Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 8

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    Clnircli NcrvlcvM.
Services Sunday as usuiil. Sundny
Bohool at 10 , a in , Proauhini' 11
a m and 8 , p m , by the pastor.
Junior B. Y. P. U. at 2.30 and
Senior B. Y. P. U. , t 7 p in. All
are cordially invited to all UIOHC
services ,
U.ll , C1IUHOII.
' 1 ho third quarterly conference
of the U. B. uhuroh will be hold Ht
CuBlcr Center next Saturday ami
Sunday , ( therefore no prrnohing in
town ) Pri-siding EUIor LL. . Eply
will prjyich Saturday ovcning , Sun-
d v morning and evening. All are
iuvit od.
WAtiii-SKiNNKii Thurfday wiilng , April 86 ,
1W1I , nt the ProsbyltrliiM I'nraonaKe of this oily ,
Cameron Wahl and AllsB Tlunh Skinner of thin
city , Her. Slalom ofllrlntliiK.
The grrcm is the son of Mrs ,1
W. Craighead. lie is an indus
trious young man , highly respected
and a carpenter by trade. The
bride is the only child of Mr. tun !
Mrs , R. S. Skinnei. She is a lady
of culture and u most cHteoino-J
young lady.
The wedding was a quiet affair ,
only the immediate relatives being
in attendance. After the oormony
the young couple accompanied by
tneir parents and a few friends
icpnired to the home of Mr. Skinner -
nor , in the south west part of town
where a fine wedding supper WIIH
Mr. and Mrs.JWahl wore the reel-
pients of n large number of usulul
and ornamental presents. They
commenced house keeping nt once.
The RHPUUUOAN extends uongral
illations to Mr. and Mrs. Wahl nnd
wish them n long , happy and proc-
poroiiH journey through life.
Urcetlnirs To ( lev. Savage.
Cuater oounty's second Governor ,
E , P. Savage , anHum d the duties
of his otllce at Lincoln ut 1 o'clock
yesterday morning , May 1 , 1001.
Gov C. H. Dietrich tiled his
resignation with the secretary of
state Goo , W. Marsh , early of the
morning of May 1.
Gov. Savage first official act waste
to sign Gov. Dietrich's eomuiasnion
On behalf of Gov. Savage we
can assure the oiti/.ans of Custer
I. ' that will be
county they uordialy
received by the governor when they
visit the capital.
To California and Hack.
If you realized as do those who
have been there what n delightful
experience n month in California is ,
you would not fail to take advant
age of low rates to San Francisco
which the Burlington offers on ao-
oouut of the Epworth League meet
ing in that city in July.
The cost of reaching California
will bo reduced one half. Add to
this that the summer climate ol San
Francisco is very nearly porfoot ,
and it is easy to understand why
tens of thousands are eagerly look
ing forward to what , in their
opnion will bo the holiday of a life
time. .
Beautifully illustrated folder
giving full information about rates ,
scenery , rnito , slop-ovor , privilege
through cars , etc.mailud on request
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
The Summer School.
The Central Nebraska SummQi
riuhool will bo hold in Broken Bow
fiom June 10 , to July 10 , 1001.
TliiH will afford all teachers , who
desire an opportunity to review
their studios with a view of raining
their grades as well as to gain im
proved methods ofthoory and art of
The branches to bo taught will
include all the studies required for
First , Second and Third Grade cor
The instructors are among the host
standing high in hit ) or her profess.
ion. They are Prof. Goo. D.Gunn ,
Ji. So. principal of the Mason City
school , AliHH Lilly llonue , ox-pruHi-
deutof the county Teacher'sAssoci >
ation and Avalo P * Vannice.a grad
uate of the Broken Bownchools and
the past two years , a student in the
Grand Island and York colleges1
The tuition will bo $5.00 , for the
term or $1. 00 a week.
Any other information desired can
be had of Btipt. J. J. Tooley.
Ortulln News.
Air. Butler shelled corn Satur
Seeding about all done in thi *
Corn planting will begin this
week in dead earnest.
Air. and Airs. J. U. Baker wore
in Alerna on Saturday.
Joe Moore will HOW thirty acres
of sorghum this week.
Dave UauB is doing tin work on
a building at Anuolnio this weok.
A nice gentle rain came Sunday ,
which oomo in good time , and * mois
ten the surface.
We are not BO busy as Mr. Ryno ,
but everybody el is , and items
are scarce anil hard to find.
S. Waddmgton is having a new
well made this week. Mr. Cosner
of ftlornn , i doing the work.
,1. L > . Strjng is closing up his
biiHinosH as fast as possible , and ex
pects to move about the 15th ,
Hon. James Whitehead will deliver -
liver the address on Alomorial Day
at Alorna , at the request of Rico
Post G. A. H.
Air. Embreo has taken his tu > n
Jesse in partnership in the cattle
business , and hen-niter the lirm will
be ICmbreu & Son ,
John 1C. Kodgc was removed
from Mr , Embree'rt last , Alonday tc
bin uncle J. Al. Fodgo's , whore ho SH
having a hard tussle with iheumat
ism , with little show of getting out
to work soon.
Kev. Bradley received a message
last Monday night thut his wife's
father who lives near Custer , S. D. ,
had a paralytic stroke and could
not recover. Since , wo loam that
ho died before his daughter could
get then1.
Kyno , April 30 , 1901.
L. S. Empiiold branded his cattle
last week.
B. F. Empiiold marketed two
loads of hogs today at Oconto.
,1. 11. Prettymon shipped a car of
hogs of his own feeding yesterday.
The mail oarrio's horse run off
ou Saturday , making kindling of
the cart.
Roy Sailing has left and George
Smith has taken' ' his place at the
Prottyrnan ranch.
Born to Air. and Airs. Owen
Owens , April 'J4 , a daughter. This
iakoM Nimby twelve grand child ,
Small grain about all sown and
slowing for millet and corn IP the
order of the day. Some corn
They had a review on the road
grading the hill woat of Kyno and
wo now have an open road west and
10 gates. Thiti tills a long felt
want ,
Invitations are out announcing
the marriage of MISB Anna Bald
win of Oconto , to Air. Pierce of
Ououto , at the rasidence of tht
bride's parents , Tuesday afternoon
April 'to , at 3 p. m.
About half an iuolrof rain fell or
Sunday. Soil in line condition for
crop growth. Small grain coming
up well ; prairie getting green
plfalfa aix inches high ; cattle in tim
condition ; pig crop short ; very
thi UK booming. Stand up for Ne
Bids will be considered for two
weeks for brick from Burlington
Hotel. I. A. RKNHAU.
TllUuil Up.
At my place , three miles north of
Broken Bow , ou the 10th of April ,
a bay horse with star in forehead ,
white hind feet , weight about 1)00 )
5-2 at
A atom liberal Oder.
All our farmer readers should take ud-
vnmiiKe of the unprecedented clubbing
offer we this year make , which Includes
with thin paper The Iowa Uomstead , Ha
epeclitl Farmer ' Institute Edition and
The Poultry Partner These tbreu pub
lications nro the beet of their clnea Mid
should be In every farm house. To thtin
we add , for locnl , county and general
news , our own paper , nnd make the price
of the four one year only SI CO. Never
before was so much superior reading
matter offered for so mimll an amount of
money. The throe , papers named , which
wo club with our own , are well known
throughout the west and commend them
solves to the render's favorable attention
upon mere mention. The Iowa Home
stead IH tne rout ugrletlturM and live
stock paper of the wcBt ; Tlio Poultry
Partner IB the most practical poultry
paper for the farmer , while Tbe Special
FarmorB1 Institute Edition are the most
practical publications for the promotion
of tfood fanning ever published. Tnko
ndvnntnge of tills great offer , us it will
hold good for a short time only. Samp
les of those popura may bo oxatueued hy
calling at this odlco. till jn 1 01
Notice of llcivunl.
A reward ot $0.00 will bo given
for information leading to convic
tion of any one tampering or med-
liug with any line , or shooting insulators -
sulators or doing any damage inten
tionally on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow Telephone Exchange.
Warning is hereby given that any
persons ao offending will bo prose
cuted to the full extent of the law.
Bow TKLuruoNK Kxou.
Torun DKAKA rich lady , cured
01 i ) DeafneKB and Noises in the
lle.ia by Dr. Nicholson's Artiticial
Ear Drums , gave 125,000 to his In
stitute , so tkat deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums , may have
them free , Address No. D 14 a ,
The Nicholson Institute , 780 ,
Eight Avouuo , New York. jau3 ly
'Houictliliii ; Mow lliitlnr Tlic Mini. "
All DontnrA have trim ) to euro
CATAKIUI hy the IIHO M powdern , nold
Knees , inbiilurH and drugs In put-to foiii
Tneli powders dry up the muc.uoUR
mcinbrMicB cauRing them to crnck open
and hltiod The powerful acida uacd In
the inhalers have entirely oaten away
ilio flnmo mombrnucs that their makers
have aimed to euro , while pactea and
ointments cannot reach tti dlsoriM ) . An
old and oxporlonced practitioner who
Imfl for many yeara iniuJo a cloeo study
nud npeclalty of the treatment of
CATAKUI1 ban ut hint perfected a
treatment which when faithfully used
not only relieved nt once , hut perman
ently cutes CATAUItll , by removing
tlio caiiBe. Btopplng the discharges , nnil
I'tirinc H Inllimutlon. It IH the only
remedy known to science that actually
reaches the ullllcted pur H , Thia won *
dorful remedy Is known as'-SNUFFLKS
OUItti" and is cold at the extremely
low price of One Dollar , cacti package
containing Internal a-d external modi-
( Ino .sulHclotiL fora full month's trout-
ment and ovorythltii' ; iieceesary to Us
perfect URi ! .
"SNUFFLKS" Is the only perfect
OATAimil ( JUIU3 every made and Is
now rcooRtil/.ed a the only aafn nnd
poaltivo euro for thai unnov ing and dlH
giiHtlng ilifloafio. Iteurcs all lntlanm <
tlon milckly and pennnnently and In MHO
wonderfully quick to roliqvo IlAV
FEVKU or COLD In the Q13AD.
CATAHH1I when neglected often leada
to CONSUMPTION "Snuflies" will
Have you If you ueo it r.l once. It Is no
ordinary remedy , but complete treat
ment which is positively guaranteed to
cure Catarrh in any form or stage if
used according to the directions which
accompany e'ach package. Don't duhiy
but , Bond for it at once , and write fu 1
particulars as to your condition , nnd you
will reeolvo special advice from the dis
coverer of this wonderful remedy regard
ing your case without eout , to von be
yond the regular price of "Snuffles" the
"Guaranteed Catanh Cure. "
Sent prepaid to any addrem in the
United States or Canada on rccnlpt of
One Dollar. Addrpps Dopt. E 17J ,
atid2im Market Street , Philadelphia.
United Stolen Land Olllce , I
Lincoln , Net ) . , Mnyl , 1001 C
Notice IM hereby given that the following imin-
oil HUttlcr hn Illcil notice ot tils Intention to
lunko fluitl proof ! n suiiport of bis claim , mill
tlmt unlit p oof will ho inaclo before County Jiul e
Ht Broken low ! , Neb , nn June 18 , IIUI , \\K. \
WILL1 M T. WOODY , lor the SUM , Motion 19 ,
towiiBlilp 13 , north riiuge " 0 , we.-t , Homestuud
KutryMo. ITitb ,
Mo munee the following witncsso- prOTchin
contlnuoiiR resilience upon and cultivation of
siilil Innd , vlt :
ClmrluB lloielton of Kildyrlllu , Neljrnska ,
Chnrh'H Ilrmult of l.omax , Nutiraekn ; JJnyhl C
liuvnoldH nf Loinax , Nobraika ; Kdwarit Kobluson
of Kdilyrlllo , Nebraska
6-2-Ot J. W. JOIINHON.
Miss Florence Newman , who has been
a great mill'eror from inueeular rheutuat
lain , cays Chamberlaln'fl Pain Hiilin IP
the only remedy that nllonlH her relief
Mies NowniHti IH n much respected
resident of the vlllago of Gray , N Y
and makes thin atatt moot lor the benefit ,
of others fllmilarly HllicU'd. This llnl
mnnt IB for .sale by J G. llaohcilo.
52 1m.
A La
Stock of
Business Pointers.
Job printing nt this ollioe.
u- [
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , Broken
JOHN & KNKitll buys chiokons
for cash or trade 4-25 2w
FINE quality of Iny for sale. S.
B Thompson. 4-18 tf
OLD IRON wanted at Diorks Linn
ber & Coal Co , 5-2 at
A complete line of Heint/ bottle
| goods. JOHN & KNKKU.
Wo will furnish * the Kansas city
Journal and KuruitMUAN for 91. 2.5
per yoar.
.L Ast SatuniayOD
the Htreeth Hilling his Javille
Evaporated Nest Egg. Makinq
good sales. 6-2 2t
I'ARTIES dosinnj : to breed pony
maroH to Black Beauty , the ful
blood Welch pony will lind bin.
either at the Kichardson barn or
my plaoo one mile north and eas
of Broken Bow.
TorniB $5 00 each for season ,
return privilege. Mares from r
distance will b > kept in pasture
free of charge , until cafoly bred
at owners risk. This notice wil
not appear again.
Wanted. 300 cattle to pasture
WII.UH OADWKU , . fi-2 lw
Flour !
We will sell Flour as
cheap as the manufac
turer. J. C. BOWEN.
, If you intend fo build call al
Dierku Lumber Co. and get prices' '
I'opHin Gum , two packages for a
niokul at WiLKiNH4 PHAUMACY.
OA1AUA Painless dentist , May 17 ,
and 18th. ; * i 2 2w
GERMAN MILLET seed for sahT.
yoybolt , ( Jnion Valley. 6-2 2w
Dierks Lumber Co. has in stock a
car load ol fine uodar posts for the
Seed Oats.
For the pure article , leave orders
at , J. C. Bowon's at 01100.
MotiHou for tent or Bale. 1 will
bo at my place of businuHS from
now on until 8 p , m.
For first ulasH tonsorial work call
on Wahl A Freed , west side of tne
public square. , tf
Farms for Hale and lands for rent.
Nuw IH the time to got a farm cheap.
UH tlio cheap farms arc all going ,
and pncos are advancing rapidly.
Foit SALK oit Tit A UK Town lots
and a few live aero lots in this city ,
for uatllo , horses or farm land.
feb28 tf ALIAN UKYNHU.
' If you have ranches , farms orl
city property you want to sell or' '
rent , list them with J. J. Snydcr ,
Broken Bow , Neb. 4-11-tf
For Sale.
Good stcok of general merchan
dise. For particulars write J. J.
Stanford , Morna , Neb. j31 tf
Gnu , WANTKU A girl or woman
for general housework. Permanent
place and good wages. tf
Foil SAI.K. One Pfrchorou Nor
man Stallion. Eequiro of John Wil
lie , one half mile west of Broken
Bow. 14 tf
For SALE A * 40.00 Folding I ! l
for * 15.00. Good as now. L.
E. Wilson. 5-2 lw
FOR up to date dental work at
Omaha prices , see Dr. Withers at
Globe Hotel , May 17 and 18. 21
DR. SEYMOUR , Lincoln Eye
Spt'oialim , hero Monday May 13.
5-2 lw.
Hag Carpel.
Tlio ladies ol the Baptist aid
society have fi2 yardn of now rag
carpet for sale at A. W. Drakes.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at
Wilkins' drug ntoro.
Slrcl Talk.
When you want , good groceries
you have to go to Bowon's.
BRING your butter , cgga and all
other country produce to John
& ICncrr 4-25 2w
OUR now stook of Queimware is
nofr in Call and see tro now
patterns. John & Knurr 4252w
FOR SAL'E A first class , htand-
ard bred , matched ilrivintr team
Inquire at thiK oilico or nddreHR
Box 485 , Broken Bow , Neb.
5 2 at '
FOR SALE A few nottiiigH of
choice Light Brahatna oggH. In
quire of Mis. Harry Hammond ,
7 miloa southwest Broken Bow.
4-25 2t
EGGS If you want a setting of
Buff Cochin , Partridge Cochin or
BuiT Leghorn eggs , call on Mrn.
Franco Mooro. She has fine
uhiukeiiH. 4-18t4 (
Fou SAU : : Six year old mare ,
Pheaton , Light Spring Wagon ,
Single Unrness , Saddle , Lady's and
Gcnlfl Bicycle. Inquire at oflioo of
county judge. April 11 , 4t
You can save money by ordering
your reading matter through the
HUPUIILIOAK. Wo can furnish you
nearly all the papers and magazine
for IOPH tbun publiHherH pnooH.
Foit SAI.K : Twenty head of line
brood HOWS. Will furrow in May.
For partioulirK call by 'phone or
uorue to residence nine miles Houth-
west of Broken Bow.
4-11 4t CIIAS. W. WILLIS.
The old and reliable tirrn of
Diorks Lumber Co. is the place to
go for lumber or coal. A good
supply and grades to moot the wants
of their customers are always in
stock. ; { 21tf
I'or Hale or Trade.
A IIOUHO and lot in Masoil City to
soil or trade for stock ; also a good
ten foot wind mill with tower , that
I will dispcsc of the sumo way.
fob ? tf A. Y. SUTTON.
Brokoa Bow , Nobr.
STRAYED or stolen From my
place , live miles southwest of
Broken Bow. about April 10 ,
two bay mare coltn , one a yearl
ing , the other tsvo years old with
halter on. F. II. Arthur.
4-25 3w
Atty-at-Law ,
Notary Public ,
niul Juetlro of tbu 1'encu Sperlal
iitteiit'ou Kltcn to cnlleciimiH
UcpoHltlonii takva , pcneloii vouch ,
um neatly executed unit nil kinds
of legal imperil written Olllco In
ttib rear of It ink of Commerce.
Broken Bow , Nob.
"p\R. E. M. 11OGAN ,
Olllco over W S. bwnii'ft tiroccry
llrokcn Iluw ,
\V E HAKKU. 1'rop.
For n BOcInl CBinu of pool. Worlli
Of IlEfUUUCAN Olllco.
Urokcn How , Ncbraeka.
- For -
Columbia Byclolos ,
- U'llunn , anil
llrokun UOA , No ranks ,
o.H. . CONRAD ,
. . . .Dealer In
Pumps , Wind Mills ,
Tankc , Fittingc , Gaso
line Engines , etc. , etc.
Ilrokon lloir , Nebraska.
Llfo and Acoldont Inimranco
Ago limit between 18 and M ) .
Over .10U ) inainbom anil more
I him ( oO.UX ) llu cr\e Fund In four
yvaru. llrokuii How Lodge int-ett
4th Friday of utch ino th atS
I roprlclom of
WostHldoPquaio , HrokenHow
Neura kn. Agents Clnrkr-on
Lincoln Lanudry
Olllce In rear of i'ie Hank of Com-
merre. HcKlileneo titli house uest
of the IlaptlBt church.
Broken Bow , Neb.
ami U , Realty lllock.
ItroUt'n How , Nebraska.
Anyoint ulcliiny ; u nuw wntuli
movement In an uld case , cull on
Lending BlmoimikerVntch
Idipalier of the r.lty. Locntod | nt
iloor i-oulli poslolllro.
I.D. . GLAZE ,
DoMor In.
rirantte , Foroliu uiul / invrlcan
Ornament ? ! Work a
llrokcn How , Ncliraskn ,
All kinds of Work Done.
antlatuctloti ( liiurnntecil.
Crayon Work
lin larked.
iM'.CIIAl'KL 1'roprii'tor.
Kirscla8ork Itear Uoom
of llrokcn llou Hlate Hank
llrokeu How Nebrntku.
* * We have three children. Defers flw
birth of the last one my wife used four bott
ties of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you had the
pictures of our children , you could sec a (
a glance that the last one
is healthiest , prettiest and
flncst-Iookliifrof them all.
My wife thinks Mother's
Prlcnd Is the greatest
and grandest
remedy In the
World for cxpcct-
ant mothcrs.-
WrUten by a Ken
tucky Attorney-at
prevents nine-tenths of the
suffering- Incident to cblld-
birth. Thecomlng.mothcr's
disposition and temper remain unruffled
throughout the ordeal , because this relax
ing , penetrating liniment relieves tup
usual distress. A good-natured mother
Is pretty sure to have a good-natured child.
the patient Is kept In a strong , healthy
condition , which the child also inherits ,
Mother's Friend takes a wife through the
crisis quickly and almost painlessly. It
assists in her rapid recovery , and wards
off the dangers that so often follow de
Sold by druggists for $ 1 u bottle.
Send for our frto illustrated book Trrtllma
OxpresMy forvxpeuiaut mothers * ,
FOR SALE Ono amall frame
IIOUHO with two roomn , one rniiro
eight yearn old and Bucking colt ,
one Bmnll stallion eight yearn old ,
ouo bugcy , used one year and
single buggy harness ; four brood
HOWH , two has piga , others will
furrow in May ; 500 bushela of
corn in crib , ouo Htack of millet
hay , two cultivators , one throu
section stool harrow , and one
check rower corn planter with
100 rode of wire. J. N. Purahall ,
' Broken Bow , Nob. 1-25 3t
DR. SEYMOUR is at the head of
one of the largest institutions in
his special work that wo linvo in
the wcstand has spent many years
perfecting bis treatment for eye ,
ear , nose and throat troubles. If
you wish to ace himdo not forget
the date of his visit , Monday May
1,1 , an it will bo only one day. At
the Grand Central Hotel 5-2 lw
Sui0nieijalaiu ?
Urokcn How , Ncbr.
Kn. MAM or , J'rop
All kiinlrt of coft drln ki ) . Hi > at
braml or cigars. Firat building
I'lial of FarniiTH II ink.
Broken Bow , Neb
T \R. 0. L. A1ULLUNS
2nd Stairway from \\u-i end li.
Healty lllock ; rt-nlitenro , 3rd uot
M K ehuruh , on sunio uliic of
Htrcet.Hroken How , Ncbrnakn
'PltniH and etitlniateg < ii | nhnr
llrokun lion , N'ebrnsku
The Best and only
Good Pliico in town to
get Your Byoiolo Work
Byoiolo Sundries , Etc.
llrokcn How , Ne
I. A. RENEAU. SicniT
LoiiKot-t RxpHilenco HI d neatcet
Main Street , liftvw'en iih unit Mb
1'ntctlce In nil Conrie
llrokeu How , Nebraska
K. F. .Mct'LuiiR , Prop.
Rye Flour , Buvkwheat ,
Graham , F > H , oiu.
All klaiN ol work In our line done
priijnptly and in llrpUclnun nrdi r
Ito'u Shop on the turner Woet 01
thn boso IIOIIBU.
llrokcn How , Neb
r > EO.Y. . HON I'S ,
Wo don't li'inj ? wnll p per for
IBe , nor pnlut your houtolili
any did Hull ; hut be"t niuteiinl
uml workmanship ( nuraniLed
-w. IIONTH ,
llrokun llow , Nebmskn.
Proprietor of i
KeitanrnntiV Lunch Counter. '
Liirf.o us'ortnn'nt of Confection- '
iiilen , Cl arA nnd Tolmccos
North > lilo of Public t-qnaro ,
Hroken llou , Nebraska I t
T V KS. K. O. A W 1C TAI.HOI' !
OtllCfl over Ilaehcrlc'a Unii ; Store.
Broken How , Nebraska.
I. A. Itiiiieau.
Ktrins for Kent aud SnU > . All
clansei ) of realty handled for cant- i
ern li.restore. Taxot paid for
non > ru > ldent8
Offlco.Maln St. , Between 4th & 5th Avenues ,
Brokun Bow , Cimier County. Nebraska.
Uetabluhvd 18S,1.
Job Work a specialty.
Aihertinlnij rules Klrun on ap-
p'lciiilou. '
llroken How , Nabraa a