Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 20, 1901, Image 7

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Wan V.'ho Cuiiie with Coliimlm-j Saw
llajtiaiiH 1'lnylnc llnll Knrly Uscil
to I'.xcltulc Water from Coatt uml
Jloota lnurcualtii ! Importation * .
"The world was a long time learning
the uses and value of rubber. For two
cculuries after tlie Spaniards suw the
Bum In the hands of natives of the new
world , It was little more than u curl-
oslty. Old llerrca , whu went with Co
lumbus 011 Ills second voyage , made a
note of an elastic ball which was mold
ed from the gum of a tree. At their
cames the nude llaytlans made It
bound high In .the ulr. The A/.tecs were
familiar with the sum and called it
ule , and from them the Spaniards
learned to smear it 011 their coats to
keep out the wet. They had crossed
the seas for gold , and never dreamed
of a time when the sticky milk the un
couth Indians drew from strange trees
would be worth more than all the
treasure of the hills. ( On Feb. 23 , IS'JO ,
u ship carrying a cargo of 1,107 tons
of rubber valued at i .UlO.OOO sailed
from Vara , for New York , leaving liOO
tons behind on the wharf. ) .lose , King
of Portugal , in 15D3 , comes down to us
as the wearer of u pair of boots sent
out to Para to be covered with u water
proof gum. Yet three hundred years
were to elapse before a Connecticut
Yankee should make a pair of boots
of rubber which would not decompose.
Dr. Priestleyauthor of a work on 'Per
spective , ' now forgotten , recorded that
caoutchouc ( pronounced 'kachook' ) was
nseful lii Miiall cubes for rubbing out
pencil marks hence the name rubber.
The liulia linked with it refers to the
avages who gathered it in the Amazon
wilderness. Dr. Priestley's cubes were
half an inch long and sold for three
shillings , or seventy-live cents apiece.
A stiff price , for the lluest rubber to
day is a dollar a pound. Its price for
ten years has ranged from sixty-two
cents to $1.00. The conversion of the
gum to useful purposes made but slow
headway. The lirst waterproof cloth
In 1797 was the work of an English
man. It was tentative , and , of course ,
It would not stand heat. In ISU,1 }
Charles Mackintosh , of Glasgow , dis
covered naphtha , and , dissolving rub
ber in it , produced a varnish which ,
when spread on cloth , made it really
Impervious to water. As late as 1SIW
the Importation of rubber Into England
amounted only to 50,000 pounds. In
ISO ! ) no less than 10,07.V > S4 pounds
were consumed In that country , and the
consumption In the United States
reached 51,000,737 pounds. .Most of the
rubber used In the world still comes
from equatorial South America , und the
forests where the Indians gathered ule
nrc as don-o t lnv 'ul almost as little
known to wh ' " " im-.i ; i > m the time of
Cortex. " AiUMce's.
An Old-Futililoiieil Traveling Showman
mid ViMitrioniilnt. : ,
T suppose there are more queer by
ways in the show business than in any
other vocation oji earth , " said an ad
vance agent , chatting after the perfor
mance a few nights ago. " 1 ran Across
one of the oddities recently , " lie con
tinued , "In the person of a single-hand
ed entertainer , who has been working
a quiet little circuit of his own for the
last twenty years , and is beginning to
thluk about retiring on a snug fortune ,
yet I doubt whether you could lind a
fcoul In the city who ever heard of him.
My discovery of the gentleman was
due to a mislaid railroad schedule that
forced me to stop over night at a
dreary little country town In West Vir
ginia. Looking around the 'olllce' of
the hotel , which was also dining-room ,
reading room and smoking room , 1 was
Kin-prised to see a handbill announcing
that Comical Corrigan would give one
of his well-known and justly popular
entertainments at the brick church that
evening. The poster went on to say
that there was nothing about the show
to offend the most fastidious ; that It
would Include comic and sentimental
ballads , Imitations of wild beasts , ven
triloquisms , selections on fourteen sop
nrate and distinct musical Instruments ,
u funny stump speed ) and rellned jig
nnd wing dancing , the whole to con
clude with 'an exhibition of prestidigi
tation or parlor magic. '
"That sounded promising , so after
supper I sauntered around to thr > brick
church , which I found crowded to the
doors. I managed to get a seat , how
ever , and , upon my word , I haven' enjoyed -
joyed myself as much for years , "
quotes the New Orleans Times-Denio-
.crat. "I was transported back to my
boyhood's happy days , and for two
solid hours 1 forgot I had a trouble on
earth. Comical Corrigan turned out to
be a plump , rosy person , with a flexible
face and a jovial eye , and his entertain
ment was exactly what I remember
Boeing at our old town hall when I was
a little shaver of ! i or 10 the same
good , old Jokes , the same conundrums ,
the same stories , the same songs I
don't believe I missed a single boyhood
favorite. In the ventriloquism selection
he hauled out the two dolls I hadn't
seen for so many years , perched them
on his knees and began the well-re
membered dialogue : ' \Vell , Sammy ,
how do you feel ? ' he asks. 'With my
lingers , ' squeaks Sammy , In faNotto.
Then Comical Corrigan whacked him
lover the head and we all roared with
Daughter. When Mr. nn
mounced that he would 'now nviio u
pathetic recitation by special request , '
i knew he would favor us with 'Cur-
jfew Shall Not Ring To-night' before he
opened his mouth , and when he asked
for a ring to grind to atoms and tire
from a pistol In his chaste scanco of
prestidigitation , or parlor magic , I
could hardly get mine oit quick eii6ugh ,
I was so anxious to see that dear old
trick done . 'g.u :
"After it \\i.s nil over I met\Corrlgan
and found him a Ilrnt-rate fellow , He
told me he had been ijolng that sort of
thing ever since ISSU-drtftcd Into it by
degreesorganizing his circuit of towns ,
making friends of the church and fra
ternal order people , and gradually
building up a clientele that was now as
regular and steady as a clock , lie
Htlcks to small places , makes the
rounds once a season , and is welcomed
everywhere as an old friend. He is
under next to no expense , and If It
rains on any given date he simply stays
over and gives the show the next night
I thought of the trials and vexations of
piloting a big company over the road. "
added the advance agent , "and I en
vied him from the bottom of my
heart. "
An 13vo1uslvo Colony.
Those who work in the Dti Poiit pow
der mills on the Hrandywlne , in Dela
ware , form a queer colony. Tlwy arc
all Irish people , whose ancestors camp
to this country when the Iu-Punts
started in business and went to work
for them. For generations the lu
Pouts and thes-e people have passed
their positions from father fo sou. Like
their einployers , , they intermarry and
are very exclusive. They live on wlmt
are called Dn Pout's bunks , which arc-
about three miles from Wilmington.
The people of Wilmington know hardly
anything about them , for they have few
outside acquaintance's , and their visits
are not frequent. The hills about the
banks are the highest In Delaware , anil
It Is nt the base of them that these
workers live.
The town is lighted at night by the
electric plant in the works. The people
have their own place's of amusements ,
the principal being the IJraiulywhie
Club , which lias a liner building than
suiy club lu Wilmington. They aUo have
dances and theatricals frequently. Near
ly every one of then ! has Ipst a relative
by au accident In the Works. They have
their own graveyard , too. New York
JIuxvsors of Hlonstcr Sl/.o. i
The largest cable of modern times .8
the mnnllla hawser which1 was used to
tow the drydock to liavaua. It Is tt\vcn-
ty-three inches in circumference , but
It Is by no moans the largest that ever
i as been made , although It has the rep
utation of bioaking the record.
There are at least two others of : \
greater circumference , but both oldiu * .
One of these had a circumference of
twenty-three Inches , and was used for
fie purpose of anchoring the ship North
Carolina in the navy yard at Hronklyu ,
while the other was a twenty-four-Inch
hawser , which was used as a sheet-an
chor cable on the Tennessee , when she
was stationed in the Mediterranean Jo
the 'OOs.
Such an enormous rope was nnt'irnll.y '
found to he unwieldy , a fact which was
abundantly demonstrated when the
vessel encountered a storm In the Hay
of Naples. When the Tennessee re
turned to her native home In America
the hawser was sent to the oakum nilll.
and made It Into oakum.
A Helpful Institution.
A lunch room has been opciird lu
Kansas City , under the auspices of the
Young Woman's Christian Association ,
where food Is sold : it pxnct co&t. The
prices seem almost Impossible , but judi
cious management Wjll accomplish
wonders. Cream of tomato soup is sold
for 5 cents ; roast beef withx potatoes ,
the same ; two salmon croquettes cost -
cents ; mashed potatoes the same ; peas ,
U cents ; cabbage salad. 4 ; apple pie , ) $ ;
coffee , tea or milk , ! j ; cheese , 1 cent ;
two sandwiches , 5 cents ; a hot roll , 1
cent ; butter , 1 ct-att. The men have
found out this wonderful opportunity to
get food at cost prices and are begin
ning to edge their way in among the
women. Unless they become too nu
merous they will not be debarred. Let
us hope so kindly an institution will
prosper , and pave the way for ninny
similar ones.
Klopliuriis in
While excavating for the foundations
for the new buildings of the Victoria
and Albur museums in South Rousing
ton a car load of fosMti/.ed bones w-.i >
brought to the surl'iice by the workmen.
These were taken in cliurgc by Dr
Woodward , of tin- geological depart
ment , who pronounced them the re
mains of the prhi1'1 ) ! ! ; denizens of thi ;
soil that lived there before man camt
to interfere with them. The bones be
longed , he said to a London newspaper
representative , to tin- elephant , the stay
ami the primeval lioive , and date bads
to a time before CJreat Britain became
isolated , ere yet the Straits of Dovei
had boon cut through.
Sickle IVoin tin ) Sphinx.
The oldest pi pro of wroutrht Iron IL
existence Is believed to be u roughlj
fashioned sickle blade found by Ilel- hi Knriins , near Thebes. It wiu
Imbedded In mortar under the base ol
the sphinx , and on that account h
known as "the sickle of the sphinx. '
It Is now In Hie Hrltlsh museum , and h
believed to be nearly 4,000 years old.
HIM Next Mcul.
"That man says he never kiiowi
where Jic's going to get his next meal. '
"Is ho FO poorV"
"No , but he's a collector and eatj
wherever he happens to be. " Plilladei
phla Bulletin.
Onlt u "Uluir. "
Tin ; Parson I hope you are not goltu
tlsh'ug ' on Sunday , my little man.
The Ida O , no , sir ; I aui merely car
rylng this rod bo those wicked boyi
across the street will not suspect that /
am on my way to Sunday school.
lie Aunueil the yucca ,
A characteristic story Is told of two
church dignitaries who were one day
vis-a-vis at u dinner party at Windsor
castle. One was a courtly , polished
cleric high 1n Queen Victoria's good
graces ; the other a blunt but * Impor
tant personage whose ronk entitled
him to a position on the queen's right
hand. She talked to him for sumo
time , and then turning to Dean
refci ring accurately to the dramatis
personae of a long past event. "What
a wonderful memory your majesty
has ! " murmured the dean sauvnly ,
"Nonsense ! " interposed ills brother
cleric grullly troin the other side of
the table. "It's nothing of the kind.
I told her majesty all that myself live
minutes agol"
The horrified guest , who almost os-
ppctcd to see the earth open and swal
low up the plain spoken ecclesiastic ,
were relieved to observe a smile of evi
dent amusement cioss the queen's
A Pike County Mlrnclo.
Volpln.lnd. , .Mine 17.-Win. O. II. Sul
livan , farmer of this place , and who Is
u brother of oi-Itepre.sentatlve Sulli
van of Plko anil Dubols Counties , has
had a remarkable experience recently.
Mr. Sullivan Is 41) years of age. and
has been a cltixen of Pike County for
thirty years. For two years ho has
sutTcred much with -Kidney Trouble
nml Kln'\mtitsm. : ! Ills shoulders and
side wore very sore and si.fl1. nnd his
back was so bud lie could ha idly
straighten up at all. ! ! < had palplta- ,
tiou of the heart , HIM ! a smothering
which was very distressing , lie u ed
three boxes of Dodd's Kidney PUN ,
ami Is as strong and well as ever ho
was. Ho pronounces his euro a mir
acle. Mr. Sullivan's statement of his
case Is startling :
"A month ago I was a cripple. To
day I can do a hard day's work every
day , and have not a hinglo ache or
pain. "
Dodd's Kidney Pills Inn'o done some
wonderful cures In Indiana , but none
more miraculous than that In the case
of Mr. Sullivan.
.Mrnsnrins Tliiinilcr DIsliiiK'ci ,
Asa matter of lact , thunder and
lightening occur simultaneously , the
Interval observed between the phe
nomena being due 10 the fact that
sound only travels at the ratJ of 1,100
feet per second ; while the passage 6f
light is almost instantaneous.
Hut it is an easy matter to tell , at
least approximately , how many miles
a thundeistorm is away.
A normal pulse will beat about one
stroke to the second. By counting the
pulse beats during intervals of the
lightning and the thunder the lapse
of seconds is arrived at. By this
means you also ascertain the number
of fctJt , which can be reduced to miles.
Ho Your Feet Aclic nml Hiirn ?
Shake into your sliors , Allen's Koot-
Riisi > , n powder for tin1 fi'ct. It ninkes
tijrht or New Shoes fed Hnsy. Cni-es
Corn- ; . Bunions , Swollen , Hot Mini
Sweating Fqi't. At nil DriiKKists nml
Shoe Stores , Uoc. Stimplu sent FIJICI'J.
Addru.v ! Allen S. Olinsted. LeKoy , N. Y.
_ _ _ _ _ , _ v
.Ami Will Ovcrimin'it Utlicrn.
A.little common sense covers a mul
titude of sins. Washington ( la. )
Strictly IIiiHltu'ss.
Theorist You believe in giving
credit to whom credit is due , don't
you ?
i ractical Man Y-yes , but J make
everybody else pay cash. Chicago Tri
Sugar and tobacco imports yield a
revenue to this country of $70,000,000
a year.
A woman is never sure that a new
pair of hh'ies ' are the right size unless
they pinch just en nigh.
Daisy was originally the eye of day
or day's oye. x
If the truth wore known about every
body in the world there would be a
great many startling .surprises. .
The small boy can never Understand
what his mother means when she says'
she punishes him for his tofxl ,
People who have had i ho most ex
perience with hotel servants put their
choice relrcshmcnts in bottles labeled
" "
"poison _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Piso's cuic for Consumption Is an
Infallible mcdluhiu'for coughs and
colds. N. W. Samuel , Ocean tirovc ,
N..L , Feb. 17 , 11)00. ) '
Jn setting and distributing type a
compositoi's liand travels on an average -
ago ol eleven miles a day. Leaving
Sundays and holidays out of account
this means about : J,0X ( ) miles a year.
Being asked his age a colored citlx.en
in Wllville district replied : "Well ,
sub , I'm some older dan dat pine lice
.yonder . : li 1 bit younger dan dat live
oalc by de gate en not quite so ol'ede
I house whnr I'm IIvia'at. I ain't much
on liggers m sa'f , but you can count
up an' sec ! "
' A tobacco company has contributed
for the comfoit of the confederate
soldleis at Memphis , Tcnn. , ,000
t pounds of smoking tobacco , 10,000
! pipes and 10,000 boxes of matches.
The tobacco alone is worth 00 cents a
a pound , jobbing rales. The 2,000
pounds means 10,000 rations. This
] contribution follows a contribution
of 14,00(1 ( rations of chewing tobacco
from another Company.
Although the Russians are not noted
jTor their gallantry toward women
they have scored one on other people.
St. Peti'isburg has recently been pro
vided wall new taxamctor cabs. They
work on a dua-l system , one for ladles
and the other lor gentlemen , the au
thorities having been thoughtful
enough to introduce a new tar 111' , ; u >
eliding to which the ladies are only
ictiuired to pay half the fare demand
ed of mere men.
TO rnti : , vtoi.i ; ) IN oxr. ii.vv
Tnko Liixutivo HronioQulninoTahiti s. All
< imvg ! > ! "ir'liiml the money it it ( ails to ( Hire ,
li.V. . lirovu's HiKiiuuii't ! is oiieacu uox5u. .
I'ri'li-ri tinKi'Nliiimmt. . |
"The dilfcicncc between a restau
rant an1 a cafay , " observed Mr. Med-l
dcrur.iss , who had just returned from
tile city , "is that at a cafay they
chaigeyoti two bits for bread an' but
ter , an' at a restaurant they throw if
in. " Baltimore American.
is taken internally. Price , 75 cts.
A Sure Thin ) , ' .
Promoter Now , in case the stock
goes up you win.
Financier Yes , but in case it goes
down ?
"Then 1 win. You see , this is usure
thing ; one or the other of us is sure to
win. " Ohio State Journal.
His A < l\ivi ) .
Amateur Farmer Mr. Green , there
seems to be something serious th.
mat'or with the horse 1 bought ol y i ,
yesterday. He coughs and whee/-
distressingly , and 1 think , perliap-
uc's wind-broken. What would yoi ,
advise me to do ?
Horse Dealer ( promptly ) Sell him
a.s quickly as you can , jcs , like J did.
Wltv 'Ilii-- Wont > iiitHillil.v >
The tollowing story is tolll y a
traveler about oiio of the local 'rail- '
w"ys In Ireland :
We wore biitindlng'alniig , lie wild , at
the rate ol seven miles an hour and
the whole train \\aashakmg terribly ,
1 expected every moment in see my
bonus protitiding through my skin.
Passengers were rolling troin one end
} of the car to the other. 1 hold on
, llrinly to the aims of the soat. Pres
ently wo settled down a bit qulelei
at , least I could keep my hat on and
my teeth didn't chatter.
There was a quiet looking man op
posite me. 1 looked up with a ghastly -
ly smile , wishing to appear cheerful.
and said.
"Wo arc going a llttlo smoother , 1
see. " , '
"Yes , " hi-said , "we're otV the line
now. " London Spate Moments.
'I lie liiipiirilntiitlili' OIlVjiiM1.
First Poet N ) you have sworn the
vendetta against the publisher ?
Second Poet-Yes , 1 wouldn't liavu.
kicked mcroly because he threw mo
down three Mights of stairs and broke
my leg ; hut lie Inset-led a word In my
"Utlo to Caesai" and made it , limp !
First Poet The llendl San Francisco -
cisco Muiletln.
Ill'lllll'tri' ,
"Father , " asked twelve-year-old
Mabel , looking up from her book ,
"what is repartee'1"
"Hack talk. " answered lather , "but
so smart that you wish'you'd said it
yourself. " Philadelphia Press.
, \ Jllllllrl ,
"Paw , here's Komething lii the pa
per about a 'Junket. ' What is a
junket ? "
"A Junket , my bt > y , is an excursion
at public-'expense to which you are not
Invited. " Chicago Tribune. '
A llrai i ) .Mail.
Aii Atuhlson man gets up when
callers bore him and tells them to go ,
that be is tired. ' They think his mind
Is tailing , but is it ? Jsn't he a man
of unusual courage ? Alchlson Globe.
In the .Sulin.
15orrowcll Going to take a vacation
this summer.
Ilarduppc Well , my landlord has
requested me to vacate.
Jin.yinrlnWii finoTIIINO SVKUt' for rMlilr M
tivtlilhi ; , MiltfNN ilic1 irum * . Hfiliu-f1 * InD.imatluu ,
aUKjr * IUIHI , CUIIB wind eullr. S5e linttle ,
Nut u lilt ( initi-liil.
"What a boundless debt we owe to
medical .science. "
"Oh , I don't know ; the doctor who
invented the nervous system did a
horrible thing for humanity. " Chica
go Ilecoi dHerald. .
viraun CURES
A PniS3 Home Trentincnt for dm-
cer , Tumors nml Scrofula by a scicnt'llc
Vegetable Compound. Consultation ; it
office pi l y > wail FRKU. Thtfy will Kive
ariiinil frti x i any one interested n i o-
page book that coatnins much vnluul'le
information about the workings of this
wonderful remedy. Address or call on
The Mason Vilalia Institute ,
IIi I M'osl flZil Slrcc J , Mow Vnrti Clly.
LUKtb.Yftlt \ ! All tuSfc
Ili'st < onili a > rup. Tann ( HHH | , U c
In Ilimi. Miln liv < lrni/u'Hln. !
N.N.U. NOC72-25. YORK N B
To lie Contrary
"Hut , Coflnnl1 , ( lnrliti { ! \\iiin
have all thu arriingomont.s'ntd'li' ' ' f r
next \\cck It will Itjol ; stmitjifi io j'lit '
It oil uimUior moiiMi.1'
" 1 don't cam 1Ntm'l he fnrtrj i
this month. Thai's all thoru is ahuue
" ' l
IU" ,
"Why not , dear ? "
"I'm not KOIIIK uhca Julie hruloi.
lt'8 toocoinniin.-'hlcauo Tribune. .
t < i\VMteriiriniidaniirt pap-
litacre ) of tlifll > Mt\ .
KtonniE Innd on tlm ConiV-
' l'hc.lMiii to lh > Uuimrltt-
' Umlniit of Immliirutloiv
( ) tln"ll , Punn-ln , nr III" niv-
ilnctwl M iitMont n III IM\I > ! * | I'mil/Mlnn , un tli l f
Mid'i I Inrxlny IM rnch inonili , inn "i " ( inllj lim ru -
miniliiii | f riulnnj nrnliplniii "ICil ( or > < icurtloa >
Ji'ivvlnnSt I'uiilun Mnri-li. . llinnil Aim . . . ) Uli.lor" .
toun , \ dim * ' ' - - - - - - *
\\rl' < i , _
Oinmli < ir till' tinilPMl'tfiit'ii w\\n \ nil innil yun
' ' "
licit. il ! N)1W York l.lfi. Ilii'lUllnp. Oiii'iim. ; <
tir kft , Auvtil for the ( tot i tninutit of Citintil * .
CUHU 1'ou
. * ° tn'l. . . ( if An , I
Ely /s Cream Balm
r.nty nnil nleaennt to
Its' . Cimtnfns uu In *
jnrlnim il > ui { .
( JiVPu Itui.cfttt Dlir ' .
It Opl'lia Still t'll'tttlbCB
AlliyaJniUimiitntluii. ' COLD'n ' HEAD
Uo.ilH nml I'riitiM'trt ttio JMcmlirnnc. Kixtutc * the
f i'iiKi'8 . < iC Turin nml Knioll. I.nrji ; > > ' ! / " , M cents ee
Ufiittj.ct | irl'yiimll5 TiHISl/o , tOnnU by tuMI.
lilA UHOV11J51IH , \Vorrca SUict , Nu > \orte. .
- Z ' *
i- fevi
I 8 $ tfjfl ? y O *
< A ? ' W 9
rfV K . & -.A Td
K A 3T J3
K M AN mT'
Double Daily Service
Tor Infcrmillon or Rate ) , ctll upon or
nurcit Agent , or
S. M. ADS1T , a. p. A : , '
lOr. KijtL. CURns nil KMney
nisi'iiNi'M , lliu'lr-
Kidneycura. opho.vlo Atilnnr-
trlsls , or by mnlU
f I. l''r''o boot ; , aiii i
vice , etc. , of Dr. U , J. Kny , HnniUifn , N. Y.
I"1 Krjv'M I'tlcnrn euros nit
mill mlvk'e I ri ; ( ! IK. II. ,1. Kuy , Saratoga , N. Y. ,
ADVtCE ' "rltaum.
| your S"VII1IIII | ( ) ( ) { ( > nuJtlllK tllO
H.vstcm Is the diilv miio ami sure rurtliiul of cur
ing nil C hronli * I'IMWS. Dr. KIIV'K Honovntor-
Is UiiMinl.v perfect syNti'iu renovntor. I'YcoKiitri-
plus unit book Dr. 11. J. Kay , .Saratoga , N. Y.
T.KNOVATOn lin Idorntrs nnd rmnvnlcs tlm *
svstoin ! purities anil cnrluhcx Hi" blood ; i-nna *
diu worst ilvspopsln , rcnsllpiillon , hrniliiuhe.
livvrnnil kidneys , " "cnnd'fl atdniKglMts. I'reo-
ndvli-e Riininlo uml book ,
Dr II .1. Lay , Huratofc'.i.N V
Lung l\m \
_ _ _ _ _
' rtircsd'f ry I'Tul of rcnii/li , lirT | | > jio , lirnnrnltfu.
hoio ttiruiit. cioup , \ ( | ! I'otiKli. inr. Ni-vcr
' ili'rtiiifc'usUnjHtoiiiacli. AtDrutrKlato , IU&'J5 .
Most people eat more than is good for them. The stomach tries to digest all that's put into it , but If repeatedly overloaded , it goes on
a strike. That's indigestion. Rich , over-sweet , Indigestible food weakens the stomach and makes It unabl to take care of the material put
into it. More food taken into a weakened stomach than the stomach can djgest , stnys there , forms gases and rots , bringing on all the horrors of
dyspepsia. The only way to cure dyspepsia is to clean out the digestive canal with CASCARETS. Keep it clean wilh Cascarels , eat light
food sparingly , and give the stomach a cnance to rest up and get strong again.
Be sure you get the genuine GARGARSTS ? ;
when he is in oairif : to a heiress , do you ?
'Indianapolis u
* For * lryearn Ivan n vlclltn of ayi -
tii-pujn In lu worst form 1 couldcul nothing
but mill : , auJ at tlincu my stomach
would not reUIn and uvun tliuU
March I bosun taking CASCAKKTS and Klncc
tlion I luvu Bteu'lly Iniprovwl , until 1 ntri us
well as 1 orer wia In my life "
DAVID 11. Mcitrnr. Newark.O.
OUAIt.VNTiti : > 1X1 OUUEallbowr ] trnntiln , nniirnillrllli , l.lliuiiinoo ,
UaJ bri-Htl ; , liad liliiiicltlin | on ( lin "lomnc-li , blimlrtl Ixivvi-U foul month ,
uflrrw r l . fin raattrrvliul nlli yt - - -
yon will ui-vrr eel well autl be vtrll all thr limn uulll yuii put jamr liowcU
rlf > , 'I'atn our advlcrl * turt wllh OAHUAJtETh tuduy , uuder on n.U > olol *
to cur armoury rcfuuded.
QQQ ® &
OtJAKAMTf.Ull TO Kl FTP Trnr nco Ihr flr l box of CAS-
r .IK iMlllfnD buir * u yr r. r ? ! e.r.ilJ.a ! t X
iMllui * mralcine vof w nui aim i Mi tiiii / /Tl ft iu i i i i
, & ' &a X r
fhjm fMlr. h .t trial. H _ . . -nU r you r not .utl.ll