Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 11, 1901, Image 3

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IBrltUh Informed 'Unit UOUM Will
to I Inlsli.
LONDON , April 8. Lord Kitchener
has informed tlic war olllce that eigh
teen volunteer companies , freed by rc-
HcfR , arc coming home and that ar
rangements are In progress for the
Rp'cdy ' relief of further companies.
He thus appears to ho endeavoring lo
uicot the demand that fresh troops he
tent to the front to replace the state
The Victoria correspondent of the
Momlng I'ost , who warns Ills country *
men against hoping for tin early tor-
uilnatlon of huitllitlcs , or believing
the stories that the Boers rtre tired of
nar says :
"It UecoiiK-s daily more evident that
the Boers Intend to light to a finish.
Many are Mirrendering , hut they are
men of no standing. The real light
ing men are still on commando : and
ilthough the recently successful Brit
ish operations tend to bring the end
Bearer , it is evident that the Boers
must ho completely crushed before a
general surrender is probable. "
It is reported from Brussels that act-
Presldcnt Sohalkerburger has re
moved the seat of government to Ley-
According to a dispatch to the
Daily Mall from Hllverstim , Mr. Krug-
r.VHI his lust , nrrivprl there , hns ex-
pressed an intention to the United
States in June to visit Washington ,
Boston and Chicago. " " .It is dolinltcly
ksccrlaincd , " says a dispatch to to the
Times from KroondsUult , dated Satur
day , "that Generals Dowet and Botha
wet at Vreyd. "
I I'lnjioror Itan Fcnr * .
RnuriN , Aprils. Careful Invostlga-
jtation at Potsdam today regarding the
circumstances in which Emieror | Wil
liam delivered his latest military ad-
flress developed the informal ion that ,
fluring a levicvv lash Tuesdny of a
number of rnilltarv bodies belonging
to the Potsdam garrison , Including the
First regiment of foot guards , extra
ordinary precautions were taken to
prevent any representative of the
press or other civilian obtaining his
majesty's remarks , which were uttered
In the lustgartcn adjoining the royal
e.istle. From persons who were pres
ent It was learned that the kaiser
Ipoke substantially as follows :
"A hand from ont of the people was
recently raised against me to my In
tense sorrow. Evidently serious trou
bles are coming which will try our
tactile. I know that the army is true
$ o Its traditions and to the solemn
ath it lias taken. I know It will re
main steadfast am faithful to me. My
conviction is especially strong regard
ing the guards , and regarding this
regiment now present , which Is tied
to the. Hohen/.ollerns by Indissoluble
bonds , as the past lias shown during
Che-troublous time's abioad and even
during the revolutionary times at
"The authority of the crown must
be maintained at all bar/ards. Woo
to the soldier who listens to the voice
of tlie tempter.
Orders seem to have been given by
the Prussian minister of tlie interior
to suppress all public mention of quo
tations from the emperor's speech.
At Strum , near Essen , during a recent
meeting called to protest against an
Increase of the corn tolls , the police
dissolved the assemblage , when a
Speaker cited a sentanee from his
majesty's speech lo the Emperor Alex
ander grenadier regiment at ills first
appearance on horseback after the at
tack upon him at Bremen.
The papers mention similar in
stances elsewhere.
All Kyrs on UiisMn.
WASHINGTON , April 8. The admin
istration is perplexed over a cable dis
patch received yesterday from Mr.
6quires , now in charge of the Ameri
can legation in IVkin. This dispatch
according to a publication said : "Rus
sian minister refuses to receive otllolal
communication from Chinese com
missioners , " which carried the Infer
ence that diplomatic relations be
tween the two countries interesled
would be broken off. The olllfials are
very reticent about the matter and
Decline to : ifllrm or deny whether it is
correctly stated. They will go so far
as to admit the receipt of a dispatch
whose purport was not clearly under-
Otood for which reason It was not
given to the press for publication. An
other cablegram which readied here
today from Mr. Ilockhill the snecial
( commissioner , engaged in conducting
| the peace negotations. make no re
ference to the alleged refusal of tlio
{ Russians to receive olllcial communi
cations from the Chinese
Jolntlht wiAcquitted. .
SAUNA , Kas. , April 8. The first
trial of a jointlst under tlie new ITur-
rell law , parsed by last legislature ,
which makes It a misdemeanor to be
[ found in possession of spirituous li
quors , resulted in no verdict , here last
night , and Hie jury was discharged.
It was the case of Henry Stevens and ,
wife , whose place was raided by the
sheriff recently.
llnr ClKiiri-ttm In Will.
LKAD , S I ) . , April 8. George Bret-
ttell , the old timer who died In tills
city tills week , left considerable prop
erty In his will. To his two grand 1
children IK leftSiO per mouth unlll
their eighteenth year , when they aic
to receive $ L',000 each. To his son , he
left $10 per month tor five years and
at that lime , providing the son had
quit the. cigarette habit , he Is to re
I celve $2,000. A fnime building wo *
.willed to the Odd I/ellows.
I )
( VIII not YU-ld Mniicciirln Prefer *
VrtrmlMilp of Oilier I'ouom to tlio
llrnr I.I Hung Cluing * uy the UUIinu *
tuiii Srltlr * It for Good.
PIJKIN , April 4. The Chinese gov-
"rnment lias formally notlllcd Russia
'hat China , owltm to the attitude of
lie powers , Is not able to sign the
nanchurlau convention.
It is China's desire , " said the for-
nal notification , "to keep on friendly
'onus ' with nil nations. At present
'he Is gohiir through a period which Is
he most perilous In the empires his-
imy and It is necessary thatsheshould
have the friendship of all. However
much sin1 mlirht be willing to grant
tnv special privilege to one power ,
hen dthers ohjeot , It Is impossible
Mat , for the sake of making one na-
Ion mote friendly , she should alienate
t/he. sympathies of all otheis. "
LI Hung Chang says this letter set-
lies the matter dcllnitely and that
Iliissla was formally notified to the
< amo effect March 29. Prince Chlng
inserts that every Chinaman , except
Li Hung Chang , was against signing
the conv 'iition.
PKKIN April4. As soon as the gen-
jrals of the powers notify the minis
ters as to what disposition Is desired
) f a i tides 8 and Oof the protocol everything -
thing will be concluded , except the
indemnities , the only claims not ready
Doing I lie British , German and Japan-
'so. The Germans say they can be
ready in two days and the Japanese
i-scrt that they can bo ready at a
Moment's warnlne. Private claims ,
aowcver , can be filed until May 14. A
majority of ihe ministers are in favor
) t' making a general claim as soon as
true German claims are in , making al-
.owanccs for a few thousands for fu
ture claims , although It is believed all
private claims are now Hied.
LI Hung Chang and Prince Chlng
lave sent to the court for approval a
Ust of names presented by the minis
ters of the powers for punishment.
I'he death Use has been reduced to
tour names for degradation and to
3lnely-ono for loss of olllce. No oh-
lection is looked for , as the men are
) Iv pro ulnent In local communities.
CANTON , April 4. It Is reported
aero that the viceroy has received a
telegram from the court to the effect
ihau a peaceful settlement of a Hairs is
'mposslble. ' The viceroy is described
is much disturbed by tills coramuni-
Seen NIMT 1.
MANILA , April 4. Chief Justice Ar-
'elano , who administered to Agulnal-
lo the oath of allegiance , described
yesterday to a repiesentative of the
Associated press the conditions Icad-
In.r nn to niirl : > nrilnir the.r.nrnmonv.
which was semi-private. Aguinaldo ,
siill detained in an apartment of the
Malacanan palace and awaiting orders
from Washington , had expressed him-
jelf as anxious to learn more regard-
i Ing the American system of govern-
rnent , and had asked Chief Justice
Arreiano to enlighten him. The Chief
( iistlce carefully explained Hie various
measures passed by the Philippine
jommission , h ailed by Judue Taft ,
and showed him what provisions were
made for education and piogiess and
for municipal and provincial selt'gov- ,
Llsteniiu witli deep Interest Aguln
nldo linally exclaimed :
"I believed '
never the Americans
would be so fair and liberal. " I I
Before the conversation had ended he
had agreed to take the oath of alle-
glance and this was immediately ad-'w '
uilnlstered. Senor Arrel.ino savs : ' i
' 'Aguinaldo's action will induce all
the insurgents lo surrender , and 1 pre- .
diet that the islands will be completely - !
ly pacified by June. Aguinaldo is
eager to visit the United Mates , hut
when 1 questioned him on the subject
of holding office , ho replied that lie
hnd no desire In that direction , and
Intended to retire to private life after
a trip to America. " I
It is reported hero that President
McKinley lias Invited Auulnaldo to
vi-it the United States , and that the
former insurgent leader may sail from
Manila April 15. General MacArthur ,
when questioned regarding the rumor ,
said he had absolutely nothing to com *
Drclnren Tlipy ur > t'tiratrd.
ST. PAUL , April 4. Red Blanket ot
Leech Lake , chief of the Bear Island j
Clnppewos antl principal chief of the ' ' ,
CV'ppewas ' tribe , accompanied hy a
Biibsiitute chief , Man-Che-irah Bow ,
( man Who Moves Sutndlnuand ) an In-
terpretcr , appeared before Governor
Van Sant to protest against the man-
tier In which , as Red Blanket asset led ,
the Chippewas are being detraudcd by
timber cutters on the reservation. i ,
Red Blanket also said thai allliougli
the Indians have heen alloted land in
severally , many of ihe men do not
know where their allotments are siiu <
ated and cannot tind out
CorninnndtT Tllley Coining.
WASIIINOTON , April i Orders
have been sent to the navy depart
ment for Commander Beniamln F Til-
ley. the naval commandant of the
naval section at Tuiiuiia , Samoa , to
come to \ \ abhlnirton Commander Til I ,
lev has been anxious for some timf lo
confer wiih the assisiani secreury ol , j
the navy In regard to the needs ol hit
station , and this order will give hire
the opportunity , as wed aa a chaoci
'to ' visit his family.
JUy llrcnk Cnnrcrt of rower * In
LONDON , April fi. "Tho Italian
minister In Pckln wires , " says the
Jlomo correspondent of tlio Dally
Mall "that M. do
, Giors has threat
ened that Russia will leave the conc -
c n If tlie powers continue to oppose
the Manc.hurlan convention. "
The Renter company has tlio follow
ing from Pekln , April 4 :
"China's rejection of the Manohur-
Ian convention appears to bo of a rath
er temporizing nature , leaving the mat
ter still open to future discussion.
"By the end of May , " says the Mos-
row correspondent of the Daily GraphIc -
Ic , "tho Russian army In Manchuria
will number 300,000 , men. It is under
stood that the Russlar minister of
war General Kouropatkln , reckons
upon the posslbilltv of having to dis
patch an army corps southward Into
1C irea. "
Tlio Dally Chronicle publishes the
following dispatch from Berlin :
"Count von Waldorseo lias sent an
urgent telQirram to Emperor William
I iplorlng him to endeavor to hasten
the negotiations for tlio withdrawal
) f the allied troops on the ground that
it is impossible to prevent quarrels be
tween soldiers of the different nation-
UI tics , which might at any moment
lead to serious trouble. "
PAIUS , April 5. An olllolal of the
foreign ofiloe Informed a representative
) f the Associated jrcss that the sensa
tion which was being created by the
leparture of the Russian warships
from Toulon Is quite artificial. It was
never intended that I lite whole Russian
iquadron should remain there during
the Franco-Italian festivities , ns It
recognized that the presence of a third
party would tend to check" the expan
sion of feeling , while at the same tlmo
Ir. might Invest the events at Toulon ,
the minds of others , with a triple po
litical character which they do not
DOSSCS. The e/.ar wishes , nevertheless ,
fiat the Russian navy should greet
President Loubct at Toulon and It will
tie represented by at least two war-
lp1 ! , which'will stay there during tlie
festivities , in wh ch their oflicers will
Compote With Uncle Sam.
OMAHA , Nob. , April 4. Tlio roven-
flsof the Omaha pustoftlco arc tlicat-
itied by a messenger company which
; uno In from Denver a few days ago
i id opened an ofllco on Thirteenth
Tlio new conce rn threatens to beat
the government in competition In the
handling of local mall. A number ot
messengers go over the routes of the
mall carriers in the thickly settled
part of the city and deliver letters
l ( dressed to local individuals and
firms for one-half the price charged
by the government for the same ser
At first filer lit It would not appear
that much money was to he made in
delivering letters in tlie city for 1 cent
each , and messenger companies have
hid a minimum price of 10 cents for
the same service. At tills rate tlie
postolllce received tlie larger part of
I | the letters written to peopleof Omaha
' by residents of tills city , but since
the new company has entered the
field there has been a considerable
falling off in the revenues from this
ton ice.
It is understood tliat the company is
one of a system which is to be estab-
llslied In the principal cities of the
United States for the purpose of competing -
peting wiih the government/ all
ihsl-class matter. The company conj
tracts with some express agency to 1
transmit packages at special rates and
receives at one ofllce a number of let-
tcrs to be delivered to people residing
In [ , another city. The rate charged
will be from one-half of 1 cent to 1
'cent ( less than that charged by iho '
g vermnent , and a wider langeasio 1
.weight . will be permitted , thus giving
, an advantage in bulb !
paLIOIIS partcu-
lars. { ! .J That there is money in Hie 1
business at wliat tlie government is 1
charging ] is admitted by tlio postofllce
ollcials at Omaha , but they say that
under existing circumstances tlie rate
cmnotbe luneied. The Omaha otll-
cl ils have taken the matter up with
theotlioials , . at Washington and be
lieve that the company can be res
trained from entering Into competi
tion with the government In this
Hotiom Loot Hank.
CIIADHON , O. , A prll it. A. gang of
half a dozen lohbers early yesterday
blew open the safe of the Citizens' ;
Sating bank herejindafteradespeiato
iUhtwiih j Night Watchman Pomeroy
'and a cltl/.en succeeded in making
their ' escape. It is believed the rol > -
bersBccincd ' less than WOO. The night
watchman discoveted them atork
. in ) tlie bank. Ilevsas secured , bound
and gaged , but not until lie had shot '
oneot ' thcburglaiH. 1'r. Hadson , who
lives 1 near the bank , wo * aroused by
the l noise and came to the scene. e'
was < also siezed and tied hand andifoot.
It required three big changes jj
dynamite to blow tlie safe dour off.
Not Invited to United Stutei.
WASHINGTON , Ajiril 4. Tlio presl I
dent and Secretary Hay were in con- :
fere nee for almost an hour tills morn-
Inif. Tlio subject of the consul tat Ion
was not disclosed , although It wassur *
mlsed that it related to the Chinese
Secretary Root pronounced the sto
ries iliat Aguinaldo bad been Invited
to cpme or that lie was coming to th <
United States in the immediate futurf
to be i
f Orrnt Sjratttmi Vropo * I
I'lnn to Ilnvo SliiKtu C < nii | > iniy Con-
tnil StorRnn Chief rroiuolor 8U- |
Alrcaily Takon.
A prllo. Reports tliat
huge ntlhoad combinations are In pro
cess of formation were widely circulat
ed here today. Detailed statements
| | Cunccrnlnir tlio plan already published ,
looking , to the combination of all the
Jgrent railro'id systems of the United
States under the control of ono com
pany , wera given , but as a general
tiling prominent railroad olllcials and
bankers declined to discuss the matter.
According to all accounts the enterprise -
prise involves the greatest combina
tion of capital known In the history of
finance. It was said the company
\ > ould bo formed under the UIWH of |
New Jersey for the purpose of conduct
ing a general freight and transporta
tion business throughout the United
States , that the company would hold
a controlling interest in all the great
systems , and the management of tlio
road would be vested in the control
ling conipany. According to tlio prop
osition f > ii h would nrcservo its Ident
ity and corporate existence , but the I
' new company would control thcafTalrs
of all. By this policy , It was claimed ,
large sums of money could be saved as i '
a result of economies In maimgemu
and the stoppage of rate-cutting.
Tlio names of men like .1. P. MorE |
gan , William 1C. Vauderbilt. Jamas J.'c '
Hill , Edward II. llarriman , George J.
Gould , John D. Rockefeller , Jacob H. r.r.
Scliilland James SMllman were freely
usc'l. ' One report stated that the .
Btep In the proposed plan would be the [ |
securing of control of the stocks of the '
Chicago , Burlington & Cjulncy , the '
Erie , the Great isorthern and North
ern I'acillc and that provision would (
bo nude for tlio acquisition of oilier ,
proportion In the I m media to future. I
Discussing the reported amalgama
tion tlio New York Press will say to
morrow :
"All that Is aimed at , according to
the best authority obtainable , is a
community of interests. The close
amalgamation of a community of in ! |
terest basis was lirst brought about
through the efforts of J. Picrpont
Morgan. As a result of this un
ion of IntcrcHi ruinous rate wars are
alieady at an end , not so many hlvjh-
priccd ofllclals arc needed as before , ,
and one can buy a ticket , on anvtrui.k
line in almost any one of the largo of
fices in tiie cities. However , that a
single company will bo formed 'under
the JS'ew Jersey laws to take over all j
tlio railroads of the country is not
consldctcd seriously by well informed
railway men. "
' Dispatches received In this city last
nlgut from Cincinnati stated that a
gigantic amalgamation of railways
under ihe guiding liand of J. P. Mor
gan had alieady taken place. Tl.o
roads mentioned were the Southern
railway , tlie Cincinnati , Hamilton &
Dayton , the Chicago , Jiidianapolls So
Louisville and the Cincinnati Southlc
cm. Relative to this particular icut
I port Gen. xiinuel Thomas , president' '
of the Chicago , Indianapolis Ss Louisville -
ville , last night said : | I
j ' I "At the pic.sent time there is little
to say about Uio deal. 1 believe the
report that coiuo- from Cinciniiali ,
however j , is a. little bit , piematurc. I
don't ; believe the amalgamation I as
been ell'ucled as yet. It is true that
steps are under consideiallon looKii g
towaid t a combination of the ro. os
mentioned. 1 think it will be clieetid ,
for j all of the Inieiests are favoiablc to
j It can scarcely bo called an
amalgamation under the scheme that
j Ik under consideration , it Is merely a
centralisation of power looking it-
Uids | the best interests of tlie various
roads. "
Ornllllcn London
LONDON , April 0. Tlie Saturday
Ruviijw , still smarting under tlie sting
of what it calls "Cleveland's Inso cut i
message , ' discuses the American-
Nene/uiilan relations and says : -
" \Vtj have little sympathy for ti'O 1
Venezuelan Koverninont , but have ho i
dee pent sympaihy witli any attempt to
arrest thu wholcsalo application of
Monroflhtn , that is practiced in tlio >
United Suites. It menace * the legilij
mate development ol European connh
tries , and wo have tcasoii to know It i
excltu.s the apprehnJilon in
governing ciiclcs In Gerinaiiy. Jnany
case , the irony of the political Nemesis
was rarely more iluliglitiuily appurc , t t
than under the conditiwi of t
allalrs , and we await developments
wlHi uo less amuseiiicnf than interc
efct. "
Fight Six rant Itoumli.
MILWAUKICICVls. . , April 0. Otto
tfSleloll and Perry Quenan fought six
fiust rounds to a draw before the Mil
waukee boxing club last night.
Keurrh Not In Vnlii.
CIUCAOO , April 0. After traveling
through England , America and the
European continent for twenty-live
years tlio famous Gainsborough por-
trait of the Duchess of Devonshlie * ,
which was stolen from the art gallery
of the Agne-s brothers in London , May
10 , 1870 , Is reporle'i ' to have been re- '
turned to Its owners. The panning la
valued at $ < r > 0,000. , A Chicago deieo-
live agency claims to have been In- '
BtrumenUU la recovering the picture ) .
Agulnnlilo Btronrx AllpRlnnoa to United
I WASHINGTON , Apr. 3. Tlie war de
partment yesterday received Informa
tion from General MacArthur that
Aguinaldo has taken the oath of al
legiance to the United Slates under
the terms of amnesty offered by Gen-
I oral MaoArthur by direction of the
'president. The dispatch conveying
this infojinatlnii contained much moro
than was given out. The portion with
held related to the future disposition
' of Aguinaldo , and tnado suggestions
ns to what the late chief of the Insur-
rectlon might accomplish. No ofllolal
statement could be obtained as to
what linally would bo done with the
prisoner , but It was emphatically
suited tliat ho would bo held for the
present , but would bo granted all pos
sible immunity consistent with exist
ing conditions.
General MncArthur has hopes that
a great deal may bo accomplished
through Aguinaldo. During the time
quite a favorable impression upon
General MacArthur.
Secretary Root has Just made pub
lic tlie following cablegram , received
at the war department this morning
at 8 o'clock :
MANILA. Adjutant General , Wash
ington I : Since arrival at Manila Aguin
aldo has been at Malacanan , Investl-
gating conditions In archipelago. He
has relied almost entirely upon the in
structive advice of Chief Justice
Arellano , As a result today ho sub-
Berthed and swore to the declaration
on page eleven of my annual report.
, Vi-to.
LINCOLN , April 3. Governor Diet
rich yesterday changed his mind in
regard to the supreme court eommls
slon appropriation Incorporated In tlio
salaries' bill and signed the bill without 1-
out vetoing this provision. He also
changed h s mind In regard to so me of
rthe apt roprlatlons for help In the
office of the clerk of the supreme court
an I the library and court reporter's
on cc. The solution of the question
raised by the first prepared message In
regard to these Items , striking them
lout entirety , was regarded as most
happy hy all who heard It last night.
Tlie governor received many express-
I ms of congratulation. I
The governor announced lost night
also after ho had cleared up all tlie
bills from his olllco and sent ( them to
the secretary of state that ho and
Lieutenant Governor Savogo had ar-
rived at an agreement whereby the
governor will resign and the llouten-
ant governor will be free to assume the
otllce of governor as soon after April
If. r.u Mr Knviitrn tniv deslroMr. .
Savnge was not In Lincoln last night
to say when he will take the olllce but
Judging from previous expressions ho
will not delay the change much later
than tlio date announced by Governor
Knrr * n I.ondod Gun.
ST. Louis , Mo. , April 3. Mrs. Carrie
Nation of Kansas spent another hour
and : a half In St. Louis yesterday and
left In distrust at tlio things site saw
and the treatment she received.
These things will be different some
day ; , " she declared. "Look out for
me after I get from under bond in
Kansas. "I'll close these hell holes If
I have to come back and smash every
one of them. "
She arrived from Indianapolis over
the Big Kour yesterday morning and
left ' later for Kansas City over the
Wabosh. She.'sald ' she was going homu
to attend tlio cases that are pending
l ore agilust her. She says she will
never lecture for money any moro , as
she ' did In Cincinnati. The lectures
did ' not pay and bho Is glad they did
not , and adds :
"I'll keep on talking and working.
Maybe I'll smash. I expert I will. But
I won't uo on the lecture platform.
No , no ; I don't think that. "
Mrs. Nation's first act on arriving In
the city was to knock a cigar from tlio
mouth of a man who permitted Ktnokn
to blow In her face. Her last act , as
she was boarding her train , was to
give an American beauty rose to a
man named ICngleharl , from Chicago ,
who hud two blackened eyes. She
told him she would pray for him that
he \ ] mluhl lead a bettor lifo.
Between the cigar and rose Incidents
Mrs. Nation a to a breakfast of rolls ,
sausairo and coffee In the second class
waiting room , visiUid two Market
street salKns ( , engau-ed in heated ar-
guuiRiits will ) the bar lenders and was
finally t forced from tlie Nation saloon ,
which B > u ; visited on her previous
pasNago ( through St. Louis , at the
point \ or a loaded revolver In the hands
of the proprietor , Joseph Saucrborgcr.
IIIC Cntoh ofKi-nU.
ST. JOIINH , N. P. , April 3. The
steamer Ranger with 30,000 seals and
. ,
the steamer Labrador with 20,000 seals
arrived here yesterday.
OiiTrrnor A Urn to Kxilgn.
. 'NiewYoitK.Aprll.'l. A special to tlie
World from Washington says :
Charles II. Allen , governor of Porto
Rico , who left San Juan for Washington -
ton j , Is expected to tender his rcslguo- \
tlon , HIHIM after reaching here.
Mr. Allen will retire voluntarily.
When lie accepted the post , which ho
did ( reluctanllv and only at tlie earn-
cHt ( , Holicluiion of the president , he
promised to remain there but a
year. I
Sutton is talking of building M
electric light plant.
Omaha Is acquiring a fund by aut >
scrlptlon to build an auditorium. ' -J
It Is claimed that the Humboltor
chestra Is the finest In Southern Ne
braska. .
Coal has been discovered within th
ilty limits of Beatrice , and the liad
will be developed.
Fifty thousand dollars will bo ex
, panded in Improvements to the starch
factory at Nebraska City.
"Our Promoted Brother" Is the
style of head used over un obituary
notice in the Crcston Statesman.
Indications point toward a bulldlsg
boom in Alliance this spring. Heal
estate hns been changing hands ua- v
usually brisk all winter.
Hagucwood , tlio Crawford man ac
cused of murdering "Llltlo Bat , ' , U
11 Indian scout , at that place last fall ,
has been set free.
The Church of Christ will erect
church building at Louisville thia
coming summer.
Taylor , the Hall county sheep man ,
has made arrangements to graze 20,001 '
head of sheep In Lincoln and Perklni \
countlch \
Governor Dletnct. hjj leased one ot
his large brick bullHngs at Hasting *
to the government for ten years. It
will be used lor a posionlce building.
The Pioneer Townslto company la
platting an addition to the town of
llowclls and the lots will bo put on
the market this spring.
Robbers entered the uostofllco &
Plciifionton the other night and car
ried olT $180 In cash. Bloodhounds
have been placed on their track.
The cremated remains of Captain
L W. Marshall , who died at Los An *
jelcs about a month ago , were shipped
( o his old homo at Plattsmouth thl *
Kzra Whlttaker , a farrr. hand , resid
ing at Weeping Water , fell Into a for-
ly-foot well , but aside from scratch
ing his shoulder and getting his feet
wet , he was not hurt.
0. J. Brown , a young man who baa
been board ing at a hotel In Syracuse ,
left his board and lodging , leaving behind -
hind only an empty urlp and an un
paid board bill as a token of remetub *
Never In the history of Browr *
; ounty has there been such a demand
for land as during the whiter just cloa-
'ng. Thousands of acres have bees )
bought up hy eastern parties , wlio
want It to speculate on.
The Masons of North Platte an
getting reatly to erect a two-story
l.rlck building , 50x110 feet. The first
story will bo rented for business pur
poses and the second used for lodgt
The big ditch which drains a largo
quantity of valuable land In Dakota
county , which would otherwise b
worthless , Is to be extended at a cost
of $10,0 0. It Is expected to rondci
7,000 < acres more hind tillable.
The voters of Spring Creek township
Thayer county , will decide onAnrl
15 whether they will Issue $4,000 worth
of ftinlng bonds to take up the re
mainder of an old Issue of $10,000
originally given to aid a railroad.
Mrs. Mary B. Knox , living neai
Rlchland , In Platte county , tires ol
the labors of this world and tries U
escape Into the unknown by th nul <
pii ' route , but is prevented by tin
application i of the doctor's stomach
Throe Rutherford brothers at Bea
trice have been neil lied that they an
heirs to a $00,000,000 property In Nefl
York city. The property Is located la
the heart of the city and IheestaU
will bo divided among seventy-Mv *
Walter Orlm , a groom of thrw
month * , who was working on a farrq
near Nehawka , put on two Bulls oi
clolhes iincl left for parts unknown to
his wife or anybody else In Unit neigh
borhood. It Is now claimed that thl
young fellow's real name was Graham ,
and that he hns a record In Iowa that
was haunting him. A hot reccptioi
Is promised him If he shows up at Ke >
bawl a again.
Reports from the range country fa
western part of tlie state indicate that
much less damage lo tlie live stocli
was done by the recent storms that
had been ex peeled. The losses amonj
cattle were comparatively Insignifi
cant , though the .sheepmen did not
fare so well. Only one or two lr
stances are reported , however , whew
evi-n tlie loss of sheep was heavy. Tin
worst feature of thesiorm to * 1
men was the drifting of cattle when
they wore on free range and It wll
require considerable time to gathoi
up the stragglers. The range needed
the moisture and Is now In the ver )
brsi ot condition There has nevcj
been a spring when the prospect * ol
early pasture were better. Taken al
together the storm did vastly moti
peed than harm , even in the rongi
R. A Douglas of North Platte wa
. 'ibtd of a wallet during his recent
trip to Chicago. The wallet contained.
J70 in money and some valuable pa
pers The thief returned the wallop
to the postmaster of Chicago , aftej
abstracting the The otllclat toe
warden the papers and wallet to ME
A new brick building , in which then
Is to be a new bank , is being erected
at Belgrade. Another sign of Bel
grades' * prosperity and wealth. *