Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 15, 1901, Image 4

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    I'ubllrliud nrcry Tliiirbdfiy nt the County Soitt.
)7M. AMSliKltllY/ - - "
A.C'llcu In C'untut Hlock. Kourtli At
Kntvrcd nt the pohtniilco nt llrokfti How , Nch. ,
KI nccoiul-f Int-n iniUU'r for tniiii-inlpi'loii tliruugli
tlie U. a. MftllH.
iuN l-ItioitT
One Voar , In mlvaiico
Ono tjohnnti , tier month , 87.00. ( Inn-half ml' '
limn , per inontn , SI ( U ( tnancr ( i.lniiin , jiur
inoutli , ( ii.CiO. Ix. tK ttiiin quin ( IT column , nJ
cunlrt per Inch per inutilh
Cr.rus nn Uint pa o , CIl votitu JH r Inch , pur
month ,
Local mlvcrtl li > K t > COMIB | > cr ili.ii fucli lii or-
tlun ,
Notice nf church fnlrfi , ncl iilti > mxl I'lilormlii-
iiientsvhuro iiiunuy 1 clntrK il , iini'.luilf rnli-n.
t-nulit > nnUcus uinl ii'M'iniiiiiii1. onu-linll liltec.
WrUUIiiif lutluua True , lull I'll" ' ' fur | nil > ll'lilng
list lit | IHbOlll ! . , , , , ,
Dunlli nnilcurt frro , hnlf | > Hri for | inlillelilu8
ollllnnry nnllucB , uuil < ml'HinnliH. .
Leful iiollcjo nt r i n | ir..vlilitl ny i > ntuloB uf
TilUKSUAY , AUGUST 15,1001.
The democart and pop stale con
trol committees have decided to hold
a fusion convention -Lincoln ,
kk'plembcr 17.
For men ol business ability , in
telligcnce and high moral chandler ,
the nominees on the republican
ticket rank among the best.
The republican ticket is one that
any republican can vote for with
a clear/consciunce. / As wo are poi-
sonally acquainted with all of them
bccpt : the candidate for coroner we
know whereof wo speak.
The managers of the silver republican -
publican party Ir-ld an inquest over
its remains at Lincoln lanl .week ,
and brought in a verdict of death
for want of cause for existence.
Noilhor Townu nor Teller are r.r-
porled to have attended iho funeral.
Bryan was there. l
F. E. Van Antwerp , the republi
can nominee for surveyor , complains
that it falls to his lot so often to
have to chase populist animals.
Two years ago ho was forced into
chasing a ( Kuoon ) all over the
county , and this year to chase
one of their
The pop state central committee
have made an assessment against
each county in the state of 82.00
for each delegate to the slate con
vention lo pay the debt inoiured
last year. Thin moans that Tom
llolliday and the other twenty-foul
delegates recently clouted lo the
pop state convention will bo called
upon lo put up # 50 to liquidaU ) the
fusion debt oMast year.
Sheriff Eli , as lie was walking
down the street alone a few days
ago , with head down , apparently in
a deep study observed by' ' one of his
pop brothorn to bo whistling
' 'Marching through ( loorgia" . Our
informant was impressed with the
thought that it was only the prelude
to the ohorns in which all of the
OQiirt IIOUHO cHuk will join us they
mircll put of the court house on the
first of next January.
The County
A ? wo predicted the populists
papers would do , they are now
ohargini ! up tbo deficit in the
counly finances lo the republican
it. board.
> This is a clenr ease of the real
culpirl yelling thief , thief to divert
the attention of the public from
. .himself.
Last fall when the f UK ion board ,
found that a majority of the mem
bers wore republican , they met
and reconsidered their action in
making u fourteen mill levy they
bad mttdn in Juno and reduced the
levy to seven mills. As the tax list
had been made upon the hasia of
the 14 mill levy their action re
quired the extra uxponsu of mak
ing ever the now tax books.
At the time it was done the Ko-
publican protested , on the theory
that the 7 mill levy was not snllioi-
ont to meet the current expenses of
the county and the action of the
populist members of the hoard , as
republican members opposed the
reduction actuated by loaders of the
populist parly only for political
buncombe * , The purpose was to try
to make it appear that the populitU
board , had they boon given the op
portunity would run the expense of
the county on half the levy that
had formerly boon mado. This.was
done in the face of the fact that for
tbo ton years in . whioh they bad
boon in control they had made a
- .
levy to the full rstt-Jil of the law
and in sumo instances exceeded the
limit in order to moot the expenses.
Knowinji the oxpci-nos of thn county
cntiM not bu mot with a hovnn mill
| , .vy on the prcHrnt assi'HStd val
uation of the county they know
a deficit would follow. As
n republican board would bo
in control when the deficit
wan made manifest they hoped
to nuke the public bnllnvo thut llu ;
lepub'ioau ' parly was responsible
and Ihus prejudice the tax payers
against the u-publioan party and
cause iluin to return Iho populists
to power. Hut the scheme is ho
guilty none but an imhuoil can hi-
caught by it.
I'hoHO who know anything about
county linanuuii know iho current
expensed of the year must bo mot
from iho levy of Iho year previous.
If ihcrc is a deficit in funds , i is
the hoard of last year and not the
presotil board that iu responsible
for iho shortngi > . If llioro was no
olhor reason why the populibts
should not be returned to power in
lliis county , this acl of iho coiinly
board should bo Hiifh'uient. When
the loaders of a party become so
corrupt that they will resort to such
taclics to retain themselves in office
they brand Ihemsolves wholly un
worthy and incapable of the con
fidence and tiMiut of the public.
The llcniililiwm Nominees.
Tlio republican party did itself
proud last Satuad-iy iu the nomina
tion of its candidates for county
The first nomincd was C. O. Lind
of Waypo township , for the office
of register of dr.cdp. llo lives in
the extreme Houlhwcsl parl of the
county and is at present chairman
of iho county boaid of supervisors
and is well acquainted with county
affairs. Ho is a uuccosBful farmer ,
a highly respected citizen and a
man , of good business , qualifi
cations. Strictly hones ! , temperate
and gf high moral character and in
every .way worthy the the support
of all , regardless of former party
atlilialions , who boliovu in character
being 0113 of the first qualifications
nooofsary foru public servant.
G'eo. W. Dewey , of Gales , the
nominee for county clerk is ono of
iho substantial farmers of Lillian
township. For a number of years he
lias resided in this/county and was
twiuo elected , ' a member of the
county board from bis diotriot ,
which at iho time had a large ma
jority of populistH. Mr. Dewey as
a member of the county board was
recognized by : ill who know his rec
ord as ono of the most careful con-
narrative and fair in em burn that over
served in thai capactily. llin stale-
mcnl in his riveptio ; : speech lo the
effect if elected ho "wouhl see lhat
noiu ) of the papers got away" ia
charctorifllic of the man. While
genial and accomodating , if elected
ho will not oilly show no partiality
in his office but ho will see to it that
the county's properly and the inter
cats of the tax payers are carefully
protected. His character is above
Walt Weorgo of OJeorgolown the
nominee for treasurer , has been so
loni' a resident of the countv and
( j often bufoic' the public a a candid -
did at u lhat his name is a household
word and is familiar to every oni > .
Ho has never been a candidate for
office on his own motion bul Iwiee
before has been iho party's nominee
against his wishes. He is a loyal
republican , a tireless worker nt what
ever ho undertakes and a good
citizen , well qaulilicd and popular
at homo and abroad. Hecausu of
these high qualifications ho is
regarded as an exceptional strong
cnndidato and for the third time
has been foiced to accept a place on
the republican ticket , On bulb of
Iho former occasions ho was dyfoat-
ed only by small majorities. This
( line the lesults in/all probability
will bo different.
Mr , George is ono of the the parly
settlers of Iho county. He is interest
ed in stock raising and farming and
is ono of the owners of the ticorgo <
town flowering mill. Ho is n care
ful and succesful business man and
should UN bo the choice of tlu
1 peopletho money would bo absolute'
ly safe in bin hand ? ,
J , A , Armour the pomincn for
comity judge located at Westorvillo
in the practice of law twenty
yearn ago. It was the
only town in iho couhty.
llu wisthen a yonngman , Afier the
advent of the rail road end Ati'ley
was started ho moved with his
family to thai pluco where he
ccnlinilnd in iho praulico of l w
until three years ago , when he
moved to Broken Uow to assume
the duties of county judge , the
ollicu lo which ho had been elected
Iho fall previous. For three years
and a half ho has filled the position
in an able , fearless , fair and highly
successful manner to all with whom
ho hr.s had lo deal. Knowledge of
1 iw , his oxporoincc as a praclioneer ,
his natural scnso of juslicu irgother
with bis high moral and
chrislian character eminently quali
fies him for the high position that
few are qualified to fill acceptably.
He was not a candidate for the
ollico and plead with his friends not
to' nominale bun as he preferred tea
a ain cngagu in the piautioo of 1m
chofon profession. But the tout !
in tint for his renr initiation wau too
strong for him to oveionme it and
ho was reuominated by acclama
The office of county judge as well
as that of county superintendent are
two offices that should not be limited
by years , but by satisfactory service.
Moro than aknowledgo of law is
necessary for a coun'y ' judge and
more than a knowledge of books
is required to successfully fill the
position of county superintendent ,
That Judge Armour willbe re'elcct-
ed is generally oouceedod.
R. D. Sullivan , of Glister pre
cinct , the nominee for sheriff , is a
hii'blv respoMiod citizen , farmer
nnd stock raiser ot his locality.
Ho is u native of Iowa , and is about
thirty years old. In connection
with hit ) farming and stock raising , '
ho is a professional auotioneor
more than ordinary ability iu that
lino. Ho is a man gf strong con
viction * and courage , fearless in
the defense of right and iu the
exposure of wrang. He is a man
of moro Ihati ordinary , natural
ability , a fluent and interesting pub
lic speaker , earnest and enthusiastic
in what he undertakes. He is a
man strong in his political and
lomporance views , but is not the
man thai would bo term apartisan or
icmporanoo crank but connoeds
others a ri ht to their convictions.
Ho is not addicted to immoral
habits , and is strictly honest , up
right nnd n law abiding citizen ,
practicing what ho preaches. We
predict in case ho is olectcd , ho
will make an ideal sheriff.
John W. G. Lewis , the candidate
for superinlondenl , ia one of the
young men in which the county
lakes pride. Ho is not a Cusler
county product in 'birth , but in
manhood , llo is a native of Illi
nois. Ho uamo to ( Junior county in
1870 or 1.880 , with his parents , who
located on'government land near
where Broken Bow is now located.
His mother taught the first school
of the district in her own benne in
1881 , in which John was ono of
her pupils , and uflorwards taught
the first fiohool of Broken Bow.
Ho graduated with the class of
laO.I , along with J. E. Adamson ,
W. W. Waters , Minnie Amsberry ,
.loo Ride , Etta Richardson , Verdn
Thorpe , Minnie Sigler and Katu
Uooloy. After teaching for a while
Mr. Lewis entered iho Grand Is-
, and Baptist College , where he
graduated with high honors , re
ceiving the degree of A. B. Since
graduating ho has been engaged in
teaching and for three years has
been ono of the instructors of the
Ouster County Summer School or
Instilule , and has had charge of
two county institutes outside of
Ouster county this year. As a
thorough and logical teacher , ho
stands second to none that have
taught in Ouster county inslitutos.
Ho is a young man , but mature in
knowledge and wisdom. The
teaolurs who have been under his
nation the past throe summers are
among his strongest supporters ,
Ho not only made his way throngl
college by his own efforts but
miuutained his mother and younger
brother and encouraged the other
brotlicrH to attend college part of
iho time after hu entered. He is a
mm of high moral arid Christian
character and in every way highly
qualified for thn important position
of superintendent of schools of tin-
countv. Politically , he is a repub
lican , ami cant bis first vole foi
president for McKinley and the re
publican ticket. ,
F. E. VanAntworp of 'Wood
River township , the unanmioiiH
choice of the convention for
surveyor , is a farmer. He
is'a civil engineer and during
his long residence iu the county has
done a great deal of private work in
in that line. Although he was
never honored with the office of
county surveyor ho did a throat
deal of county work as deputy under
E. N. Bishop in the early history of
the county. Mr. ' VanAnlworp
having been nominated severn
limes for the position , by the re
publicans when there.was no chance
for election , owing to the great
majority of pDpulist-j , protested
against having his name used again
for the position. But his friends
would not listen and have again
made him the unanimous choice
of the party by acclamation. MT.
Van Antwerp is a good citizen and
highly compelant lo fill the' posi
tion and there bhould bo no qup&-
lion of his election.
Dr. E. K. Kobiiiaon of Mason
Cityx was honored with the nomina
tion of coroner. Wo are not person
ally acquainted with him. Ho boars
the reputation of being a very suc
cessful practicing physician and is
eminently qualified to hold an
inquest over the remains of the
populist party aftoi the 5th of
November next , which is to be one
of his first official acts.
Chairman Lindsay Calls Republican
Lincoln , Neb , July 10 , 1901.
The republicans of the state ol' Ne
braska arc hereby called to moot in
convention at the auditorium in the
city of Lincoln , Neb. , on Wednes
day , August 28 , H)01 ) , at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon , for the purpose of
placing in nomination candidates
for the following ofliers to bo voted
for at the next general election to
bo hold in the state of Nebraska , on
November 5li)01 _ :
Ono judge ot the supreme court ;
two rogenls of the university of the
state of Nebraska ; and for the
transaction of such' other business
as may regularly oomo before said
The basis of representation of
the several counties in said convention -
tion shall be the vote cast for lion.
John. F. Nesbifc for presidential
elector at the regular election hold'
op November 0 , 1900 , giving ono
delegate for.each 100 voles or maj
or fraction thcrooi , so cast for said
John F. Nosbit , and ono dnlegato
at largo for each county. Said ap-
.portionmont entitles the several
counties to the following represen
tation iu HUH ! convention :
It is reoomemded that no proxies
be allowed iu said convention-
that the delegates present thereat
from each county bo permitted to
cast the full vote of tfio county
represented by them.
Notice is hereby given that each
of the even numbered senatorial
districts in the stale is to select a
member of iho state comnulteo to
serve for a term of two years.
( Signed ) H , 0. LINDSAY ,
Chairman Republican Wtatu Com.
Secretary ,
W , S , > Vcs > colt In Texas ,
We are iu reooipt of alutter from
W. S , Wescolt , who is vlnitiug in
lioaumont , TCXAH , with his son ,
John. Mr. VVusoott says thn oil
boom is still on , and there , nre 22
guching uolln now in operation and
mom comiiiff nvory wi-ok. llu HIIJH
great improvements are going on in
tiat | city. Following wo clip fromthc
"Hoaiimont Enterprise , " whioh gives
on account of .lohu J. Wescott , son
of Mr. W.S.Weaoott , of this county
being appointed in-inagor of the
Ucaumotit TrtiBt ( iouipany :
' Arrangements iiavo buon made
by which Mr John J. Wescott will act
au manager and have full control of
the Hualty Department of the Beau
mont 1 rust Company , and hereafter
he will I'avc. hiu cllicu in connection
with the Beaumont Trust Company.
So great has been the demand for
corrt'Hpoudonls of the Beaumont
Tram Company throughout the
country , that they should act in be-
halt of non nuidcnts in mattiKH
appertaining i\\ \ real estate holdingt ;
the purchaHo and sale of properly ol
till kinds ; ll c assessment of proper
ty for taxation ; payment of taxes ;
improvement and leasing of proper
ty ; and such other business as is
ordinarily incident to the real estate
business , that the Trust Company
have established a department which
will ho designated aH their "Ltealty
Department. "
Mr. WoHCott isy , ocpooially well
t'quiped to take charge of the lleal-
ty Department owing to his resid
ence of seven years in th s county ,
during which time he has boon in
lo ! real estnto business , and being
Well informed concerning values of
both city and country property ;
hence it is believed that the combi
nation will provo an ospsoiallj
strong and successful one.
Probably no one has travelled
more extensively ever Jefferson
county and thn. southeastern
counties of the coast country of
Texas than has Mr. Wosoptt , mak
ing him familiar not only with the
land values , but with the surface
and quality of the lands in the dif-
feirnt counties , and also aquainted
with owners and residents , Ho
lias : r laigo and varied list of bolJ >
lands and city property which
includes fruittimber , and rico lands
and oil lands in the different field ?
in which so much interest is now
being taken. '
Mr. Wescolt combines his busi
ness with the Realty Department
of the Company and will bo pleased
to see all his friends and customers
nt his new quarters. Room 5 of the
Jipanmoat Trust Company in the
Starko building.
Nel ruHUu S-pwnrllt
Lincoln I'nrlc , Aiiur. 7 to 15 ,
Thousands ol Nebraska Metho
( lists look forward with kcenns
pleasure to the annual sessions o
the ICpworth Aoiombly.
The location is ideal , and the
programs can .always bo depcndec
upon to amuse , instruct and elevate
This year's assembly will main
tain the high standard of previous
yeara. The program includes suol
Inutnrnrs arid entertainers as El
Perkins , Col. Bain , Airs. Chant
liobt. Molntyro , Fred Emorsoi
Brooks , S. R. Stoddard aml.San _
Jones. ' v
Half rates ( o Lincoln , via tin
Burlington route , August (5 ( , 7 , 8
10 , 1-1 and 15. Tickets good to re
turn August Hi. 725It
Aug. 10 , is not tor all day orill am
as encampment will assemble will
us a fo\v weeks , it is necessery fo
all to atlond.
Every Saturday night the comp
any meets at armory and all who
oan nhoiild allond tlioso weekly
All jiuiHt attend the day drill
Wo can enlist a few good mou undo
new orbers ,
A .III llmcr'H < io oil \Vnrlc.
"I had a Hovnro attack of bilious cilio
not a liotile of Ohamhprlaln's Uolio
( Miolcra nnd Diarrhoea Koiucdy. too
two douea ami was entirely cured , ' ' eaya
Hov. A. A. Power , of Kmporla , Kan.
"My noiKhbour across the blrtet WIIH
sick for over a week , luul two bottles of
mediclno from the doctor . He used them
for three or tour day without relief , oo
diRoharm'd him , 1 went ever to aeo him
the next nnrning. He said | IH bowels
Were in a terrible tlx , that they had huen
limning off so lon that It was almost
blobdv fluv. 1 aaked him if ho bad trl.'d
( JliHinberlaln'a Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Jlemedy mid be oald , 'No'
f went homo and hiou ht him my hnttto
and gave him ono dose ; told him to take
another doaa In fifteen or twenty inln-
uota If Uo did not Hud relief , but ho took
no more and was mitirely ( hired. " For
sale by , J. U. Ilaeberlo.
A New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons ,
and Earm Wagons.
G. W. Apple.
' '
1' '
Business Pointers.
WALL paper at J. 0. Bowon's.
Job printing at lliiH office.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at
Wilkins' drug store.
PURE breakfast foods at ' J. Q.
Bowon's. '
NPWH Galore ; RvimsoN & WATTS.
8-15 If
! f you inloiul to build call at
Diorks Lumber ( Jo , and yet pricoa
Pepsin Hum , two packages tor a
Uierks Lumber Co. hau in Htook a
oar load .ol fine cedar posts for the
1 I-a ' 00'B $
oj } no StiHOo | ( uv ( oip Hiait'
ttOJ U 6AUq | | HH 'HOJfl JOpiHg
Have you uuy old photographs
or tin ty put ) that are fadn.g ? if H.O ,
ako them to Uaniz's Studio and
invo a medallion made Unly 98o.
S 8 tf
FOR SAW : on Tiuuic Town lots
and a few live acre loin in thitt oity ,
or ( jattlo , horses or farm laud ,
fel > 28 tf AI.I-AN KKVXKU.
If you have ranc' fd , farniH or
cily property von v nut to Hell or
runt , list l.hoin with .1. .1. Suydur ,
Broken How , Nob. 4-1 Mf
Farms for Halt ) and lands for rent.
Now is the tumi to cola farm ohoap.
is iho cheap farms am all toing ,
and prices are advancing rapidly.
Bang's , Uie artist , in giving a
buautilnl medallion with every dcz-
HI of hiu btst oabinel photos.
Slrmps largo onoiigh to frame 25o
[ ) IT dozen. „ 8-8 tf
The old and reliable firm of
DierkH Lumber Co. is the place to
io for lumber or coal. A good
supply ami-grades to moot the wauls
of their customers are always in
stock. 321tf
You can save moneyby ordering
your reading matter * through the
RMPUIILICA.N. Wo can furnish you
nearly all the papers and inagazins
lor loss Hum publishers prices.
j ) i-g dt'BU.n juo
lUt ! AOI1 | qOltjAV BlBtliAY J.IIU.H AOJ
> jaoiH iii OAi'ij ups -80JJJ aopA'ug
fiRUTP jar lid. * and rubbers at J.
C. Bowon's.
"My liuhy wna terribly sick with the
dlarriinuu , " Hiiys J. ll.'Doak , of WIN
liiiuiH , Oregon. "We wore unable to
cute him with doctor's HHsintuucu , and
its a last resort we tried oLamberlaln's
Colic , mill IManhoea Kumeily. I am
happy to nay it nave immediate relltf
iin l complied curt' . " For sale by J. -
G , Haeberlo. , i
An InutMiioiiH Treatment lly
. \Vliicli IiriiitlciirtlM are
Curt'.U Dully lit
No NoacloiiH itiiMcs. Pie \VcaUeii-
iiiK ot tlie JSu.r\es , A IMCUM-
nl uticl ' Hlriv - Cure
lor I lie l.iitiir '
It Is now generally , known nnd underStood -
Stood tliat Drunkenness Is a dmjHau and
not weakneas. A body tilled with poison
nnd nervea completely Hhattured by
periodical or constant use of intoxicating
liquors , rerjuinw un luuulote capable ( if
ntulrnli/.iug and eradicating this poison
and destroying the craving lor intox-
icanu. Suffers may now euro thtin-
Bolvea at homo without publicity or lota
of time irum bitHiiiPfea by this wonderful
'Dome ( Jold Cure" which has bet n per-
feettd nftor nuny yeiuo of clone study
and treatment ot inebriates. The faith
ful it-o according to the dlrt'cHima of
tuia v.ondeifnl .discover v ID positively
guaianteed to cure , the moot obstinate
cane , no irmttnr how hard n urlnker.
Our records ehow the marvelcm tiaiB-
ft'rinallon of tlioii-niulH of Inunkiuda
into sober , Industrious ; md upritrlit num.
VVlvt's Ciiro Your iliMbaiuh. Child
ren ( Jure Your Faihern. ThiH renioilv Id
In no BeiiHb H nostrum tutA u sneoilio
for thin disease only , and m HO Kkiilfully
devised and prepared that it is tlu roueh-
Jy HolulilH mid plfHBiuit to thn tanto so
thai it ciin tut Ini
given -i cup of tbR or
colleo wiihcut ihn Knowled ( { of the per-
eon taking it. TlioiiHande ol lirnnkarda
have cured tliuiUHelvoH v.lth IhU prlcoln s A t"
remedy , and us many more have been
cur' d and made temperate nun by
having the "tJnre" admlniBtured by lov
ing friendfl and relative * without their
knowledge In colToe or ha. and believe
to-day that they illscont ned drlnkmi : of
their own free will. Do Not Wait O
not be diilndtd by apparent and inlsleud-
Ing "improvomont. " Drive out
dlsenBo at once nnd for all time. The
"Homo Gold ( "
Jure" U Hold at the
oxtrtnnoly low price of One Dollar thus
placing within reach of everybody a
treatment mom olfeelual man othera
coating $ -25 to JIM ) . Mill directions
accompany each pnolingo. Special
advice by tkillod pliyMioihim when re.
quested wllhout extra cliargu Sent
p paldtoai.y . part of tl , , , wnrld on
wept of One ollar. AdilnnH DuoV.
lit l.tlttl'IM II / , . . . . - . . . , . _ " ' ! ' ! ' /O /
177.I3DWIN It. Hlle , VH ( MPANYO
ami 233-2 Market HtriMir. I'ldladelphla.
AllcurreBpoudi.iu ! i > trlitly ( uonlldatlal.
Tliroiiuli the inontiiTor.luno , Dd
Julyourlmhy wan im-thlnj ; HIM ! look H
ninii MR off of the I.OW.-IM a , , , | ( tllll,8e ( ! 0
the Btoninob , " imyH O . M 11,11,1 , , .
of n inl.iK . , I ml. . - illIM.WO . I a
mnvn from llvo to HKI.I iinnm Uv
' / fettle . , f ciMmh , " , - ; ( i'Io-
ohol.M-aaml Dlarrho.m , , , | ' | ,
IIOIIBH and KUVO him four tlrop , „ K tea-
oponntiill of water and tie K't , I tlur at
once. " Sold by JJ , HaAirli.