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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1901)
r/1 IfS Co , I'nbMfbed ovry Thursday nt thr County Seal. > . M. AMSKHUUY , > - i : < ntor S l lock. Fourth ATO.- > % lnterwl Hi lli l > o liilllco nt Hrofceli How , Ntili. , i , \ Kt occoiitUnf ! iiiiiiurf < irtriini'inli' loii through tf the U. ' . * . .Mulls. , . . 4" i J i < < A 1 1. & i. * 7 00 U : < h * f Col itlX ) culumn , per . ou l-ef than qomter column , 61) ii i n ch per month i * on fliet pago. CO cents per Inch , per "dvcrlh'InK 5 c nts per line cncli Inscr- Nottco ot church fairs , soclnblca end entertain- munis whcro money Is charged , ono.rmlf rates. Soclctj notices and icrnlntlonx , ouo-hfllf riitce. Wedding rotlccs rroe. lull price tor puhlttnlug lUtof prceente. . . . . Ueatn notices frco , hall prlca for pobllehlni' obituary netlcci , nnd cards of thanke. Legal uotlcoa at rntes proTlilcd by g'atntcs of Ncbraaks. _ _ _ _ THURSDAY , JULY 18,1901. Call fur County Convention. The electors of the republican ill party of CiiHter county , Nebraska , are hereby requested to elect and send delegates from their several townships to meet in delegate con vention at Broken Bow , Nebraska , l < * > Saturday , August 10 , 1001 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , for the purpoto ot electing delegates to the State con vention to bo hold at Lincoln August 28 , 1001 , aud also for the purpoHo of placing in nomination n full county ticket to be voted for at the general election in November , 1001 , as follows : County Treasurer , County Clerk , County Judge , Sheriff , Superinten dent of Public Instruction , RogiHtiii * ' < of Deeds , County Surveyor , County Coroner , and to transact such other business an may come before the convention. The basis of representation will bo ono dologatn for every ton votes and five or major fraction of ton east for Hon. E. lloyae , republican presidential elector in 1000 , and ono dolocato-at-laruo from each township , which givns the following delegation by townships : Algernon 10 Hayna 3 .uiiley 13 Kllfoll 13 Arnold H Lillian H Drokeu Dow 3U LOUII 10 llorwyn 7 Myrtle 6 Cliff. . 8 bnrgcnt l-i Cutter 11 'triumph 5 Delight I' ! Victoria H Douglas Qrovo 11 Wovnu 0 Kllra , 0 WeBtorvlllo 11 Klk Crock U Woat Union H darfleld (1 ( Wood Hlvcr 11 Urant U Total U33 It is recommended that the town ship primaries bo held on Friday or Saturday , August 2nd or 3rd , 1001. It in also recommended that no proxies bo allowed , but that the dolpgatan present cast the full vole to which the township is entitled. It IB also recommended that the various townships comprising the supervisors district , in which an election is to bo hold this year , elect delegates to the supervisor's convention , to bo called lator. ' II is also recommended that the township committeeman be elected to hold his oflico until the oloso ot the general election in 1002 , and and 'hat tprm of each future comm - m > < ' 'inin commence immediately iw alii * tlie general election. Sf ALMIA MonaAK , D. M. AMsnrnuY , Chairman. Secretary. The republican state convention has been sot for August 28. The republican county conven tion has boon called to moot Sat urday , August 10. W. B. East ham says the demo cratic county convention will beheld hold in September , The in Broken republican -primary ken Bow precinct is called for Mon day , August 5th , at 2 o'clock at the court house. The Younger brothers have boon pardoned out of the penitentiary in Minnesota , after serving twenty- five years of a life sentence. The Ansloy Chronicle is author , ity for the statement that J. W. Craig of Westervillo , will bo a can didate fet sheriff before the repub lican county convention. Judge ( I. M. Grimes of North PlatU , is being spoken of as candi date lor member of the Nebraska supreme court. The judge stands high in this vicinity and would bo a strong candidate. Col. Bryan and his St. Louis platform were repudiated by the democratic state convention in Ohio last wook. How the mighty has fallen. The colonel will now seek consolation of the pops. Another legacy of popooratio rule which the present administra tion must settle is the collection of accounts aggregating over $10,000 duo from prison labor contractors , . ' MMMMMOlHMN The epots where popooralic reform uctutt'ly Mtruok i'u arc found to bo few nnJ fnr bolwonn The tour , hitting in Kearney county made vi-ry short shift of Tro.'iauiur Norlin , I ho confused do fiulUr Aiinuujitl In liilf the nm"iiii ct' ' li n , MI $5 000 Mid n'x i II | > > i U.kl . j , In ill u prnail ) II any othur trust oilicers in Nebraska are inclined to go and do likewise they should take a da ; off to read up on the old adage that 'honesty is the boat policy. " Kcarnev Hub. ' Economic Aop'js of Reciproc ity , " rsomnrhint' tu i IcotUroB de livers ] uy Juti Young , before the Colli-go of Coi/iiiieroo of the University of California , has just been issued in document lorm by The American Protective Tariff Loaguo. Two copies sent to any address for three oonln. Ask for Document No. ' 19. Address , Amer ican Protective Tar II Luaguo , 135 West 23rd Street , Now York. Another "reformer" has gene wrong. On the night of Juno 27 an attempt was made to burn the court houao at Mnuien and the county treasurer said ho had been aBBaultcd and about 19,000 of the county money taken. He ban now confessed that ho took the money and sot the ( ire to hide his guilt , lie took the ollicers out in a corn- liold and dug up $0,775 of the stolen monoy. The court house in Hamilton county burned under very similar circumstances a few years ago. Osoeola Record. The fueionists ringslors socms to liavo overlooked some of their faithful members in apportioning out the candidates for oflico. There are Hovoral who have boon with the movement from the first who have not been rewarded , while others ICHH faithful have been favored time and again and are again slated for a fat position. An instance in point is that of county judge. Such men as Jesse Gaudy who commenc ed to beat the drum for populism in its palmy doys. When the Cat crook band aud Huso Brown were in evidence at every school house and on every etreot corner , crying 'down with the capitalists , " "bust the banks and burn the bonds , " JCSHO was either there or had his baao drum in the front ranks. Others loss faithful have fattened at the public crib while Jesse has been put off with broken promises. In all tairuess , wo think , before any person is taken up , Jesse should bo remembered. Ho has boon admit ted to the bar aud has won a num ber of cases in court , showing his ability for the position of county judge on the fusion ticket. Yet ho has boon completely ignored by the ringutors and ho has not boon given a friendly mention. Ho would make an ideal pop officer in any ollioo aud wo insist that unless ho is placed on the lickot tins fall that the party will bo guilty of rank injustice. The conditions of the crop are anything but flattering in this county at the present timo. The spring \\hoat ia practically destroy ed by the olnnoh bugs and the oatH are being damaged by the grass- hopporn. The corn is in a healthy state and could stand another week or ton days of excessive boat , such as wo have boon enduring tof the past two wneks , but in many tiolds the chinch bugs have loft the wheat and have commenced destruction of the corn. Where wheat fields were next to the corn this is in variably the caso. Some tiolds are aiUiotod worse than othors. Farmers have resorted to various methods to stop ( ho invasion of the bugs , but as yet nothing has proved entirely - tirely successful. Fortunately there are a number of cornfields where there in no wheat oloso and they have no chinch bugs , As much of the corn is tassolliug uuloss a good rain comes soon the ybld will bo greatly lessened. Those who had winter wheat or rye are more fortunate aa it was harvested before the chinch bugs got in their work. Hereafter most of the wheat sown iu this county will be Bowotl in the fall. There are a good ninny of the farmers who du > ijlaro that they will new no more wheat but will give tliuir tilno to corn and fltook. While some will increase thi'ir dairy Htock and give their attention more ( o dairy farming. .Inn Hartley Out on I'arnlc Tlii ) Siiiui.iy papciH nut oitnucd that Gov. Savage had paroled Joe Bartloy , the ox.stato treasurer de faulter , for two months , lie had boon tsontonocd by Judge Baker to the penitentiary for twenty yearf and had only nerved or four years of the time. The governor intimates that the conditions on which the parole was granted will bring about a restitu tion , at loasla part of the funds omhi'zzoiod , yet he does not so explicitly state. This would imply that his parole is in the nutnro of a business proposition , whici the governor thinks the people of the ritato will approve , if the conditions are complied with. As the parole is for months if the * only two , con- 'ditionH are not complied with , Bartloy outi and i\a doubt will bo returned to the penitentiary. From the Btan'dpoint of im-roy , and busi- nese , the governor's action will moot the cpproyal of a largo ele ment of the state , but from apoliti o l view it was not good policy. Yet the courage of a man who can rise above policy and public opinion to do what ho believes is right and Jor the best interests of the public is to be commended. There has always boon a general belief that Bartloy was not alouo to blame. This act of the governor may re sult in determining more on that lino. County Central Committee Meeting. The Republican County Central Committee- mot in the oflico of Mor gan & Skillman last Saturday after noon. The mooting was called to order by Chairman Morgan. The al- tondanco was the largest had for years. The date of the County convention was sot for Saturday , August 10 , at 10 o'clock a. m , , at Broken Bcw. The basis of repre sentation for the election of delegates - gates was ono dolegate-at-large from each precinct and one for oyory ton votes and five or major fraction of ton cast for E. Royso at the last general election. It was recommended that the primar ies in the several preuincte. bo hold on Friday or Saturday previous to the county convention , as the com- mitteomau in each procmot may doom boat. On motion it was dooidod that the delegations present at the con vention from the sovrral precincts bo authorised to cast the full vote of the delegation from their re spective districts , aud that no prox ies bo allowed. The following resolution was adopted : WnitiiKAs , It has boon the cus tom in former years to elect the oommittoemou from the various precincts at the time of holding the primaries and their term of otlico to commence at the close of the convention ; and WiiKitKAM , Wo belieyo ilfor the best interests of the party and that better work can bo accomplished if said committeemen would have longer time to got acquainted with their duties ; therefore , bo it RKSOLVKD , That wo recommend that the committecmou elected this year hold over until after the general - oral election in 1002 ; aud that the term of oflico of their successors elected at the primaries in 1002 , commence 'on the day after the election in 1002. lIUltL.EMOTOM 11 OUT 1C. IxuurHtnii ItutuM to CltlcH from Ilruueit Ilo\v , HubriiHlcit , Those rates will interest you. They are as low as will bo iu effect at any time this summer : Milwaukee July 20 , 21 , and 22 , $33 55. for the round trip. Chicago July 23 , 24 , and 25 , $22 05. for the round trip. Low rates daily to the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo. Ask the lickot agent abont them. J , Francis , General Paisonger Agent , Omaha , Nob. 0.20 3t SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. MKMIIIH' Of TIIK nOAUt ) II W. ? iiv Bn. SntKi'iit UIjttlctNo. I John Oonuy. Wml union " " " II. II Ttinrullroken | lid v " " " 0. " . Llndi Uotlionlmrg " il. lirodihiilil , Aiiflcliiio " John W f onloy. OroiiKi. . . . . " ( Jnl cli Ilirit-r , .Mncon City " TUItHDAY .IUNK 18 We , v > nr committoi ! , recommend tlnit ( In * following levy l mudo to J. K. BUKCHUUIIL , ) Com. G. UISBK , j Wo , your committee on township and village levies for the year 1001 , recommend I ho following : TOWNBHir UCVIKS. VILLAGE LUV1ES. Slnson City Gen. Fund 10 mills Water Fund 7 mills Morna Gen. Fund 10 mills Aneelmo Gen. Fund 10 mills J. F. BRKCUUUIIL , j G. HISBB , We , your committee oil farm lands and city and village lots , beg to report that wo have equalized the real estate and recommend the following changes : FAUW LANDS. CITY AND VILLAGE : I..OTB. JOHN COONKV , lu Com. 11. P. SANAQK . I Wo , ydur committee on canaliz ation oNivo stock , recommend that the following changes bo made : EQUALIZATION OK L1VK STOOII , 1901 , .1. F. UnucuiiuiiLi G. IIlSKK , TUKB1)AYMUI.Y 9 1001. Pursuant to the provisions of the the Statute the County Board of Supervisors , ( Junior county , Nob. , mot iu regular session at the court fir. * hotiao in Broken Bow thiaTueoday morninu , July 9 , 1901 , at 0 o'clock , and wore called to order by the chairman. The roll call showed the follow ing present ; John Cooiu-y , ,1. W. Conlcy , G. Ih'iHor , ( J. II. Thorpe , (5 0. Lind ; All Urt'chb'thl at Oni-ilia on county Tin' miiiiUf'M of the Juno til HOH- ditui wc-ro nail a il : i | pruvi-d. The day was spout by the mem bers present in committee work , auditing claims , etc , and at 0 p. m. the board adjourned uutil 9 a , m. tomorrow. WKDNKHDAY , JULY 10 , 1901. The board met at 9 a , HI , , with all members present , except Mr. H. P. Savage. Chairman called the meeting to order and the min utes wore road and approved. The petition of Leo Marek for a license to sell spirituous and liquors at Coin- stock , Custer county , Ntb. , was presented by Mr. Coonoy , who moved that the petition bo rejected , The motion was seconded by Mr. Breckbuhl. The vote was as follows : Voting Aye Brohbuhl , Coonoy , Coriluy , IJoiser , Thorpe , Lind. Voting Nay None. The chairman declared , the mo- lion carried and the petition re jected. Road committee reported on the petition signed by Thos. Fairoll ot al , at > follows : Wo recommend that the petition bo granted and the surveyor order ed to change survey as follows ; Commencing at the section line be tween SOD'H. 13 aud 18 , Tp. 14 , Ranges 20 and 21 , thence north to northwest corner of Sec. 18 , Twp. 14 ; Range 20 ; thence east on section line across Ash Creek. J. W. CONLBY , G. HKISBR. Moved and carried to accept and adopt the > report as recommended by committee. The bridge and bridge claims committee reported an follows : We , your committee , reoommoud 'hat the bridges petitioned for by Thos. Farrell et al , across South Loup ; Thos Farrell et al , aero is Ash Crook ; C. S. Elison ot al , across Muddy , bo granted , and that the petition for a bridge aoros's a spring branch between Custer and Logan counties , signed by B. K. Robinson ot al bo granted and the bridge not ordered built until apreud to by Logan couuty , Wo also recommend that bridge petitioned for by A. R. llumphroy ot al in Broken Bow City bo rejec ted , and that the following peti tions be laid over : J. II. McGuire et al , F. B. Fox et al , J. D. Amsberry ot al , Mau rice Trurabull ot al , Henry Schmidt ot al , C. E. Clark ot al , T. J. Bov- ons ot al , J. 11. Brown et al. * G. HKISKU , ) J. W. CONIKV , VCorn. 11. PSAVAGK j Moved and seconded to accept and adopt above. Vote aa follows Aye Conloy , lloiser , Thorpe Lind 4. Nay Breohbuhl , Oooney 2 The chairman declared the mo tion carried. It was moved and carried tha the county clerk bo and hereby is instructed to notify the Standard Bridge Co. , of Omaha , Neb. , of al bridges granted and to order saic company to at once proceed to con btrt'ct said bridges. Moved and seconded that the channel of the Middle Loup Rive at the south side of West Unioi bridge bo rammed 150 foot by put ling in rip-rap work , beginning at o point about 300 feet west of naic bridge , and that the work be don by Ab Butcher and Goo. Dubry undortho supervision of Supervise Coonoy , said Butcher and Dubr ; to receive $800.00 for said work , to be paid in county warrants drawn on bridge fund , when work is ad copted. The motion was carried. Moved and carried that th chairman appoint aommittocs t check up various oHiuurs. Chair man appointed : Treasurer's ofllo Messrs. Thorpe and Conloy ; RORIS tor , Breohbuhl and Liud ; Clork' ollico , Coonoy and lleieor. Moved and carried to adjourn until 0 a. in. tomorrow. THURSDAY. JULY 11 , 1901. The board met at 9 a. m. , with all members present except Mr. Savage The minutes of yesterday were road and approved. The board then adjourned until 9 a. in. tomorrow , in order that the committees appointed by the chair man to check up the ollices might have time for their work. KltlUAY , JULY 12 , 1001. The board mot at 9 a. m. , pursu ant to adjournment , and immediate ly adjourned until 9 a. m. tornor row to continue the woik of check ing up the various oftices. You can save money by ordering your reading matter through the RKI > UIILICAK , We can furnish you nearly all the papers and magazine lor lees than publishers prices. Business Pointers. WALL paper at .1. C. Bowon's. .lob printing nt this oHioe. Lubrii-ating oils of nil kinds at Wilkins' drug Htoro. foods at J. 0. T \ou inionil to build call at Dii'rl < " l.'imli'r Co , mi'l t'l't prices Pepsin Gum , two packages lor a nickel at WILKINB' PHAUMAOY. FOR , all kinds of Held and garden seeds at John & Knerr's , , Dierks'Lurnhnr Co. has iu stock a oar load ot tine cedar posts for the trade. Foil SALK on THAUK Town lota aud a few live acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm land. feb28 tf ALLAN REYNKB. If you have ranches , farms or city property vou want to sell or rent , list them with J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , Nob. 4-11-tf Farms for sale and landn for rent. Now is the time to got a farm cheap. as iho cheap faring are all going , aud prices are advancing rapidly. J. G. BUUNIY.H.U. LOST A go'd ' watch , between Mosley's grove und Broken Bow , small bicycle chain aud sprocket wheel attached. Frank Rubleo. * 5-23 FOR SALE Five room house , half block of public square. For particulars inquire of A , R. Humphrey. 5-2 tf. The old and reliable firm of Dierks Lumber Co. ia the place to go for lumber or coal. A good supply and grades to meet the wants of their customers are always in stock. 821tf ALL KINDS of Nut and Fruit Candies at Walteis Candy Kitch en , 3 doors north of postofrioe. 0-20 tf. Foil SALK One yearling Red Poll and one two-year-old Durham bull , thirteen miles north of Broken Bow. ; | 7-4.41 W. P. ROHKUTS. f j ; MtUITjar lidd and rubbers at J. ' ] C. Bowon's. . Medals Mt'un Merit. The highest award the best in France , the bent in America , the best at the World's Fair , the best in the world The Sinclair , Superi or Washer. For sale by A. A. COLLOM. * During last May au infntit child ot our neighbor WRB Buttering from cholera in- fautum. Tlio doctors bad given up all hopes of recovery. 1 took u bottle of > CutunbBrlaln'a Colic. Cholera aud Diar rhoea Komedy to thohouao , telling them I felt sure il would do good i ( used ac cording to directions In two days time the child had fully recovered. Tbo ohlld IB now vigorous uuJ healthy. I have recommended this remedy fre quently nnd have never known it to fall. Mrs. Curtla Baker , Hookwaltur , Ohio. Sold by J. u. llueberle. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment Uy Wlilcli OriiiiKarctH are ilulug Cured imiiy in pite Of TllUIUHelVCM. UOMUH. jijo Wenlceu- IServes , A iMeaH- m ami ft'ositive Cure lor tlie Liquor Ilatm. It la now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness la a decease and not wenknese. A body lllled with poison nnd ntirves completely shattered by periodical or conatnnt use of intoxicating liquors , require ! an antidote capable of neutralizing aud eradicating this poison aud destroying the craving for Intox icants. Suffers may now cure themselves - selves at tuuno without publicity or lees of time irom business by this wonderful Homo Gold Cure" which has been per.- tectcd nftor many years of clone study aud treatment ot inebriates. The fallh- ! ul UBO tieeording to the directions ot this wondeiful discovery Is positively , guaianteud to euro the most obstinate rase , no matter how hard a drinker. Jv ! Our records show the marvelous trans formation of thousands of brunkurda Into sober , InduHtnous nnd upright men. SUves Cure Your Husbands. Child ren Ouro Your Fathers. This remedy la n no sense a nostrum but is a specific lor this disease only , nnd is so skillfully devised and prepared that it Is thorough ly soluble and pleawiut to the table so thiit It can bo given In a cup of tea or oollee without the Knowledge of the per son taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have curtd thumselves ivllh thlaprlcoless returdy , and aa many more have been curd and made temperate man by havlnp the "Ouro" ndmlnistered by lov ing frieiuls and relatives without their knowledge In coffee or tea , and believe p-tlay that they dlecontmed drinking of their own free will. Do Not Wnit. Dp mt bb deluded by apparent and mlslnad- IUR "Improvement.1' Drive out disease at ones and for nil time. The "Homo Gold Oure" is 80 ] ( , at t'ne ent mely low price of One Dollar , thus placing within reach of everybody a . lrealult.nt more effectual lhan others costing $25 to ? 50. Knll dlrpctloos Rpcninpany ouch paekago. Special ailvlco by ikilled physicians when requested - quested without extra charge. Sent ESLPH.lo ? Mrt of iha "world on Audr 3B D p * Ere and 23J2 Market , Street , Philadelphia. AUCorroBpondonce etriolly contidetial ,