Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 2

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    Custer County Republican [
09. M. AMHIIKUKT , IMItnrnnil Pnttllitioi ,
jBnOKKH BOW , - - NlCMttAPKA [
That Uthmlau ennui idea Hiiouul BI-I "
pdt on. The locks cnu come after.
She 'succeeded. Mlsn Gclaimm was
uurrled la Texas a few days since.
It may happen tlic kldnapi"111
Add himself In till rope hcRiiis to be
to tie him tip.
Helen Gould had no cll/llculty
* a getting her llrst contribution to the
Now that the hlpRcr troubles are
frwoothcd over , the different base-hall
Blubs will try to settle old scores.
Few men live to realUo their highest
MplratlouB. hence .1. I'lerpont may
fearer be able to organize a trillion dollar
lar trust
Ordinary people may well admit the
render about a new star coming Into
when even the astronomers con-
it Is above them.
Kmperor William's discovery of the
frontiers of the hen In this country re-
potely BURgests Columbus' discovering
k by means of an t'SR.
Ei-Klng Milan of Servla Is dead.
More might be said were It not for the
Bine-honored precept. "Concerning the
cod , nay only what Is favorable. "
The Bultjin of Turkey Is si 111 eotiRrat-
plating himself on the fact that the
powers skipped him iind went away
> rer to China to do their civilizing.
A -well-known clergyman says money
to good , but that health , culture and
fbaracter arc better. That has a fa mil-
Jar sound , but It Is a fact which cannot
Wcotiio too familiar *
It Is a puzzle to the modern youth
hair so many old duffers managed to
ret along In the world without the
knowledge of things In general pos
sessed by the modern youth.
A Western hen has laid an egg on
r * lch were etched the words , "Prepalr
J r the end Is ncer. " The spirit that did
the etching has given us good reasons
tor believing there was a r-pelllhg re
former near ,
The young king of lUtly Is beginning
to develop signs of governing capacity.
Instead of shooting down the people
tor refusing to pay exorbitant taxes lie
U reducing ( he taxes. Threatened revolution
elution In Spain Is not without hints
to Its neighbor.
The great dam across the N'lle at As-
Kman has been completed and now
- tCgypt need no longer speculate upon
the rise of the crop-bringing water ,
i trite great river will rise Just when it
to needed and UN high as needed and
Bgypt's corn crops will now he mil-
I "Boys who "work fnelr way" through
College often Idt upon odd ways ot
turning : in honest penny. Girls in
similar circumstances also appear tt
be resourceful Several Uadolirt'e stu
dents are earning their college ex
penses , or a part of them by tending
babies. They receive from twenty-live
to fifty cunts an hour , and are acqulr
big Information not obtainable througl
tbc regular curriculum.
The wisest words Hpokt'ti In a roccti
nccthiK of yoiui } ; Ncvv-Yorltcrw , which
iras ndtlroHsctl by throeconspluuoiih
millionaires , wore titteri'tl h.r Colpitt
Boyt. "IttiHinubH foundwl < iu frliMid-
ihlp la frli'iidshlp cMiiliuiKcrctl , " .said he ,
"but friendship foundctl on btiKliic K IK
friendship nKHtirod. " Half ot the prop-
Mltlon , that fair dealing wins good
will , would be nKsonti'd to by every
body. Hut many men luivo had to
Icnrn by wid oxporlt-tico thut nothing t-o
jurely trnimfornm n frlciul to an onciny
ia the RUBplolon that hi > IB vlcwod tnul ,
tsed ns u sort ot cotntnerclitl conven- '
fence. j
The life of an ollicor In the navy '
tends to luivrow 11 man's views. The
> fllcorff nn tlrni and dogmatic nlxnit
tverytiling. Their Idwis have boon at1-
tulrcd U8 a man IB timglit io read and '
irrlte. luUcxllilo rule's ' aovern i > vt > ry-
The ollk'ors dtvss , COIIVIT.SO to-
jethur , go to bwl , rlso. cat and live in
accordance with lived regulation * . IVr-
baps this Is the * ort of ati Institution
the navy should he , for the sakt * of
efficiency , hut It iwcessarlly ItivoUvs
JL condition which Inturpivsos a unit' In--
htH > n tlio nll9l i1 man and I ho com-
silfisloued otllciT , which persons who
fejive not HIH.MI It can hurdly uudpr-
One need not lool ; fur ohatnjos of
jrorld-wldc Iniportunco to follow the
JA , iccestdon of a now ruler In Great Hrlt-
tin , for the power of the lrltihsovor ? -
algn Is , after all , closely cirt'uiui irlbod.
fhongli In theory , for example , I ho
lovcrclgn may v > to an act of I'arlia-
lent , In practice the prlvllogo Is nor
tllowed. N"o Knullsh ICItifr or Qtioon ,
fnct , hits exercised tho. power Miioo
tueen Anne \otoed a bill In 1707 al-
iioBt 200 yonrs ago. It Is worth while
to contrast this with tlio practice and
aower of our own olduf OAUL-tulvo. -
Uiough Washington , Indeed , vetoed
inly 2 bills , nnf Lincoln . ' . CJrnnt vo-
toH 4H nnd Cleveland , In his lirst term
lonc. vetoed 301.
Philanthropy hno been denned a >
reoi'8 opinion of what IMcU ou ht to
do for Ilnrry. An ounce of Illustration
Is worth a ton of definition. A visitor
at a Hnrtford hoHpltiil wns told that
Nancy Cornelius , a young Indian nurse ,
-otild earn twenty dollars a week In
that city , and have all her time employ-
. -I. ( Keeling a call of duty to the sH ;
.nnd aged among her own people , this
splendidly equipped woman nfu-rod her
service * ! IIB doctor , nurse , houneheepcr
ind scrubwoman In a little hospital
among the Wisconsin Indians. Kor
this ardiiotm work she receives the
meager Hum of two hundred dollars it
year. Her returns In gratitude , and
thu humble efforts of her people to fol
low her lead to better things , pass ull
Two projects for changing the bound
aries of Suites have of Into attracted
considerable altoutlon. One Is to transfer -
fer n part of Western Florida , extend-
ng for one hundred nnd fifty miles on
he aeaconst , to the State of Alabama ,
nnd thu other Is to annex the northern
icek of Idaho to the State of Washing-
on. Thu chief argument In support of
he change In each case Is , that It would
ilnee the region In question In the Stntu
vltli which It Is most closely allied In
ntercsts. Most of the business ot I'en-
'ncola , the leading city of West Florida ,
s with Alabama , and If It were a part
of that State , Us Importance as an ex
port point for Alabama products would
loubtk-ss be heightened. It Is also con
siderably nearer to .Montgomery thane
o Tallahassee , and nearer Hlrmlnglmm
him .Jacksonville. The "panhandle"
> f Idaho has very direct railroad con-
lections with the cities of Washington ,
ml very Indirect connections with
lolho and Pocatello. Proposals for rec-
Ifylng boundaries as well ns for dlvld- j
ng States have been many , thu changes
iciually made , few. Where historic
issocliitlons gather around a divisional
Ine they arc not easily effaced , what
ever may be the commercial considera
tions working In that direction. In
cases where railroad connections have
nade the business relations of n region
closer with another State than with Us
) wn. the remedy Is found In the con
struction of new lines. Political geog-
apliy enters somewhat Into railroad-
building. If n map of the United Stntes ,
with all Its cities and geographical fea
tures but with no suggestion of State
Ines , were spread out before the wisest
of men , ami he were asked to divide It
Into fifty convenient units , how differ
ent would be the result of his work
from tlio map of the Stutes us they are I
Yet no one , probably , would accept Ids
rearrangement of the lines. State pride
makes It dltllcult to transfer even a
qiinre mile of territory from one State
to another.
There Is a pretty Hlory of n Hoston
physician and a small patient whom
lie attended a few yours ago. It was
nuoesHiiry for thr > doctor to perform u
surgical operation , slight but some
what painful , and there were reasons
why ho did not wish to use an ancs-
thollo. Thu patient was only 5 years
old , but he bore the pain with great
fortitude. After the physician had
gone , the little boy turned to his father
and said. "Pupa , I like that doctor. Ho
lolls me the truth. Ho said he was
going to hurt me , and lie did. " Thu
story carries u lesson which parents
ought not to overlook. How many fa
thers and mothers are as honest'will )
their children as this wise old doctor
was with his little patient ? How in my
of them oan claim from their children
the respect s nnd won merely because
lie told n twnll boy thu trutliV It Is
not only in vhe matter of honesty nnd
frank dealing that children have fre
quent eaiwo of complaint against their
elders ; politeness Is oven more neglect
ed. P.M " 'I. * too often seem to con
sider courtesy beyond tlio appreciation
or understanding ol ! a child , and ovun
in the presence of Rtrnngors will treat
their little sons and daughters as if
they wore quite devoid of fooling.
"Who of us , " links Mrs. Charlotte Pur-
kins ( SteLson ) Gllnmn , "has not seen
a clonr-oyod child struck dumb and \
crimson by the rndo laughter of hit
elders over Home act which had no ele
ment of humor except that it was now
to him ? Wo put grandpa's hat on the
downy head of the Imby and roar with
laughter at his appearance. Uo wo
put Italy's cap on gnnidma and then
miiK" fun of the old lady'ft look.sV"
Those who real ! } know children are
a ware that they are sensitive and self-
conscious , and often suffer keenly from
slights to their personal dignity. There
Is no surer way to win their hearts
than to show the same consideration
for their rights as they arc asked to
show for the rights of others.
Hun by Convicts.
One of the curiosities of journalism
Is a weekly newspaper run by convicts
for con \lets. Tills unique publication
circulates among the unfortunate resi
dents lu the French penal settlement
at New Caledonia In the South I'acllle.
Its editor was formerly responsible for
a Piu'Uiau review , but Is now undergoIng -
; Ing ten years' "hard" for a sorluUK mis-
I demeanor. In consideration of li'.s good
lOndueHn the Ul.uid various privileges
IIHVO bwii extended toward lilin , among
that ( if running a news-
itntl poetry are the
chleffllJaTures of the weekly.
iif H Try.
Mrs. Koni'-hucks .lo li , I'm int'rst -
| ed in this hero faith cure 1 been n-read-
In' about.
i Tanner Koriiftlmck--Alr ye ?
< Mrs. Kornshncks Yes. Suppose ye
bring Mie out a bottle of It next time ye
g.i tn 'own.- Philadelphia Press.
Wo have noticed that girls who nre
not vtvy good friends ordinarily , will
hold hands ull evening at a church so
A man Is not really stele unless a doc
tor calld to he him twlc u dujr.
ricunnut Incident * Occurring : the
World O\er Suj ! nii tliut Arc Cliccr-
fill to Old or VoiingKuiiiiy bclec-
tioim tliut Kveryliody Will Kujojr.
"Yes ; slit ; rejected him after accept
ing atti.'iitloiiH from htm for n year. "
"I think he was entitled to more con
sideration. "
"O ! I don't know. I think Hhe was
considering him all the time. " I'uck.
After the V.e t One- .
Ilusklnby ( chuckllngly ) It wuz 12
helo\V y.ero by my tliermomolot1 at 5
o'clock thin mnrnln' . nn' 111 Hndgely's
on'y Rliowed nine below nt thet hour.
Uubcnhay ( disdainfully ) Huh ! Mine
registered twenty-three below at that
very tlmu.
lIiiHlclnny--By gosh ! LIow much will
yew take tow boot an * trade ? I'uck.
Itittldc th Mnn.
irirst Grip Germ-Ught What's
wrong with this man's protoplasm anyhow -
how ?
Second Grip Germ 01 * , he's tnklng
ten grains of quinine every three hours ;
let's vamoose. Ohio State Journal.
McSwIgan I don't like that goat thet
comes into our back yard.
Mrs. McSwIganHut
McSwIgan I'j.xac'tly ; that's why I
don't like It. Ohio State Journal.
Professional KiitC8.
I sZ :
Irate Householder Say ! If you'll
Htop playing "Hot Time , " 'I'll give you
a nickel !
Antonio "Holy City , " live cents ;
"Hot Time , " ten cents.
lii tiriuicc Pn pert I'lcnne Copy.
"I should think It would be pretty
hard for you , with such a large family ,
to live on such a small Income. "
"But , " replied the family man , "con
sider how much harder It would be for
my family If I were to die on It. " I'hil-
adcluhlu Press.
Her Opinion of Compliments.
"No " "I don't
, said Miss Cayenne ,
care for people who continually pay
compllmeuti. "
"But It shows an amiable disposi
tion. "
"Perhaps. But to me the habit re
minds me that some people are willing
to nay only what costs them nothing
and wlint they don't ronlly owe. "
Washington Star.
! > < >
"Have you Moore's poems V" inquired
the sweet young thing.
"I think so , miss ; I'll look in n min
ute , " replied the clerk in the book
More. "By the way , here's a tine now
story just out. It's called Must One
Kiss. ' and - "
I " 1 want Moore , " she Interrupted
' haughtily. Philadelphia Press.
Woman If yon will snw thai wood
for mo I will give you a good , sqiiuru
T iui | I would , lady , but I had my
fortutio told yesterday and the gypsy
( said heart disease wan going to carry
, mo olV , .so I iniLst IKS very careful.
* 'Utliu KTIII lion ) .
itigby Was the banquet an enjoya
ble one ?
Miirgls From the landlord's point of
view. yes. lie got it big price for a
mighty poor layout. Hoston Tran
KrlcMillv lutorcxt.
"Slio. foil In love with me at the last
Goveitt Harden ball , old man ! "
"KoallyV How were jou disguised ,
nld fellow ? " Scrape.
Huril to cciile.
"How that woman jilart'd at you ? "
"Yfs ; Pvo either bowed to her when
1 don't know her , or eUu I know her
and haven't Imved to her. "
Wnii il r.lko Some.
"What do you find In that stupid old
paper to keep you so busyV" petulantly
n ked Mrs. Youngconple.
"I was Just looking i\t the money
umrktit , " ho answeivil.
"tjh , do they \\n\f \ \ a 'noney market ?
An there ever any bargainsV" ludl-
Kvcnliie It Ui.
"They hnvo a new bnrber shop In
Baltimore where every feature is run
on nutlscptlc principles. "
"It's a pity they cnnnot * carry It to
the point where some of the pntroun
could be treated to nn antiseptic bath
liefore entering the place. " Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
! lr W * One.
Snappy That's what Jnra me.
Sappey Wlmt's that ?
Snappy Oh , some people are nevoi
BittlHlled to tnke things as they are ,
but always want to know ttie why
nnd wherefore.
Snppey That's so. I wonder why 11
Is. Philadelphia Press.
"By gum ! ef the women In ther dtj
nln't so bold an brazen that or modes !
one hez ter hang out or sign tellin' er-
bout it. "
Anotlicr Chance.
Susan I just liate these conundrum
Kitty Indeed ! Wiy ?
Susan Because the other evening
Mr. Stubbing asked me "Will yon b
my wife ? " and when I said "Yes , " hi
enld he would give me another guess
Detroit Free Press.
Lore In n Cnttnge.
"Will you be satisfied with love la
a cottage ? " he asked.
"Yes , " she replied , confidently , tot
she had hoard that the cottage was
located at Newport. Philadelphia Rec
Tlir Tliiconqiternlilc.
"Why don't you discourage him If
you don't care for him ? "
"Oh , he won't bu discouraged. II
really lu love. "
"Woman has no sense of humor. "
"No ; but she seems to hare an awfuj
sense of being humored. "
Mr. Tattered Hedges Howdy , Bill ,
whntchcr think of mo new Raglan
overcoat ?
Well , AVell !
"Old Crouch went to thu mnsqiieradi
the other night disguUed ns a bear. "
"Did anyone recognize him ? "
"Nobody but his wife. " Detroit Fret
I'rcient Nccil" .
"Yes , that's a beautifully bouud bool
of your sermons , Mr. StraJtlace. Well
no , George hasn't rend it yet. Lie onlj
has time to read at night , you know ,
Yes , he understands It's for the savins
ot souls. Hut George la FO practical
lie thought he'd rather save his eyei
flrst.- Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Correct , if Not liraniiiinticnl.
.lohini } ' Pa , Atmt Hannah says boili
nre healthy. Shouldn't she say "health-
fill ? " I
Wise Father Well , your aunt dldii'i
mean to grammatical , but 1 guest
she was this time. It Is the boll thai
Is healthy , not the fellow who carrlei
It around. Boston Transcript.
\ \ IMP Ulril.
"Give us a proof of your boasted
wisdom , " cried a lot of chattering
magpies to the owl.
"I will , " he said , and Hew .away.
Philadelphia Times , .
Il'-r Triumph.
"She booms so happy. Did shu uiurrj
him for love or for money ? "
"Neither. She took him to spite a lol
of other girls. " Chicago Times-Herald
Section Koroma nDo you think you
can boss a gang of men ?
Mr. Boar- think so ; I've hlid mj
own way during thirty years of mar
ried life. Ohio State Journal.
\ \ I'lcninu Kcnily.
The Boss Mr. BJoni-on , If you can'l
keep up with your work butter , -w <
shall have to look for another man.
BJoHbon I'm glad to hear that , l'v <
been thinking all along that I was do
Ing enough work for two. ludliuuipo
Us Prwsa.
No fhnnco to Talk.
Black Mumsoy Is not a good < * onver
Rationalist , ,
White No. he was the only boy In 1
family of nln children. OletehuiV '
"I Cheerfully Recommend Peruna to
Who Want a Good Tonic and a
Safe Cure for Catarrh. "
Prominent momlicr * of the clergy arc giving I'cruun their unqualified endorsement.
These men flnd I'eruna especially niluptcd to preserve them from catarrh of the vocal
organs which has always been tlio bane ot public speakers , and general catarrhal cl -
blllty Incident to the sedentary life of the clergyman. Anionc the recent utterances ol
noted clergymen on the curative vlrtueg of 1'cruna Is the following one from Bl ho >
Jnme * A. Handy , D. D. , of llaltltuoro :
" / take great pleasure in acknowledging the curative effects
of Peruna. At the solicitation ot a friend I used your remedy
and cheerfully recommend your Peruna to all who want a good
tonic and a safe cure for catarrh. " James A. Handy.
A Husband Escaped the Pangs
of Catarrh of the Lungs ,
Most Cases of Incipient Consump
tion Are Catarrh.
a "IB ;
Edward Steveus.
Mrs. Kdwuid Stevens , of Carthage , .N. \ . .
writes as follows :
" 1 iimv tn'u ' pleasure In notifying you that
UJ > husband has entirely recovered from
cntiiiTli. HP Is a well man to-day , tliiink
to you mid 1'crtiua. lie tool ; six bottles of
your iniMllctne as directed , and tt pruu-d to
lie just thi < thing for him. Ills aitjiutltc Is
good and everything ho cats seems to iiRroc
with him. Ills cough li.u left him ninl lie
Is K-iInlng In tlesh and seems in be well
evpry way. I hope others will trv vour
medicine and receive the bcni > lli > tint"we
have.Mrs. . ISdwurd Slovens.
Aluxnndra Technical School ,
In the Alexandra Technical School
at Sandringham , which wan establish
ed thirteen years ago by Queen Alex
andra there are classes for sowing ,
dressmaking and cookhiR. At least
twice a week dinner Is prepared by
the students and this is often stamp
ed by her majesty. The Queen gives
her personal supervision to the school ,
, the object of which is to furnish
'instruction ' to the tenantry of the
"I understand tint Ki'nllman lias
come to the conclusion to contest his
wife's will " "Well , what is there
courageous about that ? She's dead ,
Isn't she ? " liichmond Dispatch.
Take Laxative BroinoQniniue Tablets. All
( tniKii ; tsreInnd the money if it ( nils to euro.
E. W. Grove's signature id on each box 25c.
Hunt fur All Concerned.
Comedy 1 noticed you in Hie audi
ence last night. What did you think
of my part ?
Criteek- suited you.
Comedy What did you think was
the best thing I got off ?
Criteek The stage. Philadelphia
JL'OII Cnn Oet Allen's Koot-Iinse Kit UK.
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , I.e Roy ,
N. V. , for ft FUKK sample of Allen'x foot-
Kane , a powder to shake Into jour shoes.
It ourcs tired , sweating , damp. suollen ,
1 ' . ot. It iiml.i's new or tlsht Hhoca
, . A urtnln cure Tor Corn * and Ilunlous.
drujrENl * avd shoo t"n" ? sell It. "ic.
'I'o l > taltllhn llii < iitnl. |
An appeal to be made to the women
of Canada for a fund with which to
establish a hospital , which shall he
connected with the Toronto Woman's
Medical College. The women doctors
of claim that no privileges
arc accorded Ui them In any hut the
Western hospital , and that In it they
a.e allowed to treat charity cases.
$10O Itmvnnl , $100.
The renders of this puperwlll be jileiiMsl
to 'earn ' thut there is nt It-list one ( trended
tils-use that science has been able to cure
in all its stsu'cs nnd thai is Catarrh. Hull' *
Cnturrh l'im is the only positive cure
known to the mm n-al fraternity , f'ntnrrh
beinpii emi-tltn ionid disv.isu rcfinre3 | a
constitution d treatment. Hnll's Catarrh
Cure is tiiken iiterndly , actniK dlreetiy
uiion the blood inul inncons Miirtiiocs
of th < yst ini , thereby destroyini ; tbe
foumtntliin or the disease , and Kivlnt ; the
phtient strength by building up tlio con
stitution anil ussiattn.1 natmo in < loina it
work. T1 P proprletow 'uxve o mtieh faith
Inltsonrntivenowers , that thev oiler Onr
Hundred Dolliir * f r any case that it fail-
to rure. fond for lUt ot testimonial * .
Add ess F J CHUNKY & TO . Toledo , O
So d by Irra gi''t8 , 7f > c.
Hall's Family Pills re the best.
A queer ante-nuptial contract has
been agreed to by a couple In nobih
ken , N. J. The man is tocontribul
$5 a week to a common fund , and th
| woman $10 a week , until the iggn
gate amounts to $1,600. When tui.s
, sum is In the pool they are to be
When the crtarrh reaches the throat H 1
called tonsllttls , or laryngitis. Catarrh ot
the bronchial tubes In called bronchitis ; ca
tarrh of the lungs , consumption. Any Inter
nal remedy that will cure catarrh In on
location will cure It In any other location.
This Is why 1'erunn has become so justly
famous In the cure of catarrhal discuses. 11
cures catarrh wherever located. Its curae
remain. I'ertina docs not palliate ; It cure * .
Mrs. Frederick Williams , President of th
South Side Ladles' Aid Society of Chicago ,
111. , writes the following woids of pralso
for I'uruna from
1)7 ) ; ) Cuyler avenue ,
Chicago , 111. :
"My home Is
never without
I'erutia , for I have
round during the
past sis years
that there Is no
remedy that will
at once alleviate V
suffering and act -
t u a 11 y cure , ns
I'eruim docs. Four
bottles completely
cured me of catarrh -
tarrh of the headMrs. . Fred William ! ,
of several years' standing , nu if my hnv
blind feels badly , or either of us catch colil.
we at once take I'eruna , and In a day ot
two tt has thrown the sickness out ot th *
system. " Mrs. Frederick Williams.
Mrs. W. A. Allison , of 7M ) Sheffield av -
utie , Chicago , 111. , Is the Assistant Matro
of the I' e o p I e's
Hospital. She has
the following to
say about I'eruna :
"I have had fre
quent opportuni
ties to observe the
wonderful curative
effect * of 1'ernna ,
especially on per-
HUMS a u ft c r I n g
with : i congested
condition ot thu
head , lungs , and
stomach , generally
culled catarrh. It ,
alleviates pain and Mrs. W. A. Allison.
soreness , Increases the appetite and so tonn
up the entire system that the patient
nnlckly regains strength and health. " Mm.
W. A. Allison.
If you do not derive prompt nnd satlata *
tory resultH from the use of t'ernna , w ll
at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a fall stat -
munt of your case and he will be oleasrd t
give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman , President ot TUo
H.urm.'iti Sanitarium , Columbus , O.
Amagniflcent oak tree at Athena ,
Qa. , not only owns itself , but possesses
other property. It was owned man ?
years ago by Colonel W. II. Jackson ,
who , in his childhood , played arounfl V
its massive trunk and in later yeans
grew to love It almost as he would hlo
own child. Fearing that after hlfi
death the old oak would fall into tbo
hands of persons who would destroy ia
he recorded a deed conveying to the
tree "entire possession of itself and o3
ail land within eitfht feet of it. "
for th j
Brohard Sash Lock and
Brohard Door Holder
Active workers evrrywbero cun turn blj monm
nlwavt n tUMcly dfiuanil for our cooda. HiimpuJ
wwh lock , wltli prlofntermsrtr , Tree for2cul *
forpontnue. TIIK HltOll AIMICO. ,
Deparlinnnt lit , rhlluilBl | > hln , V u
A Skin of Beauty ! & a Joy Forovera ,
T n , .
Uotli P U lin * . lUih. and Rkli
, and crtry blemlth OK
beauty. nd d A * >
delnrtlnn. It ban
itood the last of to ,
Team , and Is * {
ImrmlfM we but * 10 ]
to l > e fure 1C ia prop * '
tr\j \ made. Accept )
no ooiintfrwlt Z
rlinll ir name. Dr. l
A. S yro tiald to
lady of the hnut-tod
( n. patlenttt "
1 noommend 'Oou
nnil'i Craam * ai tbn' '
leut harmful o ( aUt
the bkln
* > . tlong" FormUby
> ull DrunsrMs an V
Fancj-Gooila InWi In the V , S. , Caiuulu nj urop < s
FEUD. T IIurKIXS , Proper , S ! Great Jone 3U , M.T.
Ely's Groam Dalra
Dmggleti , 50 Ct > .
Apptrlialm Into each mntri' .
SX.Y UUOb oC WanuuSit.N. 1.
It la placed Into the noatrtln ,
ipreada over the membrane
ndIs absorbed. } ( elief Islro-
metllite. It Is not drying , dcea
not produce inrezinK-
DruzgUti , 60 cti. or by null.
ELY imOS..W W rrenBt..NY.
tlenlun u to how to i
IWncrMot thtSMtl
krowiut l&ud o tli * Contt
c nt. can b w < rar d on > .
to the 8aprlB >
Slloatlon ot ImmUrttlM. , or the an.
' 8r olall7
tnj 51.09"1. } * ' ! \ ac'1 U"8"1. ' " > < ! ir- i liV low r4tS
9 ! JI' ' ' " ' . " ' ' . U ' T' > rPt > elnB < juot J.tpr ucunloaa
jMTlniiM I' ul on Hfurcli2 < th and April th , totU aC
tot * , AulDlbola , Slikii-c' ewan n.l Alh rtv
Writ' to P. Pedley. Supt. Inimlr ( llon. OtUns
0 n d . or thfi tinderitunril. who will mall roil
ntlmei. pnmphlrti , BIO. , freaot coit : W V. U
n tt. 8ll ) New York Life Ilnltdlnic. Om h , N -
, AKfnt for tb Oovornmtnt of Cn d * .
Eicuriioui to W itern dt -
In ; March uj AprtL
. tiUHtS WrithtAUUbtTAilS
llwl CQUKh Hyron. Tiu'c * Clou '
In tlmn. MA br druealiti