Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 18, 1901, Image 3

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Pranoa Welcome * Iltiturn of
PAIUB , April 10 The unexpected
return of the Russian squadron
dwarfed all other events In the pro
gram at Nice yesterday. JLMie news Is
on the lips of everyone here and joy Is
expressed by lx > th the public and the
press. The Intensity of tills gratifica
tion shows that great numbers of
Frenchmen had treated with skeptic-
Isrn the Idea that the wlthdrawel of
the squadron was simply duo to a de
sire not to be politically Identified
tvith the Franco-Italian demonstra
A section of the nationalist press
has carefully fostered this Impression ,
pursuing a policy of seizing upun every
possible opportunity to embarrass the
government. These organs had assert
ed that the departure of the Russians
implied dissatisfaction on the part of
the czar wltn the Fiance-Italian ap-
proachrocnt and heralded the breakup
of the Franco-Russian alliance. BroodIng -
Ing feeling of uncertainty was thus
created , which broke like a spell before
the happy tidings of the return of Jtho
Russian squadron to Ville , France and
was transformed Into expressions of
exultant , gladness.
The prevailing feeling was epitom
ized in the following declaration of Lo
Prcsso :
"Itis with patriotic Joy that all
Frenchmen learn yesterday V reatand
glad news. The dcpai tine ol our allies
bad painfully impressed tin * country.
We are now liappily reassured. The
Joyful emotion of the people of Nice Is
hhared by all patriots. No more con
vincing proof could be given of the
vitality find .strength of the Franco-
Russian alliance , which had been de
clared moribund somewhat too early. "
Inquiry Itiolllclal quarters regarding
the explanation of the return of the
Russians elicited the information that
the squadron left Toulon for the rea
son assigned at the time , and cabled
to the Associated press , namely , thnt
ifc was never intended the whole Rus
sian squadron should remain there
during the Franco-Italian festivities ,
as the presence of a third party might
tend to check the expansion of feeling
but the Russian government had not
anticipated such an unfavorable elleot
as was created by the withdrawal , or
such comments as appeared in a sec
tion of the foreign press and the na
tionalist organs In France.
"There comments misrepresented
the Incident as indicating coolness Le
t/ween France and Russia , " said a high
official , "and made a great impression
upon the Russian government , which
Is extremely sensitive to newspaper
criticism , and resulted In a decision
to recall the squadron to Nice in order
to belie the false rumors concerning
the affair. As a matter of fact , while
it was not intended that the Russian
squadron should lemaln at Toulon for
the fete , a lame blunder was made by
A certain Russian olllclal , who sent
the.vq' a Iron off to Barcelona , when it
bad only to go to Ville , France , as it
lias now done , in order to solve the
whole difficulty. '
Siirrii From flood.
Neb. , April 10 An act
of heroism unsurpassed in the annals
of the state is the expression being
used by Sioux county people in connec
tion with the performance of Miss
'Li/zie ' E. Cottmnn , teacher In the dis
trict school neur here. Alone , facing
a torrent ofatcr carrying debrris of
trees , dead animals and all the accom
paniments of a flood , she rescued from
. horrible death the scholars of her
school and preserved the building
Itself from what seemed Inevitable
Teacher and pupils wcic unconscious
of the frightful dangerawaitingthem.
Suddenly Miss Cottman felt a strange ,
uncanny movement under her feet.
Again it came , this time so strong
that the pupils looked up In terror.
Stepping to the door. Miss Cottman
witnessed a sight sulllcient to stir the
htrongcst soui. The White river was
out of Its banks. The school building
was already surrounded and the rising
flood was bulling its power against
the frail fratnn structure.
Instantly Cottman's purpose
was formed. Across the expanse of
water , tugging at his long rope , was a
horse which had been ridden by one
of tha pupils of the school. Springing
out fearlessly Into the muddy and
debris Hilled sea , Miss Cottman waded
waist deep to the horse's side. Then
she began the struggle hack , her help-
Jess pupils watching her In pitiable
terror. It was frightful at best , but
when a great wave struck the build
ing , causing it to totter and break
partially loose , Miss Cottman's cour
age almost failed. Heroically , how
ever , she pressed on and fastened the
rope to the saddle and then to the
building , giving it the aid of the
horse's strength. For threequarters
of an hour she stood at the horse's
toead up to her armpits in the chilling
torrent , until one of the boys waded
toross to land for assistanto.
Mining ; Mnn f-ocntoil.
WOOD RIVKH. Neb. , April 10. Curt
Stevens , the ranchman who disap
peared under circumstances which led
bis family and friends * o believe that
ho had been murdered last fall , has
turned up In Oklahoma. A letter
from Buffalo , O T. . discloses his
whereabouts. The Loup river was
Bounded for miles In search of Stevens'
body , as his horse was found with a
saddle near where he wu last seen.
Nnw Trlnl In Overrules ! Judge flrlinlnnii
I'niKoi ) Forinitl Scutonco > it Youthful
Slayer of Hernion Zului Nulinukn
FKKMONT , Neb. , April 11. ( Spe
cial. ) Judge Grimlson of the district
court yesui : day morning refused to
grant : i new trial In the case of the
state against William Rhea , who Is at
pn sent under sentence of death for
the murder of Herman Zahn of Snyder
about three months ago. Immediate
ly following , his honor requested Rhea
to stond up. He proceeded to give him
a snort talk , pointing out that the
penalty brought to himself was the
worst possible. The trial had been
Tory disagreeable to everybody who
had participated. The prisoner was
given an opportunity to say whatever
ho wished in his own behalf , but re
fused to talk , further than te declare
i < vvutild bo useless. Judge Grimison
pronounced sentence upon Rhea as
"It is therefore adjudged by the
court , that you , William Rhea , bo re
manded to the custody of the sheriff
of Dodge county , Neb. , and that you
be from thence forthwith removed to
the penitentiary of the state of Ne
braska and there delivered Into the
custody oi thrt warden thereof , and
that you be kept in solitary confine
ment until the > econd day of August ,
A. D. , 1901. On which day , between
the hours of 11 o'clock in the forenoon
and 3 o'clock In the afternoon , you
will bo taken to the place of execution
within the ualls of the state peniten
tiary of Nebraska , and that there and
then you be by the said warden , of the
said penitentiary , hanged by the neck
until you are dead and that you pay
the costs of the prosecution for which
execution is hereby awarded. "
As lie spoke the woid dead Judge
Grimlson's voice was scarcely audible ,
and he was laboring under deep emo
tion. The prisoner was standing with
Ills back to the few people who were '
In the room , and the effect of the sentence - I
tence could not bo seen. When he \ '
turned to resume his seat his face was , '
paler than when he entered the room. I
No other signs of emotion was visible , j '
Rhea was taken back to the jail im
mediately afterwards.
Hud Goolirl Marked.
FiiANKroiiT , Ky. , April 11. Ex-
Governor Bradley , who was chief
council for ex-Governor W. S. Taylor
in the gnbernatlonal contest case be
fore HIP. legislature last year , gavescn-
sitional testimony yesterday at ternoon
In the trial of Cap. Garnctt D. Ripley ,
who is charged with conspiracy , with
others , to bring about the murder of
William Goebcl. Mr. Bradley detailed
a conversation whkh he said he had
with Captain Ripley while the latter
was in charge of his military camp
during the occupancy of the Slate capitol -
itol by the Taylor troops last spring ,
in which Ripley told him of frequent
conferences with Governor Taylor
prior to the killing. The witness said
that Ripley told him he was not In ex
ecutive ulllce the day before theshoot-
ing and complained to Taylor tecause
he had not called out his ( Ripley's )
company and asked when ho should
have the capltol ready. Taylor replied :
"My God , haven't you bought them
yet ? Goebel will not live twenty-four
hours" or "cannot live twenty-four
hours. 1 have forgotten which he
said , " declared the witness.
Judge W. II. Yost , associate counsel
with Bradley in the contest case , ac
cording to tlie witness , was present ,
and heard the conversation.
In response to a question as to
whether he ( witness ) heard of any
conspiracy to kill Mr. Goibei , the wit
ness stated that on January 25 , the
day the trainload of mountaineers ar
rived , some one , ho could not now re
call who , told him that parties in the
crowd were waiting in front of the
state house to kill Goebcl.
The defense askeci witness if ho knew
anj thing of any connection of Ripley
with the occurrences. Bradley said
Ripley had none so far as he knew. He
said Ripley's company was disbanded
about that time.
A number of other witnesses were
examined during the day.
Vl lt Will do Good.
WASHINGTON , April 11. Informa
tion was received at the war depart
ment yesterday to the ettect that the
Cuban constitutional convention is
contemplating sending a committee
here to consult the piesidcnt and sec
retary of war regaiding the Platt
amendment and the relations of the
United States with Cuba. While It is
known that the administration would
prefer to have the convention accept
the Platt amendment instead of send
ing such a committee , It would rather
the committee , should visit this coun
try and discuss the subject than that
thu Platt amendment should be re
Incrrnno In I'ostnl llrrrlpt * .
WASHINGTON , April 11. The gross
postal receipts for last month for the
fifty largest postoftlces in the countr >
shows an Increase of 11 4 percent , over
the corresponding month of last year
The most remarkable Increases are
60.5 per cent , at Indianapolis and 41. , '
at Louisville. There are seven offices
whose receipts decreased , the most
notable being Lowell , Mass. , with fc
percent ; Baltimore decreased almost
one-half per oeut.
I'nto of r.nwyrr Patrick To Ho Known
NKW YOKK , April 12. Ttio hearing
In the case of Albert T. Patrick ,
charged with the murder of the aged
millionaire , William M. Rice , closed
this afternoon , and Justice Jerome ,
announced that he reserved his de
cision. It rests with Justice Jerome
whether or not Patrick will beheld
for the grand Jury. Meanwhile Pat
rick will stay In the Tombs. In sum
ming up for the prisoner , his counsel
Mr. Moore , presented several reasons
why he thought Patrick should bo
treed : The last one was this :
"Admitting , If you will , that Pat
rick Is guilty of forgery , corrolwra-
tiou of that has no bearing on the
charge of murder. Wo contend that
there is no evidence that Rice way
murdered. "
"That may be , " Justice Jerome said ,
"but under the common law , on the
statement of Jones alone , I should
have to hold the defendant for the
grand jury. Whether the statutes
change this In regard to holding the
defendant Is the question. That Is a
mere question of law and can be easily
settled. "
Mr Moore , acting for David L.
Short , and Morris Myers , waived ex
amination of the charges of forgery
Rjainst them , as ho did also concern
ing the chargn of forgery against Pat
rick. The latter was remanded to the
Tombs without ball on the murder
charge , but nn la 11 was llxcd for him
In the forgery matter , while Short
and Myers were held In bonds of 310-
000 each.
An OiiM'ii of 1'onci- .
PAUIS , April 12. At the conclusion
t f the festivities at Toulon last night
President Loubet will proceed to his
home at Montelimar , In the depart
ment of the Drome , to visit h aged
mother and take a few days' repose
alter Use fatigues of the many func
tions of the week , which have kept
him occupied fromearlv morning until
late at night The satisfactory manner
In which the whole affair has been car-
out has been a peisonal suoeesi
fur M. Loubet. Nothing but praise is
heard , even from his opponents , at the
able manner in which ho has played
'his part. The accounts agree that
not a false note has disturbed the har
mony and tact displayed on all sides ,
from President Loubet , the Duke of
Genoa and Admiral Blrileff to the
minor participants in the events
was noteworthy feature.
As to the political effect of the
Franco - Italian demonstration the
Temps tonight now that the speechmaking -
making is over , puts the situation In
a clear light with the following re
marks :
"The words pronounced by M. Lou
bet and the Fu'cc of Genoa , and espec
ially the telegrams between M. Loubet
and the king of Italy stump the pro
ceedings at Toulon with their true di
plomatic significance. France and
Italy gave one another olllcially the
title of friends , which accords well
with the fraternity of their blood.
This is an event which must not be
distorted nor wrongly Interpreted.
But there is little risk of exaggerating
Its importance , which , taking every
thing into consideration , is consider
able. Both Italy and Franco have
greatly changed since the time of
Crispl. We cannot yet say what fruits
yesterday will bring forth , but we
augur much therefiom.
I'lno-B riowor * on The Tomb ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 12.
There was a touching scene at Mt.
Vernon today when M. Cambon , the
French ambassador accompanied by
other distinguished guests placed a
wreath of flowcis on the tomb of
Washington. The occasion was com
mented on as being particularly indi
cative of the continued fraternal feel
ing existing between the two great
republics of Europe and America.
After the brief ceremony at the tomb
the guests spent some time in looking
at the main objects of Interest in the
mansion which Washington occupied
while a resident of Mt. Vornoti , and
in straying around the spacious
grounds surrounding It.
Later tbc officers and cadets of the
training ship returned to Baltimore
where their ship awaits them.
A Tent of rittlil
WASHINGTON , April 12. Prepara
tions are making for quite ai exten
sive and important test of II id guns
at Sandy Hook some time in May. At
present the army Is not well equipped
with field guns , compared with other
nations , and the war department
wishes to obtain the very best guns
possible for the equipment of this im
portant branch of the service.
The tests at Sandy Hook will bo un
der the direction of the board of
ordinance and fortification , composed
of many prominent army olllcers. Two
artillery otllccrs are yet to be assigned
to the board.
Kxt nflliiff Itunil
WASHINGTON , D. C. , 12. Ad
ditional rural free delivery service has
been ordered established May lath at
Lincoln with one carrier , J. L. Fore
man. He is to cover an area of thirty
square miles and servo a population of
17ir . The postofllees at West Lincoln !
and Woodluwn are to be discontinued
and mail sent to Lincoln ,
Clyde C. Browning has been appoint
ed a rural free delivery carrier at
Lincoln ,
Drnlnl of 801110 StntotiicntA Not Tinproli-
nttln Knrly ItcMiinptlon of IMiilnntiitlt
Itrlntlon. With Vrncxiirln Not Mkrljr
Cnbliutt Tutu * * up Mule Cnir.
WASHINGTON , April 12. The var
ious Interviews ascribed to Minister
Loomls at San Juan have attracted
much attention hero and the minis
ter probably will bo asked to explain
Rome of his utterances if he is notable
to enter a denial of the accuracy of
the interviews. It Is confidently
hoped the minister will repudiate the
many stories recently told. The pre
valent Idea Is that no matter how
these personal questions are settled ,
It will be a long time Iwforo a United
States minister resumes the post at
The legal proceedings of New Or
leans to prevent theshlpmentof mules
produced in this country to South
Africa was the miKSt impoitant mat
ter discussed by the cabinet meeting
yesterday , and the attorney general
was asked to make an investigation of
the question and report his opinion to
the cabinet. As near as can bo learned
the members of the cabinet with legal
training are of the opinion that
the proceedings are contrary
to the rlghw of the government.
The contrary view expressed is that
when neutrality proceedings are In
augurated In the United States courts
they should be brought In the name
of the United States , a violation of
neutrality being a question not con
cerning individuals.
Hammond toy till Oinnbn
OMAHA' ' , Neb. , April ii. : ( Special )
The statement was made this after
noon that the Hammond packing plant
at this point would shortly be closed
down. General Manager A. II. Noyes
made the announcement to the office
force and heads of departments that
commencing next Wednesday the hog-
killing department would bo closed
down permanently , and that not later
than July the killing of cattle would
be stopped. By the closing down on
Wednesday of the hog department
about three hundred men will bo
thrown out of employment , and when
the entire plant is closed at least 1,000
persons will bo affected.
In speaking of this matter tonight
Mr. Noyes said that ho understood It
to be the intention of the company to
centralize the packing of live stock at
St. Joseph , and at Hammond , Ind. It
was further reported that about 100
office employees would bo transferred
to cither St. Joseph or Hammond , Ind.
General Manager Noyes would not go
into details to any extent , but said
that his Instructions were to Issue the
orders mentioned above and ho had
merely followed Instructions. With
in the last year the Hammond com
pany has erected an extensive plant ab
St. Joseph and made great Improve
ments to the works at Hammond ,
probably with this Idea in view.
tint Illicit Problem.
iiiA , April 12. The fifth
annual meeting of the American aca
demy of political and social science be
gan here yesterday and will continue
two days. There Is a full attendance.
The general topic for discussion la
America's Race Problems" and the
many phases of that subject were
discussed yesterday by men well
known over the country. The annual
address was delivered last night by
Prof. 3d ward A. Boss , formerly of
Lcland Stanford , ) r. , university , and
now a member of the faculty of the
university of Nebraska , who spoke on
"Tho Causes of Race Superiority. "
Cull * out Mlllllu.
LKXINOTON , Ky. , April HI. Com
pany M. Kentucky state guards , of
Lexington , was put under marching
orders by the adjutant general yester
day afternoon with destination un
known Jt is understood that in case
a negro wiio killed Policeman Crumat
Danville is captuied the militia will
go there to prevent a threatened
' .ynching. _
Incident * of War.
LONDON , April 13. Stories and
memories of the Alabama have been
revived here by an advertisement of
fering a reward for the recovery of a
document conveying the thanks of the
confederate states to John Lancastei
for rescuing Captain Semmes and part
of the crew of the Alabama.
The confederate steamer Alabama ,
Captain Raphael Semmes , was at
tacked and sunk by the United States
corvette Kearsagu , Captain Wlnslow ,
near Cherbourg , France , June 10 , 1801.
The Britisli yacht Deerhound picked
up thirty-nine persons , including
Semmes and fourteen of his officers , i
after which she headed for Southamp
ton. Captain Wlnslow's officers beg
ged 'him to throw a shell at the Deerhound -
hound , but be refused. John Lancas
ter was the commander of the Deer.
hound. _ _ _
Lrprmy In Cnnurjr Island.
WASHINGTON , April 1.1. The exist
ence of about 200 lepers on the Island
of Tenerltre , Canary Islands , has been
olllclally reported hero by United ,
States Consul Berliner , at Tcncrlffe.
He says there are three distinct classes
of leprosy on Tencrlffc island , namely ,
lapra arabum , lopra ( elephantiasis and
lepra tuberculosis. The disease di
verges Into two main varieties , the
spotted and the nodular. The reporl
is based on personal In ventilation.
DUitirltrd O\or t'nmlltlotiK In Ainu-
PKKIN , April 1C. Komours Yutimi ,
Mic Japanese minister , accompanied
by General Yamaguchl , the Japanese
commander , recently called upon
Prince Chlngand notified him that the
return of Ktnpcror ICwang Su to Pekln
was urgently desired Prince Chlng
was Informed that the emperor's
wishes would be repeated by the for-
elgn troops and that every courtesy
would bo shown htm. It was pointed
out to the. Chinese plenipotentiary
that the emperor's return was of the
highest possible Importance as atlect-
Ing the maintenance of the Integrity
of the Chlm sc empire , and that he
should come accompanied by every
ajvallable soldier , by at least 20.000
men , If possible. These troops , It was
fun her contended by the Japanese
minister , must he sent Into Manchuria ,
as the Russians reported great dis
turbances there , and It was not right
that thu task of quelling the trouble
should bo thrown upon the thoulders
of one nation. Finally , Prince Chlng assured that , if the 20,000 Chinese
tioops could not suppress the disorders
In Manchuria , other powers would
hend an International force toco-oper
ate with China , which all the powers
regarded as a friendly power. No re
ply having been received to this com
munication LI Hung Chang was yes-
teiday notified to the same clTcct and
tuld that Emperor Kwang Su must
nlve an Immediate answer
Brlncc Chlng says all his reports go
to show that the missionary state
ments regarding a rebellion in Mon
golia are not supported t > y the facts.
Neither does ho believe that the re
bellion of Gen. Tung Fu Ilslang
amounts to much.
"Itlstheobjcctof certain elements , "
i he asserts , "lo ninUo it seem that
CI lnv ; Is In a condition 01 constant
broil , rendering it unsafe for the for
eign tioops to bo withdrawn. Those
wlio have this in view will magnify a
village quarrel Into a big rebellion ,
The inlstlonarles , naturally timid take
reports in good faith.
Too Croat u Drain.
WASHINGTON , April lf > . Having rc-
p atetlly failed to secure remedial leg-
iMiat on from congress to prevent
nhiihiK of the piivilcges of second-class
matter , the postotllce department olll-
ckils have under consideration the
adoption Oi a proposed rule by author
ity of the posb master general to bring
nbi ut the desired reform. With this
object in view Mr Edwin C. Madden ,
third assistant postmaster general ,
has addmsed a long circular lo about
400 publisi ers of newspapers and pe
riodicals setting forth the objects
to be accomp Islied by the proposed
sought tide and asking the following
quest.on :
"In the ji dgment of those addressed
will a department rule he regaided as
injui.o s to legitimate newspapcis
an I peiiodiuals , which will stop abso
lutely all premium Inducements , direct
or indirect , and of whatevci character
forsubscrlplions. In other words , af
ter a publisher has fixed a price on his
publication , any bonus or premium
given to the subscriber , or any com
bination with another thing except a
Kocond-class publication , shall vitiate
that subscription In its relation to the
tccond-cliiss rates of postage. "
TuSnvullii ) Trrov
BOSTON , Apt II M. Tnc icccnt ac
tion of the. state of California In sip-
printing $2f > 0 000 to purchase a tract
of redwood forest near Santa Gnu for
a public ic.scrvatoti ! has moused In-
teiest in cveiy part of the country ,
perhaps nowhere more than In Mass
achusetts , where for years an intelli
gent body of ircu lovers have urged
the necessity of some such step II any
part of the icdwood lands weio to bo
preserved to future generations In Its
original glory.
At the Arnold Arboretum in this
city the opinion is expressed that the
Santa Crux reservation should be con
sidered as only the entering wedge ;
other and larger reservations being ie-
quired II a really adequate and typi
cal portion ol one of the most leinark-
able forest growths in the world by
all odds the mott remarkable in this
country is to be saved from the rav
ages ol the lumber dealer.
Mnjor Duly I'uvors I'orc .
LIMKHICK , April 16. Mr. John
Daly , mayor of Limerick , Inlhceouiso
; f an address to a meeting hei u yester
day , said his lecent visit lo Chicago
had convinced him that Iilsh-Aineri-
can * would contiibuto nothing to the
funds of the party seeking the tree-
dom of Ireland through parliamentary
agitation. He declined that It would
not be desirable to pin lulll ) to con
stitutional agitation at a time when
England's powei trembled In the bal
April 15. It Is re-
parted that the health of former Presi
dent Sleyn bus broken down.
Iliixnn I'or OiiriN | | < ti-d .lou * .
MII.WAUKKIC , WIs. , April l5.-Flf-
teen hundred Hebrews field a meeting
yesterday In the Intel est of the /Cion-
Istlc movement and demonstrated ap
proval of the plan which It Is hoped
will restore the ancient prestiqenl the
Jews as a nation. The plan Is lo ralso
a fund sufficiently large to purchase
the land of Palestine Irom the Turks
and make It a haven for the oppressed
Jews of every land. Dr. Cam says the
cause Is to be prosecuted with fervor.
A ncn tovrn hall will bo built ar
Donne vl lie.
A contract has been let for the extension -
tension of the Albion water-worka
Fremont's Town Council has made
a levy for the maintenance of a pub
lic library.
The long distance telephone system
s to be extended from Bertram ! to
Ulwood this month.
Michael Weaver , an aged man ab
Columbus , died the burst
ing of a blood vessel.
April 12 Table Rock will vote on ft
proposition to Issue $12,000 bonds for a
new school building.
Sunday cloning of saloons and thea
ters in West Point was defeated two
one In the recent election.
Rev , W. 0. Roach of Plalnvlew ha *
accepted a call to the pastorate ol tha
Baptist church of Columbus and will
begin his labors May 1st.
Frank Rorcr , cashier of the Com
mercial bank at Columbus , fell from a
ladder the other day and sustained a
fracture of one of his legs.
Miss Myrtle Olbbs of Gibbon went )
to Shclton a few days ago to visit re
latives and while there was stricken
with smallpox. She died last Satur-
The Louisville Courier starts ouU
upon Its twelfth year of usefulness un
der very encouraging conditions. The
Courier is one of Nebraska's best lo
cal papers.
The Geneva Flouring Mill company )
finds business Increasing so fast that/
an extra store house will bo erected
at once. Geneva Is one of Nebraska's
best towns.
The Richardson-Pullman cattle
ranch In Qulfax county were recently
bought by Oscar Peterson of Schuyler.
The ranch contains 2,080 acres and
brought $21,000 cash.
A thief entered a house at Ewlnjr
the other night by breaking the window -
dow out , and when he was captured
red-handed he pretended to be crazy
and was permitted lo go.
Rev. J. J. Paiker who has been
pastor of the First Congregational1
church at Norfolk for sixteen years ,
preached his farewell sermon and luu
accepted a call to go to Kearney.
Mrs. John Neligh of West Point
bundled up her three children and
what she wanted of household'good *
and departed for Omaha leaving her
husband to meditate In loneliness.
The tax collections by the treasurer
of Lincoln county for the quarter just
ended exceeded by $11,000 those for
the same period a year ago : Lincoln
county evidently has coin to melt.
A gentleman by the name of Buck
Beer has arrived ftom Denver and
will do some ( aiming this season near
North Platte. We suppose ho will
call his truck patch the Beer garden.
There Is plenty of land for sale lu
Banner county at reasonable rates and
the papers of that county advise tha
farmers and citizens of the statu to
take It up and keep it from the lunds
of the eastern .syndicates.
D. R. Ivlllcy sold a baker's ( ! ozon of
( ( months-old pigs last Saturday to
Hook & Sons ; stock buyers ; which
weighed 2480 pounds and netted hliiL
$121) ) , which Is considered pretty go V
pigs of that ago. Dlller Record.
Col. Will Hay ward of Nebraska
City , who has just been appointed ad
jutant general of the Nebraska Na
tional guards , Is the youngest man-
who has ever held the position , and Is
probably the youngest in the United
States. He is 24 i ears old.
Five families are said to have the
Cuban itch at Lawrence and the
schools have been closed as a precau
tion. The local physicians disagree
with the state medical examiner as tu
the nature of the disease and refuse
to quarantine the town.
There is some fear In the north
western part of the state that the
grasshoppers will cause dlstructlou
there this spring. Last fall thousands
of eggs were laid In the ground and
the mild winter Is said to have bun
conclusive to their propogation.
President Walt and several leading-
citizens of Syracuse , wore Interviewed
by Charles H. Wheeler and A. A. Sch-
wanecko In regard to a projected rail
road from Emporla , Ivans. , to Omaha,1
The party left here for Cook and drova
across the country. *
Alva Smith , the man treated to a
coat of tar and featlprs Saturday
evening , left Ponca by team Monday
moinlng , and was seen later on tha
streets of Sioux City. He has evident
ly obeyed Instructions by getting out
of town within the forty-eight hours
The first reliable Information os the
effects of the two snow storms on
the live stock In the Pine Rldgo reser
vation , has Just reached Chadron.
The report Is that immense quantities
of cattle died during the storm ami
that the blizzard was more severe In
the reservation than In the state.
Walter Grlrn , the young farm hand
who deserted his wife thirty days
after the marriage and left her with
her parents at Neluwku , has turned )
upatAvoca , la. He writes to his
wife that ho will send her a railroad
ticket If she will coma to him. Ho
offers no explanation of his strange
conduct and the pretty little wife pre
fers to remain with her parents.
Will Brown , a joung lad atGeneva ,
accldently lost three of his toes by
ticking his foot in a feed grinder , j