Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 16, 1901, Image 7

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    An cpg train of twelve refrlpator
cars left Newton , Kan. , the other day
lot California.
After eighteen years Senator Cock-
rell has recovered a wallet , stolen from
him In Philadelphia.
Kansrs has a state school fund of
11,600,000 , Invested In such a way that
It brings In interest and reduces taxa
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an
Infallible medicine for coughs and
odds. N. W. Samuel , Ocean Grove ,
K. J. , Feb. 17 , 1UOO.
Waist bans lar e enough to hold
purse , handkerchief , card , vhmrgrctte
nnd often a tiny poudor pnrt and mir
ror , are sucn in the delicito suede or
velvet. _
At the back of the skirts thin ma
terials aic sometimes gathered in at
the waist , but not often ; flatness is
produced by stitched plaits , as many
as ten sometimes , which are far re
moved from trrace.
iMwiml r.ovc * HI * Farm.
Among the innumerable interests
thai .utaoh the royal family toSand-
ringham and have Induced thu king to
decide that It shall continue to bo his
country home arc the attractions of
the beautiful home farm which has
been created and developed by his
majesty. The farm is only of 700
aoreh , and Is worked by the king In his
own name. The farm carts all bore
the lawl til inscription , "II. U. II. , the
Prince of Wales , Sandrlnghara , Nor
folk , " which has , we suppose been
altered by now , to "II. M. , the King. "
It is mainly a stock farm , and under
normal conditions maintains two or
three hundred horses , 150 pedigree
Shorthorns and 30i > Southdown sheep.
The dairy stock are Jerseys and Ker-
rys , and for years the pride of the es
tablishment has been an indomitable
llittle black Kerry bull , who usually
itnadc Ills appearance before company
itowed by live men attached by ropes
to various parts of his body. "Moon-
lighter , " as he was called , was bought
by the king at the royal show in New
castle years ago.
KIIU In the British Army.
There are ten battalions in the Brit
ish army that wear the old Scotch
Western Canada's December Weather
Equal to that of May in Minne
To the ISdltor Thomas Ilegan and
C. Collins , of Eden Valley , Minn. , went
out to Western Canada last Deceiuhen
as delegates , to look over the grazing
and grain lauds that nre beliii ; ottered
nt such low prices and reasonable
terms. This Is what they say :
"We arrived lu Calgary about the
SOth December , and nlthouli wo had
left winter In Minnesota and Manitoba ,
wo were surprised to find beautiful
. warm weather at this point , quite equal
to wliut we have lu May in Minnesota.
iThere was no snow nor trnce of win
ter to be seen , nnd P" > climate was
really Hp > ii'd : 1. n - . . cattle and
. beep wonu uu.iiii ; . in prime con-
I > .dltlon , with plenty of feed on the prul-
Tie , and really bettor than that of ours
'T ' , .etnblod In the South. We are Impress
ed with this country as one of the
fluent mixed fanning countries we hnve
[ ever seen. The tracts of fer
tile lands well shelteied and abundant
ly watered leave notliiiiK to bo de.slred.
Leaving Alberta , we returned east
nnd visited the Yorlcton district In
Asslnlbola. We drove out about ten
, miles lit this poiut. and were highly
pleased with the splendid samples of
'grain ' wp were able to BPO , wheat yield-
ilng twenty-five bushels , oats sixty
bushels. Hoots were also good speol-
linens. From what we have seen , "wo
'have ' decided to throw in our lot with
the YorktonerB satisfied that this part
of the country will furnish good op
portunities for any one anxious to make
tlie best of a rcjilly good country. Any
agent of the Canadian government ,
TriioBC advertisement nppeara else-
.where . In the columns of your pnper ,
, wlll give you full pnrUenlars of the
new districts being opened out tills
1 * year In Assinlbola and Saskatcheu an.
Yours truly , OLD IlEADBK.
toW trn Oun ( J niJ p N
t Icalan u lo how to nour *
ICO ncret of the tw t Wbiul
cronlnd land on thi , ConU >
noiit. oaa b * Mpared OD 99.
plication to th Huptnn-
t nd nt ot Immliritlsu ,
Ottniaf ) n clAorum u > .
dotkigattd. SpuolnUjr cqu.
, laoted nunlan > Till Imra St. 1'aul , Minn. , on tb Ul
i And Sd Tne dft7 In 6acu raonih , aud ipeoially luw raus
' * n oil lines nf r UirMrar bAlnaquotivd tor ezonrtloDk
IMTlnvSt. t'mil on M rch 'JU > and April 4thor Uuil-
iob . Aiilnlbola , SatVutcbannn ftuO Alberta
Wrltu to P. I'eJley. Supt. Immigration. OiUwr , ,
Oin J , or tlio underslinril , who | m ll you
tlaies , pnmphloti , etc. , fre nf coitW V. Heu-
'eett , 80f New York I.ifn Uutldinfc , Omnhi , N .
i kraik , Agent ( or tin QottirDiiifnt of CuaJ * .
'Ely's ' Cream Balm
Anulr Bilm Into eich nntrit.
A Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forever.
T > U. T. rni.iA ( .otKAru'H ouirvrAt.
I'f . Ton rimpV . Print ! , '
M . j IVU-hei , lunh , unil i k.ii
cluu-usoi , and every blcniluli on
- beaut } , and didd
del tirn , It 1m ,
mnod the tett of 61
"ini , ucd 1' m
liurmlrn e twt Ir
toujtunillUiiYiiH |
rt\J \ nmdo. / M t
no cotinierfilt of
tinllirntran. Lir. I. .
A. hajm Mild to n
ladof tlie 1mm ion
' - utIcnti"As ) you
j I nv ) innifii'l'loui'
"K'ream'as tin
. _ . lianiiful of it I
tlio Flcln piriifiri
tloiu" For rain l >
i rvelti In luu U. 6 , Cumulu and Liirnvv.
rilKD. T IIOPEIN'S , I'rop'r , n Crcnt Jonai St. . K. y.
'jrvumgy't'ti ' _
licit Cougli rijrup. Tailtf * Uoud. Uw
In tlraf. Poll
N.N.U NO 667.-20 , YORK , Nl B.
llcxlcun * Clitic with Wonderful Te-
niiclty to 'Ilielr llroiitl Acrei.
Tlio tcunclty with wlilcli the great
istiiU's of Mexico nre maintained Intact
> y the families of this country appears
ill the more remarkable wht > u It Is eon-
tillered how generally all lines of In-
lUHtry , aside from that of the farmer ,
ire In the hands of foreigners * . The
Iry-goods trade of Mexico Is controlled
3y the Kreuch , the Spaniards of Mcx-
V'o ure the country's grocers , the Ger
mans do the hardware business , the
railroads are controlled by Americans
ind English , the haul ; slock nf Mexico
Is largely owned In Kranre. Germany
uul England , and a large percentage of
the Industrial concerns of the country
belong to foreigners. Not so. however ,
the agricultural resources of Mexico.
During recent years a great deal of
American capital has entered the re
public for Investment In tropical plan
tations , particularly In southern Mexico
ice , but the great bulk of Mexico's
rural land Is held In the form of exten
sive haciendas or ranches , often him-
3 red a of thousands of acres In extent.
Some of these estates have been hand
ed down In the same families for near
ly -JOO years , not a few titles tracing
their origin back to the first grants
from the King of Spain after the con-
Quest. The aristocracy of Mexico Is
counted among these landed proprie
tors , many of whom enjoy princely In
comes from their plantations , which
often produce a great variety of prod
ucts and embrace several manufactur
ing plants.
It Is largely due to the fact that the
lax upon land of this character Is com
paratively very light that these estates
have so long remained undivided , as ,
In most Instances , only a small per cent
of their area Is under cultivation. As
In many states the levy is practically
only n tax upon products , the unused
acres are no great bruden. There are ,
naturally , those who desire to see these
tracts taxed so that the owners will be
forced to sell at least portions of them
and the land of the country divided
among a large number of small proprie
tors. Such a measure would be vigor
ously opposed by the wealthy landed
proprietors , and such Is the number
and Importance of this class that no
active measure of this kind has ever
been promulgated. The ancient estates
of Mexico are so large that few Individ
uals can purchase them entire , and the
owners can rarely be prevailed upon to
divide their holdings in any manner.
Occasionally now one of them Is
bought by a syndicate or company for
development or for subdivision and
tale. In this way smaller holdings are
becoming more common than formerly ,
though the old order of things Is not
likely to be greatly altered In Mexico
for many years to come. Modern Mex
Heavy HuinfhlLq.
Exceptionally heavy rainfalls often
occur , sometimes with disastrous
effects. For periods of lire minutes
rainfalls have occurred at Bismarck ,
N. D. , at the rate of nine Inches per
hour , at Jacksonville , Fla. , nt the rate
of aeveu Inches , and at ( Jalveston ,
Texas , at the rate of sis and a half
Inches. In periods of sixty minutes
rain has fallen at those three stations
at the rate of over two Inches per hour ,
at Galveston at the rate of two /uid
one-half Inches. One inch of rainfall
Is equivalent to U7ir l gallons , or 2UC-
000 pounds on each and every : ui > of
wetted area. Rainfall at the rate ol
nine Inches per hour reore.sents a fall
of U3.000 pounds , or 4,07. gallons per
minute per acre. In Uve minutes , such
a rainfall would cover each area of four
square miles with 51,000,000 gallons a
quantity much In excess of Hie dully
consumption of the city of Washington.
Spoken by .Army
The Army and Navy Journal states
that 30-1 commissioned olllcers of tlio
regular army speak Spanish fluently ,
and that most of these are serving In
the Philippines and the West Imlea
About as many more olllcers possess H
limited knowledge of Spanish. 1'ienrlj
Is spoken by UlM otllcers , Ueniwu
by l.'tli , the language of the
' American Indians by IH. ItalIan -
| Ian by 8 , Swedish and Norwegian
j by 4 , and Tacalog liy 5. Chinese , Jap , Eskimo , Dutch , Ilung.nian ,
Portuguese , and Polish ate nUo
by some of our army officers.
Gigantic laiiutr Mountains '
During the eclipse of the HUU In May , !
| 1900 , a British observer , Mr. UversheiL'
as reported at n recent meeting of tkt
I Uoyal Astronomical Society , noticed n
i point on tlio edge of the moon wher
the sun was shining through a verj
deep i alloy , .ind where the lunar moun
talus seemed io bo about " > ,000 feet u
altitude. This exceeds by (1,000 ( JVt-1
the estimated height of Mount Evcn-t , ]
the loftiest mountain on the enith. ,
I The edge of ; hc moon Is HO broken by
' peaks ridges and valleys that the ,
' length of totality during a solar eclipse
U affected by thpni j
i Tulip Festival.
j Tulips nre cultivated In Constantinople
ple , and there is a tulip festival there' '
( once a year in spring. E\ery palace , I
] room , gallery and garden l.s docornted j \ 1
, with tulip-4 of every kind. At night ,
they arc all lighted by colored lamps i
i nnd Bengal fires , and the Sultan sits In !
their midst , while women sing around
him and his odalisque * itiuicu before
Husband-Isn't it about time Mr * ,
llorrore was returning our call ?
, Wife Yes. but If she does return It It
i will bo more than she does with thu
other things she gets from UH. Detroit
Free Press.
A strong will is Lnnneg ; a stron , , '
wom't la obstinacy.
Very Email Cuns.-n May ItcH'tlt lit In
convenience to tlio Owner.
Watches often suffer from chaugw
of temperature. After a watch has
been worn next to a warm body all duj
U should uot be left over night on cold
marble or near uu open window. The
cold Is likely to contract the metal ph
ots , and , however slightly , tighten u [
the works. The next moiulng , for nc
apparent reason , one's watch will hi
found to be losing time.
It frequently happens Utat wntchei
are slightly magnetized by static elec
tricity given elf by the human body. U
has been found that dark people art
more likely to exert this Influence oveJ
their watches. This Influence Is , be
feUles , more common among women
than with men. Persons of this son
can never hope to carry the correct tlmi
unless they carry their watches in rub
her or steel cases.
Never lay your watch down for tin
ulg'ht In a horizontal position. It should
always be hung vertically , as It Is cur
ried during the day. It' the pivot ol
the balance wheel be In the least worn
this change of position tends to loosen
the "cap Jewel. "
Everyone lus had a watch'suddcnlj
stop for no apparent reason and go on
again when slightly shaken. Tills maj
not happen once a year , but all watchei
nre liable to such an accident. This h
due usually to the catching of the dell
cate hair spring. It Is caused by som
sudden movement such as jumping or
or off a car. The Jolt must come at UK
exact fraction of a second \\heii tlu
spring Is in position to ealch. so thai
the chances of such an accident an
rare. A watch should be oiled even
eighteen mouths. The oil dries up Ir
this time as a rule and If the median
ilfim be ruu with the oil dry It qulcklj
wears out.
1 In examining a watch all Jewelen
follow the same plan. They first tool
to sec If the hands arc caught. If tin
fault lies deeper they next take out tin
balance wheel and examine the pin un {
pivots. Next they let down the malt
spring and examine the wheels. It some
times happens that a jeweler will noi
ilnd the cause of the trouble for days
The most dlfllcult disorder to locate it
a Blight burr on one of the wheels.
Many Jewelers have collected fees foi
repairing watches when the wntvhei
refuse to go merely because they him
run down. Women are said to be tin
best customers of the watch doctor
since they seldom wind their watchei
regularly. A watch should bo wound
early In the day , and not , as Is the com
nion practice , at bedtime. The reasot
for this Is that the spring Is then tight
est during the day while the watch li
being carried and is less sensitive.
Hud nn Kxcttllciit KCIIAOII.
It was only a week after the nnnuoi
meeting of the corporation had been
held that Mr. Brown , one of the heavj
stockholders , accompanied by hit
worthy spouse , went over to the Smlthi
one evening to while awny the tlm <
with a bit of whist and later perhaps I
rarebit with trimmings. Smith als <
owned considerably stock In the samt
enterprise as his guest and while tin
women were off together dlsciisslnj
some matters , of great romlnliie 1m
portance which completely engrossed
Uieir attention , it was perfectly nut
ural that the male portion of the as
ficmbljr should adjourn to the dining
room for a whiff of nicotine
"What 1 can't sue , " said Mr. Browt
with much nshmlshmiiiit and perplex
Ity on his fealtues. "Whut I can't sol
Is why under Hie canopy you decllnec
a directorship at the mei.'tliiK the othei
day. "
"Thut' > an easy one , " rcmurkcc
Smith. "You set1--IT the fact of tlu
matter is. I looked the thing all ovei
nnd then concluded that I would rathei
be one of the many fault finders that
one of those with whom the faults nrv
found. " Uungor Commercial.
KooHOVolr Never J > o < Jnt' l Trouble.
"When Theodore Itoosuvelt was n lit
Ue boy lie ami a playmate used to wait
together to u private school. " tays flit
Ladles' Home Journal. "Their wuj
took them past n public tu-hool. One
day young Teddy appeared in a uevi
Bailer suit. Tills was too much t'oi
the public school boys. To them tin
ttiiIt was the dlstluguNhintr mark of a
'dude. ' The sneering crowd planted
Itself across the uldewitlk Tt-ddy unc
Ids chum , seeing trouble ahead , cann
on with flats clenched , and the battle
began. A few minutes later the 'dudo
and hi . < " " " > uiloii went on tliulr waj
somewhat IcIV - thi.i when thej
started,1 > n leaving be. i .diliema turned
Ind Hmc bu.i-'h of surprised boys. For i
wi'fl. there vwo dally light * with iln
f-aiue results One uurnlm ; after at
e > i > cdally lmrd Iriulp .voting ! ' > *
veil said to hi friend. M l's Si
u round the bl.icL. mid --onic ImeL t (
right 'om again. ' "
iviuoioiOhl t.'nrpot * .
When n enipiM gets lo be half 11 ceu
tury or more oui > ou usually expect t <
bu able to pl < ck tt up for a song per
haps -Jong ol a few sixpcn a In &oin
second thn nd shop , but Aomctlmcx ym
will"I yourself m'stukcn , wind
would ! have been the case had you h ei
at .1 i/ei-cut / Bpecml-luitul carpet sale , r
i" T wo carpets sold there \\m
' "i If centurion old , ami yes
theywerc hut b u 'lit for rags. Thej
wor carpets preM-utwI bjr the Infant !
jotJua Sunelm to the Iloynl Convent ol
St. VVntoiilo In l.'iflO , nnd were put up a
ajv/tlon to rnlse money with which U
f'cpnlr the convent French and ( Jer
man bidders were the most anxious
nud the carpet * were started at $1.100
A Frenchmau finally got them for $ S ,
fcOO , nud was congratulated on hln bar
Is a coin that pa sen car
rent lo every land.
\ ,
Thanks Peruna for His Rapid Recovery
From Catarrh ,
Hon. S. S. Matthews , ex-United States Marshal ot Mississippi , in n recent let
ter to The I'cruna Medicine Company of Columbus , Ohio , written from Hazel-
hurst , Miss. , says :
" / mu happy to sny Hint I am cured of catarrh nnd need no
more attention from yon. It is a great satisfaction that I am
able to write yon that Peruna has in my case done all that you
claim , and that I will need no more medicine. "
Stood on HIT lllglitn.
"We had a lire at our house , and the
servant girl was nearly burned to
death. "
"Lighting the lire with kerosene ,
ch ? "
" .No ; it was u defective flue. You
Bee , i yelled to the girl to get out lus
teen as we discovered the lire , but she
tald she wouldn't leave without two
weeks' notice. " Philadelphia Record.
Maintain * llln ConnlMonry.
"You told mo. you would imiko mar
ried life heaven for me , and now you
won't even glvo me money to o to
the shore. "
"But , my dear , " he argued , "that's
because I'm consistent. Nobody in
htaven at least wants to K to waterIng -
Ing places. " Philadelphia Times.
Fire destroyed eleven business
houses at Danville , Ya.
win-Ill of IV. I. . I iilsli 5 I anil
Kline * U Mliol > M" > . Mv ift
UIU I'lluo , niiiiul be ciiiuIlvU
u < i any | irlcr.
11 li not alonr tlin l t
Ir.uhcr that niiiV.rn n itrrl
k i liut nlioB It la I ho lirauiit ,
: liftvn plnnuM Ihftbt
-.p , ltt l n I'crfirt model
of I'm fruit. nn < 1 Dm wnn'nicllon ot thn ah < H > . It In inm-Jiaiili l nmil nnd
oxrlnlKf tlmt IIKTH tniMltiV 1 * InnjlnA filio * * ) ! tbn lirit Mi tht * norlit > r turn.
l'tkii in , ui > Ueuio. limld on Imvliii ; U * . U UOIIL-IILI hiH'/i\rllli / imnia
nri'i , > i-locM.Ainii'l on twttnm. Ynnr 'ImlT nlionld Icrrp tlif in , If lie ilort nut ,
.iiJ for ciulok' k'lTluc lull liutrni tl'ini liovr to ortlrr hy nin.ll.
IV. J. . 1 > UUUJ & .S llrucktuu , MUM.
grcnt multitude tnke Ibis ttmtQr
without nny oilier mlvlce tbnn the direction !
to tip found tipnn the bottle nnd In th
pimiplilots. There nre those -who prefer ,
bow over , to 'correspond wltli br ! tUrtman
ilurlnp their McktieM. To nil sucli he wilt
prompt nnd onroful nimvor'wlthoot
Iloii. J V f'roo1 r. of lluffalo , N. I. .
wlio wns for JOUM buii < iliitoiulontof Schoofi
at IltilTuli ) , In A k'ttur dated October 19 ,
writes :
" / have been a sufferer from
catarrh sior
seven years ,
nnd after trying
many remedies
I was Induced
by a friend to
take rent mi.
The results
have been highly -
ly satisfactory-
/ / * i/c pleasure Ilos. .1 I * . fuooKisn ,
in -illlit llulTiilo , N , V , ,
recommend I'ulillo Suhro i.
ing PC run a ro
any one suffering with catarrh ,
as my cure Is complete. "
lion II. It. D.i\lncr . , Coiiprcssiunu from
AVe < it VliRlnlii , in n totter from Washing
ton , I ) . C. , to TinI'prmin McJIchic Co. , snyt
tlio followliiK pf Uiclr cntnrili romi-dy , 1'e-
T Join with my rollontniPR III thr Houst
of Ili > n ' 8entnilvp8 In enmiuiMid us ? your
ctei'lldtit ri'incily. 1'uruiui , in n Kooil toula
nnd nlso nn olTeetlve cun' for cntarrli. "
Mr * . Mary C. I'Vntri-n wrlti-s from I'ara-
dNo , Tox. , tinfollowliig ' 1 think I c.m
HII.V your B"od ndv co nnd inoillclne 1m *
cured me of rbronlc entnrih. 1 liive had no
p.iln la my head hluci- I have IVrun * ,
I have lieen In bad health ever since Till , nna
have taken u good many medlulnea which
weie only of temporary icllef. 1'cruua l
the catarrh cure. Tlie I'crinm Btoppcd my
catarrh of the head so that It did nut bucoui *
chronic , and 1 am very thnnleftil for Dr.
llartman's ndvlce and modlclnc. "
rcriinn IH a rpeclile for all Cat.irrhnl dl -
enteIt acts ijuirkly and bcneflrlally upon
the Inllamud mucous niemhraiie , thu retuor.
liitf the caiiHo of catarrh ,
Catarrh IH ( utiirrli wherever located.
Catarrh In essentially the same everywhere.
The remedy that will cure catarrh lu on
tltuaUon will cure U In nil situations.
If yon do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of I'ernna , writ *
at once to Dr Ilartnmn. wiving a full state
ment of your case and Ue win be pleased to
give jou his valuable advice ratl .
Addrcvt Dr llartman , Provident of Tbt
Iliirtman Sanitarium , Columbus , O ,
K JL JT 0 A f > *
Double Daily Service
For Information or Ritu , cell upoa dtfru *
ncirtit Ajiot , or
S. M. ADSIT , Q. P. A
Small boys , and many times large ones ,
and occasionally girls , too , big and little ,
suffer terribly irorn convulsive pains or
"cramps" in the bowels and stomach
pain so violent that it "doubles up" the
ones attacked , and makes it impossible for
them to stand up.
Sonic people call it colic , but most honest ,
plain-spoken people call it "belly-ache" and very
properly , for the seat of the trouble is in the
bowels , and caused by the violent efforts of the
bowels to rid themselves of something which
doesn't belong theic. The small boy usually
gets it from over-eating or from eating forbidden
fruit , and suffers mostly in the summer time *
It's spring now , and "in times of peace , prepare
for war. " Let the boys and girls and the big
folks , too , for that matter , clean out the clogged
channels filled with whiter bile and putrid undi
gested food , strengthen the 30-feet of bowel
canal , liven up the liver , and "summer belly
aches" will have no terrors , because they won't
happen. The way to make the body ache-jwool is to use CASCARETS , gentle , sweet , fragrant
CjiSCARETS , the ncrfect system cleaners and bowel streu theners. For fear that anybody in the
family should ever be attacked by belly-ache , keep a box ol CASCARETS in the house always , and
remember that all pains and troublco in your insides are
25c. 50c. NEVER
bowel troubles , anprndlctlla , bll-
iicHB , had lironth , bad Mood , u-liul
. ° " lhe " " > ! "cl1' bloated bowcU , foul
\U > V * II K & nioutli , lirailnclio , indlL'oitlon , plmploH ,
imluanrtnrcnllii : . ' , liver truubln , nuflotv coiiiplnxlon
nntl tllzzlnc * * . \Vit > ii your boivclH don't niovo ri'Kii *
larlr you lire cettlnt : nlolc. Con tli > itllnii kill * more
POOIUQ than ull ether dlRouheb to tlipr. It U n
tarter for tlio clironlo ailment * and lonit year * of
uttering tliat come nft r\vard . No mutter ivlmt
oil * you , itnrt tnltlns CASCAItl'TS to.dav , for you
will never cctvi > land bo w ll all the tlmu tiiilll
yo.I.lipl.iAlr.boweI" } ! rl hl T k * our advlce | lurl
CASOAOKTS to-diiy. andrr uu b olutoVuar-
antae to euro or money rotund * * ! .
'ItX'LltKi Flva ypnr4 nan
t' rtr t bo * or ( 'Adt'AlC.
lARANTEi 1/T.S % iti inltl. fn\r It U
uvitr > lx nilliton Ixizei it
jriir. ffr * atcr fhun uny
flmlliir mrdlPtno In in ivc.rlil. ' 1'hli l < abtolute proof r
Cl-rut merit , unil nil , untt If llinnnl'.l. N linvn fllllh un < l
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