Custer County Republican > . Jtl. AMSIlKltHV , Killtnr nnd 1'nbllnlior N JIOW , NKIIIUSK.V Multifarious ghost stories should not be taken to Indicate the spirit of the times. Edward VII. Is said to like his Job. But work hiird as he may , there I.H no chance for promotion. Mr. Carnegie will flnd several per ron * Just as ready to net-opt $1,000,000 * month as ho is to give It nwny. Morgan and Rockefeller are watchIng - Ing Tcsla's efforts to communicate with Mara closely. They wnnt that planet. A dead body kept In a perfect condi tion in Hungary fifty-six yenrs , but thia affords polltlml "dead ones" no hope. With the experienced Mrs. Nation's rork excites no wonder. Most mar- fled men have long known what one determined woman can do. Things hnve come to that pass with the slugger the country over , that In- ttcad of putting up his hands an usual he's throwing them up In disgust. A now ruler of Great Hrltaln always has one big nd vantage. It In not JUT- wanry for him to hide from people who want to get appointed .is postmasters. A Wisconsin Judge IIIIH ruled that ex- ecBslvo smoking of cigarettes Is ground for divorce. The festive "eollln-iuill" ocms to have no friends only ( lends. Nell Grow thinks that the United fttates will have the distinction of be ing the last morsel to be eaten by the IrtURRlan bear. Ills prophecy Is sulll- ter deutly In advance , but what's the use j f getting beaten on a sensation like this ? The publisher of Hurko's Peerage ays he receives orders for more copies of the work from America nnd receives more Inquiries from this country about questions of precedence than from nil the rest of the world. SI 111 , wo must Insist that them Is n fair percentage of people In this country who are not nobs. It Is n question whether In a big criminal case the evidence of medical Experts , directly contradictory of each other , docs anything nt all to aid Jus tice or toward elucidating the case in the minds of the Jurors. It Is not edi fying to hear two men whose assumed devotion to their profession and to the wcnfic of jnstlce should raise them bovc the level of the average witness testifying solemnly to diametrically opposite and absolutely Irreconcilable tntcmcnts nnd deductions. v The masters of Kngllsh are not afraid to UKO homely words whose expressive ness more than offsets their plainness. , Thus Lord Itosebery declares that 'England , In order to withstand inter national competition , must educate her ( youth , and he suggest sending "batches" of young men abroad to learn the best her rivals know. That lionest word batch would have been Tossed ever by a speaker less sure of ! hls English , when speaking of an ag gregation of Individuals. In the use of language there is a happy medium be tween overfastIdloitMic s , which weak ens one's Htyle , nnil oul-anil-oiit slang , which wrecks It completely. , Recent bank embezzlements have M-t ofllcors of timinelal InstltntloiiK on the kcarch for some method of trusted employes from fnnd.s , A Haltlmore bank thinks II fens discovered a successful plan. 11 I * * secret method , and , of course , the details are not made public , but H ha- becn successfully tried. An examina tion has Just been concl'id-Ml whk-h WIH conducted with so much secrecy that not even the mo l trusted employes of bank knew thai It was in progn s-i. two weeks were occupied In It. An examination wh ! 'h can $ H made without the knowledge of the tajru who handle the cash and th- books ought to be an excellent < afc- Uuard , especially If cashier * who might Joe tempted to ssteai are aware their b6oks ami their cash are likely < o be serutlnl/.ed at any momont. The president of the Haltlmore Institution adds tills satisfactory stntcmciit : "I'ti- rtcr the system which \\e hav adopted long continued niaiitpidatlon of books nnd accounts will be hupo 'lili' ' . and the conseiiuont danger of breaches of faith upon the part of employes in all tranches will be reduced to a mini mum , If not prevented entlnily. " We nre not the only tieojihtroulikMl ivltli partisan disputes over our school lilstorli'H , lOn liiinr.s common schools nro such recent atValfH that a truce on lier civil wars had been reached before there wan a chance to wrangle over { school books. Hut Kngllshiucn have i > onHoled themselves by bitter com- lilalnta about the school hlstorlen of it * ( heir nelglibora the channel. Tins recent action of the French ( Jovcrn- ment allows how a school-lilstory dls- | iutc may become almost au Interna tional complication. The British press inn ofteu complained that French rontlis were taught history from a > ook which systematically Inculcated mired of England. This book has been used In all French public schools for eighteen year * . Ita Author died , And Knottier writer employed to add a seo- ttJoa upon the event * lnc 1800. His Comment * upoa the Fuhoda affair ' 'J. . protest which many Frenchmen admit ted was perfectly jimtlflcd. AH a result of this combination of foreign and do mestic objections , the ( Jovcrninciit has withdrawn the book from I he Huhools. This Anglo-Freiicb epI.Hodc and the re- cliirocul gniinbllugH of Union and Con federate veterans over our school books Illustrate the ( llllk'iilty of writing his tory to please nurvlvorn of both parties to any great controversy. The disput ants over school histories waste their time and the public's. If mi author evi dently Intends to be fair , and especially If he keeps before himself and his read ers the rule that acts of great men must be Judged by the standards of their time , then censures of his opinion arc Idle. Time and experience will correct any errors Into which he may have tin- conselotiHly led the youthful mind. Lt Is useless to demand perfection of human nature , and the critics of the school history's opinions- distin guished from Its statements nf fact , might as well concede the futility of their censures. There arc. two mod OH of making the Mississippi river of greater value for traflle purposes than It IsJ now. One of them Is the expenditure of largo sums by the general government for the Improvement of navigation and for the maintenance of Improvements when made. The other mode Is the In troduction by private enterprise of ves sels which can be used for tralllc purl - l > 0 ! < e.s without the necessity , for exten sive and costly Improvement works. The latter mode , If feasible , Is decided ly the butter of the two. ( iovfrnment i aid never should be Invoked where prl- vate enterprise Is competent to do the work. Some St. Louis capitalists are endeavoring to tlnd out whether the whalcbaek boats , which have been a success on the great lakes , can be u.iod to advantage for freight purposes on l the .Mississippi. One of these boats , having a minimum draft of eight feet , has recently nituld a trial trip to New ( Orleans. It had a cargo of ' 15,000 bush els of wheat and corn and considerable general merchandise. Everything went smoothly on this llrst trip and the men who are Interested In the .scheme are much encouraged , They nre firm in the faith that by using vessels so con structed as to draw little water , while carrying large cargoes , the great Western - ern river will be as serviceable for tratllc purposes as It once was. The business men of New Orleans would like to see this happen , and the products - ducts of the agricultural regions of the West seeking the ocean by way of their city. If this Ht. Louis experiment stands the test of time , and It Is found prolltablc to ship Western products via the Mississippi without expending tens of millions of dollars of public money more cheaply and conveniently than they can be shipped by any other route , then the producers nnd consum ers of the products In question will be gainers. If New Orleans gets a greater share of the export trade It will be beeause thnt city Is fairly en titled to It. Two C'onvei'tH. No man , It Is said , Is a hero to his valet The association IH too Intimate. Hut a man may bo a hero to his re porter. There Is a story of two brothers , shorthand reporters , work ing on different newspapers , one of the brothers being a Uepubllcan and the other a Democrat , which affords an illustration of this truth. Tile Republican reporter was detail ed , during the recent presidential ciun- follow Mr. Hryan wherever he went , ami to lake full notes of his speeches , sending the same by wire every night to I lie paper on which he was emnloYod. T < the Democrat reporter was given a similar assignment , except that he was to accompany Governor Uoose- t velt. whose speeches he was to report L In full. After the campaign was over the two brothers met at the paternal man sion for the llrst time In many weeks , and ihfy looked rather sheepishly at caeli other. " \Vell. ( Jeorge , " said one. of the two , "after campaigning with Hryan three months I've come back a Democrat. I'm of jour politic * now. " "Not a bit of It ! " returned the other. "I've been campaigning with Itoose- velt , and I've come back a Ucpuhll- can ! " In One Word. It Is by no means necessary for a man always to enter Into an elaborate explanation , of his feelings In order to make them clear. "What's the name of the fellow who wrote the tune of that coon song we've just been favored with ? " asked one man of another al a meeting of the Amateur Composers' Club " .limes , " returned the other man. "James .lones , I believe. Frank Wai ley wrote the words. " "Ah , I was about to ask the name of .tones' accomplice , " was the rejoinder. Driest Spin on I'ayta , Peru , about live degrees south of the eipiaior , has the reputa- lon of being the driest spot on the globe. On an average a shower of rain occurs at Payta only onue In two years. Hut the Interval between show- em Is often much longer. Yet In that arid climate seven species of annual plants manage to e.\lst. and the na tives earn a livelihood by growing u species of cotton , whose long roots flnd moisture In the bed of a dried up river. This cotton Is readily marketed. Watch any man long enough and you will hear him kick about the load he la carrying. Honesty ia the beat policy , but * emu people beltovo In uiodevatlou It. all Hlloj'n J.onjcV U for J'niuo. "A friend caino to mo once , " says James Wliltcomb Illlor , in SUCCORS for February , "completely heart broken , ' Bay in ir thai bis manuscripts were con stantly returned , and that he was the mast mlsuniblo wretch alive. 1 asked him how long he had been trying ? "Three years , ' lie said. 'My dear man1 1 answered , laughing , 'go on , keep on trying till you have spent as many years at it as I did. ' 'As many us you did I" ho exclaimed. 'Yes as long as I did. " 'What ? You James Whltcombllllcy struggled for years ! ' 'Yes , sir , through years , through sleepless nights , through almost sleep less days. For twenty years ! tried to get Into one magazine ; back came my manuscripts eternally. I kept on. In the twentieth year that magazine ac cepted one of my articles. "I was not a believer in the theory that one man does a thing much eas ier than other men. Continuous , un flagging ciFort , persistence and deter mination will win. Let not the man be discouraged who has these. A WOMAN'S HEART. 5Ir . Samuel G. Dyer Tells n Hiirroir- lilt : Talc of SnflcrltiK. MeCnrron , Mich. , April 8. ( Special. ) Mrs , Samuel G. Dyer of this place lias given the following Interesting let ter for publication : "For years I suffered Intense pain In the region of the heart. I doctored with the best physicians. Some of them would relieve mo for n short time , but the pain always returned. My heart was ho bad that I would have to sit up In bed for hours , to get relief. I would ; lit1 awake almost all night. I am OU years of ngo , and no one cnn under stand how much I suffered -with this Heart Trouble. "About n year ago I lienrd of Ubdd'd Kidney Pills , and commenced to mo them. From the llrst my condition 1m- proved. The pain in my heart gradu ally grew less , and my general health much better , and now 1 can bay posl- lively that 1 ani entirely cured. I can sleep H night , nnd enjoy almost ix-r- feet health. I thank God for the cure that has come to me through the use ' of Dodd's Kidney Tills. 1 "I have thought long over the matter ' of giving this letter for publication , and nni doing so now without any so licitation whatever , and simply because I feel It to be my duty to express the 1 profound gratitude 1 feel for my re covery , nnd to let others who may bo suffering as I was know how they may flnd a cure. I know that nothing else I but Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me , beI I I cause I have taken no other medicine for over a year. 1 fed better now than I have for ninny years , nnd It Is all due ( to the.uso of Dodd's Kidney 1'llls. " i Mrs. Dyer's case nnd Its cure has at- traded a great deal of attention , nnd her letter Is a splendid tribute to the curative properties of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Know III * PI tier. "Anyhow , " remarked one of the court Hatters , "your majesty imiy I claim to be the John D. Rockefeller of your age. " "No , " responded Croesus , with proud humility. " 1 am only Mie King of Lydia , 1 am not the King of Greese" Chicago Tribune. A Month' * Tent Tree. If TOO hard DfnpcpulM , wrltn Dr. Hlioop. IUotnVli , Iloi 149. for li liottlexor Dr. 8luioi > ' lloitomtivo. lil- preiM paid. Vund no roonoy. 1'uy * 5 60 If currd. dulling Dlnli Tarty. Clarence Coonley What's yo' going to cook , Miss Munkiiurtoii' ? MissMonkington A Welsh rabbit. Clarence Coonley ( eagerly ) Would It , be askin' too much , Miss Moulting- | ton , to save de left hind foot fo' yo's ' sincerely : ' Puck. Mm. Wlnslow'H SOOTHING SYKUl1 ( or tlilljren Itrllilntr , iifloim tlio RUUU. mliicci lutUmatlun. llo > i iialiiciiieii Hind < -olln * V Imtlln ! Nearly all the kitchens of the bet ter class of residences in Sidney , A us- tralla , are on the top lloor , and the clothes are dried on the roof. Addi to flio Iniinlt. "You see now , you wretch , " Tindlo- tncly exclaimed the fair prosecuting witness , after the trial wasovcr , "that it's an expensive thing to kiss a wo man against her will. " "You are right , madam. " Bald the wretch who had just paid a $60 Hue for the offense. "It isn't worth It. " I t's n wise cook Unit knows enough to lcue well done alone. An IJniixpccU'il Guest. Mr. Iloslyn 1 guess your sister did not expect mo to call tonight Little Willie Ilempstead ( frankly ) I guesh not , too. She put Mr. Uertr whistle's photograph on the parlor mantal. Plso's Cure for Consumption is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Samuel , Ocean Grove , N. J. , Feb. 17 , 1000. The Ofllco Seolcor'n Gtx-ftt. "The loaves and fishes the office scekes Is after never changes , " "Never. The loaf Is a chance to do nothing nnd the fishes 'some ' nice perch. ' , Philadelphia Timea. Oliolca Article. Inquisitive Neighbor Dear little thing ! llow much did she weigh ? Proud Young Mother Six pounds , I believe. But wo don't estimate babies in this family by weight. Mrs. Nexdore. ( .hicago Tribune. IntorvnU'il. "What do you think of Mr. Hard- lilt's execution ? " said Miss Gushly at the soiree muslcale. "I hadn't heard of it , " said old "but I think's it's Growly , a good dea ; when does the hanging take place ? " Pick-Me-Up. Certainly Not. "Mr. Meeker , are you carrying any life Insurance ? " "Certainly not. Mrs. Meeker carries the life insurance. I merely look after the payment of the premiums. " Good IlvnBoii. Lady Oh , how dirty your face Is , little boy. Hey Yes'm ; we ain't had no com pany for morc'n si week. Judge. Leslie's Monthly : flussell Sage's Yankee ancestry reappeared in his I face , figure , speech and thought. Once when Manhattan elevated stock was below par , someone asked him his age. lie smiled , answered , and added : "But like the elevated , 1 propose to above a liu nd red ! " To an impertlrnent friend , who asked what was the most philanthropic way of using a large fortune , he replied : "Keep it constantly active , in order to give employment to the largest number of human beings. " When he gave Sage hall to the Troy Female seminary , someone said : "Why didn't you present it to some men's college ? " Mr. Sage responded quickly ; "The women needed it most. " A new hotel which is to be built on Fifth avenue will have many interest ing electrical features , among which will Ixi a system of electric service ele-1 vators , or movable pantries , fitted > with electric heating tables. They will be run throueh every apartment , j insuring rapid service and hot food to' ' guests taking Uieir meals in their j rooms. The Delaware house of reprcsenta- ties has passed , by a , unanimous vote , a b',11 to make the punishment for kidnaping a child death or life impri- sonmcnt. A tax of ten per cent on all theatre tickets sold in Franco is used to main tain the paupers of that country. He 2f < rvnr Itotarned Lor/Hon Answers : "If ever again you use that word 'she' instead of 'it , ' I shall consider it to bo a personal in- BUltt" screamed ' lleglnald'a aweetr heart. "It's very rude , in my opinion , to use the same word for ships and such things as you do for ladlcsl" "But my dear , " protested Reginald , "everyone does It , and I don't see why you should look at it in that light. " " 1 don't care what you BCO or don't ' seel" cried the famous young lady : "I object to it ! " "I think there is good reason for It In some cases , " said Reginald. "A lo comotive , at any rate , is rightly called she. ' " "Indecdl" exclaimed the girl , put ting on a wcather-olllce look "which seemed to say "expect squalls. " "And why ? " Reginald hastily prepared to depart before replying. Then he said : "Because it makes a horrible noise when it tries to whistle. THE BEST HE EVER SAW. A-Mlsiourlnn Pronounces on the Farm- tntr I'oHilbilltles of AYetcr > i Cnnncln. Just at present considerable Interest Is being aroused In the fact that a few ucw districts ( of limited acreage ) nro being opened out by the Canadian gov ernment In Saskatchewan and Asslnl- bola ( Western Cnnnda ) , and any Information mation concerning this country Is eagerly sought. Mr. W. II. Corser , of lllgglnsvllle , Lafnyctte County , Mo. , wna a delegate there during last sum mer , and , writing of his Impressions , he Hiiyn : "I found surprising yields of grain of nil descriptions. One farmer I visited threshed off 175 acres : "Six hundred bushela of wheat from fifteen acres , forty bushels to the acre. "Six hundred bushels of barley from ten ncres , sixty bushels to the acre. "Fifteen thousand bushels of oats from IfiO acres , 100 bushels to the acre. "The samples were nil No. 1. "I also saw n considerable number of stock. Swine do well nnd there is no disease among them. They are a good source of income to the farmer. Tha cattle on the range bent anything I ever saw. Fat nnd rendy for beef , fully matured and ripened on the nutrl. i tlous grasses of the prairie. I nm firm I , ly convinced that this country offers better facilities for a poor man than any I have ever seen. " ' , Information concerning these lands i cnn be had from any agent of the gov ernment , whose advertisement appears elsewhere. A new organization has been formed in Paris called the Society of United Arts , composed of painters , sculptors , j and designers of furniture and decora- , tions. Their first show Is held at the ( Georges Petit galleries. Among the painters who work in la large decora- ( live way is the Canadian , Blair Bruce. PONT GET WETl THE ORIGINAL Ill KeepYou Dry IN THt Wettest Weathec TAKE NO juaannrrca. LOOK roRAtove TRADE HARK. CATALOGUES fREB Showing' Fbll Line of Garments and . . _ A.J.TOW5R GO..BO5TOW.MASS , s urns witt AU nest C'ouuh Syrup , 'fasten fioort. Intlmn. Sold brdrunglsta. ia N.N.U N0.662.-J5 YORK , Nt B. APnlrUlTtMon , The Brlrte Deary , don't you thlnfc it would bo all right if I would eo and get ono cf those new-fashioned hata , that they call a madcap ? The Husband Guess that would bo all rltfht , dear , if you won't raise a row if I go down to the corner and get aa old-fashioned nichtcap. Denver Post. "Will nothing induce you tocbantf * your mind and marry ? " lie asked. "Another man might"sho replied Philadelphia North America. Btntoof Ohio , City of Toledo , ! Lucas County. ( as Frnnk J Cheney mnkca oatli thnt he 1& the senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney it Co. , doing business In the city of Toledo , county und stnle nloresald , ana thnt sidd llrm will iwy the sum ot ONJ8 HUNUIIKU DOLLARS lorcnch nnd every cnsool ( Jatiirrh thnt cannot bo cured by the use ol Hull's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In mj > presencethisCthdnyolDucemberA.D.18ii A. W. GLEASON , HIA i. Notiiry Public Hall's Caturrh Cure is token internally ftn& nets directly on the blood and mucous snr- fnces of the aystem. Send for to-timonlalo tree. F. J. ( JHENKY & CO. . Sold by Dniggists 75c. Toledo , 0. A Queer Fifth. There is a quaint little lien whicto liaunts the Aveed tracts of the gulf stream and there builds its nest and lays its eggs like a bird rather than t , lish. This animal the antennarius Imitates in color the weed it lives IB and , like the chameleon , constantly changes its color. On Hoard tliu Ark. Shorn 1 wonder if this little exploit * of ours will attract any attention la the future. Noah ( moodily ) Like as not they'll feature us In the tank drama. Balti more American. EXCURSION RATES to Weitern Canada and pa * > tleulara u to bow to Mcnro ICO kcrea of tbo bttt vthmfo gronliia land on b ConUa nnt , can b oour d on ( plication to the 8up r tendent ot Immltratli Ottawa , Oiuia4a , or the 1 nftrtlRned. SpMlalty 6- . daotrd eicuntoni will lear * Ht. 1'aul , Minn. , on th 1 and Sd Tuendny In e&oh month , and ipacialljr low tatc onallllneanf rallnaj are bnlng qnoted for eionrtlonp lonrlnsSt , Paul on March S8th and AprlMth , forMnf > Mill , Axilulbolm Bukutobenan nod Albttta. Write to V. I'eJIey. Supt. Immigration , OtUw OmiaJa , or thfl undersigned , wlio will mall yet ) atUsei , { mmphleti , etc. , free of coit : W. V. U iv < uett , 801 New York Mfo llullilliifi , Omaha , Nv braikn , A eut for the Oovoruinent of Caoada. { 37 Special Excursions to Weitrrn Canada Inz March and AcriL POPHAH'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC . Giro relief In FUR minutes. Send ] f or nl'/tDK trial /package. / Sold by , Drunclnts. Or.o Box Hent postpaid ) on receipt of SI.00. ElxkoiritS-OO. Address liios. roriun , niiu. , I 0\f ) Double Daily Service FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. Far Informittoa or Rttij , cill upon or tititt * netreit Agent , or S. fll. ADSIT , O. l > . A. . ST. JOSEPH , BIO. "V 0S To protect your B health and our reputation , we will gladly pay this big reward to any one who will furnish us information S mation on which we can secure conviction of a dealer who tries to sell worthless fake imitationswhen CASCARETS © are called for. When you're offered something "just as good" , it's because there is a little more money in the fake. Buy CASCARETS from the honest dealer. They are always put up in blue metal boxes with long-tailed trademarked - marked C on the cover every tablet stamped C. C. C. , and they are never sold in bulk. Remember this and when © ever fakes are offered when CASCARETS are called for , get all the details and write us on the subject at once. W CO SOLD LAST YEAR © > OUR BEST TESTIMONIAL I © BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER THIS IS lOc. 25c. 50c. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. THE TABLET DRUGGISTS