Republican VnbllBlioil orery Thursday nt UieUnnntjr Bout , 1) . M. AMSUElfuYi Killlor * & .C < nco In Cnelor Ulock , Vonrth ATH.-V Entered nt ilio i > oetomco nt llroki-n How , Not ) . , us Bccoud-clnrBinnUcrfor IrnriMuUiilon through thoU. 8. Malls. HUllBCllU'TioNTuuTltl One Vonr , Jnadvnnco , Si ( Hi ADVKHTIS1NQ One colnmn , per nionlli , 7 liO , Onn-linlf n < utnn , | > cr inontn , SIW ( Courier column , | nr month , S2.W ) Lorn tlmn ijuuitcr column. Hi cunte per Inch per tnutiUi Ctnm on tliut IIQUO , CO coula per luoli , i > or inmitu , LoculnJvcrllflnt6 cuulR | > or llnu vncli li.ier- Notice of church fairs , goclnhlc * nnd miiorlnln- incuts wlioru niuitojU cimrgc'd , uuu.luilf rutux , yocloty notices eua rci-i'lutloiif. ' onu-lmlf IIIIVK. \Vuildlug toilets free , half price for iiuulltlilng llelof nrenotiu , Death nmlccs free , linlf pile > for pul obituary notices , iihd cnriln of tlmnUn. Lcpil uotlcj.1 at ratis jir rldcd 17 s'li , _ , Nebraska , rilUKSUAY , JULY afi , 1- ' Call for C'uiinly t'oiivciillon The electors of thu repjV party of Custur county , NJ1 are huroby ruqut'Stud to ulec send delegates from thiti | | townships to ment in delegftt VL'iilion at Brokun Bow , N * Saturday , August 10 , 1001 o'clock a. in , for the piii electing delegates to the Sio vention to bo held at , August 28 , 1001 , and also purpose of phmin in nomin * full county ticket to bo vote the general election in Nt 1001 , as follows : | County Treasurer , Count County Judge , Sheriff , Sir donl ol Public Instructiouf of Decdf , County Survoyqi Coroner , and to transact HI btis'uK'MH tit- may come bl cu ivuniiou I The basis of represent be one delegate for ovorylj ainl live or major fraclioi , . - t kr Him E. Lloyse , j ' ii'i il elector in | i. , it at largo fn u-v.irinip , which givoH the dviugation by townahipH : It is recommended th ship primaries bo held c Saturday , Aiif/iiHt 2nd o ii It is also recommend proxies bo allowed , j dol"gat3P present cast t to which the township ) It is also rouomuieuc ] various townships 001 Hiipervisorn district , iJ election is to be < h elect delegates to tlie convention , to be callc It is also rwiomimui'1 townflhip oommitlonnv to hold his ollioo until the general eloclioo and that term of oac mitt'ccman com mono after the general old * ALRI D. M Secretary ! In order to HBV ll * would suggest to th next tiiuo they uuth hotiBu contingent jp tiokot without the convontion. There is nothmj that can carry j shoulders , unleas j\ \ who can work till Sfi anti.divisionist ant both 'committees i thrown in from ; works last. Jud Kay is boi candidate forirco . . . 'V-'i1 the repnbhnau'tic one of Cust'er c " farmers , a man o , . . . t \ a good oitizj-m < au choice of tho.Voi , of the hearty , ' suj republioatj | ; The members that Ihoir/conye harmouiousr an hold , WWhe about the sore _ locality and the m D gates who went home with the avowed intention ot doing all in their power to prevent the election of aevoral of the candidateH. The Republican is pleased to see that there are lublo to bo a number of candidates before the republican convention. The party in Ouster county desires only men for oflico who arc worthy and well qualified to hill the several positions and where there are more than one uapirant it will give the convention an opporrunity to make a choiuo , bust nrc wnjitod. Jnson KvanH , tlio pop noininuc for recorder' was compelled by the convention to doi.y thah lie had pro in ibid the deputyship to Nix persons already and he further pledged IniiiHulf not to in.iko A.B Hartley his deputy , the man to whom hu owes iiust for Inn nomination. No reference was murlo tu the pledge he had made to UlassoyA ho it is currently reported ban rented Inn farm , subject to ISv.itiH oluolion , * t'v' . > . if ; v . < ; v'j "v * i ,1 ' -v ' ; i " . * * * 4 n. - , ' , , ; / . , ' „ 'if * t ' % avoirdupois is above the average , is growing desperate and threatens to got marrried or quit busiuend il the hot weather continues. ? * would suggest either as being prof- if.or arable to editing a democratic paper under n republican administration. Wo would further suggest that Ciister ccunty has several marriag. able young men who have boon ad- (1In voitisizing for lifo partners. In last week's Democrat Mica Spear u- Unites another week L shall certain ly do uomothing desperate , cither got married or retire from bitsinopii nnd | hvo o.i thu intoroflt of my tnnuoy ( I don't know whoru the principal ifl coining from ) but I nhall certainly do noinething to r < - liovt1 inn Irom tlio nocPHsilv of uom . ing back to the oflioo afternootiH. " Th llepublican'h political 'prog- nop.tioalioiiH two wneka ego , of what would be done ut the county con vention wcro verified Monday , PX copt in our piedictiuiiH of J. J. Tooloj'rf nomination. Wo tho.ught hia popularity wus HO great that the ' " Jje f-'y ; , . ? & . .a.T ( . " fr * ? 1 . Joseph llnnfelu. Douglas drove John Cninpuall iinilClmB. L. Ottllaher. \Vouil Itlver JiiiuosJohubOu , L.V. . Cornish unil John MUMloswurt. , Viotoriu-Jainee l lndley , Dave ChrUtmn itnd Alvln Dally. Sariiont-U. . Fulton. 1) . U. Coltrnlne anil Joeoph ICxIey. Woilorvllle T. C. Herry. 11. W. Huycroft. llyrtle-Kclwiirit A , lliueli , I'rntik llrjnn. Algernon John Molninch , Jmi'eJ McAllflter , l ! uc Deardorf. Kllfiil-J. H. Lyon , Joaeph Stttlcr , J. J. Sanford - ford , II. J. Msrtlu. llrokeu How John A. DIotz , Gilbert Mc- Cleirr , Itoburt llabbitnl , John Kvnoyur , W.V. . 1'otU.J O. Titylori II. Lumait Has. Andonoii. Dellglil-Lewis McCrearji M. Nlcolsou , (1 ( W. Iforntril. Arnnlfl-ti1 * Mills , anil .Inlm MrOulro. l.lllinn limn * * K Anli nnil Olu Johnson , Elk Crftflk Clm . 1/oucka nnil l.nwln l.c . WMI UnionMtitiron I'arloy nnil 0. KHall1 Triumph \Vm. Kngels. CllflK. ) . llnrtmr ami t' . C. Kmbrro. ( iiiint--Arilmr Ituinlne. /\n lif--ns'orge ) l' yno , John Mcdowan nail II. Allierls , lUrwyn--Henry llo'g ? , Joliu Illnckley. Illiulo , l/ur llllxt- ti.M. Musluy. llnyos-J. 1 { , Or ve . . wiyns Al/rnl .lulinsun Moved and earrltul to'uucept nnil udopli nu rt'CiiiiinifiiKlcil. Tt'BSDAY JULY 1(5. The liiud mat itl-'J u. in. Tlio minutes wcru rwad untl approved. Tlio oli.iniH oommlttuo reported ; We your committee rtcommeiid thh I Miu ( ollu lnir cltltti ! } bu allowed : * $ &f-jjs ( * ' & | TC , KilfewfSl 3t W - ' - ' ' : Sf lfr 1 ' % f SSfefivT < V- " # " $ F n % - > a- : < : . , .rf , . $ # -VWi W l- x 11 * , mmja-i . . * v- . . = * * * - / 4 Jt7. V' J Vf > - " j * * f15sp.r ' < rt vWii r'"J > t-.L * l t t ; - - V-- - K ' 'V V1' ' " : X' ' ' , .i. 4 ; ' 7wJrMSS'-- -'s " . : > - V * ; - - ' J8r ' - * " ' " L' * " " ' - w l ' -M ' % - . ' ' _ v ij G. II. Thorpe , i. P. firechbuhl John Cooney Report accepted tnul inloptecl. Mr. U. lloleer. oupervlstr Ulst. No. 7 reported thnt ho hiiisolci County lumber to the amount of $100.85 mul had turned idr. evur that sum ( o thu County Treasurer. Tlio report was accepted nnd hla action approved. The li lcl-o ( iiful bridge claims com- mlttoe rt'ooinuieiuleil that the following : oliiinm bn allowed ; G Hoieor $1 70 WuatUnlouMIIIInK Uo . 50 SO Q , iioiiior John Conley Ilepnrt uocrptecl and ndopt d. The board then adjourned until 1:30 : p. m. All the inenibtrs being In attendance nt 1:30 : p. m. the uhulrumn culled tlio meeting to ordur. 'L'hu member. * of tbo bonftl visited tlio jail in ( i body mid reported every thing in u aittlsfiiotory condition. Tha roiitt conm Ittce reported on the petllluu to open Boction line In Wester- vllle Twp. Blgnud by Ilf nry Tucker et nl and recommended thnt ttie petition be laid over. Iteport accepted and adopted. Thu following resolution was present ed b > Mr. U'hisreua , Ttio rade a nil rli/.hlof way of the Lincoln nnd Hluult lllllu Kail Rout ! V I Vv " "V'C * ' ! -f K - 1 J , , . ' ' - ' ' , , V iv . . ; _ - s 7iii § - . > - ' , l.f-l" , . ' - t * i ' " " ' " * , - - / ? . : .v ; > " , * ' " k' , i ' , ' * . . " t ' * * 1 v' . ; . fi " ' ' ' ; - f' 'v ! 4 ? , ' * , . day not to exceed v .w , „ total amount shall not exceed f 350 , to bo paid out of the feed of the oflico. RoBpt. submitted , M , K , SCIINKRINGEH , County Treasurer. Aloved and carried to grant the request. J. B. Osbourn , county clerk , pre sented the following 0III requisition whioh was granted by the board. To the Honorable Connty Board : Gentlemen : I respectfully ask that I be allowed the nocoesaary iclp on the tax list of 1901 , and any other ncooeasary olerk hire at from 11 .Ufl to $2.00 per day , to be paid out of the fees of thu oilioe. J. B. OrHIOUKN , County Clerk. Moved and oarrioj to instruct the county clerk to draw warrants for all ohiir. B allowed at this meeting of the board Moved and carried to adjourn until September 24 , 1901. J , B. OHUOUKN , County Clerk. By C.V. . HAKKS , Deputy. C. O. LIND , Chairman. Business Pointers. WALL . paper . . * v w at . J. 4 C. Bowen's. Stfice , at at J. C. u i Id call at 1 get prioea ckages ior a PUABMAOY. and gardtm err'u. i has in stock a posta for the K Town lota ta in this city , farm land. \LI.AN RE5TNBB. ihes , fariua or want to sell or J , J. Snyder , 4-11-tf I lands for rout. eta farm uhsap. are all going , icing rapidly. G. BUKNIZKK. atob , between id Broken How , n and sprocket ? rank Rublee. room bouse , ! io square. For re of A , R. o.'J tf. reliable firm of > . is the place to coal. A good to meet tbe wants s are always in 321tf Nut and Fruit heis Candy KUoh- ftli of poatofiioe. yearling Red Poll r-old Durham bull , north of Broken W. P. ROBEKTS. ami rubbers at J. GOLD * CURE , Treatment Uy ' rtlw a ( ally In ( OHO * , flu Weulceu- ler eh. A Hieus- oeitlve Cure ie Liquor lubit. " + r / knowu and under- lonuess la a deteaae and. I body tilled with polsou Jmpletely shattered by plant mo of Intoxicating Jnti antidote capable of I uradle.uloK thta poison Jthu crhvliiv for Intos- Imay now euro them- ivithout publicity or loss llneaa hy this wonderful re" whlcb has been pur- J y J't'ura of OOBO ! study Jl inebriates. The fallh- 1'K ' to the direction of [ dlecovory lu positively frue the mubt obdtlnatu how hard a drlukar. f > w the nirtrvBluis tratiw Ihousandd of Kruukarda jiatrious and upright men. Xour Huhand3. Child- era. Thin remedy la oatrum but is a specific only , and ia so skillfully Jopared that it is thnrough- Ipleammtto the taote so L'lven In a cup of tea or j t ji Knowledge of the per- r ThotufindB of Drunkards fcmsclveaivith this priceless Isiunny more Imvo been hudo temperata men by Jure" ndmlmatercd by lov- > d relntivea without their ouce or tea , and balieve ydlEcont.ued . drinking of All corresponded ' Bt'riotly conHdetlal.