Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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    , , _ , ,
May unto Us llfo.
Have your watoli cleaned nud oiled rea-
tilurly If jouviuh It long life and good
( luiu.
OHHvlieel In your watch rutin 4,000
mlln evoryyear. I
I'lio beat oil will gum and cleg wheru
thi-ru li such continued friction.
OrludhiK when ulmllngle a that
your watch needs attention.
Ormln/itu of Chlrnvo Optlmlmlc College.
School Books ,
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
John & Knerr $
< * # >
Headquarters For
SHOES , * >
* >
bAc and all kinds of
< $ Field and Garden
iVtc Seeds.
? c
< *
Ailt Headquarters For
< | First-Class
| k Butter , and
* >
Fresh Fruits.
AII * xH'iiBlve Mtoclc ii aiHer 1'ellB
How tu Cure Ncoiirt * In CalvcM ,
Wm. Abbut , of Tyndall , a. Dak. ,
quite an exteogivo Hock raiter , lets for
number ol yenra u-ed
Colic. Cholera iin'l Diarrhopii Remedy
( i r Boourn In onlvea and Bays lie has
never known it to fall. He givt' a tenon -
Bpooutul in water us directed on the
bottlu ( or an adult IUHD , after each oper
atlon of tbe bowls more than natural.
Usually one dose la miQlclent. For sale
by J. tr. ilaeberle. 6-2 1m
1y ?
Local < j
Mention , *
This vicinity enjoyed a One rain
Stephen Wilcox of Upton , was a
city visitor Tuesday.
Peter Beck of Georgetown , was
a welcome caller at these headquar
ters Saturday.
W. J. Woods and Phil Campbell
shipped two cars of fat cattle to
Omaha yesterday.
Pat Kilfoil , a substantial friend
of the RKPDJILIOAN , of Dale , was a
friendly caller Monday.
11. W. George of Georgetown ,
was visiting in the city a oouplo of
days the latter part of last week.
N. J. Ottun , postmaster and
merchant of Round Valley , made
this office a business call Monday.
W. T. Woody of Lotnax , made
this otlice a friendly call Saturday ,
and had hie subscription credit
pushed ahead.
John Mulvaney , Sr. , of Mason
City , was up Saturday to attend the
soldiers relief committee of which
he is a member.
The drat thunder and lightning of
the season was witnessed in this
vicinity last Friday evening , April
10. Both hail and rain were in
The healthy condition of finances
in this vicinity is manifest in the
new building and salooi city prop
erty. Attorney J. B. Smith sold
two houses and lota last Saturday.
The Broken Bow Equality club
will give an evening with the Ne
braska p eta , with a May pole
dance in connection , on the even
ing of May 15'h. Look for pro
gram later.
Taylor Flick is having his build
ing on the west aide of .tho Hquaro ,
recently occupied 1by J. J. 'Snydor ,
raised and a brick -foiJnd&tion put
under it. lie will put in a now
front and otherwise improve the
T. H. McCarg'er , formerly of
Ansley , who now ronides at Lincoln
with his daughters , was in the city
the tirbt of the week solicitng for
the Tobitha Home , a charitable
institution established for orphan
children and aged people.
Col. V. C. Talbot has resigned
his position as drug clerk at Uae-
borle'fl with the view of going ba-jk
to his ranch at Halsey. He hah
come to the conclusion that ho can
not very successfully run a ranch
with 60C or GOO cattle and a drug
store nt the same time.
George Willing and lamily left
Monday night for the cant on a
vacation and pleasure trip. They
will visit while gone at Chicago.
Youngstown , Ohio ; Philadelphia ,
and their old homo in Greenville.
Pa. , and the exposition at Buffalo ,
New York. Tiny expect to be
away from the city thirty days.
S. A. Smith , a ranchman of the
vicinity of Goring , ia in the oily ,
stopping at the Broken Bow hos
pital with his little four year old
sun , who ih being treated by Dr.
Mullins. The boy had a stroke of
paiulasiH wliioh had effected his
lower limb ? . Mr. Smith reports
that the boy is very much improved
under the Doctor's treatment.
Mr. L. D. Stilson , of the experi
mental station , who has been in the
community for several days investi
gating stock diseases , has made
post mortem examinations of four
head of cattle in the last few da > ti
that have died with different dis
eases. After a chemical analysis
has been made to determine whether
his conclusions are correctly found
ed he has promised tn report the
result through the REPUBLICAN
Ue thinks he has solved the prob
lem of the cornstalk disease and
will bo able to prescribe a preventative -
tativo remedy.
The Portland , Maine , Daily Press
of the 25th of April , states that H.
L. Houghton , of the linn of Hough
ton & Clark , of Portland , who had
been to Jamacia , on a voyage to
recuperate his health , died on the
20lh nit. , itt sea , of Leart failure
while on his return home. Ho
had linen a member of the Houghton -
ton & Chrk hardware firm fur 34
years. His wife and daughter ,
Miss Houghton , spent several
months in this oity eomo five years
ngo with the family of theii couam
L. H Jewett , and will be remem
bered by a number of the ladies of
i Broken Bow.
Mike Soanlon is on the siok list
this weok.
J. E , Myers of Georgetown , waa
a oity visitor Tuesday .
Henry Sanderson of Mullen , was
a oity visitor yesterday.
P. F. Campbell of Georgetown ,
was a city visitor yesterday.
Attorney A. R. Humphrey is
attending court at Ilyamus thia
C. R. Kreuz of Dale , was a
friendly caller Tuesday at this
Train dispatcher J. C. Birdsoll of
Alliance , was circulating in the oity
Pat Kelly of New Helena , was
among the friendly callers at this
office Tuesday.
S. S. McConncll of Georgetown ,
was among the city visitors the
first of the week.
Judge Sullivan returned from
Uyannis this morning where he
hold court this week for the pru-
sidiug Judge-
Abram Olson. who recently
returned from Europehas purchased
a house and acre and a half of land
in the south west part of the city
of J. B. Smith.
Rev. 11. C. Clinton of Cliff , made
this office a friendly call yesterday.
Fattier Clinton is one of the pioneer
preachers of several counties in this
part of ths state and has been the
means of doing good work.
Minister Conger arrived in
Council Bluffs Wednesday morning
on his way homo from China , lie
was given a grand reception and
will be tendered a reception by the
state at Den Moina tomorrow.
Charley Chrysler has leased the
building Taylor Flick is having
raised and romoddled on thowcst
side of the public square , which he
'wiU'ououpy in manufacturing oaudy
for rolail and wholesale trade.
Mrs I. A. Reueau wont to Ausley
last night to bo present at the marriage -
riago or Howard Kcrr , who was a
member of Co. M. of the first
Nebraska , and Miss Littie Hagain
of Ansley. The marriage was
solemnized last night at the resid
ence of bride's parents in Ansley.
President McKinley and parly
are having outhuniastioaly received
on his trip through the south. At
Memphis , his first stop and where
his formal speech was made , on the
trip , it is said the weather wan
warm but did not compare with
the warm reception extended to
nation's president *
Will Frey was at Omaha last
week with a car of fat fleers of his
own raising and feeding. They
brought him $1.000 , which makes
$1,000 worth of hogs and cattle he
has sold off his farm the past few
months. Three years ago ho start
ed in with $1,000 worth of cows ,
from the increase of which he has
sold more than a thousand dollars
worth and has the old stock and
two years calves besides. What
Mr. Frey has donu every other
farmer could do in Ciifitor county ,
viz : Clear his iuvcalment in three
yearn , and have the old Block and
two years increase on handH whether
lie invested in one cow or fifty.
Jas. Callahan , who has been held
a prisoner in O in ill a for several
weeks on the charge of kidnaping
Ed. Cudahy , Jr. , last December ,
had his trial lat-t week. The jury
brought in a verdict Sunday morn
ing of not guilty. The verdict was
generally a aupprise to the public
Several witnesses identified him as
being the man that accompanied Pat
Crowe when ho rented the bouse 11
which Cudahy was imprisoned ; was
also with him when he bought the
"bay" pony , and voting Cudahi
swore positively that ho was the mar
that put him in the buggy when h
was carried awav. and that Callahan
was the man who stood guard over
him moat of the time wtn'e he was
a prisoner. , ) uage linker , the trial
judge , was as much or possibly
more surprised at the finding of the
jury than the public. He remarked
when the verdiot was rendered :
"It is impossible for me to under
stand how twelve intelligent men
could have agreed upon such a ver
dict after listening to the testimony.
The defendant could not have
ohoFen more wisely if he hod been
selecting hia own representatives
and the community could not have
made a more unfortunate selection. J
This jury U discharged without the
compliments of the court. "
Lamhor Walker of Wai worth , is
a city visiotr to-day.
The attention of our readers is
called to our business and otlioial
directory started with this issue of
the REPUBLICAN. Wo have been
tumble to see all who desire to have
their business represented. There
is still room and their cards can bo
inserted next issue if parties BO
desired will call and leave copy at
this office. The REPUBLICAN is not
only tlio best advertising medium
in oentoral Nebraska because of its
largo circulation but the directory
makes a tine showing for the town
and every profession and business
should bo represented. Parties
wishing to transact business in
Broken Bow are solicited to con-
suit our directory for reliable and
enterprising men with whom to do
Lightning's Destructive Work.
Last Saturday morning about
four o'clock , lightning sot on tire
the burn of C. S. Lawrence , a farm
er biz miles east of the city , and
burned the barn , four horsesa coltt
harness and other contents of the
barn. Only one horse escaped.
By Home means she managed to
break loose. AH Mr. Lawrence has
only part of his crop in , it places
him in hard circumstances with
only ono horse and no harness.
Air. Lawrence is an industrious
young man nud a good citizen and
had the sympathy of the community
in his severe loss.
Hogs riontlfiil and Henltuj lu Ouster
The South Omaha Stock-Journal
of the 29th of April , contained the
following complimentary report of
the Hale of a oar load of hogsby one
of Cusler county's most highly ro-
flpectod citizens. For the informa
tion of others who may want to
ship to the same commission mer
chant who secured Hiich good prices
for Mr. Francis , wo will Htatc that
Goo. W. Burke Co. , of South Oma
ha , handled his hogs for linn :
"C S. Francis , a ( successful stock
raifi < > r of JMorna , nold a load of 300
Ib hogs at $5 7fj. They wore a
nice lot of cleveri-month-old porkers
and were well fatted. Mr. Francis
has lived in Custer county tit teen
years and has had no trouble with
cholera in ull that time. They
raised a good crop of corn out there
last year and have a nice lot of hogs
to market this spring. He says
farmers are well up with their
spring work and everything is in a
nourishing condition "
# > ;
$ , - > > .
been engaged in the Hail
business for the past seven
teen years. "Within that
time it has paid for losses
by Hail over three-fourths
of a million dollars. This
large sum of money has been jl
paid to the satisfaction of
the claimants.
The Hail policy issued is
the fairest and most equit
able ever issued by and in
surance company. It care
fully protects the interest of i
the insured and provides a I
just method tor arriving at |
the amount of the loss in j
case the crop should be in
jured by Hail.
his is the only Stock j
Fire Insurance Company in i
the United States engaged
in the Hail business. It has
ample assets to cover all lia
bilities , and it pays its losses
promptly and honestly.
Don't be humbugged by
irresponsible companies and
| 1 solocit your busi-
nessfor 19OI.
| O. BlBCM , AEBll ,
At Farmers Bank ,
| { Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
Each time the United States Government has
officially tested the baking powders the report
has shown Dr. Price's Cream Baking
Powder of superlative leavening strength , free
from alum , absolutely pure and wholesome ,
This is gratifying , for Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder is depended upon by millions
of people to raise their daily bread.
No IK. Them Government Inquiries also
developed the ( act that there lire m uy
PMIOK UAKINU I-OWDKH flO. mixture * upon tlm mitrkul unulti la
OHIOAQO. liultntluii of baking puwJur , but
containing Mum or othur caustic
nciil whooo uio la food la Uaugorou * ,
Fred Baisob , wlio has bison try
ing bin luuk in the west for several
months , returned to Broken Mow
Monday night , and will resume hie
old placu as clerk in llaoberle'ti
Jrug Hlorc. While gone , Fred
worked at Miucoula and Great Falls ,
Montana. Thu Republican extends
a welcome to Fred in behalf of his
tuauy friend i who will bo pleased
to aoo him at hiu old place of busi
Itntoluv in Denver.
MK AMHIIUUHY Die A it Silt :
Will you phase inform yourrondera
tlinl Butcher iind Finuh are in Ueu-
ver , Cole , HUH week , ptctoing their
order for 1,000 oopioH ol their book
which mnniiH only about four or
live wookH more "till delivery of
name , and tor thoHO who have not
done HO to onll and leave their or
ders wjth you.
Yours truly ,
S. D
Martial and 1
I Corona Grande' I
Cigars. 1
; $ Field Seeds , Grass Seeds , Garden Seeds , ! $
. . . . . . . . .
irtj. .vTV4 * > | h i. " j--i' * 'tori * : ' * " ' * vlflNWK. ? ) - ' ' * ! * ' * ' v 4p4" i-f-jl' v
M ; s
Our Business in to QLOHI.
FY ourselves and our cus
toniors by furnishing BUILDING -
LOWER Price than our
Competitors will do.
If you intend to build a
HOUSE , or stable , or porch ,
cC cC or need a NEW FRONT DOOR , or VIEW WINDOW , remem
C ber that
C C Foster & Smith Lumber Go ,
C SPECIALISTS i i ' uU i. ul i r i IIP will oouvin oo
you that they are riyht. Vours Vor Business ,
X. W.L , BULE , Manager.