Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 7

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* ne Kilcct of Too CloselT CroawKxnnt *
InliiC nil IrlnliVltnc .
"Never cross-question nn Irishman
Srom the old soil , " advises ouo of the
foremost rnllroud attorneys of the age.
"Even If he does not think of an an-
iwer he will stumble Into some bull
that will demoralize the court and jury ,
Mid whenever a witness tickles a jury
his testimony gains vastly In Its lullu-
"Yes , I'm speaking from experience.
Hie only witness who ever made me
throw up my hands and leave the courtroom -
room was n green Irishman. A section
kand been killed by an express train
und his widow was suing for damages.
( had a good case , but made the mis-
kako of trying to turn Uie main witness
Inside out
'In his quaint way he had given a
graphic description of the fatality , oc
casionally shedding tear * ) and calling
m the snlnto. Among other things he
wore positively that the locomotive
whistle was not sounded until after the
whole train had passed over his de
ported friend. Then I thought 1 hud
" 'See here , McGlnnls , ' said I , 'yon
tdmlt that the whistle blew ? '
" 'Yls , eor ; It blewcd , sor. '
" 'Now If that whistle sounded In
time to give Michael warning the fact
would be In favor of the company ,
wouldn't It ? '
" 'Yls , ser , and Mike would bo tlsit-
tyln' here this day. ' The jury giggled.
" 'Never mind that. You were Mike's
friend , and you would llko to help- his
widow out , but just tell me now what
earthly purpose there could be for the
engineers to blow that whistle after
Mike had been struck. '
" 'I preshume thot the whistle won *
for the nlxt man on the thrack , sor. '
"I left and the widow got all she ask-
* a. " Detroit Free Press.
lie NexMlcdl a Change.
Tramp Wl'Ht' T"T"-T ngaln ! Mad-
uu , ain't .A 01 'ot 10 . > t beef ?
Magnanimous Infant ,
He Is the cousin of a chubby -1-year-
eld whose home Is In New York. This
little man has also been started up In
the way he should go. One day when
he visited some relation by the name of
Jones. lie was not treated just as his
highness considered fitting , and he re
sented It for a time. Hut when prayer
time came he relented enough to frame
this petition , which he tacked on to the
end of the second prayer :
"I'lease , God. bless papa and mamma ,
and grandpa , and grandma , and even
tfie Joneses ! " Lewlstown ( Me. )
IHHcn > ; cs that Kill AnimalN.
The three diseases which kill off the
fraat number of caged animals are
rickets , "lumpy jaw" and tuberculosis.
They ore canned In the main by the
wrong food being given , want of sun
light and poor \eutihitlon. An animal
tu the wild state when It kills its prey
first drinks its blood and then devours
Its organs. The Iwui meat Is eaten last ,
if at all. But for sonic reason it has
hitherto been the custom In zoological
gardens to prepare the fowl by bleed-
be ttie animal and removing all the fat
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See PaoSlmllo Wrapper Below.
mull and oasrjr
to talus no ruffttr.
Artlflclnl C.ilf-I'pciler.
Whnt nn nwt'ul tllstippolntnirnt It
must be to n cnlf to wnUo mi
niorulnp and tlud Its inothor
nnd no warm breakfast waiting , and
how disgusted It must fool when tlio
farmer comes In a little later with n
pall of skimmed milk , straddles the
calf'a neck , Inserts his linger In Its
month nnd tries to convince It that
drinking la the proper method of feed-
hip from that time on. Happy would
be that calf If the fanner would pro-
vldo It with the feeding arrangement
here shown , nnd happy would the far
mer bo If he did not have to waste his
time In teaching the calf to drink. The
calf seems to get along fairly well un
til the farmer undertakes to withdraw
his finger and make the calf go It
nlone , but then rebellion and an
upset pall Is the result In .some OHM'S.
Once Introduce the calf to this device
nnd he may bunt to his heart's con
tent without upsetting the milk. The
arrangement consists of a reservoir ,
suspended from the wall , with a 'tube
lending to a block underneath , on
which In mounted n rubber nipple. As
the nipple Is screwed on the block It
TI1K HAPPi UAl.K AND ITh I1 hi ] , > .
may bo removed us soon as the feeding
Is finished , or the entire feeder can be
tnken down If desired. Henry B. Smith ,
of Chauteaugay , N. Y. , Is the Inventor.
Farm S
Butter makers kick on farm separa
tors , says the Northwest Farmer. Some
of the butter makers are making a live
ly kick ngalnst the Introduction of the
farm sepnrntor. They might as well
kick against a stone wnll , for kicking
will not stop Its coming. There is only
one tiling thnt will check Its rapid In
troduction , and that Is better skimmilk
from the creamery. Farmers are get
ting more and more determined to
raise good calves , and they propose to
do this with tiojurator skimmilk. If
the butter makers don't clean up their
pumps , plpcc and tanks and give the
eklmmllk a thorough pasteurizing the
farmer Is certain to lend an attentive
car to the form separator agent , a sep
arator will be installed on trial , and
you can count on its staying. It will
then be too late to protest , for after a
farmer pays $100 for a separator he is
quite apt to find a factory that will
take his cream. Dairymen of experi
ence have found thnt the best of calves
can be raised on good separator milk ,
and every Intelligent butter maker
knows how to return It In good condi
I-ntrn HI-HUN.
While most of the seed * stores sell
special lawn-grass mixtures , which ,
perhaps , contain a half-dozen or more
varieties of grass seed , we doubt If any
of them will give better results than to
mix one bushel of Kentucky bluegrnss ,
a bnlf bushel of clean redtop , or n
bushel In the chaff , one peck of sweet
vernal and one pound of white clover ,
the above being amount for one acre.
The bluegrass Is cnilier than the rod-
top , nnd the redtop resists summer boat
better , while the fragrant , sweet vernal
Is good both early and lute. Have
the ground thoroughly pulverized and
made rich with about six hundred
pounds lawn dressing per aoio. which
has more nitrogen and putjiMi than Un
usual superphohphatos , and how in
spring as early as tin- ground can bo
well worked , or ow In August. Wo
prefer the artificial fertilizer to the
barnyard manniv for lawn , as being
free from weed eoiN. Tin- above mix
ture Is also a good one for permanent
pasture. New England Karmor.
I.ln c < l Oil CiiKn.
It Is an English tradition that .some
thing like n century upo a farmer
the refuse from a linseed or
oil mill to manure a Held , and then
turned sheep on It. Going ther * a
while aftenvuul he found that tlio
sheep had eaten the srass and tlio ma
nure as well and hud made a better
growth than those In other Holds. This
Is said to have been the beginning of
feeding Unseed cake to sheci ) . Possi
bly It Is true , for tome of our most
beneficial discoveries hav been made
In ways as accidental or providential
as this. Exchange.
Ptron" t'onitltutliiin.
Many animals lack In constitutional
vigor , simply becaune their parents
have been allowed to get too fat , nnd
have not had enough exercise to keep
their muscles firm and the digestive
organs active , while others have failed
l > ecause of the feeder having gone to
the opposite extreme , failed to feed
enough , and lu giving exercise have ex
posed them to cold and hard usage.
The box stall or pen Is bettor for tha
brooding animal than closer confine
ment , and as much good food ns they
will cat better than n scanty ration , but
It should not be what Is called cnrbon- )
nceous or heating and fattening food , ,
; but such as to produce muscle anil
' growth of frame. Out-of-door exercise
'Is needed , but thnt does not mean
standing still In n cold wind or storm
until chilled through , or being turned
out to drink Ice water to chill the In
ternal organs and the unborn offspring.
Massachusetts Ploughman.
Kiirl.r Panturnce.
The Hrst grass In spring Is watery and
has very little nutrition In It , partly be
cause It Is usually to be found on tin
low lauds , \\hero the better grade ot
graces do not grow. Vet we used to
like to get cattle and sheep Into It ai
soon as It was large enough to glv
them a fair bite , as such grass Is poor
at the best , and almost worthless after
It gets lough ami harsh , lint we novel
depended much upon It as food for
them , excepting for its succulent tjuwH-
ties.Ve fed as much hay and grain
the morning before wo lot them into
pasture as if they v > ere to remain in th
yard Then we took them In early , and
at night they were fed at the bam
again. The green grass loosened the
bowels , and perhaps we had a little
more milk , or a little thriftier growth ,
but It made the. change from hay to
pasture more gradual , and they seemed
to relish it , especially if the roots were
all gone , as they usually weie likely to
beat that season. That \\.is before the
days of the silo , and If we had on
well filled we might think It better now
to feed ensilage , and let the bog gra i
grow to be used as bedding , or to be
u ed as a covering for strawberries or
spinach , or as a mulch for some other
crops. American Cultivator.
Klllinu llriiHh.
We see much said In our Western ex
changes about the \alue of the Angora
goat to destroy brush. If that Is their
strong point we do not want them. It
u.scd to be the fashion to advocate
keeping Hheep to kill weeds and briars.
They will surely do that If kept on
them , but we never knew nny one to
start with sheep .with thnt us his main
Incentive , who did not come to tlio
conclusion that there was no profit In
sheep. If we want good wool and mut
ton the sheep must have something beside -
side briars to feed upon , and If they
choose to take a few briars or wceda
as a sort of condiment with the other
food , well and good. So we think If
Angora goats are kept to kill brush en
tirely they will furnish but little mo
hair nnd a poor flesh. Give us the old
plan for killing brush , mow In July ,
burn In August , and then let sheep pick
u few of the tender sprouts if thi\v
want them the next spring. America ) )
What Kestilt to the Soil ?
I would not seem to undervalue sta
ble manure , but It Is a mistake to sup
pose that laud must grow poor when
wo cense to feed everything upon the
farm. It ls > not necessary to sacrifice
all income for the rake of keeping up
the soil. Now that we know moru
about the composition of the .soil , wti
know thnt productiveness depends In1
great degree upon the prewnce of or
ganic mattci in It , and not solely upon
stable manure or commercial fertiliz
ers. The Ideal condition would be ono
In which a goodly number of live stock
could be Kept \vith profit on nearly ev
ery farm , but the cattle feeders of moat
fertile Eastern valleys must give up n
farm scheme that makes fat cattle and
wheat the only cash products. The
list of cash crops will be made longer ,
and clover , peas and * ods must be free
ly used to supplement the manure.
Farm and Fireside.
C.ire of Hordes.
Uefore the horses are put to work
very hard In the spring after a winter
of comparative idleness their grain ra
tions should be gradually Increased ,
and the work should not be too hard 01
the days too long at first , and this last
Is a good rule for man as well as beast ,
but the man nhould have sense enougU
to look out for himself and his team.
See that the harness i properly fitted ,
clean and ollcil until It Is soft and plia
ble , thnt It may not chafe anywhere
and thus nvo'd ' sore shoulders and sad
dle gaily. A little water at the middle
of the half day's work will always be
relished and may prevent drinking too
much at one time and thus lessen tliu
danger of colic. American Cultivator.
Stock Farm
It is very necessary to have good
fences lor all our stock , and the feneo
tjuestidii Is a very Important one in re
gard to expense , but it does not make
any dllreience how expensive It Is. It
U one of the important Items In sue-
censfully raising young stock. You can
not ghe them the proper care If they
run everywhere , especially In the yard
around the house , or , worse still , tlw
neighbor's house or premise's. It Is
very necessary to have your stock just
where and v > hen you want It. It 11
\ery necessary to have numerous yard *
and fields t-o as to separate yonu auO
old stock and fattening cattle nnd thu
weaker ones from the stronger. Kan
sas Farmer.
T'KHrniiiletihiK ' Corn Hett.
Probably tin- production of corn hni
been Increased , u North America by th (
dt'velopmoin ot early maturing varie
ties during the past twenty-live yean
more than it lias increased In nil me
rest of the world from all other Influ
ences , The corn bolt has broadened
hundreds of miles by this means , and
the end la not yet , remarks National
Mills Vc + mcl , .
Milk vessels should , as far as possi
ble be mnde without seams , nnd all
soldered jolutu be made an smooth ai
From Monday to Saturday at every ,
turn in the kitchen work a WicklesS
Blue Flame Oil Stove will Save Iab6r ,
time and expense and keep the copk
comfortable. No bulky fuel to prepare
or carry , no waiting for the fire to come
. up or die down ; a fraction of the expense
of the ordinary stove. A ,
will boil , bake , broil or fry better than a
coal stove. It is safe and cleanly can
not become greasy , can not emit any
odor. Made in several sizes , from one
burner to five. If your dealer does not iWITTf i
'have them , write to nearest agency of
v * . Vtt. ,
The supply of drinking water for the
lamily should be tested at least once a
year. Water that Is : tt one time pure
and wholesome may bum 'oo Im
pure for 11 % yet il may bo without
i-olor , and have no oder or taste to
bhow Its ( lanycrlng qualities.
A Hlmple test of drinking water is
the llcl'Ch sewage test. Kill a clean
pint bottle threo-qti'irters full of water
to be tested , and dissolve hi it Hull a
tcaspuonful of pure granulated sugar.
Uoik It and sctlna wannplnce for \ \
days. Jl during this time it because1
cloudy or milky , it is unlit for domes-
tit' use. If It remains perfectly ulean
It is probably sale. He careful that
the bottle Is absolutely as clean as you
can make il and the sugar piuc.
' not spot , streak or give your goods an
unevenly djed appearance.
Cycling I" South Aiui-rlcii.
The representative of a leading
New York exporting house who re
cently returned from JSoulh America ,
Bays that at present , as Indeed lias
been the case for three or four
years past bicycling In that country is
far and away the most popular of the
outdoor sports. In the larger cities
of Brazil and the Argentine Republic
the sport today Is at the height of
Its popularity , and although the wo
men there were at first somewhat in
doubt as to the propriety of riding in
public , they quickly followed the ex-
unple of some of the social leadcis.
The winter temperature of England
averages about forty degrees.
1IUA VinOlNIA FAH1I. UooilUiiili. fintcJImttr
tohuuli unrxcrlleil. Scut of UnlTritlty of VliiilnU ,
ViKrnnl * . Churlittei-vlllr V .
\Suntc-l Active man by lurRO Itftiuifacturlnz.
tiotiMI'6 HO In < Ii | ml < l for 1C ( ! > Irlnl , promotion
nnl | > oiijia < t i > o lllon If Mtllufnctory , AtMitxH , O
II. 1' Co 78S Cliertnut Ht ,
There are nearly 1,600 negro college
graduates in the United States.
A \Villiamsburg ( IS. . Y. ) burglar
played a mean trlok on his mother-in
law. He sent her to pawn a package
Of shoes ; smne of the spoils of a buig-
lary , and then ho tipped the police
and the old lady was arrested just
as she was leaving the pawnshop.
l'i-rniaii rtlyCuinl
rl I u tti-t i1n > ' u - uf 1)1. KlliiM'ii Urent Nnr IU-
nur-f nodr'"l ieii'V 0Tl tSxitt , ttmUt il- .
till 11. H. HUM' . Ltd. , Wl < W. . I'lillAilcljibl * ! ' .
/ ' WHEN
/ / / / /
.Shower baths are belnir put In th <
Pa i is iclophone exchanges for the UK <
of the telephone girls. It , is though !
that this will aid thorn n kpepiut
their health.
Grand Island
Double Daily Service
For Information or Ritei , call upon cr odtfrm
ntirtit Ajent , or
S. M. ADSIT , a , l > . A. .
ST. JOSni'll , MO.
N.N.U. NO 665. 18 YORK , NlB.
Thn real worth of my 9.1.00 nnct pl.SO nliOM onmpiml with
ctluir niakui li Sl.dO to > 00. My ( U.OU ( lilt I'Mgn lUue i iiuot U
eqiiullod ntany i > rlcf. Hunt In tlio world fur men.
I iniiUo nnil nrll iiuirn nirit'n Hun lu.i' " , < Ji > iMiyyi r
WrltHiiinJ-HrMn < l I'roc ) , limn nny iilhrp iiiiiniir c.
turrrlii tlioxvorlit. 1 will pity BI.OOO loniiy one\vhocun
iiruvu thut u y > luieiiivnL I * not ti IIP.
( Hlr.iiril ) AV. T , . l iinal .
Tnkn tin nliMKulc I Insist on lia\tiiK W.I. . J > ou la show
with nanio ami price utampiMl on bottiiin. Voiirdralnrslioulil
keep tliem ; I clve ono UruliT oxeliisl o sntn In rach town. If
lin ilni'8 not kni-i ) tin-in anil will nut Kft lln-in for > uu , onlcr
direct from factory , piiclonliiRprice and SVrxltiifor i-arrUK > .
O ei l.dilliKIOui.dleii w . rorn. vit.-lnc ' / " >
iutc WL/ti.t > u > Jiu.-iui < ii.T. ff. L DOUGtnb , Uiockiun , MJSS-
MAM-M-M A ! 1
Do you forget that summer's coming with
all its dangers to the little ones all troubles
bred in the bowels.
The summer's heat kills babies and little
children because their little insides are not in
good , clean , strong condition.
Winter has filled the system with bile.
Belching , vomiting up of sour food , rash ,
flushed skin , colic , restlessness , diarrhoea or
constipation , all testify that the bowels are out
of order.
If you want the little ones to face the coming dangers with
out anxious feat for their lives , see that the baby's bowels ore
gently , soothingly , but positively cleaned out in the spring time ,
and made strong and healthy before hot 'weather sets in.
The only safe laxative for children , pleasant to take ( they
ask for more ) is CASCARETS. Nursing mothers make thci *
milk mildly purgative for the baby by eating a CASCARET
now and then. Mama eats a CASCARET baby gets the
benefit. Try it ! Send fet a JOc box of CASCARETS to-day and you will find that , as wo
guarantee , all irregularities of the little and big childrens insides are
25c. 50c. NEVER
A IB P | IP nil bowel trouble * , iiiirndlrltln , till *
\ \ I U M loimin * * , linil brcntli , bad blooil , ivliul
iBlllll ° " " ' " kloitinrlii lili > ntr < l bo\vol > foul
UI 1 1 tm tcioulli , Iiuntlaclio. liull eitlotl , piiuplflu ,
jinlni nftt < r OHlIiiKi liver troulilf , i.allo\v coniplttxlou
\V lien your bou'eU ilcniU move
lurlr 7611 are ucltliix lck. Conmlpullon U11U more
Iieupln tliaii ull ollior Olicukf * tocrtlior. It 1 u
tnrter for tli chronic ulliiinnu and long : year * of
uflVrliiK tliut como ufter\vnr < li > . fw mutter \vlint
nil * you , start taldnc < JAS < lAltiTS to-dajr , for you
ivlll iinvrr et \ % > ell and be wrll ull Ilia time until
you put your bowrln riicht. TaUn our advice } turt
xvllh (1AMMHI5TS to-duy , under uu b olut Kuur-
nlvo to cure or money refunded. V > i
riv ! ?
" ' " " " ' Uox ° -'Anc'Ait. .
orer "
yfiir. ureiil * Uoo
similar mrillrlne III Ilintoi1d. . ' 1 liU ! lOuolilta vrouruf
Itrrnt inurll. anil nur linil t ' tliiioiiltil. Wo hnvn faith uuct
will > ell 'AS < A It P.T.S utxuliili ly vuiirniitvuil til euro or
moiinr rrruiirtrit. do buy toiluj , tvoJOo linxei. clv Ilit-m n
lulr , lionrnt trial , no ( icrilinjiln illrortloni , mill If you arc
Cot ittuilrd , uf i"r iitliiu ono SOoliox. return the unutuil . O
oxnuil tli run. IT liuc to u liy uiiill , or Ilio ilrimuUt from
tvliomyon imrrhiKirU II. unil let your moiirrbucU for balk
boxen , 'i ako uiir ml vli'i nu mutter \vhut bll * you ( tart lo >
aujr. Ileiillh III titilcklr ful'oiv nixl you will Iilc tile dnr
y < iuftr.itiil-lrilihDi eor < ] ASUAUKTri. llouk frre by rattLL
Iddrtui bituu.xu UEiitur ( .o. , MW voiiii or cuiuiOo.