Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 25, 1901, Image 7

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! Irish Klrlwltb the physique
rill a Vutius , boastud that she
could scrub all day and dance all
Rht. The feat Is not HO very much
oreilllllcult than that performed bye
o average undeveloped high-school
rl who studies all day ( not nearly HO
'iiltliful ' an exercise as scrubbing ) and
M > R to some form of social entertain-
cut at uight.
Let them enjoy life while they are
JMing ? By all means. But the un-
sted , Irritable girl , after an horner
of sleep and a scrap or two of
enUfaBt , "putting in" the school
somehow is she enjoying life
hlle she is young ? ho has spent
est of her not very large supply of oil
er the previous evening's festivity ,
id now the light that bhe sheds on her
tidies is llickering , dim and unsatls-
ctory. In schoolgirl phrase she feels
s cross an a bear with no end of sore
nds. " What a pity that her mother
II not let her enjoy life while she is
'ling. ' Let not mothers be deceived.
hen the still hours clothed in black
id your beloved young daughter eat-
g salnjy about as digestible as the
ange skin In which it is served and
, o ribbon It Is tied with , instead of
Ing fathoms deep in slumber , It is a
10 Indication that she -giving not
ly the light of her countenance to
r friends , but the precious oil of her
sent health and future physical
schoolgirls In fiction , and in
tl life , do not have a very lively time.
ejr are apt to "smell of bread and
tter" ( which , however , is better than
idling of pic and pickles ) , and they
h for the days when school will be
er But as to being half chrysalis
d half butterlly , the Idea never oc-
ra to them. When the school books
e closed , and they have llnlshed
[ owing , and have come Into their
htful Inheritance of strong , solid
dy and equable nerves , the glamor
social life Is not so likely ; to excite or
hatiBt them. Ethel wyu Wcthernld ,
deed Housekeeping.
Una 237 Dciccrrlnnt * .
Ire. Nancy A. Mitchell , 84 , who lives
Hear Princeton , Ky. , Is believed to
Jve the largest number of living de-
mlants of any woman in Kentucky ,
not in the United States. She has
7 living descendants , Including ten
Kaidren , 100 grandchildren , 120 great-
J-indchlldren and seven great-great-
uulchlldrcn. Mrs. Mitchell has been
in-led 70 years. Only one of her chtl-
en died. She belongs to Dyer Hill
urch , live miles from her home , and
es horseback to attend the services
o and three times a week. The
urch organization Is 75 years old , and
e Is the only living charter member.
jllow to I lft the Slclrt Gracefully.
luncriPiui women have much to learn
{ the matter of raising the skirt , and
l > lesson could be best taught by their
Beach cousins. To begin with , the
letii'h woman wears short petticoats ,
Irdly below the boot tops. American
Itrts iKjfdy escape the floor , and are
Puiid to uiJu'h whatever dust and dirt
| - > lying about , and , of course , deposit
lupun the shoes.
Ivi-ii'-li women grnsp , lirmly and eas-
I , tintolds of the skirt at the buck in
h fsisluon that the drapery is grace-
1,1 , } lifted at the sides as well as at
1. ii.u'k , and without calling undue
[ teiition to the lines of the figure. In
lis skirl , and shoes
\ \ < i petticoat are
I iv.pi i-lean. and furnish a strong
| ison lor the unkind ness bestowed by
Kt.iu'li wiiint'ti uion the short walking
jfl.r \\ln-ii they iit-ed the t-ffect of
RipiTii's. the > fan have It by merelj
Bopplnft i he follls " ' ' tnt ( ilclrt-
ft , peinl nir a ' inull Income.
| \ girl whom I know siys ; she has
Bund that the beit plan in Hpeiidlng a
Biiill ini-ume sin- married a man who
If , an iiH'onte of only twenty-four
Itiidred dollars a year , and she lives in
lloM'ly little apartment , and goes into
, , , - and entertains and Is blissfully
| | .p\ -H ll > diude it Into twelfths.
I , , sl\s that i ho correct proportion ol
In , , , , iiiure lor a young eoupl ( > In New
IrU , v\b" " " - ' iuore or less so" ' ' .v I'1'0- '
i nj , , uho have about tlmt n n : > .
three ijt'lfths for rent six hundred
liars one-twelfth for servlff- u
ndred dollars : four-twelitliM foi i. . . |
Ij fuel and light eight hundu-u K/i-
s ; one-twelfth for the personal iu-
is'ea each of husband and wife two
hundred dollars each ; ota-t\u-Iuh to
save or for life insurance two hun
dred dollars ; and one-twellth for doc
tors and dentists and emergencies two
hundred dollars. Anna Wenlwortli , In
Woman's Home Companion.
Wants Women to Shoot.
Mrs. Ghat-lea Emmerllug , of 15lad-
brook , Iowa , Is Interested hi forming
rllle clubs for women , patterned huge
ly after those which
have become fatuous
In Europe. Alkeu ,
Carolina , the winter
home of the Guild *
and New York's -1U > ,
has also taken up the
new fad , but .Mrs.
Kimui' bell evea
\V e s t c r n w o in e u
MRS. EMMKHUNU. " SllOllld CXCCl 111 tlllS
pabUme , aud a national , or even Inter
national contest of srdll may result
from her efforts In establishing clubs in
the West.
Mrs. Kmmerling Is the wife of the
Mayor of Gladbrook , where she has re
cently organized a woman's rllle club.
She has also started In surrounding
cities clubs which are successful and
thriving. It Is to such pastimes that
Mrs. Emmerllnij ascribes her perfect
health. She Is prominent In lodge cir
cles , being a member of Eastern Stai
and Hebekah orders.
Good Advice to Youuu Mothers.
It is often a serious detail to tlud a
quiet amusement that will keep a little
Invalid happy aud contented. It Is es
pecially dillicult to amuse a convales
cent chlldt who Is naturally active aud
'restless and who requires quiet and rest
for rapid recovery. For the little ones
who are too youug for the enjoyment
of books or who are not allowed to
strain the eyes by looking at bright pic
tures , amusement may be furnished by
the manufacture of animals. Make lit
tle turtles of large raisins with clovea
stuck in for feet , bunds and tall. To
make such u turtle , tlatteii a large
raisin , stick a clove with the blossom
on In one uiid for the head ; remove the
bud from four cloves uiid stick them
at the four comers for feet , and cut the
end off of one clove to make the tail.
A still more fascinating process of
manufacture can be enjoyed from lirm
apples or wlilte potatoes , as there is a
chance for allowing the Imagination
full sway. A. luilfe and well-washed
potatoes will afford amusement for
uiuuy hours , when combined with u box
of toothpicks. The potatoes may be
cut in slices and from these slices all
sorts of animals fashioned , using long
and short lengths of toothpicks for feet
and tails , and for the legs the toothpicks
may be partly broken and bent Into nat
ural-looking shapes , and still remain
firm enough to support the small potato
Views of Women.
To retain happiness In matrimonial
life It is not for a woman u question of
remaining beautiful ; It Is a slue qua non
question of remaining iutere&tiug.
Max O'Rell.
Love will make men dare to die for
their beloved love alone ; and women
as well as men. Plato.
Woman's happiness Is iu obeying. Sue
objects to men who abdicate too much.
I will not atllnn that women have 110
character ; rather , they have a new one
every day. Heine.
In all Ill-matched marriages the fault
Is less the woman's than the man's , as
the choice depended on her the least.
Mine , de HIeux.
A man can keep another person's se
cret better tJwn his own ; a womau , 011
the contrary , keeps her secret , though
she tells all others. La Bruyere.
Every pretty woman should be a tllrt ,
every clever woman a politician.
Catherine Morric.
This energetic yoimc womau from In
dianapolis is stenographer and private
secretary to John Mitchell , the national
president of the Uni
ted Mine AN . . 'kers > of
America. She trav
els with M'tchell '
wherever he UUCP .n
the perforn. t'ip < of
his d u 1 1 e b , a u d
knows all the liib uml
outs of the trouble
some contentions be
tween mine operaMISS Mount * .
tots and tlielr employes. She imcon-
-cioiisly denmndb and receives tbe
qmei homage of t0OUO worklugmen
Before Miss Morris became secretary to
Mitchell she worked In the same ui
paclty for May Wright Sewell. .Miss
Morris Is small In stature , but she
knows how to keep big secrets.
Clranlnu Silk IIiiilk
To wash colored silk handkerchiefs ,
pour a small quantity of boiling water
on a bag of bran. Leave the water
until cool , then remove the bag aud
wash the handkerchiefs lu the lather.
Wring uiit quickly , fold In a cloth to
dry. and lion as soon as possible.
The Itiiliy'Ui ce of 1 | -e.
A baby boy a month old can expect
I ut furty-two yearn of life. When he Is
live years older his chances of living
Imve Increased to .11 years 0 months
- " -
The man who takes the wrong side
U bouud to coiuu out at the wroug end.
A Ilolillirkiililn ( 'ut.
"Terry AIcQovem IT. " is the won
der of Richmond street.
Terry la n cat of re. umrknhlc quitll-
ties. As a tramp cut he walked Into
the homo of Theodore Thanwald at
Richmond street and Central avenue ,
one day last winter , and since that-
time has had all his mall sent , to that
Yesterday mornlnira crowd of about
100 people were held spellbound by
this remarkable feline , who at the
time v as about to breakfast. A spar
row had darted down by the curb to
get a drink , when the eat managed lo
get within charming distance of the
bird , that sat and quivered under
Terry's hypnotic Influence. The cat
instead of keeping his eye on the bird ,
acted quccrly , and that was what ar
rested the attention of the passerby.
Terry is a llurer cat , with a tiger's
markings about the jaws and mouth ,
but In the markings over his head is
the picture of a snake. The plettncd
head of the snake is matted over" I ho
forehead ot the cat , and a perfect pic
ture it is. Instead of charming the
bird with his eye the cat , by instinct ,
seems to realize that the snake head
can do the work better , and holding
his noise close to the pavement the fe
line approaches its victim , revealing
this picture rather than ( Us eyes , and
when the sparaow is Muttering and
quivering under the spell exerted Ter
ry plunges upon his prey , and soon has
a dainty moisel for breakfast between
his paws.
It was his method of capturing a
sparrow that caused everybody who
saw him to remark about the cat's
The cat has the markings of a tor
toise shell upon his back , which also
attracts considerable attention to him ,
Several people have tried to buy the
cat from Mr. Thauwald , but he de
clines to part with him. Cincinnati
Tliu Itooini'riiiiK ; < > ' * llutliii'it.
Detroit Free Press : "Well , has'the
current prosperity reached you yet'r"
"Oh , yes , I've so much to do now that
1 can't get time t < > do any of it. "
You Can Get AllcnN Kont-KiiHe KKKH.
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmstcd , I , Ro > ,
N. Y. , for a FKKB sample of Allen's t'oot-
Kase , n powder lo slitikc Into your ihoi-s
It cures tlreJ , Mveatinjj , dump , swollen ,
nchlng fret. It unites uuw or tlRlit shoes
easy. A certain cure for Corns uml Kunli < ns
All druggist * airil nboc stores sell It.V. .
"After 1 am dead , " sighed the re
jected lover , "you may look into my
heart and see your image grave tlicie. "
"Tut , tut , " said the frivolous female
who had just given him the sister talk ,
"you men would keep me busy holding
post mortems If I took you all at your
word. " Baltimore American.
Thirty minutes Is all Hie time re
quired to dye with PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYES. Sold by druggists.
The Wurnt of Ulk Sort.
Wlgg Longbow is a haul case.
\Vagg I should say he was. The only
tinje 1 ever saw him embarrassed was
mice when he was caught telling the
tiuth. Philadelphia record.
.V Montli'n Test Preu.
If jou h o Itlitmmiitliin , viritft Dr. Slinop , Undue ,
\VH , llol 119 , tor ix buttles ot liU ItlimnuutluUur * ,
eipre * * tiJ. . b/id no inouujr. lay JO 60 it cured.
A IlccUiM t fur I'nrln WurltliiK Girl * .
Mme. fiarbct - Hatit'ol has be-
lucathcd an annuity of 10,0001'$2,000) ( )
to the city on condition that it be irlv-
en to the young , unmarried working
gill who by virtue of her inteligcncc
and good conduct is capable of setting
up in business and only requires the
necessary funds. The applicants must
be 1'rench. Each year the perfect of
me Scln will se eC what he considers
the most deserving case.
"Peruna Is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy---I am as Well as Ever. "
? - * niv -
% % Atv
---r = r S ! : * * * ? "v K1 |
$ M-2-S
m&V - -
&S % 5
lion. Dan. A. Giosvenor , Deputy Auditor for the War Department , in a letter
written from Washington , D. C. , * ays > -
"Allow me to tMpre.sft my qrutlttide to you for the benefit derived from one
bottle of I'crima. One week /MIS brought wonderful clmnncs and I am now us
well as cIT. . tlcttldcii bcln ( > one of the * crv best * prlnt [ tonics It lit un c\cellcnt
catarrh remedy. " \ en respectfulh. Dan. A. Groavcnor.
tnWt'iUrnOnimdiiauilimt. |
tlcnlnri At to how to Mcnra
ICO ncret of the boit Wlitmt
Kroxlng land un tli Conll-
iiont , can b ur il on cp-
pllcntlnn to tu Bupurln.
tjmlent o ( Immleritioa.
Otlnwn. Canudn , or the uo.
dor > lun d , Hpeolnllr oon.
ducted inur lon irlll IOUTO fit , Paul. Minn. , on tin lit
nd 3-1 Tuesday In nacli month , and npi'clr.llr Ion rutM
an all lines nf rallwny art bxlnn quotmi for eiounloni
IsaTluutit. 1'nul on March 21 * li nnd April 4th , for Mini-
tobn. Awlnlboin , Saikatcl'awnn unit Alberta.
Wrltu to K. I'edloy. 8upt. Immigration , Ottnwk ,
Oaimdn , or tliu underflmied , who ulP mull you
attunes , piunphleti , etc. , froanf cuit : W. V. Ilmi-
tiett , 801 Xew York IifHulMlnp , OnmliH , Nc-
brnkn , Aeunt ( or thu Government of Cnnailn.
t20r"Sn alal Kioursloni to Wecteru CamJa dor-
Inz Mnrcl : iinJ Aonl.
Twin * Ali-rly
Here is an interustiim subject for
discussion by the village debating so-
ciety. The McdkMl Kccord .suys tliat
in a small town in Warren county ,
Ohio , twin brothers were born , one a
few minutes before midnight on De
cember SI , 1900 , the other u few min
utes past 12 o'clock on the morning of
January 1 , J 01. The neighbors are
quarreling as to what day-shall be
celebrated by the two boys as their
common birthday , or whether the
children , being born on d life rent days
in dlH'crent months , and different cen
turies , may he regarded us twins or
merely brothers.
. \ Nliin Dny'n "U'oiuler.
"That Ireak attraction yon adver
tised so extensively doesn't seem to ho
much of a drawing card now , " said
the observant citizen. "No , not now , "
replied the museum manager , "but he
was a nine day's wonder for a week. "
Philadelphia Press.
We have observed that some nice
men are poor advertiscis.
A Skin of Beauty la n Joy Forovcr.
U1 . T. PI'.I.IX UomiAlTII'M UltlKNTAIj
5 a jgS5S" . Mirtll"r l hni . IUin'iui < riili'i
I * . " " ' ? . .S-r s2 VS. d'1'"ni ! " " * I1'"u ' '
I * * Itil& f\ ' ' " " " ' " "
- j ° & V .1 elS-'Ri'm" "l t'"M '
-d ! " P'j U fflSfllloSthB'tMt Of'J !
- * '
a Sg HMT ( Kr 'tylj' " ' , o"1 ' " >
u' ' - ? S ) > V/ , ( ; /r hurinlfn we tauten
< S V3 t/ > J totMreUUiniw |
" * * 1 y fferlr liinilo. Aiviit |
! J Wl no oouutrrfclt of
ilrnllirnixinp l > r.U
A , BAjro tutlil ti > it
Incly of Ihu haul ton
( ik ii tlfiili"Ail } uu
I uJ' ( 'rT mui the
least l i infill of nil
tlio HUln prrimrH'
tloni" Korw lolT
' ' * ' s I atiy - aij UrUirKl lH ftiiJ
r ncT-Oooils I ) < - lf ni In the U. S. , Cmuulu nuil Jiurop * .
rikllD.T. UOI'KINS , I'rup'r.a ; UtiitttJouta3t.N.y
The straw-plaiting industry of Eng
land gives employment to about f 0-
000 women and 4,000 to 5,000 men.
Brohard Sash Look and
Brohard Door Holder
Active workers overynlif-ro cuu onrii blc monuy ;
iilrtiijj n RlCHily ili'inunil for our uooilii. Hjiinile |
until luck , \\IIU prlirs.lermi.ffc , frrc fir''ciiUiii | .
ULSIaBCTill : IIK1IIIA IMI ( ' ( . ,
Dopui iniriil H ) , l'blluilelililii , l' .
' /A
ltoit.JolinVllliniuv | fount ? C9jiiiil ?
> r. of . ,17 U'oM Sccuml ttrri-l , Diilttfli.MlhffJj
nj * Ihi' following In fCRiril tn 1'crnM- " >
i remedy for catarrh I ' "in riircrfully r c-
omiiirnil I'erunn. 'I ' know wlmt It 11 to suf
fer from tint t rrlhlp ilMc r awl I f * l iual
It l my ilui > to 4iitk | KMiil twril for tlt
tonic tint Itni-ittht un1 Immediate relief.
IVrunn cnrJi ! inf f 1 bad / of c.ttnrm
amt I knrw ' ( \ \ II > , rr any ojlicr < tlifforei
from ti ! t dNt'nM- "
Mntttf I. . ( Jullil , I'r-MlriVn' tlllnoli
IVoflcN , Ctirlstlnn Trmperanc *
t'nlon. Ini rrronl letter from Phienco. tlU
" / ( /ouhr If I'criinu lias a rival In all
the rcnied/o / recommended to-day for
catarrh of the tyatem , A remedy that
will cure cntiirrh of the stomach will
cure the same londltlon of the mucous
membrane nnwhere. . I hint : found It
the beat remedy I hntc ever tried for
catarrh , and t > cllo\lni > It worthy mf
endorsement I Kind I \ jiccon/ / .
Mr < . Klmrr rieuiltiK orifor of llcicrvoli
Council , No. PW. NmllHM .tiTii l.i'Klon ol
Honor , of MlnnrnimlK Mluu , writes from
Man I'oll : itrrct. X/ ! ' . .
"I 1m vo I'Pen
troublvil all my
llfo with oatarrh
In niy liimd. I t'mk
1'unum for nlmut
three inflhtlH. and
now think I m
pprnmnrntly i-urt'tl.
1 lt-llt'\o Ui.u for
Ciitiirrli In .ill Hi
form * Is
meillvlni-of the
dirt1. It iMirishrii
ull othur roint'tlli's
full. 1 liciirii
Jy rt'Coinnit'iiil IV
rinm us n I'iitiirrii Mr . I lin-r I l
ri'iiicily. " Mliini'iiMin. | | Mum.
Tlu1 spring Is tin1
Unato ra . '
ttilrli. Colil , wet whiloc wpiillior uflcn ra
tnuls n curt1 of ojiinrrli. If ti course of ! '
riinii Is titKi'ii timing DIP curly splliiK iimiitlu
tincurl - will bo | ironiit | iinil | > rimiii'lil. )
TluM-f can lie no failures If IVruuii N tiikuu
luti'llliiuutly during the fuvui'iihlo vvisitlier ol
As a syslcinlc caturrh reiiifily I'urun *
onulloatLM oiitarrli from the * ) ! i-in wherever -
over It limy bu locatcil. H i-uirs i-nturrli of
tinHtoniai'li or liowi'ls with the sump cor-
tnlnty us witiirrh of tin- limit ,
If yon do not derive prompt ami siillifnc-
tory lesnlta finm the use of I'i'riimi , wrltt
at onceto Dr. Ilnrtninn , nlvliii ; n full stnie-
mciit of your en'e iiml'liiwill be pIcaHod to
Rive you his rnlmible advice urntl.i
Aildri'ns Dr. Iliirtimui , President of Tn
it'irtmnn Siinltarliiin , Culuiuliui , Ohio.
Double Daily Service
For Informitlon or Ritea , cill upon tr ttfdml
naartit Ajent , or
S. M. ADS1T , a. i > . A. ,
N.N.U. NO CC4.-17 YORK , MB.
The real worth of my tt.OO and 81.M ) Mines compare' ! wltli
oilierniakei Is SI.DOlo .lW ) . Myfil 00 Olll KilKO l.luucauuol be
equalled at any price , liustlu tliu vsurlil forincn.
I iimkn mul "I'll morn nirn' linn her > , < Jooilvrm-
Wcltdlunil-Scwril IroFr > ) . lluiu miy llii > r iiiiiniilao.
turn-In tliowi.rlil. 1 n 111 puv'l , < M toiiuy < iuoulm un
rue tliut uiy iluiuiiirnt l > not ti in * . _
( Sitin'iiV. ) . Jitoueiiii. .
Tnkn no .iih.lltnd-1 Insist on having W. I. . IliiiiRliimlinei
with nainn and price Uniiod | oil bnttnin. Your dr.Uer HlionlJ
kueu tliniii ; I nlvo ono ( le.ilcr oxcliistvn sale In icli tonn. If
liu tlucx not kip tlirin uml nlll not KCl thi-ni fur ynu , enter
direct from factory , cncloilHK price unit 21c , extra for rurrUKn.
Ovoi l.WO , WO wt nitii wearers. vi Hn' lii ? v i.JlOB fr'i >
lJtcci..y.uu . .r.JU..i. | . . W. I. DOUtiUb , Brockton , Mass.
5t > l
Did you ever have that feeling of oppression , like a weight on your chest , or a load of cobblestones In your
stomach , keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety , or tossing restlessly In terrible dreams ,
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's insomnia , or sleeplessness , and some unfortun
ates suffer with it night after night , until their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The
cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels , and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet , refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARKTS !
an t' thim hobo-mobo troocks ! 1-uok. w _
"I liave bron attlng CASCAHT'.T.S the
for Insomnia , wltli which I tinvo buuu afillued
for over twenty yiuro , aud I can say that cove
Cascarets luvo Klvcu uic more relict than any "S
other remedy I have e > er tried. I shall cer
tainly recommend thrm to ray friends as be * BUM7
Inc all they are represented '
THUS. GiLLAno. Klein. Ill
25c. 50c.
nUA A > Tinil TU CDItKnll hovrnl trnnhlr * . fi | > penfllc llU , blllouinrn , TO ( I'llKl I'lvr yrnr. lieu Ihn lint Imx i.r < ) . \S-
puil liiTiilb , Vnil blond , VTlrul uii the ilnninrli , blunlnl lintvrU , foul mouth , < A It KTHvn nlil. Now It l iiVIT.IX inIIfun ) Imir * u jfiif. vreutrr Chilli uuy
hriiduclif , liiiliErXlon , plmjilri , | .nlii iiHrr rullnr , ll er trouble , > ullir com Intllur inrillrlne In tinworlil , 'I'hU U iili.nliiKiiroiif r im-ii nii-i'll , iinil
plexion nnil ill/.7ln < * . \\hru 3 uur butvrli ilon'l IIIUTU rri.iiliirl > Jim ur our lint K-illmiinlul. AV.i Uitvn r.illli , mulill > i-ll < INCAIC ) I'S ul oluli.r |
KMIInit > lcU. Cnmtluutlon kllli inorti proiile Hutu nil othrr < ll > r ir > toucthrr. u itirnnlerU lo purr ur money rcfiinilftl. < 2 < liny ltitlii > l\tu AOe liix < * , tl\r ,
It U li Unrler fur the rlirnnlc nllmenl * il lone yriir of mifi-rlni ; tlmt tome Ilirmu fitlr , linnr-t trlnl , u * | irr tiniilo Ull rcllnn. , niul If > > IIIB nut mUHi- l
nflrrnBriliu multrr > h l HIM you , 4turl luUlnvN ( AKf. I'H lodiiy , for ullrr iitlnir on - non box , rrlnrn Ilin iinturil ' > " ' ' " > " ' ' I' ' ' " mil'ly \ > ux. lo
joii will nrrcr zrt wvll und bevrll oil UK limn until > uu put j our huwel > in liy mull , ur Ilir ilrui-KUl from \vliiini ton | Miri-liM ril u , unit icl > uui-niom-y
rlclit. TnUu our udtlcei ilurt with O A. CJL It K'VH toduy , under uu Bb ulut liurk fur liolh lioxr > . 'I uk uur uilvli-e no iniilCrr M luil ull. jou Hurt loiliiy ,
Kiiui'Hntee lo cure ur uioucy rcfuuilcd. 4 > 5 llvitltli will < ii'lpltv follii\v unit YI II ivlll btr n tl" * il A V > " llrvt kliii'lnl thn i e
of C'AhOA It KTH. JtnoU frro liy uiull. Ailill l > l ULIMi ntllUI 10. , I , . I.rk rUi < M .