j Our Stock IK going fast at the following piiocH. Corao farly and get your share : In 12 lliH Oat Meal 25o 10 oz. bottle Queen Olives . IGo 0 Ibs broken Rice 24o 8 bars of Silk Soap . 26u 0 Ib.s Good Prunes 26o 1 2 bars of Tepee Soap . i5o ! 3 Ibs Good New Peaches 24c HKKKlNBKKNlIl KCoFFEK30o 0 Ibn Navy Beans Sflo 1 Ib pkgo MADJA 17o BIpl CirjUlfrlflrai/inlhTai CaCTqreiTOIITOIflg ( Those are only a few good things found iu this mine. Up on our side is a now line of n , and every day Now Goods oomo down the shaft that is kept busy bringing thorn. HARRY DAY & CO. , Northeast Corner of Public Square. " ' " ' GI I1 "iriT'ini iniii Soils tht- David Bradley , John Deere , ttrand Detour , Listers , Riders and Walkers They arc the best madp. Also the Ohio and New Departure Cultivator , Disks aud Seeder ? , Racitie Buggies and Spring Wasjons. Tl u bent harness aM kinds at prices that has put competition to think- itif . See me for Stoves , Furniture , Carpets new patterns , Tinware , Rioo'n Garden Seeas in bulk , etc. A full line of Undertaking Goods. E. L. BUNCH , for BEST $1.00 A DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY. ) { GI1EIHE8 , cmmies AND tin 1 AT LOWEST PRICES > < \j North Side of Public Square , - Broken Bow , Nebraska. " ] s > k. - > i < . * ! , ' - ± l < . .iJCVii - . > { . - > i < ± t.Sk. . .iiC iil < ± 1'i i- Sit. 4t S ! , < Sti. Sit. JkWt fyq ty tytylty * * "fniv. * .T..i * \.v. . * ! . . " . . * . i..v.tft"f.-A".i- : . . . . * - ; . . . " . 'ft. EAGLE GROCERY.m ' All parties indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested ' | ? to call aud settle their account by cash at once. I must have - * ' ' is b& M 'A rnouny to pay bills , I cannot do business on wind. m Yours truly , : ; .H W. . SWAN , i : > ! ! ' * / Proprietor , jjj 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , fl . . . . . , . . , . . . * ' - ? * ! > " % j v ; * vv- " : " ' * mt'Vw * ' ' j.v * ' T * vurj. jvu j * ] * ? / > & * * * ? > * > ' ' ' * * * ! W.SV.ti& COLLOM'S GROCERY ! Having bought the stock formerly owned by A. Wallace , we have added a complete STOCK of GROCERIES , And are prepared to sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. irillTIT , OVHTKUM lllicl CJCI.I' : .V 1M HIJANOIX. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Give us a trial. A. A. COLLOM. K. G. WORNAI.L , President. J. A. lUItltIS , Cashier A. J. HOHEHTSON , Vlce-Pres W. D. DliACKWBLL , ABi't Cftshler Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bought. UKtO AUlO IN THE ULOOI ) GAUGES KHEUMT1SSI. . bf'IATIOA , LUMBAGO. NED- HALGIA ANO OOUT You can remove tbo Mine by wearing one of our REX RHEMATIC RINGS. They are Bold under positive guarantee RKX RUKTJMATIO CO. , Hartford , Coon ISOU HAL.U IIV A. IJ. ANOlillHON , UUOKRN UO\V SCHEDULE OF BROKEN BOW MAILS Pouch for west will close nt 8 p. m. , oxcont Sunday when U will close at 0:15 : p m. Pouch , cast ( or train No.ti oloans at 8 a in and foi No. 41 closes ut , a.30 a.m. Mnll for Atielrv nml points oust ut Omul Island carried on train No. 44. Oconto Tin ( if Ilyno arid Tiickorvllle , dully us- ceptSniulny cloaca , at ? u m : returning enmo day Cnllawny via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday closes at 7 m , returning same iltiy. Itonnd Valluy via Green and Elton closu nt 7 a ui.Tueiday , Thursday and Snturduys , returning aaicu day. Sumtior via aurnsuy , Ueortretowu and Uptou arrrlvos nt 11.30 , Tuesday Thuritdnr uuil Satur day , rcturnlnK leaveg nt 1",30 pnrau duy. Olllcj hours from H.OO n in to 8.00 p ui. tinn- dayB fromA:45 : p. m , t 0:4b : p. in. Lobby open week days from 7 a. m , to 8 p m. Sundays ti"M a. m toHu. m. Ucncral de.ivory not open Kun day morning as heretofore. L. U.JKWKTT , l'M * TIME TABLE. BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Oninbn , Helena , Cblcago , Dutte , St , Joseph , Portland , Kansus City , Hnlt Lnko City , St. Louie , aud all Him FranoUco , points cost aud south. and all points west. No. 43 Vestibuled express dally , Lincoln , Own- ha , St. Joeept. . Kansas Ulty , M. Louis , Chicago cage and all polnu uoetand onth..ll 44 p.m. No. 44 Locnl express iinily , Lincoln , Omaba , Ut. Joseph , Kanson Cltv , 61 , Loulp , Chicago and all points oust aud south . OZUam No. 40 Freight dally , Havonna , Grand Inland , Aurora , Seward and Lincoln . GdOnni Nu. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , Ilavanun and luteriiiLdlato point * , . 105pm No. 41 VeMlbulcrl express daily , Helena , Seat tle , Uottc , Portland nml nil 1'noIUc Const polutH . 4 14 HID No. 43 Local exprees dally , Ulack llille and Intermediate polnta . 525 pin No , 45 Freight dally , Anaulmo Seneca , Whitman and Alliance . 1068 t. in No. 47 Freight , dally except Buuday , Sinecn and Interiueiilate poluU . 1:35 pin Sleeping , dlLlng and reclining chair cars ( Buutt ) frco ) on through trainm Tlckna sold and baggage - gage checked to any point In tin United Stnteh and Canada. No. 48 baa inorohandlie car Tuesdays , Thura- daya and Saturday a. No. 48 will carry panaorgora ( or Itavenni Uraud Island , Seward and Lincoln. Information , map , tlmu tnbloB aud ticket call on or write to II. L. Ormahy , agent , or J Franclt , G. 1 * . A. , Omuhu , Nobruuka. II. L. OHMBBT , Aecnt. 1,0TV ICfttCHVUHt llllfl NOrlllWCHt At u time of your wben thousnndfl will ako advantage of them , thu Burlington Kouto makes sweeping reduotlons In He rates to the West and Northwest to Utah , Montana , Washington. Oregon aud British Columbia. Datt'e : Februrtry 12 10. and 20. Mureb 5,1'J , 19 nnd 20. April ii , 9 , 1C , 23 nnd 30. Kates rue shown below : To Ogden , Bait Lake , Uutte , Hal. I ena , Anaconda , and Missoula , ( To all Points on tlie Northern Pa. clftcKy. west of MIsioula , lnt\ud\a \ \ < 1$2S Spokane , Seattle , Tncotna , Portland , m ab well ax Vancouver , and VictoriaB.C J To All Polnta on the Spokane Falla it } orthern Ky and the Washington S. > Q OR Columbia Kwcr R R J OC.O Ntver has thu Pncltlo bt-eu as pro.s. purous as now. / Labor in in constant de umnd aud WII OH urn high. Tlio money making opportunities aru beyond nutubur m nihiL's , lumber , meruhaudlBln , Inrti.- Ing , fruit ruining , fishing and all the other Industries ot ugreatandKrowlngununtry Literature on request free. J. Franels , Oen'l PdSfeeiiK Omaha , Neb. until upi'22 Notice of Itemird. A reward ol $5.00 will be given for information leading to uonviu- ! tion of any one tampering or in oil- ling wild any line , or nhootiiig in HiilatorH or doing any dniuage intentionally tionally on any line belonging to tin I Krokon Bow Felophono Exchange . Waruing in lioreby given lhat any porHonH HO offending will be prose outod to tlio full extant of tlie law BUOKKN Uow TKLUPHONK EXCII To TUB DBAK A rich lady , oure < 01 i ) DeafneHH acd NoiueH in tb Head by Dr. NioholHon'rt Artilioia Ear Drums , gave $25,000 to Inn In Rtitute , RO that deaf people unabl to procure the Ear Drums , may hav them free , Address No. D 143 The Nicholson Institute , 780 , Bight Avenue , New York. jauS ly U. S. Land Office. JAM \V111TKUKAI ) , ItrglMnr Vnited Slates Lnmllinl'o , I llroken How , Nob. , April S3. IWI f ' . co Is hereby Riven Hut i'ATHICK Mo- I'W.IW l > "IIVIVJ lfrll ll h * * * VJ. % 1MU- UINN hns fllrd notice of Intention to m Uo flan ) proof before Itt'Klstor and Itocilror nt Iholr ollico In llroken llow , Neb. , on Monday , Iho 3rd day at Jtino , 11K1I , on llmln'r culture application No 1UH)7 , for WJi NRW. SKVi N\V4 * , MS. of ncctlnn No , 7. In township No ill , nortli riitiKO No. 1 , W. Iln name * n < witnesses : James S McGinn nf Anaolnio , N'ttbra ka ; Thomas W. Klnlln of llroken How , Nebraska ; Jnieph Mooto of Ansel mo , Nebraska ; HeorKO Wllllauis , of Amuhno , Nebraska 445-01 JAMIS WHITKUKAD , Register. I'UULIC LAND 8 A Lit. U S. Land Ofllce , North 1'Utto , Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of In structions from Iho Commissioner of Iho General Lniul Ollico , niidur authority vested In him by section SI6& ! , U. 9 , Itev Slut , , ts nuiondcd by ct of Congress npurovcd February SO , 18V5 , wo will nrorccd to ollVr nt public sale on the SSth day of Msy , 1P01 , ntixt at this olllce , tbo following tract of land , lo-wlt : NwH .NcU SoMSwy , nnd Hex be , section 1 , township 10 , north range ) 21. west. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the itioyo dcscrlbrd land arc advised to ll'u ' tluilr lalm in this ollico on or before Iho day above oxlpnalrd fur Iho commencement of ssld sale , tlicruUu thi'.lr rights will bo forfeited , Dated thl * 15th day ot April , 11X11 -1861 OEO. K FllKKm , CONTEST NOTK K. United States Land OOlce , I lltokeu Dow , Nchraika , March Si ! . 1901. f A siitllclenl contciit aflldnvli hiring been tiled n thin ollico by Samuel WaildliiKtou , coiilc Unt , homestead entry No. IM'.M , n.ado July yj 1881) ) , for nurth'Oast qunrtor , n-ctlon 31 , town ship It' , north , raugu 13 , nuct , by Frances S. Mldilleton contesteu , In which It Is nllo od that I'niiiclK S , iMIddlelon ban aimndunod the same nml baa failed to erect or pliu'o tlivteon any lin- iirovo.iuntsvlmtiivor , that tliorn Ir" not now nor Las there been A houro or bnlhlliiK of any i aturtt citctcd tbcieon and nil of said defects coinplatnud nt exist nt thl- ( Into , and thnt said alleged at- Hi'iiui ) Iroin the catd land \\M not duo to hln rui * plojmrnt In thu Army , Navy , or Marine Corps of tliu'Uullud ytnti's nn'a prlvntn sohiior , oi\lcor I sfKiiion , or inurllif , ilnrltiB tbo war \ l'h Spain , I or during any other wnr In which the United I Stiitci may be otiKaKCd. H U1 parties tire hereby notiliccl in aiipear , inspoud nml ollnr OTidouce . . Budl allegntlou iu 10 o'clock n. in , on Mil ) 15 , 1UJ1 , before tlut Ucxlstor und Itcculvcr at the United Slates Und OUlce , In Drokon llow , Ni'bruskn. Thu snlil contc8t nt Imvlni ; , In a proper tflldsvlt lllud DuccniburU , 1000 sut forth fuels whloh show Ihul utter iliio illlllHcnco personal HUrvIco ot Ibis nollre caiinnt be mnde , It la hereby ordered and directed Una such notice bu Klvon by duo und proper pnhllciktlon. April 4 , Ui .IAVKH WIIITEIIKAU , Iti'ghilcr. U. a. l.nud Otllc , llroUcu llow , Neb. , I April U , 1VOI. f Notice Is hereby Klrcn thai ( he folloulnu nnuiud settler baa ulcd notice of hl intention to uinliu Una ) proof In support of his claim , and tlmt said pruof will bo nmdu before Hefbter nnd ItecoKer nt llroken How , Nebr. , on Mny la , 1V01 , viz : DAN OALLAOIIEII , of Ortello , Nub. , fur homfsleail onlrj No. U4I , for IhoBM of secllon 'J3 , townshln IH , north ruiiKoUa , w. He names the fnllnnlni ; wllnuiscs to prove his continuous resldunce upon and cultivation of ssli ) land , viz : Samuel K. Kodmtin , of Ortello , Nub. , Frederick C Kmbrtie , of Ortollo , Ntili , Jumes U linker , of Oitello , Nub. , Jameu 0. llakor , of Orlcllo , Neb. Apr 11 61 JAMES WIIITIIIIUAD , " I'UHLIOLANI ) 8AI.K. Culled Stnics Land Olllce , llrokeu llow , Neb. , I April U.ivoi. ( Nollco Is hereby KlVrn tbul lu pnrsuauco of In structions from the Commissioner of the Cell- oral Lund Ollico , under authority vested in him by section U-l&n , U S Utv Stal , as amended by the act of CoujjreBJ approved Cchrniiry " 0 , , w will proceed to soli at public Bale on the " 1th day of May , next , at this otllce , the following truct of land , towltNil 8U& . uoctloQ H3 , town- hhlp 'M , north range 2 , w , Any and all ( U-rsuns claiming adversely the nbovd doHCrlbud lauiU lire adviiod to file their cliUme In thU ofllco on or before the duy above designated for the commencement of Bald sale , othur.vlso their rights will be forfeited. -IAMBS WHITBIIBAU , Ueylsler. Apr. 11,01 FitANU II. VOUN . , KecvlviT ,10 LANU United HtnteJ Land Olllce , llroken Itow , Nel ) , I April II. 1P01. f Viitlcu Is horehy ylvon lhat in pursuance of Instructions 'rom the Commlsslouur of the Uuu oral 1-ind ulllce , under iiuthorlty veutcd In him ny rectlon UIS5 , IJ S , Iter. Htat. , aa amended by the act of Congress approved Fobniary 36 , IBU ) . wo ulll proceed to oiler at putillu r-nl on the : . ' Illicitly of May , next , at this ollloo , the follow- In triict of lund , to-wit : NKU SU'i , section 'Jii , IU , north rauk'Otil , w Any mid all pcrpoiiH c I ill mini ; udversoly the nliove described lauds aru advised to flle their clalniH In this ofllce on or before the day above "vHl natt'd for the coiniuflncemcnt of laid saltt , thcrwiao their rights will be forfeited. JAMED WUITEIIRAU , HoKlnter. pr 11 01 FIIANK II. YOUMU , Itvcelver. Uulted .States Land OlUco , I llroken Itow , Nebraska. April U , 1W)1. ) f Notice IH hereby ulvon that the following named icttler IIHH filed notlco of his Intention to wake mill proof In eapnort of his claim , and that said iiioof will be made before lieglxtcr and Itecelver at llroken llow , Nclraika , on May 17 , 11)01 ) , viz : ILLI.VA1 1IHOWN of Comstocic , Nebr , for the NWii , of Section US township 19 , north range 17 , w. Ho names the following witnesses to prove- j | continuous resldonce upon und cnltlvattou of laid lund , viz : James L. t'olet of Comitock , Neb. ; George eljle of Comstock , Nebraska ; GuorKO HhiinkHof ; omstock , Nibraskii ; Wllllkin Douahou of Cum' tuck , Nebraska ll-(5t JAJIKH WHITKIIEAU , Heglstor. United Stolen Land Ofllco , I Lincoln , Neb. , M y 1,1901 I Notlco Is hereby given that the following nam. ed Heftier bnn rl'ed notice of hli Intention to mnko final proof 'u aupport uf bin claim , and thnt uttlil juouf will bu made before County Judge at Ilrokin Uow , Neb , nil June IB , IKM , vlf WILLI M T. WOUDV , for tboaKH , motion 19 , township 13 , north runue 20. went , Homesleuil Entry Wo. 17285 , Ho names thu following wltuesnun to prove bis cinitliiuouH resilience upon tiud cultlvatlou of -nld land , viz Charles llo vlt < n of IMdyville , Nebraska 'harles llrainlt tit. Lomax , Ncnraiika , Uavld C i IluvnoldH of Lou ax , Nuhraaka ; Kdward Itohlnuon of Kddyvllle , Nebrnska " ' -tit J W JoiiNBnN. HceUter United btutus Land ( HlHo. i Ilruki n llow , . > cl > . . May a , 1UUI ) Notlco Is hert-hy given that the following uam- nd settler has tiled nutlet ! of hi * Intcntlo > to make final proof In support of hu claim , and thnt Hulil .df will be moilo before UouUtur Hud Hsculver , llroken Hew , Nebraska , on June Htn , 1UOI , viz- WILLIAM 1) UltANT of Urokcn liow i Nchranka , fur the tt'/i HKU , Hectlon H N'/i NKM- fcction ii3 , towiiKhlp IB , north , range "I , west. . II' namoH the followlnt ; ultiienscs to piovn hU contlniiuuH resiileiicn upon und cultivation of suld laml , viz : Juori-o Hhoupof Kllfoil , Nebraska ; Krneet L. L.of onpof Kllfof1 , Nehra ka , Uavld Alspaugh of llroLen now , Nebraska , Albeit Swick of Kllfjll. Nebraska JAMKI > WIIITEIIKAII , Iteg.stur. 6-U lit United Mimes LainlOlUc , . I IJroken Uow , NeU , May 1 , 1901. f Notice Is bcruby glvtu that lbn followiiif named letller ban Hied not co of bin Intention to uuku nual nroiif in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be made befuro HegUter and Ittcelrer at Urokim llow , Neb. , on Kilduy , June 7tb. IU ' I. J viz WIiLlAMA IIAKKIt , forlhu NK H > \ I.U , of Hvrtloii 11 , township 17 , north rungolll , w. the follow Ing wltiier- 10 pruiu bit continuouK rcsldenco upuu aud culllvatl-Jii of said lui.d , viz- Frank Heed of llroken Bow , Nebraska ; Paul ti-ynerof Urokou IJow , Nebraska. James miU. Iteain of llrukyn IJow , Nebraska , Minor Taylor t Menu , Nebraska. J AMKS WIUTKUBAU , L-yi ! num'.tor HOAU Ni > TllK To hotnltmay concern. Tbo eomiiilselonur appointed to view a ruuJ iirtltloncd for by Haiu'l llaug , etal. , comment- iiiK "t Ihe NH corner ol stotlon " 6. lovrnshlp tfO , Ml , tbuncu north 7U dounts 'M minutes. n section line lo < iu rtor curl tt on nortli slile of setllou ! ft , twp. VO , range 'JJ , llionca south lu ( K'i ( 30 mln. east to quarter curnejon lh ) south side section iiU , Iwp. aj , ruiiKo 3 , thence north 7W decrees 3D mln iimi 1,000 feet to Sta Nu. 1. from SU. No I , south W Uen 3A mlu. itssl ( 0-U feet lo MH N't S , from iit Su i , north I 00 ilt'K. east 1125 feet to Mu Nn J ul bu corner ref section' ' ! ) , tupI ) , runguJ : , him rt ported lln favor of thu OilablUhmeul thereof , unU n-1 oh. JeclloDK iherelo , or claims for lUmaxes , must oh.h died In Iho county clerk's o'l'ce on or before uoonof the 3rd day of July , IbOl or such road ulll boestabUshou without reference thereto. \vltnebs whereof , 1 have hereunto set my hand anil leu ) of paid coonly , this I it day ref May , 11UI J , 11. UiiiuuuN , County Clert. IIKAI.J 6-SJ41 HO AD NOTICK. To whom It may concern * Thii mmlsRioncr appolntnl to view it road tietltlniitMl for hr Kred Mnttliok , ftal , coinmenc- ! VK l AtkUion Street of the city of llroken Uow , Neb. , at a point mi ld street at the nortli. CAHt coiner of block No ( ft , of the Itallroad Rddl- tlon In the original kmnof llroken How , Neb , runnlPBlhonco directly south alonjf and npon Martin street of lalil clly of llroken How , Nek. , to Broadway street of sad city of Itroken Haw , nnrt liuerscctlnfc with said Uroot , has reported lu favor of the establishment thereof , and all oh. lectlotulhetoto. or. claims lor rtMiugos. tnnit bo , . ' ! ' IJ1" C" " ' > cjwk'offlcoon orlioforo noon pslabllshod " ' " ' * 7.0'Julr < .IUOl > or ucn > d will bo reference thorolo. In witness whereof , I barn horonnU i t my hand and teal of laid connty , this 8th day of May , S801. J , II. Osmioiw , County Clerk. l KAU ] 6.9 < t KOAU NOTICE. To whom U may concern i The commissioner appointed lo view n road petitioned for by C. S. Francis , etal commcnc- liiK whore county ro id No. IU loaves Iho H B C. tlon line at the ht < corner of SwH of the NwV ( of section SO , twh 11) , rai go 30 , auil running thtncu west V uillu on H section Hue to Intersect sec * tlon line road No. 79. Anil to vncatt that putt ot county road No. 10 running from the M corner described above In * soulhwusterly direction IhronRh the NwK of HwH secllcn Utf , tup IV , range 0 , to eclnn ! between section M and SO , hna reported lu favor of thn wstablUhuicnt there of , and all objections thereto , or olaluis for daui. aKCS , must bo died In thn cotiuty clerk's ollico on or before noon uf thu Otb day of July , 1001 , or snob road will bu established without trforonco Ihereti ) In witness whereof , I have hereunto sot my baud and seal of said county , this Stu day of May , 1901. J. 11. OtiuuiiN , County CUrk. 6941 NOTICK OF SALK UNDKK OHATTKL MOItT- UAOK . Notlco Is hereby given thai liy virtue of a ' chattel mortgage dated on thu7lh dny of April , 1WW \ , fttid dill ) Illcd In the offlco of thu county clerk of Cutter county , Nebraska , on said 7lh day of April , 1UOO. at 6 o'clock p in , , and laocut- oil by It , (1 Hull to J. W , Knblnson , to Hccuru the payment of a promissory note hearing even datu with snld nmrlKagti iniiiln by the suld , O. Hell , and pa > iiblii to Uiu said ,1 W ltobln oii.li > r the ; sum of ja.WMW. l > aring IU per ci-iriMfVr annum and duo und pujsblo six months nflor ll date . ' ' , which PH | I mimgHgo And Iho nolo which t . was. . . gtrcu to it cure , has boon duly sold , assigned nrnl emlonnnl , h ) the said .1. vt. Itoblnson to Charles K Kurd , Who IH now the owner aud bolder of said uiorlKiigo and lh uolo secured lliuroby Thai Itieio Is now duo upon sahl note seciirul by said morlKBgti Ihu sum ot Ii W.U5. Defstilt having hodi imdu In Ihu payment of said sum and no nml or other proceedings at law having beun tusllliiloil ( o reco > er mid doblur any purl thereof , therefore ) , I will sell tno pro-- | erty therein dekcrllieil , viz : 31 bead of cnws , nail vu , from 7 to 11 years old , ot various eolors principally red , and white fucos ; ' . ' " > bead ot three ) uar old Ktrefs : iMhoad of 2 year old stcera. 17 hi ad of II and U jour old heifers,7 head of yeirllng steers ; IH I head of veatlliu ; liuifor * ; 4 betid of yearling bulls ; IU dead of culverfollouln ; . ' thu abovw cows and holfcrs , at public iiuctlon , at the 11ibM.lt U , stock yards In Ihu city of Hroko Uow , In Cunter county , Nebrask , on .Saturday , Ihu llist day of Juno , tiHJI , slS o'clock p. m. Dated this Dili day of May , 11HII. CIIAHLIS U. Foiin , AmlKnee slid on ner of said mortage. 6.U-3W NOTIOI5 OF HALE. lu thu ma tor of the t'staiu of Jesse D. Huer * win Notlco Is hereby Riven that In puinuanco of an 1 order of Kd. li. AiUms , Judge prusulliiK , oflhe dlotrlci court f Uusler . omit , Nehraakit , made on the "nil day of March 1001 , for the sale of the real estate hrrt'lnaftor described.Tburo will bu sold nt Arnold Nebraska , on the S7th day of Slay , HID I , at a o'c ork | i m , , ut public fondue U the highest bidder for cash , the following de. r tiheil rral estate , to-wlt : The NKU , of eeotlon IM , township 17 , norlh of ruugo S5 , weal fllhp. m. , unit H\\'M , of sacllon 0. township Id , north of range 5 , west of iho Cth p ui , Hltuulud lu Out- tor C'lUiity. Nubrasku. Hald real eslatu will bo sold In euporato tracts. Uald sale will ruinatn opuu one hour. Ualed Ibis > ! 9lh day of April , 1901. A. U HorruAN , AdintnlBtralor of eslale ot JvssoU. 8liQrwo J , decoasod. t-a 4t 1'rlHCH Kor I.ettcr About Nc- Drunlca. A round trip ticket from any Burlington Rout Hliition in No- brut-lea to YullowHlone Park and a uomjiletu trip through the Park IH one of twenty pmuH offure'd by the Burlington Kouto for the hunt lottore about Nobranka. Other prizeu are ; Tripa to Colorado the Hlauk llilla , Chicago , and St. Louis. There are : IHO tuveral cash prizes , Thu Burlington oileru theuo prison for letters that will encourage im migration to 'Nebraska1 Lotlora deuuriptivo of suuuoHHful fanning , cattle raising , dairying , ( ruit growing - ing , aud Hinular purauitH are avail- uble for the purpose iu view. The content 'jlosoH May ! U , 1001. Circulars giving full unformatiou will bo mailed on requeHt. J. Fraucir ) , Genernl Aaent , Omaha , Nob. 8500.00 FOR LliTTKKS ABOUT ; NUE iASKA. The UnrlifiKtou Iloute offorfl twenty prlxus , aKKre Hting 8600 tor letters wlileli can bo need in cuouurHgln to Nebniokn. Tbu iirat prize U n round trip ticket from tiny UurlliiKtun Honte Btntion In Nebraakti to Vellowatone Park , nnd u complutu trip through thn pnrk. lucltnl- IDK Binge tratiBportatlou and live and n linlt' tluyR' Hueuniodatlun ut the iiutela of tht ) Yellowstone L'nrk AsaoclBtlon viihio 810U The Hueuntl prl/n is a tlckttt to Denver tiienco to thu lilttuk HlllH , and 925 in enah value $76. I'nrticnlnra cnn bu obtained by addreeti IngJ. Franuls , ( i. P. A. , liurllngtou Uoutu , Omaha , Nubr. . To California and Hack. I If yon realized as do those have beun there what a dolightfii'l expiTioncu a month in California is , you would not fail to take advant t0 age of low rates to San FrnuoirUic ! ivhich the Burlington otters on au- count of the Kpworth League meet ing in that city in July. The cost of reaching California will ho reduced one hfUf. Add to this that the vummer climate ot San Kranoisco is very nearly perfect , and it is easy to understand why tens of thousands are eagerly look ing forward to what , in their opnion will bo the holiday of a life time. , Beautifully illustrated folder , giving full information about rates , scenery , route , stop-over , privilege : , through cars , etc.mailed on request. J. FKANOIH , General Pafrionger Agent , , Omaha , Hob. THE REPUBLICAN Job Printing. . * . 1 . _ * ff rp ln * CANCERS from cancorf UKLU I > n T. O'CONNOn torsi ctnc r , Iniaors and wens ; no knlfo , bloo or plaJUr. Address I30 O ilroot , Lincoln , Nebr. ( MoLtlon this papor. ) Jan 3-lMt RIDNEY DISKASE. Why Suffer. Dot a free lampto of an Hrrb that will euro yu. A poitnl card will bring It. x TIIK MONTU/.UUA IIKUIJ co. , Kansas City , Mo. llox 70. lie war c > A cough la not a dUeaso but a symp tom Consumption and bronchitis , which aru thu muet , dangerous and tfUal tilsuneus , hfivo ( or tliolr Ural indication a persistent coiiKhand K properly trentcu UH Bonn as thla eoiiiih appears nru enaljy enroll. Olmtuborlftlti'fl Uotigli UeJuouy i HH proven wonderfully HuccesBlul , and ' UH wide reputation and ux.unalvo by its Hiicilns iti curing lliu dis- whiJh cnuati cmiKuai . If tt IB not ht'iiHtloinl U will not cunt yon n uant. KomnlnhyJ (5 ( , llnuborlo. fi-il 1m. , \ nioHt i.liiurni oiler. All our ftirmur rtimlerw flioiihl luke ad- VMitiifitt ot the unprocoduiited clubbing uffur wo U H yi'nr mnko , which Ilieludes with thi IIMIHT The lownUonmtt'ad , lt npuclnl Fntiuors * IiiHtltutu Edition and Thu I'onltry KBrmerThi'uo three pub- llcrttloiiH . nrn thu hcxl of thulf clnsa iujd Hhonltl ho in uvory fnriu housit. To thvm we mid , tor Imml , county and HIRTB ! i , our own paper , MTU ! iniilco the prlcu unu i'unr only $1 CO. Nuvur .WAR so much Biipurior roadiu ; d for HO mniill nn iniionnt of u thru | ) npcrHnnm < < ( l , which wo club with our own. aru well known throughout tun went utiff commund them- Hulveu to the render's Itivoriiblo attention upon mere moutlou. Thu IOWA llomo- stead Id thu KTOIIL ngrlctltnrnl and llvo tock paper ot thu woHt ; The Poultry farmer la the moat prnctlcnl poultry pupor ( or thu iarmor , while Thu Spcoinl Fnrmora1 Institute Kditwn nn > the moot prnutlcnl pnbllciktiono ( oFTliu promotion of Kood funning nvor DUbllaht'd. Taku ntlvnutn u of tills riint , tiffur , iia It will hold guild for n nliorl time only. Sump- ICR ot Uti'sti popiua may bu uxnniOHud liv oittlltiK M Ibln ollloo. till jn 1 01 Flo run co bowman , \vio | has been a great inilTorur from niucoiilSr rlunimat- Irtm , niiy Chamburlalu'H PiqVi linlm la the only rumeily that nflottlb her relief Mlea Newmtiu in r > nk jh reapeotcd rualdont of thu village of Gray , N Y. . and iimkt-H thin atatumunt lor thu buiH'lit of othiTH similarly nlHlct d. Tbla llnl- IH for sale by 4. G. Haubutlo. a 1m. ThoiiNaiulx Uolnc to California. Everything points to the uxtromo likelihood that at least J5,000 people will take advantage of the low niton to San Franoiuuo whiuh have been tuado for Iho Epworth Jjuaguo mooting in Uiat uity lu July. Never ban a botlor opportunity of virtit'mg California proHenlud itaolf. Think of it ! For $42 you eau buy a ticket that will take you from Omaha to San Fratiuhuo and back again , giving yo i a chanoi to HOC the wonderful mountain HCt'tiery of Colorado and Utah , all the famouH citioH and reuortH of the WoHt , at time of voar when they are at their bent. Correspondingly low rates from all other pouitH. Write to J. Franoif , ' G. I * . A. , Burlington li ° ute , Omaha , Nob. , for folder giving fi'H information. II'H free. It "It la with a good deal of pluuauru und Ratiefactiou tlmt 1 ruopminund Chauibor- liilu'fl Oollc , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rouiedy , " aaya Druggiat A.V * Snw- ,10110 , , of Hartford , Conn. "A lady ouatomor , Httulng thu romcdy exposed Halo on my show case , Bald to mu : ' 1 llybolluyu that incdiclnu suveu my Itfo paal ) ii hner while at thu shnio ' ana beom'nb HO unthUHtustlc over Its . . . . ( ta that 1 at ouuu mnde up my mlna to reoumtiumd it In the future. Uecent- ly a guutluuian came Into my atoro HO overcome with colic palna that ho wank at once to thu lloor. I gavu him a dosu of thlu remedy which hulpod him. I repented the doae and Jn llyoou ml tin tea hu Mt my atoru tmiillnKly Informing mo that hu full au well aa over. " Bold by . ) ' . Q. llaeburlu.'J 1m. I'rvc Cuiiiplexloii Ilcuutllflur. Wo want every lady reader of the Hui'uni.iCAN to try Dwight'H Com plexion BoautiHer , Iho moHt uxqui- HIIO toilet preparation. It ia pure and harmoHHmakcH ! the fauenmooth aH velvet nnd fair aH alabautor , To induce a fair trial of it wo will for a tihort time only ncnd FKUIC a full HIZO , Fifty cent box to every lady who will Hond UH her potU ollico ad- droHH nilvor dimu to pay for packing , and pOHtago. Only ono KHICIC box to each addrcHH but liuiion may order for thuir fnendn. Each box mailed euparatoly. Send thrn notice and your order at ONCK to D. W. CUSTKU . , Huntington W. Va. Anjono jemllni : nskctrh mid di tulcklr ascurtaln unr uplnii it frru wbt'thur IIP iiifonUdii H ( irobahly iiatwn'iiM \ I oinriiiinlcii ( limsstrluUycontlitenlml. llani > li olcuii 1'iitenti lout free , ohlnsl aeum-y for M'lurnriP'itemM. TutMits taken thrnuTh Munuvo. . rcrultr tfitial nut Ice , wlihout thiirvv , lu tbo Scientific JltnericaiL Ahanilsomilr llliiHlrnioiJ wi > "lilv I.nrtrst clis cuUthm of uny n ivtitttl'i ) in ui 'jVrmi , > .i n roar : four immlhn , Jl. SilJtyiiil iui\\ ili-'i'r | . " 1 > ' ' ' < iUI i i "i Flour ! We will sell Flour as cheap as the manufac turer. J. C. BOWdN ,