Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 18, 1901, Image 1

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    - .4
' ' -
Is a saying expressive of ,
itriagitiary trouble. It is '
more probable that real trouble - (
ble will be all in ihfi-u's. j
This is an age of defective j
eyes , but not so much one of
serious eye trouble as before
the extensive use of glasses. \
Statistics show that blindness - t
ness has dereased over GO 6
per cent since , the advent of ' !
glasses for the correction of
complicaled optical defects.
Hike to do my share in helpjj jj
in'g the good work along. A
Let me help you. ]
Graduate of Chlcauti OuHiulmlo College.
School Books ,
School Supplies , ' .
. G. Haeberle's ;
PURE Pickling vinegars at J. C.
Ctnircli 8or\lcen.
Eu-leavor subject for Sunday ,
July 21. "A Strong Weak Man. "
Text : Judges , ID2030. .
"Uut \\istnut tlmtthd Lonlvnis deimrlcd
from Ulm. " Judgas , 10:20. :
Spebial mnaiu lor the occasion. A
good tsine ia expecjtod. Solos , Duels
etc. Aflor iho Union mooling in
Park be pure and c'omo to th
Endeavor. Evorybnrfy cordially
invitdd. P eginu promptly at 8.
PUPiK extracts at J. C. Bovven'rt.
Notice to the Public.
Owners of city property are
hereby notified fo cut the weeds
on their lola and stroela and save
cost. If let stand until out by the
city , Iho expense will be chaiged to
the property and added to your tax. P. M. TOWBLBV ,
FOUND By Lon and Paul Athey
a caddie of tobacco , Sunday ,
which the owner can have by
proving pioderty mid jif ying lor
Headquarters For
Dry Goods ,
Groceries ,
Boots and
Shoes. 1
our Royal Worcester Corsets
Have No Superiors For bnao
and Comfort.
ill Local
Daniel U.irrelt of West Table ,
waa n city visitor Tuesday. . J
T. T. Varnuy aud.Tom Wright ,
of Anuley , were oity-'viaittVra Salur.
K. K. Miller , of Mason City , wes
a triundly caller at luia otliuu Sat
11. B. Glover aud JV. . McKae ,
of Douglas Grove lowntihip , wore in
tliu oily Saturday.
K. D. Sullivan , of Uuater , waa in
town Saturday taking 'tuu diwen-
dtoiia of Ifill'a bhoea.
See \V. D. Blaokwell at Farmers
Hank for Fire , Oyoloue and Tom a
do uisurnuue. 7.11 tf
J. K. Fox worthy , of Kyno , was
looking after bin political iniereala
in thia city Saturday.
John B. Gilmore and wife , ot
Over , wore among ihu friendly
caller * at thia otlico Saturday.
II. J. Eddington , ODB of the
relive republiuanH of East Ouster ,
waa n friendly caller Saturday ,
Uol. V. 0. Talbot returned
I'm-sdiy night from IIIH lour of in
spection ami in inspecting ( Jo. M , of
: his place , today. ,
G.V. . Uewoy , of Lillian , and
Jules Hautnout , of Qurtield , were
among the number who attended
the county central committee meel-
ug Saturday.
Ole Johuaou of Mound Valley ,
wan in the oily Monday , llo re-
lortii tbo spring wheat practically
ull destroyed in nia vicinity by the
chinch bugs.
B. O. llutton , proprietor of tut.
City Barber bhop has rooeutly had a
barber polo of elborato dimensions
and deooraliona placed la front of
ilia1 place of business.
Mr. and Mra. Alpha Morgan , Mr
find Mrs. J. J. Wilson and Miaa
Mable llialt loft Wednesday morn
ing for Wyoming , where they will
npeud a couple ol weeka tit Lake
Jsrj&riV : , Leader of last week ,
that " 'Mrs. Gardner mid
ohildreif lind Mrs Ourrie aud
daughters left this morning for : ui
extended visit in the easloru
states. ' ' i
1 ho preachers and real eplale
men played ihe court houae i > , ou
tingenla game of base ball last
Thursday , with Judge Sullivan ae
umpire. The ooiut house boys
wear the belt.
John Malm , of UIH Wostervillo ,
district , was in town Monday and
paid this ollico a visit , llo aaa
nail , oh inch bugs aud dry weather
have liavo played havoc with the
crops and farmera there aie some
what dihconraged.
This hi the last week of the sum
mer school. The county institute
will begin next week and continue
two weeka. The instructors will
bo W. lit Jackson , J. G. Lewis , J.
K. Amunson and Lill'u ) llunne.
Conductor , Supt , J. J. Tooloy.
Dr. T.V. . Bass returned last
week from San Dtego , California ,
with the view of locution pcrman-
onlly in Broken Bow. Llo expects
to engage in hia profefaion in a low
la > H. This will be goods news teA
A large number of hia old cua
Mrs. A. K. Elliott , who haa been
viniting ui th ) city the past three
weeks , left bat Friday night for
her home at Toirington , Wyoming.
Her father , John Lowe , aocompu-
nied her aa far an Alliance , en his
way to Cha.lron , where ho waa go-
lug on a short vitiit.
The union aorvieofl held in the
park Sunday evening wore quite
largely attended aud the interest
and order was remarkably good.
Rov. Myertf , pastor of the U. B
church , preached a very acceptable
sermon. Tim band assisted with
the music. Kov. Knight will
preach next Sunday evening.
Missis Laura Maulick and Eli a
Wesoolt , former leachena in iho
Brolron Bow schools who have been
leaching in ihe Omaha schools ihe
past few yearn , left last Thursday
for a trip to Denver , Ogden , Salt
Lnko aud other points went to spend
part of their vacation before re
turning to their school work.
Ono of the ( eatures of the teach
ers' instil-no will be a spelling
match. The two beet Ppellers will
ro [ > rcftont the county in the stale
noniefit lo he hold during the State
Toaoheru' Association meeting.
The winners in the Btoto content
will receive from ISO to $100. The
Hat of words to he used can be had
by addressing The Nebraska Teacher -
or , Lincoln.
T. D. Gill , of Genet , kindly re.
uu'inhort'd us Tuesday.
S " . MoComHI , of Georgetown ,
wan in the city Monday.
J. J. BnhlitH , of Ttiokorville , wan
up from the Loup Monday.
Frank Troop aud wife , of Mill-
liti , were oily viailors Monday.
F. 1C V'lu ' Antwerp , of Lodi ,
called for n friendly ulint Saturday.
J. C. Predmoru , of Walworth ,
wan among the oily viuilora Satur-
Hon. F. Al. Currlo was nhaking
handy with his frienda : n thia oily
Next Monday in the date of the
populist * convention to be held in
this city.
b. L. Glover , of Dry \ralloy , re
cently returned from u visit of sev
eral weeka in the east.
J. B. Tiornoy and wife , of Ans-
ley , spnnt several days in Omaha
last week and returned by the way
of Broken Bow.
W. B Athey took a 500-gallou
tank of oil to Analey Monday , re
turning the same day. It required
a four-horso tepm to haul it. '
A well founded miner ia to the
effect that iho Broken Bow band is
to bo made the First Regimental
Band of Nebraska in ihe near future
J. F. Ureohbuhlj supervisor from
Auselmo , went to Omaha last week
with a car of fat cattle fed at the
poor farm. They brought 41,400.
At the meeting of the city couu-
oil last uiglit it W.IH decided to have
the bridge on Fourth avomro put in
at once. Work will uommonco : * n
it toduj.
C. W. Booth of MoKinloy , haa
bought the Dr. J. J. Piokott rest-
dent property in thia city aud
moved into it. The consideration
waa * UOO.
Peter Greor , of Suneoi , and a
substantial friend of Broken Bo\v.
died from ihe ntleots of sunslroko.
ilin remains were taken to York
for burial laat Monday week. f
J. J. Stanford of Merna , who haa
been planning for several montha
lo go to the Pacific conut for hi it
health has decided to sell oif IIIH
stocfk of dry goods , boots , HUOPB ,
notions , etc. , at auction , llo will
have an auction halo ovary Hatur
day afternoon until the entire stock
ia o'oscd out.
James Laid ley of Aneelmo , was
in the city la&t Saturday d < lug
busineaa with the U. S. Land Ollico ,
Ho purchased 120 acrea more of
government land. Thia IIVOH him
2,000 acres in one body. ' 1 hero ia
another quarter or two that joins
him that ho will have lo have before -
fore ho ia aalish'cd. Tlion he will
want a little piece yet for a hog
Prof.V. . W. Waters was a
friendly caller at thin ollhio yotttor
day. llo returned last Saturday
from Bocne countywhore hewas em
ployed Ihe past two ysarti us princi
pal of the Petersburg schools.
Since hia school closed he haa held
\ ix weeks normal school and in-
alilule'al Albion , the county sca't
of Boone. llo haa been elected
principal of the schoola at Valley
the ensuing year , with increased
A number of the members of the
Broken Bow tire company , went to
Fremont Monday iiht ; to attend
the Stale Firemen's Tournament
which opened there Turwday , ami
lo continue three days. The locnl
lire company of Fiemont aud the
business men of that city have
spared neither expense HOT work to
make iho affair ono of the beat of
ita kind ever h ld in the atate
Those ihat went from hero who bo.
long to the Broken Bow company
are J. G. Haoberlo , G W. Apple ,
K. J. Morton , Win. Blair , W. W.
Wilson , L. K. Cole , J. S. Molly-
iifaux and C II. Molcomb. E. II.
Purcell and L. W. Wilaon wont
down Tuesday to take in the fun
Prof. B : . II IliPtt has been tfn
dered the posilioriof superintendent
of schoola in one of the oitii-s in ihe
Island of G um , through Iho solici
tation of Ensign A. W. Preasey ,
who ia looaled there on one of ihe
American battleships. Prof. limit
was n member of the examining
boird when Ensign Presgpy passed
his examination for a cadotBhip to
West Point , lie solicited this ap
pointment for Prof. Iliatt to show
liis appreciation of favorn received
Tun appointmoul carries with it a
salary of $100 per month iu. cold ,
and transportation for himself , wife
and two children to the point of
destination. Wo understand that
Mr. Hiatt has not yet determined
to accept the appointment , bat pos
sibly will.
Miss Maude Far -oll in viaiting iu
Denver , with formur acquaintonooa.
The Manoa Cily Transcript aay
thai "Paul ColTiittui , who accident-
ly receive , ! n bullet wound in out ) of
hit lega , at Aualoy , on July 4th , ia
a ain able to he iwoiinil. "
11. M. Brownoll liaa bought out
the U ) L. Bunch restaurant aud
coiiHolidiUtrtl his with it. This
givenMr. Brownoll laryer quartern
for hta growing business and will
enable him to bettor accommodate
iho hungry public.
The Irial of Iho atato against S.
Saraotiscn , night agent at the U. it
M. depot that was to have boon had
yesterday was continued ono week.
Tina is the case where the sheriff
soizud shrlOL-n hoxea of supposed
liquors on the , eve of the -Ith.
John McGuirc , Thomas Williams ,
mid J. L1' Hatch , prominent fltook-
IIUMI ol Hooker couuly , were doing
business at the U. S. Land OHieo
aud Faimora Bank Monday. Mr.
Match is recently of Fairbury , aud
owing lo the public school advant-
ngeH and the business college at
Broken Bow , he has decided to
locate at Broken Bow , from which
point ho will look aftir his atook
interests in Hooker county.
JONKS-Momliiy , July IBtli , 1001 , at 8 o'clock.
Mr * UllzHbutU Jones , ulfu of U , I ) . Junct > , or
Wolesart , age 0' ' ) years.
The deceased had been aillicted
from a atroko of paraljs.s for the
past fourteen years , but had not
become holplesb until within the
pnat six months. She waa nblo to
sit up much of the time and waa up
all day Saturday before her death.
She with her husband have been
residontaof Cuater county for the
past niuo yoara. She wua iho am t
and fester mother ot Mrs. John
Campbell. The fnnoral waa Monday.
Huso Hull
Friday afternoon of last week ,
Brewster and Broken Bow tried
heik1 stiongth at the hat at this
placo. The game was OUB of ihe
best played iu Central Nebraska
this Reason , The score stood , at
the cloHB of ihe ninth inning 4 to
f in favor of the home toaiu.
The following is thu acole :
I a 'd' f f. B 7 B U Trial
IIi'Wotir 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 ! ) 0 4
IlluUen lluw I ) 1 0 0 0 0 U U 1 tt
lliitttTli's HrewiUiT. Harris auU llct'urly ,
Drokcu Dow lluglu ai d Corrntliura
They played a aeoond gamo-Salur-
day , in which the ecora was 5 lo 0
in favor of the Bow.
Teachers Elected.
This ia thu time of Iho year
leachera are looking for Kchoola and
school boards are debating which of
tlio number of applicants lo chooso.
Already a number of schools
have eUotod louohera , of which the
following is a list as far aa wo have
hppn able to learn : ' Frank Smith ,
No. lOb.LodivHarry Kimball , Cor.
nihh district ; May Walsh , Oconto ;
Delhi Burger , Wehloryille ; Fred
Pinnell , No. I8o , Wise district ;
lilhel Wright Kyno ; Varda Thorpe ,
Downey district near Georgetown ;
Ama AiuHborry , No. 32 , King
district ; Boasic McCasslio , No , 7L ,
Jack-ton , district ; Maggie Allen ,
Copsey diatrict ; Mablo Hall , No.
188 , Houlhwpst of Surgont ; Sadie
Krankhn , Tufford ; W. 1. Karnbain ,
lliaer diHtriot ; Guy Livermore , Som-
erford ; Beosio BodwplINo. 8 , north
of Sargout ; Edith Byors , No. llll ,
RohinHon diatrict , near New Helena ;
Madge Kay , Sumner ; Mable Coin-
stock , Dodge ; Millie Luce , Vannice ;
Geo. Sims aud Nettie Hannawald ,
Dividend of 10 1-t ! Percent.
iMr. Henry A. Wyman , riceivor
of the Glebe Invoatmont Coinpany ,
which in 11 do u diaastrous failure in
181)5 ) , haa filed 1m fourth and last
report in the Suffolk supreme court ,
and asks authority to pay a
[ IOn investigation it was found
that loans had boon collected by
anentti , mortgages sold twice and
that large suina of money had been
misapplied by the ofHoors and pun
ishment iu iho hUtu prison follow-
ed. The misapplied fundfl amount
ed 10 over half a million dollars and
ihe total liabilities was over 82-
000,000 , and ita gross business
amounted to $7,000000 , At first
it was thought nti dividend could
bo realized from the resources hut
the receiver haa been able to got
anouah together to pay a dividend
of 104 per cnnt
"Oncer" Coins at Arnold.
If there is a gang of counterfoil-
erHxlooated in Cuator county with
"mint" in dark and
a eotno mys
terious don 'midst the faatneHd of
the hills , its identity aud whereabouts
abouts are only known to those
connected. While it is doubtful if
such an institution exists in the
county , Hiillloiotit evidence | lin at
luind to ahow that "lentl" dollare
are nroepuig into nirotilntiou on a
small Hcnlu.
Several uountorfoit silver dollaiH
have hocn pasHoil during the pant
month or two at Arnold. They
are n very poor imitation , and thu
"shovor" of the "queer" has usually
picked his victims from among the
unwary. Ono young man who was
connected with the management of
a dance there Fourth of July night
received one of thu Hpuriotis ooina
from a certain man of the neighbor
hood , who ia ttaid to have passed
oi.o of the same mint HOIIIU months
ngo , aud future dovolopmunta will
prpbahly laud Homeouo behind tin
Drokcu Dow Progresses.
Not long Hiiu'u Dr. Peuuinpton
excited the uunoaity of the oi'.iKons
of thit vicinity by introducing to
the community a motor bicycle , or
butter known aa an "autobiko. "
Up to Tuesday the doctor could
claim superiority over ull cyclist ? ,
ns ho could glide over the country
without any effort , aa a nasolino
motor was the propelling power.
But the doctor's glory oamu sud
denly to an end Tuesday ovouing ,
and now ho only holdo second
F. II. Youug received an auto
mobile by freight Tuesday after
noon and by 0 p m. ho waa gliding
over our atreots at a forty-mile
gait on an automobile , comfortably
located in a well ouahhnod Boat ,
It waa the lirst horaoIosH carri
age that had invaded the peaoo and
quiet of the city and the people
thronged the Htreot cornorH to got
a gliuipuo of it as it turned thorn
ao gracefully at .lightning speed.
No uoiso esoapea from it , as does
the autobiko , and it in more easily
governed , apparently , than a well
trained hoi HO. Although the price
paid for it In atoep for luxury , wo
shall not be surprised to BOB HOIUO
more of our oitizeiiH become owners
of an automobile in the near future.
ItepublliUtn Primaries.
The republican doctors of Doug.
las Grove township will moot at the
Anthony suhoolhonso on Saturday ,
August 3 , 1901 , at 2 o'clock p. m , ,
for the purpose of oleolinu ; 11 delegates -
gates to the County convention , and
to place in nomination a township
ticket , aud to transact any oilier
husiuesH that may property oomo
before the mooting.
H. B. GLOVJCU , Coin.
The republican voters of Caster
precinct are hereby called to moot
at thu Hivoraido ( ohoolhouse
August 3rd at 15 o'clock p. m. , for
iho purpose of electing 11 dele
gates to attend the County conven
tion at Broken Bow August 10 ,
HM)1 ) ; & ! HO to uloot the aamo num.-
her of dolegutca to nttoud the Olh
district aumirviaora' convention , not
yet called ; also to put in nomina
tion a full township ticket ,
The republican electors of Grant
township are hereby called to meet
at the Hiuuifltinp Rohoohonso Satur
day , AuguHt H , 1001 , at 2 o'clock p.
m. , for the purpoHU of electing t )
delegates to the republican coun
ty convention to bo hold at
Broken Bow August 10 , 1001 ; also
the election of townahipoommittee-
man , the nomination of township
oflicura , and the transaction of any
other businesa that may come bu-
fore the caucus.
Thu republican doctors of Wood
River precinct are hereby called to
moot in Oconto Saturday , August
3 , 1001. at 2 o'clock p. in' . , lor the
piupojo of electing 11 dologa'es to
Iho republican county convention to
bo hold at Broken Bow August 10 ,
1001 , and to olout the aamo number
of dologatOH to the supervisor' con
vention of the Sixth siiporviaoru
convention , not yet called ; also the
nomination of township oiliooru , and
for the irautmotion of Hiioh other
busiuesH ns mav flomo before the
oauoufl. F. K. VANANTWUIU , Cora.
The electors of the republican
party are hereby called to moot m
primary itt thu court house in Bro
ken Bow , Nob. , at 2 o'clock p. m. ,
Monday , Auyuat G , 1001for the pur *
post ) of placing in rf&rnihatiou H full
townuliip tlolottli3 uolfcction of 82
dologatea to attend ' - con
vention to bo hold August 10 , 1001 ,
aud for thu transaction of sttoh other
business aa may regulnrly oomo before
fore riiiid uaiicua.
All who behove in the principles
of thi ) republican party , progress
and reform are invited to attend
and paiiioipato in iho proceedings.
AM- A Mo un Ail , Com.
Opotui Monday , September 2 , IOOI.
Prepare to be with us. Our departments are complete. We
can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand
Department iscomplete and up-to-date. " ( Pitman System. ) " If you
desire to teach , attend our Normal Department.
Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught ;
Write , or call and see us.
O. W. EOUSH , Pres.
Always have the bent quality of
Lumber and other building raa-
! tcriuls at the Lowoat P/icea.
'Phono No. 70.
W. L. RULE , Manager.
| Martial and
1 Corona Grande' > $ !
' Cigars.
Broken Bow , Nebraska.