Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 18, 1901, Image 5

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    Our Stock in going faat nt the following piioes. Como larly and got your share :
\ . 12 Ibs Oat Meal -.20o
G Ibs boken Rice 24o
0 Ibs Good Prunes 26o
I 3 Ibs Good New Peaches 24c
G Ibs Navy Beans 2fio
These are only a few peed things found in this mino. Up on our aide is a now line of
HatP , and every day Now Goods uomo down the shaft that is kept busy bunging thorn.
nAV Mr ff %
Northeast Corner of Public Square.
Low ItiiteM , West and NortliwcHt
At a time of year when thousands will
aio advantage of them , the Burlington
Kouto makes sweeping reductions in Its
rules to the West and Northwest to
Utnh , Montana , V/ashingtou. Oregon
and Ilriliflh Columbia.
Dates : February 12,19 , nnd 20.
March 6 , 13 , 19 snd 20.
April 2 , 9 , 16,23 nnd 30.
Hates n re shown below :
To ORtlen , Bait Lake , Butte , Hel- I
cna , Anaconda , and Mlssoula , f
To all Points on the Northern Pa.
cific Ry. west of Mlssoula , including $25
Spokane , Seattle , Tscoiun , Portland , }
as well an Vancouver , and VictoriaB.C
To All Points on the Spokane Falls & ! . _ _ . _
Northern Ry. and the Washington & J-Q OK
Columbia River R.R . j * 9C\J
Never has tbo Puoillo been as pros
perous as now. Labor Is In constant de
initud and wages are high. The money
maklngopportunltieHare buyond number
m mines , lumber , merchandising , farmIng -
Ing , fiult raising , tlsl.ingiiud all the other
industries of ureatandgrowingcountry. }
Literature on request free.
J. Frauds , Gon'l Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb. until upr22
Anyone sending a Bketeh nnd
quickly asccrtnm our opinion free v m-ili r m
Invention is pr < 'hnbljr i fUentnh ! < 1 f nritiinntc
clous strictly oo. ildnntml. Haiiolx ' n-i r.iti i '
Hi'iit fieo. OldOht iiiienry fornci tin i , . p tl < ni-
I'litnntH tnkrn throucli Mm 'i A in. r ,
iprrifii nottcr , without , l.itlio
A handsomely llln tr.ttnd wp"lK Tni-vt < i
Filiation of anv m'lfiitillr 1'iinti . 'I' ! < j.
tour : four iiiiiriths , $1. N > ld l > y "II ii" ' ill i
lii'i V SUVuiluiiM.ii i >
We will furnish the Kansas oity
Journal and RKHJIJLICAN for $1.2. >
per year.
10 oz. bottle Queen Olives 15u
8 bars of Silk Soap 2bo
12 bars of Tepee Soap 25o
1 Iboan rTKKKiNS KKN
1 Ib pkge " MAUJA I7o
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Heleim ,
Chicago , Untte ,
Ht , Joseph , Portland ,
Kansuu City , Salt Lake City ,
St. Louis , and all San Vrnuoltco ,
points east and south , and all points woet.
No. 43 Vejlibuled express dally , Lincoln , Oma
ha , St. Josep'i Kansas City , bt. Louts , Chicago
cage and nil polui-i eiietand eonth..ll 44 p.m.
No. 44 Local ex ) > rcgA dully , Lincoln , Omaha ,
HI. Joseph , Kaiibou Cltv , St. Lonli > , Chicago
M.d nil points east and Houth 022 am
c. < 0 Freight dnlly , Uii\cmm , Grand Island ,
Aurora , Scwardand Lincoln OuOam
No. 48 1'rolglit , dally except Sunday , Havonna
mid intermullsto pointe , 1 05 pin
No. 41 Vestlbulcd express daily , Heloim , Beal . !
tli > , lint to , Portland nnd nil 1'aclllc Coast
points 414am
No. 13 Local express dally , lllack Hills and
Intermediate points 625pm
No , 45 Freight dally , Anselmo 8eneceWhitman
and Alliance. . 1068 n in
No. ' 17 Freight , dally except Sunday , Sincca
and Intermediate poluta 1:36 pm
Sleeping , dlLlng and reclining chair cars ( seats
( reo ) on through trains. Ticket * sold and baggage -
gage checked to any point In tin United States
and Cnnada.
Mo. 48 baa merchandise cars Tuesdays , Thurs
day s and Saturday a.
No. 40 will carry passergers for Kaveiine
Qruud Island , Seward and Lincoln.
Information , maps , tlmu table * and ticket
call on or wrlto to II. L. Ormsby , agent , or J
FrancK G. P. A. , OmiUiv. Nebraska.
II. L. OiiManr , Airent.
Pouch for west will close at 8 p. in. , except
Sunday when It will close at 0:45 : p m.
Poach , euft lor train No. 4J uloaoa at 8 a in
and foi No. 44 closes at , 5.30a.m. Mall forAnsluv
ami points oust uf Grand Island eirried on train
No. 44.
Oconto Tla of Hyno and Tuckorvllle , dully f > x-
cupt Sunday closes , at 7 u rn : returning samu day
Callawny via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday
clo-es at 7 a m , returning same day.
Hound Valley via Greun and Klton clnse at 7 A
in.Tuesday , Thursday and Saturdays , returning
sane day.
Suinuer via Gurni-ey , Georgetown and Ujiton
arrrlve * at 11.30 , Tueeduy Tnnrsday aud Satur
day , returning leaves at 15,30 eamn day.
OUloi hours from 8.01) ) n m to 8.00 p m Sun.
days from 5:15 p. m , to 0:45 : p. m. Lobby open
weekdays from 7 a. m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 8:3(1 :
a.m. toy a.m. General delivery not open Sun
day morning as heretofore , L. U.JKWBTT , l'M
Why sailer pain
CANCERS from cancer ?
U KlilJ iU T. O'CONNOU cares
cnnccrs , tnnioru and wens ; no knlfo , blood or
planter. Address 1306 O street , Lincoln , Nebr.
( MeUion this paper. ) jnn : tlt
Having bought the stock formerly owned by A. Wallace ,
we have added a complete
And are prepared to soil as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.
intlTIT , OVHTICiCH nllil CICI.ICHV IX H CANO ? < f.
Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city. Give us a trial.
F. C. WOItNAMi , President. J. A. HAKIilS , Cashier *
A. J KOHKIITSON , Vlco-Proa W. 1) . IJLAOKWKLL , Ass't Cnshlor
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
Ton can remove tbu cause by * taring one of our
Tnej are sold under a positive gaarantco. HKX HHliUllATIO CO. , Ilartford , Conn
$25,000 Our Grand $ jtooo ;
Ornithological Contest ,
Sornvthln entirely new and IntorestltiR , Hcnil
what you ure to do. You mny get 81,000. Our
contest IN to see who can make the larKcxt list or
names ( or klnda ) of birds from tlie followln ( ; lift
of letters :
We will recognize as a bird anything holongliif ;
to the fcatbcrcu trlbu , wbctlier It bun Hun , Crow ,
Singer or any oilier kind. Yon can ueo any letter
as many times to make 11 name ax It appears In
the list of letters above ; Woodcock , Plover , Snow
lilrd , etc. To any pcrsotin who can make n Het
of J5 or more different i ante of birds , we will Klvu
abHOlutely FKEKn beautiful prize , vnlllo $1,000 ,
ot lens.
Wlicu you bavo nuido out your ltt > t 1111 out tbu
line on the bottom of this advertisement , and
send to us with n rtamped addressed envelope.
stump of your conntry will do , then If yon uro
awarded a prize you can if yon deMra pet tlie
prize by becoming a cubscrlber to the Woman 'H
World. SVe Bhiill awaid a prize to every person
who vends me name of " 3 birds , and our Kills will
bo as follows : For the best INt , received each
clay , a Gold Watch ; for the second best solution
each day , 11 beautiful impoitcd Tea Set ; for the
BO vcn next best solutions each dav , a Konrnh Ha-
kli Dliunond and Buby King ; for tbo next boi > t
solution , a Gold Piece ; and lor all other correct
solutioiiH , prizes of good value. These prizes
will bo forwarded dally , you will not havu to
wait a loni ; time in uticerliiluty before you know
the result. There is no element of lottery In our
plan , it makes no dllforenoa whether wo net your
solution Into or otrly In tbe dfly. All yon need is
to mail this Advl. to us , and on tbo day it reaches
us , if your Mot IH the best , you nhnll have tbo
Quid \VTritch , or it second boat , the beautiful
Ton Set. aud ro on. Wo guarantee that wo win
award jon a prize Therein absjlntolj no oppor
tunity for deception uu our part wo cannot afford
It. Wo want to tfct 1.000,000 well satlffled sub
scribers , and for that reiicon we don't want you to
send any money until yon know exactly what
prize you have gained by answering thu puzzles
As Bonn after 4 p m. each day as possible , the
examiners will judge tbe lists to the bust of their
ability , and will designate the prizes. We will
wrltu to jou a , once notifying you what prize has
been awardtd you , then If you are satlslied , you
can send your subscription to 1'ho UoinunV
World , and your prize will go by t turn of mull
carriage paid. To a person of narrow IduuH It
seems Impossible that \\o should bo able to make
such a Klgantlo oiler , nut we havn the money ,
brains anil reputation , wo know exactly what wo
are doing , and If wo can legitimately gain a mil
lion subscribers by this grand Idea , we know thiit
tills million of well pleased subscribe can be
Induced to recommend The Woman's World to
All friends , thereby Imihlinc ; up our circulation
mill further.V o are willing to spend S'AOOOln
this contest In building up a bl subscription list ,
and Alien this money 'H spent wo reserve the
right to publish a notification Urn' the content has
been dlscoLllnuod , Don't delny until it Is lee
late. The contest will continue until July 1st ,
1U01.We glvo a bonus prlzo of $ ' .150 Independent of all
others , to the person who tteiulv in the Ills gotten
up In the best and handsomest manner. Our
committee will decide and award prlzon dally , hut
the special ? -.r > 0 prl/.o will be awarded In Septem
ber , 1001. Any bird's ' name found In the diction
aries accepted.
\Vlio We Arc.
The "woman's World ' In a thoroughly reliable
concern , we are known to do exactly as wo adver
tise. As to our reliability wo refer to any ad\ur-
UbliiK Hguut or business man of London or N
Name .
Town .Country
N K. He careful und prepay your luttertic , s
we do not receive underpaid letters. Address :
A aioht I.lliural Oiler.
All our farmer readers should take ad-
vamuge ol the unprecedented clubbing
offer we this yenr make , which include
with this paper The lown llomstead , its
special Farmers' Institute Edition and
The Poultry Farmer- These three pub-
llcatiouB are the beet of their class and
should bo in every farm house. To tin n :
we add , tor local , county and genera
news , our own paper , und make tbe price
of the tour one year only $1 50. Never
before was so much superior rending
matter offered for so small an amount of
money. The three papers named , whicl
we club with our own. are well knowi
throughout the west and commend them
selves to the reader's favorable attentloi
upon mere meutlon. The Iowa Home
stead Is tno great agrlctllural and live
stock paper of the west ; The Poultry
Farmer Is the most practical poultry
paper for the farmer , while The Special
Farmors' Institute Edition are the most
practical publications for the promotion
of good farming ivcr published. Tnko
advantage of this great offer , as it will
hold good for a short time only. Samp
les of these popors may be esamened by
calling at this ofllce. till jn 1 01
Notice of lie ward.
A reward ot $5.00 will bo given
for information leading to convic
tion of any one tampering or mod-
ling with any Hue , or shooting in
sulators or doing any damage in ton
tionally on any line belonging to the
Broken Bow Telephone Exchange.
Warning is hereby given that any
persons so offending will be proso-
outed to tbo full extent of the law.
U. S. Land Office.
K.1I. YOUNG ItocolTcr
U.S LnudOQlco , tlrokon How , Net. . , I
. . , March 7,1901 f
Notice U hcroby RTVU tlist llio following
nainrd tettler 1ms Died notice of hit Intention
to rnako QnU proof In supporl of his claim , nnd
that sxld proof \\lll lie made bt < fore Itpgloter and
Receiver at Hrokcn How Nebraska , on April
at. UXH , vlr. : WILLIAM II W.MtD.of llerwyn
Nnbra k , for ( ho homestead cnlrt No. 432 for
> KX , of toe. S.7 , tawnshlp 17 , north rtnpo IIW ) ,
llti natnei tlie tollovrln ) ; nltneD > tes to provo hli
oonttnuoui roJlJence upon slid cultivation of
said land , T ! :
Ktan Mo ely , of Kllon , Nebraska , Jacob
llarcus. of Ureen , Nebraskariiarlcs Williams ,
of Oreen. Nchraaka ; Hunry CashmRii , of llerwyn.
Nebraska Jin KB WUITKIIRAD , Keclatcr.
March H , 01.
U. 8. Land Olllce , Hrokcn How , Neb. , I
SUrclill , 1001 f
Notice Is norutiy given that SAMl KL ADK1NS ,
of Aurrlmo , Nebraska , ha < fllcd notlou.ol inten
tion to iiukn llnal proof before Register and lie-
colror t Ills omco In Broken llow , Ncbrnska , on
Thursday , the IBtli day of April , UX)1 , on tliuhor
culture application No. 1'JCJO , for B > i SKU ,
N\VMSKl ( , NKUSWK , of section No. 3J , In
.ownsltlp No. 'JO , ration No. "I
Uu names n wituesitos : William Andcrsor ,
t Anaelmo , Nobra ka ; OraiiTlllc Dlshinan , of
AnHolino , Nebraska ; Uharlle Street , of lloosler
Valley , Nobraskt ; Kd Uravcs , of Annehnii ,
March 11 , 01.
United States Land OlUce , I
llroken llow , Nebraska , March - - ' , 1001 , f
A sulllclent contest allldarlt linrlng been lllod
In tills olllce liy Samuel WuddliiKton , contittanl ,
aKalnst homestead entry No. 1501KI , made July
a.1 , 18811 , for north-east quarter , suction 34 , town-
hhlp 1U , north , rmiRO ' ) , nut , by Frances S.
Mlddletou contested , In which It Is nlle ed tliat
Francis 8. Mlddlcton
hag aiiaudonod thu tauio
nnd has fulled to erect or place thereon any Im *
iirovuaieiitA whatever , that there Is not now nor
lias there been a IIOUFO or biilldlUK of any ratlin )
orictcd thereon and all of said defects complained
of o.\lstat tlilx date , and tlmt said aliened all-
m'lico Ironi the said laud WHS not duo to his cm *
pto ; incut In HID Army , Navy , or Marine Corp * ot
the United Stales HB a prlvato soldier , cilllcer
scaiiioii , or iniirltic , ilurliif' the trar vvl'h Spain ,
or during any other war in whlau the United
States niKv lie uiiKnKod. Bald parties are hereby
iiotitlciltuniipear , tospoud anil offer evidence.
touching said allegatloi. at 10 o'clock a. m , on
May 10 , IUJ ] , before the KcKletcr and Itccelvor at
the United Stales Land Ulllce , in llrokou llow ,
Neliraskii ,
Tbu said conli-stant hiving. In a proper aftldavlt
Illed December U , 1IHJU , set forth facts which show
that nftor due illllliciice ; personal service ol this
notice cannot he madu , It U hereby ordered and
directed that such notice bu clven by dao and
proper publication.
April I , til , IAMKS WHITKIIKAII , HegUter.
U. S. Land Ollle , llroken llow , Nob. , I
April U , 1U01. |
Notice la hereby glren that the following
named cottier hae Alod notlco of his intention
to muko llual proof in support of lil cliilin , and
tlmt said proof will bo inudu tiefore Heiil-ter and
ltocol er at llroken llow , Nebr. , on May 18 ,
11)01 ) , viz : DAN C1ALLAUHKH , of Ortello , Nub. ,
for homestctid entry No 1414 , for the HH of 8\Vi
nectlon U3. township 18 , nortli rangu ) , w.
Uu names thu following \vltneincH to prove hi *
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said laud , vi/
Samuel K. Hcdman , of Ortello , Neb. , Frederick
C Kinbreo , of Orlello , Nut ) , Jiune * It llaker , of
Ottello , Nnl ) , , JuiuCH U. linker , of Ortello , Nub.
Apr 11 1)1 ) JAMKB WHITKHKAD , Heritor.
United States Land Olllce , Hrokcn llow , Neb. , I
April U. 1VOI. f
Notice la hereby given tlmt In pursuiiucuof In-
Rtructlons from tbu Commissioner of thu Ucn-
oral Land Ollice , under authority vested in him
by section .MM , U. S Uer Stat. , an amended by
the act of Conuresti approved February 20 , 18115 ,
w. will proceed to sell at public Bale on thuHli
day of May , next , at this olllce , the following
tractof laud , to-ulf NH 81 Ji , nectlonSW , town-
ohlp " 0 , north range - - , w. e
Any and all perpuna claimliiK adversely the
utiovd described laudn uro advliiod to ( lie their
claims In this olllco on or before the dny above
designated for the commencement of Bald sMo ,
otherwise their rights will bu forfeited.
Apr. IIU1 FUANK II. Y < ) UN , Kvoelver
rtlllLlC LAND'SALE. '
United Btatc Land Olllce , llroken llow , Neb , , I
April U. ll'Ol. ' f
otlce Is hereby K'T n ln t lu pursuance of
instructions irom thu Commlpslouur uf tbo den
urn ! Lund Oil ce , under authority vested In him
ny section 1.M65 , U. S. Hev. Mat. , as amended by
the act of Congress approved February 20 , I8lj ) ,
wo will proceed to oiler at public siilu on the
! Mth day of Mny , next , at this oflloo , the follow
ing truct uf land , lo-wlt : NK1 * SUM , ( uctlon sa ,
township 19 , north ningoLM , w
Any and all persoim clalmiuK adversely the
hove described lands are advised to Hid their
ilalms In this olllce on or before tbe day above
'efi ' nated for the commencement of eald salu ,
therwiso their rights will bo forfeited.
ipr 11 01 FUANK U. YOUMO , Kuculver.
United State * . Lund O 111 CD , I
Broken llow. Nebraska , April U , 1901. f
Noilce IN hereby given that tbu following named
ettlei has tiled ntitlco of his Intention to make
mil proof in support of his claim , aud that said
i'oaf will he made before HeglHler and Itecelvcr
it ' llrnken Uo\v , NeLrasko , on May 17 , 11)01 ) , vU :
A'1LLI.\M llltUWN of ComstocK , Nobr , for the
N4 , of Section ! J8 township 10 , north raugo
, w
ll names the following witnesses to prove
ils continuous residence upon mid cultivation of
aid hind , viz :
Jiimea L. I'utct of Comstock , Neb. ; George
Seldlu of Comstock , Nebraska ; George Hhankn f
C'omstock , Nibraskn ; William Donuhou of Com-
stuck Nebruxku.
11-01 JAMCB WiiiTBiieAD , HegUtcr.
U. H. Lund OIQcu. Itroken llow , Nob. , )
March LI ) , 1U01. i
Notice Is hereby given tmt | ( jlIAltLKS W.
KOUUK , of llfokvn llow , Nnbraaka lies Died
notice ( if Intention to maku til ill proof boforu
Ktgieter und Itocelvor at bid ollltn in llroken
llow. Nebraska , on thlx duy thn Ufitli duy of
April 1001 on timtior cnitura application No ,
12071) ) , for Kty N\\'M , lota 1 aud 2 , of section No ,
IH , In towucblp No. IT , north ninyo No. 31 , W.
tie iianiCH an wltneeeOH : Daniel W Corey , of
Me rim , Nebraska ; George Kelly , ot Murnu , Ne-
' ifkit ; John ( ! . I'ullard , of Morn , NobrrBkn ;
iirlcx 11. Jollordf , of llruken llow , Nebraska ,
al l tiw JAUKHViinKIIEAU , Ucj-ifiter
In the district court , of Cnstor county , Nubrtska ,
Charlotte K. Wllllmiix ,
1'UlntilI ,
( ieor e . , iUry f Notice of Suit.
A I'upuuy , etui ,
Defendant H. J
The above nnmed defendants , ( iuoruo X , Dar-
roil und Alary A. C'opuuy , will take notice that on
the lutilay of October , 1UOU , the abnvo named
pUiiiliflllltd her petition In Ihu district court , of
l iiclcr county , Nebraska , thu object and prayer
of ulilch are to foreclose a certain mortice given
by onu Henry t ) . Morrlnoy to tlie Lombard In-
vcetuiHiit Company and uKHlKrK d to ttili plalntill ,
upoi the following described ical e t to , to-wlt :
The couth half of thu north half , uf xrctlon UT ,
In towiiHlilp IU , north nt ruuge 4 , went , in Custer
cdiiiuy , Nulirmkn , to ccciiru thu payment of one
certitin promlaHorv notu in the nun of 7(0.00 ( ,
dated November 3 , 1888 , mid due live yearn from
the datu thereof , and on which there in now duu
tlie HUIII of U-5.70 and Inturegt from tbo let duy
of November , IUOU , and IUXUN In the amount of
} il.00 , and the plalntill prayn for a dccreetbat
i lie uamu be paid r that the xaid premises bo
Bold to BBtluiy laid amount found duu ttieruou
ami coiu ol cult , an by law prorlded.
You , and each of you , ar re'iulred to annwer
Bind petition on or before tbu Uth day of May.
1UUI , or the alleuatlonH of ta'd | ietition will bu
tukcn BH true and judgnieni i endured thereon
accordingly ,
Dated nt llroken How , Nebraska , thin lit day
April. 1U01 CIUULOTTE K. WII.LUMH , 1'lff.
AprlM , U liy A. It. llUMViiUKV , Her Ally.
Emma II. Oullon ind Kdward J Culleii , de-
feiiiuntn ) heriln. will take nutlcu that on the 30th
dny of .March , Ibul John U. llnghei , plalntllf
hi'tuln , filed hu petition iu ttie dla-
trld court of Cuntcr county , Nu-
braitka , against said dtifendunts , thu object aud
; iray r of which aru to foreclose R curtain deed
executed nv said defendants to said plaintiff upon
the south-cant quarter , of sei tlon 17. In township
IB , north ot rauuu 17 , west ot the 6th p. m. , In
( Jucter county , Nebrusha , to secure tbu ptymcut
oftlielr note , dated July 11 , 18 2 , for the bum of
'i , dee ai.d payable two years from the
dbta ihtrajf There Is now duo upon mid note
und deed security the simo the sum of g--' ; for
which um with utere t from tb's d te the
plaintiff prajg for a decree that defendant * bu
rv'iulred to pay thu Piiobor tlmt said premises
BIUV bu sold to satisfy the amount found duu.
ou urt hereby required to annwer H id peti
tion on or before the l-'lth duy of May , 11W1.
AprlN,4t ily CLKXKNTJ iluou. , Ills Attji.
In the District Conrt of Gaiter County , Nebraska
'iforgetown National Hank , of )
leorgetown , Mais. ,
I'Uliillll ,
ilobert ( limn ,
ot. ! . ,
Dofendntiti , ,
To Ilobcrt Qlrvan , Mrs. llobort ( HtT n , wife of
said Hobrrt Qlrvin , Qlobo Investment Co. ,
Ilunry A Wytnan , tecolvor ot itld Glob * In-
ve tin ntroRnda , W. YOUBR , none IU nt
defendants !
YOB , Rtul e eh of yon , will takn notice th t on
lie UUtb d v of July , 18W , the ( leorKrtown Na
tional Hank , ot U ori'otowii , M M , plMmllT
'icruln , fllcd Its petition In the dlntrlcl court of
uster county , Nflbrrukii. ngalnil you and other
defendants , the object and prayer of wlilcti cald
petition are to fororloto a oorlaln morteujjo exe
cuted by Sylvester J. lUknr and Sarah J lltkor ,
to the Ddko'.a Morletgo Loan Corporation , on
I'ctober ' ii5 , 1897. which mortgage wasglvun iitnin
tlie BH of the NwUi i'J lot * 3 and 4 , of mcllim
4 , township 19 , range 91 , lu Cuitor county , No-
hiaska , and w i flv n to secure tbo payment ut
a certain flnt mortgage coupon nond , eio.-utod
by said Hylvonter J , linker and Sarah J. lukur to
said Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation for the
sum of $ M > 0 ( X ) , which bond wa dated October 'U ,
1887 , ami duu November I , 189 * ' .
That tb < ) plaintiff Is now the owner and holder
nt sttld morirago bond , nnd the ssld
socurlii ) : the payment ot the samu.
That there is now duo upon said bond and
mortgage , the sum of 150.60 , loaothcr with In
terest nt ten per cent per annum , from Novem
ber 1 , 18K ! , for which mui , With Interest as afore
said. plMntlll iir y for a decreu that said raort
giu.'unuyho foreclosed ; that dufeiidmni bore
Hulled to pay the ajld amount with interest with
in twu > ty days from the entry of raid decree , or
that said drenilfus may bo sold M upon oxocntlou
lid the proceeds ot such Bale applied to tbe pay
ment ot said debt , Interest and costs ot this
Yon , ami cncu of you are required to answer
sail ) petition on or before Monday , the SOth day
of May , 1901.
Dated this I0th day nt April , 11)01. )
Of Georgetown , MASS ,
liy C. L. GimitHsoR. < i-tMt
Intha District Court of Cin-tor County , Neb.
Krnit llalsch , I'lhlntlll ,
VI. ,1
Mary F , Halscb , Uofoudant
To Mary V. Halted , Nonresident defondont :
You are hereby nollfled that on the 10th day of
April , A 1) . 1MOI , KniBt Halscb , plaintiff liurnln ,
tiled a potlt'on against you lu the Drlstrlct Court
of Ouster County Nebraska , the object aud
praycrof which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the grounds that ) ou bavu wilfully
abandoned Ihu plalutllt. without good cniisu for
inotetliiin two je r last pant , that you Weru
Rullty ot i > xtremo cruelty towurdJ plalntllf wbllo
ring with him
You are required to minor raid petition on o
bcforo the Allli d y of May , 1UOI ,
Dated at llroki'ii llow , Nebraska , thli HUli day
of April , 1101. KiiNiT UAIHOII ,
4-11 41 liy Ills Ally , ALPHA Momux.
In county court , within uud for Cuitur couuty ,
Nebraska ,
In thu Matter of the Kstntu of I
NeUon Teller. Deceased , f
To thu creditors of said estate :
You aru hereby nutlllnd , that I will sit at the
county court room , in llroken llow , In said
county , on thu 12lh dav ot June , 1V01 ; OB Ihu I'Jth
day of August. 1U01 ; ami on thu ll'tli ilay of
October , ItHIt , each at ID o'clock a. m. , of each
day , to ruculko and examine all claims ugalnst
aid estate , with a view to their mljiuiment and
Thu time limited for the prei'enlntlon of claims
against said estate IH six month * from the I''th
d y of April , 11KJ1 , and thu time limited tor tbe
payment ol dublH Is onu yvar from mild lUth day
of Ai-rll , IttH
Witness my band and the seal of said county
court , this Ut dit ) of April , 1UOI
IHEAI , 1 J . A , AIIMOUII , County Judge ,
April 11 , ! !
Ledcrer , HtrniiSB & , Co. , Uuplemlcd with others ,
ufundimts , will take notlco that on thu 18th day
f November , 181)0 ) the trustees of lllpon College ,
lalntias , Uled their petition In thu district Ouuit
f Custur couuty , Nebraska , against saiddefou-
tints , the object aud prayer ot which are to fore-
lone a certain moitgbgo executed by Kllu Llg-
; ctt and Martin Liggett , couvoylng lots four (4) ( ) ,
. .nd live i5) , in block thirteen ( li ) , of Jamus t' .
Gaudy's audition to the town of llrokou Dow ,
Nebraska , to secure thu payment of u curtain
uortgugu bond , dated on thu llrst day ol July ,
I 88U , tor tbu Mini of $ .Vi,00 and Interest thori on ,
'Eld boml ilue and payable on the Urn day of
July , 18UI. That thcru U now due ami owing
pen Haul bond and mortgage , the sum of
! M)1 ) 1)1) ) , for which sum with lutcrcit from this
data the plalntllt pruys fora ducrco thatsaldiie-
Tundauts bu required to pay thu sumo or that mild
premises may bo sold to sittUty thu auiouut found
You are required to answer said petition on or
icforo the i0tli ! day of May , IDOL
Dated this 4th day of April , 11)01. )
liy JAIIEI LKUWIDII , their Attorney. 'I-11-41
Kur i.ctlurM About r < e-
A round trip ticket from any
Burlington Rout station in Ne
braska to Yellowstone Park and a
complete trip through the Park IH
one of twenty prizes offered by
he Burlington Route for the best
elleru about Nebranka.
Other prizes are ; Trips to Colorado
the Black lliils , Uhicago , and St.
There are also tevoral cash prizes.
The Burlington offers these prizes
for letters that will encourage im
migration to Nebraska * Letters
descriptive of Eucoesaful farming ,
cattle raising , dairying , fruit growing -
ing , and similar pursuits are avail
able for the purpose in view.
The eontest ' 'loses May il ) , 1001.
Circulars giving full information
will be mailed on request.
J. Francis , Passenger
Omaha , Nob.
The Burlington Houto offers twenty
prlzua , n KreRWlinK 85QU tor letter * which
ciin buueed in encuurnglnx iinnjl rutlon
to Nebraakn
The first prize IH R round trip ticket
from any liurllngtOB Houte station In
Nobntgka to Yellowstone Park , and n
complete trip through the park , luclud-
Inu Binge trniiBUortatlon nnd live and a
hull days' nccoinodntlon ut the hotels
of the Yellowstone J'lirk AHBOclutiou
value 8100
The si'oond prize is a ticket to Denver
thence to the Ulnok Hills , and 825 in
CBBll VftltlO 875.
Particulars can be obtained by address-
In J. Francis , G 1 * . A. , Burlington
Route , Omaha , Nobr ,
How to niiilic IleiiH
The Uepubllcuu has tt proposition thM
may n < > t exactly nolve the question ,
'How to Make lions Lay , " but It will
help you to make more money out of
your liens than you are now doing , If
you pay up all arrearages and one venr
in HdvuDce , wo will send you The West
ern Poultry News one year free. It IH a
biK 10-paue paper puhllshnd tit Lincoln ,
Neb. , and la recognized authority on
poultry matters , iimny of tbe best known
pouluy experts contributing their oxpor-
For H you < g calf or colt from H dny tea
a month old give one t > aaponnful of
Cliamliorlftln'H Coilo , Cholern ( and Dlar-
lioi'a Remedy in half n gill of water as
a drench niter each operation of the
bowels more than natural ; usually one
close Is Btimclent. Kor older animals It
mny he given In fot-d. Thousands of
VHlimble animals are paved by It euch
year , This remedy Is just what you
Kliould take yourself when troubled with
Diarrhoea. For sale by J. Q , Ilaeberlo ,
April 4,1m.
Lunch Counter ,
Bc , MalJoy , Prop'r.
All kinds tf soft drinks. Boat | i
brand of cigars , lat building onat ' *
of Farmori' bank ,
L'KNN A DOltlllS ,
All Kinds of work In our line done
promptly and In Urst-olneg order. lied Kf
Shop on the corner , west of the hose V $
house. Give us a trial.
Any one w lulling now watch tnoTcment In an
nld CIIPO , call on
Of the city , located In Uycrron'i grocery utoro.
Dr. E. M. Hogan ,
Graduate Dentist
Ofllco oicrV. . S.Hwati'i Grooory store.
Broken B'ow , - Neb.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from woht Realty
block ; resident ) ! ) , 3rd west M. E.
church , same side of street.
Dr. J. M. McLeod
1300 O street , LINCOLN , NKBU.
( General Surgery
Hi > itciAi iHT < and
( Diseases ofV ornon
Klrot-clai * hotpltal ftollltlei. Jan lit
J , J , SNYDER , .
- Notary Public , -
mill Juntlcn of the 1'onre. Blioclnk attention ul
en to collections , DepoMtlons taken. pi > ni lon
votichon iiently executed and all kfnds of legal
pnpore wrlten , Ofllcu In thu rear of Itnuk of
llroken llow , Nob.
Clinton Day ,
Broken llow , Nob.
Olllco in the roar , of the Hank of Com
merce. KuslOence ( i'.h house west of
Baptist church.
Xiirlltitftoii It oute , $25 to Cnlt luruU
I'cliruary 12 , 19jtC
niitrcli 5 , iz , 19 , 26
April x , 9 , 16,123,20
Lowepltrato in yi'ars.
Applies to Ban L ranoiHOO , Los
Angeles , Sacramento , San Jose and
iretty naarly every other importout
point California.
Through touritU sleepers on all
the above datot } got aboard at any
station iu Nebraska at which train
stops ; get off at Los Angeles ,
See nearest Burlington ticket
agent , or write .1. Francis , Qsmsral
Passouger Agent , Omaha , Nob.
lleiiiccly lor IlliotifiiiitlMin ,
Quick Relief From Pain.
AH who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm
or rhuuniutlNin are delighted with thu
quick relief from pnln which It affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N Sinks ,
' of Troy , Ohio , says : ' Some time ago 1
'ind u Eovuro altact of rhuuuiatUm iu uiy
arm nnd sholder. 1 tried numerous
remedies but got no relief until [ was
recommended by Msaes ! Oeo. F. Parsons
&Co. , drugglntu of UIH ! plnoo , to try
Chitmburlalu's Pain Halm , They rec
ommended it BO highly that 1 bought a
bottle. I was soon relieved of all pxln.
I have since recommended thlH liniment
to many of my friends , who ugrco with
me that It I * the bust remedy for mus
cular rheumatism In the market , " Foi
sale by J. G. ilucborle.
A I'oultry I apcr Ifrce.
The Republican hae made arrangement
whereby wo can send "The Weatem
Poultry News" one year free to imy per
eon paying one year's subscription in
advance. Old eubacrlbera who pay up
and pay one year in advance can take ad
vantage of this olfur also. The Western
Poultry New * Is a big 10-pngu monthly
chicken paper , published nt Lincoln
Neb. , and is an Acknowlvgud authority
on poultry methods. It not only Inter
ests fancy breeders , but the housewife
In town or country , who wants to make
some prollt from u few hens. It also
has a lielglan Hare department If you
want a poultry paper , lions in your chance
I rce Complexion Ilcaiittlflcr.
Wo want every lady reader of the
RKPUHLICAN to try U wight's Com
plexion Bcautifier , the most exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmless , makes the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only HOIK ! Fnuii a full
size , Fifty coin box to every lady
who will pond us her post oflioo ad
dress silver dimu to pay for packing
and postage. Only one VUUB box to
each address but ladies may order
for their friends. Each box mailed
separately. Send this notice and
your order at ONCK to D. VV. OUBTKB
. , Huntington W. Va.
Are You iiiter Htcci In l oultry.
If you are , here is u chance for you.
Pay up what you owe and one year In ad
Vance on tbo Itepubliuan , aim we'll send
you The Wester u Poultry News , of Lin
coln , Neb. , a whole year free. It's A
big 10-pagu poultry monthly and will
help you make moru money out of your
chickens. It also baa u Uolglun II are
department ,