i I 9 9S taa Our Stock is going fast tit the following pi ices. Conio arly and got your share : 12 Ibs O.it Mual 25o 0 Ibs broken Rice 24o 0 lb Good Prunes 25o 3 Ibs Good Now Poaches 24o ( J Ibs Navy Beans 2fio 10 oz. bottle Queen Olives 15u 8 bars of Silk Soap 2ba 12 bars of Tepcu Soap 25u flTlCBKINsKKN lIltltCoFKKK300 1 Ib pkgo " MADJA I7o CTOCTnrllliiftlmainrJfeTaraEaiffirCTtTOCTmBatiraTOmira Those are only a few peed thiutis found iu tlm mino. Up on our side is a now line of and cvory day Now Goods oomo down tbo shaft tbat is kept busy bringing thorn. 5 HARRY DAY & CO. , Northeast Corner of Public Square. 's ' National Family Newspaper , Published Mon day , Wednesday HEW uml Frldaj , IB In reality n flin .Iretli , every older . day bally , giving tUu latest news on days oflsBilc , and coverIng - Ing news of tlm outer threo. It con YORK tains all Important foreign cable UCWH which appears In The Dally Trlbnno f came date , al o Domestic and For eign Correspond ence , Short Storlu" , TRI- Klefjant Half , tone - Illustrations , llu > inorouB Items , lu- iluBtrioiis Informs- tlon.Fashlon Notes , Agricultural Mat tel and compre hensive and rell- tble Financial and Market toporti. Ueguiarimbscilp- tlon price , SI 60 per year. year.We We fnriiHi it with the UKPUHLI- CAN for 81 8U per year. I'nbl I e h o d on LKtrMtriRBW Thursday , and | \1 TPA / known for nearly ON & vv ' s&jT.'ra ; Mates as a National Family Newspaper of thu highest class , ' for farmers and villagers. It con tains all the most Important general news of The Dally Tribune up to the hour ot going to pi CBS , an Agricul tural Department ot the highest or der , has entertain ing reading for every member of the family , old and H ? TTfUt 'VT ' "V Ports , which are ac- W JJJJZjjLxJu JL copied as authority V V M BWiB * " ml by fanners am ) country merchants , and la clean , up-to- date , Interesting aud Instructive. Hegnlnr subscrip tion price , $1.00 per rear. We furnish TRIBUNE with the RKruuu- CAN for $ l.ut > per jear. Send all orders to the RKPU - > LICAN , Broken Bow , Nebr. One Dollar Per Year. TO MAKE A FORTUNE. THE OPPORTU NITY MAY NOT COME YOUR WAY AGAIN Twentieth Century parmer OFFKHS A NDMUUK OK MAGNIFICENT PRIZES TO THO8E WHO WILL ACT AS AGENTS 1st Prize , 81,000 Cash , 2d Prize , $500 Cash , AND SO OTHEH CASH I'IU/Eb. RANGING FIIOM | MX > TO 835. T-lfE TWENTIETH CENTUItY KAHMBRU published by the Betl'ublishlr. Company , ol 'Quiiilm , and Is an acrlcullurai and family muKsrlno of unusual intrlt. There are departments foi tviry member of the family , | eclal nrtlcUe by mui of known reputation aud llluitratldns will bu a prominent feature. Wilto for sample coi > y and auk for particulars concerning the priiea 1'rlce 11,00. THE TWENTlUrUhC'EM'UKYliFAKMKU and tbe ltu < UBfiixAN wlllb | unt to you one for ! . * & . ( evtrr-'w ) S . TIME TABLE. BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , Helena , Chicago , Hutte , St. Joseph , Portland , Kalians ( Jlty , Salt Lake City , St. Louis , and all Sun Francisco , points cant and son 111. and all polntn wuet. No. 4'J Ve > > iibiiled express dally , Lincoln , Omu- ha , St. Josep < Kansas ( Jlty , fat. Louis , Chicago cage and all poloi * on at and south. . .11 41 p.m. No. 44 Lociil express i'nly , Lincoln , Omaha , Ht. Joseph , Hanson Cltv , St , Lonln , Chlcauo and all points east nnd south ( iii'inui No. 4ti Freight dally , Kavennn , Grand Island , Aurora , Scwardand Lincoln 0 ( X ) am No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , Ha\ctma and intermidlito points , 1 t > t > pm No. 41 Vestlbttled express daily , Helena , Heat- tic , Ilnttc , Portland and all Pacific Coast points .lltnin No. 43 L cnl express dully , Black Hills anil Intermediate points fi ' 5 pm No , 4fi Freight dally , Anaelmo bcuccvWhltmau and Alliance lOfiHnui No. 17 Freight , dally except Sunday , Sineca and Intermediate points 1:3. ' ) pm bleeping , Cluing and reclining chalrcnrs ( scats ( reo ) on through trains. Tlckua sold and baggage - gage chocked to any point lu tli United btatos and Canada. No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuesdays , Thurs days and Saturdays. No , 40 will carry passer gers for Huvonns Braud Island , Seward and Lincoln. Information , maps , time tables and ticket call on or write to 11. L. Urine by , agent , or J FrancH , G. P. A. , Omuhu , Nebraska. U. L. UtiMsnv , ABO t. SCHEDULE OF BROKEN UOW MAILS. Pouch for west will close at 8 p , in. , except Sunday when It will close t 0:15 : p in. Pouch , eabt for train No. 4J closus at 8 a in andfoi No. 44 closes nt , 5.30 a.m. .Mall forAnslttv and points east of Grand Island curried on train No. 44. Oconto Tla of Ityno nr.il Tuckervllle , dully ex cept Sunday closes , at 7 a in : returning name tiny Cullawuy via , Alc'Kinlcy dully except Sunday close * ul 7 in , returning name day. Hound Valley via Ureen and Elton close at 7 it m.Tuesday , Thursday and Saturdays , returning name day. Sninnor Tin Gurnsey , Georgetown and tpton arrrlves at 11.30 , Tttei-dny Ttiursdny aud Satur day , returning leaves nt 1:1,30 : tame day. 00103 hours from B.UO u m to 8.1)0 ) p in huu- days from 5:45 p. m , to 645 ; p. m. Lobby open week days from 7 a. in. to 8 p.m. Stimlnve H:3U : a. m. to On. m. Ueneral delivery not open bun- day morning as heretofore. L. H.JKWKTT. I'.M- Krce Coiiiplexltiii Ileaiittlller. We want every lady toudur of the RBPUULICA.N to try Dwight'H Com plexion Boautiiiur , the inont exqui- riito toilet preparation. It is pure aud harmleHBmakc8 the faooHruooth as velvet and fair as alabaster. To induce a fair trial of it we will for a short time only send FUEII a full size , Fifty ueni box to every lady who will pond tin her poHt oflioo ad- droHH silver dime to pay forpauking and poutage. Only ono FUKI : box to each addreHB but ladies may order for their frieuds. Eaoh box in ail ml separately. Si-nd this notiue and your order at ONCB to D. W. CUKTKH . , HuntinKton W. Va. $25,000 Our Grand $ j = 5,000 Ornithological Contest , Souifthlng entirely nmv and liitorestliiK. Iti'nil what you lire to do. You may get $1,000. Our contest Is to seu who ran mnku tlm largest list of names ( or kinds ) of birds from tu following lift of letters : W D 0 O O U C K Q U L 1 A P R T A K I D G E S P N I E L V E B R D l M W A D O II T L We will recognize HB a bird anything belonging to thu feutlitred tribe , whether Itbva Hun , Crou , Singer or any other kind. You can use any Utter as many times to make a name is It appears In the list , of litters aboru ; Woodcock , I'lovur , Snow Illrd , etc. To any persons u ho can makit u lint of 5 or more different i nine ol birds , uu will giv , absolutely FHEE a beautiful prl/e , vnluo ? lUOu , or le > s. BIG PHIZES AWARDED DAILY. When you have mudn ont your lift llll out tlm Hue on the bottom of tbi iidvnrtlei inent. uml send toll * \vithu Mumped addressed enrelopi stump of your country will do , then If > ou ure awarded a prl/o > ou can it joii desire | . 'el tin- irlro liy becoming a subscriber to tln < Woman * > A'orlci. We shall u uid a prize to every person who sendii ttie name of JS iilrdc. and our guts ulli be as follonsi For the bet ildt , riculvid eiich day , u Gold Watch , for the second best solution each day , it beautiful linpoiled Tea Set ; for the seven next beat soluilbiix oacli du > , a Konrah Hu. ki'i Diamond and lluby King , for the next hc-t solution , a Gold 1'iuce , aud lorall other curreci xolutlons , prizes of gooil valiui. These prizes will be forwarded dally , ) ou will not hare l wait u lon time in uncertainty bfi > ro you KIIOM tb remit. There Is no element iif lottery In our plan , it makes no Jltlen-ncd whether wo tot your solution late or etrly in the day. All you need is . to mall ibis Advl. to ux.and on tluxlaj It reunite 11 u , If your list Is the best , you aUull liuvo tliu Qold Watch , or if Sdcoiul bunt , the biauiilul Tea Set , audro on. We guarantee that we ull. awurd you a prize There is abmlutel ) nooppur lunlty for dfcupllon onoiirpart-wucunuotalford It. We want to git I.OOU.lnA ) well eatl-fied sub- icrlben , and for that r aeou w don't want you to fond any money until yon know exactly what pi Ire toil h Ti < gained by anew ortng the putzles As soon after 4 11 in. each day as piealhlv , the examiner * will judgn thn Hits to the l ist of their ublllty , and will dcslKiiutc the prizes We will writ' ) to you a * onr not ! ft Ing \\Latprlru ban lieuu award d you , then If you are sull llcd , you can snd your inscription to I'hn Woman's World , Mid > our prtfu will go by return of mall carriage t > ald To a perron ol narrow Ide-iB It seems ImtxitHblo lh t wo should bo nblo to mnke such a KlL'ai tlu oiler , nut we lutvu tlie 'iionoy , brains and te | > utallon , wo know exactly what wo are doing , mitt If wo can legitimately gain R mil lion subscribers by thin grand Idea , we know that thl > million of well pleased siihturlbors cnn be Induced to recommend The Woman's World tu all frlotuli , thereby building up our circulation still further. Wo ar willing to si end S , IK)0 ) In this contest In building up n big subscription list , uml Alien this money Is spent wu reserve thu right to publish a notification tha' the contest hai hiondlsioUlnued. Don't delay until It It too lato. 1 ho contest will continue uutll July lit , mil. mil.Wo Wo gl > ea bonus prltoof $ 'SO Independent of all others , Ui thu person who send * In the 11 to gotten up In the best and handsomest nmimer. Our committee " 111 decide and award prUos i.allybut tbo spiclal JDW prlzo will be awarded In Septem ber , 1901 Any bird' * name found lu the diction * arles aicuplud \ > 'liu > Vo Are , The "woman's World ' l a thoroughly tollable ronc rnu' are known to do exactly as wo adver- llsw. As to our reliability wu refer to any Rtltur- tlslntr nguntor bu lness man of London or New York. Name , Street Town . Country . X. H He catuful aud prepay your lettcrtkas re do net receive underpiild letters. Address : TIIK "WOMAN'S Woiu.n , " UIIKNTFOIIU , LONIION 13. W. KSUL.ANU We A ill furnish the KaiiHas uity Journal and RKPUIIUCAN for 81.125 pur year. A Mont I.IUorul Ollor. All our farmur rtituhTH phuuld tiiko-iul- vniiiii ti ul the tiuprouuduntetl clubbltii ; uffur wu HUP yt'ftr innke , Wliloh Inclnilos With tlllH Diiliiir Tlui Inwu IlnnmfnMil . ita special Fiuumrs' IiiHlltute Ktiitlon tul The I'ointry Farinor1 Thueo thrtio pub lications urn the bust of thutr clnee mul alionlil be in ovury farm house. To Ilium we mill , for loual , county ami Konurnl now B , our own pnpur , anil mnku the ; price ol thu ( our one j'uar only $1 CO. Nuvor buloro nna so uiuoli Rtipurior roiuling intitlor offered for HO email nn itmuunt of money. The three papers named , which wo club with our own , are well known throughout the west and ctmuuoml thorn si'Hi'8 to the loader's liiyorablo attention upon inure inutiUon. Thu Jown llomu- stead l tno roat tiKrlctltural Anil live stock paper n ( the west ; Tito Poultry FitrmiT IB the most practical poultry paper lor tlio inrnmr , while The Special Frirtnnrs' Instimio Edition nre the most practical publlcMioiiB ( or the promotion of good ( arming ever puhllHhud. Take ndvnntngo of tnta > ir 'i t offer , as II will hold good ( or a short time only. Samp les ol these popcrfl may he cxnmeuod bv calling' at this ofllcc. till jn 1 01 U. IS. Land Office. JAMKS WHITKIIKAD ; Iteglslor 1H. . YOUNG Hocolvor U.S LaiidOIUcu , Itrokcn How , Neb. , March 7 , IBOl" Notlct > Is hereby given that the following nitmcd fcottler has tiled notice of hU intention to make flnal proof in support of his claim , and that mill proof will bu made before Keelator and Receiver at Hrokrn How Nehriittka , on April J-i , 1DOI , viz : WILLIAM II W.\HD.pf Hurwjn Nebraska , for the homestead entry No. 4IK for NKH. of tec 27 , township 17 , north raiu'o 11)W. He names the following wltiiosnon to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of snld land , vly : Kran Mosely , of niton , Nel > r fki\ , Jacob HnrciiH , of linen , Nebraska ; Charles Williams , of Gniitn , Nebrueka ; Henry Cashmau , of Ilorwyn , Nebraska , ) AMKSVlliriciiiAi ) , Kegister. Alar , h 11 , ( it. U. i > . Laud Olllco , Hroken How , Neb. , I March II , 1001 f ? > oticols Hereby given thalSAMt Kl , AOIUN9 , of AinMilnio , ftobruitka , has llleil notleo ol Inten tion to make Dual proof before ne lsler nnd He- culver at his olllcu In Hroken How. Nebraska , on Thiirsdaj , thu IBtti day of April , UHH , on timber culture application No. I'JCIO , for 10H HEM , NvVUSKM , NKJiSUH , of section No. 36 , lu ton nshlp No.U , ranto ; No. Ul He iiiimeB a * witneBcos : William Anderson , of Anselmo. Nnhraska ; Granvllle Dlsliman , of AiiHolmo , iNcliriiHliii ; Charlie Street , of Hnosler Valley , Nuoruski ; Kd Graves , of Annelmo , Nclinuka. .U.MKS WiiiTeiiKAii , Hcelster. March H , (11. ( CONTEST "NOTICE. United States Land Olllco , I Hrokcn How , Neliraska , March L'i. . 10UI f A sulllcleni contest allldavl' ' having been tiled In this olllce by bamuel Waddlngtoii , contictant , against liomestead entry No. I&UA'I , made July i IBS' ' ) , for north-cant quarter , suction 31 , town * ! iIp ID , north , raiigo ' . ' 3 , neit , by Krauics S Mlddlctoii contesteu , In which It Is nllcged that Francis b. Mlddlctoii has almndonod Dm samu and has failed to erect or place thereon auy 1m- nrovo.nents whatnver , that there Is not now nor nuti there been u honro or building of any i ature erected thereon and nil of said defects complained of exist nt thin date , and tlmt said alleged ab- Hence from the said laud was not due to hlo em ployment In thu Army , Navy , or Marine Corps of the United States us u prlvatn soldier , ofllcor Himnen , or marine , during the war will Hpaln , or during any other war In which the United States may bo engitgod. Bald parties are hereby notillcd to appear , luspoud anil offer evidence tnuctilng sulit allegation at ID o'clock a. ui , on May 10 , 1PJ1 , before thu Ktvlster and Kccolvur at the United States Land Otllco , In llrokeu How , Nebruska , The said contestant having , In a proper aflldavlt UUd Dercmlier 6 , HKM ) set forth facts which ohow that utter due dllllgence personal survluu of this notice cannot be inadu , It IH hereby ordered and directed that such notleo bo riven by due and proper publication. April 4 , Ol JAMKH WHITKIIUAH , U. S. Lund Olllc , Hroken How , Neb. , I April , 1U01. f Notice is hereby given that the folliminK niimed rettler has filed notleo of hlH intention to make llnal proof in support of bin claim , mul thut mild pruol will bo iniidi' befoie HegUter mid Uiuoi'erat Hroken How , Nebr. , on May IB , IWJl.vU : HAN OALLAdilKH , of Oitello , Null. , for hnmistead entry No 1441 , fur the H'/i of SWU SL'itlon . ' 3. township 18 , north rungo ! , W. He names the followlnu' wltneiurs to pro > o his lontlnuoiis residence upun nnd cultivutlon of said land , viz. Samuel K. Hedmau , of Ortelln , Neb , Frederick C Umhrito , of Ortollu , NL-IJ. , James H linker , of Oitello , Nob. , Juniis ( J. linker , of Ortilln , Net ) . Apr 11 Ul JAMES WiiiTKtiuAU , Iteglster. 1'UHLlU LANK . I'uitud status Land Olllce , Hroliun How , Neb , I April V. IUUI. f Notice li hereby given Ibft In pursuance of In structions from the Coimiilsaionir of thu ( h n- cral LandOllite , iindni authority vrtiod , n him Ijj eirtlnnl.'iD. . U n Ki v Mat , as Hin < > nd il b > the act of Congress approvcil l > ebruury ' . ! u , IHJfi , w will proceed to sell at ptihllc Haiti on HieHh day nf ) luy , next , at Ihla olllfe , thu follow. ng trai tor land , towltN' ' , SK'4. section a'J , town- -lilp ii , north rnugo ! , w Any and all persons iliiimlng udrersely tlm nliovrf deseribul lands are advucd to Illu their tlainiH In this olllce on or before tbo day above ( lolgnati'd for thu comment ) inent of Haul kilo , ntherAlsc their rights will be forfeited JAMKH WliirK.iiKAO , UegUler Apr. 11,01 KIIANK II.OUN I'Uiu.u ; LAND SALE. L'nlletl ritatiJ Land Ulllce , Hroken How , Neb , I April H U'Ol ' I sotlco Is licrUiy y veil that in pursuunu of Instructions 'ruin ' the Commissioner of the Am eral Land Oil ce , under auihorlt } vested in him i/y ficnon 'ito , ' , i. Hcvtat. . , as amended by tlio net of Congress approved ' February 'M , IBUj. we will proceed to oiler at public rule on thu .Mill day of Ma ) , next ut this olliois , the follow ing tract of land , to wit NEU bl'.il , section : U , tonncblp 10 , norih range Ul , t\ Any and all ptreoim cialming adVHrsely the ubove dcttnbud lamia aru adtisid to tile their eluliiiK In thin utllcu on or More thudayabovt designated for the commencement of laid > nlu olutrwUu their rights will be furlelted. JAMKK ' . . . , . . - , - . WunmiKAU , HegUter , Apr 11 01 FiiANii II. YOUNU , Keceiver. U. 8. Laud Office , Hrokcn Bow. Neb. , March SO , IWI. ) Notices \ hereby xtven that OHAULK9 W KODUIC. of Hrokcn How. Nnbrnrka , bus filed notice of Intrntlon to male Ural proof heroin Iti'KUti r and llccclvor at bU nlllci In Hrokcn How , Nebraska , on thl iluj tlio U5tli day of April IflOl on timber uuiture application No. 1857W , tor KUj NW ) ( . loU 1 and 2 , of Pef.tlon No , 18 , In township No. 17 , north range Nn. 21 , W. Ho naiiirs is witnesses ! Daniel W , Corey , of Merna , Nebraska ; George Kelly , ot Merna , No- bratUj Johni'ollanl , c < f Mctni , Nebrcika ; nimrlos U. Jeffords , of Hroken How , Nchriuka. " " ! l Ow JAMKS WIIITKHKAII , Uriilsler. In tlio District Court of CiiHter County , Nebraska * Georgetown National Hank , of Ucorgctown , Mais. , I'lalntlll , vs. Itobort Ulrvati , eU al. , UeTendlMiti , To Kobort Olr n , Mrs Ilobert Glryanlfuof aid Hobrt Glrvau , Glo'm ' InTcituieut Co , Henry A Wyumn , iccolvrr of said Illtibo In voitmnnt Co , and G W , Youug , nun resilient defendants : You , and each of you , will takn notice ( tut ou the SVth dav of July , IK'Al , the ( IrorKfttmn Na tional Hank , of Ueorvetown , Mass , plaintiff lietulu , tllod Its uetltloa lu the district court of Custer ciiuntv , Nebratka , ugalnst you and other defendants , lh object aud prayer of whlcli saltl pelltlon are to foreclose a certain mortgage eie cutt-d by Sylvester J llaker mid Sarah J linker , to tbo Dakota MorKK ( < L"u Corporntlon , on i ctober ' . ' 3 , 1M7. which uiortn KO Wat given upon the BVt of thn N\v , aud lot , U anil 4 , of st ctloa 4towushll | , rmiKoUli la Cttitor county , Ne- braskk , and wm KTI ! > U to sccuro tbu payment of a certain flru mortgngo coupon tirnd , uxocuted by said Bylvosttir J. linker d Uarnh J. llaker to mlil Dakota Mortgugo Loan Corporation for tlio mm of J1W.W , which bond was dated October US , lt 7 , and due November 1 , ItiV.1. That the plalntllf Is now tno owner and holder of laid mortgage bond , and thu said murtgatic sociirlng tbo iniyment of thu same. That thorn Is now due upon said bond and morlHaKU , du > um of $ UOUO , together with In- toredtat too per cent per annum , from Novom- her I , lUlU for whtuli , uui , with Interest as afcre- s.ild , plMntlit prays for a decrco thnt said mort- ga > ! o nuy bo forci'loeed , that defendants bore- ( pilled to pay thu a tld amount with interest withIn - In t\ve'tjf tlajs from Hit' eliliyof said diurvt1 , or that said uroinlseii may bo sold as upon invention mid the prortuds ot such sale applied to the pnt- meat of said debt , interest and costs oC this nit. nit.You You , and ouch ofou are required to nunwur salil petition on or before Monthly , the IMth day of May. IUOI. Diitod this lOlh day of April , 11)01. ) UKOIUIKIOWN NATIONAL HANK , Of Uiorgctown , Mass. lly C. L. ( lirn-misoS. 4-ll-4t HOAD NUTlCti. To whom It may concern : The commissioner appointed to view u road nntttloned for hySumtiel Hoguo , eta ) , commenc ing at the norihuatt cormr of see. ' . ' . ' > , twp.'JU range 'Jl , thence north 71) ) degrees , 'M Minutes tiusi on section line to Charter corner on north slilu of pccllon 3D. tow nshlp a ) , raugo ' . ! , thcncn south IU degrees : IO minutes cast to quarter corner on south side section ' ) , thunce north TV degreoa M mlnutot east 1H ( feet to slittton No. I from Mtatlon I , soHth CU dearies 115 minutes east DM ) feet to station No. 'i from station No , 'J , north GO degrees east I ISA fiwt to station No. 3 from sta tion U , at Mitith.imsi corner of section LI ) , township - ship iX ) , range ! il , hai reported In favor of the establishment thereof , and all objection theieli ) or claims for damages must be tiled In the county clerk's olllce on or before noon of the -'Jiul day of May , lOUt , or such road will be granted without reference thurulo. In witness wheriof , I have hereunto set my hand and sea' ' of talil county , this UUth day of March , 10UI , J. H. OsnoUiiN , County UlurK. ISKAL.I March 'Jl-ll NOT1CM. Kmiiia H. Oulluii and Kdward J. Culluii , de- lendants herein , will take notlco that on the UOth dnyot March , HHJ1. John H Hughes , plalntlll herein , flled bis petition tu the dis trict court of CtiHler county. Ne braska , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclosii certain deed executed nv sulil defendants to said plalnllllupon the south-east qunrter , of suction 17 , In township HI , north of rnnuo 17 , west of lliu Olh p. in , In Custer county. Nebraska , to securu thu payment of their note , dated July f I , 1HW , for the sum of JMWO.I , duo aid payable two years ( rum the date tlionut There U now duu upon snld note and deed securing the same the mini of JLJM.W for which sum with niterest from this date thu plaliitllf pni > H for a docroti that defendants bii required to pav the samu or that suld iiromlses ' ma'v be sold to ratlsfy tbo amount found duu , \ou are hereby required tu antwer said peti tion on or before thu IHth day ot May , 11)01. ) JONII II. llUUKH , April l,4t Hy CLKMHNT3 HIIUH , HIsAttys. In the district < ourt , of Custer county , Nebraska Cbarlotto K. Williams , i'Ulntiir , . [ Nolle.of Snll. Oeorgo , Mary A Unpsey , etui , I DofeudanU. J The above named defendants , Uvorgo 1. , l ) r- mil and Mary A. Cojisey , will take notice that on the thl day of October. HXX ) , the abort ) named plaintiff flltd her petition lu the district court , of Custer county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of whlcli aru to foreclose a curtain mortgage given by onti Henry O. Morrlsey to the l.timhnrd In- Tostmsnt Company and assigned to this plalntlll , upot the following deicrlbod rual eitatu to-wll : Thu south half of the north half , of section U7 , In township 18 , north of range " 4 , west , In C'unler county , Nubra ka , to soouro the payment of one certain promlsHorv nota lu thu sum of $700.UU , dated November 8 , I88H , ami duu live > cars from the date thereof , and on which there U now duu the sum of $1,2 5.71) ) and Interest from the lut day of November , 1VUU , and tuxeu lu the amount of $41.00 , aud the plalntlll prays for a decree that Ihu SIIKIU bo paid ur that thu vuid prumlyeM be sold to uttlUly said amount found duo thereon and costs ol suit , as by law provided You , and each of yuu , aru reciulred to answer suM petition on or before the lUh : day ot May , IUOI , or the allegations of ad ! petition will betaken taken as true aud Judgment i endured thereon accordingly. Dated at Droktm Bow , Nebraska , this lit day April , 11)01 ) CUAIILOTTI 1C , WILLIAM * , 1'HI. AprlH , 41 Hy A. U. UrjMiMiiur , Her Ally. NOTICE TO NON-llIiSIDKNT. In the District Court of Cuntor County , Neb. Knmt llalsch , I'lalntlir , ) v ยง . \ Mary I1' , llalsch , Defendant ) To Mary t' , Halicb , Nuiircsldunt dufendent : You are hereby notified that on tha 10th duy of April , A D. IWI , Brunt ilalsub , plalntlll liurnln , Hied a petit on KuliiKt you In the Drlstrlct Coim of Ouster t'ounly Nebrubka , thu objuct nnd pmyerot which are to obtain a dlvorcu from you on the grounds that > ou havu wilfully abandoned thu plalntllf , without good C'umo for more than two years last put , that you Went guilty ot extreme ciuuity lowiinu piainiiu wuuu living with him You are lequired to niDwer nuld pelltloii on or before tbu Olh day of May , 11KJ1. Dated at llrolieu How , Nubraska , this tilth day of April , HKJI. ICliNNT HAIHOII , I II 41 liy Ills Ally , Ai.i-iiA MOIKIAN. NOT1CU TO CHKDITOICs" In county court , within and for Ciutur couuty , Nebraika. In the Matter of the Kstatu of I NuUou 1'i.lter , Deceased. ( To Hie creditors of said estute : You are hereby nntlllud , ttiat 1 will ill at the county court room , In Hroken How , tu bald county , on thu 12th dav of June , 10U1 ; ou the litb da > of August IUOI , and on thu I'Jtli dity of October , IUOI , eacli ut 10 o'Uobk a. m. , of each day , to recilvo anil examine all claims agulnst eald estate , with a view to their adjuntmiut anil a.lowuniu The tlmu limited for thu proeuntatlon of claims ugalnst said estate Is six muntlni from tlio Utb day of April , HHJI , and thu timu limited foi the payment ol dulitH Is ono year from Bitld 12th day of Airll , lUtll \\liiii-enmytiaudanil the Heal of suld comity court , tills litda ) of April , IUOI IHKAL j J. A. Antioua , County Judge. April 11 , 41 NOTICE TO NON-IIKSIDKNT DEFKNDANTH. Li-derer , Strauss & Co , Impleadcd with others , defendtmls , will take notlcn that on thu IHth da ) ot November , IbOO thu trustee * of Klpou College , plHlntllls , llled their petition in thu district c nit of I'utlur louut ) , Nebraska , ugalust talddufun damn , tbo object and pmyer ot which are to fore- clone a curtain moitKbgu itxeculud by Kiln Lig gett and Martin Liggett , conveying lots four 14) , and live If ) ) , In block tblrtetn ( l\i \ > , ot James f. Oai dy's addition to the town of llrokou How , Nebraska , to secure tlio payment of u lertum mortgage bond , dated on the llrst day of July , leb'j , lor the bum of JSM ) Oij and Interest thereon. Mild bond due and puyublu on thu Urtt day uf July , Ib'JI. That Hitro In nuw duu and uwlng upon haid bond and mortgage , Ibo earn of j5'Jl uti , for which sum with lulcicit from this datu the plaintiff prays fora decree thatBuldue- fendanU be required to pay lliu same or that nald premlBvs may bu > oltl tu nullrtfy thu amount found Une. Une.Y ju aru reijulred to annwur mild petition ou or before tnu 'JOib day of May , 1V01. Dated this 1th day of April , IUOI. TllUBTEtl OC Itll-ON Hy JAMKH LEUWiim , tbulr Attorney rwwfr1 OIID1NANCENO.8I. An ordinance Imposing llconso ta on the fire liunranoa compAnles , cor | > oratlons or assoela. tions doing bu'lnoii In the Olty of Hroken How , for the usu , support and Imnoflt of the Volunteer Klro Department of said city , and repealing ordlnauco paisod and approved. Hi It ordalnod , by thn Mayor and Olty Council of the City of Hroken How , Nebraska : Section 1 That license tax of five dollars per annum Is hereby Imposed on each flre Insurance corporation , company or nsroclatlon doing busi ness In thu City of llroknn HOIT , for thn use , support and bouoflt of the vlunlrer Fir8 le. partmcnt of said city. Sections Any fli lnanranC4 corporntlon , company or association , desiring to engage In , the btislncis , or now engngotl in the builirei ] of writing Insurance In thu i liy of Llrokou H w , shall pay to thu city troasnrer of tint City of Hro ken How , the sum of flvo dollar * , and shall AMo the rcorlpt therefor with the city clerk , who , upon payment of bin foothornfor , shall Ihontupun lisiio lu I'm ' npn'lcivnt a oortlflcate irhowlng that aid applicant bus paid the llcunio tax n herein provided for the current municipal fear , Section yIt shall IM unlawful for any flru Inruranre corporation , uompatiy or o ln lon , or any ( ivrson In their behnll UH rxunM orolhur wUe , tnuiigigo In the bnaiib s of writing bre Iniutaiicn In tlio City of Hro.en How \vlthout hating ilist paid sulil license tax and procured said cortltlrnln as herein provided Section -Thu < attl tax nlmll bo by thu said city trrisiirer accrudlted to a special fund which ) hrrrby creaud and to bo known as a "Klro Dnvnilmuut Kilinl , " mid thu money so piid mil accredited rlmll ho , by the city tren urer pahl ont jnh tin warrauta dravt'u ny tlio nnij'ur ami tlio city cluik when ordderud by Chu rlty council of laid city , upon orders or bills authorlr.oin > jr the puitdnntor vlcn-presldeni of the lliiiucn llow r'lro Uepatluient duly countersigned by Its secretary /intl by no other ) > crspu or persons whomsoever section 6 Any lire Insurance corporation , cuuipaii ) , , ir aixulatlou , or any iiornoii or per sons ou their belnilf us agents or othcrwlso tlm/ / shall wrllotlte liiMinincu In said city without payliu'until ilrintu ns liuruln provided shall up on cunvlrtiun tnmeot , be fliieti Ui uii ) ' sum not li' < tlinii Jen doll irn nor more than ouu hundrud do Inrs for eacli oiTuiiHu. Sectli u 0-11iat all ortlfkniiccs and parttt of ordinances tu conlltct hurevWth , are liercb/re- poalt'tl This ordUmuru shall tw lu force and offot from and after Its pub U'ntlou 1'asved amlappioved lulu -Till day of Mircb , IVOI , A Myno.vh , Acting Mayor. Attest : A It. llUMl'iiliUY , City Cluni , 1'ro-toiii , Notice of Keniirtl. A lowni'd ut 5.00sill bo given for information leading to eonvio- tion of any ono tampering or mod- luig with iuiy line , or shooting in- Hiilators or doing any tlnmaye niton , tionully on any line belonging to tlie Hroken Bow Polo lumo Kxohango. Warning IH hereby given that any porHons so ollending will bo prosu- uuted ( o thu full extent of tbo law. cN How TitLicrnoNic Excii. lrlHUH lf r l.cltcrn .vliunt A round trip ticket I rota any Burlington Rout station in No- brahlca to Yellowsloue Park and n complete trip tbrougli the Park is one of twenty pmes offered by tbo Burlington Route for the best letters about Nebraska. Oilier prizes arc ; Trips to Colorado tbu Black Hills , Chicago , and St. Louis. There are also rovoral cash prizes. Tbo Burlington offers these prizes for letters that will encourage im migration to Nebraska * Letters descriptive of Micoehsful farming , cattle raifing , dairying , fruit growing - ing , and similar pursuits aru avail able for the purpose in view , The oonleHt "loHOH May III , 1001. GiroularH giving lull unforiiiiiUou will bo m ail M ! on nqiicrit. ,1. Francis , Qeiier.il PasHongor A mint , Oiuvlii : ; , Nebi HCOIITH lu Cell * ilucl CiilveH , For H you \n o .lf or eolt frotn a tiny to u innntli old tflvo one leaaponiiful of ClMinberlalu'H Colic , Uholoiu tainl Dlar- , J 'hocu Reini'dy in half u Kill of wntur an s u tlreneli tiller caeli opi'rnlinii of thu wj bowolo tnnre than iintiirul ; usually OHM - done IH uulilelout. Kur older ntiitnalH It may he given In ( eetl ThoiiHanils of VHltinble anlniiilH are nav < Ml by It eaeb your. This rornedy IB itist wbat > du Hbould lake yotirHHlt wiion trmiblcd with Dlarrltooa. For sale by ,1.0. llnoberle. April ! , lin wl'y BIIITor i'al" uml uol111 CANCliRS | from cancer ? U1\LU DH.T. O'CONNOIl cnr i cancers , tiimora and wens ; no kulfo , blood or plaster Addresi I.'IOG t ) , trcet , Lincoln , Nebr. ( Mci.tlon this pnpnr. ) Jan : P-It ) Ilurlliiictoii It outc , # 25 to California I bliriiury ut , it > 26 Aturcli 5 , us , it ) , t.ft April Jt , y , i < i , [ .f , it Lowecttrnte in vtfUH. ApplioH to San I'V-nioiHoo , LOH AngeleH , Saonnuonto , San .lone and pretty naarly every other importent point Californiix. Through tourim Hleepurn on all the above datoH gel nl ard nt any Htation iu I < IebraHka at whioli train stops ; get oil at Los Angoli-s , Sett nearest Burlinuton ticket agent , or write J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nob. itcuiucly for MIn'iiiui > tlHin. ( Julok Relief Krom Piiln. All wh UBO ChanibL'rla'ii'B 1'Aln Halnj foi rtiHiiiiHilMn nre diibghtnl with the iiuick r llif ! from pal : > winch It ufforda. When Hpoaklfig ol this Mr. I ) N timka , jf Troy. Ohio , says ; S nno IIUH | a > o I hud it Eevcre attacl ot riitiuiiiitisti ) in my arm uml Hholdor , 1 tried luinu'rouri tnt'dit'H hut I iff until I n got no n W H rt'cntnwentied by MUSBHH Ooo. K Parsons it Co . ( IrimKisw of tin * place , to try ( Hmmburlniu's Pain Halm. They rco- omnio'tdeil it HO highly that I buitfht a bnttie. I was HOOII rcili'Vcd ot allpnlu. I havi ) Bini'o rt'CoiumiMidod thu llnlmunt to tiiuiiy of my friends , wiio a reu with me that it l thu but > t romi'ily for mtiR- uiiliir rboumiitiain In 'Im ' murkut , " Foi ale by J. O JJni'burlo. $500.00 KOK LETTIiKS AIJOUT NUUFtASKA. The Hiirliii tdii Jtoutu offortt twenty prlzi'H , a KreKiitinp9300 ; for lutten which can bf Used in eiicuuragiu immlgratleu to Ncbraukfi Tlie HrHt prlzon \ n round trip ticket from any Hurlnintoii Hotite station In Nebraska to Vcllowattntu Park , and u complute trip through the park. Includ ing HU H tranHpiirtatlou And live and a Hall days' uccomodntlon at thu hotels of tln > Yellowstone Park Association value 8100 The si'coiid prize in a ticket to Denver tntince to thi ) lilauk HlIU , uml 82C m cash vauio $75. Particulars can bo obtained by address- IngJ. Fruucls , G. P. A. , Uurllugtora Route , Omaha , Nebr ,