Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 01, 1901, Image 1

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    * iA-- i in- _ i
Every well reg-uhited pock
et should carry the otio , and
eyery well regulated boiv.c-
lioid have the other.
J In this Working season its
ati economical proposition ,
I for you to have time , both '
ill your pocket and in the
I The man who is alwuj's
asking- some one for the
time is behind the times and
the. only way to yet up and
stay up is to supply his
I pocket and his house with
these 'two essentials of a
well reg-ulatcd life.
Graduate of Olilcavu OnOialmlu College.
Rev. Neil A. Ghilcriat , of Now
York will preach in the Presdytori-
t . an church Sunday morning-
Fred Mauliok and W. F. s'tandloe
had eight tons of millet hay burned
Friday uiphteait of lown. It ia be-
leiyed oamporusel Iho fire.
A Foot llacc.
J J. Hanabory of ttiia city , aud
Dude Burk of Alliance , matched a
foot race here Monday t veiling for
k puisa of i > Q5. Hanabery was an
easy winner.
A fine line of calico for five cents
at'Snyder Bros. B-l tf
PURE Piekling vinegars at J. C.
Bowen'ti. y
Snyder Broa. still havs a few
silk waiats Ihey aie closing out for
$3.00. S-l tf
You can save money by ordering
your ifcuding maUer through the
REPDBLICAN. Wo can furnish you
nearly all the papers and magazine
for leas ttmn publishers prices.
buyder Bros still L-avo iu stock
a few shirt waiata which they ar-
ulortitig out cheap. K-l if
For Sale : Ono yearling RedPoll
Poll and one two year old Durham
bull , thirteen miles north of Broken
Bow. 8-1 2t W. P. Rogers.
V AU light weight summer goods
et Snyder Bros , at cost. 8-1 tf
PURF extracts at J C. Bowen's.
FOUND By Lou and Paul Athoy
a caddie of tobacco , Sunday ,
which the owner can have by
proving proderty and poying lor
thin notion.
ALL KINDS of Nut and Fruit
Candips at Walteju Candy Kitch
en , 3 doors north of pontoiliue.
0-20 tf.
Dr. T. W. Bntw , dot list , office
northwest corner of Realty block.
8-1 tf
A New Line ol
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons.
G. W. Apple.
[ 11 Local
} H Mention ,
iMrH. Bangs is having an addi
tion built to her residence property
on Fourth avenue.
Mrs. N. L Reynolds aud child
ren are visitini : with Mrs. Reynolds'
parents mar West Union.
Pat SteveiiHon aud Miss Orva
Iveelin were married Sunday.
Judge Armour ofticialing.
See W. D. Blaokwoll at Formers
Bank for Kire , Cyclone and Torna
do insurance. V-lI if
Dr. R. B. Miillins' new resident e
KHitli of the Commercial hotel a
block , is rapidly Hearing comple
The lopublican primary for Bro
ken Bow tosvnship will be held iu
the collet house next Monday after
noon. See call j
C. S. Osbornu returned to Grand
Island Monday , wlioie ho expeclfto
iet a portion as collector for the
McCormick Co.
Peter Ryorson has bought Stack
& Ilolcomb's byciclo business und
consolidated it with his own. We
bespeak for him suoceae.
Tim Ansley Clmmiolo says that
Prof. Zihn of tb'nt place is being
groomed by his friomU as a can
didate for county 'superintendent.
Roy Walker is nponding ihis
week at home with his family ,
liis BA-ing is now located at Chey
enne , Wyoming. He expects to
return Kriday.
Mrs. B. E. Predmoro's new rosi
deii'ie in the northwest part of
town , when completed , will he one
of the best rorti'Jonoo properties in
that prtrt of town.
J. B , Emph'old , the Nasby of
Ityno , was a friendly caller at this
otliuo Monday. Ho is now sixty ,
nine years old aud does not get to
i.ho city very often. This WOK hie
first visit siuoo hut September.
M. E. Peacock , nouth of lov/n ,
lost a pocket book while in tin
city - Monday of lat week
continuing a five dollar bil'l and
some silver. Tlu finder will con
fer a fcivor on him by leaving it at
this efh'oe.
MIPS Lillie Ilonno of Morna , in
bi > ing urged by a number of her
tnendd lor the oflico ol count ?
s'uperiutendcnt. Align llonne it
well qualified for the position and
would bo a strong candidate should
she be the choice o-f the conven
Sterling Stevens of Comstock , i
being talked of from hi * locality
as a cindidale for register of deeds.
Air. Stevens has the advantage of
being quite generally known' , from
having traveled over the counly
considerable for the Singer Sowint !
Machine Co. Personaily wo do
not know him.
George W. Dewey of Galen ,
is being favorably considered by a
number of his friends for county
clerk. Mr. Dewey waa a member
of the county board for a numbei
of yoarH where ho showed more
than ordinary ability. His record
would be to his credit should he
be the choi o of ihe convenlton. t
From the newspaper reports we
notice that in a number of towns in
the ntata last Friday was observed
ad a day of prayer for rain in
compliance with Gov. Savage's
proclamation. \ It is further a
noticeable fact that i > ) all those
places where the day was observed
more or ICMJ rain followed. In
fact ft largo portion of the sta'.o lmt
since been blcpRcd with rain since
last Friday. Nojnoftho churches
of Broken Bow observed the day ,
and we have had no rain.
Since going to press last Thurs
day rain has visited a large area of
the county , and corn in most local *
ities IIUH been improved. On
Thursday evening the precipitation
at Broken Bow was .41 of an inch
Some localities had leas , othoru
more. In the vicinity of Dale , two
iiohes of lainfaH is reported for
Saturday evening. Many farmers
report their corn caring well noi-
willislandlng the extended dry and
hot wrathor. Most fieldc , where
woU cultivated , wil1 make some
corn. The datna by chinch bugs
jj confined lo cornfields where sur
rounded or' j lining wheat fialds.
Only a portion of those fields arc
destroyed. More rain is necessary
to make eara fill well , but there in a
good growth of stalk and there will
bo Borne corn without any more
rain. The rains over the state the
last few days lias cooled off the
atmosphere very lunturi.illy , which
increases the prospects for , corn.
Mra. ,1. .1. Crahlo of Nebraska
City , ic visiting with relatives in
this city. She tmmo n.p last Friday.
F. II. Young ard family return
ed Tuesday from lake Dome , in
Wyoming , whnro ihey spent sev
eral days recuperating.
,1. .1 ( Arable , who contracts for
the B. it M. in Wyoming , has been
in our city since Tuesday morning ,
the i-iiOHt of his daughter Mrs. Win.
Prof. MolJryrui , deputy state nup
erintondont , made this dlliiio a
friendly call yesterday , in company
will ] Ptof. Waler . Mr. McBryan
uaino it } ) to vi-itiha teachers insti-
u o now in session ,
Tne entcrtiiument given at the
Borwyn school honae Saturday by
Herbert Witts and the Rycvson
boys for the purpose of buyiug an
organ for the use of the community
to use in Sunday school aud oh.uroh
work was quite a success and very
much appreciated by the oili/.aus ol
the vicinity. The receipts of the
evening waa $0 40.
Dr. T. W. Bass , the doutiat , has
bought out Ura. Finch and Patter
son to whqm he recently Hold * iind
will rosuntt' 'business at thn old
aland August 1. Dr. ' ' Bass hud
built up a good business before
leaving for California'rim ) his many
patrons wjll bo pleased to loam
that ho'has ngain located in Broken
Bow permanently to practice hia
Sheriff Armstrong anested Harry
Brint > tine , proprietor of a wholesulu
liquor ami cigar house at Grand
l.-slanfl but Friday , on the olwr < ; o otf
so-lling liquors unlawfully in Bro
ken Bow. They arrived in Broken
Bow > ii the afttrnoon on47. . He
gavn bond and took a continuance
lo August J.6. ' ' ' ' 10 arrest- grew
out of evidence obtained in the
trial of thn case ugaintU Carslnnbon ,
which was dismissed.
Geo. llonla and 'O. II. Oourlid
have erected a small flramo building
ou I ho block opposite the postoflice
for their gaas plant wUh which
they hope to bo able to demonstrate
thn advantages of their new light.
I'ho proceas is one developed b'y G
W. llonts and Dr. T. W. U.ISH , of
which wo made mention siiveral
weeks ago. If thn light proves to
bo whit the inventors claim for U
they will bo able to light the streets
of Broken Bow.
William H. Kcllonbarger , of
Morna , is a candidate for the olh'co
of county clerk. Mr. Kol'onbarigC'i
ia a son of J. A. Ivollunhargi r , one
of the onrly settlers of Dale valley.
Ho is an extensive farmer and stock
raiser of his vicinity. Air. Kellen-
barger is an onorgotio young m-in
and well qualified for the position
to Inch ho aspires , being a hi h
school graduate of Merna. Ono of
the plean urged in hia favor IH that
the populistst have no one on their
tiokot from I ho northwest part of
the county.
C D. Konklo , who was in the
t'tty Saturday informs us that Chcs
'or ' Sums of Wuipnort , who attempt
ed suicide by hanging himaolf last
Wednesday , has apparently fully
-eo vorod from his insanity , and
went to work Insl Friday afUrnoon
cutting liis whtmt the ( -nine as noth
ing had ever been wrong with him.
He complains of his nook beiny
aore , but he has no idea of whn'
caused it. Ho knows nothing of
the matter. It is I bought the
shook received from the fall and
the agony he endured in coming
too hid something to do in remov
ing the cauflo that unbalanced his
W. S. Foster , who has roOTntly
1 icatod in this vicinity , lost a valu
able hor-w Thursday nighl in a very
unusual way. Ho hitched his team
to a spring wagon and came to
town with the view of moving his
family to the farm next dny , In
snapping thn breeching strap the
buckh was turned the wrong side
up , and the tongue of the bueklo
xtit a hole through the llnnh and lot
iha intraln out , Mr : Foster did not
find out any injury had been done
until ho was unharnessing the
animal aftar ho pot her in the barn.
Dr Shoemaker waa called to dreas
the wound , but the injury waa too
great and the horse died in a few
bouiH. This should bo a lessons to
others that a nimilnr accident may
not occur The Htrap ia in this
office and may bo seen by anyone
that takea the trouble to call and
60fa it.
The patrons and teachers meet
ing hold in connection syith the
institute wan held last Saturday in
the Presbyterian church. The at
tendance was quite hrge in the af
ternoon1 Thiwo who participated
iu tlie dismission of the various nub
joels were . Profa. Jackson , LPWIH
und llenno In the forenoon. Their
respective tnhjpotH were , "Change
iu Text Books , " "Tun Compulaory
Attendance Law , " and "Arohilou.
turn. " In the afternoon J. R. Doiui
tilled the plaoo of J. ,1 , Wilson ,
president of the Broken Bow school
board , who was billed f6r an ad
dress. The "Rural High School"
wis discussed by James Stookham ,
W. W. Thornton , A. C. Towlo and
Prof. , I. M. Scott. They each ad
duoed argumonta in favor o < " the
rural high schools hut the last
speaker took exceptions to the pres
ent law. W. S Delano and J. D.
Ream discussed agricultural in.
structions in our common achoole.
This was followed by the question
box , which ia said to have been one
of the most interesting features of
session. We. were absent at tue
time and did not hear it.
The Touchers Koiiiuiiihruiii-c ot Sunt.
iuul Mrs. Toolpy.
One of the many ploaaant evouta
of the institute wathe ( preaonta-
lion to Supl. and Mra. Tooloy of
an oloiiant silver lea act. A resolu
tion offered by II. D , Owen for the
efficient way that Supt. and Mrs.
Tooloy had conducted t < ic educa
tional interests of CiiKtor county
for the past four years and that the
teachers make a donation to pur
chase a romambraiioo The rasolu
lion was unanimously adopted-
the institute. The following purchasing -
( chasing committee W.IH appointed :
Mia os llcrnio , Whitnhead and
Smith , and Messrs. Owen und
Smith. The presentation speech
waa made in a very appropriate
manner by Frank L. Williams and
responded to by Supt , Tooley in a
very fueling o > nd earnest talk. The
closing HC.WHIOU of the institute had
a time of aarlnuas to it in as much
as-it-was the last ye < ir the teachers
will associate with Supt. and Mra
Toolny in their present position.
The teachers are unanimoua in their
well wishes for Supt. and Mrs.
Tooloy through future life.
Alliance Against Broken
Two mtor.os'ting games of ball
weio played between Broken Bow
and Alliance Monday and Tuesday
As the Alliance boys passed
through here Friday night on their
\vaj to play u match game with the
shop boys at llavolock , representa
tives of the Broken Bow club met
thorn at the train and prevailed up
on them to stop Monday on their
rotuin homo to play Broken Bow.
The score Monday was kept low b\
both ninoH and a good game was
played. The result was 8 to ! in
favor of Alliance. The homo club
not being entirely satisfied thai
Alliance could boat them at the bat ,
challenged thorn for another game
the next tiuy. As an inducement
we understand , a handsome mini
wa * hung up aud the visitors ac
copied the challenge * The sooond
day the score run higher an Broken
Bow's catcher , CarstonBon , was ao-
cidently struck on the head and
rendered unable tc fill the place
during the rest of the guiu. The
rooru wan 18 to 1-1 in favor of Bro
ken Bow. The following is the
score :
Alliance D n i o o r o 0 u-i
lirokfii Icnv ! u ii u i n u o i i-t :
Ilattuilc ?
Alli-mce O'Connor anil Hell.
Ittokun How Oarstensoiiuml WuittUoad.
UroKon How i 0 n 5 0 4 0 II H II
Alllimce ( i 1 I i i u u ; i rt IH
llroUun llow John und Caisletuan
Alliance-vO Connor aud Hell.
Money loaded on improved farmc ,
7 18 tf ft Broken Bow , Nebr.
Itcpubifrlnii 1'rlmarlcs.
Ihu ropubVioan electors ff West
Union town vip are hereby called
to meet Wai worth school
house o urday , August 3rd , at
three - ni. to elect 8 dole-
gates t county convention to
be hello knn Bow , on August
O o'clook n. in , and
lo itcH to the fiiper-
n not yet called ,
township ofllcers
any otlnr buaineoB
before the caucus ,
tn voters of Cliff
precinct are hereby palled to moot
at the Center school house in
Oil It'prucinot , August Hrd , at 11
o'clook p. m. for the pmrposa of
electing H 'delogalea to attend the
ocunty convention at Broken Bow ,
August lOth , 1001 , also to elect
delegates to supervisors conven
tion not yet called , and also lo
pnl in nomination a full township
ticket and the transaction of any
other buHiness that may come be
fore the caucus.
caucus.W. . J. RIOK , Com.
To tho-republican voters of Lil
lian precinct. The primary will be
licld ut tin ) Oxford school house on
Saturday , August U,1001at 2 p m. for
purpose of electing delegate.- the
county convention and delegated to
the Supervisors convention
G. W. DmvjtY , Com.
The republican electors of Garfield -
field precinct are hereby called to
meet in cauoua on Saturpay , Aug
ust 2 , 1901 , at 2 o'clock p. m. at
the Swiss Valley soholl house for
the purpose of electing # ix delegat
es to the county convention at
Broken Bow , Auguat 10 , uud six
delogatea to the Supervisors dis
trict convention of the second dis-
trial , the nomination of a township
tiokot and. the transaction of tuioli
other VusinoH a may come before
the caucus. Juries HAUMO.XT , Com
The republican olcotora of Bor-
wyn precinct are hereby called to
meet in caucus Friday , August U ,
1901 , nt 'J o'clock p. in. , in Bonvyn
Bchoolhoufio , for the purpouo 'of
electing seven delegates to the
county convention at Broken Bow
Augunt ] 0 , 1001 , tlitt nomination
of township otlicors , seven delegates
to the Bupervisors convention of
the Hueoml district , not jet eallud ,
and fqr the transaction of such
other business tl'al may properly
come before the meeting.
J. O. TAYI.OB , Com.
The republican electors of Doug
las Grove township will meet nt the
Anthony sohoolhouso on Saturday ,
August H , 1001 , at 'J o'clock p. m , ,
for the purpose of electing 11 dele
gates to the County convention , and
to place in nomination a township
ticket , and to transact any other
that may properly oomo
before the mooting.
11. B. GI.OVKU , Cow.
The republican voters of ( Ouster
precinnt are hereby called to meet
nt the Riverside nohoulhouao
August 8rd at a o'clock p. m. , for
the purpose of electing 11 dole-
gixtea to attend the County conven
tion at Broken Bow August 10 ,
1H01 ; | HO to elect the same num.
ber of delegates to attend the Oth
district aiipnrvisoni' convention , not
yet calhul ; " also to put in nomina
tion a full township tiokot.
J. F. FOX\VOHTUY , Cou .
The republican electors of Grant
townuhip are hereby called to uieet
at the ll.'UiiiKtiiio oohoohouso Satur
day , August n , lOOljf at U o'clock p.
m , , for the purpose of clouting 0
delegates to the republican coun
ty convention to be hold at
Broken Bow August 10 , 1001 ; also
the.eleution of township oonunitteu-
man , the nomination of township
officers , tuul the transaction of any
other business that may oomo be
fore the oauuiis.
The republican electors of Wood
River precinct are hereby called to
meet in Oconto Saturday , August
U , 1001 , at 13 o'olock p. m. , tor the
fimpodo of electing 11 delegates to
the republican county convention to
bo hold of , Broken Bow August 10 ,
1001 , and to elect the name number
of delegates to the KiiporvinOr' con
vention of the Sixth supervisors
convention , not yet called ; also the
nomination of township oflioers , and
for the transaction of uuoh other
business as innv come before the
oanoua. F. E. VA.NANTWKIU' , Com ,
The electors of the republican
party are hereby called to meet m
primary at the court jiouse in Bro
ken Bow , Nob. , jit 2 o'clock'p. m. ,
Monday , August 5,1001for the pur-
'pose of placing in nomination a fall
township tiolcot , tin selection of 32
delegates to attend the county con
vention to be held Augutit 10 , 1901 ,
and for the transaction of Hiioh other
busiii ( > as as may regularly come be
fore said caucus.
All who believe in the principles
of the republican party , progress
and reform are invited to attend
and paiiimpato in the proceedings.
Opona Monday , Soptambor 2 , I9O | .
Prepare to be With us. Our departments , are complete. We
can yiVe you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand
Department is complete ami up-to-date. " ( Pitman System. ) " If you
desire to teach , attend our Nominal Department.
Pen Art , aud Telegraphy , is also taught.
Write , or call aud see us.
C. W. ROUSH , Pres.
Always havn the best quality of
Lumber and oilier building ma
terials at the Lowest P < iccu.
'Phone No. 7U.
W. L. RULE , Manager.
Fora First Class Smoke Try. the
Martial and
1 Corona Grande' 1
Sv W Pirroro Ov * I
Cigars. 1
Broken How , Nebraska. if