Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 5

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    T T * " * ' * " ! '
BI u a a..ii a a n
Our Stook in going fast at the
following prices , Come tarly and get your share :
( \ S 12 llm Oat Alnnl
0 llm broken Rico 2-lu
0 Urn Good Prunes 2fio
! t 11)H Good NOW I'flfU'llGB 24l5
0 lliH Navy BuruiH 2 u
10 oz. bottle Queen Olives . Ifio
8 bara of Silk Soap . .26u
12 bars of Tepee Soap . 25o
1 Ib pkgo " MADJA ' l7o I
l nose are only a low fiood mines found in tins mine , up on onr HUIO is n now uuu
P , and every day Now Goods oomo down the shaft that is kept busy btingmg them.
Northeast Corner of Public Square.
Sells iho David Bradley , John Deere , a rand Dolour , Listers , Hidora and
Walkers They are the best inadr. Also the Ohio and Now Departure
/ Cultivator , Disks ami Seeders , Raoino Buygios and Wagons.
Tl-o bpst
liarneBH all kinds at prious that his
put competition to think-
ini .
mo for Stovi'B
' Furniture
, , Carpetw-new patterns /IMnware
I Jiice's Garden , ,
Seeds in bulk , etc.
A full line of Undertaking QoodH.
* 'P ' 'n
| j E. L. BUNCH , I
l/ for
\ /
'f North Side of Public Square , - Broken Bow , Nebraska , o j
ifefcffe ;
{ & } ' All parties indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested $ ?
5to ? call and settle their account by cash at once. I must have j"
r "a money to pay bills , I cannot do business on wind.
- sjitfj
truly ,
i'"l . ,
m ' . . Proprietor. 3
10 Bars of Soap for 25c , { $
SiHi Ei ? i ? iSSl
Having bouglit the stock formerly owned by A. Wallace ,
wo have added a complete
And are prepared to sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. jf
ii'iorrr , OVHTIHIN and ci < ; i.iitv IN HIJANON.
H Butter and Egs taken in Hxchange.
Goods delivered to any | > art of the city. Give us a trial.
K C. WOHNAM , , I'rnsldcnl.
A. J. HOHKHT80N , Vlco I'roa J A HMtlUS , Caohler
. D. ' '
lihAC'KWKLL , AM't Caahlor
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Banking BusinoRS. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
V \
You ean rvmore tbo cauf e by wearing one of our
They are sold under a positive .
HUBUMATIO CO. , Hartford , Conn
iiou HAI.Iuv A. K ,
JN u > v.
Ponch for west will close nt 8 p. ra , except
Sunday when It will COHO ! at 0:15 : p m.
Pouch , iinst for train No , olo'nn at S n in
and for No. II clones nt , 0.30 a.m. Mnll for Ancliiv
nnd polntH cant of Grand Iflhind onrrlud on trail
OrontoTla of Ityno nnd
Tuckorvlllo. dally except -
copt Sunday clones , at 7 n m : returning nnmo day
Cnllnwny Tin , Mc'Klnley dally except buntliiy
closes at ? a m , returning aamo dity.
Hound Valley via Green and KHon close ut 7 A
m.Tuciday , Thursday and .Saturday t < , rctnrnlng
saioo day.
Stunner via Oiirnsi'y , Qoorcctown aud Upton
arrrlvos at 11 30. TncHdny Tiiuredny and Sattir
duy , rutnrnliiK loavoi lit ll',30 enino dny.
OlIlO ) hours from S.OO u m to 8.IH ) p m Sun
diija fromfiUS p m. to 0:4.1 p m. Lohhy opei
\vffk days from 7 . m. to H p in. Bundiuft H * : : todn in. Ucnvral delivery not open fenn
day morning aa heretofore. L. U.JKWKTT , I'.Sl1
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chicago , Untie ,
St. Joseph , 1'ortland ,
Kansas C'lty , Halt Lake City
tit. Louie , and nil Han Francleco
> olnt eaat and south. and all points west
Jo. 42 Ve'libuled expresii dally , Lincoln , Oma
ha , St. Josepti Kansas City , St. LouU , Chi
cpgoand all points enst.nod sontb. . .11-11 p.m
o. 44 Locnl oxprcps ,1-illy , Lincoln , Oinabn
Ht. Joseph , Eatisos Cltv , St , Lonl , CblcjiK
anil ( ill points east und south 0 ! Ki ni
fo. 40 Freight dally , Jla\ouna , Grand Island
Anrora. Huward
und Lliunln
0 ( X ) ai
ro. and ia rroicnt , aauy except aunuay , jtavenn
luteriutdlito iiolntf
1 06 pi
No. 41 Vestlbulcd oxpre s daily , Helena , Heat
tlo , Iluttc , Portland und till Pacific Coas
point illan
io. 43 Local express dally , Black Hilla am
Intermediate points 5L'5in |
No , 46 Freight dally , Anselmo benecnWhltumi
Alliance lUSKuii
No. 47 Freight , dally
except tiundny , Since
and Intermediate points 1 : ! { . ' > pn
bleeping , dlLlng and reclining chair cars ( seat
ree ) on through trains. Tfckcs sold and hug
gage chocked to any point In tin United State.
uu Cau&tla.
No. 48 baa merchandise earn
Tnoadays , Thiirti-
days and Saturdays.
No. 4 ( ! will carry paaeergvr * for liavei n
Iraud Island , Seward aud Lincoln.
luformatlou , maps , time tiibles ami ticket
all on or wrlto to Ii. L. Ormsby , J
agent ,
'ranch , a. 1' . A. , Onmliu , Nohranka. or
11. L. OiiHsnr. Aiv' i.
ItillcH , > VeMt niifl
At a time of yt'ar when thousands will
ako advantnge of them , the Burlington
{ onto makes sweeping ; reductlona in UB
rat-8 to the West nnd NorthwoBt to
LJinh , Montana , \Vasliitintou.
nnd llrlllull Pnllllilllln .
Dates : February 12 19. anil 20.
March 5,12,19 and 20.
April 8 , ! ) , 10 , iM nd 30.
Kritea nre shown below :
To Ogden , Salt Lake , Unite , HelI I
ena , Anaconda , and Mis'.oula , )
To all 1'olnts on the Northern Ha.
clficKy. wekt of MlKsouls , including
Spokane , Seattle , Txcoiua , Portland ,
aa well as Vancouver , and ViciorlaU.C
To All Holnta on the Spokane Falls & )
Northern Ry and the Washington & > QJ \ K
Columbia Klver R R / J , J
Ni'Vtr lias the 1'iiulllu hceti ns prosperous -
porous as now. Labor IB In constnnt de
in a ml and wng B urihl h. The monov
making opportunities aru ljuyond number
in mints , lumber , mereliandlHliiKt firm-
( UK- fruit raising , add nil tlio oilier
Industries of a reat and growing country
Literature on request free.
J. Fmncls , Gen'l Paefionger Agent ,
OlUftlm , Web. until apr22
A MuHt Liberal Oiler
All our farmer renders flionld take ad
VHtitage of the unprecedented clubblnt.
offer wo this year make , which included
with thin paper Thelowa ( loniBtcad , its
special Farmer.IiiBtitute Kditlo/i and
The Poultry Farmer' These three pub
lluatlons are the host of Ihuir clnBa inn
should bo in every furtn lioti.-o. To tin n
wo add , lor local county and gencrn
news , our own paper , ntid inako the price
of the four one year only $1 60. Nevo
before was so much superior reading
matter offered for eo enntll an amount o
money. The three papers named , which
wo club with our own. are well known
throughout the west and commend them
seltes to the render's favorable attontloi
upon mere moution. The Iowa Home
stead la tne great ogrlutllural and llv
stock paper of the \\uPt ; Tlio 1'otiltr }
Farmer IB the most practical poultr
paper for the larinor , while Thu Speom
Farmors1 Itifltiltito Edition
are the IIIOH
practical publications for the promotin
nf good farming ever putillBhed. Tak
advantsgo of thin Kreat offer. HH It wil
hold good for a ehort titnn only. Hump
lea of these popora may be ozameHetl b
Calling at this ofllco. till ju 1 0
U. S. Land O'ffice.
K. H YOUNG , HccolTor
I ullcil Stolid Lain ) OfllfO , I
HroVcti llow. Ned. , April ' 3. 1001 f
otlco N hireuy glrrn that I'ATIUCIC
( JINN Mo-
tiled notice of Intention to inako final
proof before Hector and Itocclror
at tholr nfllco
Iu llroiou lljw , Nub , , on
Juno , 1UUI , Moudty , tbo 3nl day of
on tlnthfr cnllure
1IP07 , for \Vh NKJi , 8KH N\V' . Iota nppll , of atloli icctlon No
No. T , In
( owiif lilp No .
1.11 , '
V > . Ill ) IIIIIUC8 B wltUCBNlHI north ran o No. 'X ,
James U .Mcdlnii of
IhomaiW. Klnlln ;
of llrokcn
lotetih Moore llow , t > obraska ;
of Ansclmo , Nobnictui
WMImmi , of Ausolmo ;
< ' , Nolir cka.
V Land Onire , North
, Nebraska.
Notice U
hereby glrim that In
ttrnctlotifl from tliu purituaiire of In.
| J\IK | Olllci- , under the Hencral
authorllT '
I'd Ion''I X'flud Iu him by
, U. 8. Itev Mtut , an nmeiulcd
of l by act
oiiKrecK npnroTod . February Sd ! , ISS5 , wo will
to olt.T
nt public
on the
8dth day of
May , 1101 , nuxt at this olllce , Iho followIni
f lAinl , to-wlt : ; tract
I Nwi , < Ne4 8eW8w f. ami Se < Si'V { , section
townnhli HI north '
) , ruiiKc'JI , went.
Any nnd all
IMTCOIIC cliilinln
aihorpoly the
IIDVO dUDcrllii'd
arp mhlscd lo tl >
'aim ' o their
in this nlllCe
on or huforo the day ali
oolRiinted for the
couimoneomint of
( mldpa
therulMi ibclr rluhtu will ho forfol'vd
Dntcd thlo ISth day of April , I'HJI
It * Ut CKO. U KUKKCII , Kfglitcr
Unltod 9tato Uml OlUrc
, I
A llroken llow , Nubrnska , March . ' . 1WI. f
content alllda\It
hurlng been
n lid * olllco by Samuel WaddlnKtoii
annlnxt , contcptaut ,
ImmvMcnd '
I ) 18VI , for I'liirv No IMilU , u.aile July
north-met .
qmuler , ( ( idlon .It
blii , to\ui-
111 , north , ' '
Mlddlelon ruiiRO . .I , ni-it , liy Franco * S
' contcate < > , In which It Id nllCKvd thitt
'rnticlK S. Mlddlcton hax tiluindoiiod
mil bus llm inmu
to vrect or
place tla
> reon any Ini-
iriivo.iifiitD wlmtuvor
, that there In not
ia ( hero been honro now nor
or biilldliiK
any ratilrK
encted tlmreou and nil of nalil dolt-eta
if e\l t nt thli dnto nnd complained
, Hint gald
HI nfo Irom the i-ald laud all-
to lilx fin *
, ilojniciit ln I nltod In bliitca thii Ami 11 ) , it Nnty prlvatn , or .Marine Mihllur Corpn uf
iii'ainon , or mnrliii- , ulMdir
mnrliiiduring tbo '
war wl'h
tt .Illrllii. . Spain.
iv f In ,
ivhlMi tl lTnt.,4
nmu ( 'uriiun ' l ro '
notillcd to appear , loHpoud ami otfer evidence llt'rooy
timchltiK HiddalleKnlloi , at 10 o'clock
May 15 , 111 11.111,011
11 , before tbo Unifier and Htcelror
United rUutui ) Uiud Olllce , In
Ni-lirnckii , broken llow ,
' '
'I'liDHnld conli'Blnnt hivlni ; , In a proper almlaTlt
llli'd lectiinln > r 0 , 1'.MK ) put forth faetH whloh
that "fter
" dnu dllll vnru
xorvlce of thin
iititlce cannot bu inadf , U IH horoliy ordered and
dlrectcil Hint i > iich iiotlco hn clveu
by duo an J
proper publication.
U. S. Land
Olllc. llroken llow
, Neb. , I
April U , IW)1. f
Notice la hereby glreu tbat
( be follouln
nnmed collier ban died notice nf hla Intention
to maku llnnl proof in
nuiiport of blti claim , and
lira sii Ul
prjof will bo miidu
hufore liojjl'li'r and
lltcol or tit
, Nuhr. , on May IB
IWI viz- ,
, vizDAN
for ( , of OrU'llo , Noli. ,
hoincctfiul entry No Nil , for the HM of SW'ii
ct'Ctlon v'.l ,
tiiwiitfhlp IB , north
riitiRolU , w.
naineii the follow
contlnuoiiH Ini ; wltnt'tHCH to prove Mt
said land , \lz rvuldenco ; upon and cultlvAllon of
bainui'l K. Itedman , of Ortcllo , Neb , Krt'derlek
U Kmhreo , of Ortollo , Ntn , Jamea It
Oitello , Neb. , Jamra
U. llaker , ot Ortcllo , Neb.
United Staled Land Olllco , llrokvn llow
, Neb , , I
April . 1001. f
Notice la hereby Klven thai in
BlriH'.lloin from the ' purxunnco of In-
ural C'oiniiilnioner of thu licu-
, under
by sictlun " ' authority vested ,11 him
"J.'iS , U. h Itev Slat , nx amended
the act of Couurcg
* approved February " ( I , I8'fi ! ' ,
w < uIII proceed
to soil at
on the llth !
day of May , next , at IhU olllce , the
tract of land , towltNy following
, 8KU , yectlona.S
lllll'0 , town-
| , north rmiKO , w.
nbiiro Any and duutrlbcd nil piTcona rlulmlli ) ; udrer ely tbo
nru ndvltod
to Die thulr
rluiniH In thin olllce on or before the day abore
fur the
commomemont of
said Halo ,
thulr rlfjbtn will hu forfeited
.lAJIKS WlllTKIIEAU , ItOgllltor.
Apr. 11,01 I'lLANu II.OUN . . Itcceiver
Uiiltud Hlatvn Laud OUIce , Kroken Uow
, Nob. , I
April 0. 1001.
Notice Id hereby ii\en that in purtuance of
InxtructloiiH iroui tint Commli > iiluiiur of the ( Jen
oral l.umi Olllce , under
) voatcd In hliu
thoaUof uy ri-ction iil5G , 0 S. Uev. htat. , an amended by
wolll prutcud to oiler upproxtd Kohruury aij , IbUi ,
at public i < lu on the
s4th !
dny of Aliiy , nuit , at thin otlion , tbo follow-
liiK tract of Innd , to wit : NK Hl k , section -
' ,
loiMiplup 1'J
, north rungc Ul , w
An } and all perfonu olalmiiiK
advernoly the
ibo\e dettcribed lands
are advlncd to fllo
luluih In this
olDco on or before the
' day above
t'ldpnitud for the
commencement of Bald ualu
tbunvlbO tliolr ri bte will bu forfeited. ,
\l'r ' 11(11 (
, Itccelfer.
Uultvd Staten Laud Oillcu , I
Notice llrolien llow , NobraHka. April U , IIKI. ) f
hereby Inin that the followlnj
ettler bait tiled
notice of M * Intention
to make
nal proof In nupport of bin claim .
i'oof will bu moiie before Konlcter , and and ( hot Bald
it llrok-en
S1LLIAA1 llow , NetraiKa , on May 17 , 1001 , viz :
HKOWN of ConiHtocu , Nehr for the
\ \
N\\hot Section
as , towiiHhlp IU
7 , w , north range
llo names the following
IH wltncaKOit to provo
continuous rculdonco
upon nnd caltlvatlou
land , vU :
Juincs L. I'elt't of
, Neb.
; Oforgtf
of Comi < totk , NebraAkn
' ; Goorirn HbankH nf
Nibrnskii , William
Donabou of Corn-
lock , Neijriisl.'ii -
Il-Ot JAJIES U'lllTltllKAi ) . ltM.'lMtnr.
United HtalOH Lund OlUce ,
Notice llrokun llow , Neb , Alay 1,1VUI. ( (
la hereby glvt.ii that the following uauied
ettlnr has illod not co of hit ) Intention to make
irnof iirocif in Hupport nf bin claim , and that eiild
will bo
made heforo lleKl ti <
at < r and Itecelrer
llrokun llow. Neb. , tin Friday , Juno "
vUIiLIAMA 7tb. lli"l ,
, for the
) f section NKMrWU ,
II ,
townphlp 17 , north raugoUl
Ho , w
numoN the follow
lug wltnernea
coiitiniuiuf to proru bl
Hull ) In/id , vi/- renldonco upon and cultivation of
rrnnli l'cd ( of llroken How
, Nebraska
, I'uul
teynerof .
lion , NcbrAr&a
ICinin of llrokcn , JHIIUH LI.
llow , Nebraska
, Minor
, NebraHka. JAMK
ItOAl )
I'n ulidin it may concern
The cnimiiltiKlonor aiipolnlod to view
' a road
pt'tltloned for '
by Ham'l
Hong '
niKHtthdN I'tnl. , commenc-
corner ol pLcUun ! j& ,
townsblp JiO ,
rniiK" a I , ihcnco north 7H dottreei 30 minute
> iet on dfctluii line to *
iinartor corirr on north
Hide of section " ! i , twp. VU , rangoi.3 , thcncii south
dog inln. east to
quarter -
lorm-r on the
south clde section SU , . ' '
north twp. 'M , rungo 'V3 , Ibenco
TOdegrfHB 30 mln imii lXKfeet )
tobta No.
I , from Sin No
I. coutli UU
deg 35
(1-u ( mln eaet
to Ma N't , '
, from
di-i . ' i , north 80
; cant IH. ? ) fo.'t to hla No. 3 at So
uirnrr of
rot ion 2 ! , twp ail , . '
favor of the raqgo U.'i , has reported In
OstabllNhmfiit thereof , and nil oh-
( hereto
, or claims for
Illi din thu ' ( UrnKiei , intiHt tin
county clork'ti
olllru un or before
noon of the
3rd day of
, 1WJI
ll | he eHtablleheil without or diich road
ruferfiice thereto
wlttifbH whereof , I bavo hereunto
hand nmi eeal my
of paid c < iuuty , thin Ut
day of
May IW !
, |
J. n. OHIIOOIIN , Uonnty Olerk
In the m n lor of tbii entato of
w 'd dcciaeed I ) . Shur-
Notlco In bur coy given that
In '
order of Ld pu'nuancn of an
L AduiuR
district , Juduo premdlui ; , of th
court f ( Junior
mint . Nebrnoka
on Iho 2ml ilny of , nmda
real ectalu lurfinafter 19U1 , for Urn ule of thu
n.ldni Arnold de-crlbul.Thcro will be
Nebriuka , on the i7lh !
. day of
.May 1MJI '
the highest atUo'c ork p m , at public vemlue to
bidder for cai > h. thf following de
scribed rial estate , to wit : The NEK of
M , ( colion
township 17 , north of ruuee 15 !
m. , mid S\\'X , of Hecllon 9. , west 6th p
townihlp 10
r- , ' J6 , north of
rni'e , west tif the ltb !
p m , situated
ter c unty , Nebraska In ( Jui-
dald real cmute will bo sold In
xeperate tracti
H Id mlt > will
open one hour.
Duicd '
tbla J'Jtb dsy uf April , 11KJ1
A. U llomiAN ,
Admlntatmtor of eitatu of Jetno I ) SLerwond ,
6 a < t
Ill ttio Dlntrlct Court oCaster
UeorRCtown Connty , Nebrank *
National Hank , oM
( leorcotown , iMnis , ,
1 1'IMntllf ,
. . "
Itobert Olrrati ,
ot nl ,
To Itoliort G.lrvan , Mm Uohert ,
OlryKn wlfa
cAitl , of
Olrvan , ( llo'io '
Ine tuicnl Co. ,
Htnujr A
Wyinftn , recolVwr of ld
OloUo In-
votrnontCo. ud 0.
defendant * i , W. Young , lion resident
You , mid each of
jon , will ifikn
t m iUth ! d v of July , IKW notice ttut 6n
, the
( U-orantown Na
tional llnnk
, of lleor
licreln otoivn , MM * , plaintiff
, flloil IU M'lltlon In the
Ctimer county , Nobrniku. court of
defendant you mid oilier
* , tlioobject mill <
| rayor of nlilclicalil
petition nre to forvrlom a certain
cuted by Sylrtitcr J. Maker mortgage exe
Surnh .F.
to tlio lakon ! AlortRatjo Io n llakor ,
i iclober SS , 1887. n bleu mortiwiii Corporation , ou
tlio 814 of the N\vU. nnil lot * a and win 4 , given of upon
lti\viiiihlplV , range ! ! ! , In Cnitar section
county , No-
btaka , ami
wt given tit cociuo tlio
payment of
a curtain first mort | { K coupon ooiul , no-tiled
liy raid Hrlviotcr J , Maker ami Sarah J , lUker
mild Dakota Mort aRO Loan Corporation for the
sum of 85PO.OO , Which bond wan dated Uctobur '
1887 , anil due November 1 , IHU.1. 'J5 ,
Tlmt Mm plalutlll In now ttio owner itud holder
of Mill morU'igo liond , mid the laid inori
Aociirlni : the payment of the same. KO
That inoro Is IIOTV ilnn upon Mill bond und
mortnaRO , thoiuwof JMO.flO , together with In-
torentnl ten per cent per annum , from Nnvotn *
bar 1 , Ibiy , for whloh luiu , with Intercut UK afore-
itld , plaintiff iiraja for decree that said mort
f pa nuy he foreclosed ; that defendant * born
iinlicd tn pay tlio ajld nmoutit with interest wlth >
In two ty day * from tliu entry of atd ilccruc , or
and the proceed * of euch salq ( ipplleu to tlin | in >
in out ot * nld debt , Intercut anil conti ot this
Vou , ainl cxch ot
you are required to m-.flwor
Hlil petition on or beforit Monday , Iho liltli ilny
of Ma
) , 1WI.
l ) t < ui thin tOtli tiny of April , IUUI.
Of Ui'orxotnwn , Alarn.
iiyo. uaurTKiiiios.
. ll t
In the DlKirlct Court of tni > t r County
Krnil llnlr-cli , riblntlll , )
v }
Mary t' ' llnli-di , Dorondant . )
To Mary V. llulmli , Nonreiilileut dvfciidunt :
Yon urn huruliy nollliud that on thu 10th ilny of
April , A I ) . H'OI , Knisl. llalHch , plalntlir hornln ,
01 uiintur I iiiiniy ix'uinaKa , inu uujvci nuu
prayoror which iiru to obtnln a illrorui from
jun on tin1 grotimln tbat > ou IIATM wilfully
abandoned Iliu plulutllftlthnilt K'nntl fiiiei ! for
moioilmn two yeiirn la t punt , that you \voro
nullly of nxinitiu crnolt ) totMirdii plnlntlllhllo
TliiK lilm
Yuu ure leqtilrccl to
rimurr eiild pt > tltlou ou or
before tinJOili duy of May , 111.
Uatcd ut How , iNuhritHka , thU liHh tlay
of April , IWI. KIINMT lUlHUll ,
1 I ) \ \ lly llliiAtty , AU-IIA
Iii county court , "Itlilti und for Cuitur county ,
In the MnlUT of the iiittatu of I
Nelnou I' . ItiT. Deci'knvd. (
To thu orudllura of i-uld otfUtc :
Yon art ) liuicby nolill-id , that I will lit nt tlin
county court room. In llrokun llow , In nuld
county , on thu lUlh imv of Juno , llHll , ou the tilth
day of AiiL-iii-t. UHII , and on ( hu ll'th tin ) of
October , IUOI , iuch nt IU o'tlouk n. m. , ofcuuh
dny , to rocvltu mid oxHinlnc all clalinn aK'dnnt
aid oiliitv , with n view to thulr Hdjuntiiunl and
The time limited for thu prei-vutttlon of elali
HKln t enlil C'Htuto In clx uiontln from the I'Jth
day of April. IWOI , und tlio tluiu limited tor tlio
payment t dobta la ouu year from tmld lUlli day
of April , 1UOI
Wltiu'KH my bund nnd tbo sen ! of nald county
court , ( hi * let da > of April , IIHI.
ISKAI. ] .1 A. AIIHOUII , Uoanty Jinlye.
Lvdorur , btrnuflu & Uo , linpleuilud with otburii.
ilufendiintu , will tnko natlco tlinl on the IHlh day
of Movomhor , 1800 , the trualoei of Itlpoii College ,
plalutllli ) , tiled thulr petition In thu dlatrlct oouit
nf Uuitor county , NebrnnkH , ncalnat aalddefcn-
duuti , tbo oliject and prayer of which are to foru-
cloee a certain inottKHKO oxecntod by Kiln I.l -
Kctt and Maitlu UflKult , coiiTeyliiK lotit four 14) ) ,
and lire ' (6) ) , Iu block thlrtueu (13 ( ; , ot Jamen I * .
Gai ( ly'it addition to thu town of Urokoii How ,
Nebrankii , to ucuro tbo puymunt of a curtain
inortgitK" bond , dated on tliu tlmt dnyotJuly ,
18K9 , lor tbii Mini of J5&0.00 and lutoroul tliertun ,
Maid bond iluu and puj'iible on tint flrit day uf
July , ISS'l. ' Thnt thcro la now due and V > WIIK |
upon Maul bond and morlfc'uKo , the num of
(501 Ot ) , for which eum with luirroil from thto
date the plalutlll prnyH fora ducrco Ibateald du-
foil Jan la ho n-qulred to p < 4r thu ramo or that uald
liruinlaea may bo gold to oatlafy the amount found
VjU nru requlri'd to
unavv or aald petition ou or
boforn the "Olh day of Muy , 1W1.
Diitud thlb 4th day of April , 1UOI.
' '
'I'liUBiKt * or Itil'ON COI.LKUH ,
lly JAMKM Lituwiull , thulr Attorney. MMl
lrlHt ; lror Letter * About JVc-
A round tript liukot from any
Burlington Rout Htiition in No-
brat-ku to YellowHtotio Park ami a
ooiupluto trip throiigli tlio Park IH
one of twenty pmuH offered by
the Hurlington Kouto for the bout
lottoru about Nebranka.
Other prizoH are ; Tripw fc Colorado
the Black ilillH , Chiougo , and St.
There are alHO tovoral onnh prizes.
Thu Burlington offers those pri/.on
for htttnrH tlmt will
ciinnurni/o nn-
migration to INeuraaka' .Lottom
dosuriptivti of moousHful farming ,
cattle raiding , dairying , fruit grow
ing , and Himilar purnuils are avail
able for the purpoHo in view.
The oontcHt oloHCH May . ' < ! , 1001.
CiruularH giving full imfonmitioii
will bo mailed on ruqucHt.
J. Francii ) , Genornl PaHHonger
A ont , Omaha , Neb ,
The liurlin ton Konlo offorn twenty
prl/UH , ftif rofiiiting 8600 lor lutturti which
enii UD iiHi'd m encouraging
to Ni'brnflkA.
The lirst prl/i ) IH a round trip tlckttt
from any Hurllnntori Jtoiilo RtiUiou In
Nebraska to Vellowstono Park , nnd n
complute trip through thu park. Includ
ing Htn u trnnHportatlon nnd llvo and n
half diiyfi' itcooinodatlon ut the lioielH
of thu Yellowstone 1'urk Asaocliitlon
value 8100
The Ht'cond prlzo IB a ticket to Dimvor
thcnct ) to thu Hlnok Hllln , untl 825 in
onnh vniue 875.
PnrticulnrB cnn bu obtained by
lit J. I'Vnnola ' , ( I P. A. , Uurllngtou
Route , Omaha , Nobr ,
Notice of Iteward.
A reward ot $5.00 will be given
for information leading to oonvio-
tion of any one tampering or mod-
ling with any line , or ohootiug in-
hulatorn or doing any damage intentionally
tionally on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow Telephone Exchange.
Warning ia hereby given that any
persons so offending will be prose-
anted to the full extent of the law.
To THIC UKAKA ri h lady , ourod
01 . i Deafnt-HH and NOJHOH in the
lload by Lr. Nioholson'ri Artiiioial
Ear DruniH , gave f25,000 to IMH In-
Htitutt' , HO that deaf people unable
to procure thu Ear Drums , may have
thorn free , Add rent * No. D Ma ,
The NioholHon Institute , 780 ,
Eight Avenue , New York , jani ) ly
mijf Idl
CANCKKS from cuncorf
UlUllJ IB.T. O'CONNOK'cnrei
lancora , tnmorf and wens ; no knife. blood or
planter. AddrOM 1300 O itrcot , Lincoln , Nobr.
( tlotUon this pnpor. ) Jan 3-Mt !
Wliy Suffer , Got A free Mmpio ot an Until that
will euro y.n A pottnl cant will tiring It.
KaiiiMUIty , Mo , "UdjsT
Iiewitreor a
A cough Ifl not A disease but A syrup-
toni Omtmunpftlon untl bronchitis , which
nro ( ho moot dfingorous find fntal
fCHHCH , hnvo for tliolr llrat Indication n
| ) cn l.4tont onu hanil If properly treated
IH noon na this cotiuh appoarp nru rnally
unret ) . niiiiiiberlnlnto Cough Kemudy
I fin proven wonderfully .auccoBgful , and
Kniniul Its wide reputntion and extensive
Bile by KB BUOCO S in curing thi ) die-
cnHCH wliiah cniiBti uonghlnt : . If It la , not
ht'iiellolnl 1t will not cost you n cent.
For flnlo by J . O. Hiiobculo. 5-2 lin.
$ Our Grand
Ornithological Contest ,
tiomvthliiK entlrrly new ami Inlorrstlnir , Knnd
what you are to do. You may get 9\wU \ , Our
Ciinti'i't IH to i < i < u who can makii Iho laigcat Hat of
namee ( or kliuU ) of blrda from th tollowlug Hat
of letters :
W L ) O O U U 0 K Q U L I A P
It T A U I J ) tt U S I' N I E L V
Ifi Bit D 1 M W A D O I ! T L
Wo will recoKtilKti nt a bird anything
to thu featheruil tribe , whether It bun linn belonging , ( 'row ,
Mlnger oUmr .
or my kind. You can ueu any loiter
as many 11 nice lo make n miim > an It
llm Hat , of letlerit appcnra
above ; Woodcock , Plover , Hnow
. . A1 Ml ill MI u u l u n uiifc nniiiu Ji
iMiitn * > * u ti Hi 1TU
or almoliiloljr ICHII. KHKK beautiful nrlrtvnltio 3I.UUO ,
[ 5io PKIZICH A\\'Ai iii > DAII.V.
When ) on Imva miidu out your lint till out thu
( no on tlio bottom
of thin ndvorlli > t'iiiunt , ami
lid to us With n Humped addrcenud I'lirolopu
. , Hiiip of jour country will do , thiin K you mo
n nrilrd n prlcn joii can If you dolro K t the
iirltii hv liocomliii ; n vnhecrlhor lo the Woumn'a
World Wo idmli uwiitd a nrUe lo orury porcou
who ( cuds tliu name ot U.1 blrde , and our glfln will
he aa follmsiu For the bed lUI , recelvetl ench
ilny , n ( lold U'utch ; for tbo rtcond butt aolution
eaeb day , n beautiful Impoited Tea Set ; for the
noven next bent solutloiiH each dna Konrah Ha.
kill Dliimond and liuby King ; for the next boat
olullon , a Hold 1'locoj and lor all othi-r correct
Kolntlona , prUcn ot good value , Thtso prizes
will lie foiwarded dally , jou will not hare to
wait a long tlmolu
nnceruilnty bt-foro yon know
the leitili , There In no clement of lottery Iu our
plan , It makee no dlllorenod whether wo
got your
solution late or uirly In the ilay. All you need la
to mall thla Advl. lo nand on the day tt roilcbei
UK , If your " lint In tbo beat , you UuU have tlio
Quit ! "Watabi or If necond hunt , llm beatltllul
Tea Hot , and ro ou , Wo gtmrnnteo that WO will
award you u prlve There iaahuliitol no
) oppor
tunity for deception mi ourpnrt wocamiotafford
It Wo want to get l.tXW.OOO well nalbflodeub-
nrrlheri > , anil for that rcanou wo don't want you to
tend any money nulll yon know oxartly what
mliooii IUTU '
L'ulncd bv aum\erlmr the nuzzles ,
examiner * will Judge tha mts ' < > the boot ot thnlr
nblllty , and will ilenlitnate the prlzoi ) . Wo pill
write to you at once notifying you what price ho >
been owardidyou , then If you are Battollrd , you
can fund your subscription to I'lio Woman's
World , and your prize will go by return of ndBI
carriagu paid. To n person of narrow Ideas It
nei'Uis ImpoKnlblo that wo should ho able to make
Much a KlpanllG olTor , nut vtf > have the 'iioney ,
briilnx anil reputation , wo ktjnw oxaclly what r
are doing , ami If wo can logmmatnly gulu u mil
lion Muhtcrlhem by thin griind Idea , wo hnovr that
thin million of well pleuned nuheurlbori * pan bo
Iniinccd to recommend Thu Woman's \\iifikto \
all frlomU
, thereby hullditn ; up our clrnTiaUoli
ailll further. Wo urn willing lo uond S'J5WJUln
tldH content In building up n hlKeilb Crltloii | | list ,
and Alien thlH
monLw la xpeul
resor\o tba
right to publish a ufiillcatlon tlm * thu contort has
htendlsuit.lluuoU. Don't delay until It U too
Into. Tlio content will uiutluuo until 1st
July ,
Wu glvo a bonus prlzoot $ AO Independent of all
others , to tbo pernon who numU in tin ) llta gottun
up In tbo hem
ami hiindnonieiU iminuvr. Our
commllteu will docldo and award prlzon dailybnt
the special $ JMI prl/.o will he uwardvil In Heptuu *
her , 1W1. Any bird's name found In the diction-
The "woman's World ' la a thoroughly reliable
concern , wo are known
to do uxacUy an wo adver
tise. AH to our reliability wo refer to any udror-
tlnllitf agout or buHlnosH man of London or Naw
Town Country ,
N. II , llo
careful and
do prepay your lutter&c , aa
wo not fOcelvti underpaid lettem. Addreas :
WOHLU , IliiKNTroni
Jan. ) Ilk W. J NIILANO.
"ft IB with u good deal of pleasure aud
Hatiefuotion that 1 reoomuiend Chiunbor-
lalu's ( Jollc , Cholem und Dmrrhoeu
olle , ol Hartford , Conn. ' A Isdy
, uuHtoiuor , uooltiK the roini'dy oxijost'd
) tr uft ) on my uliotv oane , mild to mo : ' 1
mllybulluvo Hint medicine Raved my life
ie pftBt Hiuiiiii'jr while tit the Hhoio , ' und
hlto becauio HO onttiuHlustlc over its
luorltH that I ut once made up my mind
to rueonimond it In tlio future , llecetit-
ly a gentleman unniM Into my store EO
overcomt ) with uollo palnn tlint ho uank
OUCH to the Iloor. I K VO him u doaii
of tltfo remedy which helped him. I
repeated the doae and in lldeon inltiiitts
ho Kift my atore Hiiiiliiinly Inforuilnt ; mo
tlmt he full nB well IIH over. " Sold by
J , G. llncberlu. fl-'J 1m.
Complexion Ileatittlller.
We want every lady tender of the
I.IOAN to try Dwij ht's Com
plexion Beantifier , the imiril exquu
site toilet preparation. It ia pure
and harmlessmakes the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it we will for
a short time only Hond FKKI : a full
size , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will HOIK ! us her post oflice ad-
driitis silver dime to pay for packing
and pontage. Only one KIIKK box to
each address but ladieja. jpay order
for their friends. Eaoli box mailed
separately. Send this notice and
your order at ONCB to D. W. CUBTKR
- . , Huntington W. Va.
A nyolitt fending u eLctrh mid description
ulfklr nirurluln our opinion fieo whether nmr
invention In prolmlily iiiitiMitulili- ( iiiiiiiiunl'Vi. uu
/ fonaunntliil. liumll
taut fruu Oldnit iiuOncy ivr sri urnur tmtunlM.
Pntents tukt'ii thriuii'h Mu ' .
u I'n. roci'lvo
tpttUitnotKt , without clmrm' , In Iliu
A Umiclnoincly Mlii trnlM - ( > "kU- , l.nrL-cst rlr ,
culallon of nnn UMitllhi Jmirn il
ycur , four niuntlio , II. tioldbyull TiTins , 1 1 n
Ur QcU OU1 > o. U # V tit , Wiuhttiiftou , U. U