Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 11, 1901, Image 8

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    F. T , IlnrkH I'ftSJC.t
' "ThiH community WIIH pained to
learn Thurfiday morning of the
sudden doruisu of one of Ansley's
most highly osteomcd oiti/.unH , Mr.
F. P. Barks. Last week ho was
taken * ill , which confined him to
his homo for several days. ' Friday
and Saturday ho nns able to bo in
his accustomed place in E. 11.
Hurrows store. Monday he took
n relapse and Hank rapidly until the
final HtimmoiiH oitne , being Thurfl-
day morning at 7 o'clock , The cause
of death was inllamstion of the
liver. " Aneloy Chronicle
The KKI-UUUOAN joins with the
friends of the doceacod in express
ing sorrow over the death of F. 1 * .
iJarks. Wo had personally known
him fiinso 1873 , HOOII after ho locat
ed in Grand Island , when ho wan
ynt a young man. Ho was then
engaged in the muldlury biuineBH
exlensivoly , and had several handn
employed making harness , lie wan
a young man of cxemplimary hah-
UH , energetic and strictly hoti9sl.
Ho wai a native of Pennsylvania ,
having been born there in 1852 ,
and located in Grand Island in
1871 , the year he raaohod Inn ma
jority. In latter years he waa
married to Miss Nettie Sawyer , a
most estimable young lady of
Grand Island , who was the mother
Ir of three norm , Arthur , Wilbur and
Frank , who are left to mourn thuir
r father's suridon domino , In 1882 ,
r ho Eold out his harness business at
Grand Island and moved to ( Junior
county , and located on a quarter
section of land at Algernon , who re
hi ) put in i stock of general iner
ohaudiHO. There bin wife died
and after the town of Ansloy was
located by the B. & M. railroad In-
closed out Ins business at Algernon
and moved to the now town where
ho continued in business for several
years , lie was again married to Mrs.
Zrumbrum of WofUorvillo , whoso
husband was killed at a railroad
crossing at Grand Island while in
the act of dtiving across the track
in front of a locomotive. Sinoo
1888 , the deceased had been in the
employ of E. 11. Burrows of Ansley
as a clerk up to the time of
his death , The deceased wan brought
up in the Luthorn church. Whether
in later years ho ever united with
any other church wo do not know ,
but his life was that of a Christian.
The Chronicle expressed Ins
character fully when it said :
"Mr.Barks way a man of the higiiest
typo of ontogn'y. . Ho hvud a purt
and noble lite and his voice was
over heard on the aide of justice and
morality. While wo all mourn his
departure from us , ourxgrief is lea
Honed in being sntistied that ho is
enjoying the blessing of eternal
life , which awaits the Christian
after the brief raoo of life is run.
Dave 0. Luse's Career ihidcd.
D. O. Luse who was one of the
early settlers in this county near
Now Helena was shot and iustautly
killed Tuesday morning on his
lauoh near Aiusworth in Brown
county , by U. S. marshal Fred E
Hans. The marshal had gone to
Lusu's homo to arrest him for shoot
ing horses on a neighbors ranch ,
Luse signified his willingnos to go
but asked permission to change his
clothes and prepare for the journey.
The h'rat opportunity ho grabbed a
Winchester rifle from its conceal
ment and drawed bead on llanc.
Au empty shell chanced to bo in the
gun , which alone Havod the life of
the marshal. Before LUHO could
shoot the uoc'oml timp > which ho
tried to do Hans sent a bullet
through his heart. Hans followed
the first shot with a second cauno-
ing death instantly. The seventeen
hones that LUHO was charged with
shooting were killed a year ago.
The Deputy U. S marrhol detailed
William U Duqnetlo , known as the
tramp detective to ferret out the
perpetrator of the crime. Hans
was successful in wining the confi
dence of Luse and not only learned
from him that he had killed the
horses but uaw him kill one horse
while with him. LUHO also told
him of having belonged , for years
to a gang of outlaws in Wyoming
and of assisting in
a U. S. marshal and baring his
body on the spot belonging to the
list hotel of Laramie city , as well
as of numerous other crimes in
which he had participated.
The deceased lounted near Now
Helena in 1880 , and was regarded as
a hard oaso. If ho was guilty of all
the crimes ho has been charged , the
great wonder is that he had not been
killed long ago. It is claimed he
ban 1000 acres of land and several
horses in Brown county. Ho loaves
a divorced wife and four small chil
dren ,
Clutrcli Hurvlcvn.
u.n. uiiuuou.
If you will attend the U. B.
Church next Sunday night vou
will see throe very hnndsom , life
sized , hand painted , oil colored
pictures , and hour about n man
who made money raining cattle
and moved to town , but lost all
Inu property and part of his family
in d dry rain and while angels wore
hurrying him , his wife and two
daughters to a place of Baftbis
wife turned into a statue of
Chlorid of Sodium. Lot pitched
hiH tent toward Sodom will bo a
"rod lantern" to those who hoar
and a brneht to thosn who had.
The morning subject will be ,
'Tho Macedonian Call. " Good
music. All invited.
Miss Donnahuc a returned mis
sionary troin China will bo present
and address the morning service
next Sunday morning. lr. Don-
nahuo is making a tour of the state
and speaking in the interest oi mis
sions. She is a very gifted speaker
and all who are desirous of learning
more of the mission work at first
hand arc urged to bo present The
pastor will preach in the evening ,
Subject : "JoHopb , " being the third
in the biographical series of Sunday
evening sermon lectures.
E. A. Knight , Pastor
Suuiuur ( Ja/ette
The town bus voted to be dry
this year at the rate 51 2B
oxington majorities 4 to 27.
Cozad majority of 1'2. And Ovor-
lon and Gothonborg are dry also.
Hirgi-iit New Km
Quito a painful accident befell
Mr. Vuu Sant last Saturday while
ho was working at the Long wood
bridge. A heavy piling fell against
his breast , brusing him bsdly and
breaking a few ribs. Dr. Fon-
stermaohor was oMlod , and after
being bandaged up , Mr V. resumed
his work of bossing the bridge
F. M. Currio and son , Claud , re
turned Tuesday night from Lincoln.
The rest of F. M's. family is stil ) at
Lincoln and will probaly remain
there for a considerable time.
The village election Tuesday , to
elect two trustees for two years ,
resulted in 37 votes for Graham ,
34 for Perriu , 33 for Bonner and 30
for Finley. Dr. Graham and Mr.
Perrin will therefore bo the two
new couucilmou. They are both
capable nud popular business man.
and wo may bo sure that the com
mercial and moral interests of
Sargont will be carouflly con
served by them.
taster Service.
The Baptint Sunday school had
a special Easter service Sunday
night , in which the children were
the principal participants. The ex-
crcisos consisted in songs , recitati
ons , dialogues and various exorcises.
Instead of adopting a prearranged
ged program , each teacher arranged
an independent program for her class
Aa nearly all the selections related
to Easter the exercises of the sever
al classes harmonized very nicely
The classes of Mrs. Cadwell , Mrs
Armour , Mr' . Day and Mrs. Ams
berry are entitled to special credit
for the SUOOOBS of the occasion ,
Poultry , any kind. Cash or
traJo. J. M.'Botts , at John &
Knerr's store , east end Realty
block. 4-11-tf
Poultry , any kind. Cash or
trndo. J. M. Betts , at John &
Knerr store , east end of Koaltj
Block. 4-11-tl
Kyno , April 0 , 1001.
Joseph Knorr has sold out am
will move to Cherry county Nobr
Miss Emma Scott closed a two
months term of Hchool at 141 las
No cattle lost during the storm
many are weak and in poor oandi-
tion feed is getting scaco.
Farmers are buisy seeding , don't
have patiuuoe to wait till the ground
is fit to cultivate. Fear it will bo
Grasshoppora are making their
appearance looking whore the
gardens will bo located the com'
ing season.
Bhokeu Bow and Ooonto mail
route has changed hands. A T. Hillman -
man retiring succeeded by Jeremiah
After overseeing J , H. Pretty-
men's ranch during the winter , W.
II. Milligan will move to Eddy ,
ville tomorrow.
Snow has disapeared and the
ground was getting dry ; a little
rain foil last evening which will
< defer needing for the day.
A Chance For Hume Ulrl.
The following wo clip from the
Climax , n matrimonial paper of
Chicago. Wo would suggest to
the girls of Broken Bow that hero
in a chatico to get ahead of some of
the girls of Chicago , who may con.
template coming west :
"Hollo , girls'bore is a western
ranchman , ago 27 , height 0 ft. fo ,
dark eyes and hair. Am looking
for a lady of means to help mo
htook my ranch and be a kind and
loving wife. I am kind and good
nalurod. F O. Gandy ,
Broken Bow , Nob. "
Bessie Thornton continues very
Westervillp observed Easter with
a packed house , a splendid pro
gram , and great enthusiasm.
Westcrvillo mourns over the
prospective loss cf their music
teacher , Air. Had Spooco , who
leaves in the near future. But ho
loaves us not as a lonely man. llo
has a companion. May God bless
Pleasant Hill observed Easter
Day. The house was profusely
decorated with tlowots , real and
artificial. A line program was
rendered. Uevs. Eastman , Hodgew
and Mathews assisted in the service.
There was a full house and an en
thusiastic company.
At the M. E Parsonage , Wednesday -
nesday morning , April 3 , Beatrice
Emily , the infant child of Rov. W.
E. Mathews , was called homo. The
funeral service was held on Thurs
day afternoon , at 2 , by Hev. VV G.
Eastman and Hev. H. Speeoe. Bro.
EaHtmon delivered a beautiful ,
helpful and exceedingly appropn.
ate discourse , to the great comfort
of the family. Many and beautiful
flowers wore laid , by kind friends ,
on the casket. The family feel
very grateful to the many friends
for their tender ministries.
C. H. Cass shelled corn on Sat
The snow is gone except in a
ew places where it had piled up.
G. O. Joyner reports his winter
vheat in fine shape and expects a
argo yield.
J. C. Baker hae built a now shop
ind is now ready to do blacksmith
work in this "btug. "
J. M. Fodge will sow nine acres
f alfalia this spring. Ho will bo
thn first in the valley to try it.
S. Waddiugton will bow 80 acres
of sorghum for hay 'his year. Ho
thinks it IH better than millet for
Young grasshoppers are reported
to lie thick , and the croaker thinkf
that we will bo eat up by them this
Mrs. M. J. Boals returned from
Iowa on last ' 1 hursday. Her father
was still living but cannot last
M. Hill and F. M. Blankonship
began sowing wheat Monday , but
reported the ground very wet for
The Easter Fair did not come
off as wo reported. It was post
poned on account of the weather
anil deep snow.
F. C. Embreo added seventeen
black cattle to hie herd last weak.
Ho is only keeping that color. Ho
purchased thorn from MacJohusou.
Mr. J. D. Strong ii talking of
trading his farm for land in South
ern Missouri , and had a man here
looking at hm property Saturday.
Dick says Nebraska is too odd for
Mr. C. G. Empliold of llyno , is
a regular visitor in this town. His
hem girl lives hero. JOK.
A Mont l.lDcral oiler.
All our farmer readers should take tid-
VHIIIUKU ol the unprecedented clubbluK
offer wo this year make , which Includes
with thi paper Thulowu Uomstead , itn
special Farmur * ' Institute Kditio.i nnd
The Poultry Farmer- These three pub
lications aru the bodt of thuir cine a nnd
should be in every farm house. To them
we add , fur local , county nnd general
nonu , our own paper , tind make the prlco
of the four ono year only $1 50. Never
beforB was so much superior leading
matter offered for BO small an amount of
money. The three papers named , which
we club with our own , are well known
throughout the west and commend them
selves to the reader's favorable attention
upon mere mention. The Iowa Honio-
stead Is tno great uKrlctltural And llvo
stock paper o ! the wcet ; The Poultry
Farmer is the most practical poultry
paper for the limner , while The Special
Parmnra' Institute Edition are the most
practical publications for the promotion
of good farming cvor publishi'd. Tukn
advantage of this great offur , as It will
hold good for a ahort time only. Samp
le ! ) ol those popurs may bo examened by
calling at thin olllco. till jn 1 OL
ANCliKS Wh ) > SDlter i"ln
C ii \ from cancer ?
liU 1 > B.T. O'CONNUK cur
cauceri , tumor * ami wuim ; uo knife , blood or
llaet r. Addren 1300 0 itrcct , Llucolu , Nobr.
( MeLtlou tbU paper. ) Jan 3-lMt
Business Pointers.
Job printing fit thin oilier.
Dr. T , W. BaH , dentist , Broken
Lubricating oils of all kindn at
Wilkins' drug ntore.
Dierks Lumber Co. haH in stock n
car load ol line cedar posts for the
Seed Oafs.
For the pnro article , leave orders
at J. C. Bowen's al onco.
If yon intend to build call at
Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices
Pepsin Gum , two packages lor : i
Come and got our prices on i an-
ned dry fruits Wo will not bo un
der sold. JOHN A KNKUU.
WANTKU : Girl lor general houei-
work tf MUH. BANOS.
Houses for tent or Hale. I will
beat my place of bunituss from
now on until 8 p. m.
FOB SALIC on TKADK Town lots
and a few live acre lots in this cit\ ,
for cattle , horsed or farm land.
fcb28 tf ALLAN KKYNKR.
If you have ranches , farms or
city property vou want to sell or
rent , list thorn with J. J. Suydei ,
Broken Bow , Neb. 4-11 tf
NOTIOK : Uur offer of a 10x30
picture with a dozen cabinets con
tinued until May 1.
td BANGS , the ArtiRt.
Candy , nuts , fruits , all kinds of
breakfast foods , buckwheat Hour ,
maple syrup , silver drip , nothing
liner , at John & Knerr's.
Foil SALK. One Perchcron Nor
man Stallion. Eequire of John Wil
lis , out ) half mile west of Broken
Bow. f4 tf
FOB SALIC : Six year old mare ,
Pheaton , Light Spring Wagon ,
Si' glo Harness , Saddle , Lady's and
Gents Bicycle. Inquire at ollico of
county judge. April 11 , 41
You can save money by ordering
y"our re-ad ing matter through the
RKI-UIIUCAN. We can furnish you
nearly all the papers and magazine *
( or IOHH Ihnu publishers prices.
Remember the Busy Big store.
They have anything you want in
the grocery line. Drop in and look
irouud , make yourself at homo and
neo if our prices are not rinbt.
FOB SALK : Twenty head of fine
brood sows Will furrow in Maj.
For purticuinrs call by 'phone or
uomc to residence nine miles south
west of Broken Bow.
4 11 4t CIIAH. W. WILLIS
Farms for sale and lauds for rent.
Now is the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going ,
and prices are advancing rapidly.
Call and get prices on groceries ,
queontfware and dry goods , whether
you want to buy or not. It may
save you money later. No trouble
to give prices and show goods.
Quick sales , small profits , prompt
delivery is our motto , at John and
Broken Bow , Neb. , April 4.
I have for sale seven bead of full
blood Galloway bulls , at the Globe
barn ; tiuo ones. Will trade for
borst'B ' or soil on timo. Sire of
bulls imported from Scotland.
4-5-21 R. PKCIC.
Wo hftvo not moved or sold out ,
but are at the old stand ready to
give you bargains a in the past.
GIUL WANTKU A girl or woman
for general housework. Permanent
place and good wages. tf
For first class Unisonal work call
on Wahl & Freed , west side of tue
public equare. tf
A complete line of lloint/ bottle
goode. JOHN it KNKUU.
For Sale.
Good stcck of general merchan
dise. For particulars urite J. J.
Stanford , Merna , Neb. J31 tf
l-"or Mule or Trade.
A house and lot in Mason City to
sell or trade for stock ; also a gooc ;
ton foot wind mill with tower , that
I will dispiso of the same way.
feb7 tf A. Y. BUTTON.
Broko-i Bow , Nobr.
The old and reliable firm of
Diorks Lumber Co. is the place to
go for lumber or coal. A gooi
supply and grade s to moot the wants
of their customers are always ii
stock. 331t
Flour !
We will sell Flour as
cheap as the manufac
turer. J. C. BOWEN.
M lMti'1 lliu
till' 1 KOCH itttO > ( HIT
mtH In ft
m , it is
that does tinliuwlncts , any bungler
CHII buy tin llnr kinds ot material
ttmt I ii'u In repairing ; but skill
H the tnopt vnlii'iblo ' nmterinl ( tint
: nn bo nerd In wali-h repairing ;
nnd the buiinler can't buy It. 1
nelI my okili tor what It Is wortli
nud It will COP ) , you ICBS than
ni/ lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
Wi-at Piilc of square.
Job Printing.
New Line o ±
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons
and Farm Wagons.
G. W. Apple.
lruc Complexion llcaiittllier.
Wo want every lady u-ador of the
iincAN to try Dwight's Coiu-
jlexion Beautifier , Uio most exqui-
Ho toilet preparation. It is pun
and harniles8mako8 the faoo smooth
is velvet and lair : ia alabaster. To
udiuo a fair trial of it wo will for
i short time only Bond FBKIC a full
izoFifty cent box to every lady
who will pond UH her post oilico ad-
Irons silver dimeto , pay for packing
and postage. Only ono IWBK box to
each address but Indies may order
'or tboir friends. Each box in tiled
separately. Send this notice ard
your order at ONCK to D. W. Ci
< sCo. , Huntiugion W. Va.
Uulted Statt'f Land Olllce , I
Broken lion . Ncbraekit. April U , 1001 . (
N'otlcf Ii hereby Klvuii tliuttho Following
cttlor Inn tlluct notice of M intuntlnn t inaUc
ual proof In pupporl of hi ? claim , and tli a said
itoof w 111 be iMBUK before Kcgli'ter and Iti celvor
t llroKcu How , NulrasUii , on Jliiy 17 , K'Ol7. ' \ :
VILUAJl HKOWN of U. mstociE , Nebr , for the
N'W'i , uf Section 'J8 urn until p 10 , uortli tango
7 , w.
Ho minus the following witnesses to prove
ila coirlimoui' residence upuu tiiul cultivation of
Hid land , vl/ :
Jamca L. I'clet of Comstock , Neb. ; George
eltlle of Cometock , Nebraska ; GeorRO Hhntiks "f
UomHtock , Nibrasta ; William Doimhou of Coin-
tock , Nebraska.
-M-Ot JJLUCH WmruiiuAn .
- - , RcgMcr.
a Dreadful Cold.
Rial ion Kookc. niiuiMijer for T. M.
L'hompRon , a large mipoilMr of line
nilllnery at 1038 Milwaukee Avenue ,
3hica * o , frays : "During the latt * tcvere
veather I caught a ilrc-iidtul cold which
iopt me nwake at nitrht nud made ui.
inllt to nttei d my work during thn diiyu
) no of IHJ * milliners was taking Otium
lurlni'i's Cough Remedy foi n severe
cold at that time , whicli f i-mid to re-
leve her eo quickly that I bought some
'ormyu'lf. It acted like magic- and I
u'gan to impruVi' at ouco. I atu uoiv
mtircly well and feel v'ry plcaeert to
ickuotvi < * dte its luenls. " bor fftlcj by
I. G. Lhioborlo.
Every v/oman loves to think of the
time when n soft litilo body , all her
own , will ncstlo In h-r bo-om , fully
aatlsfytrg the yearning which lies In
the heart of every } ; jed woman. But
yst there Is a bin' k cloud hoverlnjj
a.jut the pretty picture ) In her mind
which fills her with terror. The
dread of childbirth takes away much
of the Joy of motherhood. And yet It
need not bo so. For there
has been upon the market , well-known
and recommended by physicians , a
liniment called
which makes childbirth as simple and
easy as nature intended It. It Is a
strengthening , penetrating liniment ,
which the sk'ii re.idily absorbs. It
elves the muscles elasticity and vigor ,
prevents sore breasts , morning sick
ness and the loss of the girlish figure.
An intelligent mother In Butler , I'n. .
r.i > sVcro 1 tojiccil Mother's KrJond
again , 1 would dlitnin U bottles If I hnd
to pay $ ! > per bo'ttlo lor It. "
Got Mother's Prlenit at the drug
Btore. $1 per bottle.
Atlanta , Go.
Wrlto for our tr o Illustrated boolt , " Ueforo
iiaLiy is Horn. "
Are You iiilcreHtocl lit J'oultry.gj
If you are , hero is a chance for you.
Pay up what jou owe and ono year in d
vniiuo on tL'e Republican , anu we'll send
you TiieVontein \ Poultry News , of Lin
coln. Nub. , u whole yenr freo. it's a
big IG-pagu poultry monthly and will
help you make more money out of your
chickens It nleo has a .Belgian Hare
A Testimonial I'rom Old
' I consider Onamborluin'B Cough Rum-
cdy the host in the world for broiichitB. "
says Mr William Savory , ol U'arrlugton ,
ICnRland. "Jt saved my wife's life , she
havinu been a martyr to bronchus forever
over six yi-ara , being nioft ol the timu
jonfinvd in her bed. She la now quite
well. " Sold by .1 G. Heaburle.
April 4 , lui.
To THK DJJAF A rich lady , cured
or i ) Deafness a.'d Noi eH in the
Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
Ear Drums , gave 25,000 to his In
stitute , so that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums , may have
them free , Address No. D 148 ,
The Nicholson Institute , 780 ,
Eight Avenue , New York. jin8 ly
COUNTY LOTS FOR hALK. tilde ulll bo received nt the olllcu of tliu
County Clerk of Ouster County , Nclirimku , uutll
noou of the I'Jih day of June , 1U01 , fur the uur-
cline of any or all of the following described
lottovvlt :
Lot" 18 13-1 H5-ln ItlocL lli , in the orlglniil
towu ot Broken llo v , Ni'lir. ibliown by thu
sub pint now on llle In the Kecordcru olllee of
BAtit County The Count ) It ard reserves thu
light to reject any or nil bide , ' .ivcn iiiuior my
hnnd and i-eal thlp 2nd day of Ajir.l. HK11
IKKAI. J ,1. It. OHUOUIIN , l.ouuty Clerk
AprlH , 4t.
Soils the David Bradley , John Deere , C-Jrand Detour , ListerH , Riders and
Walkers They are the best made. Alco the Onio and New Departure
Jultivator , Disks and Seeders , Kacino Buggies and Spring Wagons.
iio best harness all kinds at prices the his put competition to thitik-
ng. See mo for Stoves , Furniture , drjetH now patterns , Tinware ,
ice'H Garden SUPOS in bulk , etc.
A full line of Undertaking Goods.
' I ! * ; SfH
{ * All parlies indebted to the Ifiaght Grocery , are requested 'gf *
' . . - to call and nettle their account by oahh at onco. I must have *
' ' '
l.fy money to pay bills , I cannot do buniuwsH on wind.
> .V
i ! 5 Yours truly , Lt * .
10 Bars of Soap for 25c , Bl
' H A i S w S
Headquarters for
Groceries , Confectioneries and Emits ,
North Side of Pubhu Square , Broken Bow , Nebraska