Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 18, 1901, Image 5

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- T
HOHKO roll Ko. Oli. tiy Moekoll , ninkos
law relating to COP * of county olllrt'r.i
In LancoMtcr county snnu1 with ro-
dnncil census us It was before.
Mouse roll Xo. 157. by KVIUN , per
mits liTljjallon tllsti'lcls to pay olT
bonded Indelitednessvltli money on
lniHd tlimucli ( be eoiintv trensnrcn. roll No. Ul."i. by Hull , anl'.ior-
Izlnj ; the governor of the stnto of NY-
brnska to appoint three commissioner ?
on behalf of nnld state of Xebraskn , to
act conjointly with a like ri.-mnlsslon
from Iowa , In agreeing upon a bonu1-
dary line between said states of Ne
braska and Iowa wheie ehanues In the
Missouri river make It Indellnltc.
Iloncp roll No. 'JOO. ' by Vandeirrlft ,
for the relief of Sherman county , Ne-
bra.ska , and to npproprlsUe U10.M for
taxoo paid In excess Into the Insane
asylum fund of the state.
House roll No. ( ! , by Mockett ,
changing law so that In counties of
over UO.OOlt Inhabitants , the county
commissioners may receive a salary of
§ 1,800 a year Instead of a per diem of
$3 per day. A bill mnde necessary by
the reduction In population from 70.-
000 , the previous limit In Lancaster
House roll No.IS I. by IJane , by re
quest of the governor , to provide for
the payment of the incidental expenses
incurred during the 27th session of the
legislature of the stale of Nebraska.
An additional appropriation of $18,000
for thks purpose.
House roll No. ' _ ' ! ) , by McCarthy ,
amending law ns to decedents , giving
heirs of deceased same exemptions
that he had when alive.
House roll No. fllH , by Uhl , by request -
quest , to promote the public health ,
and to regulate the sanitary construc
tion of house draining and plumbing ;
, and to secure the registration of
plumbers In all cities within the state
of Nebraska , having a population of
more than ' - ! . " > ,000 inhabitants ; and to
provide for a board for the examina
tion of plumbers therein , .mil defining
their powers and duties ; provide for
their compensation ; and to provide
for penalties for the violation of this
House roll No. 1 > : ! 0 , by J. .1. McCar
thy , extending to oue year the time
within which cases on error may be
taken to the -supreme court.
House roll No. .7J , by rotor Dabl-
sten , providing for the appointment of
couni.v attorneys in counties of 15,000
population or under.
House roll No. It.VJ , by Cain , author
izing the governor of the state of Ne-
bnHcti to appoint three commissioners
on behalf of the said state of Nebras
ka , to act conjointly with a like com-
1 mission from and of the state of Mis
souri in agreeing upon a boundary
line between the said states of Nebras
ka and Missouri.
House roll No. 20S , by McCarthy , to
" authorize the governor to appoint three
commissioners In behalf of the state of
Nebraska to act conjointly with a like
commission from , and of the state of
South Dakota in agreeing upon a boun
dary line between the state of Ne-
y braska and South Dakota.
House roll No. 180 , by Uolnver , reenacts -
enacts law governing teachers' Insti
tutes. Makes knowledge of history re
quisite for third grade certificate and
Inserts a knowledge of elements of ag
riculture after l)0t ! ) : , among branches
required for eertitlcates.
Ing. Emergency clause.
House roll No. 'Ml , by Uhl , providing
for refunding to various persons the
amount of money advanced by them
to pay the expense of returning mem
bers of the l-' Nebraska volunteers
from San Francisco to their homes
In Nebraska on their return from Avar
in the Philippine Islands during the
summer of 1800. Appropriates $ ; ? G-
House roll ir 0 , by Rtockwell , per
mitting county mutual Insurance com
panies to Insure property which is tem
porarily removed to the county adjoin
ing the county In which company is
House roll lH ! , by Hntborn , for the
relief of Itiu > M > ll K. Loomls , and au
thorizing the governor to couvey to
him certain land lu lied 'iVlllow
House roll 1"J ) , by Anderson , des
ignating the Institute for the blind as
the Nebraska chool for the blind and
the Institute for deaf and dumb us the
Nebraska school for the deaf.
House roll IIHI , the general salary
appropriation bill.
House roll 15. by Crockett , de
fining the manner in which county
treasurers shall collect taxes by distress -
h. tress warrant and otherwise.
I House roll 17 ( > , by Lane , providing
for the examination and transfer of
insane convicts from the penitentiary
to asylums
House roll 7U , by Loomls , for discon
necting unoccupied territory from cit
ies or villages by petition anil consent
of the city council.
House roll Ultt , by Warner , for the
relief of the German Evangelical
Lutheran church of Lincoln by refund
ing ? o)0 ) paid Into the state treasury
under an act of 1885.
House roll 1U7. by Cain , applying
to all counties the plan of selecting
jurors now applicable In Lancaster
and Douglas counties.
House roll ! (7S ( , by Kellers , limit
ing attorneys In contests of members
of the legislature to a fee of S100 and
providing that attorneys of uiibnccc.sS'
fill contestants shall receive no fee.
House roll K1 { , by Humphrey , bar
ring claims against estates unless let
ters of administration are tiled within
two years.
House roll Jii'J. by Latlln , restoring
the former plan of allowing fees to
county treasurers for collecting ta.\-s.
House roll ii'J. ! , by Hawxby , defining
the method of forming , vacating or
annexing territory to school districts ,
See W. D. Blaukwoll at Farnien
Bank for Fire , Cyolono and Torna
do insurance. 7-11 tJ
. * " _ .
Vu. „ ? j. mil i > S f
} >
5- -
Why Live in Darkness , >
When You Can Buy a >
Lamp of John & Knerr >
So Cheap . >
TJ. S. Land Office.
All lUlverlbeineiits uiulur tbla lioad will be
clmr cil for HI local rnltn , vV : $ ( , W | > . r
Tor IIrut liiHurlton , ntul MIc i > or hijuaro fur
Biiljt'iiiu | t Ineurtloii.
A "MjuLre" ! i < icn lines or fraction thereof.
Jnltuil HtiUs liuil UUlce , I
Ilrolicn How , Net ) . Jiiiiti-l , 1901. (
tice IB hurcuy Kl\ci tlmt In liursiunco of
InRlruulloiiB fropi the CoinnilfpioiiLT.ol tlio Oi'ii-
onil l.'iiul Ollico , under nilllioilty vu-ti'd In liliu
by section -I.A U. S. Hcv. Suit. , tin nmendcd liy
act of consjrcja improved February " 0 , ltj ! , \ > u
will proceed In nfler ut public Hiilu on Ilin Kttti
di ! > of .Inly , ll'Ul ' , at Uils ( illlcu tliu fullouluy
trticlof litnd , ti wit :
K'/a N\V'iNW > 4 SKH. bectloi. 23 , townolilp
10 , norili , riinycSJ , went.
Any and all iicrsoiis claiming adversely the
above dcecrlh'Ml luml , aru advised to lllu tliulr
In tills ( illlco on or before the diiy abov
'ted lor comniciiccineut of Biild nulo ,
otlierwleu thv'r rlghlH will 1m lorfeltcd.
(1 0 Ut I'liANIC U , VoliSii , KtceUer.
John Strcni : mid blrcng , wife ot John
StreiiK , M Humley Coniimny , .MlHiiesota
I'lirc iicr Manufacturing Company , Walter A.
Wood Kenplng and Mowing Maclihu : Company
and I'hcuU liiHurunco Company , linplcjdod
with others , defividnnta will tal > o notice tliac on
the IHtb day of December , 1UCO , Alllo J . I'llkln ,
adi.iinlbtrntor of the cstatii of Jane K 1'ltklu , dc-
cuaecd , plalntUI herein , Illcd liiu petition In Ihu
dltttrlU cou 'I of Ciibter county , NebraaKu , utjuliibt
suld ilofi'iiiliiiitB , Imp caded with others , the ob
ject and praver of which in to foreclose ucer-
taln mottgaKo executed by said John Strengde-
f.indunl , to inu tula Jane K. 1'itkm , decoaeed , *
convfjlng the west half of the couth-west quarter
of teci ion twenty-seven , (27) , and the rortliwcet
qtiarliT of the northwcet quarter of sictlon
thirty-four , (3) ( , , and the bouthuaat quarter of the
sDUthosct iiQuttcr of atctlou twenty-eight , ( SB ) ,
end tliu weal half of the west half of the oust
fculfof the southwest quarter of pectton twouty-
Bcven (2 ( ) , paid liint named tr'ict beni ) > more
tlcjilurly described as commencing on the no.-
llt/.i line IB rodH duo cue ! of the eoutlnvost c r-
ner of section twenty-seven ( Li7) , township seven
teen , nortli of raiico twenty-fou , running thence
east twenty rods , then north IUJ ruils , thence
\M-st ! . ' 0 rods , thuiico Houtli 1UD rods to place of
hcglnuiu } ; , all In tounshlp sovcnlcen (17) ( , nortli
of range twenty-four ( "l ) > v/rti ot the tlxth p.
in. , to ceciire tlio payment of enc certain llm
mortgnRo bond with Intnrcst thereon , dated on
tbo 31 t day of December , A. 1) . ISO : . ' , for I lie
sum of SlOil , duu ntul pajable on the llrst day of
Januaiv , 1KI8. ! There in now duo end owing
plalmlir on said note the sum of $1UU and lutercBt
thereon ns follow9 , to-u It : $14 duo July 1,1W5 ,
11 duu July 1 , IbOU ; 11 < lao Jiiiuuiry 1,18M ! ; 511
duo January I , I8U7 ; itiul SI I dun July I , I8 < J7 ; and
111 due Jmuiary I , IS'JS , with Intcrext thereun at
the rate ol ten percent , pei uiinum from matur
ity of each of i- ll coupon noten. for which said
several SUUIH wllh Intele t the plntnlitl praS for
u decree tl at the defend in H be required to pay
the Hiuiiuor tlmt thepremlscB nuy DO sold 10 eal-
iafy the amount found due
You nrt > required to anuwcr said petition on or
beforu the 'nd iluy of July , 11HII.
D'ltcd thli Hth day of Juuu , A. I ) . 1901.
MiI.o.l. PIIKIN , Administrator ,
liy JAMES LliuwiCll , Attorney.
hereby u'hcn Hint The Diuil ; of Mcrna
otMurnii. In Cditer county NuUraski , has been
duly Incorporated In accardimcu with the provis
ion * of the laws KUM'inlug eoriorutloim In the
said Blatu of i > chniBki.
The i.nrtioto for which i > ald corporation Is or-
gnnlr.ed Is to transact 11 commercial banking
The principal plncn of business afraid rorpor
atlon Bbull bo nt Mornn. In the county ot Cutter ,
In the state of Nebr.iek *
Thu autharl/cd captill stock blnill he 810,000.00
of which glO.UOO 00 ha been puld m.
The hlnhest nnlounl of Indebtedness to uhlcl
said corporation Hhp'l subject llvelf , I'xccpt to
depositors , tdmll not txreeii two-thirds of Its cap-
Itiil f tock at any tune.
The ntlnlrs ol corporation shall bo conduct
eil by a hoard of three directors , and n prrshleut
Thu mimes of the. Incniporarors are t'lus. K
ford , 8. K. Warrlck mid J.A1. Kliuberllng
Duted J line ; ! ti , lODl. li-'J8 tig.
In the Dirtilct Court of Cu < ter County , Nebraska ,
.Mary U. l.lmiseY , 1'inlntiU , \
Joshua Freeman , i-tal. .
Defendants , j
To Dellla J. I'Venmn hucjr Vine , Green Free
man , ( llobe Invt'stment ( 'd. , Henry A VYymau
Urcuivor ot tlio Globe Investment t'o. . Alex
under IVddlo , and Kreeimuis National Hunk o
It h'on , Maes , non-r.wldent defendanta1
You nnd euch ofo' ulll laku notlCrf that ei
tliu luh da > of July , 1UI. Ury U. LlmUoy
plalntill herein , tlleil her petition in the dl-lrlc
court of Cutter county , Nidmika. iiRulusl > ou
and euch of you , the object anil praytr of nlilol
are to fureclo-e n certa'u mor ago executed h
thi ) dofei ilu'its Joshua freeman and Dellla Free
mi i , husband and wife , 11 thu ( llobe Jnvcaimer
Co. , wl'lch mortgaco Is ( jiveii upon the SV'/j o
the Ne'i and tin. Ne't of tbo N\vU , of scctloi
11. nnd till ! Si'i of the riwli , of et'cllon 'A ill It
township 10 , lunges went of Ihu Ulli l > , & 1. 11
Under county , Nebraska , which mortgUKu wa
ght i to ttiT o the piiyinout of a certain Ure
mortgage 110' . dati'il May 1 1831. for the sum c
5500 W ) , dne and payable on the llrat day of May
IbM ) with Interest thereon at 7 per cent per an
num until maturity , am : ten per ceut inert
HUT. |
I'll Udllln'eo ' puld upon said real estate roveroi
by s.-ld morigaKt.s , taxes to the unuunt of $71 60
which luris were paid on Jr lOVHlh , IKI )
That tbeie U now due. owing und unpaid upon
caid note and morlgaHu tie said sum of $5UO 00 Inlenst tUereonat 10 per cent , per annul
frjinthe tlrr t * y of Slay , IdSO. and tlia lurltie
suinofk7IOO , astri putd , wllh 10 per fent lu
tervHtther jn from June Wth , Ife'Jl , for which
sum w tb Inter tan uforcrald , nlaintiK pray
r r a decree tout Ihu defendants be remt-ed to
pay the sum within twenty d > s from the entry
c ! the dccn o lu tl e tiiec , or tlmt said premlee
nmy bo sold as upon execution to tatUfy th
ninount found due upun Haul murigage and note
Aether with the roils In this i-ult
autd llrst mo : gagu note and Ihu mortKBgH ee
cur'iK ibu saint were duly mid aid asuignti
for a valuable con lderatlou bv the flild ( ilob
InvcstniHi.t c'o. I > thla plHlntia oud tblb platntlt
po the owner and holder of uaid note nm
tuor" jaijo
You , Knd each ot yon , are required to auwo
Bald p .Itlon cm or befoio Monday , the IDtb da
of AugUdt , 1 1.
DaUdtbla K.h day ot July. 1001.
Uy C. L. GuiTEiibON , Her Atty. 7-11 4
Tokow It may concern : The toinmlidlonrr
ppoiulrd to view a roul pullllouod for by 11 P
tooroetal. comnioncink at Station > o 4 nf
ounly rend No 91 and icnnliiAtlni ; at ttttlon Xo
j of rnlil county read Neil nnd to vacate Ihn
oad aa nt promt lorato I tti tun HWU cue 'JO nnd
K'IMC 21-17 17 h H repotted In favor ot the
elahllMiinput nm ) Tncatton ns prtl'loned for * ml
11 iitjccllniiK thrrtto or cl lni < for dunmK"1.
mitt bo Illeil In lh ( ounly clerk's olllcp on 01
oforo noon of theltoih ( Uy c < t AiiguntW \ \ or
uch road will bo vacated wllhout reference ,
In wit 'ens wlienuf I savn lierrnnto rpt my
nnd and real of raid county Oil * "lith dny of June
J. 11 O.SI1IIUIX ,
County t'li'ik.
Nn'l I H TO
n Countj Luuit , within mul lor Cusler
Nebmeki , In the mutter rf the Katittu ot
Mary 11.Voody , dccetitod.
'n the Creditors ot i nld Ksttte :
You art.1 hereby notified , That 1 will sit at thn
'ounly Court room , lu Hrokcn How , In tnld
oiii ty , on thn ( Un day i f Sept , 1001 ; ou the tith
ay of Nov. 11UI ; and ou the IUU dny ot Jun ,
IXtt , cch at 10 o'clock n. in , , ot each day , to nt-
olvu and rsnmlne all clnlms ngulnit snld cstntti ,
Ith nIcw to tholrnujustiucnt nnd allowance .
Tliu tUne llmlteil for the presenthtlon of clalim1
gainst * < ald ettate Is Six inonthi from the Mb
ay of July , IlKil , and the time limited for pa > *
nont of debts Is oue year from ealil &tb ilay of
uly , 1001.
VVItnf i > my hand und the Seal ot said County
Court this L'nd day of July , 1001.
7-Mt Coiinty JtulKi' .
To whom st may concern : Thu Commissioner
ippolntod to > lcw n road petituurd tor by 1 otili
tnuiiinnt < ; t fl. commencing at qaartor corner
itwcon : i.t midl-ll-10 , ; ] thence
Station Station
No. dcg. mln. Ft. No. ,
i 1550 ft N of
rom 0 3 11 K to ] UK cor of
< 4.IS-10.
rom 1 8 U 40 W 1400 to 2
rom - ' ti U 40 K 4 ll < 0 to a
rom a B n : tov 7io to 4
rum 4 S Ul ao K & 0 to B ,
B2 dPK 40 m
iS NEcorlti
UbU to U
rom tl H ( > ! 1 n K 400 to 7
rom 7 H To 10 K UK ) to 8
rom 8 8 30 15 K fiM ) to U
rom I' ' S 30 40 K C'.M to 10
rom 10 b 40 10 K U5o to 11
rom II H M 45 K 1'0 to 1
rom I' ' S 5i : 45 K 4 0 to 13
rom 1U b 41) ) K &UO to 14
rom 14 a la W 450 to 15
roui 15 8 Ti laV IW ) to 10
rom 10 H L'7 : IO E 1100 to 17
roui 17 S III MO K fiOO to 18
from 18 S 41 r < 0 K : iM to 10
rum 10 S 30 Ki K I''OO to 0
roui 'M S IiO 40 K 700 to ill
( Naldo 27-18.
rom'JI , B 4 'JOV U7J to hOf > l)7 ) fei't K
( of U comer.
OtO to S2
rom ft ! S ' 'J 45 W IU10 to 'J3
rom U 8 ' , ' ft 11 U70 toM
rom l S 3l5 KO W 10'.0 to ' . ' , ' 1
roui 5 S ' - ' " > U " , r > 0 to -i )
rom iill H K8 10 1C 1 * 70 to ' . ' 7
ro.u y7 a 40 at ic DM to us
romJ8 S a ao K ILMU to yj eor W slilc
U7-18.10 thence south through centre of section
I 34 mile to laid out road ,
ins loporlcdtii favor of establishment thereof
I'd ' all objections thereto , or chillis for dannigos ,
iiu t be filed In tbo County clerk' * nlllcti on or
before noon of the ; ! 0th dny of Ailtfiut 1001 , or
uch road will bo established without rofeience
her ( to
In wltnesB whereof 1 lave lureunto get my
land and teal of duld Couuly this "Dili day ( | f
uno lObl.
J. K. OauotniK ,
County Clerk ,
Road Notice.
To whom It may concern : The CommUftionci
ppolnti d to Mew a road petitioned for by Thorn ,
s Fnrrel ct commencing at quartet earner-
onC6ttdde 14-I4-U1
Station Station
NO. dog , mln 1't. No.
rom 0 ' N70 K L'OIO to ] ijl'/j. / " ! ° f
rom l'N 01 K 1700 to S
roui a M HI 30 K 1000 to 3
rom a 8 HO' ai ) K 1400 to 4
lom 4 N 81 ao K 7.5 to 5
rom 5 N Cl 15 K 1015 to \ J ° ,1 1
j , , ,
' J lcft ul"k
111J ! In
IS Louplt.
1J50 to 0
rom 0 N H7 45 K 'M ) to 7
rom 7 N 10 10 K iiOO to 8
mm 8 N 10 30 K 110J to ! )
rom 'J X15 HVJ to 10
rom 10 N C3 a ) U 'JUO to
" } l' lu" : °
"Irtl to
1 Ash Crock.
t'UOi ) to II
ma reported In favor of the establishment thereof
ml all objections thereto , or claims tor damiteti ,
nust be Hied lu the county clerk's ollleu on or been -
on * noon of the 30th day of August 1001 , or xuch
oad will ho established without roforsnoo there ,
o.In wltuea * uhereof I have hereunto set my
mud nnd teul ot said county this Uih dny of
inu 1001.
J. 11. OlIlOUIlN ,
County Ulerli.
sutlolk es aupreineJudl lal Court In Kqulty
Notice. Upon the tiling of tint Receiver's fniirlh
; oncrul report lucludliiK a report on the clalnih
iresei ed to Biiid Receiver under tliu previous
order of this court , with H list ot the claims
recommended tor allowance by paid Kecciver ,
anil the Receiver's request lor authority to pay
a d'vldcnd on BUldi luiiiib , for an allouan'o to
paid Kteolver for his coinpenciitlon , and for the
further Inctrnetlons of tlio Court ! It Is ordered
that TuLsdny the thirteenth day ot August
nixt , nt nine and one-half o clock A. Al , be
llxed for a hearing ou said ropoit nt tbo Court
llouno in Boston , that fuld receiver give notice
ofauch hearing to all persons Interested by
publishing nn attested copy of tills order In l'he
boston Dallv Advorllscr , a newspaper puhllshed
In Dos'on ' , i le Ktinam Lily Tlmeh , of Kansab
City. Mlfrourl ; the l''ertim fulls Journal , ot Fer
gus Kail * , MlnueantH , the Cuuter Cciiuty He
publican of Itrokeu How , Nebraska , the Ayr
Advertiser of Ayr , scotlaiu ) , and the Man
chester ( lubrdlan of Munchentor , iunland
oiico a week tor thiee wcuks , the last imnUcHtlon
to lie Su\en dujn htfoie Bald day of bearing ,
that they uuiv then mid there appear and show
cause , If iiuv they Imvo , why tnld report should
not ho nppruved and ttllcwed.
Uy the Court ,
Jun2'JO , 1Q01. JOHN NOUI.K , Clerk.
A ttue ropy. Attest :
C. II. Cool-mi.Ai-h'tOlcrl. .
UENKY A. \ \ YMAN , Uecolter , No. 53 , S aU ht ,
ltot u , Maisiie.husetfti 7-11-lit
A < : ooU Coiiuli Mccllclue.
Many tliniiBftinld li.tve been rcetoiod
to healili Mid ImppjiiL'Bj by tlm USD of
( Jtmmliorlain'B Cuti li Kumutly. If nf
Illctctl with nny tlirottt or hint ; trouble ,
tfivo it u trial , tor it ta curtain to iirovo
lionollc'lttl. O itigiiH tlmt buvo reitiatfil
all oilier truumunt for yutira , buvo yield-
oil to this loiiudy anil i > orfuct bcnltb
| ) UBU reatnrt'd. OiiBi'ti tlmt aeeiut'd luipe-
ICSH , tlmt tbu clitiiAtn of fniuniij lii-aitli
resorla fiillnl to tiKnolif , Imve bocn por-
mtinHtitly mired by KB use. For uute by
J. ti. llaeburlo ,
& .c.
Anyone § endlnu a sketch nnd di'icrlptlon IMK
qulcklr ini'eriniti our opinion Ireu nhi'tber m
iiivuntliin U probably lintpntiililo roiiiiniMiiei
( loinmrlcllyeoiitlilentlal. llundhnrikon I'atenn
tent freo. Oldest uiiuncy lur neiiiiiu patbiUn.
1'ulcnts taken thrum ; H Munu x To iettl\
H > tclal notlcf , without chMruo , In the
Scientific American. .
A handsomi'lr Illii'trntf1 ! ! wi < "kly I nrvtil rl
culatlon nf any M'luntiiln Journal 'J''nnn. t i
rear ! fnur months , ( I. Sold byull n'i d l t *
biaacb OtUco. (24 F EU WasblLutuu , D. C
Our Slock in Roing fast at thci foUowiug pii'u-s. Comb 'arly and got your
12 11)8 Oat Meal , 25o
0 IhH broken Rico 24o
0 IbH Good PrunoB :2fio
3 IbH Good Now Poaches 24o
0 Ibs Navy Boana 2rio
Those are only a few Rood things found in this inino. Up on our side in a now line of
HatB , and every day Now Goods oomo down the shaft that is leapt busy bringing thorn.
Northeast Corner of Public Square.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Urnaha , Helens ,
Chicago , lluttc ,
bt , Joseph , 1'orthind ,
Kansas City , Salt I/nko City ,
bt. Ijouls , and all San franclsco ,
points east und south. and all points west.
No i'J Veillbuleil exprcsg dally , Lincoln , Oma
ha , St Josepii Kansas City , St. Louis , Chi
eago and nil polim uast nnd aotith. . . . ! ! 41 p.m.
No. 41 Local express iiiilly , Ltncolu , Omahft ,
St. Joseph , KaiitiOH Cllv , bt , Ixnilf , Chicago
and ull polnu east nnd Houtli Oa'Jutu
No. 40 Freight dally , Kaxemm , Urmid Island ,
Aurora , Reward und Lincoln Out ) am
tfo. 48 Krelght , dally except Sunday , Havenna
and internadlalo points , 1 US pin
Nu. 11 Veutlbuled express daily , Helena , Heat-
flu , llutte , Portland nnd ull 1'acltlc Coast
points 411
No. 4a Local express dally , BlacU llllla nd
Intermediate points 5 5 ) im
No , 4f > Krolxht dally , Anselmo SeuecWhtnun )
and Alliance. 1068 nm
No. 47 Freight , dally except Sunday , Sineca
and Interuiedlato points l:3.'i pm
Sleeping , dltlng and reclining chair cars ( Boats
roe ) on through trains. Tlcltes Bold and bag
gage checked to any point In tin United States
and Canada.
No , 48 has mcrohandlBo can * Tuesdays , Tliura-
lays and Saturdays.
Mo. 40 will carry passer gent for Itavenns
3rand Island , Howard and Lincoln.
Information , maps , time tables and ticket
rail on or write to 11. L. Orinaby , agent , or J
'ranch , U. 1 * . A. , Oinubu , Nfihraaka.
11. L. OiiHsur , Agent.
Touch for west will close ut H p. m , , except
Sunday when It will close nti5 ( ! p m.
Pouch , cunt for train No. 4JolosiiH at H n in
and tot No. 41 closes at , 0.30 a.m. Mall for Aimley
and points east of Grand Island Curried on train
No. 44.
Oconto Tla of Hyno arjj Tuckorvlllo , dully ex
cept Sunday closes , at 7 - m : returning Hume day
Culluwiiy vln , Mc'Klldey dally except riunday
clones ut 7 a m , returning tuue day.
Hound Valley via Ijreeu and Ulton close at 7 H
u.Tuesday , Thursday and Saturdays , returning
Suinner via ( luru oy , Georgetown and Upton
airrlvosalll 'M , Tuesday Thursday uud Satur-
lay , returidiiK leaves nt 1S,30 same dny.
CIllUJ hours from H.OO u into 8.00 p m Sun-
lays from 6:15 : p m. to IIN : p. m. Lobby open
veekdayu from 7 n. m. to H p.m. Snnda > B ti-'M
a. in to 0 u m. Ueneral delivery not open buu-
day morning as heretofore , L , ILJitWKir , l'll *
Whnt ! NotColngWoBtthlsSuminor ?
Haven't you liaard about thu low
ratc-H to Colorado and Utah oll'ored
by the tiurlingtoii HoutuV
They are the lowest over made
BO low that it ! H almost uhoapur to
take advantage of them than it in to
clay at homo.
In cffeot all Hummer long from
the first of Juno until the middle of
See the local agent or , if you
prefer , write to J. Franois , Gen
eral I'rfisonpcr Ayenl , Omaha Neb ,
mmloHing with your Itttor nix centf
in stamps for "Colorado , " a 72.pagf
book , hauciHomely illtiutiated ar < d
full of ii'teruHtinq information about
the cool rcHortH in tlie mountaiiiH
July In !
Tliu iiuht ECc'iiiedy tor Htonuicli
mid HoNvel * l roiiblcH.
' 'I have been in tliuditii ; biidlnees for
twenty yearn antl nave sold moot nil of
the uinprluinry ined lelnes of nny uoto
Ainonx tlie ontlru Hat I hnvonuver found
nny thJiiK to tiii l Cbamburliun'fl Colio
Clioloru and Umrrbocii Humudy for nil
Rtoiiiaub und bowel troubles,1' Baya 0
W. Wakelleld. columbiir1 , OnTlnR
roinrdy cured two sovuro oaee ? of ohol-
cm tnorbua | n my fum'ly nnd I in.vo
ri'fonuiH'tultul and sold hundreds ol'bot
ties of it to iiiy eustomern to tbclr entire
astiHfftO'lon. It affords n quick antl
ure euro in u plonmmt fonn. " For
by ,1 . U. llaeberle.
Kreu Cuiiinluxtnii Ileiuitllllcr.
NVo want every lady iead r of the
ci'Uuuc'AN to try Dwight'ii Com-
plcxion lioatititier , the mont exqui-
aitu toilet jireparation. Itn \ pun
and harmloHHinal < oH the faeo smooth
as velvet and fair an alabaator. To
induuo a fair trial of it wo will foi
a Hhort time only Bend FKICU a ful >
Hizo , Fifty com box to every ladv
who will pond IIH her pOHt ollico ad-
druBH Hilvor dime to pay for packing
and pnHtago. Only one IMIKB box to
each addrefls but ladioH' may ordoi
for their fnc'iidH. Euuh box mailed
rioparatoly. Send thiH notioo and
your order at ONCK to D. VV. CUSTKB
&Uo. , Huntington W. Va.
10 02. bottle Queen Olivoa IGo
8 bara of Silk Soap 26o
12 bars of Tepee Soap 2fio
1 Ib eau llKuitiNB KKN IluuCowitic 30p
1 Ib pkgo " MADJA I7o
Solln the David Bradley , John Dcoro , Grand Dolour , Lifllore , llidora and
VValkorH. They arc the bent inailn. Also the Ohio and NJW Departure
Cultivator , DirikH and SoodorB , Kuoino Buggies and Spring Wagons.
The boHt harness all kindn at priooH that has put composition to think
ing. See mo for Stoves , Furniture , Carpets now pa'.tornn , Tiuwaro ,
Kioo'a Gnrdou Soedn in bulk , oto ,
A full , linn of Undertaking Qooda.
has just rcooivod a Crate of McakinVhito Qranito goods. Call the
priuo HellH them.
Why pay Kxhorbitant PriooH for CouohoH that the Hprings will give
out in a year when you can buy the new construction guaranteed 5 years
for the Hamo price or IOHH.
TabloH , Lamps , Tumblers , Silverware , Cutlery , and a Complete Line
of IIotiBo Furniahinc Goodn at priccH that are right.
Call and lot mo ahow you now GoodH , Mirrors , etc.
West Side Square Broken Bow. Nebraska.
/ ' " ; WS'- :
: > .
i { | All partioH indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested '
j& : to call and nettle their account by cash at once. I must have j" { :
-.y money to pay bills , I cannot do businofls on wind. $ &
tf YourH truly , $
I W. S , SWAN ; |
Sj Proprietor , | |
} S 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , $ {
Sfit . , . . . . S ' :
f'1tti > Tf.'inrj imr't iM * ' r * ' : / * f-V'i > r r' * ! * * * r. * < 5fcrt-vuA aT/'ViA'Wr. ' ' iw > ' f1sv > ' r * it > ' * ' ! fMf
Si Vffl S tVJKiSm i ai
Having bought the Htouk formerly owned by A. Wallace ,
ue liavo added a complete
And are prepared to neil a CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.
Hutter and liggrs taken m lixchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city. Givu IIH a trial.
V. C. WOHNAU , , I'rc&hlent. J. A. HJVUltlS.
A. J. U011KUTUUN , Vlco-1'rot W.D. Hl4AC'K\VKI.L , ABB't
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transact a General Banking HUHMIOHH. County Claims and
WarrantH Bought.
Vuu can n-uioTa thu cauno by wearing one of our
They are aolj unilur poiltlve yuariutco. HEX UUKUMATIO CO. , IlorUorJ , Conn'