Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 06, 1901, Image 5

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    From Walworth.
Wm. Theift , father of Mrs. John
Murphy , has i rived from Iowa to
make bis future home with the
Arabia Martimoro , who was re
covering from typhoid fever , boa
taken another relapse and is quite
siok again.
Frank Doty and son Henry ,
started for Valentino Monday with
their raoe borso. Someone will
likely got scooped.
Crops of all kindb in this vicinity
are looking line. Chinch bugs and
grasshoppers are not in evidence
enough > et to do much damage.
During a sharp electrical storm ,
accompanied by heavy rain , lam
Monday , a b'nlt of lighning struck
the mill of R. H. Sargent passing
down through the mill within 'our
leet of whore he was standing.
Prank Christy was also in the mill.
No damage was done except a hole
in the roof and a riplintered rafter.
orteilo News.
Mr. J. A Moore was at Broken
Cow Srturduy.
Ortollo was favored with a rain *
fall of .15 inches last Monda ; .
Rev. Bradley filled bis appoint
ment here last Sunday evening *
The memorial services at Merna
were well attended laat Thursday.
A number of the young people
attended church at Maple Grove
last Sunday.
Christian Endeavor meeting at
6:00 p in. Sunday , with Mrs. Wad-
kington as loader.
Most of the farmers are done
planting corn Some are plowing
np their barley , which the chinch
hugs have entirely ruined.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fodge attend
ed the Sunday School Convention
at Callaway last Saturday and Sun
day. They report a very profitable
and instructive mooting.
A party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Hunt , daughters Achsa
V and Clara , Miss Bridges , Mre. M. J.
Deals and F. L Beals made a trip
to the sand hills Sunday , to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Day.
A good program was rendered
and the address by lion. James
Whitehead was especially onjojod.
Some of those present Irom Orteilo ,
were , Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Beals ,
Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Hill , Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Hunt , M , . Butler , Mr.
and Mrs. Baker , Mr and Mrs. Silas
Bealo , Mr. and Mrs J. M. Podge ,
Misses Bridges , Ashbanuh , Nellie
Hill , Clara and Auhsah Knot , Ber
tha Butler , Cairio and Eva Wad-
diugton and Nettie Fodge.
Ryno , June 4 , 1901.
Miss BoBsie Barnes and MBS !
Nellie Empfield visited Oua Owens
last Sunday ,
After passing the time of day ,
the next words are , are the bugs
and hoppers taking your crop ?
Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Emplield , June 1 , a son. Mothei
and babe doing well , and Ben is
On last Thursday li. ( I. Donnel
started enroute to Brown county ,
Nebraska , with a bunch of cattle ,
lie will leave thotu ri cire of Wai-
lie Griffith during the season.
We wore favored with a light
shower last evening , reviving vog -
tatiou. Crops are in tine condition ;
not much injured by insects , but it
is only a question of time when
they will bo destroyed as bugs and
hoppers are numerous. A number
of the farmers will experiment with
bugs. They have au abundance of
supposed sick ones but the weather
has been too cold and damp to put
them out as the instructions are
not to put them out under 70.
On last Wednesday as Mrs.
y Baker and Mrs. Browning , aocom-
i panied by several children were re
turning from Lorn ax , when near the
Crowdson ranch their horse run
away overturning the buggy and
throwing them out , running a
wheel over ono of the children.
Except a few bruises they were not
any of them hurt. The horse run
through a wire fence , making kimil-
inc wood of the buggy , and cutting
his breast and shoulders so bad that
he had to be killed to end his
Call at J. G. llaeberle's drug store
nnd got a free eampln of Cbamherlaln'e
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are
nn elegant physio. They also Improve
the appetite , strengthen tbe digestion
and regulate the liver and bowelo.
They are easy to take and pleasant in
You can save money by ordering
yonr reeling matter thronirh the
REPUBLICAN. We can furnish you
nearly all the papers and magazins
( or less thfln publishers prices.
* < We will furnish the Kansas city
Journal and REPUBLICAN for $1.25
per year.
U. S. Land Office.
JAMKS WlllTEHEAD He-jliter
MI. YOUNG. . . . Hocelror
United States Lund Ofllco , I
Lincoln , Neb. , May 1,1001 I
Notice Is hereby alNcn that tbo lollowlne nnm-
d Kctller rmi 0 rd notice of lilt It Icnllon to
muka final proof ! n tnpport of Ills claim , and
lat Bitlil p oof will bo inailc before i onntv Judge
nt lirokcn Uow. Not ) , nn Juno 18. IDUI. viz :
VILLIAM T WOODY , for tbeSKH. fiction 10 ,
oiHielilp 1,1 , north ranue SO , wc t , Ilomeetcau
Knlry Jlo. 17385 ,
lIonntncB tlio following wlliies-os to proTobls
continuous * u-lilouce upon anil caltlvntlon ot
aldlnnd , viz :
rharlei llosclton of Kililyvllle , Nebraska ,
"bnrlch Urnndt of Lomax , Nonrn-l- ; David C.
iovnoldi ) of Lou ax , Nebraska ; Kdward Hoblnson
f Kddyvllle. Nebraska
tr-U-flt J. W JOHNSON. KcsUter.
Unllod State * Land Office ,
lirokcn Uow , fob. , May 8 , 1'JOl. f
Notice U hereby Klvin tbat the following num-
2 % ttlor liaa Qlctl notice of Iil < Intention to make
.ral proof In nuppqrt of bis clnlm , and tluit said
> rcof ulll bo mndo bcfoio ItceUtur nnd Kecclvcr ,
nt llrokeu llcw , Nebrnilia , on Juno Mth , 1P01 ,
viz : WILLIAM D. QUANT , of Broken Uow ,
Nubraek- . , for tbc SJ4 SEUectlon 14 NJ } NUM.
cctlon U3 , town-hip 18 , north , range 21 , won
lip names the following witnesses to pioro his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aid land , viz :
tioor o Hhoupof Ktlfoll , Ncbratka ; Knnnrt L.
"honp of Cnpter , Ncbracka ; Usylil AUpatiRbof
Uruken How , Nobratku ; Albeit Swlck of Kllfjll.
Nebraska. JAMKB WIIITEIIEAD , Hug.-tor.
United States LnndOffice , I
lirokon How , Neb , Muy 1,1001. f
Notice IB hereby given that the following named
ettlsr ha * filed not co of uis Intention to make
final proof In pnpport of Ills claim , and that enld
proof will bo made before Hcglstor nnd Itccelver
at llroknn Uow , Mob. , nn Hilclny , Juno " 111 , 10 1 ,
vie : WHLIAHA UAKEU , for the NKtf SX ,
of section 11 , town-hip 17 , north ratine SI , w.
lie names the follou lug witnesses to proto hla
continuous reMdonco upon and cultivation of
aid InLd. viz-
Frank Itei'd of Broken Bow , Nebraska ; Pnnl
lejnerof ilrokoii How , Ncbra ° kJamie ; U
( cam of Broken Bow , Nebraska ; Minor Taylor
of Merna , Nebraska. jAMKe WHITEUEAD ,
0-2-Ut Holster.
Jutted States Land Offico. I
Broken Uow , Nub. , June 4 , 1001. f
Notlco IB hereby glvui that In pursuant ! ) of
DBtrnctlonB from llio Commle-loucr of tbo Gen *
oral Land Ollicc , nmlor Authority vested in him
) ) ecctlnn 2455 , U 8. i uv. Slut. , as ameniled by
ict of COUKICHipuruved February 20 , lb)5 ! ) , we
vlli pr coed to offer at public * nle on the I3lli
diiyof Juiy , 1W1. nt , tide otllcu thu follow lug
ructof land , tr-wit :
E % NW54NW4 } SEW. section S3 , township
9 , nori b , range 22 , west
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
above deecrlbcd land , nro advised to file their
Itilms In this office on or bufnro thu day above
leslgnntod 'or the commencement of said sale ,
otherwise their rights Will bo forfeited.
6 Ct FIIANK 11 YouSo , Hiculvur.
In the District BouJt of Cneter Connty. Nob.
Allen Urotherp Company "I
An Incorporation , I
V- . I Notlco to
. Ewlng , f Nou-Hcsldent.
whoso first real and true I
name Is unknown. J
1. Ewlnjr , whore first real and trae name Is nn-
mown , will take t otlee , that on the 1,7th day of
Jarch , 1901 , the district court of Ouster county ,
< obra-Ka , Issued nu order of attachment upon
hoaOldavltof the plalntlffl herein for the sum
170.05 , with 7 per cent lutcrcbt from that date , in
an action therein pending , In which the said A Itn
Irotherfl Company was plalntltl , and 1. EwliiR
was dcleudfti't. That property of the defendant ,
consisting of the west half of the north-west
inartcr and tbo wet-t hal of Boulh-woxt quarter of
ectlon six (6) , township fourteen (14) , north of
range seventeen (17)V. ( . ot Olh I1 M . In Ouster
county , Nebraska , was attached as tbe property
of said defendant , also the following perronal
iropcrty , viz : Ono gray horse , one cow. on
; r v muro. one blak horse , one grpy mate , ono
> lack colt , two bay marcs , three eot ot hurncsa ,
one saddle and bridle , one feed grinder , and pow
er belonging theieto , ono buggy , ono pair of
rucks ono dl'c press drill and eecdor , two hay
racks , two Inmher WMKOCB , on spilng wngou ono
later , thieo cnltivatoi c , one corn plbuter , one
mower , one Kaug plow , two ctlrrlng pious , ono
com stain cutter , tiirco barrowc , tiireu binders ,
one leed chopper , ono set ol fixture * in black *
smith chop , ono s rli'K wagon , one certain
amount of old Irons , two wheel barrowt ) , set of
doors and grates to furnace , fixtures and mu-
ihinirv In creamery buildlug , hu Ocen attached
iy said ord r.
Yon nrc required to answer said petition and
attldavitot attachment on or before the l t > l y of
July , 1901 , or tbo miners und thine * tot. forth in
said petition and alllduvlt of attachment will bu
ak.n us true and Judgement rendered urcurd-
Da'ed at Broken Uow , Ncbratka , this 22nd day
of Muy.llU.
Uy Itr A'tornu ' ) ,
In the District Conrt of Ouster Connty , Neb ,
Paul H. Marlay , 1
1'iaintm , I
vs. }
Ferdinand Btern , ct al I
Defendants. J
ho defendants , Ferdinand Stern , Minnie
tern ( real name , Wilhelmlna Morn ) , Musc&ilne
Mortgage and Trust Compiny , W. H. llutcbl-on
and II W. Dickineon , tjalnl Joseph Loan and
Prust Company , Ernest U Ilartwlg , will tike
notice tb t on the 1st day of May , 1D01 , the plain
tiff filed bis petition In the District Court of Cus-
or county , Nebraska , against yon , the paid Fer
dinand Stern , Minnie h'.orn ( real nam VV'ilhel-
mlna Stern ) , Muscattnu Mortgage and Trust
Company , W. U. Hutchison , tl. SV. Dickinson ,
jalnt JoBvph Loan and Trust Company , Urnest C.
llarlulg und John Dee ( real nauio unknown ) ,
the object and prayer of which arc to forclo-e a
certain mortgage executed by the defeudinU ,
Ferdinand S orn and Minnie Stern ( real nime
Wllbelmlna Stern ) , to the Mu-cutlno MorU'iito
nnd Trust Company , and by U net gned In thcd [ 10
: oursoof business to plaint III , upon the south
Imlf of tlio s-mib-e&st quarter ot Section twont-
nlno and the north half of the north-e < ist quarter
of section tbltty-two , all in township thuicen ,
north of range nineteen , west Cth I > , M. , Cnster
couty , Nebraska , to secure the payment of ono
prlnc.liml first morK"gu ( note dated December 1st ,
18 $ in tboeum oi IVXJIX ) due and payable De
oembcrlst , 1693 , nnd ono coupon Interest note
of same date due and payable December lit , 1B93
In th sum of SIT.50 , and for | 37.B1 paid as tuxes
hy plAlutlll upon said property , and that thoio la
now duo aLd unpaid upon said note- and mort
gage the sum uf S)03 ! ) 45 , and for taxon paid by
plaintiff $60.17 , for which said sums with inttrcat
from this < ate at 1J ( per cent per annum , the
plaintiff praj for a decree of forccloteuru , and
snlo of said premises.
Yon are required to answer said petition on or
bef jro tbe 15th day ot July , 1001.
Dated May 21th , 1901.
5-33.4t Ills Atto4ney.
The State ot Nebraska , 7
Cutter County , )
At a i ounty court , held at tbe court room in
and for snld county June 5ih , A. D. 1901 , pre
sent J A. Armour , county Judge.
In the matter of the e-lo' of Mary E Wood
ley , deceased
On reading and filing the petition of G. It.
lineeom praying that ttio Instrument filed on the
37th iluv of May. 11)01 ) , and purporting to bu the
last Will and Testament of tbo euld Mary E.
Woodlcy , deceased , may be proved , approved ,
probated , allowed , and recorded as tbo Ion
Will and Testament of the said Mary E Wood-
1-y , deceased , and that tbe execution of Bald In-
btrument may be committed , and the administra
tion of said t'Stuto be granted to 1. H. lluieom
as executor
Ordered , that June S8th , A D. 1901 , at 10
o'clock a. m. , Is asulgned for hearing said peti
tion , whun all persona Interested In B-ld matter
may 'Ppcar In a county court to bo held In and
for said county , and show cause why the prayer
of petitioner should o' be granted ; and that
notice ot the pendency of raid petition and the
bearing thereof bo given to all persona Interest
ed In said matter by publishing a cnp > of this
order in the uster County Republican a wcok-
Iv newspaper printed In said county , fortbne
successive weeky , prior toaid day of hearing
0-6 at J. A. Anuocm , County Judge.
A Hpralnucl AtiUle QiilcUly Cured
"At ono time I auffired fn ra n si'Vere
sprain of the unkln/'s-yn ( Jiio E Gary ,
editor of the Guide , \Vfv > iiinf > tnn , Vn.
"Alter URlnK BPvernl well recoramrndi'd
medicines without PUCCKSH I tried Olium-
barlaln'a Pain UnUn. nnd Bin pleased teeny
eny thnt relief cutne na Boon ns I bognn
ita URO nnd a complete euro speedily
followed. " For eale by J , O. liaeberle ,
Wllllntn'I. Sell , Emma Soli hli wife , Masts
i'ctor Ji'iieon , and Ano CntrltuJenen , hit wife ,
and John Doe , wbo'e rcnl name Is to plal tiff
nnknnnn , defatuUntf , will take notice that on
thoietbda of March , A. D. 1H)1. ) tuvlor nnd
Qrabam , Joint tenants , m plaintiffs died their
petition in the district conrt of Cnitor county ,
Nebraska , agnlnst said defendants , the object
nnd ( itajerof which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by snld William I. Soil and
Emuiaacll , his wife , In favor of the Qlobo In
vestment Company and by H n-s'gncd ' to these
plaintiffs , upon the south-went quarter of nctlon
twelve (19) ( , in tonnchlp fourteen (14) ( ) , north of
range twcnty-fivn ( S5) west of ihu 6th principal
meridian. In Nebraska , to soonro the payment of
ono certain flr-t mortgage nolo In the sum of
$550.00 w th interest thereon at the rate ot sovcn
per cent. p < * r annum , said principal uoto ( allltiR
due and payable on the first day of August , IB96.
That there Is now dne upon said principal note
and mortgage tbo sum of S550 00 < lth lutoiost
thereon from the Brit day of Anatist 1896. Also
ono Interest coupon note forCU * > wltb Interest
thereon at ten percent per annum from Febru
ary , lit , 1891 , mid ono interest note lor 919 i ,
with Intoro-t thorcon at ten per cent , per annum
troin August lit , 1894 , Mid 119 Interest note for
{ 19.23 with Interest thereon nt ton percent , per
annum from February 1st , 1895 , and ono interest
note tor $1D. ' < ! 5 wlih interest thorcon at ten per
cent , per annum from August 1st , 1895 , nnd one
interest note forJID 25 with interest thereon at
ten per cent per annum Irnm Fohrnary 1st , 1806.
and ono Interest note for Jiy.SS with interest
( hero n at ten pur cent per annum from August
1st , 1890 , for which several sums with interest the
plalntlll prays for a decree that the defendants be
rtqtilieu to toy the -nmo or tbat said pr-muoB
mny bo sold to satisfy tbo amount found duo ,
\ou are lequlred to answer said petition on or
before the 16th dav of July A. D 11)01. )
Dated this 2llh day of May , A. D 1001.
Joint tenants.
5-SO 4t Their Attorney ,
Notice of Incorporation.
Articles of Incorporation of the Anselroo
Holler Mill and Elevator Company.
Know All Men ny Those Presents' That we ,
Isaac Clark , Wlnfleld E. Warren , Joseph Mooro.
Harvey 1) . Andrews nnd Janus Llndly. all of
Ouster Connty , in tbo State ot Nebraska , do hereby -
by associate onrsdlves together for the purpose
of forming and becoming a corporation under
the IHWB of IhoStntc of Nebraska for the tran
saction of the bnsli 08 hereinafter described.
Fust. The nnroo of this Corporation shall bo
the An-clmo Mill and Elevator Company , and
the principal place of business of suld Corpor
ation nball boat A nsclmo , In the County ot Cus.
ter and Mattof Nebtaska.
Second. Tno general nature of the business
to be transacted by said Corporation shall bo to
purchase Mid own the flour mill and the eleva
tor known as the Anselmo Holler Mill , sltnntod
In Ansi'lmc , Cnstcr county Nebraska , together
with the real estate belonging thereto , and to
purchase and hold such other real estate as may
be necessary for conducting the business ot this
Corporation ; und to repair , add to. and enlarge
raid Holler Mill and Elevator ; and to buv and
sell grain , manufacture flour , meal , etc. , nnd to
don general milling business ; and to buy , sell ,
and ship grain uid do a general elevator
Third. The authorized c-pltal of sal I Corpor
ation shall b $8 0 000 In f hares of $25.00 ench ;
SlOOO.OO of which said capital stooE , shall befib -
scribed and paid for at Its face value before com-
monclcg business , and the balanc'oof said capital
stock to bo subscribed and paid for as may be
re ulred by the Hoard of Directors ot said Cor
poration ,
Fourth. The tlmo of commencement of tbo
principal business for which this Corporation IB
foimed , shall bo the date nn which these Article. !
are filed in the offlco of the < ounty Clerk of Cue-
tor County , Nebraska , and the termination of
this Corporation shall bo fifty (60) yeire there
Fifth. The highest amount of Indebtedness
to which this Corporation -hall at any time sub
ject Itself , shall be not exceeding two-thirds ( K )
of the amount ot capital stock actually sub
scribed for.
Sixth. The officers of this Corporation shall be
a President , a Secretory , and a Treasurer and a
Hoarder Directors. Uald li tard of Directors to
coii-lt-t of three members and tbo general tran
saction nnd management ot said business shall
bo by enld Hoard o Directors.
Bald Uoardof Directors ( hall be chosen an
nually on tbe first Monday of June of each
year , which da'o shall bo tbo date of the annual
meeting of the stockholders ot said Corporation ,
and said Dlrtctoia shall bo choeenand elected by
the stockholders of this Corporation at such
meeting In such manner as may be provided for
by the liy-Laws ol said Corporation
The President , secretary and Treasurer of
aald Corporation shall bu chosen and elected by
val'l Ilcmrd of Directors.
In Witness Whereof , wo , the Bald Incorpora
te rs abova named , have here ute subscribed our
names this 20ih day of May , 1901.
1SAAO < ! ! , AHK ,
JOSEl'll MOOltE.
In Preeenoc of ;
S. 0. 110WMAN.
Tbo above Article- duly ncknowlodjed.
Mr.V. . 8 VVLfd-ju , Ot'tthier of the
utiuuiil lUnk ot VViiiteiMut , loa ,
in a ri'Ofut letter ivea some experience
wltb a carpenter in bis employ , tbnt will
be ot viime to otLer mechanics. He
euye : "I hud ft carpenter working tor
me wuo was obliged to atop work ( or
uevral dr.ys on account of being trou
bled witti dinrrhofcii I mentioned to
aim tb > it I hud been similarly troubled
imd that Ghutnberlnln'd Colic , Cholera
and Diatrhooii Ketnedy bad cured me.
lie bought n bottlu of it from n drupglst
here and informed me that ono dope
cured Him , and ho is again at work. "
For sale by J. G. Haeberlo.
Whatt NotColngWostthlsSummor ?
Haven't you heard about thu low
rates to Colorado and Utuh offered
by the liurlingtou Route ?
They are the lowest over made
BO low thut it IB almost cheaper to
take advantage of them than it IB to
ptay at homo.
In effect all Huuimur long from
the tirrH of June until the middle of
See the local agent or , if you
prefer , write to J. Francis , Gen
eral PrsBonger Accent , Omaha Neb ,
enclosing with your letter HX oentR
in Btamps for "Colorado , " a
book , handsomely illuBtiated and
full of icterenting information about
the oool reHorts in the mountains ,
July 1st
You nay aa well expect to run a steam
engine without writer HH to tlnd an ac
tive , energetic man wltb a torpid liver
and you may know his liver IB torpid
wheu be dooa not lelleu hla food or feele
dull and languid after eating , often ban
headache and sometimes dUzluesa. A
few doaes of Chamberlain's Htomncl
nnd Liver Tablets will restore Mia liver
to Its normal functions , rcnuw his vltnll-
ty , Improve his dlgiBtioti nnd make him
ftivl like a new man. Price 25 cents.
Stiinplts tree nt J. G. tlaeberle's drug
Notice of Howard.
A reward ot $5.00 will be given
for information leading to oouvio-
tion of any ouo tampering or raed-
ling with any line , or Bhooting in
sulators or doing any dnmage inten
tionally on any line belonging to the
Brokim Bow Polophono Ezcliango
Warning is hereby given that any
persons HO offending will be prose
cuted to the full extent of the law
Our Stook is going fast at the following pi iocs , Co mo tarty and get your oharo :
12 Ibs Oat Meal 25o
0 Ibs broken Hice
C Iba Good Prunes . 25o
S Iba Good New Peachea . 24o
0 IbH Navy Beans
Those are only a few good things found in this mine. Up on our side is a now line of
Hatn , aud every day Now Goods come down tbo shaft that is kept busy bringing them.
Northeast Corner of Public Square.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chicago. Hutte ,
St. Joseph , Portland ,
KanaC'ltj , Halt Lake Gltv ,
HI. Lonls , and all San Franolico ,
polnti eait and toutb. and all points woit.
No. 49-Veslibttied oxprcu dally. Lincoln , Omit *
ba , 8t. Joneun Kaii-ti City , tit. Lonli , CM
cngoandall point * edit -oatb..ll 44p.m.
No. 44 Local ezpre-n tially , Lincoln , Oruahfi ,
Bt. Joseph , K.IISOCltv , Ht , Lonlf , CblcaRO
and all points on-t nnd sonth 8 JM am
No. 40-Frelgut daily , llaveuna , Grand Itland ,
Aurora , ( toward and Lincoln 000 am
No. 48 Freight , dally except Snnday , Itavouna
and internudlitc point- , 1 05pm
No. 41 Vestlbulud ezprens dally , Helena , Heat-
He , liotto , Portland and all Pacific Coait
point- 414
No. 43 Local czpre-B daily , Black Ililli anil
Intermediate polnU fiSdpm
No , i5 Freight dally , Anielmo Seneca.Whltman
and Alliance 1068nm
No. 47 Freight , dally except Bunday , Stneca
and Intermediate polnU 1:36 pm
Bleeping , dltlng and reclining chair earn ( oat
Ireo ) on through trainTlckra aold and bag
gage chocked to auy point lu thi United Stntei
aiul Canada.
No. 48 has merchandlsa cars Taecdayi , Thart-
days and Saturdays.
No. 40 will carry paste * gen tor Raveuni
Grand Island , 8owa/d and Lincoln.
Information , maps , tlmo tablet and ticket
call on or write to U. L. Ormiby , agent , or J
Fruucli , Q. P. A. , OmnhD. Nebraska.
U. L. Oimenr , Acont.
I'oucb for west will close at 8 p. m. , except
Sunday wbon It will olo-o at 0:46 : p.m.
1'onch , onetfor train No. 4iolo8os at B a m
and (01 No. 44 close * at , Ct.30 a.m. Mall for Analoy
and points east uf Grand Island carried on train
No. 44.
Oconto via of Hyuo and Taokervllle , dally nx-
cept 'juuddy closes , at 7 a m : returning game day
Cullawiiy via , Mc'Kltiley dally except Hunday
clotiCh at ? a mreturningsine day.
Hound Valley vh Green and Blton oloiu 17
m.TDt'iilay , Thuridny and Saturday i , rstnrnlns
&iro day.
HumnorTla Garnspy , Georgetown and Uptou
arrrlves at 11.80. Tne-day Thnnday aud Satur
day , returning leaves at 12,80 tame day.
Oflloj hour * from 8.00 a m to 8,00 p m. Uan-
ujfl from B:46 : p. m. to 0:45 p. m. Ix > bby open
veek days from ? a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays H:80 :
a. m. tow a.m. General delivery not opeii Sun
day morning ai heretofore. L. ILJivrarr. I'.M-
COPVniuHT3 &C.
Anyone sending a sketch and de-crlptlnri miv
ulcklr u-ertaln our opinion ficu whuthor nf
invention Is probably patcntnblo. Coniniunlrn
tloiisBtrlctlr confidential. Ilanilbnokon I'ntrnla
iontfree. Oldeat agency for sccurlni ; P'ltiinl- .
Patents taken tbrouah ilunn A Co. rectilvr
tpitlal netici , without chnruc , lu the
A hnnd-omely Illu-trntml WliK edt fir
culatlon ot any sclviitltlo inurnal. Tor IPS. J.I n
four : four months , II. Bold Ijyull now-df/ilQr
Urunch Offlco. CJi V fit.Vufl u.
Free Cotaple-clou Uruuttlfler.
We want every lady reader of the
RKPUBLIOAN to try Dwight'a Com
plexion Boautiticr , the most exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
aud harmlessmakes the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short lime only Rend FUUK a ful
size , Fifty cent box to ovury lady
who will feud ua her post office ad
druHH silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only one VBM box to
each address but ladies may orde
for their friends. Each box mailee
separately. Send this notice am
your order at ONOK to D. W. CUBTEK
tCo. , Hnntington W. Va.
To TUB DBAA rich lady , aurcc
of j i Deafneus and Noises in tb
Heau by Dr. Nicholson's Artifioia
Ear Drums , gave 925,000 to bia In
stitute , BO that deaf people unabl
to procure the Ear Drums , may hav
them free , Address No. D 14
The Nicholson Institute , 730
Eight Avenue , New York. jan8 ly
Job Printing.
10 oz. bottle Queen Olivun 15o
8 bars of Silk Soup 26o
19 barn of Tepee Soap 20o
1 Iboan HKKhtiNsKus lluKCorvEiiSOo
1 Ib pkgo MADJA I7o 1 t
Sells the David Bradley , John Deere , Grand Detour , Listers , Riders and
Walkers They are the best madfi. Also the Ohio and Now Departure
Cultivator , Disks aud Seeders , Itaoinc Buggies aud Spring Wagons.
The best harness all kinds at prices that bus put competition to think
ing. See me for Stoves , Furniture , Carpcta now patterns , Tinware ,
Rice's Garden Seeds in bulk , eto.
A full line of Undertaking Goods.
. . . $ $ tfl $
> v'-5
' \ *
$ E. L. BUNCH ,
* " 'IV
Et2T"IIeadquartorH for
rmmuirimrn INII DII
7 ©
k > ' ?
j North Side of Public , - Broken Bow , Nebraska.
/ l '
| /'i i : ' : /f / * : !
IB .
v. *
> All parties indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested
| $ K to call and settle their accouut by cash at once. I must have j/i ; /
Mii ) money to pay bills , I cannot do bushiest ) on wind ,
Yours truly ,
W. S- SWAN , |
p Proprietor. | ( |
Hi 10 Bars of Soap for 25c. | |
Having bought the stock formerly owned by A. Wallace ,
have added a complete
And are prepared to sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.
FRUIT , OVHTIlt ! null Clil.ltltV IN H1CAHUN.
Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city. Give us a trial
Tf. C. WORNALL , President. J. A. IUUIUB , CHHhler
A. J. UOBBRT80N , Vloe-I'roi. W. U. ULAUKWKLL , Ait't Cashier
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Bank'ing Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
Too otn remove tbc cauio by wearing ouu of our
Tb j are -old under a poiltlvo guwante . HEX HUEUMAT10 CO. , Hartford , Coun