Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 18, 1901, Image 1

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8Uto llltt Librarian Society
\rr\i \ \ viv
I A | > rll , ( lid I'Minili , when "tho vonm *
man's fancy liglillv turns to thntichU or
k'vo" the month of iliowtr' , cUlclcs nnd
tin. YOIIIIR tlllL' . limn , If you h vo tlio Rlrl. ' have
Hhn'll not object tn tliu diamond
tbuiiKli "tlMi't In r birth month , the din- -
olHtos miiiid Is lu always . ncco | > tnt > la never ilepre- I
api.t'iininct- value a thing of
1 oattty now and forever
iirailuatu of ( hlcniro Oiitlmlmic Collepi- .
School Books ,
- School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's ;
A Large
Stock of
8 Spring
1 Styles.
r Local
Mention , ' 3
fo y l- Zy W as iar.&S fcfrgj
Ama Amsbarry was at houiu
from Dunning Saturday and Sun
day.I .
I ho Arnold telephone line which
hat ) boon iu proccsb of erection from
Oallnwtty for Homo time by lion
Harden , has bucn completed and is
now in working ordei.
VV. D. Grant found a tuouoy or
dor Sunday morning , iastiod at
Broken Bow , to J. W. Hartpenco of
Harrison , Ohio , which ho lott at
the pout oflioo for the owner.
It IK reported that F. P. Barks ,
who recently died at Ansley. carried
insurance to the ninoiit t of $5,000 ,
of wlnoli $ 2QUO wont to his widow
and 81QUO to oaoh of his throe
Aaron Pool of Unyos township ,
was a oil/ visitor Saturday. Ho
reports that the loss in cattle IH
about ten per cont. in his vicinity ,
UH a reHtilt of the snow and rain the
past six wookH ,
Jas. May , who JH fanning Charles
Humphrey's place on Stop table ,
while engaged in repairing the
wind mill last
Friday week
, was
struck in the mouth by one of the
IOOHO fans , caused by a gale of
wind , and thrown to the ground , a
distance of twenty-four foot. One
of his wriHls was badly broken and
the otbor dislocated. The blow
from the fan broke out several
U'oth. No serious internal injuries
were sustained.
Srqoke tlie
MARTIAL 5c Cigar ,
ERIFF iOc Cigar.
? l\lgSB8s8Si \ S& Broken Bow , Nebraska.
&W * S 3 * 4fiS ftl W
Foil SAI.K A one story cottage
with six largo rooms , pleasant yard ,
and surroundings. Price $000.
Call on L. J. Qandy or at this
office. 7 lOtf
Street Talk.
When you want good groceries
jou have to go to Bo wen's.
H&i *
EEDS ! SEEDS ! fcft
/ ; . , * Field Seeds , Grass Seeds , Garden Seeds , f i" $ *
Our Business is to GLORI.
FY ourselyoH and our cus
toniors bj fnrnisMing BUILD
LOWER Price than our
Competitors will do.
If you intend to build a
HOUSE , or stable , or porch ,
or need a NKW FRONT DOOR , or VIEW WINDOW , remem
ber that
Foster & Smith Lumber Go.
, l J ! C ] /1 Ifc-'J
in their LINE , and a trial order will convince
you that they are right. Yours For Business ,
W.L , EULE , Manager.
U. J. Kolbo
of Octtnto , was a
city visitor Monday. He reports
the arrival of another girl at his
home last Friday. Ho DOW has J n
oven half doznn girix nnd only 'wo
Roger Siimmorville of Etidell
made tins ollioo a friendly call
Monday evening. Ho was on his
way to Cherry county with a view of
securing government land and work
for the
Henry Sanderson was down from
Mullen Tuesday Ho reports
more snow in his viciuitv Monday
night tbnn here , nnd that it rained
all day Monday tfioro while it only
rained from the middle of the after
noon here.
From private source wo learn
that Nellie Cooper of Mont Rose ,
lnl. ? . fnrmnrlv nf tliiu nitv. nnd tlin
daughter of J. K. Cooper , jumped
from the buggy of a runaway team
Tuesday , April 2 , lighting on her
head , breaking a blood vesenl of the
brain , whiuh rendered her uncon-
cious. On the 8th she had not yet
gained conuiousnoss and fears were
entertained that the injury would
prove fatal.
Tom Goodior's team of Calla-
way , broke loose from the hitching
post nt the Pinnell school house
last Sunday night vyeok , where Mr.
Goodior was attending church.
The team , instead of following the
wagon road homo , followed up the
railroad track , and in attempting to
cross a bridge fell through , where
they remained until Monday morn
ing , when they were found in the > r
The lirokon Bow Equality Club
will meet at the Glebe hotel Snlur
day evening , April 20 , at 7:30 : A
full attendance ia desired.
Rov. D. K. Tindall has boon
secured to leoturn at the Methodist
church next Thursday evening
His subject will bu : "The At
traction of Palestine. "
John Robinson , of Fleming valley
went to Omaha
Sunday with a ear
of oattlo and hogs , each. He snpp
ed off at Grand Island , on his way
back , returning yesterday availing.
P. U. Mnrlay of Mason City ,
spent several days in this city last
week with the view of locating
hero in the near future. We un
derstand that Mr. Marlay contem
plates engaging in the mortgage
loan busineHff. As that branch of
business is unoccupied here there in
no doubt but it would
prove a profi
table enterprise from the first.
G. E. Cadwfll arrived Saturday
evening from Utica , IllH. , where ho
las recently engaged in raising fine
stock. lie had boon through
Missouri and Kansas
and the east
ern part of this slate looking for
tl.oroughbrcd llerford cows. He
expocti to take back with him two
car loads from Nebraska. He han
an offer of # 100 a head for nil reg
istered male calves ho oai : raise.
J. H. Martin , the American
jockey , was winner at the races
hold at CologneGermany , April 1 i.
The report says the winner was rid
denby J. II. ( Skeet ; < ) Martin. Mi-
Martin is the son in-Iaw of Fred
Rinnio of this city. Ho was marri
ed to Fred's oldest daughter
Flossie , in California , several years
ago. Air. Martin has been in Europe
fortwo yearn or morehaving visited
the principal cities and oonntrioB
across the water.
New Line ot
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W , Apple.
perilous condition. One horse wan
badly out up and the buggy and
ImrnoHs were oonnidornbly worsted.
II. 0. Henderson of Dallas ,
Texan , who bays ho is the ( Judahy
kidnaper , says Pat Orowo had
nothing to do with thu kidnaping.
Ciulahy and son wore expected
in Dallas yesterday to BOO whether
young Cudahy could reoognizo
Henderson as one of the men.
tie sure nnd hear the wonderful
boy singer at the opera hourfo ,
Friday afternoon and evening.
The Taooma Evening News on
April 3 , 1901 , says : "Mr Blatoh-
ford Kavanagh has certainly ful-
tillud the promise of his youth. His
voice , once a soprano of marvelous
range and brilliant quality , has
deepened into a baritone whoso
lumntv mnvnN ) ii nmli _
on on to smiles or tears as ho wills.
There is in Bhtohford Kavanagh's
voice a peculiar quality which once
heard is never forgotten. It was
there as child and
a it hun growu
with his years until it murks him
as a singer sot apart. It is thu
quality which givoH to hia singing
its rare charm and which makes
him a favorite wherever ho is
heard. Of the "Rotioy Boys , " it is
hardly possible to say too much.
As an illustration of juvenile talent
nnd cultivation they arc unoquallod.
The remarkable voice of Master
Harry CoolcroU , who ia only 11
years old , ita marvel in its range ;
ho sings with ease through throe
octaves nnd oven upon occasion
con touch additional
an note in
Cluircli HcrvIcc-H.
Services Sunday as usual. Sunday
school nt 10 , a m Preaching 11
a m and 8 , p m , by the pastor.
Junior B. Y. P. U. at 2 30 and
Senior B , Y. P. U. , ! > t 7 p m. All
are cordially invited to all these
Next Sunday morning a mission
ary meeting will bo held. Mission
pictures , charts and songs will add
to the interest of the service. A
Indies quartette will sing
In the ovouing the subject will bo
Scarcely Saved. The panoramic
pictures will boused. All are invi
M. K. oiiuitcn.
The subject of the sermon next
Sunday morning will be : "A
largo Conitribntor. " Evening sub
joot : "Joseph. " This subject
was oarriod over from last Sun
day evening. Rov. .las. Becker
of Spearfish , S. D. filling the
pulpit at that time. Epworth
League at 7 p. m Subject "Work
ing with Jehiis."j Dola lloleotub
loadir. E-A. Knight Pastor.
Leudor :
The tele phone oflico was moved
this week trorn tl'c
post to i
thu Commercial hotel.
Col Savayo , we are imformed I ,
will t-oon hold a public sale. He
will move to Lincoln , where ho
will take the Governor's chair.
Dr. Graham writes from Lincoln
that lianas purchased a fiuo resi
dence in University Place at a
bargain , and will move Mrs. Gra
ham and daughter Edith to it at
onco. MIHS Edith will take up
work in the University
, continu
ing her partially completed course.
The Dr. will remain in Lincoln
untill the family are moved and
settled , and than will return and
continue ins dental work hero.
fitunl New Km
A , H. Barks oatno over from
From the Reporter , of Kuoxville ,
Iowa , wu olip the following in ref
erence to the work of Rev. M. L.
Everett , who is well known to a
number of ilia readers of the Ru-
ruuuoAN and will bo remembered
by others as the evangelist who
hold n series of meetings in Broken
Bow iu 1309 :
"The Baptist church is taking
on now life niuuo the now pastor ,
Rov. M. L. Everett , came to work
with thu church. There have been
more additions by baptism in thu
last fix mjiitliH than in any cor *
responding period of time for near
ly tun years. The Indiec of the
church are endeavoring to raise
money to buy now chairs or pows ,
wliinh nrn bndlv nnodod. A new
parsonage has just boon purjhasod
nnd the pastor has already taken
possession. Monday night of last
week the church people and neigh *
borH gave him a "house warming , "
an occasion vorymiiuh enjoyed by
all. Wednesday night of this week
the B. Y. P , U. gave a social at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. 51.
Frush , on East Hobinson Ktroot.
Sunday ovnnini ! of last week the
church was crowded to hoar the
pastor's address on "Tho Amuse
ment of a Man , " the third add rows
in the Horien. It is diflicult to
desuribo those intcroHtinu addresses.
But they nro highly enjoyable and
the appreciation of the people it-
being shown by constantly Increas
ing .ittond'uioo. There was bap
tism afti'r the evening Hwrvico. "
The Kinoxvillo olutroh was
Ansley ( Sunday , to fetch back Mr.
Hartley's team , lie went bnck on
the J train Monday to settle up some
busiuoru afiairs , and the Now Era
force will get out his p&por ngnin
this week ,
Wo understand that O. S. Pulliam
will be associated with A. B. Hart
ley in the real estate business.
Lieut. Gov. Savage wont to Lin
coln Wednesday to bo presunt that
night nt a banquet given to the
Governor's staff , He returned
C ll wuy Courier
While acsisting Boa HarJiu in
making connections with his tele
phone line Tuesday , W. A. Over jr
man mot with a painful accident.
He had the climbing spikes strapp
ed to his foot , and while climbing
a polo ho accidontly slipped and
slid down the polo to the ground ,
one of hiH foot striking on top the
other , and the spike pioruod it
through and through just back of [
the large too. Owing to the fact
that both doctors woru out of town.
Ira Shupp was called upon and
dressed the wound.
CjllHwny Trllmuu-
The report that Bob Diokson had
rented the Windsor hotel at Koat *
na nn was a fake They couldn't get
a house tlioro HO moved on to Gib
bon , where they expect to hang bP
for the present
Hag C'urpct.
The ladies of the Baptist aid
socibty have 52 yards of now rag
carpet for Bale at A. W. Drakes.
Improved farm of 100 aoroi to
rent. R. A. HUNTKH ,
Broken Bow.
4 18 tf
Poultry , any kind. Cash or
trade. J. M. Belts , at John &
Knorr store , east eud of Realty
Why Suffer. Out a free Btmplo of n Herb that
will cure y.u. A poitalcard will bring It. i I
Kaniii City , Uo. liox 7VO.
badly run down when Bro. Evorolt
took charge of it six months ago
and the attendance was quite small
whun ho commenced hifi work. Ho
lii\B baptised into the ohtiroh 28
tmico lie hat ) boon there and tha
Reporter speaks of him having a
crowded house and the attendance
cotiHtantly increasing.
Poultry , any kind. Cash or
trnJo. J. M. 4tattH , at John &
Ivnerr's Htoro , east ontl Realty
block. 4-11-tf
Honey's Hoys.
Batch ford '
Ivavanagh's voice is
soft and sensitive , yet powerful
and penetrating It is sympathetic ,
and \\ith the first touo holds the
attention of the listener. It is
musical , it is under complete
uontrol , it is soothing. In styles HO
different as "Lend Mo Your Aid"
from "Qunun of Shoby , " and "My
Old Kentucky Home , " each seemed
to bo the ono specially adapted to
him. It need not bo n detraction
to add that Air. Knvnnngh's hand *
some face adds interest to his
performance. Fully mot expect
ations. Omaha Boo. At opera
house , Friday , April 10.
M li. A. Meeting-
The regular mooting of the M.
B. A. lodge , No. 2 0 , will bo hold
Saturday night , April 27 , instead of
the 2Uh ( , an the hall will bu in nso
on that night. Secretary.
It pains us deeply to ohroniolo
the death of our friend and neigh
bors Ephrnm Banning , who died at
his home near Lillian , April 12 ,
1U01 , of a paralytic stroke from
which ho never rallied , although ho
was uoncious up to the hour of
death. Short funeral services wore
conducted at the house by David
MoGugau of Walworth , after which
the remains word interred in the
Gates dormitory Mr. Binning was
born iu Virginia , in 1834. Ho was
married twice. Ho loaves a wife
and five children by the first rnarri-
ago , three of whom arc nbtnnt from
Ho was of n quiet , inoir nsivo
turn , made many friends and few
Ho was n member of Company
H. , llth Vn. . and did noble work
an a soldier. Ho came to Ouster
county , Nebraska , in 1883 , suffered
the hardships of n homesteader's ,
life , which no doubt hastened bis
IU. W. A. Kutertalmiient and Dance.
Ouster Camp , M. W. A , No.
4477 , will , on Friday evening ,
April 10 , at their hal > , and the
opera house , give an entertainment ,
consisting of a musical and literary
program , toasts , Biippqr , and in
conclusion winding up with a
dance for all UIOHO , desiring to par
ticipate. Good talent has bson
stcured , and an enjoyable time is
The committees assigned are :
literary , toasts and musical , Al.
Johnson , A. Moore ; supper. L. E.
Cole , G. T. Robinson , John Boyco ;
dance , Cole and Boyco ; finauoo ,
RobiiiHon nnd Johnson ,
Admission : men , 25o ; supper
and danoo , men , 260. No charge
will bo made to lada-H
The Merry Forresters will give
exhibition drill Everybody , is
well as Neighbors , are cordially
invited. COMMITTKK.
Flour !
We will sell Flour as
cheap as the manufac-
turer. J. C. BQWEN.
Sand for plastering furnished on
short notice from the old Gnndy
sand bank-
Z. O. and WJ. . CHOSH.
3-14 Ut
Iliou * 8 ( gltealtr block , Uroken Uow , Neb.
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
Plant and Specifications on abort nolco. Ma
terial ( in utshod auiLbulldlngt completed cheaper
than any mm In tMtyato. Satlnfactlon Kur a
teed ti to ultni unifepoclflcatlone.