TT" IUJ I U-J TAKEN FOR GRANTED. would lie uimislnx If It were not pathetic to note with how little skill wo conform to the peculiarities of the members of our family. Why cannot - not we learn to take their idlosyncru- dca for granted ? Given certnlu people and certain conditions , we know jus > t what to expect. It works out In al most every case as accurately as a problem In algebra , and yet we never fall to feel surprised and exasperated when the course of our friends Is not what we should miip out for them. People ple live together twenty , thirty , forty years , and yet do not learn to take each other for granted. The Indolence or wasted energy ; the lavlshness or parsimony of our companions , produce In uthe same sensations with the same degree of Intensity as If It were nil a new story , and In too nuiny cases calls forth the same Indignant and use less remonstrances. It Is not always as Important as we think that people should direct their lives and affairs along the lines which we deem wisest and best. Our methods may not have all the merit we claim for them. But even granting that they have , we cannot compel their accept ance by other people. Our friends have the same conlldonce In their own Judgment that we have In ours. The fact that It Is so hard to set aside our special prejudices ought to make us more lenient toward others. Instead of resorting to remonstrance , criticism or ridicule , If we would but good naturedly adapt ourselves to the harmless whims of those with whom we nre associated , we should add great ly to their comfort and happiness. We an like to do things In our own way. imd since we cannot always Indulge oor own wishes , why not do what we can toward gratifying the wishes of others ? Alice Josephine Johnson , In Good Housekeeping. Won n White Hiislmtvl. Miss Martha Afong , daughter of the Honolulu millionaire , who left her home In Hawaii to go to Manila to wed Lieut. Dougherty , of the Thirty-seventh Infantry , Is the daugh ter of a millionaire Chinaman , and is one of ten sisters , who re cently made a tour of the United States , ' * * " which resulted In the MISS AKONO. nlnrphlpc Of SX | of tllem to well-known Americans. Miss Afong Is 21 years of age , and the most benutl- fnl of the ten. She Urst became ac quainted with her future husband at Honolulu , where he stopped for a few days on Ine wr to M" " ' i It was love at first silit n < 1 alt' ' 'Ci h the court- Rhlp lasted only three days , her con- Bent was given for an early marriage. Aa Llent. Dougherty could not leave his post of duty , Miss Afong was forced to go to Manila to fulfill her promise. She receives a dowry of $10,000 , It I'lcnHCH a Woman , The greatest secret of domestic hap piness lies In husband and vrlfo pleasIng - Ing each other. It is quite as ensy to say pleasant , graceful things as dis agreeable ones. It Is far sweeter to a wife to have tender words from her husband than it was to have them from him before marriage husband In the role of lover has a double value In a wife's estimation. It pleases a wo man to know her husband says pleas ant things to her because he means thorn , and not as flattery. Flattery never pleases her. It pleases her to bo told by him that lie needs her that his happiness depends upon her compan ionship. To feel that her efforts to please are successful , and are appre ciated accordingly , will stimulate most women to greater endeavors. Woman's Life. New in Her Line. A woman hunger has appeared in Taterson , N. J. She Kivcs the mime of Mary Welch , Is handsome nnd says she IB thirty. She re ceived a. sentence In a Justice court of number of days for forcing her affec tions upon John Donahue and sev- Wnl other promi nent citizens a * they passed a hotel where she had e.s- MISS WKI-C tnbllshed headquarMISS tore , ller actions tanked a sensation lu the down-town district , and she was arrosted. Ulntlon of Twentieth Oiitury Miild. The twentieth coniury will bo pre eminently the woman's century. It will be her duty , her privilege , to do Its choicest work. What is the noblest thing she may do with her life , with her leisure ? The thoughtful American girl Is coming to this truth that the nation's greatest need Is spiritual ity ; that the Ideal type from now on will be the spiritual woman. It IH not the religious side of spiritual life which In lacking. The churches and hundreds of God-fearing men and women are at tending to that. It Is that portion of cplrltuul life not directly connected with religion the portion v u-h has ever been woman's peculiar pi.iy tux - which Is neglected. the physical of th' la conquest rwin- try woman bore the heroic pan < > t t i > Ulewt sufferer. Important as was the role she played then , It grew even more Important In the Intellectual conquest vfefcb followed. That conquest la go nearly complete that It may be taket for granted. An education such tin education as the world never dreamed of heretofore Is now within the reach of every American boy and girl. It ex tends from the kindergarten through the university. But having becomu the most powerful , the richest and the most resourceful of modern nations we are not to rest there In the belief that progress Is all to be measured by war ships and the dollar mark. ( Every people ple has gained a little on the great lad der that humanity Is climbing , and though material progress comes first , spiritual must follow or the nation falls. George W. Gerwlg , In Woman's Home Companion. We are to be surfeited this summer with hip yokes and flounces. The yokes are usually of lace , and Instead of running around the skirt In the usual fashion the lower line of the yoke Is broken by lines of lace running from the yoke to the bottom of the skirt. Fre- queutly the yoke runs Into a plastron effect In front. Shirred yokes will be seen on some of the summer gowns made of thin material , and very young girls will wear yokes of smocking. So much trimming will be Introduced that there may be some bewilderment among even the wisest women as to the decoration of their summer gowns , but It Is always wise to remember that the best rule to follow is "Uhu trim ming only when there Is an excuse for It" There Is nothing artistic about a gown trimmed with bows and patches of lace or ribbon set on at random. A lovely house gown In lavender crepe yolku-dottcd In white Is one of the gowns in a bridal ontllt. The trail ing skirt Is finished with a graduated flounce and given an additional Hare by clusters of tiny tucks set in all about the top where the flounce Is sewn to the hklrt. Abovp the flounce there are two rows of heliotrope velvet ribbon. The bodice Is tucked and bloused In front. It opens In the bank and is drawn Into a girdle of heliotrope velvet and gold gauze. In front the girdle Is drawn low. It Is wide In the back , the points at top and bottom giv ing a very slender waist. The sleeves reach the elbows and are finished with full puffs of gold gansto shrouded in heliotrope chiffon and fulled into vel vet bauds. The neck Is cut out In a shallow V , both back and front. CnrHtiii riiiiil. To soy that there * Is any fluid that will curl hair that Is naturally straight would be to state an untruth , but a. curling fluid for the hair that helps to keep It wavy when the air Is damp Is the nearest approach to anything of the sort that the chemist has yet devis ed. Such n liquid can be made by combining two ounces of borax , out * drachm of gum arable and one quart of hot water , not boiling. Stir this together and as soon as the Ingredients are dissolved add three tablespoonfnls of strong spirits of camphor. If this Is applied before the hair Is rolled up In papers , or comet ! In contact with the tongs , it will greatly help In obtaining that llulllness that Is so much In de mand. How to Ilniitr 1'irturrs. For pictures to hang nicely , especial ly small water colors. It Is essential that they should not hung forward from the wall. In a well lighted room there Is little If any advantage to be gained by allowing the paintings on the wall to project In the old-fashioned ugly way. The very best , and , on the whole , the cheapest , manner of going to work Is to have a picture molding or picture rail round the top of the wall and hang pictures from this by means of the hooks which are sold everywhere. It Is also best to have two wires to each picture , so that all of them , If observed at nil , are soon to bo parallel. In Chnnsinir Huis . The average buyer finds the prices of the genuine Oriental rugs much be yond his means. For Instance , many could pay , say . ? ' - ' < " > for a good-sized square rug , or $15 for the .smaller ob long kind , but only at special sales or auctions ( where some knowledge Is necessary ) are good ones to be had at anything like such prli-cs. Morels rugs are the hctt second choice. Smyrna uro also good , but in the majority of cases Morris ones are bettor. They are re versible and the color tones quite soft and artistic. I ( r Pulnty I'lijniiui * . Women who arc extremely up-to-date f , , -e wearing pajamas as a substitute t. > r the milled lacy , Freuchy night dress , which has always seemed too essentially feminine to be abandoned. Pongee , wash silk , linen and cambric arc some of the materials for the new pajamas. Light wool In uutxl for to * cold weather. Siooiiiiolilor . "Hero's u girl. " remarked the query editor , "who writes to know 'what Is the popular spoonholder this season. ' " "Evidently , " replied the snake editor , "she's never had any beaux. " "Why ? " "Hecauso If she had she'd know that the moat popular one Is the parlor sofa. " Philadelphia Tress. Jut for llnliy. Mrs. Poppers Oh , John , you" must raise side whiskers. Mr. Poppers What ? You've often told mo you hated such things. Mrs. Poppers I want you to raise nice long ones like Mr. Markloy's. lie called to-day , and baby enjoyed pullIng - Ing his whiskers so mucli. It was too cute for anything. Philadelphia Press. Dead llrokc. Ethel Count Spaghetti seems to load a monotonous life , Gladys Yes ; a little chnugc would do him good. Should Have Known. He ( In his wrath ) When I married you I had no Idea what a fool you were. She ( In her equanimity ) Thefact that I was willing to marry you should have removed all doubts on that point. Boston TrunscripjL The Hull ol' Klnqiicncc. He Oh , yes ; he's eloquent. But 1 can't say 1 admired the whole of bis fcpeech. She No , his mouth isn't pretty , but then it's partially hidden by his mus tache. Philadelphia Press. New Style * . "More new gowns ! " ho orlcd. "Why , yes , " she answered , sweetly. "All of mine are last century styles. " Philadelphia North American. Operated Upon. Hrlggs I hear you have been oper ating lu Wall struct. Grlggs A great mistake. I have bcon operated upon. Harper's liuzar. Fixed nt the Hex Office. Willie Pa , what's a fixed star ? Pu ( formerly an actor ) A lixed star , I suppose , is one who gets his salary regularly. Philadelphia Press. A J'aiuicea. Fortieth Friend ( since breakfast ) Hy Jove , old fellow , you've got a fearful cold. What are you taking for It ? Sufferer ( hoursc'lyj Advlr > e. York Weekly. Mutual CotniiiiBnian. ! uj3P'1 "Oh ! my poor \\oinan ! My heart bleeds tor ono in your condition ! " "Thanks. ( , or ; Ol was thinkln' the sunn ; of the llkos of you ! " Not I'lluup Te v Minn Scrawney says he. Just hates to go to the opera. Jew Yes , but what she means la that hho can't "bare" to go to the opera. HH | Sup THtltlon. Ulckh Do you believe that it In un lucky to postpone u wedding ? Wicks Yes , when the young man nei-'ls ' iiionoy , and the girl is rich. .loiirmil. lli < I'almlNt. The Palmist This line In your hand Indicates that you lyive a very brilliant future nhoad of you - Slmkins Is that so ? The Palmist Yes , but this other line Indicates that you are too slow to ever catch up with It. Chicago News. Hi. Hop- . Sea Captain There Is no liopel The ship U doomed ! In nil hour we will all be dead ! Passenger Tbuuk heaven I TrmiU Wreitllmr. Lady Why don't the railroad * have mechanical appliances for loading and unloading trunks ? Depot Master Well , you see. mad am , lifting the trunks Into the cars doesn't hurt anything but the men and throwing them out doesn't hurt any thing but the trunks. Now York Woukly. Dlinisrccil with Her. Mamma Ethel , I must really forhld you touching that lobster you kiuw It does not agree with you. Ethel ( resignedly ) Very well , mam ma , but It does seem as If everything In this world that Is nice Is olthoi AVlcked or Indigestible. Life. Short Knu.iKcmnti. . Little Hey llow soon arc you am ) Sis goln' to bo married ? Accepted Suitor She has not named the day yet. 1 hope 0io does not bo llevc In long engagements. Little Hey She doesn't. I know 'causo nil her engagements have been short.-Tlt-mts. Antidote for On ( i , "I should think you would be afra.u to cat onions In the middle of the day , " said the blonde typewriter to the brunette netto when they mot at dinner. "I'm not a bit , " replied the dark one "you soo. our olllco Is on the thirty slxtli lloor , and when I go up In thai elevator It takes my breath away.- Yonkers Statesman. Kcali-un. Scone : Children's party ( Punch am ! .ludy show going ) . Tom discovered bj' his hostess' papa In tears. Hostess' Papa Afraid. Tom ? Oheei up. old man , they're only dolls. Poor , Frightened Tommy Thej won't bo dolls when I dream of them to-nlpht. Life. Sii1)4tttuMoit. "Is Hie boss In ? " asked the stronger entering the Urug store. "No , " replied the nlwnt-inlndcl clerk , "but we have something Just a good. " Yonkers Statesman. Why should all good llttlo boys like Washington's birthday ? Chorus of Five 'Cause they ain't no school that diij ! In TheiitHc J'arlnncr. Amateur What does rt mean In the atrlc circles when they uay the "ghost walks ? " Veteran Actor It uicanp thiit thi rest of us don't have to. Detroit ITri * Press. Cautious "Where Is Josiar ? " naked Mrs. Corn- tuascl , uneasily. "Well , " answered her husband , nn h proceeded to till his pip * , " 1 won't saj fur certain. If the Ice Is as strong &i he thinks It Is , he's gone skatln' , an' U It ain't , he's gone Bwlmmln'Bostot Transcript. HIM Clever { | e , Mr. Crlpps Can you Induce the cooi to have one of her friends come an < ! take dinner with her to-night ? Mrs. Orlpps The Ideal What for ? Mr. Crlpps I expect to bring Jonei and Smith homo with mo. and I'd llki to have a nice dinner for thorn. Phila delphia Ttocord. Well , Wclll "Old Grouch went to the mnmiueradi the other night disguised an a bear ! " "Did any one recognize him ? " "Nolwdy but his wife. " Iiidlanapolli Press * . I'lioin Ity fnmiet'iln. "Have you done anything to boom your town ? " "Wai , 1 reckon ! Held tew Indignn/ tlou meotln's tew perteM ngMn tin smoke nulsancel" Detroit Journal. He Got Hack. Wife ( angrily ) Seems to mo that we have been married so long Uiat I can't even remember when or where we Uret mot. mot.Husband Husband ( quietly ) I can. It WOH at a dinner party and there were thirteen at the table. A Sure Thine. He Wasn't that you on the piazza last night ? She No. "Then I wonder who In the world 1 kissed ? " "You can probably tell by going then to-ulght nt the same time ! " Life. The Heal Thing. The divine right of kings Isn't in It with the right of the married duughtei who comes home for the ilrst time U show off her baby to her parents.- Atcblaou Globe. No Accident. The bowUehlngao.Uossvuirc a "Jan- Ice Meredith" curl , wiileU contrasted beautifully with the prepared chalk- on her shoulder. Suddenly the curl fell from her head anil rested on her long skirt as slio swept , from the stauO "Well , said a'railroad man In I he audience , "that train took the switch Just In time.Ualtlmore American. You Cnu Get AllrtiV * Koot-Knue Pit Kit. Write to-day to Allen S. Olmstcil , I , ( > HOJ , N. y. , for a FHI3H sample of Allen's root- Ease , u powder to utiake Into your shoes. It cures tired , awentluK , damp. v\olk-u. aching feet. It milkos UIMV or light slioci ea r. A certain cure ( or CoruB nnil liunlon * . All druggists and Mioc ( oroi icll It. ! Uc. A youni ? woman teacher of St. Louis tried to discourage tardiness by kissIng - Ing the Ilrst pupil to arrive at school In the morning. On the day the sys tem went Into elTcet two boys of 10 , only two years younger than the tea cher , arrived scvetnl hours before school opened and everybody In the school was on hand an hour ahead of time. The two big boys eacli got a Iss , but the system was abandoned. Drying preparations simply dovcl- p dry otUunh ; l\\oy \ \ dry up the necreUoua Oiiuh mlhora to the mombrono nnd doconit 10-10 , causing n fur inoro Hcrioun ( rotiblo tlmn ho ordinary form of ontnnh. Avoid nil dry- i\g inhalants , fnuios , pmokca mid nnulfs md use Hint which cle.itiscfl , cooUicn mul inals. Ely's Cream Halm is mich u roincily mul will euro catarrh Or cold in the head nsily nnd pleasantly. A trial alzo will bo mnilod for 10 cents. All dnippihts nell the COo. RZO. ! Ely Brothers. G Wnneu St. , M.Y. The Iilm ! : curl's without pain , docn not rritnto or cnuau snAP/.iiiR. It Rereads Itself > ver nn irritated ivvd angry wirfnco , rolloy- ng immediately the piiifid inflammation. With lily's Oreiim lUlm you tire uriuod against Natal Cutarrh and liny Fovor. A six-year-old boy went to a "wild vest" show ono. day lately , and saw e owuoy lasso a "wild horse. " On the way home the boy made a lasso and rk.I It on the llrhtcolt he could llnd n tlie pastuie. lie lassoed the colt , nit , as lie had taken the precaution M tic one end of the lasso to his waist , he result can bo Imagined. These wooly" shows have the same ell'ecl MI the juvenile mind the dime novel las. A Promoter1 * Ilmnorv Charles I ? . Flint has.u quaint Yan kee humor which Is as well developed today as In his school years , In ' the Polytcchnsc Institute thu markings were on the basis of ono hundred and were bullotlncd monthly , Ono day a group of bii > s wt u looking nt tha new bulletin. > n which one of the hopeless dullards of the class WBJ- marked sixty-six. Flint said slowly ; "Sixty-six , that's the very numboi of our year , and I hope when wo get to 'Oil Jaok will receive that Hgnrol" Once a sanctimonious person re marked : "Children should never bo allowed to play with toys on Sunday ! " "May they not play with rellglom toys ? " he queried. "There are no religious toys , sir. " "Excuse mo , there arc ! " "What are they then , sir ? " " Noah's aiks. " in < iui ; : A COLD IN ONI : DAT Tnko Lnxntlvo Hromo Quinine Tablets. All ilugglstsirtnnd thumoney Hit ( nilsto rnrcs 1C. W. Grove's slgnntunIs oni-achbox 26o. Tonic tlit < ( 'ittmillim C'our c. . When the defaulting cashier flrsft came out here be vu'iit around toll In if people he uus captain ol'a yacht club. ' J didn't believe a word of It from tnov Hist. Hist.May Well , dear , he did turn out to ' be a skipper. Chicago News. 'a Soxeml Illli , First Vaudeville Manager Mm. Nation would make quite a sensation If she'd go on the stage. Second Vaudeville Manager Yea , Indued ! Wouldn't she make a hit in "Ten Niuhts In a liar Uoom ? " Puok , A great mind Is arrows.'a one.A A young woman In New Jersey broke oil her engagement on her wed ding day because she found the pros pective bildegroom had deceived her as to his prospects In life. Cupid la liudlng the bandage over his eyes out of date In these business times , and la getting as sharp about cash accom paniments as his own arrows. ' u * , A woman is sick Bomo disease peculiar to her sex is fast developing in her system. She goes to her family physician and tells liim a story , but not the whole story. She holds back something , loses her head , becomes agi tated , forgets what she wants to say , and finally conceals what she ought to have told , and this completely mystifies the doctor. Is it a wonder , therefore , that the doctor fails to cure the disease ? Still wo cannot blame the woman , for it is very em barrassing to detail some of the symptoms of her suffering , oven to her family physician. This is the reason why hundreds of thousands of women are now in corre spondence \vith Mrs. JL'inkham , at Lynn , Mass. To her they can give every symptom ; BO that when she is ready to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her correspondence with the patient than the physician can possibly obtain through a personal interview. Following wo publish a letter from a woman showing the result of a correspondence with Mrs. Pinkham. All such loiters arc considered aoHOiuteiy coiimicnimi by Mrs , I'iiilclmm , and are never published in any way or manner without the consent in writing of the patient ; hut hundreds of women are so grateful for the health which Mrs. Pinkham and her medicine have been able to restore to them that they not only consent to publishing their letters , but write asking that this bo done in order that other women who suffer may bo benefited by their experience. Mrs. Ella Rice , Chelsea , Wis. , writes : "DEAnMns. PINKIIAM : For two years I was troubled with falling1 and Inflammation of the womb. I suffered very much with bearing-down pains , headache , backache , and was not ublo to do anything. What 1 endured no one knows but those who have Buffered as I did. I could hardly drag myself across the floor. 1 doctored with the physicians of this town for three months and grew worse Instead of better. My husband and friends wished me to writu to you , but I had no faith in patent medi cines. At last I became so bad that I concluded to ask your advice. I received an answer at once advising mo to take your Vegetable Compound , and 1 did bo. Ueforo 1 had taken two bottles I fult better , and after I had taken live bottles there was no happier woman on earth , for I was well ugaiu. I know that your Vegetable Compound cured me. and I wls > h and advise every woman who suffers as I did to try Lydla E. Plnkbam's Vege- tnbla Compound. Believe me always grateful for the recovery of my health. " Mas. ELLA HICK , Chel&ea , Wis. Owing to the Uct that tome ikcptical U'xl people have from time to time qucttioacd thegeaulnencMoftheiMtimoalAlletter * weBfe coniunly | publiihinif , we luvt 5000 depoilted with the National City Dank , of l.vnn , Mat * . , (5,000 , which will be paid to any fxitoa who will thuw that the above teitlmonial U not geouinr , ur wa puUitbtil before obtaining th * writer'atpcclal pcrraluiou. LVOIA E. PIMIUIAM MIDICINI Co. ilahL _ _ / tj