Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 04, 1901, Image 6

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    ' 1'- i i
, CHAI'TIOK XI V.Continued. ( . )
"Antonio St. Mnrc , " Hnld Tuilcl , nt this
Juncture , "since tlieso people fnll ns , per-
SiHpn you might loll what you know
about it. "
This was spoken In n half-threatening
fc ne , and before St. Mure answered , In-
directed the servants to withdraw. As
ooon ns they were Kone he turned to Tir
4ol and In a low , decided tone he snldt
"Scnor , you seem to hint that I have
Bind Boino hand In KCttlnj , ' Ire no away
from here. "
"Upon my soul , you hit the mark moKt
wondrous well , " returned the pirate , dc-
"I Hhould think I ml { ht hit that part of
Bt , nlnce you have given me M > good dl-
0-rc lions which way to look. But let this
at once he settled. I know notlilnc of
41t jflrl's whereabout * , and n true its
Sharon , I am n much miriirlsetl to find
Ittr gone as you can bp. " ,
Tadel looked hln host In the face for
porno moments , and the expression which
trwtcd there plainly told what hln frolinp *
"St. Marc , " lie said nt IcnRth , with a
podtire Bhake of the head , "you mndn not
fa * least Inquiry for Irene thU morn-
"I did not , for I went out as eon us
X had eaten my breakfast. "
"But you have always boon In the hiihlt
t doing HO , Until this morning , UK I can
prove by your servants , you have never
tooth } out without first Inquiring for
Irene. You saw her last nlKht ? "
"Yes-I did. "
"Aha you change color , Antonio St.
Ware. You change color ! Now , what
occurred nt your meeting with her last
cm-nine ? "
"Nothing more than tiBiial , " returned
Ot. Mure , overcoming , by u powerful of-
Sort , the emotion which hud imuiifestetl
ksclf upon hta face.
"By my soul , St. Marc , I" believe you
arc lying to inc. "
"Hal He careful , Jllok Tudcl. I am
Bet to be i nun It oil In my own house , "
on hi the host , for the lirol tlmu showing
"Boh ! Do you think to bluff me off
that way ? " retorted the pirate , warm-
"By the Hnints , you can't timootli
ftbU thing over BO. You hnvo planned
Drone's escape. Stop ! I have marked
> ur manner ever since. I came bnck from
foe Yankees , and I have doubted you.
remember , Antonio St. Marc , that
are In my power. Our unit mil pludge ,
years ago , ha.s been moat sacredly
Eide by me. Now give me the girl give
r to mel"
"I nay , I know no more where she la
&au you do. "
"Give me the girl ! "
"Fool ! Will you not - "
"Hold , St. Marc. 1 know you. "
"Bo do 1 know you ; and though I know
Uothlng of the girl , yet , for her Hake , 1
guu b'liul she ! H gone. "
"I'ou tire , are youV" lilted Tudcl , btart-
! k from his seat with Ida hands clenched.
"I am. "
you've played mo false ! You
* , you lying traitor ! "
"Jllok Tudo.1. leave my housel Lcavo
ft Ufoie I Htrikc you I"
The pirate's eyes Hushed flrc. Natural- ,
Etr rorl-lemi and impetuous , this provoca1 1 (
Jdou Hturtled the last lingering pui > aion
Sato action : thu loss of Inrao huil irrliut *
od lilur enough to muko him angry ; and
sow , believing as he did that the man '
itel'ore him had used HOIUU effort to gut
6tie girl uwuy , he could contain himself
Bo longer. And he was not very fur out
f the way in most of his su > > pidon. St.
JUurc hud hoped that Tudcl might never
net the maiden's hand , and lie had shown
ftln feelings so plainly that u man with
teas wit than the pirate pobt > OKKod might
fluix- read them. A few moments Tudel
jpzed his companion steadily In the face ,
Sle was very pale , and his lip < iuiveied
.with passion.
Antonio St. Marc , " he said , in a low ,
whisper , "now mark me since
JB1 have been in the city this loht time ,
have shown plainly Unit yon hoped
( khould not caln poMicsHlon of Irene's j
fcaud , you wore sorry that thu Yankees
ii'l not keep und hung me ; you cannot
dEeiur this. "
"I tthull not deny It , " Interpohod St.
'And , " resumed Tudel , seeming not to
noticed the remark , "this morning
Ijnm * roue und ate your brciikfuBt , und
( Went out without Inquiring for her us you
,8ail Hlwuyb done before. And yon hud a
fcoctl reason for so doing. You knew she
| waa gone , und you meant not that uurault
lihuuld be instituted too koon. Now ,
oer.or where is the ? "
Si. Marc's only reply was nn oatli or
That's your game , eh ? " nttered Ttulol ,
( tdTAneins o Slop. "Miserable traitor , try
fiftat nnd sec "
The concluding part of the sentence
swallowed up In a llprce cusp of
St. Marc raised | IH urm , but lie
not defend his face from the l.lou.
, ttTje pirute'b clenched iiMt cuine down up
On hln temple and felled him to the tuior.
ThenSt. . Marc that's but a luxin-
aisK t ( what you'll gut If you don't bring
En-UK buck' ' "
And with these words Jllok Fudel
etrwle from the .
npurtinent. It was tome
aeumt-ntH nfter the pirate had none le-
ffit-re St. Mure arose to his feet and tlicn
tti * first lini'Ulse was to rush after ; ho
nwin who had struck him ; but he check" ' ]
tetnsflf , nnd paced up nnd down the
spAitniPnt. HiH head fplt dizzy , und a
ifedl i > * ln followed u full return gf con-
erionsnesi , . He had just concluded to fa
to LU chninber nnd lie- down for u while ,
Qr&a one o < his bervants announced Hmt
a L n wished to see him , at th game
Wme l.aiHllne him a card.
"Show him in , " said the host , utter he
ttul held the card up lowurda the win-low
Sun ] looked at It.
3t was nearly dark now , nnd St Marc
the curtains before thtr servant
buck. He had just returned to his
when the door was opened. The
astwcomer was u gaudily dressed man , In
middle ace of life , and bore himself
* ith easy jrruce ,
"Ah , St. Mure found you tt horn * ,
"Ay , my dear Snn Benito ; and I'm glad
to BUI you , too. "
"Tlmnk you. I wnw down this way ,
and I thought Td just drop In. I've
got n proposition for you. "
Ban Benito cast his eyes furtively
about htm ns ho spoke , and his every
look showed that he had something of
Importance to coiniiin/ilonte.
"I'm open to u proposition from you ,
Snn Ben , , nt any time ; HO out with it. "
"But till * muxt he us secret as the
grave , " returned the visitor , gazing
around ugnin nn hi-furo.
"You may trust me , 1 think , " said St.
Mine , curiously.
" 0 , f know 1 may ; only I wanted it
understood. "
Here the man lnitated for Rome mo
ments , and he had just made his lipH up
for a speech , when he discovered the livid
appearance of his host'o right temple ,
and he iihkedlnit had caused It.
"O nothing- nothing but a mere acci
dent. But I'll < -\plaln It nftcr you have
stated your case. Como , go on. "
"Well , St. Mnrc In Hie lirnt place , I
think you have no very great love for
Jllok Tudel. "
The started , and his hands were
involuntarily clenched.
" ( to on. " he nltered. "I'll tell you about
thai villain anon. "
"Well , " roMimcd Snn Bonlto , rather
nervously , 1 must speak plainly ; and HO
PI I come to the point nt once. I have
Hoen Donna Irene , and I love her. I have
gone crnr.y with the very thoughts of
her. ( Jive me the promlM ! of her hand
I'll put Tudel out of > our way. Mind
you I am hcrlous In this. I'll have him
under the lap of his mother earth before
another sun can rise and set , If you'll but
give me the occasion. "
Antonio St , Marc started to his feet ;
twice he attempted to speak , but both
times he stopped and thought. At length ,
however , he nuld :
"San Bonlto , you asked me what made
that mark upon my temple. It was Jllok
Tudol did It ! Irene has fled , and he
charged me with aiding her off. lie
struck me when I was unprepared , and
then left. Where Irene has gone I know
not , hut she may be found. 1 * hhall have
a Miot at Tudel stand as niy bccond ; if
I hlioot him , conip to me again , and we
will talk of this. Will you take a note
to him ? "
"A challenge ? "
"Yes. "
"With pleasure. "
St. Marc Rnt down at once and wrote
the challenge brief , pointed and fiery
and having tjcnled it he gave it to San
Benito , who promised to deliver It that
very evening.
"Wait , wait , " onld the host , as his vis
itor attempted to bpeak of Irene again.
"Let this nrtalr come off first. I am not
apt to miss my mnrkl"
It was early morning , and Antonio St.
Mnrc bat alone in his largo private room ,
lie sunk into a seat , nnd with his liond
hewed he pondered upon the Incidents of
Ills last Interview with Irene. He was
far from being n happy man ; and yet
there was no contriteness In his soul
There wim disappointment there , nnd
much anger. Thus lie sat when the door
of his npnrtment was suddenly thrown
open , and .Illok Tudel entered. St. Mare
Blurted up nnd faced him. Both the men
were pale , and both stood for a few mo
ments like fixed statues. Tudel was the
first to speak , lie drew a note from hit.
pocket , and showing it to the host , he
said : "Did you write that. nenorV"
" 1 did. " returned St. Mnrc. without
moving a muscle , save such as wore nec
essary to the formation of bycoch.
"And you sent It ? "
"I did. "
"And you mean to fight me ? "
"If you dare. "
"DartDare to stand before you ?
You Antonio St. Marc ! 1 only wondered
If you were not out of your senses when
wrote It. T
you doubted your courage to
fnwMiio In such n work. "
"Say you hoped I would not meet you
and I shall bellove.yon. "
"Ah you can use your tongue. But
we tire to have no more of that. Come ,
senor. If you are ready , let us bo on
our way , for I have business to attend
to , and Hhould like to get through with
this nfTalr as soon as possible. "
"I nut at your service immediately.
We will meet on the marsh at the angle
of the great road. I will bo there us
soon as you. "
"San Benito is below. " said Tudol , and
with these words he turned a way.
As soon OB the pirate was gone Snn
Benito came up , and St. Marc ordered
two horses to be brought to the court.
"I have engaged * surgeon , " suld the
"That Is proper , " returned St. Marc.
"I thought so , " resumed San Ik-ulio.
"You are both good shots , and it will
hardly happen that both , If either , can
escape untouched. "
"You are right , " answered the host ,
thoughtfully ; and as IIL- thus spoke he
bowed his head and leaned his brow upon
his hand.
"Senor , " spoke the second , after a few
moments of silence , "haveyou - not some
directions you would like to leave ? "
"My doar/riond , " uttered St. Marc ,
starting up , "that U just what I have
been thinking of. I cannot hld from
mywlf the simple fact that Tudel Is n
good shot , lie may get his first tire. I'l
ho docs hut never mind. There Is one
thing of which I would write. I may
detain Tudel longer than I promised ; bin
1 must write It now. Sit yoii down here'
and I will write all I hare to write us
quickly an possible. "
St. Marc opened n small escrltolro and
kat down before It ; and having rung for a
servant and ordered a lighted caudle , , he
drew pii a shfot of paper and commenced
to write. lie wrote very rapldlji , hut he
wan longer at It thnu he anticipated
However , It was finished at lehgth , nnd
having reviewed It he folded It carefully ,
and then sealed It with wax. Then he
superscribed it as follows : "For MnrtlU
Sun IK-ulto-lf I fullHejhen ; placed
It in the Inner pocket of hU velvet doub
let , , nnd turning to' hli companion , hu
said ; . >
"If I fall-lf I die you will take
packet from my bosom. But be sure that
T inn dead before you open It. Will you
be faithful In tills ? "
"I will , " returned San Benito. "But , " '
he ndtlod , nnxloimly , " iippo-- you fall ,
nnd In lime to come 1 should fall In with
Irene "
"I have written nil there , " St. Mare
' returned. "Il in nil concerning lie-lie.
And now lot in go ; we have no more time
lo npiro. : Tudel Is on the ground even
1 now , walling for us , and I promised to
bo then * u < < noun us he. "
. St. .Marc wout lo his cabinet anil took
out rli-hly ornamented caxo in which lie
kept his pistols , and having secured these
lie wont down to the court here the
horses were in walling , nnd where they
found the surgeon ready to accompany
thorn. St. Marc's horses wore fleet ones ,
and they were not ninny minutes In
reaching the ground , which was only n
mile and a half distant from the city.
"How now , senor ? " cried Tudel , In a
half-mocking tono. "were you doubtful
about coming ? " '
"Never mind alwut that , " was St.
Maro'H reply.
"Hi- had businoi * to keep him , s nor , "
Interposed San Bonlto.
"Ahn been preparing for hl death ,
ph ? "
'I1io e words grated harshly upon An
tonio's ears , but ho made no reply. At
this moment two priests were seen approaching
preaching the spot they were coming to
ward the city.
"Khali we wait until they have patm-
ed ? " asked San Benito.
"No , " returned Miguel , the man who
had come out with Tudcl , "let thorn come ,
for there may bo some driving to do.
Their coming Is mo .t opportune. "
In n few minutes the priests came up.
Their featuroH wore dork from apparent
exposure. One of them seemed quite
young , though not younger than many
others who have friends of Influence in
the church.
"How now , my children ? " spoke the el
der of the priests , Razing around upon
the party.
"Wo nre nbout to settle n dilHculty ,
good father , " returned St. Marc , "and in
case either of us fnll , you may give tia
convolution. "
'PerhapH , if I did my duty , " nns-worcd
the priest , "T should try to stop this )
work , for there Is n better nnd more noble
method of settling "
" 1'eace , good father , " interrupted Tu
del. "We niiibt htfiu ; and you cun stop
if you pleabe , but you must not inter
fere. "
Then turning to San Benito , he added :
"Come , senor we wult your motions. "
St. Mure opened his CIUHO and look out
Ilia pistols , and tibked his antagonist if
lie would liLe one of them. But Tudel
nid his own weapons , uud he cliose to
UM. them. The beconds proposed that
lota should be dritwu for the lire , and
rhnt the distance should be liftcou puces.
These propositions were ngrccd to ; HO two
jliulcrt of course gniMj were obtained , onu
onger than the other , und the lower j
ends hidden in the surgeon's pocketbook
the one who drew the longest piece waste
to lire first. St. Marc had the first draw
and he drew the shortcbt piece.
"Will you continue'/ " asked Tudel.
"Take your place ? " thundered the oth
er , made mad by the taunt thus } thrown
Jilok Tudel took his stand without fur
ther remark , and his antagonist boldly
faced him , with his nrms by his Bide.
"Are you ready ? " asked Miguel.
"I am. "
"So am I. "
"Then ready ! One two thrccl"
Tudel fired but St. Mnrc moved not.
There was n perceptible tremor of fruino
for u Kindle instant , nnd a twitching of
the nether lip ; but that was all. j
"Are you hit ? " asked Benito , hurrying
to his side.
"Never mind. Count quick ! "
"One two three ! "
As the las-t word sounded upon the air
St. Mnrc fired. Tudel uttered a quick ,
ow groan , nnd i'nstinctl'-oi'.v placed bin
innds to his left breast.
"You nre hit ! " Miguel cried , springing
lowards him.
"Back ! back ! " the pirate cried , fnrlous-
y. "fJive me the other pistol ! Stand ,
St. Marc ! I have one more shot ! "
IIo caught the second pistol as he spoke
und without n word St. Mure took his
"Quick < iulck ! count ! "
"One two "
But ere the oilier word could bespoken
he pirate's right arm sunk , and the pistol
tel exploded , sending the ball Into the
ground clew by his feet. Ills second
sprang to his side , nnd almost nt the
same Instant Antonio St. Marc staggered
back nnd would hare fallen , had not the
vonnger of the two priests caught him
md cased him back upon the green
( To be continued. )
Had to Ijonvc.
A Indy hntl n cook vlio Rave her CT-
ory Biitlsfactlon , nnd she \vns nmler
the Impresblon thnt tlio cook wnn equal
ly Rntisllcd with her place. But one
morning , to the lady's surprise , the
cook gave her tlie usual month's no
"Wlint do you want to leave for ,
Jane ? " asked her nilfitrcss. "I am very
much pleased with yon , and I thought
you were quite comfortnldo here. "
"Yes , nnitn. I'm comfortable eaiough
In a way , but "
The cook hesitated and fidgeted
"But wlmtT" queried her mistress.
"Well , mum , " she blurted out , "the
fact Is the master doesn't KOOIU to 'pro-
c-lnte my cookery , and I can't ntop li
a place where my efforts to please art
wanted ; so I'd rather po , mum. "
"But what make * you think that
vqur master doesn't appreciate your
cookery ? Has be ever complained to
you ? " asked the lady.
"No. .mum. but my latp master was
always laid up through orercntlng ho
said ho couldn't help doing o bcnuiso
my cookery was KO delirious but mus
ter hero hasn't iH'en laid up once nil
tbo tliroo months I've been \vltli you ,
and that's Just whnt bothora mo so ,
mum ! " BoHton Traveler.
Womcm 11 tint In1. ; ttio Kimjnroo.
Among the black hunters of knngn-
rees In western Australia are ilT
women. It IN a proft's ] onnl business
and there are about 12r > pci-xoius who
make It their regular buMtivt * to bunt
and capture the uilmabi.
Catarrhal Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration Make Invalids of More
Women Than All Other Diseases Combined.
Pertina li the woman's friend everywhere.
It Is safe to say that no woman ever uscil
Penina for any catnirhnl derangement but
what It became Indispensable tu her house
Letters From Women.
I'very day we receive letters from women
like the following. Women who have tried
doctors aud failed ; women who have tiled
Terunii and were cured.
Miss Katie Klein , 012.1 Llartmer avcnne ,
St. Louis , Mo. , writes :
"I'eruna has done me more good for ca-
Urrh than the best doctors could. I had
catarrh to bad , but after taking IVrmm U
Is entirely gone , nnd I feel like a dlCTcient
person. "
MUs Anna I'reicott's Letter.
Mlei Anna Prexcott , In a letter from 21(1 (
South Seventh street , Minneapolis , Minn. ,
writes :
" / am sincerely grateful for the relief
I have found from the use -of Peruna , I
was completely used up last fall , my
appetite had failed and I felt weak und
tired all the time. My drugRlst advised
me to try Pcruna , and the relief I expc-
rlenced after taking one bottle was truly
"I continued Its use for five weeks ,
and am Ind to say that my complete
restoration to health was a happy sur
prise to myself as well as to my
friends. ' ' A nna I'rescott.
A constant drain of nervous vitality de
pleting the who . nervous system causes the
mucous nipinbiauc surfaces to suffer accord
ingly. This Is the condition called syi-
"I do Wcllcvo tlio young pair liavo
come to an understanding at last , "
Bald the landlady.
"If they have , they arc the llrsb
couple in love that ever exhibited
any signs of pos-scssinp understanding"
said the Savage Baclio er. Indiana
polis Ti ess.
A telephone will bo one of the equip
ments ot every public school In Cin
Then IIo Hurried Up.
ITe was too modest to be a success-
Bui lover , and he had let forty years .of
his life go by without ever coming to
an emotional point.
He was In love with a fair being of
suitable age , buthe would not tell her
BO , and though she knew It she could
not very well give him a hint on the
She was willing because she had ar
rived at that time of life when a
woman Is not nearly so hard to plrase
as she might have been at some other
time , but he was stupid and went
away wrthout aord. .
He was gone a long , long time , and
when he came back he found her still
"I hare come back after many
years , " ho said to her , as he took her
hand in greeting.
She had learned something in the
years since she had seen him last.
"Well , for goodness sake , Henry , "
Bho exclaimed fervidly , why don't you
take them ? J 'in 35 now. How many
more years do you want ? "
Then a great light si-own upon him
and ho did not wait for any more.
London Tlt-Ults.
Clrruniitnntlnl litldrnc * .
"This won't do , " exclaimed Mr.
Phamllman. "Hero It's after mid-
nk'htand that young man and Maude
nre still In the parlor. "
"How do you know ? " Inquired Mrs.
"Ik-cause I dnn't hear a sound down
there , " Philadelphia Press.
Leather gnms In man ? parta of
South Africa.
temlc catarrh. It rcry nearly resembles ,
and there Is really no practical difference ,
between this condition and the condition
known as neurasthenia , or nervous prostra
Peruna will be found to effect rin Imme
diate nnd lasting cure In nil cases of s > ys-
teuilc catarrh. It acts quickly nnd ben
eficially on the diseased mucous membranes ,
and with healthy mucous membrauck the
catarrh can no longer exist.
Peruna a True Friend fo Women.
Mrs. P. J. Lynch , writes tUe following
from 324 H. Division street , Grand Rapids ,
Mlcli. :
The Pcruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O. :
Gentlemen "I earnestly recommend Pe
runa to any ( < u fieri an woman , as It cures
quickly. Last year I had n most persistent
COIIRU which nothing seemed to cure. Two
bottles of Peruua did more for me than
all the doctois seemed to do. In a couple
of weeks I found myrc'f In excellent bo.ilth ,
nnd have been enjoying It ever since. Hence
I look on Pei mm as a true friend to wom
en. " Mrs. V. J. Lynch.
Peruna Is equally efficacious In curing
catarrh of the ihrout as In cuiing systemic
catarrh or catarrh of the stomach. Catarrh
Is essentially the i-ame wherever located.
Peruna cures catarrh.
Peruna Alnkes You Feel Like n New Person.
Miss Marie Coats , n popular youn ? woman
of Appleton , AVIs. , and president of the Appleton -
pleton Young Ladles' Club , also spenks In
glowing terms of Penina. A letter recently
received from her by The Peruna Medicine
Company , of Columbus , Ohio , reads as fol
lows :
Worms In
It has 1'cen discovered In Oregon
that Angora goats In fact , all goats
hitherto believed to be Immune , are
subject to attacks of the stomach
worm just as sheep are. The same
remedies may be administered with as
much pvollt , as with sheep.
It Is believed that electric power ,
generated at NIagra Falls , will be
supplied to Toronto on and after Jan.
Contracted Quarters.
Flat Agent "Madam , 1 told you
distinctly that no chllden were al
lowed here. "
Tenant "We have none. "
Agent "Then how did these walls
get all banged up ? " |
Tenant "That comes from our el
bows. "
nil NO mo.
Stranger What is your name , little
boy ?
Little boy Willie.
Stranger Willie what ?
Little Hey Willie Don't , 1 guess.
That's what mamma always calls me
Chicago News.
No MIMnko.
Egyptologst "They had newspa
pers In ancient Egypt. "
Host-"Well ! well ! Did you iind
one ? "
Egyptologist "No , but we found a
fossil roach and a petritied ollice tow-
el. "
In a day one workman can cut by
hand C.OOO watch-glasses
"I am glad to call the attention ot my
friends < o Penina. When that languid , tired
feelliij ; comet ) over you , and your food W
longer tastes seed , and small annoyances Ir
ritate you , Peruna will make you feel Ilk *
another person Inside of n week.
"I have now used It for three seasons , nno
find It very valuable and ulHcaclous. " Mlu
Marie Coats.
JJlsenHed nerves nre traceable directly U
poor digestion , and poor digestion is dtreoUr
traceable to catarrh. With the sllghto * !
catarrh of the ktoumch no one can hnv *
good digestion.
Very few of the many women who hny
catarrh of the stomach suspect what thri
real trouble Is. They know they belch afttt
meals , have sour stomach , n sensation 4
weight or heaviness , a fullness , Irregular ap
petite , drowsiness , gnawing , empty senf-
tlons , occasional pain they nil know thlti
but they do not know that their trouble U
catarrh of the stomach. If they did the ?
would take Peruua.
Pcrtinu cures catarrh wherever located.
As soon ns Perunn removes catarrh fropi
the stomach the digestion becomes good ,
appetite regular , nerves stioug , and troubt *
vanishes. IVruun strengthens weak nerrci.
not by temporarily stimulating them , but
by removing the cause ot weak nerves poor
dlgemlon. This Is Ihe only cure that last * .
Itemovc the cause : Nature will do the reti.
Perunn removes the cause.
If you do not derive prompt nnd sathfi\e-
tory results from the use of Peruna , writ *
nt once to Dr. Ilartmnn. giving a full tat -
mcut of your case nnd he will lie pleased t
give yon his valuable ndvlce gratis.
Address Dr. Ilnrtmau , President of Tb
Tlarimnn Sunltarlum , Colnmbus , O. '
Writes for Cash.
Church ' 'You say your boy at college -
lego writes for the magazines ? "
Gotham "Yes ; he's written several
articles for them. "
" 1 don't suppose he's a professional ,
writer ? " '
"What do you mean ? "
"Why , he doesn't write for money. "
"Doesn't he ? You ought to sea
some of the letters lie writes to mel"
Yorkers Statesman.
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* ! r houldk pthiniw JT | ant JfiUr < > rliiiU < ! la 4ch town.
i uka nu iilidlliilp ! Inilit on titrtng . I * IXiuzUi ihori wim
tin * > nd pr1c t mj d on bottom. If your duler will rot r.t them let
{ " " ' ? . < "rf ' lo * ' " ) ' tnelotlnj pric nd tie. tilr lor rtrrtif. .
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