Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 4

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    ffiuaicr ffio Republican
U. .M. AMS KHlY. . Uulor
tbcU. s > . MMU.
One YPM , In wlrnnoc
President Molvinlev and com } >
any slArtod on tboir wpftwrn lour
Monday , April 2ft , which will in
quire hov ral week to complete.
Old-tune Ppecnlntor'on the Chioa
CO Board of Trsde , who ihonqht
they kad the jonng tniin Phillips
broke with corn t 44 cents , innet
revise llioir eHimils. With the
priuo hanglnc srourd 49 oents it
beiges to 8pp0ar that the you re
man ih better gups ur than lut-
elders. Be * .
Many women have been reptoath-
ed for living for the f-ole object of
t'utaruining. No one doubt- that
Fuoh an si in ig petty sod nai rowing ,
but it is equally certain that it is a
woman's duly to nndurstand the
Art of Entertaining , and tin ? forms
the subject of an attractive and
useful atticle by Lidy Jeuue in Thf
Cosmopolitan for May
The jury in the Callahan case at
Omaha , if not criminals themselves ,
certainly muHt have but verv little
regard for law , if they can be judir-
ed by their verdict rendered in the
CaHahan case. Judge Baker is
certainly to bo commondo'j for the
severe reprimand ho gave the jury
for their verdict. It is jiiHt such
verdicts that cause the public to
loofo respect for courts.
E. C. Peixotlo's article , "Palis
Typos , " in the May Cosmopolitan ,
charmingly illustrated by the auth
or , will interest those whoso wish
to see Paris has never boon gratifi
ed , and at the same time arouse the
pleasant recollections of former
visitors. The fiction includes
stories of love , adventure and hum
or by snob well known wriilors as
Julian Hawthorne , Llaydon Carrnth ,
Egorton Gaelic , and U. G. Wells.
The Omuhu lieo says that the
i i "poipooratio organs severely oritiois
h. od Attorney General Prout lor his
. opinions on the Rock Island case ,
which'was started by his prodocos-
Hor. The supreme court also took
a hand in criticism. The federal
circuit court has rendered a decision
in the case which demonstrates
that the popocratic ox attorney
general did not know what ho was
about when the case was started
and hid succetsor was justified in
not desiring to waste time on the
litigation. "
"No other president of the Unit
ed States within the experience of
the present yoneration of voters ,
nays the Now York Sun , "has had
suoh evenly distributed support
regardless of sectional geographical
lines , as was given to William Me
Kinloy in Novcmborj 1000. His
greatest gains , compared with 1800
were on the Pacific coast 19,000
'in California. In Utah the MoKin-
loy vote increased from 13,000 to
47,000 ; in Colorado from 20,000 to
03,000 , in Montana from 10,000 to
25,000 , in Idaho from 0,000 to 27 ,
000 and in Washington from 39- ,
000 to 57,000. "
No broader distinclion can bo
made between men than that whicl
divides them into Iwo classes. To
the first class belong those who al
ways have a good excuse why th
thing required cannot bo done
The second class is composed o
those who manage to do. Foremos
in this latter class stands out th
liguro of General Do Wot. Alloi
Sacgree , who has just returned fron
the Transvaal , draws a vivid ptctur
of the diameter of this most remarkable
markablo general of modern time
for the May Cosmopolitan , and th
article is illustrated with the mos
complete collection of photograph
and drawings yet published.
The Beacon's suggestion las
week in reference to the citizen
buying the ground south of Johi
Henry's barn for the purpose o
improving it for a park and pionio
grounds moots the hearty approva
t > f lh RepnblieanVo liavo for
y-Mrs mntiitiinod that irotiml in-
oln mg the fltook honlil lie owned
by Brckon How .ind improved for
public M o Koth irce * nnd blue
gr HS would do well there and n
Uki > could he made theru with little
Bft that would bo fed by n
rnnning Ktroam. It JH a little. Into
, o plant it in trues this dennon , but
f purohaHod the ground eoald bo
lolled arid the excavation nndc
.nd dnra put in , and put in leadi-
for the trees next spring.
l'n . | KTit3 In Itctall Trmlo.
Never in tlic history of retailing
jave thorp been as many now Htores
n course n ( constr'iction and planed -
od for as at the present limo
Voni all parts of the country lot-
ore roach ibis ofiieu from inerehantH
who are building or contemplate
nilcling now stores , or recoiiHtruct.
ng and refiling old stores. Sag-
qeslions for sloro arrangement and
niormation as to where fllore ftirn-
ture and filtingH 'dan bo bad from
he luilk of the inquirien , which
end to show that the dry goods
nd general merchnntH are fully
hvo to the advantages of properly
quipped stores , and mean to put
heir bu&inesa on a modern basis
t also indicates the condition of
he great mass of average retailers
most prosperous. The first five
ears of the new century will bring
about a general reconstruction that
hat will put the great mass of
verage stores in line with modern
dean. The Chicago "Dry Goods
leporter. "
Ulguntlc Deal tu thu Interest * of
American Exports.
London , April lilt. J. Pierpont
Morgan paid a quarter of a million
lounds Saturday as a deposit to
uouro the purchase by liimnolf of a
controlling interest in the Leylaud
inc. The ordinary shareholders
vill bo paid fourteen pounds and
en shillings for each ton pound
It is reported in commotion with
he purchase ot the Leylaud line by
Morgan that when Andrew Carno-
510 * was in London ho declared that
icavy ocean freight rates were now
ho chief obstacle in the way of
building up tie American export
trade , and added :
"I will not rust Hatisried until I
lave done something to boat the in
lown to the proper figure. "
I. P. Morgan when he arrived in
London , said :
"I may BOO Carnegie. Ho and
L have trials in common , "
The foregoing Booms to suggest
that Carnegie and Morgan arc in a
deal to control transatlantic shipp-
A representative of the Aesooiat
ed press learned that the purchase
of the Luyland line is tantamount
to its consolidation with the Atlan
tic Transport lino. For the pres
out the Leylaml will retain its name
and management , though changes
in the direetorale are likely lo
ouour shortly.
This Hoot of Hteamors plies between
tweon the United titatts and I'orl
ugal , llaly , Sioly , Malta , Egypt
Turkey and the Black Sea , An
American oapilalist is a very handy
piece of furniture to have around
A Brlof Synopsis of the more Im
portant School Laws Enacted
by the last UogislaUiro.
Owing to the fact Unit compara
lively few patrons of the public
schools have the opportunity to
fumiliume- themselves with tin
school laws , only one copy of the
regular edition being allowed to u
district , I have thought it advisoablo
to give a brief synopsis of the lawa
enacted by our last legislature. Altogether -
together twelve bills wore passed am
received executive sanction , of whiol
the following are the more important
11. K. No. 181) ) places Unltotl Stutos his
lory among the requlromantH for u third
grudocorllllcalo ; reduces the number o
Ihlrd Knidii certificates to which ono per
son Is entitled from thieo to two ; mulct's
uttoiidunco ut touchers' Institutes compul
so.ry unless excuse Is granted by the sii.
liurlntoiulont prior to the convening o
thu Institute ; and ut r July 1 , HHi ; , re
quires u knowledge of the Klomuuls o
Agriculture for u second gnido curtlllcate
U. U. No. m > makes It the duly of the
county superintendent to hold oxuuilnu
lions on iho IhlrJ Saturdays In April and
July for admission to Iho State Nortna
School ,
U. U. No. ! U Is the free high school luW
.It Isnotull tliut frlonds of thu Iduu de-
slroU , yet it Is believed to be constitutional
The quoiilon M to It becoming operative
In nny county l to be decldod by the In-
Rally qimllMi'd . Iho annual iHiool
tiUiif ; . Tim bill providing that nil HIM
territory In the county , not Included high
4rhHil tlhtik'K sdmll uonslltutu ono nidi-
pfiiilenl district for taxing plirposi t. It
Oiall be tin * duty of iho modnrnUir In riich
school district lo Miihnill at llio unimul
i-tliib' tlio question of ( iilibllHlilng ; whiil
It termed mi iidjunct district , null to cor-
tlfy iho result of mich vote to the county
iipi-rlnluiidoiit. If llir canvass of the
Mite liy the county .siinuiluUmdont shall
slm\v that u majority of tlioso votltiK "l > -
> n Mm iiunslloii favor the proposition , he
shall certify the cumo 10 llio county dork
nml thu county board shall thereafter
nuke a levy iinnuully ol not to oxcoml two
nlll.s op the assessed viiliiiitlon of nil prop
erty In the adjunct district for high school
iiirposo. The money .so ralsuil Hliull con
stitute u fund for the payment , of tuition of
ilgli school pupils Ironi Mich udjunct dls-
ricls. The mnxlmum rate of tuition to
10 charged by high schools Is fixed ut
wt'iity-llve cents pur week for each pu | ll
admitted nnilor this net. The Stuto Sii
tcrlntundcnl will for the present rocotnl/e
is high schools those doing two yours or
nero of high school work and employing
lot le. s than four teauhor.s. The provls-
ons of this bill should ho given careful
onslderatloii prior to the annual mooting.
S. F. No. 'Jill provides for compulsory
ittenduncu of ull children between tin-
iges of seven und fourtooii your * , for ut
oust two-thirds of the number of weeks
hut school Is required to bo hold In llio
listrlct of tholr residence. District boards
lave the powur to appoint truant olllcei > ,
ivhosodtity Itshull bo lo enforce the law ,
> ut In ciiso no appointment Is in ado It Is
nude llio duty of the director lo sco lliut
ho law Is compiled with. Hoth scliool
ifllcers und patrons should Insist upon u
< lrlcl compliance with Iho provisions of
this acl. I'onultlos aiv attached.
S. F. No. 2M amends the Iftw reluting to
lie employing of touchors und provides
hut if contract Is made prior lo Iho an-
nial meotliiK It must bo signed by two
nenilicrs whoso terms of ofllco do not ex-
> lro with tlio scliool your in which the
contract Is miule. ulso tliut contracts are
lot valid unless slgnod by the entire boarder
or by two members who ure not relutod lo
ouchor to the fourth degree , ( first cousins
or closor. )
II. K. Mo. 223 amends Hie law relating lo
ho formation of now districts und the
: hungo of boundaries of exisliug districts
iy rnpcnllng the six mile limit provision.
lrlcls may under the law us uuondod ,
Delude toriltory more than six miles In
11. R. No. : . ' 27 provides for the formation
of rural high school districts. This Is
purely an optional measure and it Is qiies-
lonahlo whether the conditions in this
county arc such thai Its provisions will be
ukcn advantage of.
3H. K. No. 221 amends the law rolutlnu lethe
the attendance ut u nearer scliool by pro
viding that Iho petition for transfer must
> e signed by , a majority of tlio members
of the board of the district In which
school privileges are desired , us well as by u
t'gal voter In thu district of thi'lr residence
und the parent , llowovor tnnihfors for the
coming your will bo made under the old
II. U. No. 20. ) amends the law relating
lo the powers and duties of the school
lourd by adding to their duties Unit of ut-
.oiullUK all meetings called by Iho county
superintendent for the purpose of adopting
or revising the course of study , or for
such action as may bo deemed to bo to the
interests of thu schools. In cuso the board
docs not wish to attend us u body , they
may select ono of their members for tliut
duty with powers to not for ull.
II. K. No. .I provides u punulty" nol
loss Ihun $2. > .0u nor more than * 100 for
Illegal voting at scliool o'ectlons. '
Of the above bills Nos. 189,8' ) , 54 ,
150 and U were passed with the
emergency clause are in effect. All
others will become effective June 28.
TheBO are the more important
measures and all that mtitormlly
effects country districts. 1 ahull be
glucl to furnish uny further informa
tion desired relating to provisions in
any of the ubovo acts.
Yours irnly ,
Co. Supt.
County Court Notes.
The case of Grimm against John
son , otal. , over the moving of a
fence was continued for two weeks.
The case of the city against A.
Horn , came up for trial before
Judge Armour Tuesday. It is si
case in which the city sued Mr.
Horn ( or care and treatment at the
poslhouau while under quarantine for
* 108.70. The argument of the
case is postponed until next Mon
The ease of the state against
David Hall and others of Ansloy ,
charged of illegal voting at the
village election that was to have
boon tried in Judge Armour's court
yesterday , owing to the absence of
L. K , Kirkpatriok who is attending
court at Hyannis this week , the
case was oontinund indclliuitoiy.
Judge Armour's court was occu
pied Monday in a jury trml of an
Omaha Bank against J. F. Hutohin-
son. The ease was one where Mr.
Hutchinson , a number of years ago
signed a uoto as security for A. J.
Bnrt for $15C. Mr. llutfninscn
had paid noiuothing near the face ol
llio note , but the holder of it want
ed some * 300 for interest and un
paid balance. The iury held that
Mr. llutchinson had fultilled his
port of iho obligation and rendered
a verdict in his iavor.
A man by the name of VanKvery
of Kearney , was before County
Jiulgu Armour last Friday on a
writ of habeas corpus , but thu writ
was domed. From ' reports of th
oa o U appoard that V nlCvnry had
traded a linn in Miiuicn out of a
lot of livery nltiok , representing
that ho and his wife had a half
Hcution of land in CiiMlnr county
near Milhimi , and propony m
Kearney valued at about J.'l.fiOO
THO parties at Minden on invest-
L''ition bt'iiamu ( ' ! > Hitisliod and MUM
lo .Millmrn this county whtreiM' .
Vanl very and wife had gene and
had him arrested on the charge of
obtaining properly under fnlno pri-
ICIIBO Whim the deputy hi < rifF
irom Kcarnoy county ruaohcn Bro
ken Buw with his prisoner ai eiforl
vras made to Hi'ouio his release on a
writ of habeas corpus , through 1m
attorneys A. Moore and James Lud-
wi 'h The defense waa represent
ed by attorneys C. L. GultorHon
andJ.M Scott. The court refin
ed to issue the writ on the evidence
ind the prisoner was held hero in
jail until Monday night when lie
was taken to Minden to Hit nd n
preliminary examination. Before
leaving hi1 secured the services of
attorney Scot'who appeared against
liiin hero , to defend him at Minder * .
Mr. Scott loft for Minden Tuesdaj
riomo of our enterprising farmers
near lown have commenced plurl-
ing corn.
Sam Trout was down to Merna
on business yesterday , arriving here
iga'm this ovomng.
Wo noticed the smiling face of
Major Pclham is shaded with n
summer hat these summor-liko
The Burlington Route has put a
new boiler in thu pump house and
repaired tlio roof whore it caught
ire a few days ago.
MISH Jesflo Walters who has bean
very sir k the laet few days is im
proving Blowly.and will bo able to
> e up in a day or two.
Miss Bessie Bed well arrived here
Saturday night from Beroa Box
! 5uttc counlj , where she has junt
closed a successful term of school.
She left this morning for Sargent.
Miss Gray , the wife of Sam
iodockor , brother of our genial
tjactionman nnd uiecoof the foreman
ire here visiting. Their home i *
icar Purdum , in Cherry county.
J. M. Sullivan moved a stock of
oods form Arfsloy here a few days
aqo , nnd has rented a pirt of the
milding where Mr. KOKS lives ,
where he will open up in : few
Quite an excitement was caused
in our little > village yesterday by a
run away team belonging to Ennis
Scott. There wore two women in
the buggy at the tiimi , but luckily
thxy escaped injury. Mrs. Ennis
Scott yaH ono of the party and the
name of the other we are unable to
learn. The buggy was badly used
At > Intrcntou- Treatment lly
\VliIcli i riiiiUnrctH are
Curetl naliy In Spite
I > OHCS. Mo
ul tlie Js'erveH. A llean-
'nl uticl ' 8ltlve Cure
I'or tlie l.ictuof
It is now generally known and under
stood flint Drunkenness IB a cliiseusi- and
not woukncBfi. A body tilled with poison
nud lu'rves complotelv slmtturtd by
periodical or constant mo of iutoxiciUlru :
liquors , requires an antidote capable ol'
ntutrnli/ii ) < ; and oradloitlni ; this poison
and destroylpg tlio craving for lutox
icants. Suffers mny now cure them
selves ut Iiomo without publicity or lees
ot time Irom bu8tn > S9 by t'Ha ' wonderful
'Home Gold Cure" which line been [ le
fectod ft' r ruany yuurs of close study
and treatment ot incbriixtcs The fnllli-
fill IIRH Hccordint : to the dlri'ctlo'in of
thlB wonderful dlecovurj IB poeltivc-ly
Kiisiuntotd to euro Iho most obntlnnte
WHO , no nm'tor ' how hnrd n drlukor.
Our records enow the nurvplrus trans-
fornmlldii of tliousnnda of LirunknrdB
Into sober , Industrious und upright men
Wives Cure Your lliulmiuh. CUHd
rcn ( Jure Vour Fftihors. Thin remedy la
In no eiiiiai ) d nosti inn but ia n spocillt ;
for this dlscnso only , nnda \ so skillfully
dovlsnd and prcpnitd thnt it is tliiToiiKli-
ly unlublo und ploAsnnt to the lablo so
that it can he given In a cup of tea or
cotleo without tli tuiowledgo of the per
son taking it. ThoiiflftiuU of Drunkards
have cured themselves " .1th thU priceless
remedy , and ns in nny mme have been
curd und nnido tompurnto mon bv
having the "Uuro" iidmlniBtored by lov
ing friends nnd rolutives without their
knowledge In oolTeo or It'll , and belu > vi <
to-dny that they dlecontuied drinking of
tboir own free will. Do Not Wiilt. l > o
not bo deluded by iippnrontniul mlslead-
li > B "iuiprovoiiiont" Drlv out the
dlHeupt ) at oncrt nnd for all time , The
"Homo Gold Ouro" la sold at the
extremely low prloo of Ono Dollar , tlai"
placing within reach of everybody n
treatment more otTeotual than otherH
costing $25 to ? 50. Kull dlrtictlons
accompany each pnckago. Special
advice by tkillod phyelctans when ro-
( niealrd without extra clmrgo Sent
pi-epald to iiny part of the world on
rnrept of Onw Dollar. AtidK" Dt't > ' K
177EDWIN H. Giles AOOMl'ANT.aiCI
and U3t'J ; Uurkot Strtiet , Philadelphia.
All eorrespoudouoe strictly coutldetlal
* " SPCX- .
& 3 : . ' ! 4&3a ? WILSON A DRAKE
Iliiers and Kate fetes
i''H New Location , Four Doors North F.rokcti Uow Slitc ; Bunk. i } |
' ; , :
yf The man that would refuse to
.V buy one of these Nobb } ' little
Jesuits for his only little boy at one
ll".dollar lift } '
> ? :
( i
? J % Should be treated like this ;
' ' 0 ' T Nfi * ' * * * *
si ; . v-/
wouhl serve him rig-lit.
Childs Vestee suits at98c ,
SI.50 , $1.75 , * 2.00 , $2.85 ,
$3.75$4.00 , etc. Each and
every one a distinctive
bargain. These sizes run
from 3 to 8 years , and at
these ages , the mama al
ways takes great delight
in having her darling boy
dressed in Natty Shape ,
but when the boy arrives
at the age of 9 the old man
is supposed to appear on
the scene , and of course
vthcn he wan is the boy to
look "Afanly" just like
papa. We have the little
suits to fit him out just
right ages 9 to 16 years.
Round cut coat , ' double
breasted vest and short
pants very nobby little
suits , good materials , at
$3.50 , * 3.f > 5 , $4.40 , $5.00
and up.
VolllllC Meil'H HllllH ,
In sixes 14 to 20. Here is
where you find good val
ues. We are showing a
splendid Hue of Youths
suits in all wool casimeres ,
cheviots and fancy worst
eds at prices no one can
Unmatchable bargains
in Hats , Caps , Underwear
and Furnishing Goods.
Our Men's Summer under
wear at 25c , 50c and 75c
you'll find to he just a Lit
tle Better than can he had
elsewhere for the money.
pjv :
* j
We have just received from the factory in Baltimore an . :
cleg-ant line of gentlemen's Fashionable Neckwear , anil
we're goiii { to try the little experiment of selling- Fifty
Cent Ties For One Dollar. Our 25c line of Tecks , Clubs
and Foiir-in-IIatid ties are beauties. f&S
- Try the Big Clothing * Department once , and you will re-
i ali/.e the diffcrctiaThe Dollars we save you will help
your wife out on her springbonnet. .
Flour !
We will sell Flour as
cheap as the manufac
turer. J. C. BOWEN.
CALL on .lohn As Kncn nnd
( > Ximino ! their Itoynl WorcosUT
Corsets buforo buying , t-20 ! iw
New Line o ±
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W , Apple.
The Strength of this 1
C ? tti ? : *
_ _ Great " Clothing Stoic f |
lies in"the fact that all our goods
are bought direct from the manu
facturer at the lowest possible cash
prices , and we always sell every -
garment at the lowest possible > 'ijj
pricesand we oiler to the economical - | $ i
ical good dresser of Broken Bow jjjj ?
today and every day the greatest $ $
inducements in'clolhing that have $ j
been offered by any house in the J.lj
west. * $
MntCM l itr ioiir Nlnely-Klve. / ' . ' .
Consisting of an assortment of all * ij !
Wool Cassimers and Cheviots ;
good linings , good goods and well $ ?
made , superior to any low priced > . ? / :
suit on the market today. ' ' )
All Wool Velonr Suits Six Seventy-Five | . |
This is by far the best values ever .
shown in a fine suit. Strictly all &jj
wool , nicely tailored and worth in ! $
any market $8.50 or $9.00. f-j ?
All Wool Clay Worsted Suits , Six Mncty. j !
This line of Men's all Wool , finely
tailored , Clay Worsted suits at
\ $0.90. is a corker. Come in either
I Around or square cut is actually $ ?
worth $9.00 , hut the cash in the $
right place at the right time turns jV i
many a sharp hargain for us. Betfci' '
ter Clay suits at § 9.50 , * 9-90.aml $
$12 00. { ] ? |
( io a Coui-tiii , Study Natiiro and Catch
a Wire.
To he successful in this little man
euver you should be rigged out in
one of our many nobby style Dress
suits. We are showing an ele
gant line of fine suits in all the
new and popular styles including
Military suitsCambridgesuits.etc
'MVNs > X * w\rw\wj v
It iHU't IIIC IlllttCrlul
repulrcdvaloli tliat
In u purli > ct
thin doi'Hthnhupiiit't.H , any bunulur
imn buy tin line kluda or materlnl
that i u-ic In rcpinriujj ; but skill
IH thu mod valiiHlili' nialtirial tluit
: an bu iiewl inutch n-pulrlng :
mid the huiinlt-r c-iin't buy It. 1
anil mj Hklh for wlmt It IH worth
Kiid H will ooHt you less than
at , ln cr prluca.
.lewtilcr and Oplloiiin.
Wimt Aide of Hiuar | .