Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 30, 1901, Image 1

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    - sr.w7y ,
If you have touic rnrt1 tluue. niigKecor
U'ciii , or coinu oil ) relic In ( lie flnu of
Jewelry. I run ut your eerrlro to make
itiliiK ot bcnut ) ntid um'fuhiu < 8
To tint mnrmlirnncu of jilunnant ixsocl-
ntlon mlil tlio clinrinenf utility.
1 Kivo you tuo very best eott of work ,
tlio fort Hint Ie done rl ht tlie flrft time.
No cheap uork , bnt ilRlit nork , mod
erately priced
I need old gold In my repair depart-
muiit lllgliuct market price.
Orodunte of Clilciiiro Optlmlmlc College.
School Hooks ,
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle'si
Cliurcli ncrvicuH.
; , , .
" ' " "
Preaohing service a next Sunday
t4' , morning at 11 a. ui and 8 p. m. , by
v * * * pttHtor , Rov. S. W. RichardH. San-
l > t J - day school at 10 a m ; Junior B.
f' " , Y.P.ll al 2:30 p. in. Senior B.
Y. P. U. ai 7:00.
Afler preaching services in ibe
evening Iho Ordinance of Baptism
will bo ndrnmialered. All arc oor-
, ilislly invited to attend these sor-
' vices.
| Next Sunday evening the service
' will be given over to the Epworlh
League for a a missionary meeting.
A special program has been prepar
ed , and a pleananL and helpful ser
vice is anticipated.
Subjeol of morning sermon :
"The NogalivoH of the Christian
Life. " Preaching at Sunny Doll at
8 p. m. Epv.ortli Loiuun at 7 p
m. ; Miss Marfge Hersh , Loidor.
E. A. KNIGHT , Pastor.
[ Headquarters For
| Dry Goods ,
| Groceries ,
i § Boots and
1 Shoes.
Our Royal Worcester Corsets
Hnvo No Superiors For Ease
and Comfort.
New Line oi
Buggies , Surreys
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons
G. W. Apple-
f Local
I Mention.
. ) . J. Stanford of Mernn , was a
city visitor Tuesday.
C E. Clark of Weiasert , was a
friendly caller Monday.
U. E. Begga , of Callawny , is attending -
tending court in the city this week.
Jas. Whitehc-ad will deliver the
address at Merua on Decoration
VV. J. Woods has built a ohed
addition the full length of his ware
Judge Wall of Leap City , was in
attendance at the district court
The Arnold post has secured Dr.
C. Pickett to deliver the address on
Decoration Day at Arnold.
Judge llamor , of Kearney , was
in thn city Tuesday looking after
legal bnmni'HH iu thu district court.
Amos Noble and W. H. Osborne ,
Jr , moved Monday into their now
residences , purchased of J. S. Biasb
J. S. Baisb and hon , Charley , left
for Madison Tuesday morning with
a car of goods. Mrs. Baitib and
the youngest eon , Jake , left Wed-
nedday morning.
A. 11. Humphrey , W. M. , of the
Broken Bow Lodge A. F. & A. M ,
has been appointed by G. W M
of the state an a mombe < - of the
rttate relief committee.
Rev. S W- Richards went to
Mason Tue day morning with tin-
view to visiting the Eudell and
Lcinfix churches thin week , and the
Su day holiool convention at Callu
way tue latter part of the week.
Mrs. B. B. Hawthorne has se
cured a divorcu from her husband
in the courts at Lincoln. She prov
ed to the satisfaction of the oo > ris
I , . ' P. f. II ! I.- ' (
H d „ _ q-i > u , i i- i it
J. W. Brewer and wife , who re
cently moved to Callaway , came
over Saturday to attend memorial
services as them wer none lo be
hll ui f : i'h v I' ' \ \ i |
i u. . v r u > < l > C
ri i CH
Stack and Uolcomb h vo m . M
heir bicycle t-hop to u'lick'p iui m ,
n the west cide < of the t-quare r *
ently repaired and f.tted up. The
itaok Bros will occupy the building
acated by Stack and Holcomb
vith a restaurant.
Miss Madfe Potts went to Lin-
oln Friday to attend the com-
nenoemcnt exercises at the Advent
College where her sister Maude
tjriduates this term. They will
viait friends in other parts of the
tale before they return home.
It is reported tbat C.W.Booth of
MfKinley , has sold bis farm of
120 ucres near MiKmhy ,
lock and crop to some
nan from Missouri for $2,000.
Several land buyers from th east
are reported IP the county trying to
> iiy land
TI o memorial services hold at
the M. E church Sunday afternoon
were largeiy attended. Rev
K oo mar , pastor of the ChriBtian
) burob , a returned soldier from
Manila , preached the Hertnon. It
W ; H well received. ROVH. Richard * ,
Dogu'ett and Derris participated in
tbo services.
R. D. Hullivan , one of the exten.
dive farmers and stockmen of CUB
IC r township , wan a friendly caller
Saturday. Ho sajn the chinch hrgH
are doing some damage in bis vicin
ity 'o the wheat but Fays they are
noi Corking on the rye. He says
the prevent crop of bugs are dying
Unless the young onen tbat are liable -
blo to appear soon can bo success
fully inocculated they are liable to
do more harm than the ones we now
Frank Kimherliug , of Franklin
Nebraska , was in the city Saturday
andSunda/ visiting with bis bro
ther , J. M Kimberling. Ho re
turned home Monday morning
Ho has a farm near Franklin
whore bo has bren farming for th
pint twenty-three yearn , except tb
last HJX months ho hits been tryuii.
bis luck in the newspaper business
But be has sold out and will turc
ovor.tho plant tothe ptirchnsorFrida
when be will again turn his uhol
attention to his farm and cattle
lie H VH alfalfa i the main crop i
the Republican valley , atid tha
many of the farmers th ro have
| nearly all their land sowed to al-
U. W. Alberts and D. C. Konklo
of Weissort , were city visitors Mon
Money loaned on improved farms *
5 23 4t Broken Bow , Nobr.
W. W. Thornton , of Wostervillo ,
was in the city yesterday looking
for a room for hie invalid daughter.
An equity term of the district
court convened Monday morning
iu this city with Judge Sullivan
E. L , Perry , of Merim , made this
om'oe a friendly call yesterday and
had his subscription account ad
Mrs. Minnie Barnes , nee Sigler ,
formerly of this city , now of Deadwood -
wood , is visiting in the oily with
hjr sister Mrs. Robt. Brindlo.
H. B Andrews , II. K. Atkinson
and F.C. Wilson wore a trio of An-
selino's substantial citizens doing
business in Broken Bow yesterday.
T W. Doau of West Union , went
to Deadwood yesterday morning to
look after his interests iu tbat vicin
ity. He expects to bo gone about
two weeks.
JOSH ! ) Gaudy informs us that ow
ing to tbo elegant prospects for
wheat and corn crop that he has
raised the price of his land from
$8.00 to 1(10.00 ( per acre.
Fred Rinne has sold his restau
rant to a man from Grand Island by
the name of Watson. The latter
n > med guutlemau will assume con
trol Saturday morning of this woek.
D . E. F. Jordan , wb ? has been
pastor of the Grand Island Baptist
church frr the past eight years ,
was in tbo oily Wednesday look
ing after the interests of the
Grand Island Baptist College.
The Dr , Is a very pleasant and in-
lelluoiual gentleman and succeeded
in making friends wilh all be met
in be city.
J W G. L''vi ? canri up
i ! * i i Fr ( My w or < - tie bab
0 1 11 i.iH-hiiu d r lit ; iH' \oir ;
He has been employed as one of
the instructors in the teachers in
stitute to bo held in the Grand IH-
'a' ' d f-nlb-ii" two morv MS during ' '
v i i , H bi i fti
I U A ? X . | | | .
i" i.
V\ I t- 111 I t i K
ie I > l r It p I ' "I ll - 11.11 I'd.
IrlJl fX. rCS Miller Hi I'OOlK ,
wht re ono ot Br.-ken Bo * ' youuy
men , Prof J. G. W. Loviiw.t -
uperiuieudonl last year. After ro
iling at length the success of ibe
ocasion and noting ihe fine docora-
ions of the church in which the
zeroises were hold , it compliments
'rof. Lewis and the other teaoherp
lighly on the SUCCORS of the nuhool
nd the excellent exorcises at the
Mr and Mrs Dan MytiH of the
vicinity of Sargent made oomj laint
i week aijo last Siturday biforo
ustioe Austin alleging that Eirl :
LViggs , a boy about fourteen years
old , had committed rape upon their
laughter Lillie. Tbo justice gave
ho boy a trial and found him
guilty and sent him over to tbu
county judge to have bun Honten < ed
o the reform school. But as the
case could not bo dispnned of in
hat way , the prisoner was given
lie liberty , but immediately re-
arreHled on complaint of thu county
attorney , and the trial set for hear-
ng one day next week before llu
county judge
S. S. Stewart , of Wosterville ,
a friendly caller Tuesday. Ho re-
jorts a great deal of thu wboat look
ing hard Corn , he says , is Htart
ing out tine. He predicts a good
crop year from the fact lhat the
wind al ibe time Ihe HUH crossed
the equator in April was principally
from the north , lit ) u an old man
and says his observationH have been
lhat when we have northern windn
on the 22nd of ( we will have
cooler weather during the spring
acd sufficient run to maluro the
crops. Mr Sluart invariably plant *
bis corn about the middle of May.
He iuyH it lakes about 45 duyw
from ihe lime field corn is planted
for it to tansol and begin naruif'
There in usually rain about thu lm
to the 4th of July , which is jiiHt in
time for the corn tasselhng. Corn
planted earlier , he thinks , is more
likely to not gnt the lain at the op
portune time and the yield IH not so
great. He says a proof that bin
theory IB correct is that his corn
cribs are always filled with corn ,
while thocp of bis noighborn , who
.plant earlier , otlen havu empty
'cribs. '
Judge Sullivan will hold an ad
journed term of court Juuo 17.
"N Attorney Moon , of Taylor , was
in the city thu first of the week at
tending court ,
Dou't fail to bring a box ot
chinch bugs with you Saturday and
have them inocculatod.
As wo go to press , one of thu
laigust prooubsious over witnessed
in this oily , on a similar occasion , is
on its way to the cemetery to deco
rate ihe soldiers' graves. Report
next week.
Wo understand that ihuro is a
move on foot to establish a free
rural mail delivery route from
CoiiiHtouk west , including the terri
tory now embraced in the Coburg ,
Woisserl and Wescott route , mak
ing a circuit of thirty-throe miles.
It is claimed that enough subscribers
ors have been secured lo insure ibe
The A. 0. U. W. Meeting
The A. O. U. W. lodge , al ils
regular meeting Tuewday night , n > i-
tiatud two new meinbeaH into the
mysteries of thu order. That
makes six now inombern added lethe
the list within the month. The
resignation of Fred Riuno as finan
cier was aci'pted and Ras Andcrwon
elected to fill his place. Mr.
has tilled the ollice very acceptably
for a number of years. At the
conclusion of the oxuicises thu'
members ol the lodge had an ice
cream and strawberry feast , which
all enjoyed very much.
Tbo A. O. U. W. lodge is one
of thesubHtaiilial fraternal orders of
ihe city and ih in a prosperous con
Kay Armour , ClftrU Wntera ,
lei B Moore , Loin Clinpln ,
NclllO Mclnlosh , Hoealo Blurray.
1'rof. J. K , AdHinson , Bnpt.
The Twelfth Annual Commeuce-
munl exercises of the Broken Bow
high SobOol wore held in the opera
IIOIINU lani night , While the attend-
unco wau good , it was not so gooi
as on former occasions The ad-
mit-Hiou fee doubtless kepi HOUR
i ny. Tbo ball wan elaboralely
leuuniipcl for the oooasicn and Ihu
, irr ugfinenl throughout iioatly
. , c i uted.
Thu ora'ions b\ the membets ol
1 hH wen iXiJfpiion 'ly p"od
liJ ft 1 ; V"ll KMldiitJ. TtlO pf-pU-
lar mtijt'Ot of iho Hvoning w IH pre- by MibH Nellie Molnloah ,
"Tbo Philippines ; What Shall Bn
Done with Them ? " She handled
the cubjeol in a very abla manner
and her delivery was uood. Ray
Armour's oialion on "MonuniontH"
waH an able prod notion and wan
very nicely presented. lJin thoughts
were practical and were brought
down lo Iho present time. "Life's
been engaged in the Hail
business for the past seven
teen years. Within that
time it has paid for losses
by Hail over three-fourths
of a million dollars. This
large sum of money has been
paid to the satisfaction of
the claimants.
The Hail policy issued is
the fairest and most equit
able ever issued by any in
surance company. It care
fully protects the interest of
the insured and provides a
just method for arriving-
the amount of the loss in
case the crop should be in
jured by Hail.
This is the only Stock
Fire Insurance Company in
the United States engaged
in the Hail business. It has
ample assets to cover all lia-
jJ ! bilities , and it pays its losses
® promptly and honestly.
Don't be humbugged by
irresponsible companies and
1 solocit your busi
ness for I9OI.
O.BMK11 , API ! ,
At Farmers Bank ,
Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
uasoti's , " by Lena Moore , lirouglit
out a hourly applause from tlio
ludiunuo , She hnH a happy anil
) loasant way of expressing her
.noughts . in oratory , and nuv r tails
u captivate luir audience. Mm- .
Jessie Murray 'H mibjeot \va * ,
'Struggle for Liberty. " Tlio Boor
cause ui South Africa WIH ; her
lieiuo , : iud HIU ! handled it very
iiiioly in tbu iiuuii. ( Jlark Waters
Did for IUH Biibjoot "Education. "
Vlthoiigh a , broad question , Clnrk
uoeueded in oo 11 ti inning bin re
marks to u few practical lines witli
good otToot and u iniiunor Hint olioi
eti liunrly applause Mies LOIH
jhapin dinuuBHed ' 'llio Present. "
Slio had bur oration well in uom
niuid ; uid was ablu to present it in
tiglily satisfactory mantior ,
The speakers all r Homed niiiub
ircdit upon themselvot and their
iistruolorK , an vvoll as tbu
ubool from which tliuy ruooivud
buir bonorH , At tlio conclusion of
, ho cxorutM'H , ) . ,1. VVilHon , prosi-
lent of tbu bonrd , in a short ail.
Iri-HH , presented tbu HIIHH witli tliuir
diplomas The following ! H tbu
) : IH rondi rod :
Mmio Dnot , Mleein llolcuiuli nml
tivocation , - HMV K A. .
'uriict Dint , Miwrs. WllMuu nml ' ' nylor.
Uratlun , "Tliw I'ropunt " Luis Plmpm.
) rntlon < "KUncattuii. " Clurlc Wiiltt'rn.
Violin Solo , MtK. K. | | Diillit-y
Iratlon , "Llfo's Summit. " I.uim H. Mooro.
Jrutlon , "Tin ) I'lllppliiux ; WlinL Hlmll ho
Doiio with TliuiilVNclllo Mclttti-Hli
Mmiatiolo. Init Sulllriui.
trillion , MonuinonlB. " liny M. Armour.
) ratlun , ' 'StriiKKlu for Liberty "HI > HHII ! MnrrHy.
' Bolo , MTH. Mayer.
'rotuiitiillon of Ulploniau ,
J. J. Wilson , 1'rc'H.of Iluniil.
I Dean llolcomh , 1 Mm. J 1C Ailimncm ,
' , <
Mf | , w „ llll
Huv. K. A. Knigh
lentnliiHlmi , Uov. Ueo. H. llooinor.
Farmers' fleeting in Itrukun How Sat-
unlay , Jiinu 1.
Tbo broken How Commercial
Club , tbrougb F. M. liuhleu , ban
secured tbu promiHu Iroiu Qov.
Savagu to bavo Prof , Biunur , pro
fessor of entomology and orni-
ihologoy of tbo State Univormty ,
to visit Broken Bow Saturday ,
, luno 1 , to diHouHH wiib tbu tarm-
urn tbu dt'slruuiion of tbo ubinob
bug by ir.oeoulalion.
lie IH uandlng out tbo bug VIPUH
to tboHo lequenling it , witu in-
HlruuliouH bow to UNO it. Suvurnl
in tbo county aru experimenting
wHb it already.
It IH d'Hirt'd tbat tinfannorH of
tbo county wbo aru interested in
the annihilation of tbu oluoh biign
meut Prof. Brunur in Broken Bowen
on tbu dale above mentioned at 10
o'clock ti. m. , that they may bo
prepared to prevent llio doHtruolion
of the wheat crop wbon tbu young
bugs hatch.
Glister County Doctors Meet.
The May nierlingof tbu Uusler
County Medical Society wan hold
TucHdny , tbo 28 , in tbn parloni of
thf Grand Central hotel , and waH
one of llio moHt interesting and
instructive sessions over bold by
tbo Hooicty. Dr. P. Q. Owen , pro-
I'oHHor of diseases of the eye , IIOHO
and throat , of tbu Omaha Medical
College waH in attendance and gave
a practically illustration of bis able
unsay on adenoids , by removing
those trnuhlcHOino growth from tlio
posl-nnsul foHHu of three ubildron
wbo were brought before the so
ciety. Tbo operations were pre-
fornicd at Dr. Mullinn Private HOH-
pital in the prrHOtico of the IIUMII-
born of the Hooioty ; nd fully dom-
otmtraU'd th profeHHor' Hkill and
ufTiuionoy in liin dopartmeiit of
profoKHional work Wo can heart
ily rooommwiid Prof. OWIMI'B to any
ot our people who doHiru Hpecial
treat incut for dmtaHUH of the eve ,
noHu and throat. Dr C L MulliiiH1
paper on Vontro Fixation an a
mi thod of trpating ProlapHiiH Uteri
wan also madn pr.ictioal by a nkil.
fill Hiirgical operation preformed by
the doctor before several iiiulubcrH
of the society.
Dr. YoungM of Anflley , Dr. Mil
ler of C4ibbon , and Dr. Day of Uro
ken Bow , proHuntod ablu paporH on
varioiiH medionl HiibjcctH and the
meeting adjourned after a banquet
uhiohwan Hrrvcd by the Grand
Central in a way .which did credit
to the high reputation enjoyed by
their famouH hoHtulry.
ONic or TIIKM.
The Ausloy Saloon Cane.
Yesterday the Ansloy saloon
was up for consideration before
Judge Sullivan. The dopOHitionti
taken before tbu Aimloy trimtooH iu
the case of tbo romoiiHtralorB worn
read. County Attorney Kirkpat-
riok roproHuntod tbo ronioiintratorH
and N. T. Gadd waH eouiiHol for
Glnn JobtiHon.
The queHtion hinged upon tbo le
gality of the potitionerH. The
judge held IUH doo'tnion until Mon
day to give the attorney for Mr.
JohtiHou an opportunity to lind law
that makoH a party who holds a
bond for a deed an owner ot real
eHtalo. Ho held a Hftloon kooper'n
wife ( ould not bo a petitioner. As
there wore but thirty-one petilion-
ern , and MIH Johiirton V/HH one of
thmn , thu quoHtion now renlH on a
' bond for a deed" petitioner.
Ciissor Counrj'H Slate Apportionment.
The slate Biiporintondi'iit bus ap
portioned the Ntate nuhool fund for
June to the novoral different uoun-
The amount apportioned ia
OS.OO. The apportionment ia
made on a baeub of a fraction over
02 oentH to the pupil Caster
counlv'u Hhare for 780 ; ( ! children la
{ (7,304 ( One fourth of this amount
JH divided equally between tbo sev
eral Hubool ( ItHtrielB anrf tbu balance
in prorated to the number of pupils
of Hchool ago in the Hoveral Hohool
With the Adjustable and Self p
Semens for Whole or Half
The Bi'Hl Sen-mi Sold .
in thu CJity Bj
UlillU'l ]
WII/I < Iy. ! RUIE , Manager.
\1f * vA yyA s v pJ v
For a First Class Smoke Try the
Martial and I
I Corona Grande'I
.1 IDn uriruuub. 19 |
Broken Bow , - Nebraska. J * & &