to
( jet Your Byoiole Work
Byoiolo Siunlrii'B , Etc ,
llroki-n 1)3W , Kohranka.
Atty-at-Law ,
Notary Public ,
unit Juctlco of thu ) > aco. Special
altrnt'.ou Kt en io collodions
l.'epordlloii' lakr.ii , pcnrlon vouch ,
era neatly exccnleil ami nil kind )
of lejjnl papers wrltloo Olllce lu
Ui" rear of lljnK of I'omraerco.
Broken How ,
I'ructlce In all Couru.
DruKou How ,
/ " ITY MILL ,
K. K. McC'iuiiN , 1'rou.
Hyo Flour , Btiokwhoat ,
Grahiiiu , Food , otu.
Ail klmlH of work In our line ilnne
promptly and In nrit-olnsR order ,
itodtobop on the corner woel.oi
the bose hotiBO.
IlroUen How , Neb.
We don't hang Wftll l > M > er for
IBc , nor uftlut your boiuu wltn
miy old mull ; hat hfltt material
and workmanship guaranteed.
HroLen Uow , Nehraoka ,
Proprietor of
Ituslanriintit Lunch Counter.
Largu fortrnent of Confactlon-
utleit , Clu'ars and Tobacooi ,
Nortli Ulde ot Public Square ,
Urokuti liow , Nebrast .
-vlta. It. 0. AV. . E.TALBOT
Otnce over Dachaile'a Drut ; Store.
1) ) r ok in How , NohratLk.
OlUco In rear of the Hank of Com
merce , Herldonco Cth home well
uf thu UajitUt ibuicli.
BioUoit Bow , Nob.
TO L ) . 1'IUKKTT ,
Stenographer and
Notary Public.
Job Work a Spouially
Offlco with Jamea Lodwlch. ,