Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 15, 1901, Image 1

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'Ilio lid nn of innnv liroili' | In ircnril
IOtll 11HIor ellCHCH UOIlIlt li'All till ) III.
f. . tintil to liu ItKi Hint ilu'lr ! > ( * n loin-
Iril In lliu lnuk If iliclr lumli , liuatiai
thi'N nt'xir ItoMiiln llic ttitiirr. In n\c
IIM Mill obiiMt Ilii-y no jrnr altur Jcnr
\Utli ncUT.-i lorik nlicml nr u llmiiKlit for
tK llln int1'led ! will lirliiK Thuy ttliiiK
to ( hi ! olil , foiil'cfi t rri'iiuiui lil < n tluu U
IM IJOBC to put olT tlic litt" ftfuftpH null !
f ic Ml lo lint ll.i in on Tli j wil until
tlii-lr \ll < m In fcNiltiLrui tcil tluiti\un
limner RliisSLH i uimit 'iitlnly rc > Inrn II
t ) former ntnu ctt h if uiKin in
tlnii' , KlidscHvnul I nl\u tlio eiiini ! CUBJ ,
rmtfiiilalon tnjojoil In younger iliijs
-Q driulunto of ( lilinso Otitlinlmlo College.
Scliool Hooks ,
i * . ' * i\t , c.
WW vtf P
: w > , . , |
' fflW L- * r _ - v * - AND
i N v &
? TSwI. ' ' & School Supplies ,
' > m / i
' ' > L
: . . -
- AT
J. G. Hneberle's.
Local t
Mention , 1 1
igri . rtcUicSggt rPrJ r Jf T Pf-1
Ho'oomb wt-iit went o r
vira ion Saturday morning.
OliiH. IVrwi was oirc.nbuingamoiitj
his Molds in tlio oil ) Siturday.
R S OUkins of lliti vioinity nl
Sirgenl. was a friendly caller at thi *
t Hi o Tuoml.ay ,
F M Kopp , of Green , kindly
n momborod ibis office Mondn )
while in the oily.
Dr. Pollor came in fr-m the eas'
Sa'urdav ' morning after u t\v <
months vacation
Capt.V. . II. Comslofk o (
WpMVHt , was n otty visitor Alondaj
a id Tuesday of this wnok.
Money'loaned'on unproved farms
7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nobr.
lid. Royso name up from Lincoln
Saturday morning to watch thopio-
eeedings of tliu ropublioan county
A B. Cummins of DuHMoincf
received tlio nomination for'govern
or on the republican ticket last
work on first ballot.
II. W. Hammond is tryirg his
hand at batching for a few w okp.
Mrs lliinmond in visiting with
relatives in Missouri and IOWA
The. llth Annual Harvest HOIUP
Picnic of Lee Park and Doughb
Qrovo Farmers Umh will bo hold
on Thursday , Any 29 , in Lee Park ,
Murray's Grove.
Dr. Penninglor. determined on
not beinc out done by F. H. Young
has bought a steam locomobile It
cost more money by § 100 than
Young'a automobile but like all
other machinery run by steam
will not start until he gets up ateam
Attractions Booked
. . Vorllio
Six night P. Sept. 23rd to 28th , I he
Lontinn Stock Ooinpany.
Ono niirht , October iStb , the Which
is Who' Company. '
Ono night , Outobpr 3l t , Wood and
Ward , in their J lly Jingling Farce ,
"I'ho JVIurry Trnmps. "
Ono mi/tit , Jiuumry 23rd , "Maioney'c
Wedding Bay. "
For the apprehension of Thos. Lennon , the Actor.
Lenuoii is about 31 years old , lias a deep , rich bass voice , is
about 5 ft. 10 in , lii h and weighs about 180 Ibs. ; is a very good
natured man and generally makes lots of fricnds. , lie is strictly
temperate but is an awful tobacco user. lie is a member of the
Masons , Odd Fellows , Knights of Pythias and Elks. Is a great
story teller and will probably seek the acquaintance of the best
people in every town he visits. lie is a married man and his wife
will probably be with him on all occasions.
When last heard from he was heading an excellent Dramatic
Company of fifteen people , playing the larger cities and doing a
land office business. This man is wanted by C. 1 * . Great , Opera
House Manager , who wants him and his Company for six nights at
his theatre , during fair week , as he wants to give his patrons a
rare treat by presenting the Lennon Stock Company.
Signed ,
Mason City , Iowa.
Supt , Lennon Co.
.11 l-
Kti | < ) . ) jo i jo oui | oui ) y
PURE Pickling vinegars at ,1. C.
ALL KINDS of Nut and Fruit Waltoia Cand ; > Kitch
en , { > doors north of poelolliue.
( l-'JO If.
PUK1C fir pick ling at
ETESSagggagijiaia offlga faQSSSSScSBiTH3'fiSiHJ3 !
School Books And
Are things tbc bchool child
ren need. " ,
We hare the most com
plete line of school supplies
in Webtern Nebraska. We
sell them at P.ottom Prices.
Conic and let , us figure on
your school supplies.
Conn1 in and Esai
Ed McGomas ,
Broken Bq\v and Merna.
D. M. Savilh' , of Wphtervillo ,
was a friendly caller at tins oflier
yesterday. IIo inlorms us that lit-
will leave in a few dajs for Oregon
foi A two months viwit with a
.1. K Maupin ami wife of Val-
isco , Iowa , have been visiting in the
oitv the nast week with their uar-
f-nts Mr. and Mrp. UD. . Maupin.
They returned homo last night.
Mrs. Maupin wont with them on a
Itev S. W. Richards and daiigh
ter , Miss Lottie , returned last Satur
day morning from Minnesota where
they ppont a month viaitiny with
relatives. They also vihitod at
Omaha and Lincoln Mbile gone
and through the kindness of Gover
nor Savagu they were permitted to
visit the Htato ponitonliory while at
Wesley Thomas , wust of to MI ,
undo this ollioo a friendly call
Thursday , and bad bis subrioripton
credited to 100-J. lln bad just
ihreafdipd his grim and 9U5 busheln
of oats , rye and birloy. lie out
his wheat for food. IIo has sixty-
live acre * of eurly corn that is well
0 a rod and Ins later corn , ho ihinkt
will not make nuiou unlest it
a good rain soon.
L K Dowse and wife , of
Wosboti , were callers at this ollioo
D A Cramei nnd vufp , of Now
Ilolena , were friondlj fillers at this
ollii'o M nul.iy. '
y TV. . D , Blnokwoll at Farmers
Bank for Kirp , ( ilone ) and Torna
do insurance 7-11 tf
P. G Allen , of King-ton , called
Saturday and Ind his mine enrolled
on the Ki < ( Miblicin list.
G N. Kawson Ins returnpd from
his trip WOR . IIo reports a very
plo.mnt time while none.
. ! L. Smith and Edwin Lund of
Elk Creek , wor among the many
callers at this om'oo Saturday.
Prof II. II Hiatt has accnptod
the prnilioii of nporintondent of
schools in tl'o Island of Guam.
John Collier , of Westorville ,
kindly renumbered tbo Kepnblican
oflico Saturday while in the oily.
G Hoagland has boon confined
to Irs bed the past two weeks with a
fiovoro attack of ( lux , but is now
This ollico acknowledges a friend
ly call from .lanirs RobiiiHon and
Lewis Kimborling , of Arnold , last
Birdie , daughter of C. S. .and .
Mrs. Osborno of Grand Jsland is
visiting with her grand parents > Mr.
and Mra. Hongland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L E. Manuel , of
West Union , were visitinc relatives
and friends in the city Saturday.
Mr. Manuel was dolccato to the re
publican county convention.
W. 11. Andrews loft at this ofh'oe
Monday a sample of fall whoa'
raised this Ho-uon by Fred and Will
Pierce of Somorford that throanhcd.
twenty two buphels to the acre
It is of line quality.
C N. Lincoln and wife left Mon
day for the east , whore they will
spend several weeks visiting , with
relatives. They will visit the
'iVans-Miusissippi Exposition at
Buffalo while gone.
Wanted. A list of1 ranches bo
twcon Ansolmo and Alliauco for
sale. If you wish to sell , send mo
doscripton and prior * .
' Wn.nus CADWICM. ,
It Broken How , Nob.
A number of our citizens went lo
Ansloy yosteiday to witness a game
of ball between a home club and
Ansloy. From reporlH ft was talh-
er i roi-ky mmo. Thu Boore stood
18 to 7 in favor of Annloy.
A rate of three dollarH to Al'.iancf
ind return for Ftiday or Saturday
night has boon made to accomodate
thoflo who want to see the ball game
Ilnvolouk plays Alliance Salurda }
and Broken Bow will play Ihem
Thin office acknowledges a friend
lycall from Rev.V. . II. D. Ilorna
day Tuesday afternoon. IIo and
Mrs llornaday , who have been
vhiling in the county for the past
two weeks , left for ihoir home on *
she west bou > d train Tuesday night.
E Pinkrt'.on and uife of Maitland
Mo , wfro the gui-stfi of Mr and Mrs.
D. C Konkel , a few days last week.
Mr Pinkston wn lookiup ifter bin
farm near Weissort. They had
spent a month in the weet Highl
Col. Wm A. LeSorro of Wist-
ervillo , made lUis ofliee a sonial
call Tuesday , accompanied by hii-
son. lie sa H tl > u camp meetings
leing held in Welsh's grove near
Wi'sterville , are attracting largo
.lason Evans and A. B llart'oj '
of Sargent , were in the uity the first
of the week looking after .InnonV
political fences. Thry find tjiem
lidly in needed repair , in several
localites. If A. B. deus not got
them fixed up no one else need try
Jan. Whitehcad , register of the
United Slates land oth'oo has secured
leave of absence for thirty days
lo anil Mis. Wlntchead expect to
leave the later part of the week lor
Wisconsin where they will spend
ihoir vacation vieiting with rela
Tlio ftato fair will bo hold at
Lincoln from Sept. 2nd to Oth , in-
ohiHivo. The management has
gieatly improved the grounds and
are making all possible effortu to
make the occasion of profit and in-
teresl lo everybody in Nebraska.
The railroads will make n ono fare
rale for the round trip
Dr. C. L. and Mrs. MnlliiiH left
last night for the ea * < t where they
expect to bo gene until October.
They will visit Chicago and New
York while away. The Doctor
will apond sometime in post gratlu-
ate work in the hospitals of Ckicago
vtlnlo there. His brother , Dr. U.
B , Mullinn , will keep the hospital
open and have charge of his Inisi-
tii'pH while they are away.
Mrs W. L. Rule and children
who have been vi-hmg iulllinom for
several months returned homo last
The democrat convention has
boon called lo moot at Antdoy
September 10. Tbo representation
is bated on the votes oapt last fall
for W. I ) . Oldham. It will give a
delegate convonlion of over 230.
W , B. Easihinan is sanguine of a
lari > o attendance.
The case of High Palmer wan
hoard Monday before Judge Arm
out. The ncoiiHod pled guilty lo polit
lucony and ho was lot off with a
small lino. This was a happy term
mation of the unfortunalo affair ,
lie is in thn main a good boy and
and wo feel with proper eiioouraoo-
monl will grow up to make a good
cilixon. None ol us are perfect
and need the help of each other.
To-Onr ( /orn'.spoiHlcnfs.
We regret that for want of spaoe
VM are compelled to leave out your
communication this weok. They
will appear next wook.
$5 ot > Howard
1 will p.iy live dollar * for the
arrest and conviction ol the party
or parties that took the cases with
em ply pop hollies from the depot
lat-i week. E. WUIBSNUICDUU.
S'lii 4t
i ri\atu Bale.
Mrs. N. A. Moore will soil her
house hold effects , consisting of
funiture , stoves.dishoH , carputs , etc. ,
it private sale , commencing Augusi
10 , 1001.
First house south of .1. C. How-
OII'H 8-15 It
DUU. :
Mrs. Flla Harvey , ( nee Damon , )
died at her homo near Sargent Mon
day of lant week , and her retrains
were hurried on the following
Wednesday. Mrs. Harvey was
formeily a toachar in thie county
and was a most excellent wnma'i.
She leav-Ha husband and two child
ren t of her immediate f airily to
mourn her death. She wns a tiitUOr
of Mis.Marry Wright of this vicin.
ity. The Republican exlends sym.
palhy lo the relatives in their great
Callauay Ucts u linn ( | oiir of tin liu'li
in Hullan Hour.
Callaway Neb.-Aiij. ii : , Spe-
j'al ) On Saturday evening aHtorin
uaniu up from the northwest , accom-
panudby wind , rain , thiiiuhr and
linghlning. In Ipfs than thirty
minutes iMiioovur an incli of rain
fell , lilting the streets ami ravines
to overflowing. Duiing the storm
a barn belonging to Bert Whaloy
was htruck by lightningand burned
to the ground , together with
several bu-heLof corn , several tons
of hay , harness and a Haddlo. The
house of II. Staplcman was moved
from its foundation by the heavy
wine * , and every window light brok
en out by the hail. Stacks of ha }
and grain wore scattered over the
country for miles , and the corn lit
erally bcaton into the ground.
Cutter llaptist Association.
The Ciifitor Baptist Association
will bu held this year with the First
Kndoll Chu'ch , August 30 , HI and
Scplomber 1.
Among the pppakors on the pro
gram , who rcHido outnide of tin
countv , are Rov. C. W. Brinstad ,
general mifsionary ; Dr. George
Sul lerland , president of iho Granu
Island College ; Rov. E A. Russell ,
Sunday school misHionarj , and
Rov. 1C. A. Bu//.ull , flocrotary for
eign missions.
An interesting and profitable
KOKsion isanticipatodand each church
of tlio ahHCCialioniioubtlf'HH , will be
represented by delegates.
Glister Oiinl ) Pair.
The agricultural board mot last
week aud fixed upon the dates of
September 2rth , 2itb and J7 , lor
the county fair. The toss'ion will
bo ono day nhorter than usual , but
the olliccrs will put forth cverv
i ffort poHHiblo to make the attrac-
tioiiH equal lo any exhibition thai
the HOoiety has given. Those who
have bioodcd slock or grades that
are exceptionally tine should gel
them in shape lo put on exhibition.
Breeders of hi. oded Block cannot
better advertise their business than
to bring Homo of their best animals
to the fair.
l < > HIIVH' Trip VflloNlotit I'lilU
and IluvU.
The Burlinu'ri Yellowstone Park
excursion , which leaves Nebraska ,
Kansas and Colorado points , TIIPR-
day Aug. 20 , will ho back again on
the morning of the 20th.
la other words , the trip through
C'ommonuing August I ) , 1001 , nt
1 Cert Per Discount
Dry Goods ,
Boot $ and Shoes ,
. Gents Furnisliing Goods ,
Hats and Caps ,
Queensware , and
Stone Ware.
No\v wo need money anil wo have a larger slock than wo want
to carry over , and wo have decided to take the next thirty dayn to
reduce our stock. 2-Tf'"So take advantage of tbo
and buy while Goods arc Cheap. Bring HI your Butter , Eggfi *
Potatoes and all other Country Produce and get tbu/l'op Prices for
it , and the Bottom Prices on Goods.
Where is this
I 'S ,
Big Store , Kaitlfind Uoalty Blook , Broken Bow , Nebraska.
the Park will take only about nine
lays. 100 more than covers every
expense of the trip railrord fares ,
flicoping cares both ways , meala on
route , bolls and Htago in tlio Park.
\Vrito for Booklet giving full in-
8-8 2t
General Pnssencer Aiji-nt.
Omaha Nob.
icuiiort ( or Today.
Wh.-nt S .4 ?
ilnrluy 80
Oiiti , ! W
Con 60
Ity , , 4U
lluttor , 10
KiKH . . . , 08
I'OttlloUM , l > tl | IllUlllOl I.U.I
Ontoiix. per ImslKih l.CO
lIuiiH. i > nr jioiuid , . , ,03
Spring Glilckettu. I'Ui ilu/en 3 00
lloK i 0.00
Cows , l.7S ! ( ! jl 3 CO
Htioia J3.G ) ( ifr 4.00
Turl.uH , | icr tioiinil .15
Htriiw , pur twt .10
lluj , New , l > or ton 6.CO
Oponw Montlny , September 2 , IOOI. s
Prepare to be with us. Our departments are complete.
can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand
Department iscomplcte and up-to-date. " ( Pitman. System. ) " If you
desire to teach , attend our Normal Department.
Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught.
Write , or call and hcc us.
0. WROUSH , Pres.
Always have the best quality of
i ml other building ma-
terialn at the Lownst
Thone No. 70.
W. L. BULE , Manager.
For u Fil'bt clasb i > Try the
I Grande'v
1 Corona Grande'